#eh technomany
ashboy-3 · 8 months
Good Natured Fun
Fandom: Danny Phantom Prompt: Technomancy Character: Tucker, Danny Sam (mentioned), Dash (Mentioned), Kwan (Mentioned) Words: 585 Summary: Tucker accidentally embarrassed Danny in front of the cafeteria so of course he decides to get his revenge Warnings: strong language
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Tucker loved his friends. He really did. It’s just that when Danny does things like this. It makes him angry. Couldn’t the guy just leave his stuff alone for one day? He was tempted to through his precious PDA against the wall and beg Sam for a new one. He knew the cause. It was Danny. He knows why to. He angered his best friend earlier in the week and was expecting the revenge.
To be fair to him, the joke was just a joke and Danny knew it. He just pointed out that Danny’s bi awakening had to have happened with either him or Dash, he didn’t know that Danny was going to turn into a blushing mess and embarrass himself. (That was a total lie. He definitely knew that Danny was going to embarrass himself)
“Damn it!” Tucker shouted again as his device glitched again, making him lose progress.
Every time he got to a point where he could save it, it glitches and deletes all of the progress he made. He couldn’t do anything on his phone or computer either because Danny of course hijacked all of those. If he could figure out what he did he would have fixed it by now, but he couldn’t find it! It was like the whole thing wasan’t a technical issue at all!
. . .
. .
“Fucking ancients Danny!” Tucker yelled into the air, he could care less on if his friend could hear him or not.
“You rang?” his best friend’s head popped out of his ceiling. Tucker’s glare could kill, to bad Danny was already halfway there.
“What the fuck did you do to my shit?”
“I have no idea what you are possibly talking about,” Danny crossed his arms and frowned. He had never been so disrespected in his entire life.
“Look I’m sorry that what I said was right, but you can’t be punishing me for the truth!” Tucker through his hands in the air in pure rage, stomping around his room.
“Really Tuck? You shouted it in the whole cafeteria!” Danny yelled back, a blush easily forming on his face again.
“Not my fault! How was I supposed to know everyone would be paying attention to us!”
“Now Dash knows!”
“It could be worse,” Tucker prompted.
“How could this possibly be worse?”
“Kwan could know to,” Tucker wiggled his eyebrows at his best friend.
“wha- No- I- Tuck!”
“Dude you are so red right now!” Tucker laughed, wishing he could take a picture.
“This is the worse,” Danny floated down to Tucker’s bed.
“I would love to agree with you dude, but I’m entertained and have been fully punished. So can I get my shit working again?” Danny looked over to see Tucker on his knees, beginning Danny to give in.
“Fine. Just say these words,” Danny became a human again, digging into his pocket to retrieve a small piece of paper.
“Opus.” Tucker spoke with confusion as a pink light shone over his electronic, lighting up his room like a barbie Christmas tree.
“There everything should work now,” Danny waved it off.
“Dude how did you even do this?” Tucker asked, happy that his stuff now worked.
“One of Sam’s spell books. This one was a Technomancy book. Don’t know how she got it,” Danny shrugged.
“She scares me sometimes. Wanna play Doom?”
“Dude, of course!” Danny got up off of Tucker’s bed, ready to play the video game right next to his best friend.
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