#el gourmet musical
sublecturas · 9 months
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Al taco. Historia del rock argentino hecho por mujeres (1954-1999)”, de Carolina Santos, Gabriela Cei y Silvia Arcidiacono.
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kammartinez · 10 months
By Luis Alberto Urrea
I was born in Tijuana and spent much of my boyhood in a neighborhood — “colonia,” in TJ-speak — called Independencia. There was an ersatz European-style castle at one end of our street, a tamed bear living at the bottom of the hill, a madman next door who regularly got drunk and shot his pistola at the moon, and a yard with bananas and a tall old pomegranate tree. Sounds tropical. Sounds like Gabriel García Márquez. Doesn’t sound on the surface like the deadly desert, like the frightening shadow land of crooked policías and narco hit men.
The borderlands are the most interesting book in the world, being rewritten every day. Currently, I can attest that much of that contested region, from coast to coast, is alive with tourists seeking good food and cheap medical care, a developing street scene of boutiques and gourmet eateries, baristas and art galleries, vivid music and literary movements, ballet companies and symphonic concerts and, in my hometown, the best street tacos on earth.
The Mexican cultural journalist Jaime Cháidez Bonilla recently wrote this on Twitter (I’ve translated from his Spanish): “I like it when evening falls over Tijuana, a poetic act. A city so defamed, a city so generous.” I dare say most people don’t think of any border city, on either side of the wall, as generous. I have been fortunate enough to write about Tijuana and the border for many years, and of course I have read a library’s worth of other authors wrestling with the region. My favorite border pop song is by Nortec Collective (more on them below), and it’s called “Tijuana Makes Me Happy.” Yeah — the border makes me happy. A tip: Expect the unexpected.
I need to pause here in recognition that immigration is the relentless theme of this area and this era. But I do not believe that immigration stories are a subset of the literature of the borderlands: Though there is some cross-pollination, I believe immigration literature is a genre of its own, deserving of its own spotlight. I do not include it here.
What books and authors should I take with me?
One grand feature of border culture is the lure of a bargain. For decades, the clarion call of cheap muffler (“mofle”) shops drew tourists south; now, it’s cheap dentures and Viagra. So let us offer a one-stop classic, the anthology “Puro Border: Dispatches, Snapshots and Graffiti From La Frontera.” Edited by Tijuana’s greatest literary son, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, along with El Paso’s late, great Bobby Byrd and his son John William Byrd, this wild anthology covers the good, the bad and the ugly. Many of the greatest border thinkers and writers are contained within its covers: Charles Bowden, Leslie Marmon Silko, Sam Quinones, Juan Villoro and Doug Peacock (model for the infamous hero of Edward Abbey’s novel “The Monkey Wrench Gang”), among others. Funky, funny, literary, angry — it will show you things you may have wondered about and things you might not have imagined.
What writers or books will help me feel the spirit of this place?
Even if you do not read poetry, the borderlands require it. In a place both lush and austere, alien and homey, full of symphonies of languages and accents, smells and sounds, silence and raucous music, nothing can touch the experience of being there like poetry. It is not a coincidence that most of the writers on my list are also poets. They will transport you.
Ofelia Zepeda, a 1999 MacArthur fellow, is a Tohono O’odham poet of such elegant and exact rhetoric, such integrity of culture and vision, that you miss her quiet genius at your own risk. She gave the songs of the Tohono O’odham back to the land. Come to the chapels of her books “Ocean Power: Poems From the Desert” and “Where Clouds Are Formed.”
I highly recommend a book that gives me endless delight as a reader and endless inspiration as a writer: Harry Polkinhorn and Mark Weiss’s seminal anthology “Across the Line/Al Otro Lado.” It covers the broad and surprising corpus of Baja California’s poetry, from Indigenous chants to postmodern epics, and it includes works that reflect the flavored cross-genre/cross-cultural/cross-border adventures the writers foresee in the distance of this decade.
Arizona’s first poet laureate, Alberto Ríos, born in Nogales, Ariz., is a true writer of the borderlands. Though all of his poetry books are excellent, “A Small Story About the Sky” remains my favorite. However, of particular interest for this list is “Capirotada: A Nogales Memoir.”
No one is better positioned to affect this literature than Natalie Diaz, the director of the Center for Imagination in the Borderlands at Arizona State University. A winner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry and a self-described “language activist,” Diaz is brilliant and powerful, and you need to read both “When My Brother Was an Aztec” and “Postcolonial Love Poem.”
Finally, the wizard, the curandero, the presidente: Juan Felipe Herrera. A former U.S. poet laureate and son of migrant farmworkers. My homeboy from Barrio Logan in San Diego. His selected poems in “Half of the World in Light” are a magical mystery tour, not only along the border but through the universe. Herrera is a kind of psychedelic drug and he will make you see visions. His voice is the distillation of all of our journeys.
What novels will transport me?
Borderlands authors are many. One of the best and most authentic is Denise Chávez. Her milieu is the often overlooked southern New Mexico and West Texas world of frontera families, and the tall tales that flourish there. She is the queen of the generation that surged in the 1980s and beyond — a strong feminist voice free of cant and bursting with delight. Her novel “Loving Pedro Infante” will begin your Chávez collection, and you won’t want to stop. Another groundbreaker is the poet and novelist Ana Castillo and her border classic “So Far From God.” Both of these writers tell the stories of women on the American side of the line in vivid color, in many tones and in both languages.
I also highly recommend anything by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. His “Aristotle and Dante” young adult novels are immensely popular, but I regard his poetry with helpless envy. Start with his story collection “Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club,” which won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and his poetry collection “Elegies in Blue.”
What audiobook would make for good company while I walk around?
The oldest, most venerable literary tradition along the borderline is oral. I didn’t start out reading books: I sat at the feet of old women telling ghost stories and fanciful family histories (and recounting dyspeptic gossip about other relatives). They were my first lit professors.
In my opinion, rather than audiobooks, you should listen to the music of the border, because it will be easier to absorb and you can dance to it. Every song is a novel or a book of poems, because the borderlands don’t talk: They sing. Music transcends and leaps over border walls like wild doves. Two of the best musical portraitists of this world are Lila Downs and Nortec Collective. Downs’s “The Border” is an elegant and lively album that paints indelible portraits with depth and wit. And her album “Shake Away” is a wild ride through the sounds and tales that we will never see on a tour bus or a beach holiday. (Suggested track: “Minimum Wage.”) For dance lovers and electronica fans, the Nortec Collective duo has created a hybrid of techno music that absorbs and transforms traditional instrumentation and themes into a rollicking dance music of joy and, yes, generosity. There are few bands that spawn a huge cultural and literary movement, but Nortec has opened gates for creativity in literature, theater, dance and visual art throughout the region and across the world that are constantly bearing fruit.
I must also recommend Los Lobos from Los Angeles, Calexico from Tucson, Ariz., and two wildly rollicking bands from Monterrey, Mexico: El Gran Silencio and Jumbo.
Anything I should add to my bookshelf?
For literate thrills and occasional chills, turn to Rubén Degollado (“The Family Izquierdo” and “Throw”). A splendid collection by Oscar Cásares, “Brownsville,” gives the inside scoop on a place in Texas that you may not think of without an author’s guidance. And Sergio Troncoso is such a beloved writer of the borderlands, there is a public library branch named for him in El Paso. His “A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son” is simply brilliant.
Luis Alberto Urrea’s Borderland Reading List
“Puro Border: Dispatches, Snapshots and Graffiti From La Frontera,” edited by Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, Bobby Byrd and John William Byrd
“Ocean Power: Poems From the Desert” and “Where Clouds Are Formed,” Ofelia Zepeda
“Across the Line/Al Otro Lado,” edited by Harry Polkinhorn and Mark Weiss
“A Small Story About the Sky” and “Capirotada: A Nogales Memoir,” Alberto Ríos
“When My Brother Was an Aztec” and “Postcolonial Love Poem,” Natalie Diaz
“Half of the World in Light,” Juan Felipe Herrera
“Loving Pedro Infante,” Denise Chávez
“So Far From God,” Ana Castillo
“Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club” and “Elegies in Blue,” Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“The Family Izquierdo” and “Throw,” Rubén Degollado
“Brownsville,” Oscar Cásares
“A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son,” Sergio Troncoso
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jogosdobulls · 2 days
¿Cuál es la mejor aerolínea para volar de Frankfurt a Helsinki?
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¿Cuál es la mejor aerolínea para volar de Frankfurt a Helsinki?
Aerolíneas con mejores tarifas de Frankfurt a Helsinki
Si estás planeando un viaje de Frankfurt a Helsinki y buscas las aerolíneas con las mejores tarifas, estás en el lugar correcto. A continuación, te presento algunas opciones para que puedas comparar y elegir la que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades.
Una de las aerolíneas que ofrece buenas tarifas para este trayecto es Lufthansa. Como una de las principales compañías aéreas de Alemania, Lufthansa cuenta con una amplia variedad de horarios y servicios que pueden hacer tu viaje más cómodo y económico.
Otra opción a considerar es Finnair, la aerolínea bandera de Finlandia. Con vuelos regulares entre Frankfurt y Helsinki, Finnair destaca por su atención al cliente y por ofrecer precios competitivos para esta ruta en particular.
Por otro lado, si buscas una alternativa económica, puedes optar por vuelos con escalas a través de aerolíneas como Norwegian o Ryanair. Aunque el tiempo de viaje puede ser un poco más largo, estas aerolíneas low-cost suelen ofrecer tarifas muy atractivas para volar entre Frankfurt y Helsinki.
Recuerda comparar precios, horarios y servicios adicionales al elegir tu aerolínea para este viaje. Con un poco de investigación, podrás encontrar la opción que se ajuste a tu presupuesto y preferencias. ¡Buen viaje!
Comparativa de servicios en vuelos Frankfurt-Helsinki
Al planificar un viaje de Frankfurt a Helsinki, es fundamental comparar los servicios ofrecidos por las diferentes aerolíneas para garantizar una experiencia cómoda y satisfactoria. En esta comparativa de servicios en vuelos entre Frankfurt y Helsinki, se pueden encontrar diferencias significativas que impactan en la calidad del viaje.
Algunas aerolíneas que cubren esta ruta ofrecen una amplia gama de servicios a bordo, como comidas gourmet, bebidas seleccionadas, entretenimiento en vuelo y asientos más cómodos con mayor espacio para las piernas. Estos extras pueden hacer que el viaje sea más placentero y relajante para los pasajeros.
Además, es importante considerar la puntualidad y fiabilidad de las aerolíneas, así como la atención al cliente proporcionada durante el vuelo. Algunas compañías aéreas se destacan por su excelente servicio al cliente, lo que puede marcar la diferencia en caso de surgir algún problema durante el viaje.
Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta al comparar servicios en vuelos Frankfurt-Helsinki es la política de equipaje de cada aerolínea, ya que las restricciones y tarifas adicionales pueden variar significativamente entre ellas.
En resumen, al elegir la aerolínea para viajar de Frankfurt a Helsinki, es aconsejable revisar detenidamente los servicios ofrecidos, la reputación de la compañía y las políticas de equipaje para garantizar un viaje agradable y sin contratiempos. ¡Que disfrutes del vuelo!
Conexiones directas desde Frankfurt a Helsinki
La ruta aérea directa desde Frankfurt, Alemania, hasta Helsinki, Finlandia, ofrece a los viajeros una conexión conveniente entre dos importantes centros económicos y culturales de Europa. Operada por varias aerolíneas, esta conexión directa facilita el viaje tanto para los viajeros de negocios como para los turistas que desean explorar ambos destinos.
Frankfurt, conocida por ser el centro financiero de Alemania, ofrece una vibrante mezcla de historia y modernidad. Sus rascacielos impresionantes contrastan con su casco antiguo lleno de encanto, mientras que sus museos de clase mundial y restaurantes estelares brindan una experiencia cultural y gastronómica inigualable. Helsinki, por otro lado, es famosa por su diseño innovador, saunas tradicionales y una escena artística y musical vibrante.
Al optar por volar entre Frankfurt y Helsinki de forma directa, los viajeros ahorran tiempo y disfrutan de un viaje sin complicaciones. Además, esta ruta ofrece la oportunidad de combinar negocios y placer, ya sea asistiendo a reuniones importantes en Frankfurt o explorando la arquitectura única de Helsinki.
En resumen, las conexiones directas desde Frankfurt a Helsinki son una excelente opción para aquellos que buscan viajar entre dos ciudades dinámicas de Europa de manera rápida y eficiente. Ya sea por trabajo o por placer, esta ruta aérea ofrece oportunidades únicas para descubrir lo mejor de ambos destinos. ¡No dudes en reservar tu próximo vuelo y vivir una experiencia inolvidable en Frankfurt y Helsinki!
Mejor aerolínea en comodidad para vuelos Frankfurt-Helsinki
Al momento de planificar un viaje de Frankfurt a Helsinki, es importante elegir una aerolínea que ofrezca comodidad y buen servicio a sus pasajeros. En este sentido, una de las mejores opciones para este trayecto es Lufthansa.
Lufthansa, la aerolínea bandera de Alemania, se destaca por brindar una experiencia de vuelo de alta calidad y gran confort a sus pasajeros. Con una sólida reputación en la industria, Lufthansa ha sido reconocida por su excelente servicio a bordo, amplio espacio entre asientos y comodidades que hacen que el vuelo sea lo más placentero posible.
Los vuelos de Frankfurt a Helsinki suelen tener una duración de alrededor de 2 horas y media, por lo que es importante contar con un ambiente cómodo y relajante durante el trayecto. Lufthansa ofrece asientos espaciosos y reclinables, entretenimiento a bordo, así como servicio de comidas y bebidas de calidad.
Además, Lufthansa cuenta con un personal altamente capacitado que se esfuerza por atender las necesidades de los pasajeros y garantizar una experiencia de vuelo inigualable. Desde el momento del embarque hasta la llegada a destino, los viajeros pueden disfrutar de un servicio excepcional que hace de cada vuelo una experiencia memorable.
En resumen, si buscas la mejor aerolínea en comodidad para vuelos de Frankfurt a Helsinki, Lufthansa es una excelente elección que te garantiza un viaje placentero y sin contratiempos.
Opiniones de pasajeros Frankfurt a Helsinki
Al viajar en avión, es común buscar opiniones de otros pasajeros para tener una idea de qué esperar durante el vuelo. En el caso de la ruta de Frankfurt a Helsinki, muchos pasajeros han compartido sus experiencias y opiniones.
En general, la mayoría de los pasajeros han elogiado la eficiencia y puntualidad de las aerolíneas que operan esta ruta. Los servicios a bordo, como la comida y la atención de la tripulación, suelen recibir buenas críticas. Algunos pasajeros destacan la comodidad de los aviones y la limpieza de las cabinas durante el vuelo.
Por otro lado, algunos viajeros han mencionado que los precios de los billetes pueden ser algo elevados en determinadas temporadas, lo que puede influir en la decisión de elegir esta ruta en particular. Asimismo, algunos pasajeros han expresado que en ocasiones se experimenta cierto retraso en los vuelos, lo cual puede resultar inconveniente para aquellos con conexiones o planes ajustados.
En resumen, las opiniones de pasajeros que han volado de Frankfurt a Helsinki suelen ser positivas en cuanto a la calidad del servicio y la experiencia general de vuelo. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta aspectos como el precio de los billetes y la puntualidad de los vuelos al planificar este trayecto. ¡Asegúrate de investigar y leer reseñas antes de reservar tu próximo vuelo!
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simuladordequiniela · 23 days
¿Cuál es el mejor lugar para disfrutar de la vida nocturna en Ajax - Marsella?
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¿Cuál es el mejor lugar para disfrutar de la vida nocturna en Ajax - Marsella?
Mejores bares en Ajax - Marsella
En Ajax-Marsella, una ciudad bulliciosa y llena de vida, los bares son una parte fundamental de la escena social. Con una variedad de opciones para elegir, es importante saber cuáles son los mejores lugares para disfrutar de una buena copa en esta zona.
Uno de los bares más populares en Ajax-Marsella es "Le Château", conocido por su ambiente acogedor y su amplia selección de vinos y licores. Con una decoración elegante y un servicio impecable, es el lugar ideal para relajarse después de un largo día de trabajo o para disfrutar de una noche especial con amigos.
Otro bar que no puedes dejar de visitar es "La Cava del Mar", un acogedor local especializado en cócteles artesanales y tapas gourmet. Con una atmósfera íntima y una carta de bebidas innovadora, es perfecto para una velada romántica o una reunión tranquila entre amigos.
Por último, "El Rincón Bohemio" es un bar con encanto donde se fusionan la música en vivo y las bebidas de alta calidad. Con un ambiente bohemio y desenfadado, este bar es ideal para los amantes de la música en directo y las experiencias auténticas.
En resumen, los bares en Ajax-Marsella ofrecen una amplia gama de experiencias para todos los gustos. Ya sea que prefieras un ambiente elegante y sofisticado o algo más relajado y alternativo, sin duda encontrarás el lugar perfecto para disfrutar de una noche inolvidable en esta vibrante ciudad. ¡Salud!
Clubes nocturnos populares en Ajax - Marsella
Los clubes nocturnos en Ajax - Marsella son uno de los principales atractivos para los amantes de la vida nocturna en la ciudad. Con una mezcla de música, baile y entretenimiento en vivo, estos lugares ofrecen una experiencia única que atrae a locales y turistas por igual.
Uno de los clubes más populares en Ajax es "Blue Moon", conocido por su amplia pista de baile y su variada selección musical que va desde el hip-hop hasta la música electrónica. Con un ambiente animado y una decoración moderna, este club es el lugar ideal para disfrutar de una noche de diversión con amigos.
Por otro lado, en Marsella destaca "Éxtasis", un club nocturno reconocido por sus espectáculos en vivo y sus DJ de renombre que hacen vibrar a la multitud con sus mezclas de música electrónica. Con una atmósfera electrificante y una clientela ecléctica, este club es perfecto para los amantes de la música electrónica y la fiesta hasta altas horas de la madrugada.
Tanto en Ajax como en Marsella, los clubes nocturnos ofrecen una experiencia única para aquellos que buscan divertirse y bailar toda la noche. Con una combinación de buena música, bebidas y un ambiente festivo, estos lugares se han convertido en puntos de encuentro imprescindibles para quienes quieren disfrutar de la vida nocturna en estas vibrantes ciudades. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de vivir la experiencia de los clubes nocturnos en Ajax - Marsella!
Vida nocturna exclusiva en Ajax - Marsella
Ubicada en la costa mediterránea de Francia, Marsella es conocida por su vibrante vida nocturna que atrae a locales y turistas por igual. Una de las zonas más exclusivas para disfrutar de la noche en Marsella es Ajax, un distrito reconocido por sus lujosos bares, clubes y restaurantes.
En Ajax, los noctámbulos pueden deleitarse con una amplia variedad de opciones para disfrutar de la noche. Desde exclusivos clubes nocturnos con espectaculares vistas al mar hasta elegantes bares de cócteles donde se puede disfrutar de bebidas exquisitas en un ambiente refinado.
Además de la oferta de entretenimiento nocturno, Ajax también es conocido por su gastronomía de primera calidad. Los restaurantes de la zona ofrecen una experiencia culinaria única, con platos gourmet preparados por chefs de renombre internacional.
Para aquellos que buscan una experiencia nocturna más relajada, Ajax también cuenta con acogedores bares de ambiente donde se puede disfrutar de música en vivo, actuaciones de artistas locales y una atmósfera distendida.
En resumen, Ajax en Marsella es el lugar ideal para aquellos que buscan disfrutar de una noche exclusiva y sofisticada en la costa mediterránea francesa. Con su amplia oferta de entretenimiento, gastronomía de calidad y una atmósfera elegante, esta zona se ha convertido en un punto de referencia para la vida nocturna en la ciudad. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de vivir una noche inolvidable en Ajax - Marsella!
Lugares con música en vivo en Ajax - Marsella
Si te encuentras en Ajax-Marsella y estás en busca de lugares con música en vivo para disfrutar de una noche animada, estás en el lugar indicado. En esta vibrante ciudad encontrarás una amplia variedad de locales que ofrecen música en directo para todos los gustos y preferencias.
Uno de los destinos más populares para disfrutar de música en vivo en Ajax-Marsella es el famoso club nocturno "El Ritmo". Conocido por su ecléctica selección de bandas y artistas, este local es el lugar ideal para bailar y disfrutar de buena música en un ambiente animado.
Si prefieres un ambiente más relajado, el acogedor bar "La Nota" es una excelente opción. Con actuaciones de artistas locales y una atmósfera íntima, este lugar es perfecto para disfrutar de música en vivo en compañía de amigos o seres queridos.
Para los amantes del rock, el bar "Ruido Salvaje" ofrece noches temáticas con las mejores bandas de la escena local. Con un ambiente underground y una energía inigualable, este local es ideal para los que buscan una experiencia musical más intensa.
En resumen, Ajax-Marsella es el lugar perfecto para disfrutar de música en vivo, con una amplia variedad de locales que se adaptan a todos los gustos y estilos. Ya sea que prefieras el jazz, el rock o la música electrónica, encontrarás el lugar ideal para vivir una noche inolvidable llena de ritmo y diversión. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de explorar la emocionante escena musical de esta increíble ciudad!
Experiencias nocturnas únicas en Ajax - Marsella
Beber, bailar y sumergirse en la vida nocturna de Ajax-Marsella es una experiencia única que no te puedes perder. Esta vibrante ciudad ofrece una amplia gama de opciones para aquellos que buscan vivir la noche al máximo.
Desde sofisticados clubes hasta acogedores bares locales, Ajax-Marsella tiene algo para todos los gustos. Puedes comenzar la noche con cócteles elegantes en un exclusivo bar de cócteles, donde los mixólogos te sorprenderán con creaciones originales y deliciosas.
Si prefieres la música y el baile, no te faltarán opciones en Ajax-Marsella. Los clubes nocturnos de la ciudad ofrecen una variedad de estilos musicales, desde techno y house hasta música latina y pop. Puedes bailar hasta el amanecer con la mejor música y una atmósfera animada que te invitará a seguir la fiesta toda la noche.
Además, Ajax-Marsella es conocida por sus espectaculares espectáculos de luces y sonido que crean una atmósfera mágica y envolvente. Puedes disfrutar de shows de música en vivo, DJs internacionales y eventos temáticos que te transportarán a un mundo de diversión y entretenimiento.
En resumen, si buscas vivir experiencias nocturnas únicas y emocionantes, Ajax-Marsella es el destino perfecto. No te pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar de la vida nocturna de esta increíble ciudad y crear recuerdos inolvidables que durarán toda la vida. ¡Ven a Ajax-Marsella y déjate llevar por la magia de la noche!
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americashotel · 24 days
El Paso Escapes: Where Hospitality Meets Excellence
El Paso, a vibrant city nestled in the heart of Texas, is a melting pot of culture, history, and hospitality. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the essence of El Paso escapes, where hospitality meets excellence. From luxury accommodations to budget-friendly options, El Paso Texas Hotel offers a diverse range of experiences for every traveler. Join us on a journey to uncover the best of El Paso's hospitality scene, where comfort, convenience, and unparalleled service await.
A Brief Overview of El Paso:
Explore the rich history and cultural heritage of El Paso, known as "The Sun City."
Discover the unique blend of Mexican and American influences that shape the city's identity.
Highlight key attractions such as Franklin Mountains State Park, El Paso Museum of Art, and the historic Plaza Theatre.
Luxury Retreats in El Paso:
Showcase luxury hotels and resorts that offer opulent amenities and personalized service.
Highlight exclusive features such as spa retreats, gourmet dining experiences, and scenic views.
Include recommendations for travelers seeking a lavish getaway in El Paso.
Boutique Hotels and Hidden Gems:
Uncover charming boutique hotels and hidden gems tucked away in El Paso's neighborhoods.
Emphasize the intimate ambiance, local charm, and personalized attention provided by boutique accommodations.
Highlight unique features such as themed rooms, artisanal breakfasts, and cozy lounges.
Family-Friendly Accommodations:
Provide a list of family-friendly hotels and resorts in El Paso, suitable for travelers with children.
Highlight amenities such as kid's clubs, swimming pools, and family suites for a comfortable stay.
Include nearby attractions and activities suitable for families visiting El Paso.
Budget-Friendly Options:
Explore budget-friendly hotels, motels, and guesthouses that offer affordable rates without compromising quality.
Provide tips for travelers on a budget, including special deals, discounts, and off-peak travel seasons.
Highlight the value-for-money aspects of budget accommodations in El Paso.
Pet-Friendly Stays:
Cater to pet owners with a guide to pet-friendly hotels and accommodations in El Paso.
Highlight pet policies, amenities for pets, and nearby parks or attractions suitable for furry companions.
Include tips for traveling with pets and ensuring a comfortable stay for both pets and owners.
Local Dining and Culinary Experiences:
Explore El Paso's culinary scene, including traditional Tex-Mex cuisine, international flavors, and upscale dining options.
Feature local restaurants, food trucks, and must-try dishes that showcase the city's gastronomic diversity.
Provide recommendations for food enthusiasts looking to indulge in authentic El Paso flavors.
Outdoor Adventures and Activities:
Highlight outdoor activities and adventures available in and around El Paso, such as hiking, biking, and sightseeing tours.
Showcase natural attractions like Hueco Tanks State Park, Wyler Aerial Tramway, and scenic drives.
Include tips for outdoor enthusiasts, including gear rentals, guided tours, and safety precautions.
Cultural and Historical Exploration:
Delve into El Paso's cultural and historical attractions, including museums, art galleries, and historic sites.
Explore the city's vibrant arts scene, musical performances, and cultural festivals that celebrate diversity.
Provide insights into El Paso's heritage and its significance in shaping Texas's cultural landscape.
Insider's Tips and Local Recommendations:
Offer insider's tips from locals and frequent visitors to El Paso, including hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path experiences, and local favorites.
Provide recommendations for exploring El Paso like a local, including neighborhood walks, street markets, and cultural events.
Include practical advice on transportation, weather considerations, and safety tips for a seamless El Paso experience.
Wrap up the guide by summarizing the key highlights of El Paso escapes, where hospitality meets excellence. Encourage readers to plan their next getaway to El Paso and experience the city's warmth, charm, and exceptional hospitality firsthand. Provide resources for further information, booking accommodations, and exploring El Paso's attractions, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable trip for every traveler.
Welcome to Americas Hotel, your premier destination for comfort, convenience, and warm hospitality in the heart of El Paso, TX. Nestled in this vibrant border city, we offer a perfect blend of modern amenities and Texan charm. Our well-appointed rooms provide a tranquil retreat, while our location near local attractions and businesses ensures a fulfilling stay. Enjoy the flavors of El Paso at our on-site restaurant, and host successful events in our versatile meeting spaces. At Americas Hotel, we're committed to making your visit a memorable one, providing exemplary service and a genuine taste of Texan hospitality.
0 notes
dawnranch · 3 months
Savoring Sonoma: Exploring the Culinary Magic of Restaurants in Guerneville
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Sonoma County, a paradise for gourmets, is where you can find a bite of gastronomic miracles. Guerneville, located in the Russian River Valley, acts as a foodie’s gateway to Sonoma County. Let us embark on a savory trip to each captivating restaurant in Guerneville.
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Unique Dishes and Flavors at The Lodge at Dawn Ranch
Boon Eat + Drink: A Feast for the Senses
Start your culinary adventure at Boon Eat + Drink, a local hidden gem that espouses the ‘farm to table’ principle. Sonoma’s fresh produce is the essence of the menu at this restaurant in Guerneville and is constantly evolving according to the seasons. Each dish is an art piece that showcases the riches of the region, from vibrant salads to main courses. Boon Eat + Drink is a restaurant in Guerneville worth visiting for a good dining experience, whether you prefer dining inside or outdoors, as the pleasant atmosphere and beautifully prepared dishes will leave you satisfied.
Farmhouse Inn & Restaurant: A Culinary Gem Amidst Vineyards
For the most amazing experience, go to the Farmhouse Inn & Restaurant. This is a Michelin-starred restaurant in Guerneville tucked in among vineyards and demonstrates the best that Sonoma County offers. Let the rustic elegance enrapture you at this restaurant in Guerneville as you indulge in delicately created foods that pair with the local harvest. The Farmhouse Inn & Restaurant speaks volumes about the art of eating, a journey that will be unforgettable for the discerning taste bud.
Dawn Ranch: Where Nature Meets Culinary Excellence
Dawn Ranch is not a place to stay, but its restaurant in Guerneville is equally enchanting. A marriage of local ingredients and culinary expertise can be seen in the onsite restaurant at Dawn Ranch. The menu features the flavors of Sonoma County from breakfast to dinner, capturing the seasons’ bounty from the region. The taste and place can be experienced in Dawn Ranch whether you languish in your leisure meal in the rustic charm of its dining room or enjoy the serenity of outside dining by the river.
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Paella Experiences at Dawn Ranch
El Barrio: Guerneville in the Heart of the Latin Flair
Take your taste buds to Latin America at the El Barrio, a pulsating restaurant in Guerneville with a great Latin vibe. The menu offers bold flavors that burst with colorful presentations from tacos to ceviche. El Barrio is the place for an exciting night with friends for drinking and dancing or a romantic dinner for two with creative cocktails. Experience the Latin music rhythms and the delicious food that this restaurant in Guerneville has to offer.
Fisherman’s Cove: Elegance on the Russian River Coast.
As the sun sets over the Russian River, Fisherman’s Cove welcomes visitors to Guerneville with its coastal elegance and menu of seafood bounty. This waterfront restaurant in Guerneville is renowned for its fresh oysters, seafood platters, and innovative cocktails, providing a dining experience that blends sophistication with the relaxed atmosphere of riverfront living. Relax your body and taste buds on their deck or have a nice seafood dinner in the interior—Fisherman’s Cove offers an experience for all senses.
Food for thought
Every bite of food is a spell of culinary magic that invites you to savor Sonoma County’s flavors in Guerneville. Each restaurant in Guerneville makes this riverside village a gastronomic paradise. Take a gastronomic expedition and let the tasty treats of Guerneville imprint on your tongue.
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markluice721 · 4 months
Sands of Paradise: Discovering the Best Beaches in Guatemala
Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, Guatemala boasts a coastline adorned with hidden gems—beaches that weave a tale of natural beauty, cultural richness, and tranquil retreats. From the volcanic black sands of Monterrico to the vibrant Caribbean shores near Livingston, Guatemala's beaches are a canvas painted with sun, sand, and serenity. This exploration delves into the sands of paradise, uncovering the best beaches in guatemala that define the coastal allure of this Central American gem.
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Monterrico: Ebony Shores on the Pacific
Monterrico, with its ebony shores along the Pacific coast, stands as a testament to the unique beauty that characterizes Guatemala's beaches. The volcanic origin of the black sands sets Monterrico apart, creating a visual spectacle that is both dramatic and enchanting. This coastal haven, merely a few hours from Guatemala City, offers a perfect retreat for those seeking a tranquil escape.
The beaches of Monterrico are not only visually striking but also serve as a vital nesting ground for sea turtles. Conservation efforts are woven into the fabric of Monterrico's coastal identity, making it a sanctuary for Olive Ridley and Leatherback turtles. Visitors have the opportunity to witness the magical spectacle of turtle hatchings, contributing to the conservation of these majestic creatures. Monterrico's ebony shores, with the Pacific waves gently caressing the coast, create a symphony of tranquility and natural wonder.
Livingston: Caribbean Rhythms
On the Caribbean side, the beaches near Livingston resonate with the vibrant rhythms of Garifuna culture. Livingston, a town influenced by Afro-Caribbean heritage, offers a different coastal experience. The beaches here are adorned with golden sands, complemented by the lively beats of Punta music and the colorful atmosphere that defines Garifuna communities.
Livingston's beaches provide a backdrop for cultural immersion, where travelers can indulge in Garifuna cuisine, characterized by coconut-infused dishes and fresh seafood. The sands come alive with drumbeats and dance, creating a lively coastal scene. The Caribbean shores near Livingston offer not just sun and sand but also a cultural symphony that invites visitors to dance to the rhythms of the sea.
Puerto San José: Pacific Opulence
Puerto San José, a bustling port town on the Pacific coast, introduces a touch of opulence to Guatemala's beaches. The sands here, kissed by the Pacific waves, are complemented by a blend of coastal charm and modern amenities. Puerto San José has evolved into a destination that seamlessly combines the convenience of a seaside town with the luxury of upscale beach experiences.
The beaches of Puerto San José are a playground for those seeking a coastal escape with a touch of sophistication. Premier beach resorts, fine dining options, and recreational activities such as deep-sea fishing characterize this stretch of the Pacific coastline. Puerto San José's beaches invite travelers to indulge in a coastal opulence that harmonizes with the natural beauty of the Pacific.
Playa Blanca: Pristine Pacific Beauty
For those yearning for exclusive seclusion and pristine beauty, Playa Blanca emerges as a coastal sanctuary. Accessible by boat or a scenic drive, Playa Blanca's beaches offer an idyllic retreat where travelers can unwind away from the crowds. The sands here are untouched, framed by lush greenery and the turquoise waters of the Pacific.
Playa Blanca's exclusivity extends to its premier beach resorts, where private beach cabanas, personalized services, and gourmet dining redefine luxury in a natural setting. The beaches become a haven for those seeking an intimate escape, where the symphony of the Pacific waves serves as a backdrop to moments of serenity and seclusion.
El Paredon: Surf and Serenity
El Paredon, a laid-back fishing village on the Pacific coast, introduces a dynamic blend of surf culture and coastal serenity. The beaches here, embraced by consistent waves and uncrowded surf breaks, have earned a reputation as a surfer's paradise. El Paredon's sands become a canvas for those seeking a coastal escape that seamlessly integrates adventure and tranquility.
Surf lessons, personalized accommodations, and an authentic village charm characterize the beaches of El Paredon. The Pacific waves create a rhythmic soundtrack, inviting travelers to engage in surf culture while savoring moments of serenity along the sandy shores. El Paredon's beaches redefine the coastal experience, where surf and relaxation harmonize to create a unique symphony on Guatemala's Pacific coast.
Conclusion: A Coastal Symphony
In conclusion, the beaches of Guatemala form a coastal symphony, each with its unique melody that resonates with sun-soaked beauty, cultural richness, and tranquil retreats. From the volcanic black sands of Monterrico to the vibrant Caribbean rhythms near Livingston, the opulence of Puerto San José, the pristine beauty of Playa Blanca, and the surf and serenity of El Paredon, Guatemala's beaches invite travelers on a journey through diverse coastal landscapes.
The sands of paradise in Guatemala tell a story of conservation, culture, opulence, and authenticity, where the symphony of the sea becomes a backdrop to unforgettable coastal experiences. Whether seeking secluded beauty, vibrant cultural immersion, or the thrill of the waves, Guatemala's beaches offer a coastal tapestry that captivates the senses and beckons travelers to discover the enchanting allure of the sands of paradise.
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maysoon-travel · 6 months
Lake Nasser Cruises
Embark on a Tranquil Odyssey: Lake Nasser Cruises      
Imagine cruising through the serene waters of Lake Nasser, surrounded by the timeless beauty of ancient temples, rugged landscapes, and the endless expanse of the desert. Lake Nasser, one of the world's largest artificial lakes, offers a unique and tranquil setting for an unforgettable cruise experience. Discover the wonders of this majestic lake aboard a luxurious cruise ship and let the mysteries of ancient Egypt unfold before your eyes. Why Choose Lake Nasser Cruises: Explore Hidden Gems: Cruise along Lake Nasser and uncover hidden archaeological treasures rarely seen by the average traveler. Visit lesser-known temples and historical  sites that reveal the grandeur of ancient Nubia. Unparalleled Comfort: Indulge in the epitome of luxury aboard our meticulously designed cruise ships. Experience spacious cabins, world-class amenities, gourmet dining, and impeccable service, ensuring a comfortable and pampered journey. Expert Guided Tours: Enjoy expert-guided tours to renowned temples like Abu Simbel, Wadi El Seboua, and Kalabsha. Learn about the fascinating history and significance of these sites from knowledgeable Egyptologists, enriching your understanding of ancient Egyptian culture. Panoramic Views: Marvel at the ever-changing landscapes as you sail through Lake Nasser.  From picturesque sunsets casting a golden glow over the desert to the tranquil beauty of the lake's azure waters, each moment offers a breathtaking view. Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the local Nubian culture, interacting with friendly villagers and experiencing their traditional music, dance, and crafts. Gain insights into the rich heritage of the region, creating unforgettable memories. Relaxation and Recreation : Unwind on the sun deck, take a refreshing dip in the pool, or enjoy a rejuvenating spa treatment.
Lake Nasser cruises offer a perfect balance of relaxation and recreation, allowing you to customize your experience to your preferences. Ready to embark on a soul-stirring journey across the tranquil waters of Lake Nasser? Book your Lake Nasser cruise with us and let the wonders of ancient Nubia captivate your heart and soul. For inquiries and reservations,
 contact Wow Travel at 01050202253. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in planning the cruise of a lifetime. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the hidden treasures of Egypt in unparalleled style and comfort. Your extraordinary adventure awaits!
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funbcanna · 7 months
Escolhas de Lazer e Entretenimento da Classe Média Brasileira
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A classe média brasileira, um segmento substancial e dinâmico da sociedade, está sempre em busca de diversas opções de lazer para equilibrar suas vidas ocupadas. Desde atividades culturais até recreativas, esse estrato vibrante da sociedade cultivou uma inclinação para enriquecer suas vidas além dos compromissos de trabalho.
No meio da miríade de escolhas de lazer, uma que tem ganhado popularidade crescente nos últimos anos são os cassinos online, como o T1Bet, oferecendo uma maneira conveniente e envolvente de entretenimento. À medida que a classe média do Brasil continua a expandir, sua renda discricionária também tem testemunhado um crescimento paralelo, permitindo-lhes explorar uma infinidade de atividades de lazer que antes eram consideradas um luxo.
Esses indivíduos estão em busca constante de opções de lazer que não apenas proporcionem um alívio de suas rotinas diárias, mas também atendam aos seus gostos e preferências em evolução. Isso deu origem a uma paisagem diversificada de lazer que engloba várias formas de entretenimento, desde visitas a galerias de arte até a participação em eventos esportivos.
Um aspecto proeminente da cena de lazer do Brasil é sua cultura musical e de dança. O samba, com seus ritmos enérgicos e movimentos vibrantes, continua sendo um passatempo valorizado. Não é apenas uma forma de dança, mas uma expressão de identidade, orgulho e união. Os brasileiros de classe média frequentam clubes de dança e festivais para participar dessa celebração rítmica. Além disso, o amor dos brasileiros pela música vai além do samba, incluindo gêneros como bossa nova e forró, refletindo a diversidade musical da nação.
Os esportes também continuam sendo uma parte fundamental do lazer para a classe média. O futebol, conhecido como futebol, é uma obsessão nacional. Os estádios de futebol do Brasil são arenas de paixão intensa, onde os fãs apoiam entusiasticamente suas equipes favoritas. Jogar futebol em campos locais também é popular, promovendo a união comunitária e a competição amigável. À medida que a nação se prepara para torneios internacionais, como a Copa do Mundo, a classe média participa de discussões animadas, fortalecendo ainda mais sua conexão com o esporte.
Nos últimos anos, um renovado interesse em saúde e bem-estar surgiu entre a classe média brasileira. Academias e estúdios de ioga surgiram nas cidades, atendendo a indivíduos que buscam uma abordagem holística para o lazer. Parques e praias testemunham corredores matinais, ciclistas e entusiastas de ioga. A busca por um estilo de vida saudável se integra perfeitamente à preferência por atividades ao ar livre, proporcionando um ambiente ideal para relaxamento e rejuvenescimento.
A exploração culinária é outra vertente de lazer que a classe média brasileira está explorando. Com uma rica herança culinária, eles estão cada vez mais abertos a experiências culinárias diversas além da culinária tradicional brasileira. Explorar sabores internacionais e experimentar técnicas culinárias tornaram-se atividades de lazer populares. Festivais gastronômicos e mercados gourmet oferecem espaços para se deleitar nessas explorações gastronômicas, acrescentando uma nova camada às suas buscas de lazer.
Além disso, a tecnologia está remodelando os hábitos de lazer. Plataformas de streaming oferecem fácil acesso a filmes, séries e documentários, permitindo que os indivíduos relaxem no conforto de suas casas. As redes sociais transformaram a maneira como eles se conectam, compartilham experiências e descobrem novos interesses.
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ryantavey · 8 months
Title: "Elvira's Delectable Delights: A Sinisterly Sweet Surprise"
[Opening scene: The kitchen set is adorned with cobwebs, candlelit chandeliers, and a cauldron bubbling with green goo. Smoke billows from the stove as Elvira, dressed in her iconic gothic attire, steps into the frame.]
Elvira: Welcome, my dear viewers, to a wickedly delightful edition of "Elvira's Delectable Delights." Today, we're cooking up fiendishly tasty treats that will make your taste buds scream with delight! But hold onto your witch hats, because there's a plot twist you won't see coming!
[The camera zooms in on Elvira's mischievous grin as eerie music plays in the background.]
Elvira: Now, you might think this is going to be a dark and sinister cooking show, but guess what? We're turning the tables! Prepare for a light-hearted comedy extravaganza that will leave you cackling with laughter.
[The set transforms before our eyes. The cobwebs become colorful streamers, the candles turn into twinkling fairy lights, and the cauldron transforms into a giant popcorn machine.]
Elvira: Surprise! We're flipping the script, darling. Dark and evil? Nah, that's too overrated. We're all about fun, love, and a sprinkle of mischief here.
[Elvira winks at the camera, and the audience erupts in laughter.]
Elvira: Alright, let's get cooking, my ghoulishly gourmet friends! Today, we're starting with a classic dish: Spooky Spaghetti Surprise!
[Elvira pulls out a large pot and begins tossing in gummy worms, eyeball-shaped meatballs, and ghost-shaped pasta.]
Elvira: Now, don't be scared, folks. These spooky ingredients might look terrifying, but trust me, they're drop-dead delicious! Let's add a dash of love and a pinch of laughter to make this dish truly enchanting.
[Elvira stirs the pot with a giant wooden spoon, her laughter echoing through the kitchen.]
Elvira: And now, for the magical secret ingredient that turns this dish into a comedy sensation—whoopee cushions! Just when your guests think they've seen it all, they'll be in for a hilarious surprise.
[The camera cuts to a close-up of Elvira placing whoopee cushions on each chair at the dining table.]
Elvira: Because who doesn't love a good laugh while enjoying a creepy-crawly feast, right?
[The finished Spooky Spaghetti Surprise looks appetizing, despite its eerie appearance.]
Elvira: Voila! Our Spooky Spaghetti Surprise is ready to bewitch your taste buds. So, go ahead, take a bite, and let the laughter roll!
[Elvira raises her spaghetti-filled fork to her mouth and takes a theatrical bite, pretending to be amazed.]
Elvira: Mmm, absolutely to die for! I assure you, it's all in good taste. Bon appétit, my ghastly gastronomes!
[The camera pans out as the audience cheers and applauds. Elvira, still grinning mischievously, takes a bow.]
Elvira: Thank you for joining me on this enchantingly entertaining episode of "El
[Elvira takes a moment to compose herself, still basking in the applause.]
Elvira: Now, my spooky sous-chefs, it's time for our next wickedly wonderful creation. Get ready for a dessert that will cast a spell on your taste buds—the Enchanted Chocolate Cauldron Cakes!
[Elvira unveils a tray of small cauldron-shaped chocolate cakes, each adorned with colorful icing and sparkling edible glitter.]
Elvira: These devilishly delightful cakes may look like they were brewed in a witch's cauldron, but fear not! They're as harmless as a kitten with a ball of yarn. And they taste simply magical!
[Elvira picks up a cauldron cake and takes a pretend bite, her eyes widening in exaggerated delight.]
Elvira: Oh, my sweet and wicked goodness! This is spellbindingly scrumptious. But wait, here comes the plot twist!
[The camera zooms in on Elvira's mischievous expression as she holds up a jar labeled "Tickle Powder."]
Elvira: Just a sprinkle of this secret ingredient, and these cakes become instant giggle-inducers! Prepare to be tickled pink, my friends!
[Elvira proceeds to sprinkle the Tickler Powder onto the cakes, causing them to emit tiny bursts of colorful confetti when bitten into.]
Elvira: Surprise, surprise! It's a laughter explosion! These Enchanted Chocolate Cauldron Cakes will tickle your taste buds and your funny bone simultaneously. It's a wickedly whimsical dessert experience!
[Elvira raises a cake to her mouth, but before taking a bite, she holds it up to the camera with a sly grin.]
Elvira: But remember, my dear viewers, the real magic lies in sharing these treats with loved ones. So, gather your friends, family, and even a few friendly spirits, and let the laughter fill the air!
[The camera pans out to reveal a lively dining table, filled with people enjoying the enchanted cauldron cakes. Laughter echoes through the room as confetti flies in every direction.]
Elvira: And that's a wrap, my lovable loonies! Remember, life's too short to be dark and evil all the time. Embrace the laughter, spread the joy, and savor every mischievous moment! Until next time, stay wickedly wonderful!
[Elvira blows a playful kiss to the camera as the credits roll, accompanied by a cheerful tune. The audience continues to laugh and applaud, thoroughly entertained by the unexpected twist in this delightfully comedic cooking show.]
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pirapopnoticias · 10 months
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kamreadsandrecs · 10 months
By Luis Alberto Urrea
I was born in Tijuana and spent much of my boyhood in a neighborhood — “colonia,” in TJ-speak — called Independencia. There was an ersatz European-style castle at one end of our street, a tamed bear living at the bottom of the hill, a madman next door who regularly got drunk and shot his pistola at the moon, and a yard with bananas and a tall old pomegranate tree. Sounds tropical. Sounds like Gabriel García Márquez. Doesn’t sound on the surface like the deadly desert, like the frightening shadow land of crooked policías and narco hit men.
The borderlands are the most interesting book in the world, being rewritten every day. Currently, I can attest that much of that contested region, from coast to coast, is alive with tourists seeking good food and cheap medical care, a developing street scene of boutiques and gourmet eateries, baristas and art galleries, vivid music and literary movements, ballet companies and symphonic concerts and, in my hometown, the best street tacos on earth.
The Mexican cultural journalist Jaime Cháidez Bonilla recently wrote this on Twitter (I’ve translated from his Spanish): “I like it when evening falls over Tijuana, a poetic act. A city so defamed, a city so generous.” I dare say most people don’t think of any border city, on either side of the wall, as generous. I have been fortunate enough to write about Tijuana and the border for many years, and of course I have read a library’s worth of other authors wrestling with the region. My favorite border pop song is by Nortec Collective (more on them below), and it’s called “Tijuana Makes Me Happy.” Yeah — the border makes me happy. A tip: Expect the unexpected.
I need to pause here in recognition that immigration is the relentless theme of this area and this era. But I do not believe that immigration stories are a subset of the literature of the borderlands: Though there is some cross-pollination, I believe immigration literature is a genre of its own, deserving of its own spotlight. I do not include it here.
What books and authors should I take with me?
One grand feature of border culture is the lure of a bargain. For decades, the clarion call of cheap muffler (“mofle”) shops drew tourists south; now, it’s cheap dentures and Viagra. So let us offer a one-stop classic, the anthology “Puro Border: Dispatches, Snapshots and Graffiti From La Frontera.” Edited by Tijuana’s greatest literary son, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, along with El Paso’s late, great Bobby Byrd and his son John William Byrd, this wild anthology covers the good, the bad and the ugly. Many of the greatest border thinkers and writers are contained within its covers: Charles Bowden, Leslie Marmon Silko, Sam Quinones, Juan Villoro and Doug Peacock (model for the infamous hero of Edward Abbey’s novel “The Monkey Wrench Gang”), among others. Funky, funny, literary, angry — it will show you things you may have wondered about and things you might not have imagined.
What writers or books will help me feel the spirit of this place?
Even if you do not read poetry, the borderlands require it. In a place both lush and austere, alien and homey, full of symphonies of languages and accents, smells and sounds, silence and raucous music, nothing can touch the experience of being there like poetry. It is not a coincidence that most of the writers on my list are also poets. They will transport you.
Ofelia Zepeda, a 1999 MacArthur fellow, is a Tohono O’odham poet of such elegant and exact rhetoric, such integrity of culture and vision, that you miss her quiet genius at your own risk. She gave the songs of the Tohono O’odham back to the land. Come to the chapels of her books “Ocean Power: Poems From the Desert” and “Where Clouds Are Formed.”
I highly recommend a book that gives me endless delight as a reader and endless inspiration as a writer: Harry Polkinhorn and Mark Weiss’s seminal anthology “Across the Line/Al Otro Lado.” It covers the broad and surprising corpus of Baja California’s poetry, from Indigenous chants to postmodern epics, and it includes works that reflect the flavored cross-genre/cross-cultural/cross-border adventures the writers foresee in the distance of this decade.
Arizona’s first poet laureate, Alberto Ríos, born in Nogales, Ariz., is a true writer of the borderlands. Though all of his poetry books are excellent, “A Small Story About the Sky” remains my favorite. However, of particular interest for this list is “Capirotada: A Nogales Memoir.”
No one is better positioned to affect this literature than Natalie Diaz, the director of the Center for Imagination in the Borderlands at Arizona State University. A winner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry and a self-described “language activist,” Diaz is brilliant and powerful, and you need to read both “When My Brother Was an Aztec” and “Postcolonial Love Poem.”
Finally, the wizard, the curandero, the presidente: Juan Felipe Herrera. A former U.S. poet laureate and son of migrant farmworkers. My homeboy from Barrio Logan in San Diego. His selected poems in “Half of the World in Light” are a magical mystery tour, not only along the border but through the universe. Herrera is a kind of psychedelic drug and he will make you see visions. His voice is the distillation of all of our journeys.
What novels will transport me?
Borderlands authors are many. One of the best and most authentic is Denise Chávez. Her milieu is the often overlooked southern New Mexico and West Texas world of frontera families, and the tall tales that flourish there. She is the queen of the generation that surged in the 1980s and beyond — a strong feminist voice free of cant and bursting with delight. Her novel “Loving Pedro Infante” will begin your Chávez collection, and you won’t want to stop. Another groundbreaker is the poet and novelist Ana Castillo and her border classic “So Far From God.” Both of these writers tell the stories of women on the American side of the line in vivid color, in many tones and in both languages.
I also highly recommend anything by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. His “Aristotle and Dante” young adult novels are immensely popular, but I regard his poetry with helpless envy. Start with his story collection “Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club,” which won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and his poetry collection “Elegies in Blue.”
What audiobook would make for good company while I walk around?
The oldest, most venerable literary tradition along the borderline is oral. I didn’t start out reading books: I sat at the feet of old women telling ghost stories and fanciful family histories (and recounting dyspeptic gossip about other relatives). They were my first lit professors.
In my opinion, rather than audiobooks, you should listen to the music of the border, because it will be easier to absorb and you can dance to it. Every song is a novel or a book of poems, because the borderlands don’t talk: They sing. Music transcends and leaps over border walls like wild doves. Two of the best musical portraitists of this world are Lila Downs and Nortec Collective. Downs’s “The Border” is an elegant and lively album that paints indelible portraits with depth and wit. And her album “Shake Away” is a wild ride through the sounds and tales that we will never see on a tour bus or a beach holiday. (Suggested track: “Minimum Wage.”) For dance lovers and electronica fans, the Nortec Collective duo has created a hybrid of techno music that absorbs and transforms traditional instrumentation and themes into a rollicking dance music of joy and, yes, generosity. There are few bands that spawn a huge cultural and literary movement, but Nortec has opened gates for creativity in literature, theater, dance and visual art throughout the region and across the world that are constantly bearing fruit.
I must also recommend Los Lobos from Los Angeles, Calexico from Tucson, Ariz., and two wildly rollicking bands from Monterrey, Mexico: El Gran Silencio and Jumbo.
Anything I should add to my bookshelf?
For literate thrills and occasional chills, turn to Rubén Degollado (“The Family Izquierdo” and “Throw”). A splendid collection by Oscar Cásares, “Brownsville,” gives the inside scoop on a place in Texas that you may not think of without an author’s guidance. And Sergio Troncoso is such a beloved writer of the borderlands, there is a public library branch named for him in El Paso. His “A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son” is simply brilliant.
Luis Alberto Urrea’s Borderland Reading List
“Puro Border: Dispatches, Snapshots and Graffiti From La Frontera,” edited by Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, Bobby Byrd and John William Byrd
“Ocean Power: Poems From the Desert” and “Where Clouds Are Formed,” Ofelia Zepeda
“Across the Line/Al Otro Lado,” edited by Harry Polkinhorn and Mark Weiss
“A Small Story About the Sky” and “Capirotada: A Nogales Memoir,” Alberto Ríos
“When My Brother Was an Aztec” and “Postcolonial Love Poem,” Natalie Diaz
“Half of the World in Light,” Juan Felipe Herrera
“Loving Pedro Infante,” Denise Chávez
“So Far From God,” Ana Castillo
“Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club” and “Elegies in Blue,” Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“The Family Izquierdo” and “Throw,” Rubén Degollado
“Brownsville,” Oscar Cásares
“A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son,” Sergio Troncoso

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[ad_1] Introducción para el casino South Point Casino Punto Surdonde la diversión nunca se detiene y las comodidades son insuperables. South Point Casino, ubicado en el corazón de Las Vegas, es conocido en todo el mundo como un destino emocionante y cautivador. Ya sea que sea un jugador experimentado o simplemente esté buscando unas vacaciones divertidas, South Point Casino tiene algo para usted. Haga clic aquí Noticias de casinos. Casino South Point: una breve descripción casino punto sur El South Point Casino abrió sus puertas en 2005 y desde entonces se ha convertido en un clásico instantáneo en Sin City. Michael Gaughan, una personalidad muy conocida en el negocio de los casinos, es el propietario, y su objetivo al abrir este lugar era brindar a los jugadores una experiencia de juego excepcional. South Point Casino se ha convertido en uno de los lugares de entretenimiento y hospitalidad más conocidos y apreciados de Las Vegas gracias a su enfoque inquebrantable en la calidad y la preocupación por sus clientes. Diversión incomparable en los juegos La emoción del juego no tiene límites en South Point Casino. El piso del casino, que tiene más de 80,000 pies cuadrados, presenta una gran selección de juegos para elegir. El casino tiene una emocionante selección de juegos tanto para jugadores ocasionales como para grandes apostadores, desde juegos de mesa tradicionales como el blackjack, la ruleta y el póquer hasta máquinas tragamonedas de última generación. High Limit Salon es un espacio privado y exclusivo perfecto para cualquiera que busque una experiencia de juego de alto riesgo. El High Limit Salon está diseñado para grandes apostadores que quieren jugar en un entorno más exclusivo y recibir un trato VIP. Lujosas Habitaciones e Instalaciones Cuando se trata de brindar la máxima comodidad y elegancia, South Point Casino no repara en gastos. Más de 2100 lujosas habitaciones y suites están disponibles en el hotel, cada una con un aire de sofisticación moderna y elegancia clásica. Los apartamentos son remansos de paz donde los huéspedes pueden relajarse y recargar energías gracias a la cuidadosa atención al detalle del personal. El complejo ofrece una variedad de comodidades para que la estancia de los huéspedes sea más agradable. Refrésquese nadando en la piscina, relájese con un tratamiento de spa y continúe con su programa de ejercicios en el moderno gimnasio. El personal de South Point Casino está comprometido a hacer que toda su visita sea placentera. Restaurantes Gourmet [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1EWmiE85Yw[/embed]Pruebe algo nuevo en uno de los excelentes restaurantes de South Point Casino. El complejo cuenta con una amplia variedad de restaurantes que sirven desde elegantes restaurantes de carnes a la comida internacional exótica. Silverado Steak House es donde los ricos y famosos van a cenar cortes de carne premium con estilo. Don Vito's Italian Restaurant ha estado satisfaciendo los antojos de los clientes por la genuina cocina italiana desde 1990. Ya sea que esté buscando un bocado rápido o una comida de cinco platos, South Point Casino lo tiene cubierto. Artes escénicas y otros eventos en vivo South Point Casino es su puerta de entrada a un fantástico mundo de diversión y emoción. Entretenimiento en vivo, desde conciertos de músicos destacados hasta actuaciones teatrales convincentes, se presentan regularmente en el complejo. El Showroom moderno es perfecto para una interpretación personal y cercana de su obra musical, cómica o dramática favorita. South Point Casino alberga una amplia variedad de eventos de temporada y promociones durante todo el año, además de su programa regular de entretenimiento. Siempre hay algo divertido que hacer en este animado lugar, desde competencias de eSports hasta eventos VIP. Relájate en el spa de South Point casino punto sur Tómese un descanso de la acción en el piso del casino y relájese en el ambiente relajante de The Spa. El Spa es un paraíso
de descanso y rejuvenecimiento, que ofrece una amplia variedad de tratamientos y terapias de spa. Sumérjase en la atmósfera relajante y entréguese al atento cuidado de los terapeutas capacitados. Todos los servicios, desde masajes hasta tratamientos faciales, están destinados a restaurar y rejuvenecer todo su ser. Pros y contras ventajas Contras Amplia gama de juegos de casino Distancia desde el Strip de Las Vegas Amplias y Confortables Habitaciones Falta de variedad en las opciones de entretenimiento Servicios en el lugar (p. ej., spa, piscina) Opciones de comidas limitadas Tarifas de habitaciones asequibles Servicio de transporte limitado al Strip Estacionamiento gratis Ruido potencial del aeropuerto cercano Personal amable y servicial Menos opciones de compras de gama alta Entretenimiento en vivo regular Tamaño de sala de casino relativamente más pequeño Bolera y Cine Escena de vida nocturna limitada La ubicación fuera del Strip ofrece un ambiente más tranquilo Posibles multitudes durante las horas pico Buen valor para el dinero Opciones limitadas de transporte público Conclusión La combinación única de apuestas, entretenimiento y hospitalidad en South Point Casino es un tributo a la emocionante cultura de Las Vegas. El complejo ofrece una experiencia de servicio completo para sus huéspedes, desde el casino hasta las habitaciones, los restaurantes y todo lo demás. Visite South Point Casino y piérdase en su encanto mientras crea recuerdos para toda la vida. Para otros juegos, consulte Software de predicción de casino. preguntas frecuentes El casino de South Point está abierto todos los días del año. El casino está abierto las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, así que tanto si te gusta jugar a primera hora de la mañana como tarde por la noche, siempre serás bienvenido. Si bien South Point Casino atiende principalmente a adultos, hay restaurantes para familias y opciones de entretenimiento disponibles en todo el complejo en secciones específicas. El código de vestimenta en South Point Casino es casual chic. Se ruega a los visitantes que vistan ropa informal que no reste valor al ambiente exclusivo del establecimiento. Los invitados pueden aprovechar una amplia gama de recompensas e incentivos en South Point Casino. Los invitados que se inscriban en el club de jugadores son elegibles para una variedad de beneficios, incluido el acceso anticipado a ventas y eventos VIP. Hay mucho estacionamiento en South Point Casino, incluido un garaje de varios niveles para mayor seguridad y fácil acceso. [ad_2] Source link
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felicitube · 10 months
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manshprajapati · 1 year
From Gangsta to Gourmet: The Evolution of Coolio
"From Gangsta to Gourmet: The Evolution of Coolio" is a fascinating story of a rapper's journey from the streets to the kitchen. Coolio is a Grammy award-winning artist who rose to fame in the 90s with his hit songs "Gangsta's Paradise" and "Fantastic Voyage". However, after years of struggling with addiction and personal demons, he decided to change his life around and pursue his passion for cooking.
In this story, we will explore how Coolio went from being a gangsta rapper to a gourmet chef, and how he uses his music and culinary skills to inspire others. We will also delve into his personal life, including his struggles with addiction and his efforts to overcome them. Join us as we discover the evolution of Coolio and how he continues to reinvent himself, inspiring others along the way.
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Coolio's discography
Coolio is an American rapper, actor, and chef who rose to fame in the mid-1990s. He has released several albums throughout his career, each showcasing his unique style and flow. Here is a look at Coolio's discography:
It Takes a Thief (1994) - Coolio's debut album, which features the hit singles "Fantastic Voyage" and "County Line."
Gangsta's Paradise (1995) - Coolio's most successful album, which features the hit single and title track "Gangsta's Paradise." The album won a Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance and was certified triple platinum.
My Soul (1997) - Coolio's third album, which features the hit singles "C U When U Get There" and "Ooh La La."
Coolio.com (2001) - Coolio's fourth album, which features the hit single "Ghetto Square Dance."
El Cool Magnifico (2002) - Coolio's fifth album, which features the hit single "Make My Day."
The Return of the Gangsta (2006) - Coolio's sixth album, which features the hit single "Gangsta Walk."
Steal Hear (2008) - Coolio's seventh album, which features collaborations with a variety of artists, including J.T. Taylor, Faith Evans, and Snoop Dogg.
From the Bottom 2 the Top (2009) - Coolio's eighth album, which features collaborations with a variety of artists, including WC, E-40, and Ras Kass.
Cookin' with Coolio: 5 Star Meals at a 1 Star Price (2009) - Coolio's first cookbook, which features recipes for inexpensive yet delicious meals.
Coolio's influence on hip hop
Coolio is a highly influential figure in the world of hip-hop. His unique style, flow, and subject matter have inspired many other artists and have had a lasting impact on the genre. Here are some of the ways that Coolio has influenced hip-hop:
Bringing social issues to the forefront - Coolio's music often dealt with important social issues, such as poverty, crime, and inequality. His hit single "Gangsta's Paradise" brought these issues to the mainstream and sparked conversations about the realities of life in inner-city neighborhoods.
Mixing genres - Coolio was known for blending hip-hop with other genres, such as funk, soul, and rock. This experimentation helped to push the boundaries of what was considered hip-hop music and opened up new possibilities for future artists.
Innovating with samples - Coolio was also known for his innovative use of samples in his music. He frequently sampled classic soul and funk tracks, but also incorporated sounds from other genres, such as reggae and jazz. This helped to create a unique sound that set him apart from other artists.
Setting trends with fashion - Coolio's unique fashion sense, which often included brightly colored clothes, hats, and jewelry, set trends in the hip-hop community and beyond. His bold style helped to redefine what was considered fashionable in the 1990s and influenced many other artists in the years that followed.
Get to know Coolio
Coolio is an American rapper, actor, and chef who rose to fame in the mid-1990s. He was born on August 1, 1963, in Compton, California, as Artis Leon Ivey Jr. He began his career in music in the late 1980s, performing in local clubs and releasing several independent singles. He gained national recognition with his debut album, "It Takes a Thief," which was released in 1994 and featured the hit single "Fantastic Voyage."
Coolio's biggest success came in 1995 with the release of his album "Gangsta's Paradise," which featured the hit single of the same name. The song became a massive hit, reaching the top of the charts in several countries and winning a Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance. The success of "Gangsta's Paradise" helped to make Coolio one of the most popular rappers of the 1990s.
In addition to his music career, Coolio has also appeared in several movies and television shows. He has had roles in films such as "Batman & Robin," "An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn," and "Dracula 3000," as well as television shows like "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch" and "Celebrity Big Brother."
In recent years, Coolio has also become known for his cooking skills. He has released a cookbook, "Cookin' with Coolio: 5 Star Meals at a 1 Star Price," which features recipes for inexpensive yet delicious meals. He has also appeared on several cooking shows, including "Celebrity Cook-Off" and "Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-Off."
Coolio is known for his unique style and flow, as well as his ability to address important social issues in his music. He continues to perform and record music today, and remains an important figure in the history of hip-hop.
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De pollo frito a platos gourmet: la sorprendente conexión entre el rap y la gastronomía
El rap es un género musical que ha ido evolucionando desde sus orígenes en los barrios más pobres de Estados Unidos hasta convertirse en un fenómeno global. Pero, ¿qué tiene que ver el rap con la comida? Resulta que la relación entre estos dos mundos es más profunda de lo que podríamos pensar.
El rap siempre ha tenido una conexión estrecha con la cultura de los barrios, y la comida es una parte importante de esa cultura.
En las letras de las canciones de rap, a menudo se habla de la comida como un símbolo de la vida en los barrios: el pollo frito, los macarrones con queso, las hamburguesas y las papas fritas son algunos de los alimentos que aparecen con frecuencia en las canciones.
Esta relación, no se limita solo a las letras de las canciones. Muchos raperos han llevado su amor por la comida más allá de la música y se han convertido en verdaderos chefs en su tiempo libre. Uno de los más conocidos es Snoop Dogg, quien ha publicado varios libros de cocina y ha aparecido en programas de televisión preparando platos de su propia creación.
Otro rapero que se ha destacado en el mundo de la cocina es Action Bronson, quien antes de dedicarse a la música trabajaba como chef en Nueva York. Bronson ha publicado varios libros de cocina y tiene su propio programa de televisión en el que visita restaurantes en todo el mundo.
En los últimos años, ha surgido una nueva tendencia en la que los restaurantes incorporan elementos de la cultura del rap en su menú y en la decoración de sus locales.
Esta tendencia ha llevado a la creación de restaurantes exclusivos que ofrecen experiencias gastronómicas únicas. Uno de los más destacados es Sweet Chick, un restaurante en Nueva York que ofrece una variedad de platos inspirados en la cultura del hip-hop, como el pollo y los waffles, que se ha convertido en uno de los favoritos de los amantes de la comida y la música.
En conclusión, la relación entre el rap y la comida es mucho más profunda de lo que podríamos pensar. La comida es una parte importante de la cultura de los barrios y ha sido una fuente de inspiración para muchos raperos.
Además, la tendencia de incorporar elementos de la cultura del rap en los restaurantes ha llevado a la creación de experiencias gastronómicas únicas que están ganando cada vez más popularidad.
Quién sabe, tal vez pronto veremos a un rapero ganando una estrella Michelin por sus habilidades culinarias.
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