honmakurara · 5 years
Tempt me if you can
Phantom Thief Yamaneko strikes again in Kurashiki, to get Monet's famous Water Lilies painting. Once there, his ally Ohkura will bump into a very determined security guard, Nishikido Ryo. Ohkura Tadayoshi likes beautiful things, and Nishikido definitely is.
Lenght: one shot (11630 words), AU, comedy, fluff&smut, art (Claude Monet, Setouchi Triennale), UST, action&romance
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Kurashiki is a charming place, indeed. Magnificent weeping willows adorn its historical Bikan district, the preserved area where several kinds of arts incidentally flourish. The Ohara Museum of Western Art is one of those jewels, and that is also the reason why I'm here today.
It's a beautiful night with a bright moon. As I look up towards the white globe, I recall Natsume Soseki's famous quote. 'The moon is beautiful, isn't it?' It could easily apply to these lovely and historically preserved streets especially, where couples stroll along the riverbanks holding hands under the moonlight.
Unfortunately, I cannot enjoy the romantic scenery this city has to offer any longer, for I am on a mission here. Kame-chan has already penetrated the western-looking building to retrieve the Water Lilies, and I’m following.
It's almost a pity we have to remove such a precious piece from here, given the long journey the painter Kojima Torajiro-san had to take in order to bring the original painting to Japan, straight from Claude Monet's home in France. But that cannot be helped.
It should be just a matter of few minutes, though. The halls and corridors are nicely lit even during the night, but there's only one security guard patrolling the rooms, while another one is in the office getting bored with the security cameras. Japan is a safe place, after all. After eluding the alarm system, we placed fake videos in the cameras so that all the monitors would keep showing deserted corridors while we’re infiltrating the museum.
And here we are: the security guard guy is currently patrolling some other rooms, and it's me who has to check on him through the mini-monitor on my watch, so I gave Kame-chan the okay and he rushed straight to get the painting.
"K-chan, he's now moving," I warn him through the mic, in a whisper. "He might decide to turn- no, wait, he's definitely turned towards the wrong corridor and at this pace he'll reach your room in a few minutes' time. Seems like he's got some sixth sense, darn. How long will it take you to be done?"
>> Distract him just a little, T-chan,<< he orders me in the earphone, >> I'm nearly done here. <<
I roll my eyes.
How to, darn? No time to think, let alone to act. But if I don't do something soon, Kame-chan will be found out. And we cannot be found out, yet.
I should not have to be doing this, for I'm the brain dude here, rather than the action one like Kame-chan is, but anyway.
Oh come on, Ohkura Tadayoshi. You can do this. Kame-chan always says you're brilliant after all, doesn't he?
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 5 years
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"I love you, baby~."
That's what Ryochan said today in fukuoka instead of his famous final line "sukiyaneeeen" in sukiyanen Osaka.
And it is so true, they love eighters from the bottom of their hearts and they are equally loved back by eighters, and the atmosphere is just so freaking good in this live tour. I love you, babies. Thanks for lighting up our lives.
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honmakurara · 5 years
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Japan is a land of wonders, and even so, there's a place where you can walk randomly to the point of getting almost lost but heck, you're in the main city of Kansai, it's well worth even getting lost. And then you spot a torikizoku. Then a second one. You make sure tsutenkaku is always there, and so the shochizuka teather, you walk down midosuji murmuring Osaka romanesque almost absent-mindedly and then dotonbori, the decorations for tanabata, the ebisu bridge and its millions sunsets. You laugh, with eyes filled with wonder every damn time. Because sometimes, somehow, there's no other place like Osaka. Even better on 8th August, and I'm so happy, happy happy and grateful I could make a last minute trip there today . Thank you, Osaka and I Love you, eito 💚
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honmakurara · 5 years
What’s left, a Tanabata debate
TORN & Eito & Gr8est tour & Tanabata & Music Day. Beware of loads of RL stuff happening in 2018.
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When he enters the greenroom, there’s only one person inside, sitting on a sofa, the very same one addressing Ryo with a deathly glare as soon as he walks over. “Everyone’s just fled, just so you know,” Ohkura warns him, gruffly almost. “I’ll take the risk,” the guitarist replies, as he plops down the couch beside the drummer. He takes a furtive look at Ohkura’s right calf muscle. “So?” "The massage guy did what he could; he said I should be okay in a couple’ hours if I stop with the rehearsals right now.” “Good.” “Good a damn thing,” Ohkura hisses through gritted teeth. “The manager asked me to go home earlier and rest, since we’re busy with The Music Day live performance later on.” “He’s probably right,” Ryo tells him with a frown. “Are you making fun of me as well, Ryochan?! I promised him I’d have given my everything to not let him feel any more pain, but I’m just laying on this damn couch with stupid leg cramps that seem unwillingly to fade despite all the efforts, right when I should be out there, having rehearsals and checking on him. But no, he was the first one rushing to me when I accidentally fell down the cart, he was the one looking at me with worried eyes, and he was the one saying that everything’s gonna be okay. Him. When I should have been the one to tell him that everything’s okay, instead. Can’t you see the irony?! I should run for him, and I have stupid cramps instead! I hate this, Ryochan. I feel like the worst of failures, honestly, and we’re running out of time already, we’re due to start soon with the tour…” he trails off, whining.
keep reading @ Ao3, DW
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honmakurara · 6 years
Ryo sensei teaching puns in 4 steps
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1. Subtly replacing Hina for writing in English at the whiteboard (poor Shinchan)
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2. Getting a (cheeky?) hint from a talented disciple
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3. Humming a song because you’re in love  (with the song, their authors and the disciple) ♪ ♫
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4. The tensai moment from Eito brainstorming!
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honmakurara · 6 years
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Gr8est Babies!
originally posted HERE @ my pixiv
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honmakurara · 6 years
About Yasu / by Ryo
“Good evening, everyone. How have you been doing? I'm doing okay. I'm on my laptop today for the first time in a while. I guess everyone's worried about Sho-chan, right? I am, too. But it would be bad if that concern becomes a source of pressure for Sho-chan. You guys try not to worry too much, okay? That part is an absolute must. Although even if I say "I'm asking you to do me this favor." I'm sure you would worry anyway. 
It must have been really frustrating for him to be unable to be there during the press conference where a fellow member announced he would be leaving the group, and when he could not appear on his regular shows. 
I'm sure there are people out there who would've thought "he should be there, if all he did was fall at home". They didn't have had the information we had, after all. But I think being able to come out into the open about the situation this time has helped lighten his emotional burden somehow, so all that's left is the physical side of things. I pray that time will help him recover soon.
I'm not trying to make you worry or anything, but to be honest, when we were at his side, we could not even say things we normally would. He isn't able to move his body like he normally would, and even walking or changing was something that he did slowly, as if he was trying not to hurt himself. But he's steadily getting better with regard to those things, so please wait patiently for him.
We had many debates about whether or not the concert tour should be postponed or cancelled, and we had decided to postpone it at one point.
But all of us members share the view that this concert tour is going to be even more important than any of our other ones, so we chose a route that lets us do the best we can while being absolutely certain that Sho-chan won't have to push himself. That said, he'll push himself for sure. And if we realize that he's doing that, we'll keep reducing the parts that he will make appearances in. And if it turns out it's not possible for him to do it, then I don't know if we will be able to make it to the end of the concert tour. That's just how precarious the situation is with regard to this concert tour. Of course, since we've decided to carry it out, those of us who are able-bodied will do everything. And if Sho-chan cannot run, then we'll run for him.
Well, we're in the middle of rehearsals right now, but I think we'll have a good idea of how things are going to be after Sapporo, so I think we'll be able to come up with a good way to pace ourselves. Don't worry. We'll make sure that those of you who show up will feel glad you came. Rest assured about that. We gotta make this a good concert tour. Yeah. Look forward to it, everyone.
Also, you know...  this will be the last time you'll be able to see Kanjani with seven members. There's gonna be a live broadcast for three days in a row. I wonder how that is gonna turn out? But to be honest, the only thing I have in my mind is our next stage. This is something that just can't be helped.Everyone has their own way of thinking after all. And I think it's really admirable that he's willing to start out again from total scratch. I hope he leaves the group with a bang. And it's my wish to be by his side and see what he does when he leaves. I can't exactly give him a farewell and be happy. It's not like he's going to come back in the future either. It's just a decision made by one man after all. That's something that I want to have high hopes for. I don't know if those of you who are watching will be able to enjoy it, but yeah... There are things to overcome. Such as walls, hills, and everyone's expectations. All right. It's time to kick asses.”
Ryochan’s jweb entry, 5th July 2018
credits to Kanjani8 Peru
Personal thoughts: sasuga Ryochan. His jwebs are mostly so hermetic that sometimes we’re left to wonder whether he actually carries thoughts and worries or not. He does, of course. So much. And it’s impressive also the way his words and feelings almost echo Ohkura’s (or the contrary) about their desire of protecting Yasu ♥, and the way he’s (finally) talking openly about Subaru’s decision, the concert, their fears. Ugh, Ryochan ç____ç
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honmakurara · 6 years
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Happy Mugenday♥ eien ni ♥
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honmakurara · 7 years
Close-up of Santa Kuraus and his favourite reindeers ~ Merry Xmas to all eighters!
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Sanbakadeers, and a pixie reindeer also appears~
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Santa Kuraus in all his Divaness
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The MaRyodeers
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A drunken reindeer, pixie calling out for magic help
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Ryodeer scaring the hell out of Santa♥
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Santa Kuraus probably wishes for resignation. The reindeers don’t.
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honmakurara · 7 years
Would you be my reindeer?
Santa and his reindeers paid several visits at Kanjani8' Live Tours during the years. So expect to find here a lot of magical Christmas fluff, and some eito dorkyness. Beware of cuteness.
Length: one-shot (1827), Fluff, Xmas Crack, Eito being Eito
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2010 - 8Uppers Live Tour "Of all people, why me?!"
Ryo's whiny voice echoed in the green room, and his six band mates' faces turned to look at him, who was trying in vain to wear the reindeer outfit on his head. "Because you lost at Janken," Yoko sneered.
"That's our rule for batsugame, right?" Hina reminded them. "One of us must do it, I don't get the complain," Subaru added with a frown.
"Well, but you're cute, Ryochan~" Maru smiled, trying to get a nicer mood out of him. "Our fans will definitely cheer for you!" Yasu nodded, checking on his whole figure. "Here you are," he said, adding a star-pointed magical stick in Ryo's padded paws. "Don't you DARE try and say a word, Ohkura!" Ryo glared at the drummer, who might have been about to say something for his part as well, but pouted slightly disappointed, instead.
"Why not?"
"At least you look fine, despite you lacking some beard!" Ryo growled, wishing he could exchange his weird outfit with Ohkura's Santa red one. Yoko whistled at the two of them.
"You might as well decide to go hitting on chicks like this starting from now on, you know?!" he said, laughing. Ryo sighed.
"Just go to hell. All of you, okay?!" he said, pointing to them all. "Fine with me," Subaru said with a shrug and a wicked smile.
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 7 years
Precious things happening
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Maru shipper, praying it’s real.
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Newlywed Xmas pair.
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Maru shipping again. And Ryo wonders...
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Sunshine pair. Apparently, bitchy Ohkura behind is the only one who does not approve.
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Ohkura is still clueless. The three cuties behind aren’t ♥
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honmakurara · 7 years
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Kanjani8 adopted a new toy poodle for drums. 
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Bonus: Ryochan and Maruchan being adorable and super sunshine (hey, it’s One Piece Gold theme song they’re gonna play after all XD)
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honmakurara · 7 years
Nostalgia is, like, one of the damn best and beautiful dance performances ever.
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honmakurara · 7 years
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So during Jam day3 in Tokyo (15th August), Tacchon left the stage last, turned back towards all eighters and said "aishiteru", his best diva mode ever was switched quite on today (and yeah he's kinpatsu almost white, but definitely cool) . Ryochan started performing itta janaika on his own instead of Samurai song intro, all people started singing the "wrong" intro with him before he actually resumed the right chords. He looked the cutest ever. And we could clearly spot Yasuba on main stage 2 and the audience screamed aloud. Well me too xD There were a lot of otoko no eighters!! I spotted a group of them while coming back home and they were commenting about Ryo, ohkura and omoidama (?? XD) The mood at Tokyo dome was impressive today and all 7 eito perceived such a bond and feeling, for they played fools way more than venues before. I love them so much. I'm so grateful they're there. Thank you for everything, eito. I love you,eien ni.
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honmakurara · 7 years
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Happy eito day. A truly kiseki no hito day! (This photo is gorgeous *0*)
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honmakurara · 7 years
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Nagoya Dome no ato de. (My hairbands refusing to go back to their original circle shape)
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