honmakurara · 4 years
Break (me) down
Ohkura’s washing machine and wifi have broken down. Ryo has a reputation for being an excellent repairman. Japan is in lockdown, and TORN’s relationship has been awkward way before the pandemic. Inspired by Ohkura's Kurasumasu May posts.
Length: one-shot (3180), TORN being TORN during lockdown, fluff, smut, social distancing, flirting, awkwardness
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14th May 2020
He's tried his best, but he has to admit he's a total failure when it comes to technical issues, so it's no wonder that the glue he's put on his poor broken washing machine keeps peeling down and does not help at all.
Ohkura sighs.
He does not want to do what he's about to do, but he's got no other choice. The customer service office just kept repeating him that during the lockdown, none of them will be providing home assistance, and the tips they suggested during the phone call, for a hand-made repair, are as useful as the useless glue.
But with work slowly needing him to go to the Jimusho offices, there is no way he's willing to show up there with dirty clothes, and waiting for hours outside a laundry station is out of question, either.
So it's with complicated feelings and regret that he's dialling a shortcut he's not called for long, maybe too long, and when Ryo replies, in a surprised voice, he cannot help but jolt.
"Hi, Ryochan... I... I hope you're fine, first of all. Are you okay?"
“I am, thank you. How about you, Ohkura?”
"I'm sorry I called, actually, but I thought... well, maybe it's just a bother..."
“Are you alright, Ohkura? “ Ryo asks, sounding worried.
"I'm fine. But my washing machine isn't. It broke down a few days ago, I tried to fix it myself but it didn't work and I don't know what else to do, since assistance isn't going to help either this time... May I ask for you help? Am I a bother?"
(keep reading @ Ao3, LJ, DW)
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rlia · 12 years
Ryo Nishikido dan segala kesempurnaannya
i will write this in mostly bahasa... sorry for my followers...
but i really want to spam about this guy this time... 
beware.. not BigBang related... and a bit lebayness inside (banyak actually)
baru selesai nonton Kanjani8's 8est concert... lanjut endroll dan TORN PV tentunya... too many feeels... 
once an eighter will always be an eighter...
mungkin gw dah ga update lg ttg eito.. dah gak ngefans berat kaya dulu lagi.. tp selama nonton itu tetep aja rasa hangat, terharu, dan kagum kuat banget.. 1 mimpi yg belum kesampaian.. nonton mereka langsung.. please stay healthy Kanjani8 san.. so i can watch you live at Osaka if i have the chance.. if i have time.. if the time is right.. i will go definitely...
selama nonton pengen nangis.. terutama pas Heavenly Psycho, Naniwa Iroha Bushi, dan Osaka Rainy Blues.. ga terlalu nyambung sama lagu2 post Aoppana... tp yg penting lagu2 lama mereka yg penuh kenangan uhuks...
dan TORN PV.. masyaAllah subhanaLLah.. Ryo Nishikido cakepnya ga nyante banget sumpah... ini bluray version pula.. yg 650 mb.. ga nyesel.. napas sesak.. jantung berdebar.. sumprit Ryo!!! dan itu ga ada adegan tangan turun ke bawah dan terus ke bawah lohhh... efeknya alamak... my truly ichiban.. biar dah selingkuh ama Daesung.. ttp aja bs jungkir balik gini klo liat Ryo cakep bgitu.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh... 
dan seriously Teichiku.. knapa PV berharga penuh klimaks ini disimpen ampe ampir 5 tahun coba... ampe dah ampir lupa keberadaannya... pas dirilis disensor pula... woooo.. tp yah.. thanks akhirnya dirilis.. dan thanks dalam versi bluray... T___T. i can see Ryo's moles clearly.. tahi lalat di wajahnya... jelas bener...  dan bintik2 di wajah Tatsu juga...
mungkin besok gw dah nge-spam yg lain lagi.. tp tetap... this guy and his friends will always be there in my heart... watching their happy smiles in this con is more than enough to make me happy... Tatsu's happy smiles, Maru's bright face, Subaru's screaming Misetekure, Hina's babun, Yoko's very clear baby face and ganjen face, Yasu's cute face (and i can see his similarity with Dae now lololol), and Ryochan's hyper smile and smexynessssss and yumnesss....
i've been a hardcore eighter for about 4-5 years... and maybe now i'm just a decent one.. but i'm still an eighter... :)
dan sepertinya gw makhluk visual juga.. karena tertarik dgn orang yg visually keren macam Ryo T_T. tp TORN PV mah kebangetan... i pity my heart and lungs watching it...
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honmakurara · 5 years
Tempt me if you can
Phantom Thief Yamaneko strikes again in Kurashiki, to get Monet's famous Water Lilies painting. Once there, his ally Ohkura will bump into a very determined security guard, Nishikido Ryo. Ohkura Tadayoshi likes beautiful things, and Nishikido definitely is.
Lenght: one shot (11630 words), AU, comedy, fluff&smut, art (Claude Monet, Setouchi Triennale), UST, action&romance
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Kurashiki is a charming place, indeed. Magnificent weeping willows adorn its historical Bikan district, the preserved area where several kinds of arts incidentally flourish. The Ohara Museum of Western Art is one of those jewels, and that is also the reason why I'm here today.
It's a beautiful night with a bright moon. As I look up towards the white globe, I recall Natsume Soseki's famous quote. 'The moon is beautiful, isn't it?' It could easily apply to these lovely and historically preserved streets especially, where couples stroll along the riverbanks holding hands under the moonlight.
Unfortunately, I cannot enjoy the romantic scenery this city has to offer any longer, for I am on a mission here. Kame-chan has already penetrated the western-looking building to retrieve the Water Lilies, and I’m following.
It's almost a pity we have to remove such a precious piece from here, given the long journey the painter Kojima Torajiro-san had to take in order to bring the original painting to Japan, straight from Claude Monet's home in France. But that cannot be helped.
It should be just a matter of few minutes, though. The halls and corridors are nicely lit even during the night, but there's only one security guard patrolling the rooms, while another one is in the office getting bored with the security cameras. Japan is a safe place, after all. After eluding the alarm system, we placed fake videos in the cameras so that all the monitors would keep showing deserted corridors while we’re infiltrating the museum.
And here we are: the security guard guy is currently patrolling some other rooms, and it's me who has to check on him through the mini-monitor on my watch, so I gave Kame-chan the okay and he rushed straight to get the painting.
"K-chan, he's now moving," I warn him through the mic, in a whisper. "He might decide to turn- no, wait, he's definitely turned towards the wrong corridor and at this pace he'll reach your room in a few minutes' time. Seems like he's got some sixth sense, darn. How long will it take you to be done?"
>> Distract him just a little, T-chan,<< he orders me in the earphone, >> I'm nearly done here. <<
I roll my eyes.
How to, darn? No time to think, let alone to act. But if I don't do something soon, Kame-chan will be found out. And we cannot be found out, yet.
I should not have to be doing this, for I'm the brain dude here, rather than the action one like Kame-chan is, but anyway.
Oh come on, Ohkura Tadayoshi. You can do this. Kame-chan always says you're brilliant after all, doesn't he?
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 5 years
One day in winter, the Midosuji lights
Prompt: ANN 01 December 2018 about winter lights in Osaka/Tokyo/Kobe 8D Set in 2018. Refers to RL various stuff like (beware!) Ohkura’s stalker issue; back then Ohkura (with Yoko) was frequently in Osaka, producing Kanju (Naniwa Danshi)’s concert and Ryo was filming Trace drama. Length: 5181 words, fluff&angst&smut, cuteness, date, torn being torn. Overall cuteness&feels
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>> Moshi-moshi? << "Hey." >> Hey. << "You sounded brilliant tonight," Ryo murmurs straightforwardly, "I am so relieved to hear you like that, you know?" >> Thanks... << the drummer replies affectionately over the phone, in a low key. "Speaking of which, Ohkura... since when you do care about winter illuminations?" >> I don't, actually, << Ohkura retorts, and Ryo can almost see him frowning despite the distance. >> As I said on the radio, I don't. << "C'mon Tatsu, you don't fool me. All that blabbering about Kobe Luminarie and Tokyo's useless winter lights and you're even pretending you're unaffected?! Or was it just an excuse to hear you flirting with Takahashi-kun as usual?" >> I was NOT flirting, Ryochan! << Ohkura growls, sounding outraged. "Either that or you complaining about being lonely in Osaka. Which one?" >> And I am not lonely. And if you just called to have a fight, then you'd better- << "Which one, Ohkura?" Ryo insists. >> Why should I even bother to reply? << "Because I can be either persuasive or vengeful or both," Ryo grins, pretty bemused. >> As if I cared. Last time you wanted revenge I pinned you on the wall and- << "Oh c'mon Tatsu, I wanna know!" Ryo whines, sounding suddenly a crybaby. >> It's so stupid of you, Ryochan," Ohkura murmurs, and once again Ryo can easily imagine the pout the drummer's lips are outlining on his plump mouth. "Yeah that's so stupid of me, then what? I wanna know!!" Ryo insists, almost meowing. >> There's nothing else to say about it, << Ohkura resolves confessing in the end. >> I am stuck in Osaka, which is the truth, and my boyfriend is equally stuck in Tokyo, which is equally true. That's just it. << "Oh. So... you got yourself a boyfriend." >> Mh. <<
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 5 years
A Promise in Taiwan
TORN (&Eito) in Taiwan, dealing with Subaru's departure. Collection of 3 stand-alone one-shots (presscon / Taiwan).
Length: one-shot (2482 words), TORNporn, hurt/comfort, introspection, flirting, teasing, crack, Eito being Eito, starting over. Missing moments, RL snippets.
Chapter 1. Gone, Chapter 2. Man on a mission
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"What do you mean with 'the reservation has been made for five rooms only and the hotel is full' exactly?" Yoko shrieks in disbelief, at the counter of the Taiwanese hotel he was supposed to book for the six of them. "I deeply apologize, Sir, but it's as I said. We received a request for three rooms. The reservation had been made by... mr. Yokoyama Kimitaka. Then we received a last minute request for adding two more rooms. Is that correct?" the staff member asks politely. "Yes and... no," Yoko sighs, ruffling his hair nervously. "Argh, what am I going to do, now?! Hina will kill me as soon as he'll arrive!" "What's the problem?" Ohkura asks as he and Ryo approach their band mate at the counter. Yoko turns, waving at them and chewing his lips. "There's, er, some little problem."
keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ
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honmakurara · 6 years
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Sorry to ruin the moment, Ryochan, but you were filmed being this cutely into your babe, you know? Anyway please go ahead, we don't bother.
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honmakurara · 5 years
The cornered Ohkura is scared of cheese
Ohkura is dealing badly with the filming of his Boys' Love Kyuuso Cheese movie. Ryo is dealing badly with the laundry.
Length: one-shot (4263 words), introspection, fluff, smut, TORN.
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Ohkura is not sure how exactly asking for it without actually asking for it. What if Ryo will scold him for being an idiot? He sighs. He feels an idiot anyway. Acting all cocky, but then... He re-reads the message for the third time, and then decides pressing the 'send' button on his mobile. > Ryochan, please do your best at work, 'kay? < > Also... at what time do you reckon you'll be done with filming, today? < He doesn't expect Ryo to answer almost immediately, so he reads the incoming message feeling suddenly too nervous, already.
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 6 years
Man on a Mission
Ryo is in Taiwan for promoting his Hitsuji no Ki Movie where, incidentally, he also announces K8 will be having concerts there. It's the first announcement since Subaru's departure from the group. Collection of 3 stand-alone one-shots (presscon / Taiwan).
Length: one-shot (2611 words), hurt/comfort, flirting, teasing, smut, introspection, fluff
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He had sunk into the hotel room bed as soon as he had closed the door behind him.
Not even bothering to take off his boots first, as usual. A habit he shared with someone else, like their fans had recently found out at some recent Chronicle episode.
Yeah, their fans. The ones he had just had the honour to deliver the news about their upcoming tour dates in Taiwan, in September.
The first good news, after the two weeks of despair they had all had to go through.
He rolled over the mattress, to check his mobile in his bag.
Not that many messages waiting for him, but all of them were more than important.
Maru, an avalanche of tender words to say he loved him and that he hugged him tight, despite the distance.
Shota, with a sparkling emoji and a big heart.
Jun with a vocal message, whistling openly as if to mock him.
Murakami-kun with his concise 'good job, Ryo' that meant more than he could ever tell.
Yokoyama-kun, saying 'so cocky of you, Dokkun. You made us all look so proud of who we are.'
Ohkura's short message '... you tired?'
And Subaru's absence, of course. It had expected it. But it did hurt.
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ) 
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honmakurara · 6 years
Hohoemi nagara kimi wo mimamotteru (Protecting you with a smile)
A moment together, after dinner. Fears coming up as clothes disappear. Warning for some angst and mention of RL facts (Ohkura's birthday memories)
Length: one shot (1699), hurt/comfort, introspection, angst, smut, torn
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It's somehow different from other moments they've spent together.
It started out with Ryo feeling slightly dizzy from too many beers and not enough food, and Tadayoshi slumping on the couch with a desperate sigh, saying he's eaten too much, as usual.
Ryo pouts. It's no different from any other ordinary day but today he wants it to be. It has to.He sits cross-legged at Ohkura's feet, who blinks at him unsure at what he's seeing, when Ryo starts fidgeting with the hem of the leg of the drummer's trousers, and his fingers reach his bare heels.
"... Ryochan?”
"Mh?" Ryo looks up. "I'm trying to digest the awesome curry you prepared."
"I know."
"But I can't, if you seem so interested in the threads of my ripped jeans." Ryo chuckles and leans closer, letting his chin rest on the drummer's left knee, looking curiously up.
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 6 years
Two halves
No belated April’s Fool: here’s some chocolate torn porn.
Length: one shot (1849), dorks in love, teasing, OTP x food, fluff & smut & chocolate. Sequel to Just a matter of Chocolate
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“… Wasn’t it just our usual teasing, Ryochan?” Ohkura asks, and Ryo laughs. They both laugh. And they kiss.
“You taste like chocolate,” the drummer says, on his lover’s mouth.
“Really?” Ryo pouts, ironical.
“Yeah. Bitter,” Ohkura says, pecking Ryo on the lips, “and amazing,” he goes on, after another peck.
Ryo grins, pretty amused with himself. He takes another cupcake from the tray, opens it in two halves and eats both, one after another, making sure Ohkura’s eyes miss none of the movements of his tongue, whenever he licks generously the melting core of the cake.
“How ‘bout you make me taste it?”
“Nope,” Ryo muses. “Your chocolate is mine, you know?”
“Mmh, I see…” Ohkura replies, in a collected voice. His eyes are still locked with Ryo’s while his hand stretches out, trying to reach for another cupcake on the tray; Ryo intercepts him though, blocking his wrist mid-air with his strong grip.
“Told ya it’s mine. What you gave me, it’s all mine,” Ryo murmurs.
(keep reading @ Ao3, DW, LJ)
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honmakurara · 7 years
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Re-posting because I'm seeing bare skin and Ohkura being particularly bitchy.
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honmakurara · 8 years
What wasn't there before (fanfiction time)
Author: lalois (me) @ LJ or Ao3 Pairings: Ace/Johnny (Uppers!verse) Length: one-shot Words: 1769 Summary: morning after at Club8. Bad language and hints of (previous) sex.
When Johnny opened his lids, he was welcomed by five pairs of bewildered, amazed or pretending shocked eyes. He blinked twice, just before trying to rub his eyes and make sure why such people were staring at him at such hour in the supposed morning. A sharp pain stabbed immediately his sore shoulder and gave him the answer, and also made him collect in shock and shame a whole sequence of memories: his wrists were still tied up to the pole lamp beside the couch he had felt asleep into. He could also feel Ace's naked and warm body pressing against his own one, as the black-haired man was snoring softly against his other shoulder. He grimaced and sighed, closing his eyes. Some part of him, the less sleepy one, would have normally felt ashamed of getting caught naked in public; not to mention his sort of relationship with Ace was far from being established. He always wondered if they had one, actually.
(keep reading)
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honmakurara · 6 years
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I’m seeing (mismatched) rings, and Ryo enjoying the moment 8D
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honmakurara · 6 years
TORN collection
Any overwhelming TORN feels, lately? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one around, and maybe we do honestly deserve seeing our boys spending some lovey-dovey time after what they've all been through recently.
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Anyway, if you feel like wasting your time on some fanfic content to drown into feels better (*grins*), I made a little recap about recent works available around based on their contents. Some fics are mine, other aren't. Just spamming them. Please enjoy!
What's left, a Tanabata debate (one-shot)
The River between (one-shot)
A Tanabata and its sappiness  (one-shot)
TORNporn 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7   (one-shots) (they’re all worth it, don’t get distracted by the lack of the mention of story titles :p)
sub-category: Chocoporn 1 + Chocoporn 2 (two-shots)
sub-category: Uppers smut - Baby in the Car (one-shot), Unspoken (one-shot)
Hurt/comfort, Subaru issues
Hohoemi nagara kimi wo mimamotteru  (one-shot) 
A night with you  (one-shot) 
Infinity  (one-shot) 
Last fragment of me
AU, Wine, sake, TORN
Born in Bordeaux (mini-series, 5 chapters completed)
Love Superman 
Make me fall (3 chapters about to be completed)
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Comedy, fluff
Cuddle me like you do with your hard disks (one-shot)
When you wish upon a star (mini-series, completed)
Oh Happy Day
King of Otoko
Our names (one-shot)
Quiet bastard  (one-shot) 
Spiderman in the USA
Never say Anger (one-shot)
A Japanese Summer (multichapter, ongoing)  
The boy who lives down the hill (multichapter, completed)
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honmakurara · 6 years
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Wait and see.
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