#ekon sans
ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
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Quick doodle while I keep practicing some things.
I have several mini comics in mind, I made a few ones. But it all ended in regret and I discarded them because they didn't convince me. I'm still looking at ideas that come to my mind, some will turn out well, that's for sure.
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Paper Jam belongs to @7goodangel
Gradient to @askcomboclub
Ekon to @ooyoichioo
Spilled Ink to @gorenoemi336
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cxte-fireafy · 2 years
Errorink Fankids/Fusion Masterlist
I have a huge list (still more TBA) and I’m making it public because my friend suggested it. If you have any I'd love to add it! (Even if it's yours)
I'm gonna make a master list for all the others soon.
Aelis by @/ari-cuno
Airbrush by @/adorablemew
Amarant by @/KotikaLeo
Axel by @/ari-cuno
Contrast by @/kurolini909
Design by @/pepper-mint
Drop by uyuni-piyo (deactivated)
Ekon by @/ooyoichioo
ErrorInk! Sans by janis-roxas and Pudp0n - (I nicknamed him Ko because I'm NOT calling him ErrorInk!Sans)
Gradient by @/AskComboClub
Guffe by @/lunnar-chan
Inker by @/help-im-a-gay-fish
Magenta Starlight by el1sakos
Oras by @/ari-cuno
Paperjam by @/7goodangel
Error by @/loverofpiggies and Ink by @/Comyet
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crazykokoapod · 2 years
Yo, genuine qustion for those in the Undertale fandom....... How many children does error have? Cause I can only remember PaperJam, Gradient, Ekon and Nacre '-'
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fantasblog · 3 years
Here some shading "pigeon"
-his information
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Credit :
Shading "pigeon" (colorkiller/killercolor shipchild) belong to me/@fanta_blog
Ekon (errorink shipchild)belong to @ooyoichioo (sorry u ping qwq)
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nixmoved · 4 years
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Welp it’s that time effect sans where it’s you’re birthday and April fools day. Ekon is 26 today and he doesn’t want to get prank
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effecttaleau · 5 years
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Redesign of Ekon/Effecttale Sans
I finally done it I never gave up on him only his design like 5 times. He still living on in my drawings ahhh
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larsbjork · 7 years
Sir Winston Churchills något bortglömda tal om Micke Gunnarsson
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Sir Winston Churchill var särskilt drucken denna afton men talet skulle ju hållas, så var det ju bara. Manuskriptet hade skrivits kvällen innan av en ung sprätt på utrikesministeriet och godkänts av Winston själv, en handfull timmar senare. Han torkade sig slarvigt runt munnen, tittade vilset ut bland de runda borden som pyntats med de finaste av mjölkproteiner i den diplomatiska grädda som gjorde London till vad London alltid varit: den politiska och ekonomiska Nollpunkten. Han stod på en slags scen som placerade honom snudd på en manshöjd över golvet. kristallkronorna och den ambitiöst bonade fiskbensparketten stod i förbund med varandra, samtidigt som de röda sammetsgardinerna översåg förbundets anständighet. Det luktade svett, cigarr, och tonic.
Här följer talet så som det blev sagt, inte som det skrevs.
“Min damer… herrar… och excellenser,
Många av oss undrar kanske om Micke Gunarsson utgör en svaghet i våra relationer med tyskarna, italienarna och, i förlängningen, ryssen. Det är, vill jag tillstå, en särskilt begåvad fråga. Den utgör i själva verket den mest pressande frågan för varje enskild man som vill låta sig ledas av den store strategen Sun Tzus välkända visdomsord: “känn din fiende”.
När vi nu etablerat att karln utgör en svaghet undrar ni kanske: vem är han och hur ser den jordmån ut, varur han grott? Nå, låt mig då slutligen besvara dessa frågor så att vi i morgon kan framlägga nya och djärva planer för ett fredens Europa, fortsatt framgång i provinserna och – om mina damer ursäktar – transatlantisk ömsesidighet.
Tillåt mig dock en precisering innan vi anländer pudelns kärna. Det är för mig främmande att tala om något annat än varumärket som sådant. Den läckande mannen av kött och blod är helt enkelt inte av intresse för oss i denna församling. Samtidigt, min damer och herrar, är det inte heller till någon fördel att borttränga det faktum att Micke Gunarsson, likt oss alla, har en kropp som läcker svett, sårvätska, urin, avföring, blod, snor, sperma och saliv.
Vi har alltså med ett varumärke att göra. En situation där gränsen mellan det privata och det professionella suddats ut. Ja, ni här i publiken, ni med diplomatiska uppdrag, vet förstås precis vad jag i det här avseendet talar om.
Och kanske är det redan här vi finner skälet till att det utbildnings-industriella komplexet ser det lönt att hålla karln ekonomiskt flytande… Han utgör själva sinnebilden av den framgångsrika människan av idag. Han är mysig, han dricker te, han har återbrukade möbler i hemmet och egen youtube-kanal. Han är en mycket folklig tolkning av den dryga IT-entreprenörens stereotypiska särdrag. I så mån utgör han, i egenskap av ett illa underbyggt löfte om att alla en dag kan fakturera för att skriva av sig lite på Facebook, ett utmärkt skyltfönster för en ideologi, en antropologi, som för närvarande härskar besinningslöst. Han är ett varumärke med mänsklig framtoning, en galjonsfigur med tok-roliga t-shirts i entreprenörernas tidevarv. Han är varan och manualen på samma gång.
Varumärket Gunnarssons budskap är simpelt men samtidigt mycket slugt. Informationsteknologins inspirerande framsteg, anmäler karln, har gjort allt gammalt överflödigt. Världen är så till gränsen full av nya sköna saker! Nu gäller helt nya förutsättningar vilka på intet vis tagit intryck av det förgångna. Nu är vi befriade, om vi bara sträcker ut handen och låter oss ledas – genom att leda oss själva. Där inne ska vi, var och en för sig, finna den digitaliserade kärleken.
Det enkla sakförhållandet att historien är fylld av olika former av klassbaserad förtryckarmentalitet, vilka ständigt avger ekon i vår tids klassanordningar, torde dock ge utrymme för reflektion. Ett utrymme varumärket olyckligt nog fyller med annat. Förmodligen starkt medveten om att de enklaste sättet att upprätthålla nuet, och de klassrelationer som kännetecknar detta nu, är att kontinuerligt återskapa samtiden med hjälp av ett enögt fokus på ett abstrakt framtidsbegrepp. Den elit som lyckas lägga beslag på framtiden har i sanning vunnit världsherraväldet. 
Hans mecenater är förstås mycket intresserade av att människor inte betungar sig med den typen av tankemässiga övningar. Nej den nya ekonomin, den John Howkins kallat “den kreativa ekonomin”, lever på tankar som till sitt väsen kännetecknas av nyhetens estetik. 
Den kreativa ekonomin, eller kunskapssamhället som det också har kommit att kallas, lägger beslag på människors tankar och idéer istället för deras muskelfibrer. Då gäller det att människor tänker effektivt – och undviker smutsiga tankar. "Die Growth Mindset ... ist das Opium des Volkes". Industriarbetarna krävde bröd och Gud, informationsålderns proletärer kräver Ritalin och affirmationer. 
Mina damer... herrar... och excellenser. Fyll varumärkets kretskort med meningslöst brus. 
Tack, god natt och god save the queen.”
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
How ErrorInk kids get along? Do they leave in armony together?
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Mod Answer: Yes, they actually do. Somehow...
Paper Jam often spends time in his room alone. He likes to draw in silence. He's kinda a 'b'onely boy haha. pls don't hit me. But he ocassionally goes outside with his friends. When he was younger, he didn't used to hang out with anyone.
Gradient and Spilled always enjoy time with their siblings. Gradient is more an introvert when it comes to meet new people and friends. But Spilled helps him a lot with that. They like to play videogames together, however, the console always gets corrupted.
To end, Ekon is the youngest brother, he usually spends more time with his parents than with his siblings. He keeps cleaning the mess Error and Ink leave behind after a fight. He tends to follow his father Ink a lot.
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Mod doesn't know how to draw.
Paper belongs to @7goodangel
Gradient to @askcomboclub
Spilled to @gorenoemi336
Ekon to @ooyoichioo
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
Daddy Ink taking care of his children??
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Mod Answer: Error is not a good father, let's be honest, he only wants to destroy the multiverse.
Paper Jam was mistrustful, Gradient was much more timid. Ekon was a quiet kid, Spilled was the most energetic.
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Paper Jam belongs to @7goodangel
Gradient to @askcomboclub
Spilled Ink to @gorenoemi336
Ekon to @ooyoichioo
Ink to @comyet
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
Error and Ink are a large family.
Do they all live in the same house? Must be chaos.
They do!
However, Error prefers to spend time alone in the Anti-Void. Despite that, his children are capable enough to travel to the Anti-Void on their own.
Ink prefers to take care of them in the Doodle Sphere. He is a somewhat a lively but inept parent about taking care over others due to his lack of soul, but he took it upon himself to provide basic needs to them when they were children, and protect them from the clutches of the aggressive ones.
Gradient and Paper Jam were the first, Spilled and Ekon are younger, although they does not seem 'cause they are all about the same height.
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Mod: It should be noted that all this is headcanon trying to resemble the canon as much as possible. I'm sorry I can't bring a picture, I was very busy. I will try to bring the answers more often, promise!
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
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Sorry for the inactivity. I've been trying to make a drawing for some of my favorite combos. Aren't they adorable?
I want to introduce you to Gradient, Paper Jam, Ekon and Spilled. They will be available so you can ask them as many questions as you want! Welcome to our Doodle Sphere!
I tried to paint them, but I regretted not knowing how to shade them.
Remember be respectful.
Character will have (as much as possible) their cannon personalities.
Artist in practice!
No controversial or toxic ships.
All the credits of the characters in the images are from their respestives authors: Paper Jam - @7goodangel Gradient - @askcomboclub Ekon - @ooyoichioo Spilled Ink - @gorenoemi336
You can also ask in Spanish.
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
Not necessarily about the kids, but how do the parents balance out all their families? We have Errink and Drink for example, how does Ink manage them?
Each character has their own way of raising and "raising" their children.
In summary. They manage to take care of them without much complication, others help each other, and others prefer to evade responsibility and leave them forgotten.
Ink takes care of Paper Jam, Gradient, Spilled and Ekon. He also often visits Palette, Blueprint, and Bluescreen.
Dream takes care of Palette, Shine and Shade. Along with Cross takes care of Lux, Starcross and Hope.
Cross usually takes care of the three of them, but apart from that, he can pay the attention that Ink doesn't give to Moku. Together with Epic takes care of Starke.
Swap will take care of Blueprint, Splatter, and Sprinkle alongside Papyrus and Asgore. He will occasionally go to Outertale to say hello to Starway.
Outer takes care of Starway most of the time. And he takes care of Deneb together with Science Sans.
Reaper and Geno take care of Goth, Raven, Sorell, Silver, and Shino without a problem. Cassis often spends time with the five of them as well.
Fell and Classic Sans take turns taking care of Plum and Dedge, despite the latter being Dust's son.
Dust takes care of Kenza. From time to time he takes turns with Swap to take care of Sprinkle. And Horror helps him with Okse and Glasses.
Finally, Killer is in charge of raising Crescent, Angst and Merciless. Nightmare only trains them to serve as his weapons. Horror and Dust are their "uncles" and are also in charge of them when the other two are not around.
Nightmare, Error and Fresh don't care about children. Nightmare just takes advantage of them. Error tolerates them, but he would rather destroy them than take care of them. Fresh is a liar parasite.
As for Lust... We are not talking about Lust. Please keep the children away from him, as far away as possible...
Radier, Tenpatch raised themselves alones. They spent their childhood together with Nightmare until they were old enough to take care of themselves. They sometimes visit Error.
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Those are the entire list for now. It is probable that in the future I will make comics about the childhood of each child, for now there are advances on my AO3 account. I'm still thinking about adding Rurik, but I don't have enough information about him. Only he was raised in Underfell by Fell Ink.
None of the children and parents belong to me, they all belong to their respective authors.
These are all my own headcanon trying to assimilate to the real canon. If there is something wrong or that any author would like to mention, feel free to correct.
- Aftertale, Error and Fresh: @loverofpiggies
- Reapertale: @renrink
- _____tale(Ink Sans): @comyet
- Underswap: P0pc0rnPr1nce and the AU Community
- Dreamtale: @jokublog
- Undertale: Toby Fox
- Dusttale: @ask-dusttale
- Xtale: @jakei95
- Something New(Killer Sans): @rahafwabas
- Horrortale: @sour-apple-studios
- Underlust: @nsfwshamecave-pb
- Underfell: Fella
- Epictale: @yugogeer012
Other authors that are involved through Combos: @nekophy, @echoiarts, @pepper-mint, @askcomboclub, @7goodangel, @lasserbatsu, @shigxx, @kakimochi0820, @6chimeraqueen9, @lunnar-chan, @naomiisenju, @Moomy's Noodraw, @nimaruu.
I don't know if i'm missing anyone, pls tell me in comments in that case.
Sorry everyone for the tags, just tell me if you don't want to be tagged or don't want to be involved, I'll respect that.
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joking aside
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
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Do you miss when people blogged questions and answers with undertale characters? Now you can with the adorables UT ship kids and their families. Welcome this is your blog!
Ask all the Sans Combos from different AUs and their friends. Paper Jam, Radier, Palette Roller, Blueprint, Angst, Splatter, Lux Sorell, Raven, everyone. We have lots of adventures to tell.
You can ask from combos to their parents and other undertale characters and their universes. But it will be more related to the ship kids.
Remember be respectful.
Character will have (as much as possible) their cannon personalities.
Artist in practice!
I have been writing since I was 6 years old, so I have experience with stories, drabble and doodles that I will be able to improve as I progress.
No toxic ships.
All the credits of the characters in the images are from their respestives authors: Ekon-ooyoichioo, Spilled Ink-gorenoemi336, Gradient-AskComboClub, PaperJam-7goodangel.
This will be mostly in English, but I also speak Spanish without problems.
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nixmoved · 5 years
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Day 4: Freeze
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nixmoved · 5 years
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Effect!sans/Ekon belongs to me
Alpha!sans belong to @pankakeee-art
No comment
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nixmoved · 5 years
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Happy April fools and birthday to my son effecttale sans aka also known as ekon.
I’m so sorry for myself and for my au sans his birthday gotta be on April fools day he wasn’t meant to have a joke of a birthday yet I decided to do this and create him the day it had turned April 1st.
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