#eirenical blogs yuletide
eirenical · 2 years
I received 4 lovely gifts for Yuletide this year, and I haven't been able to read a single one of them yet. And that is VERY unlike me.
I'm so sorry to any of you who wrote me gifts. I'm going to do my best to read them tomorrow. I will DEFINITELY read them before author reveals. It's just... been a rough couple of weeks and then a rougher couple of days on top of that and my head hasn't been up for it.
So, if you've wandered over here hoping to find a clue as to why I haven't commented yet, that's why. I'm excited to read them, but I'd rather not read them when my head it like this, because I don't want my own agita to rub off on what are sure to be some incredible stories judging by the tags and summaries.
So, thank you SO MUCH for writing me stories and for being patient with me. I appreciate it!
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Les Mis Fandom Calendar -- September 2022
Sorry, everyone, it’s been... a summer.  *sigh*  I’m going to try to stay more on top of this, but if people could help me out by letting me know of Les Mis fandom events that are going on (either sending me an ask or @ing the blog), then that would be greatly appreciated!
More information can be found on the calendar, but we all know how tumblr is about adding links to posts these days…  
Upcoming Events:
September 2022: August 28-September 3: Romanticism Pan-Fandom Week ( @romantic-army; mod: @akallabeth-joie) – tags: #Romanticism Pan-Fandom Week 4-10: Cosette Appreciation Week ( @cosette-appreciation-week; mod: @akallabeth-joie) 18-24: Brick ReNouveauTions ( @brickrenouveautions; mod: @shitpostingfromthebarricade) – tags: #Brick ReNouveauTions (not case-sensitive) or #2022 brick renouveautions
October 2022: 16-22: Feuilly Appreciation Week ( @feuillyweek; mod: @eirenical) – tag: #feuilly week 24-30: Logic and Philosophy (Enjolras x Combeferre) Week ( @logic-and-philosophy; mod: @oilan) --tags: #logic and philosophy week
Non-Les Mis Specific Events: Trick-or-Treat Exchange (currently in sign-ups from 9/11 to 9/18) has several Les Mis canons in the tagset Yuletide Exchange (nominations from 9/19-9/29; sign-ups from 10/14-10/22) usually manages to squeak some version of Les Mis in through nominations (Arm Joe or Dallas Les Mis, iirc?) National Novel Writing Month (November 1-30)
As always, if you are interested in running a fandom event or know of a fandom event that isn’t on the calendar, please let me know so I can add it! (Preferably use the @ function or send an ask. Tags are unreliable at best, these days, and this is a side blog now so I’m not sure messages work.  You can also reblog this post with the information or submit it to the blog.  Thanks! ^_^)
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eirenical · 2 years
Squeaking in at quite possibly THE LAST SECOND OTZ with my Yuletide rec list, pre-author reveals.  Which are in like... 2 hours.  XD
20 recs (including my 4 gifts) in the following fandoms:
Dark Is Rising Sequence - Susan Cooper
Hair (1979)
Ocean's 8 (2018) | Ocean's Eleven Trilogy (Movies)
Pleasantville (1998)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Stand By Me (1986) |The Body - Stephen King
Superman Returns (2006)
Tarot (Divination Cards)
The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards
Thermos "Magic Cottage" Commercial | L'Oréal "Time Engraver" Commercials
Velvet Goldmine (1998)
Westworld (TV)
怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 | Explore with the Note & The Lost Tomb (TV)
怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 | Explore with the Note & The Lost Tomb (TV) | 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
全职高手 | The King's Avatar (Live Action TV)
盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV)
心宅猎人 | Psych-Hunter (TV)
沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV)
I hope you enjoy!  ^_^
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eirenical · 2 years
Just figured out that the DMBJ novels are quite possibly going to tip over the limit for Yuletide this year, and now I’m sad.  :(
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eirenical · 3 years
TFW you DO have time to write a YT treat... and maybe even have the mental energy to WRITE it... if only you could figure out what fandom/prompt/etc. you want to WRITE.  OTZ
I finished my grading!  I deserve this!  I really do!  I want to write a treat!  But omg, mental energy to write is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the mental energy needed to make DECISIONS.  The former, I think I have enough of.  The latter?  NOT SO MUCH.  OTZ
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eirenical · 3 years
Why do I DO this to myself?  XD
I feel hungover.
*collapses in a heap*
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eirenical · 4 years
omg you guys
i just shook my yuletide present
ETA: OK, ONE more thing: this was like... TRIPLY A SHOCK because no one signed up to write for that fandom.  Like, I was not expecting that at ALL.  There were potential matches for all three of my other requests.  So either OP saw this request and thought to themselves YESSSSSSSSSS, MUST WRITE IT, or this is a TREAT.  :D  And honestly, I don’t know which prospect excites me more.  XD
...oh gosh.  I hope this isn’t a bait-and-switch. 
No.  No, I’m sure it’s not.  Because that would be a VERY specific bait-and-switch.  NEVER MIND.  I’M JUST GETTING LOOPY AND PARANOID.  XD
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eirenical · 4 years
Holy SHIT, YT assignments went out fast!  O_O  I’M IMPRESSED.  I think that’s the quickest I’ve seen matching complete... ever?  Nice!
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eirenical · 5 years
I just spent four hours on my YT sign-ups and realized that I forgot a bunch of stuff that I’d been determined not to forget (like WHAT I WANTED TO REQUEST AND OFFER *headdesk*), but I’m too damned tired and my mouth hurts too much to fuck with it any longer, so that’s going to be interesting...  -.-;;;
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eirenical · 5 years
...oh fuck me. I forgot to nominate Raising Dion for Yuletide. ARGH. *headdesk*
I am not up for another round of "what can I stand not to nominate to free up a slot". *sigh* Well, on the upside, I'm already ficcing for it, even without Yuletide. So, I guess that'll have to do. :P
And who knows. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll turn out that someone else nominated it and it just didn't get into the spreadsheet. One can hope?
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eirenical · 6 years
OK, guys. In three hours, I have graded one paper.  It’s time.  I need a to-do list.
RP (5) (4)
LP2 (3)
TP (18)
DL (14)
(This one is just formatting organizational shit. They’re all graded, they just need to be formatted and uploaded.)
RP (1)
LP1 (2)
LP2 (1) -- but it’s not turned in yet. :P
TP (11)
DL (11)
(Same deal; this is all formatting and uploading.)
Test 3 (1)
Update attendance for all three classes.
YT Treats, maybe?
Keep plugging away at OPIT 6.
Maybe get back to my Inktober stories? Because I really want to get back to those.
Take out garbage
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eirenical · 6 years
15 hours and not a single kudos or comment on my YT fic. Last year, my recip finally came by to comment weeks later. Here's hoping this one will stop by eventually, too.
I just... look. I haven't had time today to read or comment on anything but my gift fic, and I don't think I'm awake or coherent enough to read or comment on anything tonight, but tomorrow I'll make an effort. I just hope that's true for other people, too.
...of course, it's also possible that my fic just sucks. :P
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eirenical · 7 years
@zoinomiko replied to your link: What football will look like in the future
omg I didn’t even think about it but this is TOTALLY gonna end up on Yuletide XD
RIGHT?? XD It's gonna be GREAT. Even if I don't end up requesting it, I'm sure SOMEONE will and I'll still get to read about the further adventures of sentient satellites and I'm VERY excited about that because I STILL HAVE SO MANY FEELS. TT^TT
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eirenical · 7 years
@kingesstropolis replied to your post “@kingesstropolis replied to your post: ...”
I'll just, you know, sit here and wait patiently if you want to go finish up that chapter.
*laughs*  IF ONLY.  I’m deep in the bowels of the YT tagset, atm, doing my first prune through of fandoms I’m interested in.  BUT MAYBE LATER THIS WEEK.  ^_^  And, I mean... I do get out of class at 11 tomorrow.  So...  ;D
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Les Mis Fandom Calendar -- December 2021
Plenty of fun things coming up on the calendar and currently going  on!  Offerings and bidding for the Bishop Myriel Fundraiser just started yesterday, Yuletide and Les Mis Holiday Exchange reveals are happening soon (or have happened recently), and Joly Week is coming up at the end of next month!
More information can be found on the calendar, but we all know how tumblr is about adding links to posts these days…  
December 2021: 18: Bidding begins for the Bishop Myriel Fundraiser Auction ( @bishopmyrielfundraiser ) 25: Yuletide Works Revealed – I’ve included Yuletide this year because Arm Joe is in the tagset for anyone who might be interested.
January 2022: 18: Bidding ends for the Bishop Myriel Fundraiser Auction (bishopmyrieldfundraiser) Jan 30 - Feb 5: Joly Week ( @jolyweek; mod: @almondmisery) – tag: #joly week
February 2022: Jan 30 - Feb 5: Joly Week (jolyweek; mod: almondmisery) – tag: #joly week 13-19: Ace Mis Week ( @acemisweek; mod: @eirenical) – tag: #ace mis week
April 2022: 22-24: Barricades Con ( @barricadescon)
May 2022: 1-8: Same-Prompt Fic Challenge 2022 ( @lesmissamepromptficchallenge ; mod: @shitpostingfromthebarricade)
As  always, if you are interested in running a fandom event or know of a fandom event that isn’t on the calendar, please let me know so I can add it! (Preferably use the @ function or send an ask. Tags are unreliable at best, these days, and this is a side blog now so I’m not sure messages work.  Thanks! ^_^)
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eirenical · 4 years
Les Mis Fandom Calendar (September 2020)
The Calendar: eirenical . tumblr . com / lesmisweeks – (I am SO sorry for this nonsense, guys, but the tumblr posting rules for things showing up in the tags are getting REALLY stupid and if I actually let this be a link, this post won’t show up. :P)
The calendar is starting to fill up, everyone!  I’m so excited!  :D  There are some really exciting things happening in the Les Mis fandom, so I’m here with an update.  Enjoy!  ^_^
September 2020: 13-19: Cosette Appreciation Week ( @cosette-appreciation-week; mod: @akallabeth-joie) – tags: #Cosette Week and #For a Lark 20-26: Brick Renouvations ( @brickrenouveautions; mod: @shitpostingfromthebarricade) – tags: #Brick ReNouveauTions (not case-sensitive) or #Brick ReNouveauTions 2020 22-October 1: Yuletide small fandom exchange nominations ( yuletide-admin . dreamwidth . org ) -- I’m including this here, because I know that some of the less well-known adaptations of Les Mis usually make it through the nominations, if that’s something you’re into.  ^_^
October 2020: 1-31: The Miserable(s) Month (mod: @thepiecesofcait) – An alternate Inktober… more details coming soon! 10-17: Feuilly Appreciation Week ( @feuillyweek; mod: @eirenical) – tag: #feuilly week 18-24 or 25-31 Logic and Philosophy Week (dates not finalized) ( @logic-and-philosophy; mod: @oilan) – tag: #logic and philosophy week
November 2020: 2: e/R Games Works are due by 11:59 PM on Monday, November 2nd EST (blog: @enjoltairegames)
Some weeks that people expressed interest in in the tags of the last post but that I haven’t heard anything about and may be free to a good home...
Courferre Week -- Has anyone heard anything from the former mods @courferreweek?  If not, then maybe someone else wants to pick it up?  It historically ran sometime over the summer, but if someone wants to pick it up and that doesn’t work, I’m sure no one would mind.  ^_^
Joly Appreciation Week -- I’m honestly shocked I haven’t seen one before!  So, if anyone is interested in running one, that would be amazing.  ^_^
As always, if I’ve missed anything (and at this point, I’m sure I have), please let me know!  I track the tags #les mis weeks and #les mis fandom calendar.  You can also always message me or send me an ask or even reblog/reply to this post.  I feel so out of the loop, rn, it’s not even funny.  XD
Also, as I mentioned, tumblr is hiding a lot of my original posts from the tags, and I never know which posts it’s going to choose to hide, so if you could do me a favor and signal boost this, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, everyone!
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