#eldarya episode 4
tropicalflavors · 1 year
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no context because this is funny
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alenales · 2 years
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Переделка постера с Генкаку, еще почти в самом начале, когда послали всех на миссию осмотреть здание в землях кицунэ. Краткое содержание, так как события происходили давно по сравнению с нынешними. Невра вместе с Алей был направлен туда, как и Коори с Эрикой и остальные парни. Не знаю почему но на такие миссии связанные с землей Эрику всегда берут вместе с Алей, хотя Невра всегда был против, ведь это опасно. Он высказывал не раз свое мнение Хуан Хуа, но та не принимала такого варианта. Хоть Аля и была обращенным вампиром, но все же ощущала тот холод, что был там. Поэтому Невра даже сам заказал ей у Мурркизы этот костюмчик, ведь видел как Коори это делала для Эрики и Матье, да и просто не знал как она будет реагировать на этот мороз. Он почти весь путь обнимал ее и прижимал к себе, чтобы Але было потеплее и даже при встрече с кицунэ загородил собой жену. Ведь не только по Коори пробегал взгляд главного, но и по Эрике с Алей, можно сказать ему бы не хватило одной его бывшей. В самом здании Але было очень жалко Эдгарда, но словам мужа она не могла воспротивиться, все же он тут был главным. Она даже была рядом с вампиром, когда Эрика нашла портал, но побоялась даже смотреть туда, боясь увидеть свою прошлую жизнь и места, знакомые до боли. Она лишь сильнее прижалась к Невре, обнимая его, пока Коори иследовала вещество и после все вместе отражаю атаку, убегали на свой корабль, на котором прибыли сюда. Она видела, что те не хотели вести мирные переговоры и потому пришлось защищать мужа щитом, когда Эрика это делала с остальными с кем была. Нелегкое путешествие слишком сильно вымотало ее из-за использования долгих сил, но все же они прибыли целыми, кроме Эдгарда, который погиб, защищая Эрику.
Alteration of the poster with Genkaku, still almost at the very beginning, when they sent everyone on a mission to inspect the building in the lands of kitsune. A brief summary, since the events took place a long time ago compared to the current ones. Nevra, along with Alya, was sent there, as were Koori, Erika, and the rest of the guys. I don’t know why, but on such missions connected with the earth, Erica is always taken along with Alya, although Nevra has always been against it, because it is dangerous. He expressed his opinion more than once to Huang Hua, but she did not accept this option. Even though Alya was a turned vampire, she still felt the chill that was there. Therefore, Nevra even ordered this suit from Murrkiza himself, because he saw how Koori did it for Erica and Mathieu, and simply did not know how she would react to this frost. He hugged her almost all the way and pressed her to him so that Alya would be warmer and even when meeting with the kitsune he blocked his wife. After all, not only Koori's eyes ran through the eyes of the chief, but also Erica and Alya, one could say he would not have had one of his ex. In the building itself, Alya felt very sorry for Edgard, but she could not resist the words of her husband, yet he was in charge here. She was even close to the vampire when Erica found the portal, but she was afraid to even look there, afraid to see her past life and painfully familiar places. She only pressed closer to Nevra, hugging him while Koori examined the substance and after they all repel the attack together, they fled to their ship, on which they arrived here. She saw that they did not want to negotiate peace and therefore had to protect her husband with a shield when Erika did this with the others with whom she was. The difficult journey exhausted her too much due to the use of long powers, but still they arrived intact, except for Edgard, who died protecting Erica.
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tetrakys · 4 months
Hello, What do you think about the narrative in CDM New Gen? I feel empty of everything in these three chapters, not lore, narrative, or interactions. The extended scenes are more about seeing the thoughts of Sucrette and not interactions with the crush and grounding up the friendship and the relationship.
I understand what you mean, because there isn't an epic main plot like in Eldarya for example. New Gen is supposed to be very much like High School Life, light-hearted slice of life sit-com-like episodes. At this time in HSL we were scared of a possible ghost in the school basement and chasing a dog. This is a slightly more adult version of course, but should probably not expect anything more dramatic.
I do agree with the special scenes though, because we're not really flirting yet, so at this point they're mostly about Ysaline's feelings so they could be a hit or miss. I really liked the first special scene with Jason for example but the one in episode 4 could easily be skipped imo. I'm expecting the scenes to get more interesting as the game progresses.
I do love a slow-burn but I'm also a greedy bish and want to romance and manhandle the crushes right now 😩 I live a life of contradictions.
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demmeter · 1 year
Oh my. I can't believe I'm this emotional, but eldarya ending truly made me feel so nostalgic.
I discovered this game when I was 14. I can still remember I played it at first because I was on Nath's route in MCL and there were memes going around at the time about some "blue Nathaniel." I obviously was on Ez's route all throughout the first season.
I dropped MCL because I used to think it was so mediocre compared to eldarya... Eldarya was just THAT good back then. It was sooo interesting, the characters were well written, the set up was amazing! It was my obsession for YEARS! I would say it all started going downhill from episode 17 on.
I love this game, I always will despite it becoming so incredibly bad through the last 4 years or so. But I'd like to remember all the moments that made me think it was a great game, like when Ezarel wore a moustache, or when I first realized nevra was not just a skirt chaser, but also an incredibly capable guy (remember that pic of him with the kappa??) I also remember when chapter 7 came out and I first saw the illus, I was so excited, or when Ashkore put his finger over our lips, also the chapter where we have a drink with the main 3, the shock I felt when I discovered Ez had a thing with Ewelein, when we first got our own room made by out guy, it being a window to their personalities, all of us trying to figure out what their backstory was, when we used to make conspiracy theories over why Ezarel didn't like being touched, Nevra was such a womanizer and Valkyon never talked, the anticipation we felt over solving all of the mysteries... There are so many good things about Eldarya, and I wish for all of us to keep them in mind.
I have no idea if Chinomiko still checks Tumblr posts, but I would love to tell her that she created an INCREDIBLE game, with incredible characters, and that I wish that she could've had the chance to be more involved over the last few years. I know that if she had been, the game would've kept being what we loved.
Finally, I hope beemoov understands that rushing a story is a terrible idea, it's even worse to erase such dear characters for the players that have PAYED a lot to see their storylines. I hope you do ir better from now on, and I wish there were events with eldarya where at least for a little while, the story was what it used to be.
This truly is a love letter to game dude, I can't believe I'm being so dramatic, but eldarya truly has been an important part of my life, my first ever hyper fixation.
Also, I would like to keep writing for eldarya, I know I haven't posted in a while, and I can't say I will post regularly, but every now and then I will.
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
I used to joke about how much I hated Ezarel ever since we first met him (reminder that I was 13/14 back then)
Now, years after, I sometimes think "wow really do miss Ezarel, stupid ugly annoying blue elf"
And now, the worms are telling me "make a new male oc for eldarya, replay the whole first season and put them together"
Who am I to say no to the worms... ?
I can also replay the story fully since when the italian server (along with other ones) got lost in the fire incident, I made two accounts, one which ended up being my main one (Inga) and one that I never used (I have 4 days of login there lol) in which I still have 300k+ ancient coins, which means that I can totally play all the episodes without saving up
I might not have anything in my wardrobe but I can just make something simple gor the new character...
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Eldarya Drabble #1
Waking up after a nightmare ♡
"Give me your hand."
"M-My hand?" You didn't know why he would suddenly ask for your hand after telling him about your nightmare, but you reach it out to him anyway.
He then gave a small peck to the back of your hand.
You weren't expecting that.
He continue kissing your hand, each one of your fingers, your wrist... he covered your skin in delicate kisses.
"What are you doing?" You asked confused, but not upset at his sudden action.
"These are magical kisses... they'll scare all your bad dreams away" You couldn't help but smile after hearing his answer. "Every kiss I give you, will be erasing a part of your nightmare... until you complety forget about it."
He hugged you close and went back to his magical kiss session. He pressed his lips against your neck, then your shoulder, your collarbone... until he was in your chest, pampering your breasts.
You moaned his name.
Your eyes clouded by pleasure.
And your nightmare long forgotten.
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Wrote this with Leiftan in mind, it's an actual scene from the fic I'm making ♡
I was inspired by Hyun and his magical kiss from episode 4 and wanted to see smth similar with my best boy Leiftan
Btw, everybody say happy birthday to Leiftan ♡♡♡
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ruievans · 1 year
I read chapter 11 of the wonderful fanfic Eldarya: The Dragon's Call (Lance) from Tetra (@tetrakys ). I really like Lance's character. Just missing his real in the game. I really liked the moment in the hall with the crystal, so I took out the tablet again. It's a pity that all good things tend to end quickly. It pains me to know that the next chapter will be the last. It still hurts me from the realization of what plot we have lost and how the bees have spoiled our souls without giving this plot. I sincerely respect and love Chino for the fact that even after so much time .... how to say it correctly .... she remembers the canons of the characters. From small details of clothing, to moles and scars. Chino loves his characters. This is what bees lack. They don't care about the characters! Otherwise, they would not have destroyed such an amazing fantasy world in which so much more could be invented! All you need is fantasy. At least that's how I see it.
P.S. It's my personal opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong about something.
P.P.S. I started for health, ended for peace .... I had to say it. Everything that has been accumulated in the soul over the past 4 episodes. I was blind for so long ... I sincerely liked the second season, I defended the plot, the bees and sincerely loved the new Lance because I was waiting for him so much, but starting from the 16th episode my world began to crumble and by the 19th episode it collapsed completely. My eyes were opened. I saw how spoiled, the plot and characters. How much they ruined Lance. Although I still have some warmth towards the new Lance, I like Lance from the origins and from fanfiction more. He is straight NATIVE. Thank you for listening. I won't take up your time anymore.
P.P.P.S. If you have something to say, then you are welcome in the comments. And forgive me for my English. Now that's all for sure.
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ifaeree · 2 months
I don't know how to start (and sorry if I have any grammar or spelling mistakes, my english is not the best and I might use google translate to help if necessary). So... I honestly didn't have many expectations on this new game but I was like "let's see and decide" and at first I was really dissapointed because of the prices of the bank outfits and the VIP pass (which I am considering in purchaising only if I really love the outfit). But... I am enjoying the game at this point for these reasons:
1.- Taki
Taki was the reason I decide giving this game a chance because I love Eldarya and I always wanted the chance to dress the companions ( but it's understandable that it isn't possible since there are a lot of them). I know some players don't like Taki, but I really love him/her and I love it's sound and animations.
2. The messages
When I discover that the love interests where going to send messages to us after the episodes if we are up to date with them I was like "weeeeell, I supose I'm not receiving any messages since I am not planing on in-game purchasing so I might not be up to date with the episodes" (I was SO wrong btw).
I really love this because it give me a little of Mystic Messenger vibes, but I hate that there is a timer which ironically also reminds me of MM.
3. The games
- Style contest: I like it because I it as an opoortunity to get hearts, gems and APs -playing AND voting. I LOVE that we can share items to other players and vice versa. The only thing I don't like are the themes (they are the same always) and I am still trying to win "Green with envy" dressing my newcrette as Melody from the original MCL 😭
- The other game whose name I don't remember even in spanish: just to say i don't like that the times to wait are too long and that it makes me remember Eldarya and I am still sad because the game died T-T
4. Jason and Thomas
So... I was really interested in him before the game was released but I was dissapointed with some of his actions in the first four episodes. But I really love the 🌶️ tension in the last episode.
Anyway, I allready fell for Thomas and he is soooooo cute. i can't and will not betray him.
But... I am still interested in see what will happen with the ones who will choose to make a "deal" with Jason. And I really hope it ends in a really really REALLY bad ending. Because I really need that possibily of having a bad ending in the game. It makes the game for interesting (at least for me).
Anyway. That's all (I think). I am not used to use tumblr and I even forgot my password and had to change it.
Thank you so much @tetrakys for the opportunity to get the e-girl code. I think I am still in time...
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And if not, I already wrote all this and it's not like I am going to just erase it, specially since I used every last neuron to remember all the english classes I took at school to write this.
Thank you again Tetra
Love you all
Good luck
And good luck everyone.
5. Room customization
Last but not less important (and I just remember xd)
I love that we can custom the room. This wasn't an option in the original MCL and in Eldarya we only have a background already made.
Now that's all.
Whoot whoot!
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eerienike · 2 months
Things I like about MCL: New Gen so far ♡
Here's my post for the E-girl pack giveaway, organised by @tetrakys. Hope you have fun reading it!
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The vitiligo skin!!
The first thing that caught my eye was the vitiligo skin option. When I first saw it, I literally gasped and it gave me an idea of giving it to my Candy later in game, since vitiligo also progresses during a persons life. Here's a picture of my girlie in her future skin;
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2. Room customization
I don't know about other players, but throughout UL, LL and AL I really missed decorating our Candy's drawer. Even if it was just putting one thing there, I loved it, because, well, I'm obsessed with any kind of customization in games. So, having a WHOLE ROOM to decorate made me so happy!! The feature is also even better thanks to the style contest and that we can set it as our Candy's actual room;
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3. The forum ♡
When I first started playing the game, I was about eleven years old. Most players were much older than me, so I always felt like I was too young to talk to them on both Eldarya and MCL forums back then. Well, now that there is a new fresh forum on NG, and I'm an adult, that feeling passed and I can finally freely talk with people there! When I have a lot of free time, I can literally spend all day texting or reading what people post there. It really makes me feel even more like a part of the MCL community and I'm so satisfied with new friends I made there! ♡
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4. The personality system
I saw mixed opinions on that feature, but honestly - I really like it. I feel like it actually brings more detail to our character's personality and the little personality triangle that changes while playing the episodes gives me a wider image of Candy. It gives us more to customize than just her looks and I wish I could see other players' charts. Also - the desk changes with our personality!! I was so happy to see the attention to detail and I spent at least a couple of hours analyzing the changes lol
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So, I think that's it! There are many more things I love about the game, since I'm obsessed with it, but those are the ones I thought were worth sharing. I hope everyone who had read this far is also as much in love with NG as I am. Have a nice day and good luck to everyone else participating!
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backtoblueside-jpg · 5 months
I wanted to try playing Eldarya again (I've played just like 4 episodes back in the days) just to find out that Ezrel is gone? Death? Idk?
Why do they have this damn habit of changing characters in new seasons?
(I'll giving a try with Nevra anyway)
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linaselandbasil · 1 year
Okay, @platoniccereal. I know it's been a while but I wasn't gonna half ass this. Here is your 10 songs (it's been so long that I forgot it was supposed to be 5)
We never talk, so you should dig your feet real deep into the ground, I have a very potent personality. Be warned.
1. Kishi Bashi-i am the antichrist to you.
I was introduced to this song from that one episode of Rick and Morty that made everyone cry. I liked it so much I downloaded it to my phone. I love the vocals and I love the instruments, I love the melody... Good song, basically.
2.Keane- somewhere only we know.
I was introduced to this song via the TV a long time ago, there was a short film that played during commercials with a cover of this song. I like the original better, I can appreciate the nostalgia I feel for a time I don't even remember.
3.Lil Nas x- industry baby
I was introduced to this song because I'm a fan of gay cowboys. I used to think Lil Nas was hot as fuck in old time road because I'm very into cowboys, then he came out and I nearly came in my pants.
I was introduced to this song by Jake Munro. In ibe of his videos he suggested that everyone should go watch the music video to this song because this masterpiece was the literal first music video he ever saw on MTV in the early 00' and it amazed him. I did as I was told and I hadn't regretted. It is an amazing song and an amazing video. I rarely listen to it because I cannot handle how it makes me feel.
5.Trixie mattel- video games
This was the first thing I listened to from trixie, because like many others I gave absolutely zero fucks about her music and u just enjoyed her numerous other entertainment. I literally cried because of it, I love this song. (I know it was written by Lana del Rey, I just don't like her okay?)
6.Marina-valley of the dolls
This is an amazing song, I love it very much. I'm a modest fan of marina, I think she's a great singer and has some awesome music, her narratives are flawlessly presented in her albums and I think she deserves recognition.
7.Sufjan Stevens-should have known better
This song makes me really sad, but I like it. It makes me regret things I didn't even do.
8.Starset-into the unknown
It's a classic to me, I've been a starset fan since I was 12. I have no clue what these songs are supposed to be about but I'm 100% open to the fantasy.
9.Noisettes-never forget you
It makes me really happy, it's good to have at least one song that isn't my sad boy soundtrack but my happy boy soundtrack. I think it's just playful enough to make me walk a little faster, but not enough to get me hit by a car.
10.Michelle gurevich-feel more
I was introduced to this song in a Netflix documentary about a cult. It was playing at the beginning and end of episodes, the slow buildup and the echoing vocals made it just perfect. It makes me think of being a horse in the prairie and not having to pay taxes as I gallop along with my herd. Very good song.
I tag @isatisnn @aide-falls @lunii12 aaand @party-in-eldarya have fun with it!
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jxcotts · 1 year
eldarya: a new era episode 18 nevra and erika talks about karenn's wedding & his mother — 6/4.
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tetrakys · 7 months
Hey Tetra, so how is the beta? What do you think of the game so far?
Sorry anon, I know I've been silent here, every time I think I want to make a post I never have enough time to make it as detailed as I used to, but never mind I'm going to give my quick opinion and then write something more in depth later.
So, first of all, I agree with everyone that the way the AP system is at the moment is too expensive. We pay 2AP for line of dialogue and many APs for choices. We get more free APs than in the past with the daily login, so that's a plus, but the choices are way too costly, especially the very basic ones (here called neutral choices), I shouldn't have to spend 40 APs to say I want a cup of tea! All that being said, I'm not too worried about it because I know that Chino has already reported this issue to management, and while these decisions are not up to her I know she sees the player's perspective and will do everything she can to make our voices heard.
Now, AP system aside, there are some things I really love!
Firstly, the website looks amazing, in the end it was worth the wait. It works super smoothly, and it's very pretty to look at.
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And the closet/shop part is really easy to navigate, it's pretty much like the Sims so I'm used to it.
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Also, the millennial in me who can't afford to buy her own home is really into the room decoration feature
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I also enjoy the minigames. One is just like the explorations in Eldarya, but with no pet to feed, so it's a win to me. The other is outfit contests, we receive a theme and we can dress up our Candy and enrol in it. I am TERRIBLE at it, but even if you don't make it top3 you still win some APs and diamonds just for participating. You can also win stuff just by voting in the contest.
Now, to the story. The first episode was mostly an introduction so nothing much really happens, we just meet 4 of the LIs. It was cute, the mechanic is a bit tricky because we can't see immediately if the LoM increases or not, we find out at the end of the episode, but it's not nearly as bad as in ML, so I can deal with it. It's also possible to understand if the LI liked the interaction from their reactions. I think I'm starting to understand their personalities so I hope I'll get the hang of it when the game releases. I'm going to make a separate post about my impressions on the LIs, but I'm quite happy so far.
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Something else I want to mention before ending this is a final pro and cons.
Cons, I don't like the "fairy". It's MC's godfather which is a cool character, apparently he is Agatha's cousin, that's nice. But he only brings gifts to Taki which I really don't care about, my duck will remain naked as nature intended. Or, anyway, I won't spend APs on it. I'm gonna try hard to avoid this guy, also because we have a choice to make with him and we can't skip it once we run into him.
The pro is instead the VIP system. From what I've seen, it looks very convenient. We get extra APs and diamonds every day, especially the diamonds it's a really good amount, which we can then exchange for more APs or cumulate to buy extra scenes (which are longer scenes with the LI). We also get some extra perks like an outfit, skip button for the replays, and extra jokers, which are little useful features that can be used in game. We don't know yet how much the VIP subscription costs, but if they stuck to the same prices as other game companies, it shouldn't be more than 10-15$.
And you anon, did you play the beta? Let me guys know what you think. People seem to be happy about most things except the AP system.
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iratiperez · 3 years
how i thought a new era would be:
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vs how it really ended up being 🤡
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i miss them so much :(
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i-donot-forget · 3 years
Nevra's reaction when Lances saves Leiftan
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ezarelz · 3 years
Was anyone going to tell me that NEVRA WINKED AT US or was I supposed to find it out on my own?????????????????????
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Every time I try to move on, HE does something to keep me in his grip ugh.
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