#either way its a spring bonnie and its williams fursona so this can be his fursuit and
basslinegrave · 1 year
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do NOT hand him the vr... he is doing things to the rabbit man again
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year
fully incapable of not thinking about ciarán for even a moment so here have a ramble abt him.
so. i was thinking abt how henry and will both have their ,, yknow, their mascots, their assigned animals, their most definitely not fursonas. will has spring bonnie, so he gets the rabbit symbolism, and henry has fredbear so he gets bear symbolism, obviously.
and i was just. wondering which animal / animatronic ciarán would be most heavily associated with. because if there is one thing about me i am a SUCKER for animal symbolism in characters. like the inherent symbolism of how spring bonnie is a prey animal, so they inherently seem more trustworthy and "safe" and will, by association, was less likely to be suspected for anything he did? because what would a harmless little bunny do? because the kids subconsciously trusted him? yeah i eat that shit up.
anyway like. if we go off of ciaráns personality, hes almost certainly something canine. smth abt his unwavering loyalty + how readily he resorts to violence to protect those he cares about + how easily manipulated (trained?) he is + how well he reacts to positive reinforcement is very very doglike. so that points towards either roxy or foxy and i KNOW that wolves are closer to domestic dogs but like. just hear me out on the fox symbolism here. like particularly how it pertains to william + his rabbit symbolism.
foxes are a rabbits natural predator. like the Big One you think of when you think "what eats rabbits?" rabbits are seen as smaller, weaker, practically defenseless against foxes - as foxes can even chase them down into their burrows. they have nowhere to hide, no way to defend themselves. and ciar,,, he very much Presents like a fox, just as will presents himself as a rabbit. hes tall, hes loud, hes bold, and hes intimidating, and he isnt afraid to use those traits to his advantage. he likes to play with people. he doesnt much care what they might think of him on their own time, as its not like they actively have anything to hold against him. hes very clever. very much a trickster. very foxlike in that aspect.
william, on the other hand, is a man who is all about reputation. keeping up the act, keeping others happy — demure and sweet and oh so nice to the customers and their kids. a family man. its incredibly rare for a stranger to see him without a smile plastered onto his face. he has an act to keep up. as far as the outside world is concerned, hes the perfect man to play spring bonnie. he is the sweet, friendly little bunny. great with kids, sociable towards adults. he could never be a threat — i mean look at him! hes too sweet! that man could never hurt a fly! and seeing him around ciarán all the time — they cant imagine thats a very functional friendship. theres no way william manages to get even a word in edgewise, right? ciarán is far too overbearing.
... and yet, with each other, the dynamic completely flips. william takes the mask off, and ciarán stows away his little bag of tricks. why would he ever need it, when hes with the man hes so wholly devoted to? theres no need to fool, to intimidate him. not when hes too busy hanging off of every single word william says. ciaráns not here to gain any kind of control over the situation. hes the sidekick, the assistant, the extra pair of hands — hes just happy to be there.
the rabbit isnt being pursued, after all, no — its simply leading the fox, and the fox is more than eager to follow right behind.
just. something about the role reversal, the switch in dynamics / expectations really Gets Me. idk im just rambling here this may not even make sense to anyone but me
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