#el-moscorrofio AUs
Yo quiero proponer un AU ¿Que piensas que habría ocurrido si Sandra le reconoce a Mario que el paquete estuvo en manos de Betty?... Por cierto amo tus historias.
Holisss! Perdona la tardanza, trato de contestar a los asks que recibo cuando puedo🥰 los aprecio mucho!
Uff, este ask supone responder una de las incógnitas más grandes de ysblf! Por qué Mario Calderón escribió esa carta?
Personalmente, yo creo que la escribió con toda la intención de que fuera encontrada! O, bueno, mejor dicho, creo que una parte de Mario genuinemente deseaba que Betty encontrara esa carta y poner fin al romance de Armando y Betty... peeeeero para propósitos de este AU, voy a pretender que genuinamente a Mario se le pasó y no se le ocurrió la posibilidad de que cualquiera que no fuera Armando la encontrara!
Comenzaría cuando Mario interroga a Sandra respecto a la bolsa
Mario, debido a su capacidad natural para analizar a la gente, se da cuenta del extraño nerviosismo de Sandra, y esto a su vez, crea alertas rojas
Tras presionarla un poco más la hace jurar que no encontró la bolsa
Y es entonces cuando, al ver que Sandra trata de cruzar los dedos tras su espalda para no jurar en vano (ya que ella es altamente religiosa, lo cual Mario seguramente sabe), a Mario se le confirman las sospechas de que alguien abrió la bolsa y Sandra está tratando de encubrirlo
Pero tal como en la novela, Mario deja ir a Sandra
No le es difícil, tras esto, llegar a la conclusión de que quien abrió la bolsa fue Betty
Y de esta manera, se da cuenta de que Betty leyó la carta siniestra
Tras la salida de Sandra de su oficina, Mario inmediatemente va con Armando
Le explica lo que encontró: que Sandra le mintió, incluso le juró en vano por querer mantener en secreto que alguien encontró el contenido de esa bolsa
Para Armando no hay duda que quien encontró el contenido fue Betty
E inmediatemente quiere ir a arreglarlo, a hablar con ella
Pero Mario lo detiene
Claro que cuando Mario lo intenta detener, súbitamente toda la ira contenida en Armando tras los desplantes de Betty extallan y por poco le vuela un diente a Calderón, culpándolo de que Betty haya pensado todas esas tonterías cuando escribió esa estúpida broma de mal gusto
Mario piensa brevemente en recordarle su culpa, pero sabe que eso sólo llevará a más peleas y, honestamente, en ese momento no están para esas cosas
Aquí lo importante es recuperar a Betty
En este AU, estamos hablando de un Mario que tiene interés en que esa relación continúe con fuerza, y, como sabemos, Mario es mucho más calculador que Armando.
Asi que le dice a Armando que sí, que fue su error, y se guarda sus comentarios, pero tambiém le dice a Armando que no puede sólo ir a confrontarla, que necesitan pensar bien sus movimeintos porque sabe que esa carta era absolutamente devastadora
"Armando, si es verdad lo que pensamos, esa mujer está destrozada" le diría Mario, "¡esto no se va a arreglar con un besito y un abrazo y cada quien para su casa! Tenemos que pensar bien qué hacer. Un paso e falso, y todo se desmoronará."
Armando entonces quiere contarle la verdad desde el principio a Betty, pero Mario lo detiene. Le dice que, bajo ninguna circunstancia, Armando puede quedar como el malo
Mario piensa, y piensa, y piensa... y eventualmente, se da cuenta de que no hay salida
Lo mejor hubiera sido decir que fue una broma de mal gusto; algo que hizo Armando nada más como lección para que Betty no se metiera en sus cosas privadas...
Pero a este punto, tras días de haberla dejado creer que el contenido era cierto, sería incluso más cruel. Y podría salir contraproducente.
Armando necesita salir bien parado de esto, quedar como el héroe
Lo único que queda, es aquello que Mario siempre evita a toda costa: asumir su responsabilidad
En nombre de sus 50 millones de dólares, Mario tendría que disculparse con Murcielaguín y decirle que fue una broma no hacía ella, sino hacia Armando
Armando tendría que admitirle que le contó a Mario acerca de su romance con ella, y que Mario se lo tomó a chiste
Mario quedaría expuesto como el desalmado que es frente a Betty, cierto, pero, en su mente, si Armando retoma control sobre Betty, y él mantiene a Armando de su lado, él no corre peligro
Si Betty intenta alguna vez cobrar venganza contra Mario, Mario sabe que Armando logrará calmarla
Mario sabe que Betty siempre ha sido una arcilla en las manos de Armando, después de todo
Así que Mario le dice a Armando que le confiese a Betty que sí, que Mario escribió esa carta, pero lo hizo como una broma después de que Armando le contara estando muy borracho sobre su romance con ella
Así que eso hace Armando
Al día siguiente, le pide a Betty que hablen, y que se quede un tiempo extra en la oficina después de que todos se vayan
Betty se rehúsa en un principio, pero eventualmente cede
Y ahí, Armando habla con ella
Le dice que él sabe que ella está molesta con él, y que no intente ni siqueira negarlo... y le dice que él cree saber por qué.
Es entonces que Betty finge interés, con esa cínica y sarcástica actitud que la caracterizó durante toda la venganza
Y es entonces que Armando saca de su bolsillo una paquete verde, vacío y bien doblado. Lo desdobla, y se lo enseña a Betty
“Es por esto, ¿verdad, Beatriz? Usted encontró el contenido de este paquete y... y leyó esa carta,” le diría don Armando, con una voz vulnerable y adolorida que vendría del alma. Genuinamente lo atormentaría el pensar en el daño que le llegó a hacer a Betty leer todas eas mentiras de Calderón. “No intente mentirme, Beatriz, por favor. Yo vengo aquí a explicarle."
Betty le dice que no hay nada que explicar, que esa carta fue muy clara
Pero Armando insiste en que no es verdad, y le cuenta la version que Mario le dijo
Le dice que una noche, Armando estaba muy borracho y le contó a Mario sobre su romance, y Mario, siendo como es, asumió que lo Armando lo hizo para conservar su empresa y ahora se burla de él, y que no importa cuantas veces Armando le diga que no es así, Mario sigue con esas bromas de mal gusto
Esta explicación se la da mientras ella luchar por irse, diciéndole a cada rato que no quiere oír nada, que se detenga
Pero Armando nunca cede, y como en la novela, la abraza fuertemente para detenerla y le dice todo lo que ya mencioné
Betty termina llorando, y Armando también está por llorar
Le quema ver el daño que le hizo a Betty, y también le quema seguirle mintiendo
Pero él no puede vivir sin ella. Genuinamente no puede, y no quiere perderla bajo ninguna cirumstancia
Para resumir, al final Betty termina creyèndole. Le toma un rato, pero cede. Armando siempre supo qué decir para que Betty cayera con èl
Y dice perdonarlo. Aun tiene la espina, pero quiere perdonarlo, porque piensa que en realidad no le falló, que fue la bebida
Y concentra su ira en Mario
Mario eventualemnte es forzado a pedir disculpas, pero como sabemos, en realidad no se arrepiente de nada
La relación de Armand y Betty tarda un poco en reconstruirsw, pero eventualmente lo hace
Lo hace lo suficiente para que Betty no compre un Mercedes ni lleve a las muchachas al Le Noir, y se ahorra todo ese conflicto de la relación falsa con Nicolás
Armando, sin embargo, en su esfuerzo por recontruir su relación con Betty, la empieza a tratar genuinamente mejor, y descubre que disfruta este lado mas tierno y romantico de sí mismo
La lleva a mejores lugares, le compra un celular para poder llamarla y saber de ella incluso en fines de semana para que ella sepa cuanto piensa en ella, le regala mejores cosas, le dice constantemente que la ama, incluso le ofrece nuevamente la oficina de Olarte, y está vez, ella la acepta
Armando se entristece un poco por esto, ahora que su Betty ya no estará con el a una puerta de distancia, pero sabe que es lo mejor para ella
Betty de cierta forma sí lo hace para alejarse de él, pero también reconoce el gesto dulce y justo que es, en el fondo
Muy a su pesar, Betty lo ama cada día más
Pero más que sus gestos hacia ella, lo que la hace quererlo más es ver que Armando y Mario se están alejando
Y ya a este punto nada es falso. Armando genuinamente la ama, y lo reconoce
Y están relativamente felices. Armando está aprendiendo a expresar su amor, y Betty a sentirse amada y respetada
La unica nube negra para ambos es la presencia de Mario
Betty lo detesta, y Armando cada vez lo soporta menos con sus chistes sobre lo difícil que se pone la fea
Es cierto que se estan alejando, pero Mario sigue ahi, constantemente tratando de volver a como eran las cosas, pero Armando ya no quiere
La otra nube negra es Marcela. Está cada vez peor, porque ahora Armando le dedica más tiempo a Betty de manera consciente.
Betty, por su lado, ya no siente esa empatía y pena que sentía por Marcela antes de la carta. Ahora, cada que es objetivo de sus groserías y humillaciones, Betty tiente rabia. Rabia de saber que así es como la ven los ricos y bellos de sangre noble
Eventualmente viene la junta directiva, donde Daniel los desenmascara ya que igual que en la novela se entera a través de un amigo del embargo
Aqui se sigue el plan original de entregar un informe maquilldo, pero es Daniel quien los entrega
Todo sale muy similar a como en la novela, excepto que Armando defiende aun mas a Betty. Betty obviamente es despedida.
Lo mas distinto aqui es que Marcela no cancela el matrimonio.
En la novela, lo que hace a Marcela romper el compromiso no es el desastre financiero. Ella explicitamente dice que eso ella lo podia dejar pasar. No, lo que le hizo romper el compromiso en la novela fue el asco y rabia de saber que Armando andaba con Betty, pero en esta version, ella no se entera atraves de la carta
Asi que quien cancela la boda es Armando.
Ese es todo un drama que apenas se drtiene gracias a comk Roberto lo maneja
En esta situación, Armando nunca regresa con Marcela, pero ella igualmente se wueda en Ecomoda porque cree que algun dia regresarán
A este punto, Armando aun no ha terminado con ella se manera oficial como lo que vimos en la novela. No ha habido esa escena de corazón abierto que vimos en la novela. Simplemente, la boda se cancela y se rompe la relación
Armando y Betty tampoco son oficiales aun. Hay demasiada tensión en Ecomoda como para eso
Pero para Betty, esto es suficiente para saber que Armando genuinamente no se casará con Marcela
Creo que cabe aclara que esta Betty ya no esla misma tierna e ilusa de antes de la carta. Aunque lo perdona y sigue con él, en realidad ahora es incluso más insegura y esta inseguridad se manifiesta a veces a través de seriedad
Verán, Betty siempre supo que no podía estar con Armando porque no eran "del mismo mundo"... pero tener la prueba física, la carta, de que ni siquiera el mejor amigo de Armando sería capaz de aceptar su relación fue una apuñalada
Ella ahora sabe aún más que nunca será bienvenida en su mundo
En todo caso, volviendo al día de la Junta, obviamente tratan de despedir a Betty, y por unos cuantos días, Betty queda fuera de Ecomoda
Días en los que en su casa simplemente dice que la despidieron por reporte de personal
Sin embargo, a los pocos días, como en la novela, los abogados les exigen que Betty esté de vuelta
Vale recalcar que aunque corren a Betty, Armando nunca deja de llamarla, disculparse por lo mal que salió, e irla a ver por las noches, cuando Marcela está dormida, al igual que los padres de Betty, y Armando y Betty pueden escabullirse para verse unos cuantos minutos que valen siglos
En todo caso, esto no dura más que un par de semanas antes de que don Armando le pida a Betty que regrese y asuma la presidencia
Dado que aquí no hay pelea entre ellos, no es necesario que sea don Roberto quien le ruegue que regrese, y tampoco don Hermes se presenta, dado que no hubo necesidad de eso
Betty termina regresando gracias al impulso de Armando. Ella en un principio no quiere por los maltratos, pero igual lo hace por él... y porque su familia aún necesita dinero. Recordemos que ella era el sostén económico de su familia
De todas formas, se encuentra con los mismos maltratos de siempre, quizá incluso peor porque todos los ejecutivos lasistas y superficiales odian que los represente una fea
Armando la defiende a capa y espada tanto como puede, pero debido a todos los problemas de la empresa, él rambien es un hazmereir por cómo fracasó financieramente
Y es justamente en un arrebato en el que Armando defiende a Betty de Hugo cuando se hace pública la verdad de su relación
Armando no tenía intención de revelarla, pero se le salió por el enojo del momento cuando Hugo se burlaba de cómo Armando defendía más al moscorrofio que lo que alguna vez le importó su ex
Obviamente cae como una bomba la noticia, el chisme corre por los pasillos más rápido que Patricia a comida gratis
Daniel se burla, Roberto no dice nada porque ya se lo imaginaba, y Margarita entra en negación diciendo que es un espanto
Pero cuando habla con Armando, él ya no lo niega
Y es ahí cuando Margarits hace lo único bueno de todo este AU: le ofrece un cambio de look
Le dice que como representante de una marca de moda, necesita verse acorde. Para Margarita, quien contribuyó tanto en la empresa durante sus inicios, es una humillacion ver que una mujer sin porte, clase, belleza o estatus sea la representante
Margarita no tiene esperanzas de que se vea guapa, ni siquiera linda; sólo quiere vestirla decentemente
Betty cede, no porque genuinamente quiera, sino porque sabe que cada que va a junas de negocios, siempre es el hazmereir, que no la respetan. Lo hace también porque sabe que Mario se sigue burlando de Armando por estar con ella. Lo hace porque odia su apariencia. Lo hace por rabia de Marcela. Lo hace por muchas cosas, menos por un genuino deseo de amarse a sí misma
Este cambio de look es muy poco acorde con Betty. Una de las cosas que me gustó mucho de la novela es que el cambio no se sintió como una separacion completa de su pasado, sino más bien una evolución
Esta sí es una separación completa
Sus lentes son reemplazados por contactos (de color, por supuesto). Su cabello es cortado hasta los hombros, y peinado con las puntas hacia afuera (estilo muy famoso en los 2000s). Se le viste con faldas cortas y blazers, tacones. Se le maquilla con colores evidentes, nada de nubes, como se usaba en aquella época
Se ve muy moderna, a la moda, guapa... pero no es Betty
Betty se mira al espejo y no se ve a sí misma
Armando tampoco ve a su Betty en esa mujer
El cambio ayuda a que tenga más presencia, pero no a su autoestima. Sólo ve a una muñeca a la que decoraron, no a un mujer cambiada
Se me pasó mencionar a Marce ante ña noticia de que Armando salía con Betty! Es sólo cuando se entera de esto que por fin entiende que se acabó la relación
Pero eso no evita que vaya a cachetearselos a ambos
Y esto termina con Betty y ella peleándose, Marcela diciendo que se va, y Betty, esta vez, no la detiene.
Esto crea un gran vacío en la empresa, con Daniel amenzando con vender su parte en cuanto se recupere la empresa
Y así sucede. Marcela y Daniel venden sus partes tras la mejora financiera, y se van definitivamente de la empresa. Beata esla única que se queda como accionista, pues a ella no le importa mucho nada de esto y sabe que depende de ese diner
Mario y Armando eventualmente tienen alguna pelea respecto a Betty, posiblemente de Mario faltando le al respeto con algún comentario inapropiado o algo, y al final, se va
Armando nunca le cuenta la verdad a Betty
Es una culpa muy grande, pero prefiere cargar con ella que arriesgar perderla
Betty es hermosa, pero sigue insegura
Ninguno de los dos crece emocionalmente al nivel que lo hicieron en la novela
Fin! Perdoooooon por la tardanza! Acabo por fin de salir de vacaciones y ahora sí podré contestar todos los asks que tengo pendientes🥰 gracias por preguntar, leer, y ser paciente🥰
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Hi! I love reading your take on what-ifs. Here is a what if based on a fan fic idea I have seen! Armando decides he will not go forward with the plan but decides to talk to Betty and ends up confessing what Mario’s idea was and letting her know he’d never do something like that.
Together they decide to pretend he is going forward with it so Mario is not constantly nagging Armando about it and to keep appearances up they actually go on dates. At the beginning they just chat but of course Armando slowly discovers how interesting and wonderful Betty is and of course falls for her….
How do you think a scenario like this would go?
Ohh, I've seen this idea! I like it a lot, but I don't see it actually happening. Unfortunately I think Armando was too paranoid about everything to trust Betty like that. At this point, he's feeling betrayed by Betty, because everything she tells him that isn't happening or wasn't going to happen did happen-- she said she wouldn't tell anyone, turns out she told everything to this unknown dude, Nicolás. She said she feels nothing for Nicolás, turns out everyone knows she's deeply in love with him. She says that she isn't hiding anything, but becomes angry and defensive when someone mentions her private life in front of Armando.
Armando thought they had this special "bond" of trust, but he's just so egocentric that he never stopped to think about her side or the at-least-on-paper professional nature of their relationship lmao so he feels betrayed by Betty slightly, because for the first time he has the feeling that he doesn't know her. That's why he ends up trusting Mario's arguments more than Betty herself, because Mario is a constant in his life and, rn, his only support and the only person he thinks he knows.
Another issue is that seducing her in the show forced him to act in ways, see things, and say things that he probably would have never done/seen/say so clearly had he not been trying to actively pursue a realistic-looking "relationship", which is why he falls so hard and quick.
But in a situation where Armando trusts Betty more, my ideas would be the following! And I apologize in advance for the lack of organization, more than of usual this time I started writing without looking back lmao:
First of all, something would need to happen so Armando once again feels like he knows Betty. Like he can trust her fr and not "have" to do the plan.
This 'something happening" would have to undoubtedly be related to Betty's feelings and/or Nicolás, both of which are a very deep part of Armando's distress. He felt Betty was "his" way before the plan, after all, and thinking another man was in her heart was what truly bothered him!
(Armando, I believe, was partially moved by the paranoia and partially motivated by a genuine animalistic instinct to "claim" what was his. To respond to this threat of another man wanting to take her. Armando in a way basically thought of Betty as his something lmao very deeply and unconsciously, ofc)
Anyway, assuming "the something" happens, Armando would snap out of it and be like "oh, for God's sake, what am I thinking of doing to this girl?"
So if he decided to talk to her, we'd need for them both to put all cards on the table and be extremely honest. Armando wouldn't be calm enough to just blindly trust her unless his real concern (her feelings for Nicolás) was addressed!
Not sure how this convo would go exactly, given that she keeps to herself a lot in this regarddue to him being her real love lmao. But let's say she actually genuinely convinces him thay she's absolutely devoted to him and no one is above him in her mind
He'd have to explain he's desperate, and that Mario keeps nagging about this idea and really drill into her head that he wouldn't do this. That Mario is the one insisting.
It would honestly just fuel Betty's love and illusion of Armando's perfection even more. He would have been consolidated as the best man ever to exist in Betty's mind. She’d think he's a good man who would never betray her, not even for 50 million dollars!
She’d also probably realize that Armando wouldn't be with her willingly ever, not even for a 50 million dollars
But she would also feel incredibly disgusted at Mario for thinking of doing that to her through Armando.
In any case, when Armando asks for her help to create this facade, she'd undoubtedly help
Not only would this increase Armando's trust in her, but she would also be showing how unconditional and helpful she is
Ans in Betty's mind, she could never refuse him, not when he could have used her ans discarded her but instead he chose to respect her and ask for her help. He chose to trust her over trusting his best friend. She also gets to spend more time with this amazing man, so Betty isn't that bothered about actually doing it.
So they agree. Betty says they don't really need to go on dates, that they can just say they did, and that's what they do at first.
Eventually they do go on dates. Maybe at least a few times so that Mario doesn't suspect anything. They go on dates to the places Mario tells him to, and at first it's all awkward and weird.
It's not really frequent, like once a week like how it becomes in their relationship after a while in the show
But of course as they continue going to these dates, they become more organic
Armando is still sexually active with Marcela, ofc.
He's actually in a pretty good mood (in comparison to the show, at least...) because here he doesn't have this weight on his conscience about "harming an angel"
He doesn't really show or give Betty the cards and presents, tho. They go straight to the trash
He's also very vague about how everything in the dates go whenever Mario ask
He's also not drinking to go to them, unless something particularly stressful happens at Ecomoda or with Marcela, but the dates themselves are not causing him to drink
In the novela he drank out of guilt and "needing the courage" to kiss her and touch her and lie to her. To take from her what he belives is her first experienes with love out of what is basically a task for him. Here, there's none of that.
As Betty once tells him, they should think of the "dates" as a work meeting.
That's pretty much how it starts: as extra work hours.
They go to these places and plan for the next day's work. They talk about mainly Ecomoda.
All this leads to Armando taking much longer to actually fall in love, because part of what makes him fall in the show is that he had to "face Betty", and here, he doesn't
The biggest issue for Armando was Betty's appearence in the show. He didn't feel physical or sexual attraction, which are very important for conventional romantic love, especially for a highly sexual man like Armando. He forced himself to kiss her and eventually he moved past those barriers and actually let those dormant feelings rise. Here he isn't forcing himself.
Quiet the contrary, this position only gets him further into his comfort zone. He's now kore secure about his place in Betty's life, how much more important he is compared to Nicolás, and he doesn't have to push his physical boundaries
Armando in canon was never repulsed by Betty. We actually see lots of things that indicate he was (emotionally) attracted to her way before the plan. But the issue with him was to actually put a name on those feelings and act purposefully. He was a very animalistic and impulsive man, and most of the advances he makes come from the unconscious in an "arranque" (ranging from little things like grabbing her chin or leaning way too close all the way to their first night, all seems to come from very natural but nonetheless subconscious urges)
So in truth I couldn't say how long it would take for him to fall for her. Many people believe he would have fallen just as hard regardless of if the sinister plan happened or not, which I agree, but I do think it would have taken a much much much longer time for reasons stated above
Another real issue I see here would be how they would fool Mario. He's a rather smart man and we know he can read Armando like an open book
My best idea is that it would probably be Betty carrying the act lmao. Perhaps they can agree that Armando would tell him that they're "together" so therefore they could show "proof" of their "romance" before him??
Like, okay. We know Mario will undoubtedly ask Armando how that first date went and if he's together with Betty. And he will have to lie and say yes, that they're a couple, and that they agreed to be very secretive about it except for him. Mario will be the only one to know. Armando can say that when he "confessed" to Betty he said that the only person who knew already of "his feelings" was Mario because he's his bestie
Mario would be okay with that.
Now with thay excuse, the only real moment where Betty and Armandk would act "like a couple" would be in front of Mario just to maintain the facade
They would probably sit too close when alone the 3 of them, wink at each other, and ocassionally hold hands
It would be believable because lmao those two actually always had that chemistry and it wouldn't be weird for Mario to see that because, well, he saw the chin grabbing and the "you're the woman I'm needing" and the excited hugs and all that, so it's fully believable😂
The only crack in the facade would be when Armandk and Mario can talk alone. We all know how bad of liar Armando is
Mario would ask and laugh and joke ans Armando would be unable to answer but with anger
It would unfortunately end at that. Anything that should be private about a couple, like kissing or anything more, doesn't happen
Now, because there is no betrayal or romance in general lots of things don't happen
Marcela doesn't become too suspicious because Armando is still having sex with her
Nicolás never buys a Marcedes and "dates" Patricia
Since there's no betrayal there is no Cartagena. Betty is much more devoted to Armando than she ever was before and could never leave him alone at Ecomoda (for her, him trusting her and rather than using her deciding to tell her the truth is a gigantic deal. If in the show she was willing to do anything for him, here she'd take a dozen bullets for him)
She's also much more in love because her idealized version of Armando is only reinforced
Of course, this means there is no physical change in Cartagena since there's no Cartagena
She also doesn't stand up to Marcela
No depressive and suicidal stage for Armando. He'd get a little depressed after the Board, because Daniel would expose the real state of the company and all that, but he wouldn't be suicidal because at least Betty is still there to support him
There's not many ways for Calderón to realize that it's all fake, tbh. They always had the correct chemistry and the little winks and hand holding is enough to convince him
Also, Armando would feel embarrassed and Betty awkwards if they were more obvious, so no pet names or forehead kisses or writing each other love letter or anything of the sorts. Armando simply states to Calderón that they're not romantic like that
The only other thing they do is occasionally mention they'll be seeing each other on X night, that he'll take her to Y place, or maybe even mention a something like "on our last date, we..." ans whatever. Very lowkey.
Betty ofc doesn't push at all any boundaries, and she's pretty much like she was in the novela before the lover's phase: pretty reserved, lets Armando take the lead, and occasionally even breaks "those moments". She doesn't want to take advantage of the situation or make don Armando uncomfortable. She knows he doesn't like her like that so she doesn't get near unless he asks or initiate (all of this to put up the show whenver Mario is there)
Ofc Mario jokes about seeing them kiss (when she’s not around) but Armando always shuts him up lmao
Also, that hand holding provokes a million butterflies in Betty's stomach. She knows it's dangerous, but she starts looking forward to Calderón's visits to the Presidency so that she can hold his hand just a little longer. So that she can stand a little too close to don Armando.
She feels bad about how much she enjoys that. She feels that she takes advantage of the situation which is why she doesn't take any leads and just lets Armando initiate.
Eventhly during the dates there's no more work related things to talk about, or simply other things get in the way. For example, once Marcela calls him and then they start a conversation about his relationship with her. Other times there's office gossip and they discuss it and the conversatjon organically shifts towards other topics. This is how Armando and Betty truly start knowing each other
I think the relationship could become more real after the board, when Armando loses it all
Well, almost all: Marcela doesn't break off the engagement
In the novela, it's knowing what he did with Betty what makes her break off the wedding, but here she has no way of knowing anything
That doesn't mean she isn't torturing Armando with what happened with Ecomoda, ofc. Bunch of passive aggressive recrimination (well earned ofc)
Also, Betty is fired and Armando has no way to put her back in the business because he has no power either
I don't know if Armando would have the courage to break off the engagement either. I think he would go forward with the wedding because he's disappointed his parents too much. Additionally, he hasn't stopped having sex with Marcela, and he isn't aware of his feelings for Betty since the relationship never went beyond the little show they put up for Calderón.
They're much closer by the time the Board meeting happens, and they're more touchy too (somtimes it even happens without Calderón around, like Armando standing too close or unnecessarily touching her arm or shoulder or whatever. All natural and unconscious ofc), but it's not enough as for him to break off the engagement.
I think he'd get married knowing full well it's a mistake. There's a palpable tension between the couple the whole (civil) ceremony.
Roberto straight up says that the only reason he's there is Marcela.
Betty, who ofc didn't go to the wedding (even though Armando probably wanted her there for emotional support but also he didn't want her there because he doesn't want her to see him marrying someone else for some reason he can't quiet understand-- so he just doesn'tinvite her). She is just hearbroken about it all
There wouldn't be a honeymoon. Ecomoda is in too much of a crisis for that, and also, this Marcela isn't desperate to get him away from all because here she doesn't think there's a risk of the other woman "stealing him"
Also this is probably where their sexual relationship starts to fracture. Neither of them are really up to it on the wedding night. Armando is overwhelmed by the mistake he made and Marcela is slightly repulsed because of what happened with Ecomoda
Ofc, it's after all this that the real relationship between Armando/Betty starts, lmao
Armando finds emotional comfort in Bettyr. Betty is the only one who listens and supports him and doesn't minimize what happens or jokes about it or accuses him.
Unfortunately, she's unemployed, and after what happened, it's very hard to find her a job. Armando might try to move his influences to find her something, tho, but because of her appearance not many of his friends want to hire her. We all knwo the kind of people on Armando's circle.
Ofc this angers Armando lmao I can practically hear him yelling on the phone somethin like "COMO QUE NO? PERO POR QUE NO??? ELLA TE PODRIA REEMPLAZAR A TI Y A TODA TU PLANTA EJECUTIVA ELLA SOLA! ES UNA EXCELENTE PROFESIONAL, LO MEJOR QUE HAY EN EL MERCADO!!🤬😡"
Betty and her fam are in real economic trouble, too. Remember they still have debt.
Ofc Betty never has the need to send Nicolás to Ecomoda, nor don Hermes needs to go. She goes and faces it all from the start.
Additionally, doña Julia doesn't learn about the embargo, Terramoda's real role, or Betty's inappropriate relationship with Armando, since she never read Betty's diary and Armando never went to her house to yell or anything of the sorts
Don Hermes doesn't learn about Terramoda's real role
Nicolás doesn't learn about the sinister plan because Armando never executed it. Betty also doesn't tell him about how they were fake dating
Everythin is written down on Betty's diary ofc but no one reads it
Armando probably goes often to talk to Betty behind everyone's backs. Much like they did during the novela's lovers' phase, here Armando goes to her house to talk to her and they talk in the car. She becomes Armando's greatest confidant about everything related to the business, and when he drinks a bit too much, he goes looking for her and likely rambles a bit much about his failed marriage, doomed from the start
The thing here that neither of them talk about is how the closeness and slight touches continue, even though they shouldn't be pretending anymore. They're alone and yet Armando still grabs her hand sometimes
Ofc this doesn't last long. Soon the Board realizes theh need Betty and Armando is far too quickly to go pick her up and bring her, ready to defend her when necessary
So here in this version, the Betty that returns to Ecomoda surprises no one. She's pretty much the same, if not even more shy because she's been exposed as a liar and all her bad business practices
Armando is there to defend her, ofc, ans when the attorneys suggest to make her President, he's the first and only one supporting her
You can imagine the drama. If people thought she was too ugly to be the secretary of a fashion business, imsgine what they think about making her the president of a fashion business
They really don't want her being the face of Ecomoda
Also there wouldn't be big changes in Ecomoda
Idk if they would at least try to dress her better. They would definitely think it a humiliation to have her be the one negotiating and representing Ecomoda, so I wouldn't doubt that they want to change her
I wouldn't be surprised that the Board amde it a condition for Betty to have the Presidency for her to at least wear some of Ecomoda's clothes, and because this Betty is still feeling less and powerless she may agree.
This makeover wouldn't be drastic, tho. Still the same hair, bangs, braces, glasses, facial hair, no makeup. She literally would only change clothes, and she wouldn't even do it for herself, but rather for Armando so that she doesn't embarrass him
They wouldn't shift their focus to the regular woman, as Betty herself has not yet reached that mentality, even though she now looks a bit better now that she wears better clothes. To her, she just looks like she's wearing a custome because Ecomoda's clothes aren't for people "like her"
The Cuartel wouldn't have a makeover and participate in the collection launch
I don't think she'd feel comfortable enough to actually ask for her dad and Nicolas to join her
Her second lead would be Armando
She probably still feels so self concious and so below Armando that she'd ask him to continue working at the President's office ans she can keep her desk in the closet
Armando would say that they can't do that, no preisdent can get visitors and receive them at a closet!
As time goes on their relationship-not-relationship continues. At some point they still act like that even without Calderón's presence
Armando is miserable in his marriage and Marcela is noticing that Armando spends too much time with Betty even though she is no loner his assistance
I think that by the collection launch, Betty would be once again forced to chage her appearence. Everyone tells her she can't be looking like that while onstage
She probably just changes her glasses and get makeup done, but her hair is untouchable
This Betty hasn't grown like she is supposed to in the show
Now, Betty doesn't have any job offer in Cartagena. There's no french man
Armando is also not going, and Marcela has nothing to confess to Betty
I think that by the time the economic crisis passes, the business would go to Daniel. Ecomoda is not broke anymore so he doesn't have incentive to sell it
Betty did very good as president but nothing extraordinary because she never implemented the "regular woman" strategy. Her appearence also damages the brand which is why they don't offer the presidency permanently to her
Armando would try to keep her working there with him in the franchises businesses, but I doubt they'll allow her
So Betty is once again fired. At least she now has a "Former President of Ecomoda" to add to her resume, and has Armando, also former president and now a mere executive more but in charfe of his own Frnchise department, as his reference
I think Armandk and Betty's frienship would continue for a long time before it goes beyond little touches and occasional hand holding. The sexual unappeal is still a strong barrier, and eventually him and Marcela may go back to their sexual relationship
It would probably take him another year and a bunch of alcohol for that innocent hand holding to turn to something more
And yes! Those are my overall thoughts! Hope you like it, and thank you for the ask🥰
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What do you think would have happened to change the course of history as we know it in the show if the guy who accompanies his friend for the betty-aura maria double date was genuinely interested in getting to know her (at least being a friend to her)...maybe they had a common interest in say finance or books or music. Betty wrote in her diary that men seek for desirable women and she didn't feel like that. What if this guy made a decent attempt to connect to her and wanted to see her again. Your opinions are so interesting and I want to hear your thoughts. Thank you and have a good day.
Omgggg I looooove this question!! But also it's so complicated to answer because this supposes to alter a LOOOOT! On one hand we can go for the realistic route of "if Betty hadn't had her hope of love fully crushed and she had actually seen that another man could have had an interest in her, she wouldn't have beeb so utterly blind and devoted towards Armando" especially because the night of the doubke date is the night that Betty gives on on love. On the other hand, we can also take the also canon but less realistic view of "Armando and Betty were destined to be and once Betty fell for Armando there was no going back nor person that ever made her doubt it," given that they share a canonical psychic or soul bond. In other words, would Betty give it a chance with someone else, or would her love blind her to anh other possibility but Armando?
Although I DEFINITELY think that a love rival would have spiced things up and quickened Armando's realization of his own feelings, which I loooove and it's why I DESPERATELY wanna write about that lmao. After all, he did have the biggest jump in his own feelings for Betty when he learned about Nicolás, except that this would be an even bigger kick in the face because he doesn't yet have the embargo excuse! And also, he could actually get to see a real peak of Betty being courted. I've actually been trying to write a short story based on the idea of a rival!
Anyways, let's see!
Imagining that the guy, Rafael (canon name) actually liked Betty would imply that we need to re imagine his whole personality lmao that canon ratman is canonically too uncool for my girlie, but let's say that he is a now a cool guy. He's charming, fun, and actually not superficial. He's open to friendship
He doesn't immediately reject Betty at all, and is in an active conversation with Betty through the whole night. He doesn't leave early, and let's say they even dance a little. They're in a friendly convo but there's no romantic spark.
In any case, Aura Maria is still happy for Betty! She's enjoying her time with the other guy but she's happy to see that Betty and Rafael are getting along, even if she's a bit sad that there's obviously no attraction between them
Anyways, Betty gets a little later home, and when her mom asks about how it went, Betty is so happy to tell her she had an actual good time! She writes in her diary that she had a good time but can't help but feel a little disappointed, because she noticed the guy wasn't into her like that
At this point it's where the major change happens, because this is the night that Betty is fully convinced that she will never experience love, that men only like beautiful women, that the powerhouse of her life must be work, and that Armando is the only man who will ever want and need her, even if it's only because of her work
In this scenario, Betty isn't as pessimistic as she was in the novela. She is just a little sad, but she didn't give up on love fully, because she wasn't fully rejected and mistreated like in the novela. She actually has a bit of hope because the guy and her exchanged numbers.
This supposes a BIG change because it's due to the devoted mentality that Betty agrees to do everything Armando asks for
Given that the dude is from Medellin, this would imply that they cant see each other often, and their relationship, fully platonic at first, would be mainly through phone
So this means Armando doesn't really have to know about him for a while
Obviously Aura Maria would mention Rafael and their night out all together to the rest of the Cuartel, but Betty would shut all of that down arguing that they just ended up as friends
But this is definitely a source for the Cuartel to gossip and tease her! They would definitely ask her if she's now over Nicolás, and she'd say no
Betty and this dude's friendship would continue for a while, but at the same time, Betty spends most of her time with Armando, which also furthers her crush on him, because after all, I really don't think Betty would ever fully love another man
(This is mainly because it's heavily implied in the show thay Armando and Betty share a special psychic connection and that it's probably faithed to be, like when Armando yelled her name and she heard it all the way to Cartagena lmao I don't think either of them would have been happy with any other partner)
There would need to be a point in which Rafael comes back, and that would probably be when things really get going!
Him being away is the main reason why I don't think it would fully develop into a relationship. Betty just wouldn't be able to lower enough of her barriers like that
It'd be interesting to see when him comjng back happens, but for the fun of it, let's say this happens before the embargo. Just to change this up a little from the canon "Nicolás is Betty's bf" canon paranoia
Imagine this dude coming over to Ecomoda one day showing up with a bouquet for Betty. Aura Maria would be sooooo happy for her and would so quickly call her to her office to tell her he's there!!
Would Betty accept these flowers?? Probably she'd be a bit hesitant but get them at the end. She's kinda flattered with them but remember she still has so many barriers up because of the trauma she went through
What for Rafael and any other man may be a simple gentlemanly and romantic present for their lady love, for Betty it can be a painful reminder of what happened. It's not thay she doesn't want to give herself the opportunity to love, it's just that fear will always remain after such trauma
With Armando, after all, she was already fully devoted and trusting of him because he had demonstrated through actions, words, and even conversations with Mario that he appreciated and trusted her fully, and even when their relationship started Betty continued to be full of doubts but she loved him so much that she couldn't close herself to the experience. He made her feel safe enough to lower her barriers and push herself through her doubts. With Rafael it's hard to get to this level of trust and safety when they basically just communicated through phone for a while
Anyways, imagine Betty coming back to her office holding this big bouquet of roses. Imagine Armando's stunned face for a moment, before asking what is that and why she has it, before Betty laughingly and dismissingly saying a friend got it for her
Imagine his killer stare. Just imagine that lmao
His deadfaced, teeth gritted, muscle tensed, sarcastic and dry comment of "what a romantic 'friend', right?" Lmaoooo
He'd totally spiral. He'd be in a terrible mood the whole day!
Imagine he goes out of his office because he's so angry and the first thing he hears Bertha and Sofia talking about is Rafael lmao
He's definitely go as far as to ask Aura Maria about this dude once he finds out they're friends
He'd be so angry and mortified with no apparent reason as to why when learning those two had been on a date, dancing and chatting and having fun
Ohhhh, imagine that same day Armando actually gets to meet him!! Perhaps Rafael goes to Ecomoda yo invite Betty to lunch
Lmao imagine Armando witnessing that and making up something like a lunch meeting just so she doesn't go
To me this scenario is soooo hilarous, the idea of a rival kills me because it's so full of potential for funny jealous Armando and Mario teasing him about it lmao i want a full fanfiction of this😂😂
Anyways, I don't really think this would become a full relationship. There may be some interest between the parts but I don't think it'd be strong enough to become a relationship and they can always use the distance excuse
Maybe Rafael realizes that Betty's appearence is a deal breaker after all, after months of only talking through phone and basically forgetting how she looks. It wouldn't be such a stretch, after all, it's basically Armando's situation in the sense that they like Betty's personality very very much but they can't break past her appearence
Armandk was forced to see past that due to the embargo, but Rafael can just walk away. He has no real attachment, and ghe "situationship" can easily be broken up becauseof the "distance" between where they live
But the simple fact of knowing that Betty can actually be desirable for other men, see it first hand, and that she's interested in dating, will definitely make Armando be extra alert
It's also the realization that Betty is sweet, kind, and devoted to other people. It's basically the same realization Armando has when he first heard about Betty havin a bf, except that he is now seeing it with his own eyes!
Would this quicken things? Feeling wise, absolutely. Action wise? Hard to say. Armando still has so many prejudices and his own barriers up
Although it would definitely later be fuel for Calderón's tease and further of Armando's paranoia.
Something like "Well, maybe her crush on Nicolás is stronger than we thought, after all she also rejected that other dude. And an uggo of such magnitude giving up an opportunity like that? It has to be love!" Every time Betty rejects Armando or tries to break up
On the other hand, if this man turns out to be more Michel like, given that he is introduced so early in the story, he could change everything. It all depend on how his personality and goals are, but given that he's a canonical asshole and this scenario supposes re inventing him completely, it opens so many possibilities
Since he's a blanck slate, how do we want him to be according to what story we want? Is he carefree and laid back? Protective and serious? Fun and trusting?
Because if we go full Michel mode, he could have wanted to make Betty his gf and take her away from that toxic work environment to take her to work where he does, resulting in Ecomoda collapsing under Armando's bad decisions
Would they be happy? No, Betty and Armandk are faithed to be and they definitely wouldn't be happy without each other
This whole idea of Rafael offers soooo many scenarios, depending on when he shows up, what his intentions are or end up being, in what point of Betty's arch he appears, etc!
So much fanfic material omg
The question made me crack my brain open trying to put a single answer to a vlear scenario but since there are so many choices I put a bit of everything. I think it endedup being more scrambled than of usual lmao
Thank you for the question!
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Well hello there! I love how much you take your time to think about your response to these asks - I keep forgetting to come and type the minute I think of something thinking I'll remember and then...I don't! Anyway for this one I was wondering - what would you have liked to see their reconciliation scene be like? How would events have flown from there?
Ohhhh, boy, if I had a time machine, you BET I would go back and make Gaitan rewrite that whole thing!
I love Marcela telling Betty the truth. So this AU would start after that.
I would make Betty go after Armando on her own. The Cuartel doesn't even know she goes, except perhaps Inesita who tells her where to look for him.
Betty gets to the workers' area right when Armando is giving the speech, like in the novela, except that instead of that whole show, Betty calls him to have a word in private with him.
The conversation that follows can happen really anywhere, as long as they are alone
I imagine Betty taking Armando back to her office, and the Cuartel quietly just staring at how Betty calls him in.
Of course, as soon as the doors close, the whole Cuartel is behind the door listening.
(I don't really mind that people listened to the whole thing, what I hate is that they didn't talk at lenght and AT LEAST with the appearence of privacy.)
Betty and Armando would be inside Presidency, askward and uncomfortable at first.
Betty doesn't really know what or how to say it, so it is Armando who firsts asks what she wanted to talk about.
Betty, standing behind her desk for the visual representation of a barrier for her heart, seriously and with all the hope and fear that she had held for months just tells him that she spoke to doña Marcela, and she told her everything that happened the time she was away and about them.
She looks at home expectantly, just letting those words hang in the air.
Armando is also tense and awkward, his jaw tensing and untensing. He's looking at her and repressing all the hope and love he has; all the deep and true desire to hold her in his arms and break.
She has the same expression.
She answers that doña Marcela told her about how he suffered. How he... missed her.
"¿Y... usted le cree?" Asks Armando. His eyes look desperate for any light of hope inside her eyes.
He feels like he will break right there when she answers yes.
A tear falls dow from his eye, and that's what pushes her to the edge and tears also fall down from her own eyes. She can't keep them in anylonger
It's just the quiet, slow type of tear-falling that happens when you can't hold them back anymore.
"Yo la extrañé muchísimo," he says, blinking away the rest of the tears. "Aún la extraño, con todo el corazón."
Betty brings a hand to her mouth and closes her eyes as she bows her head to suppress a sob.
"Por qué... por favor, sólo dígame por qué..." she murmurs. She isn't sobbing, but she can't look at him for a second. "Yo siempre le di todo lo que tenía por dar. Le entregué mi vida, mi tiempo, mi amor, mi honor... todo lo que soy, se lo di. Y se lo hubiera dado incluse si usted jamás hubiera mirado en mi dirección."
Words hurt him like knives.
"Tenía miedo. Tenía miedo de perderlo todo. La empresa, mi familia, mi reputación, el esfuerzo de mi vida.... había tantas vidas en juego, y estaba aterrado. Y ahora sé que también tuve miedo de perderla a usted. Ahora entiendo que yo a usted la he amado desde mucho antes de siquiera besarla por primera vez. Fui un cobarde y un imbécil al no saberlo antes. Ahora sé que no hay ni habrá jamás una mujer tan extraordinaria como usted, y que usted me dio su amor mucho, mucho antes de que yo lo entendiera. Y usted me devolvió a la vida, Beatriz."
Betty at this point is straight up just shaking uncontrollably, shoulders hunched and hand covering her mouth. Tears flow freely now. And she's not holding back anymore.
"Todas esas citas... esos besos, esas caricias... ¿de verdad sintió asco de mí, al menos una vez?"
Shs needs to know the full truth. It is now, or never.
"Sentí... sentí asco de mí mismo. Siempre supe que le estaba haciendo daño, y eso me asqueaba."
"Y aún así lo hizo..."
"Sí," he answers, "y no me arrepiento de un sólo beso o caricia. Me arrepiento de no haber sabido apreciarlos en su momento.
One last question that she has, and this hell would be over.
"¿Usted... sintió asco esas noches también?"
Armando knows which noghts she's talking about immediately, because they haven't left his mind or heart for a single second since. So he answers immediately
"No. Ni una sola vez. Fue la experiencia más dulce y tierna de mi vida... y... si no me cree nada de lo que le he dicho hoy... al menos créame eso. Yo sé que mi palabra no vale nada, pero se lo juro por lo más sagrado en esta vida, que yo a usted la amé esa noche y todas las que le siguieron."
Betty sobs and for a while, there is nothing but the supressed cries that hold so much pain of so many months.
"Yo le creo. Le creo todo." She finally says, and Armando slowly, tentatively, as if afraid to break her if he moved too fast, starts walking towards her and finally brings her to his chest in an embrace.
She is still curled over herself, crying. He is crying too, with his chin redting on the top of her head.
The only sign that she shows of her need for him is her hand desperately grasping the jacket of his suit around his arm.
"Yo también lo amo, don Armando." She whispers and finally he smiles, kisses her head, and tears continue falling.
She finally rests her head on his chest
There is a momentary and silent peace that reigns in the office untilllll
BAM the comedic relief comes in!
The doors slide open and Freddy falls right in, revealing the whole Cuartel and even Wilson also standing at the entrance, but only Freddy stumbles forward
"Freddy, ¿estuvieron escuchando? ¿Todos ustedes?" Asks Armando as him and Betty quickly dry their tears and step away from their embrace, but don't really pur much distance between each other.
"Eh, eh. ¿C-como dice, don Armando?" Stutters Freddy, and desperatedly calls, "e-eh, ¡Wilson, Wilson!" Looking for a scapegoat. "¿¡Donde estan sus modales, ah?!"
"¿Yo?" Prefunta Wilson asomándose por la puerta.
"¡Si. Usted, pues ni modo que yo! ¡hay que felicitar a la nueva y hermosa pareja de ecomoda!"
The whoel Cuartel enters and starts cheering and all that
It's kinda awkward but kinda cute at the same time. Betty and Armando just look at each other with a shy little smile while they are being hugged and congratulated ny their friends
They share these little shy glances which promise a better future.
Right now, they're still holding back a lot. Their relationship is not perfect. It's still full of cracks and very wobbly, but it's a start in their healing process as a couple❤️
And yesssss that's it! That's how I would have loved to see the reconciliation🥰
NOW I knowwwww Gaitan and everyone else were on a hurry. Ik. BUT if we had had a couple more episodes, a few things I would have also loved to see
Armando and Nicolás's barely tolerating each other but knowing they gotta do their best for Betty. Eventually seejng a scene that plants the seed for them to eventually become friends. Idk, maybe they have an interest in common or one helps the other out or something idk. Perhaps Armando introducing Nicolás to a hot woman and Nicolas screwing up and Armando being like "idk wtf was that but it was cringe af im gonna teach you how to woo women because that was painful to watch"??? We don't get to see it actually playing out but we do get to see that this will be the first step into them becoming friends
Margarita's rejection of Betty. Im sorry but therenis no way in hell that this woman would EVER just be like "ok ig my dreams of marrying my two children to each other just ended and now he wants to marry this formerly ugly and still classless woman, so nice im gonna pay for their wedding<3"
Doña Julia's initial skepticism towards Armando.
Don Hermes too. They both kinda blame Armando for what happened to Betty.
A DATE. A PROPER DATE for those two. Jesus Christ hust ANYTHINF. Betty and Armando back in the episode previous to the first night were both like "uh yes actually our relationship is 1000% cerebral and spiritual we talk about books and poetry and magazines and economy and stuff" and yet ???? We never get to see them having a nice convo ???? Like literally these two even have jazz as a common interest PLEASE let them have a date and nice chat
Michel's goodbye. Yeah I'm sorry but him just kinda being yeet off the story like that was a little sad even if I didn't particularly liked him lol
CAMILA PLS BRING MY GODDESS CAMILA AT LEAST ONCE. Literally bring a random actress and make her be the coolest lady ever, kinda Catalina 2.0 but younger and perhaps more willing to pull Armando’s ear
Thank you for your lovely question @casfa88 sorry it took so long😔
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En tu opinión, que hubiera pasado si Patricia de verdad hubiera estado 100% embarazada, pero no supiera quién es el papá?
Abortaría (Aunque con que plata?)?
Se ganaría la simpatía de las mamás del cuartel cuando empezará a mostrar barriga?
Escogería a Mario o a Daniel? O Nicolás aprovecharía el papayazo 🤣?
Si escogiera a Daniel, sería capaz de decirle a su mejor amiga que se acostó con su hermano?
Siempre me ha parecido que podría ser un AU interesante. Aunque pobre criatura con tremendos padres, ya sea Calderón o Valencia (si le dan el apellido🤣) . En la novela Patricia andaba toda relajada porque era puro chisme que resultó a su favor, pero si fuera verdadero ahí si ni un Mercedes la salva de ese chicharrón.
Ohhh me encantaaa! Perdona la tardanza, me debatía sobre como contestar!
Para extra drama, supongamos que Patricia no sabía de su embarazo. Ella genuinamente pensaba que los estaba tomando a todos por tontos, pero cuando llega esa prueba de embarazo mandada a hacer por el Cuartel, sale positiva
El Cuartel está sorprendido de darse cuenta que la Peliteñida no mentía, pero nadie está más sorprendido que la mismísima Peliteñida
En este AU, Patricia sí había tenido síntomas, similares a los vistos en la novela. En la novela todo esto fue o dramatizacion o causado por otros problemas, pero en edte AU no, aunque ella estaba convencida de que exageraba o simplemente se debían a su hambre, porque su prueba de embarazo de Farmacia había salido negativa
Siguiendo la lógica de la novela, el padre sería Daniel. Por qué? Porque Patricia tenía un dispositivo anticonceptivo (el cual en este AU evidentemente falló), del cual Daniel se confió y nunca se cuidó. Esto es algo que Patricia le tira en cara en la misma novela y que Daniel no niega. Mario, por el contrario, directamente le dice a Armando que sí usó preservativos en la novela y que por eso mismo no podia creer que Patricia edtuviera embarazada. Por cuestiones de números, es más probable que fuera de Daniel
Pero en este AU, supongamos que Patricia no sabe de quién es el bebé!
Supongamos que el Cuartel en realidad no va a esa colección dado que ya no tienen la buena nueva para Calderón.
En este AU, igualmente, Patricia gana un poco más de tiempo para decidir qué hacer con su vida, si escoger Miami (Daniel) o matrimonio (Mario)
Aunque tal como en la novela, Mario aún no ha dicho que sí se casará, Patricia está convencida de que aceptará eventualmente, pero aún así está aún dividida entre a cual hombre escoger.
Por esto mismo ella disfruta felizmente de la colección, tranquila y alegre pensando que los está tomando a todos por tontos, sin saber qué toda su mentira es verdad.
Así que Patricia no se da cuenta sino hasta el día siguiente en Ecomoda cuando Gutierrez le menciona que qué bueno que ya había metido la papelería para su futura licencia por maternidad
Esto es algo que Patricia no entiende hasta que Sofia o Bertha le hacen algún comentario del tipo "vea, peliteñida, nosotras pensamos que usted era puro cuento, pero ya con esos examenes, sabemos que usted no es mentirosa... nada más es imbécil por creer que eso le va a servir para atrapar por siempre a don Mario!" Seguido de una carcajada.
Patricia, por primera vez dejando pasar el ibsulto y su primer duda sería, pero de qué examen hablan?
Y ahí Bertha le confiesa, a medio mentiras, que por "protocolo" de la empresa pidió de parte de Ecomoda una prueba de embarazo para Patricia para poder meter la papelería. Y salió positiva
Patricia se pone histérica, exigiendo ver esos examenes que Bertha, confindida, le entrega. Patricia se pone pálida del susto al darse cuenta de que su mentira era cine por ciento verdad
Y como Patricia no es muy inteligente que digamos, su primer instinto es ir a llorarle a Marcela. Patricia entraría de golpe a la oficina de Marcela haciendo el mismo escándalo similar al que le hizo en la novela cuando se le murió el celular. Llegaría gritando "Marce, Marce!!! Una tragedia, Marcela, necesito tu ayuda!!" De tam manera que la pobre Marce pegaría un bricolaje y preocupada le preguntaría que pasó. Luego Patricia le diría que está embarazada, y Marcela estaría de "🤨🤨🤨 eso ya lo sabíamos, Patricia, no has parado de hablar de eso en toda la semana!!"
Supongo entonces que Patty tendría que inventarse algo como que ahora sí estaba 100% segura y no sabía qué hacer
Marcela le volvería a decir que no lo tenga
Patricia lo pensaría, pero tras considerarlo seriamente-- definitivamente esa es la opción menos conveniente.
Desde un principio de la novela, Patty dice que ya no está para "noviecitos" y que quiere estabilidad. Para ella, esta es la mejor manera de conseguirlo con quien quiera
Así que le toca escoger
Ella va a hablar con Mario primero, puesto que ya sabe lo que Daniel propone.
Si de verdad no hubiera ningún niño en camino, probablemente escogería a Daniel. Daniel le ofrece un departamento en su lugar de ensueños con una cantidad de plata de ensueños. Pero ahora ya no va a poder usar esa plata en membresía del gym y tintes para el cabello, sino que tendría que usarla en pañales y colegiaturas. Estaría sola en otro país con un niño sin padre.
Así que definitivamente Mario suena mejor, puesto que es una vida de lujos, dentro de su mismo círculo social donde recuperaría su estatus, y su hijo tendría apellido-- sin mencionar el orgullo de haber logrado domar al soltero coficiado Mario Calderón. Pero no lo va a escoger hasta estar segura de que tiene un futuro asegurado con él
Patricia, evidentemente, piensa poco o nada en el futuro de su hijo, ella piensa en su comodidad.
Así que va a hablar con Calderón a exigirle, amenazarlo casi, de que si no se casan, ella se irá del país y nunca la verá de nuevo ni a a ella ni a su hijo.
Tras una discusión donde Mario trata de llegar a un punto medio y Patricia no cede, Mario termina aceptando casarse... muy a su pesar.
Toda la noche lo estuvo consumiendo la idea de tener un hijo en otro país al cual jamás conocerá. Tal como vimos en la novela, Mario siente una genuina culpa y responsabilidad hacia ese niño, y aunque odia a los niños, la idea de no estar en su vida lo atormenta.
Así que acepta casarse, y esa noche se lo cuenta con muchísimo pesar a Armando, quien después de burlarse un poco por cómo Mario mismo se burlaba de él por casarse, le repite que eventualmente se pueden divorciar, y ya.
Mario se siente como cordero rumbo al matadero.
Patricia, por otro lado, está brincando de alegría, ya planeando la boda y viendo vestidos y todo lo que se venga.
Ohhh, y lo mejor de todo, es que sus deudas también se volverán las de Mario!
Ella está que no cabe de alegría
Así que después de felizmente gritarle a los cuatro cielos que se va a casar, va a ver a Daniel
Él como siempre seco y directo le dice que ya tiene su boleto listo rumbo a Miami
Pero Patricia muy segura le dice que estasegura de que el hijo no es de él, y que no se toene que volver a preocupar por el asunto. Tampoco lo quiere volver a ver nunca
Daniel posiblemente trate de hacerla renunciar o algo, y Patricia, siendo Patricia, no le da la satisfacción de decirle que si, a pesar de que obviamente tiene 100% la intención de no trabajar una vez casada, como lo hizo cuando fue esposa de Mauricio Brightman
Despues de una discusión, ambos acuerdan bajo amenzas de no revelar nada: si Patricia dice que el hijo es o pudo ser de Daniel a cualquiera, Daniel contará lo del computador y le dirá a Mario que el hijo no es suyo. Si Daniel cuenta lo de computador o hace comentarios a Mario o a cualquiera de Patricia haber engañado a Mario, Patricia contará que el niño es de él.
En otras palabras, se amenazan mutuamente, y acuerdan no volver a hablarse.
Así Patricia se quita eso de encima, y ahoea sí entra en pleno en plan boda, porqhe se quiere casar rapido para 1) no se le vea la panza en el obviamwnte carisimo vestido que quiere usar, y 2) para dehar de trabajar y que Mario la mantenga cuanto antes!
Lo cual abslutamente MATA a Mario. Cada que Patricia sele acerca para consultarle algo de la boda quiere huir.
Claro que Patricia 5rata de manipularlo con cosas como "nuestro hijo siente tu rechazo Mario" "nuestro hijo va a querer ver fotos de nuestra boda, Mario" y cosas así
Y claro que Patricia quiere tirar la casa por la ventana con una boda enorme y carísima (mejor que la primera que tuvo y muuuucho mejor que la Mercedes Domínguez, claro)
Pero obvio Mario sabe que no se puede gastar plata así nada más teniendo en cuenta las dificultades económicas actuales
Y tras mucho rollo, dramas y consejos de Marcela de que no ponga a Mario contra la espada o la pared a menos que quiera terminar siendo madre soltera, Patricia se conforma con una fiesta chica pero un vestido glorioso
Obvio Mario es como muerto en vida durante la ceremonia y fiesta, pero al menos agradece que no fue por lo católico (debido a que Patricia es divorciada)
Y desde el momento en que se firman los papeles, empieza el infierno se Mario.
Patricia usa su embarazo como excusa para portarse aún más cruel, inútil y mimada, exigiendo de todo
Se vuelve muy similar a Marcela en el sentido de que nada más está cazando a su pareja. Patricia misma dice en la novela que perseguía a su ex esposo y le chocaba los bolsillos y todo😂 así que sería lo mismo con Mario
Después de muy largos y tortuosos meses para Mario, por fin nace la niña
Y para sorpresa de nadie, a Patricia no le importa mucho más allá de ponerle vestidos lindos y presumir con sus amigas lo magnífica madre que es y lo hermosa que es su hija
La pobre niña realmente no es querida por ninguno de sus padres. Mario siente responsabilidad con ella, pero nunca la quiso tocar. Se ve obligado a hacerlo cuando ve que Patricia, a pesar de estar todo el día en la casa con la niña, realmente no la mueve o cambia o alimenta, y en las noches no se levanta a cuidarla. No la quiere mucho ni le tiene gran prioridad,.
Con el paso de los años y ahora ya los tres viviendo en Argentina, Mario le agarra cieeeeerto cariño a la niña, pero definitivamente nunca llega a amarla como tal.
Nunca tuvieron otros hijos porque Mario se hizo la vasectomía
Eso sí, Mario engañó un millón de veces a Patricia, principalmente tras, como en Ecomoda, darse cuenta que mostrar el que es padre e inventarse historias como que es viudo, le ganan muchísima simpatía
Gracias a esto le desarrolla cierto agrado a la niña, supongo.
Se terminan divorciando al cabo de unos 7 años, y Patricia, ni queriendo volver a pasar por lo que pasó con Mauricio, le quita una bueeeena cantidad en el divorcio más la manutención
Fin! Jajaja creo que mis respuestas no tuvieron mucho que ver con Ecomoda, pero honestamente siento que Patty se saldría de trabajar en cuanto pudiera y exprimirlo hasta más no poder jajaja y Mario pues, ni modo! Aceptaría!
Gracias por el ask! Lamento mucho lo que tardó!
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¡Disfruto muchísimo de todas tus respuestas! Siempre me da pena que Betty y Armando no hayan disfrutado aunque sea una noche más antes de la carta. Suponiendo que Betty no haya leído la carta, y Betty y Armando hayan podido ir al desfile de Adriana Arboleda, ¿qué pensas que hubiese pasado?
Muchas gracias🥰🥰🥰 perdona la respuesta tardía! Concuerdo totalmente, fue una pena que no disfrutaran más, aunque creo 100% que eso es porque, si hubieran tenido una o dos noches más, Armando ya no habría sido capaz de huir de sus sentimientos. Le habría quedado en claro lo que ya sentía por Beatriz. Así que con eso establecido, empecemos!
Aquí partimos desde la base de que esta Betty se siente más segura del amor de Armando puedto que la noche anterior fue su segunda noche juntos. La mañana siguiente a eso, como vimos en la novela antes de La Catastrofe, Armando y Betty tenian un aura de felicidad, tranquilidad y unión extremadamente clara, que se rompe tras Betty encontrar la Carta.
Aquí, como no hay Carta, Betty sigue siendo feliz, emocionada, tierna, y quiere complacer a Armando y estar lo mejor posible para él
Así que quizá intentaría arreglarse y verse lo más presentable posible. Quizá iría con el Cuartel a que le presten un vestido y la arreglen, así como hizo una vez al principio de la novela
Ya arreglada (a estandares de Betty Antes de la Transformación), Betty habría esperado feliz y con ansias el ir al desfile, pues don Armando dejó en claro que tenía intención de pasar la noche con ella
Así que ella habría llamado a casa a decir que se demoraría mucho, que llegaría muy tarde por estar en un evento del trabajo
Armando y ella se habrían ido felices al evento, donde jamás se hubieran separado más que porque Armando olvidó su celular
Betty habría vuelto con él para encontrar a Armando con las modelos, y aunque habría sentido celos, Armando se las arreglaría para dejarle en claro que ellas ya no captan su atención de la misma forma que antes
Este Armando, aunque aún no entiende sus sentimientos dem todo, le da más prioridad a Betty
Tras finalizar el evento, al cual nunca iría Nicolás y en el cual Betty y Armando le huirían a Patricia a toda costa, probablemente irían a algún restaurante mediocre a cenar.
Armando aún no admite del todo sus sentimientos, pero debido a que aun siente la culpa latente sobre lo descubierto la moche anterior acerca del pasado de Betty, la llevaría a un lugar mejor de lo usual. No es un bailadero de mala muerte, pero tampoco es un restaurante de su nivel. Es algo bastante mediocre, pero debido a los estándares de Betty, a ella le encanta.
Este lugar fue recomendado por Calderón, obvio. Él conoce todos esos lugares mediocres a donde le encanta llevar a las mujeres que él clasifica C de Clandestinidad
Después de la cena, irían probablemente al departamento se Armando
Yo sé que Armando no quería a Betty inicialmente en su departamento, pero en esta ocasión, Armando intenta ser especialmente dulce y tierno en parte por la noche anterior, y en parte por la culpa de sentir que le está haciendo lo mismo que Miguel le hizo
Así que la lleva a su departamento. Pasan un rato tierno, amistoso, romántico, con música de jazz de fondo y un buen vino, que aunque Betty no suele tomar, está es una ocasión especial
Debido a que Marcela no está en Bogotá, Betty termina pasando la noche entera en el departamento de Armando, donde oficialmente tienen su tercera noche
Para Armando esto le resulta en una revelacion: está enamorado de Beatriz.
Es difícil para él seguir sin verlo, cuando la tiene ahí con él, en su cama, entre las sábanas, dormida en sus brazos, y por primera vez, siente tranquilidad. Siente paz, siente cariño por ella y ternura al verla acurrucada a su lado.
La ve y por primera vez ve genuinamente a la mujer en sus brazos. No ve una responsabilidad y compromiso como lo hace cuando está con Marcela. No ve un cuerpo sin rostro como alguna de sus modelos. No ve una simple figura llenando un espacio. Ve a Betty.
Y por fin Armando entiende
Pero eso no quiere decir que pueda admitirlo. No aún.
Se duermen juntos, y ambos tienen una noche increíble y una mañana tranquila, libre, y por primera vez en mucho tiempo para Armando, reparador
Y eso! Creo que ambos habrian tenido una noche hermosa y por primera vez genuinamente romantica, sin miedos a ser encontrados, y con Armando siendo especialmente romántico (a su modo ajjajaa) en parte por la culpa y en parte porque la novela nos dio a entender que Armando se terminó 100% de enamorar tras la 2nda noche! La 3ra sólo le haría darse cuenta de ello-- por lo cual creo que fue la razon de que no hubo una tercer en la novela!
Gracias por la pregunta!🥰🥰🥰
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I was wondering what would have happened in the novela if Betty and Nicolas went to an hotel for the reconciliation the night they fought for Patricia and Armando was following them at Le Noir?
Ooooooh myyyyy gooooood. OK OK OK I'm already loving this!! I'm soooo sorry for how long this took, I'm barely getting bac to the fandom after a long break! 😔😔
This is definitedly going to end up bad
Anyways, when Betty and Nicolas are at the Le Noir, she insinuates that her plan was to make Armando believe her and Nicolás were about to Do the Thing at a hotel.
Let's assume in this AU, Nicolás stood Patricia up to help Betty
Armando would have absolutely gone BONKERS
But also, I can just imagine to the level of cruelness it would have gone
Betty woukd have definitedly told Nicolás to drive towards the same hotel where Armando and her spent the night, with full on intention to book the same room where Armando and her were
Armando, on his part, would lose all color on his face as he realized to where they're driving
He'd grip the wheel so hard his knucles would go white. His jaw would tense and release over and over. He'd silently pray he's wrong. He'd cling to the idea that he's mistaken
Even when both cars reach the hotel's parking lot, he's hoping it's false. That she'd regret it and go back. That she'd dumb that idiot right there.
But that doesn't happen. He just watched from afar as the idiot talks to the receptionist and takes a key, with HIS Betty hugging his arm
The memory of her doing exactly the same to him, in that same hotel lobby, brings tears to his eyes and he quickly blinks them away
He follows them with his eyes as they take the elevator
He stays there, just watching the elevator's closed doors for what feels like an eternity, his heart filling with hope each time the doors open, praying to see Betty coming down alone
But an hour goes by, and they haven't come down. After another half an hour, he's lost all hope
He tortures himself with the image of Betty, the memory of her skin, her kisses, her smell during that night with him.
He ends up at the hotel's bar, drinking himself to nearly unconciousness. He can still see the entrance of the hotel, and would be able to see whe they go out
And as if life itself were laughing at him, he overhears some hotel's employees conversation
They're talking about an incredibly ugly woman, and how she was here not so long ago with another man.
Armando grits his teeth, and barey supresses the urge to beat those assholes up when he hears their laugh, their jokes.
Their laughter of him, of the "poor imbecile" that she's cheating on. Their namecalling of her.
He has no way of knowing that, inside that room where he thinks another man is making love to his Betty, that other man actually fell asleep half way through a random movie they found on the room's tv
Betty, however, blindly stared at the screen for two hours. Dead quiet.
Nicolás tried to talk her out of this, but she never ceded. He ended up giving up and decided to watch the movie instead before he fell asleep
Nicolás is truly worried for her, for her mind, ans for her soul. But if his dear near-sister wants this, he'll help her. He'd do anything to help aliviate the crushing pain she's under
Even if he doesn't think it's right
After around two hours, Betty wakes Nicolás up, and they leave the room
She leaves the room hugging his arm
And Armando witnesses it all
By this point, he's heavely intoxicated. He doesn't even wait for them to drive to her house like in the novela or for him to leave. He confrots them both right there, in the parking lot of the hotel
And basically it goes down very similar to the scene outside of Inesita's house: Betty yelling, Nicolás teying to fight, horrified stares from people
Armando beats Nicolás up until a couple of security guards come separate them, after guests started reporting the brutal beating happening
They're holding his arms, but he's struggling and yelling and the poor security guards aren't even corpulent enough to deal with this 1.80+cm, red seeing, and blood-craving beast
That is, until Betty slaps the shit out of him
It's not the pain that wakes him up. He's been in pain for a while, as his knuckles are bleeding and he might have broken a bone. It's the shock.
He has no time to process this
By this point, the police has already been called, as well as an ambulance
Nicolás is badly beaten on the floor. Realistically, in the novella he would have been as well, but Ig it tried to downplay Armando’s damage.
I won't downplay it here. Armando really thinks he's beating an asshole who just tricked and fucked the love of his life for money
In his mind, Armando is beating Miguel and himself up, both personified through Nicolás Mora: assholes taking advantage of a vulnerable angel
Or at least, he sometimes thinks of her as an angel. He oscillates between seeing her as such, and realizing that she basically cheated on him and lied to his face.
All of these thoughts flood his deeply intoxicated might as he is dragged to the police car, and as he sees the paramedics putting Nicolás on a stretcher
It breaks his heart to see Betty so worried over that man
But as he's left on the backseat of the police car, two things dawn on him: first, he could and would have beaten to death Nicolás Mora, had it not been for the intervention. And second, that Betty is in love with Nicolás Mora, and not him
Only one of those things is true
Betty goes in the ambulance with Nicolás
Thankfully, he's only got a couple of broken ribs. But the doctor's words stay ringing in Betty's head: had Nicolás continued to be beaten that badly, those broken ribs could have punctured something important
Betty cries besides Nicolás, and even though he tells her it's okay and he chose to do it, Betty had enough
The next day, she dumps everything (inkcuding the Mercedes's keys, sinister letter, and her resignation letter) into a box and gives it all to Aura Maria, telling her to give it to don Armando or don Mario when she sees them
She doesn't care to even ask what happened to Armando
He spent the night in jail, and Marcela went to pick him up the next morning
Marcela started the expected interrogation, and Armando, tired, annoyed, hung over, and very bitter, is cruel towards her, shutting out every one of her attempts to demand explanations
As soon as he gets his stuff back, he finds a million lost calls from Calderón. He ignores them all thinking it's just him wanting details about the situation
When Armando goes back to the office in the late afternoon, a panicked Calderón tells him Betty not only quit, but also gave them back the business
And worse yet, his sinister letter
He immediately goes to her house
No one's there, and when he asks around he finds out that rumors have gotten out through the neighborhood that someone had badly beaten Nicolás Mora, and the whole Pinzón Solano family had gone yo see him st the hospital
Except Betty, who stayed there the whole night
His mind is running thousands an hour, and lots of questions go through his head. He doesn't know what to do or say
So he goes to the hospital, waiting for her outside until she comes out, and turning off his phone to avoid Marcela blowing it up with calls
He immediately ambushes her, trying to talk to her and explain everything, but she won't have any of it
In the novela, although Betty did get angry ans scared when Armando was beating up Nicolás, the beating wasn't as bad as here. Here, Nicolás had to go to the hospital, her parents got involved, even his mom got involved. Seeing Nicolás mom anguished and angry over what happened to her son really made it all dawn on Betty
And increased her hatred towards Armando
So I guess you can imagine how it got after this
Betty refused to listen to Armando. She never came back to Ecomoda, no matter how much everyone begged
Armando was twice humiliated. Word got out that he beat a man badly, very badly, outside of a hotel at night.
Witnesses say it wasn't even a fight. It was straight up Armando Mendoza pulverizing a man... and obviously, that already painted a grim picture. A well-known womanizer, at night, beating another man outside of a hotel with such rage? It just had to have to do with a woman
Marcela was obviously the first one to come to the gossip magazines's especulations
But witnesses' description of the woman (who slapped Armando Mendoza when the policemen couldn't control him!) Does not fit Marcela Valencia at all
It didn't take long before everyone put two and two together
After all, Armando never hid Betty and his closeness to her. She had been the center of quite the gossip, after all. Who would forget such a jarring image of this handsome, powerful millionaire who could have any woman he liked, yet always had by his side that tiny gremlin-looking woman? No one in Armando’s classist, sexist and superficial circle would pass the opportunity to gossip among themselves
No details ever came to light, of course. But everyone already knew Armando and Betty were involved, and, judging by his reaction, apparently she cheated on him with that other guy
The public humiliation, added to the disgust that Marcela felt knowing that Armando had cheated on her with Beatriz, was too much for Marcela. Of course she had to cancel the wedding
And if y'all think this is sucking, let me remind y'all that no one yet knows about the whole embargo thing lol
Obviously, Betty doesn't go to Cartagena
The Board Meeting happens before. Armando is immediatedly removed as President
Roberto is just so incredibly angry and embarrassed that Ecomoda is dragged into this. He just can't let his son continue to drag Ecomoda's name to the ground.
The pictures of Armando being taken by the police just haunt Roberto
And THAT'S when everyone finds out the truth
Roberto, just like in the novela, quickly puts two and two together and understand why Armando got involved with Beatriz. He keeps this disgusting realization to himself
Daniel does not.
All this time Armando has tried to talk to Betty. She doesn't let him. She just keeps hidding at Nicolás house, taking care of him. She feels deeply guilty about it. He has multiple bones broken and needs care
He doesn't regret it, tho. He's happy that he was able to stand up for her. He even jokes about it, and although Betty is queen of dark self depricating humor, she doesn't find this funny at all
She understands that, had the police not taken Armando that night, she would have lost her Dear friend
And all of this for some stupid vengeance
Since this Betty doesn't go to Cartagena, she doesn't go through any physical change. Doesn't meet Michel. Doesn't heal.
But she doesn't come back to Ecomoda either.
The business just falls apart, even in Daniel's hands
And with her reputation fully tarnished (not through magazines, as nothing was ever confirmed and they wouldn't risk a lawsuit, but word spreads out withing the sector), she can't even work in the field anymore
So she ends up working back as a secretary on some random small business that pays even less than in her previous job
Armando and Marcela don't go bac together. She ends up leaving the country and moving to London with Roberto and Margarita, as she can't even tolerate the amount of gossip and shame she feels. She gets a good job there, tho
Patricia eventually ends up in jail lol she never got to see Nicolás again, and with all her debt and all her connections burned, she got sued and take to jail
Daniel continues to work in his government job, but after all the scandal, it's hard to keep it for long. He gets in other businesses later, but no one in the family really knows whag it is
Nicolás continued to work in his mom's bakery
Don Hermes lost his car as he couldn't pay anymore. He's very depressed, and to say he's disappointed would be too short
After one of the millionth attempts to speak to Betty, don Hermes notices and intervenes. Betty protests but don Hermes doesn't listen. That's how he ends up discovering the whole legal and economic issue
He tries to force Betty to go, but by that time, it's too late and the business falls
Calderón, just like in canon, leaves the country
At the end, Armando ends up alone
He moves to Sweden with his sister to try to rebuild a life, but there's nothing of the Old Armando in him. He's an empty shell who lost it all
The only thing that keeps him breathing is his sister's care, guiding him through his deep depression
He wouldn't have survived it if it weren't for her
In short, everyone is very, very miserable
Lol, I though of taking this to an even DARKER turn... after all, it's said in the canon that, had nothing stopped Armando, he wouldn't have stopped on his own. A beating like that can be fatal, that's all I'm saying.
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Si Patricia hubiera quedado embarazada de Daniel después del fiasco del computador y Marcela se enterase por medio del cuartel y sus chismes, a quien escogería apoyar? A su mejor amiga, o su hermano?
Holis! Gracias por la pregunta🥰🥰
Creo que Marcela querría que Daniel apoyara a Patricia. Después de todo, Patricia es su mejor amiga, y la amistad entre ellasmo estaba tan fracturada en ese entonces como para darle la espalda. Definitivamente Marcela confrontaría a Daniel y le exigiría que respondiera por el niño, puesto que encima de ser hijo de su mejor amiga, el bebé sería también su sobrino. Probablemente amenzaría a Daniel con cortarlo de su vida si él no responde por Patricia, y Daniel aceptaría.
No ccreo que se case con Patricia, pero aceptaría a regañadientes darle el apellido al niño y manutención. Pero al mismo tiempo, posiblemente con presiones de Roberto y Margarita (que a esas alturas de la movela tenían a Patricia en un pedestal), dudaría. Sería tener la presión de las cuatr unicas personas que a Daniel le importan: Roberto, Margarita, Marcela y Beata (que seguro se uniría a la mocion nada más por seguir a Marcela y porque le agrada Patricia)
Definitivamente no se podría deshacer de Patricia mandandola al extranjero, pues nadir de la familia aceptaría eso. Roberto y Margarita querrían conocer a su casi nieto, y Marcela y Beata querrían convivir con su sobrino. Le meterían presión de que Patricia es una mujer de clase y elegancia y es hermosa, y que formarían una familia divina.
Aunque independientemente de si Daniel se casara con Patricia, por seguro que Armando se partiría de la risa! Casi lo veo a él y a Mario burlándose de cómo la tonta mayor se arregló la vida y todos sus problemas de plata atrapando a Daniel! Y cómo este fue tan imbécil por dejarse atrapar por una tonta como ella!
Definitivamente, Armando tendría un dia de campo con las noticias jajajaj
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Do u know those "and it was all a dream" AUs where some character wakes up at the begging of a story with all the acknowledge of what's to come? I can't stop thinking of that with Armando, I just can't help but wonder what'd he do differently, how he'd react to being engaged again to Marcela and Betty not in love with him yet, his daughter not being born yet. Like, what'd he do? Do you have any hc for that?
Also, porqué carajo hablo en inglés jajaja
Omg nooo, I had never heard of that but it's super interesting!
There's two paths that could happen:
1) Armando chooses to do everything differently, but with the fear of not achieving the same results
2) Chooses to do it all the same.
I think Armando would choose the first one, because by the end of the novela, Armando is much less selfish and truly sees for Betty's wellbeing above his own and everything else.
The biggest thing here is that by the time the novela starts, Armando had alreadh presented his proposal and basically won the presidency with it, therefore, he can't change it. If he were to gathet the Board to admit thay he KNOWS tbe proposal is flawed, he could lose the presidency and Daniel would get it. Now, as we know, After-ending Armando doesn't care about losing the presidency (he knows Betty is better suite for it and admires her for that) but the thing is that if he were to admit the flaws and Daniel were to be president right now, Betty would never be hired. Thus, they would never get close. The only solution is repeating what he did before: take the presidency under an extremely flawed proposal and defend it with teeth and nails.
It's not easy for him. He is now a changed man, and he doesn't want to defend his awfuk proposal and be an ego-driven egoistic man again, but he has to in order to assure the presidency.
The hardest part is consciously bettaying his dad's trust.
One thing he absolutely will change, is that wouldn't get engaged with Marcela, both because he knows he doesn't want her (he wants his wife!) And because it's totally useless. His reasoning in the novela was becuase she was "lo mejorcito" and because he wanted to prove "maturity" to his parents. Now knowing rverything that will happen, he knows both of those reasons were idiotic and empty.
He obviously has to break up with Marcela soon, but doesn't know how or when. It was extremely difficult to leave her last time, and he dreads to think that that whole thing will repeat: the crying, the begging, the empty promises, the facing of awful truths.
He would probably be waiting for the right moment, but meanwhile, he'd totally stop sleeping with her. As well as with all the models, ofc.
Mayyybe he'll try to treat her a little nicer (remember he admits feeling bad for all that happened with her, also as a way to compensate not sleeping with her) but even with all thay he's changed, Marcela still has a gift to make him lose his temper.
Also, he'd refuse to hire Patricia. He doesn't care about keeping his relationship with Marcela, therefore, he has no reason to hire Patricia, especially knowing how much Patricia bullied his wife.
Marcela would throw a biiiig fit over this, but Armando would remain unmoved.
The new issue here would be that Betty would now get a desk in the hallway, far away from him... he'll miss her presence, but she never belonged in a dark and humid closet. She never deserved to be hidden, and he was never truly embarrassed about her appearance.
His willingness to put her in the hallway where she could be seen would also put him in trouble with his parents, bjt once again, he doesn't care. (Remember Roberto and Margarita criticized Betty's image the first time they met her and argued that she was giving Ecomoda a bad reputation)
His friendship with Mario will also immediately go stiff as soon as he sees him. ((As always I'm ignoring Ecomoda, therefore the last that this Armando knew of Mario was when he quit after Armando hit him for reading Betty's diary.))
Mario would immediately notice Armando's sudden change with him (cuz Armando is super easy to read lol) and so would Marcela.
However the biggest red flag for them both is Armando's reaction to Betty. Armando is soooo bad at hidding his emotions, that Mario quickly noticed how he gets incredibly irritated and even shuts him up every time Mario wants tk joke about Betty's appearence.
Of course, Mario constantly teases him about having a crush on her, and he just changes topic.
Armando tries to tolerare Calderón, and even sometimes do really enjoy his presence, but tries not to fall for this fake friendship. He needs Calderón for all the sketchy stuff they'll do in order to "try to fulfill the business goals"
Armando obviously is super nice and sweet to Betty (as much as a boss can, of course!) And after just a couple of weeks, he raises her to assistant position. This time, he raises her salary as well. It is at this point that he realizes that he does need a secretary... and unfortunately, no one else hired the little sea lion, so she ends up as his secretary nonetheless.
It's a big defeat, but at least he was able to spare Betty a few weeks of bullying...
Also, as soon as Olarte is out, Armando gives Betty his office. This time, she has to accept it because now Patricia is going to use the regular secretary desk and the old closet never became an office, so she's happy to accept it.
The only thing here is that even though Armado was able to get rid of Patricia for a few weeks, Marcela is wayyy worse now with Betty.
Tqlking about Marcela, she is now in a big dilemma: Armando no longer sneaks out so she's sure that he doesn't have a mistress, but he is also refusing sex. The night when she dressed up as an executioner remains one of the most humiliating nights of her life, because he stood his ground firmly and didn't cede. He rejected her sexual advances and said he'd wait for her to get changed to talk. She felt so ridiculous and humiliated.
She doesn't understand what is going on, but she’s incredibly frustrated and angry, constantly snapping, and most of her anger is directed towards Betty.
Betty is absolutely in love with Armando since he always defends her, of course.
Also, Armando tries to leave subtle hints that he likes her, even though he knows she won't be able to tell. The day she decorates his office when he came back from a trip, this time he notices it and thanks her for it. Since he knew she was going to do that, he also brought her a little present (just a littlw and cheap souvenir, nothing extravagant because that would be too suspicious)
Anyways, most things go the same way, except that by the time Mario suggests to Armando make Betty fall in love with him, Betty and him have been secretly dating for a while lol as if this dude were to be able to keep his hands off her more than a coupleof months lol (also he misses his daughter so he kinda wants to rush things lol)
Obviously, Calderón never knows about this. Armando now trusts nothing personal with him, but Mario is still implicated in the qhole scheme of Terramoda.
Therefore, thwre is never a Letter of Instructions. Calderón is fooled into believing they aren't lovers, and he thinks Armando is simply having a weird crush thay for some reason refuses to act on it (e,cept that Armando IS acting on it lol)
There is no Le Noir dinners, expensive clothes for Nicolás, purposeful jealousy, nothing.
Also, since there is no Mercedes, Nicolas and Patricia never get together.
The only reason he hasn't broken up with Marcela is because he doesn't want to risk anything that vould possibly vhange the outcome of Betty becoming President. So, Marcela and him remain together publicly, but there's no intimacy. He dreads kissing her, as he feels like he is cheating on Betty.
That is also tbe only reason why he continued the business proposal. He knows Betty would never have a chance of becoming president if it's not under difficult circumstances.
Everything falls down furing the board meeting. This time, it is Daniel who uncovers them. Betty is fired. Armando feels awful about putting her through all this, especially because he knew Daniel was going to uncover them (remember in the novela Daniel was going to the board meeting with that intention)
Marcela also discovers about the affairs that same fay, when Betty cleans her office and is about to leave. Just like in the novela, Betty puts all her stuff in a trashbag and wants to make it seem like it's just trash (not out of disgust like in the novela, here she does it because she doesn't want anyone finding out the stuff and discovering the relationship. Remember there isn't a letter nor a betrayal)
The scene is INTENSE because when Marcela finds out the truth, Betty also breaks down and begs forgiveness ans all that. Remember she isn't full of spite here and feels terrible about being a mistress.
When Marcela slaps her for her "descaro", Betty takes it.
Now if you're thinking the whole Cartagena thing didn't happen here, you are WRONG. Armando makes sure that she "coincidently" meets with Catalina there (Armando sends Betty there under the excuse of "shielding her" for a while), and becomes her assistant.
Cata helps Betty much like how she did in the novela, except this Betty's wounds are only about the breaking of her morals, the betrayals she committed to the Pinzon and Mendozas families, all that. No broken hearts.
In fact, Armando told her if she needed some time to disconnect from it all, that she did, and he'd wait for her return. He insists she do, that it'll be good, and she eventually accepts.
Obviously ghe whole French man thing goes a little different. When Michel tries to kiss her, she apologizes profusely for "misleading him" and tells him she has a relationship
He accepts it well.
Cata does help Betty change physically. It takes a lot, but Betty eventually understand she feels that way because she feels she isn't worthy due to her insecurities, which comes mainly from the idea that she's ugly.
Cata convinces her to try something new.
Betty returns from Cartagena as a changed woman, like in the novela.
Also, Marcela and Armando never get back together. Armando never goes to that bar to get killed, and he doesn't drink like in the novela
Now this all obviously affect him, but he tries to remain firm because he knows it is temporary and that the business will be well when Betty takes it over.
The hardest moment is when Betty leaves and goes NC with him during Cartagena, because he almost feels like he is back in that nightmare when she thought his love for her was fake... so he has to constantly reassure himsekf that it is not like that at all, that they are well, that she’s fine, that he didn't break her heart this time, and that she's healing and improving herself in Cartagena.
Obviously all this past year has been very difficult for him constantly feeling like he's going crazy, but he knows it is all temporary, and that (along with Betty) is what keeps him grounded.
His primary motivation to keep it together is the promise of eventually being back to his old life with his wife, and to see his daughter again.
Betty becomes president and Nicolás starts officially working at Ecomoda (it is onky at this moment that him and Patricia officially meet)
There is obviously no big reconciliation, because they never fought.
Michel doesn't come back.
Idk how or when does Mario leave, lol my brain wrnt dead.
Oh and btw, Armando becomes official with Betty as soon as she comes back. There is nothing holding them back anymore.
(About Nicolas and Patricia, it didn't work out, like in the novela, but it took Nicolás a little longer to figure it out because since there was never a "false rich thing", Patricia never shows her true colors...)
The end.
Brain is ded.
Tadaaa, those are my hcs lol what do you thkn🥰??
Also, idk, a mí me encanta hablar en ingles jajajaja
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