#ehdls violeta
larsisfrommars · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 8 Reaction
Attempted stabbing interrupted by Pascual calling Julio to attention! A physical struggle ensues, Julio interrogates Pascual about the bauble that belonged to his sister. Pascual continues to deny involvement O Crap Julio Has A Knife. More stabbings being interrupted! This time by the head butler, Julio postponed his interrogation for now.
Pascual is absolutely terrified of someone/something the following morning and I’m not entirely convinced it’s Julio.
Teresa confronts her son about his Objectively Worst Choice in which servant to frame for the murder he may or may not have committed. Teresa has chosen to protect Sofia over Felipe. YAY! Andrés is back!! Everybody is about as happy to see him as me! Of course he’s well loved by the staff.
Andrés brings his mom tea (with a little alcohol, thanks Chef Lupe 😂). He checks in on his mother and asks her what she did, he gets worried when she gets super cryptic about it. She doesn’t allow him to press further and puts everybody back to work. Andrés is a little peeved “aren’t we gonna celebrate a little?” “my way of celebrating is honest work.” Oh dear…
More “where the fuck is money/evidence” between Diego and the bowler hat guy, he wants him to find not just the money but the ring I think (or the button or something else Julio/Andrés found) I can’t think of why else he would’ve been searching their room.
Pascual took the money!! No wonder he was so terrified early, he wasn’t afraid of Julio, he’s afraid of bowler hat guy!! Pascual runs into Victoria on his way (now officially on the run methinks). I’m sure she’s gonna investigate that further.
Ohhhhh no my HEART 😍 Andrés has decided to surprise Julio at work! The platter Julio was carrying drops, they’re chirping each others names and hugging I am going SO RABID over these two AHHHHHH!!! 💕
Teresa and Ángela just had an incredibly tense interaction. Ángela seems apologetic to have to have done what she did to protect her son. Teresa seems to want Ángela to swear she’ll hold up her end of the deal, she does.
Isabel comes to see Andrés and congratulate him on his freedom. They discuss what happened and I believe Isabel lies to Andrés that Felipe is the one who did it (but not telling him what Felipe had been the one to plant the knife OR that she isn’t sure Felipe guilty), she hopes justice will eventually be served (this seems to take Julio aback a little).
Julio has an aside with Isabel and thanks her for protecting Andrés’s happiness by not telling him everything, they both care for him very much and are happy he’s back, even if they both seem upset by the fact they’re hiding things from him.
Andrés continues to be ridiculously excited about being a dad and has come to check on Belén like he always does at the laundry area. This time his mom be snooping! He goes on and on about wanting to give her and the baby whatever they need.
I wonder what Ángela was hoping to find out, because what she found is Belén manipulating the heck out of him. Every time I think I’ve judged Belén too quickly she says/does some manipulative shit and I’m like “oh never mind!” 😂😅
Ayala chastises his sidekick for fraternizing with the prisoners, “you’re a policeman, our job is important, act like it!” going on about how they still need to figure out what exactly happened to Ximena. They don’t seem to be getting much from Felipe, shit isn’t connecting right.
Hooray for Ayala chastising his deputy again and telling him prostitutes are people! I’m legit really starting to like this guy, his motivation is finding the truth in a show about secrets. Even if he really REALLY missed the mark on Andrés. I think mostly because he didn’t realize Salinas’s nervous, friendly energy is completely genuine. (Autism mood right there)
Pascual trying to gtfo with his briefcase full of cash and of COURSE he runs into Diego and has to pretend everything is chill and get back to work. Oooooooh Victoria just found out what’s in the briefcase and fuckin STOLE it! She just took it to Luisa ohhhhh MAN. Ngl I think if someone else is gonna die, it’s gonna be Pascual for trying to cut and run.
Ángela is cozying up to Natalia, “thanks for your discretion, you’re doing well at the grand hotel, you’ve got friends right? Are you friends with Belén? 👀” and she has asked her if Belén has been with any man other than Andrés and Natalia is squirming like she knows something!
Now that I think about it I think the amount of time Belén has been pregnant (or something else that was said) might’ve tipped Ángela off is that the baby isn’t Andrés’s. Though what SHE doesn’t know is that Andrés knows that! Juicy!!
Jacinto (the gardener) has brought clothes for Felipe to the police station but is refused entry. Detective Ayala is currently questioning Felipe and the cop tells Jacinto it’s none of his business. Jacinto overhears two cops talking about problems having to do with Ayala and the cantina.
Luisa is very politely interrogating Diego over coffee. She’s concerned about her son and his role in the hotel (possibly because she’s worried about his safety in this web of lies). She’s giving the briefcase full of cash Victoria stole as means to gain power and influence over the hotel for herself and for her son! Daaaaaamn.
Ayala and sidekick are attending the open casket funeral of a prostitute (I think it might be Violeta’s older sister) who is very obviously alive since they go out of the way so we can see and hear her breathing 😂. I have a feeling they’re somehow using this “death” as a scam or cover up of something. Unless those shots were just bad lol. More of Violeta’s gorgeous singing voice which we found out she has last episode!
Meanwhile Andrés and Julio are ironing newspapers. They’re talking about Isabel and I think Julio just admitted to feeling affection for her (which makes Andrés nervous for him, then again what doesn’t?). Julio goes on about like, it’s not gonna happen but she is pretty great (romantic cross fade to her in the next scene).
Isabel has written to her friend Matilde (the girl she was chatting with in the very first episode!) she’s telling her about all the non-drama (which y’know, isn’t really much all things considered) and is like “I wish you were here, you’d know what to do.” Looks like Matilde may be joining our ever growing cast of characters some point soon!
Jacinto enters the scene, and in doing so, sees the abuse poor Violeta is going through first hand. She storms off and Jacinto follows suit. Diego confronts Pascual about the briefcase, Pascual throws Julio under the bus immediately.
Pascual takes the briefcase again and goes directly to Isabel’s room! Crap!! 🔪🔪🔪 he’s taken her hostage! Julio has seen them as Pascual takes Isabel into the woods! Julio tries to negotiate with Pascual to let Isabel go and asks about Cristina, revealing to him that he’s her brother!
Pascual gets very upset regarding Cristina, I think Julio is negotiating that he’ll get Pascual a ticket out of town if he tells him what happened to her. Pascual clears Felipe’s name I THINK DIEGO JUST SHOT PASCUAL before Pascual could tell Julio who’s responsible for Cristina! Damnit!! WHY AM I ALWAYS RIGHT?! 😂
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