the-sims-central 2 years
1.19 Elderwood Legacy
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New cow! But wow.. all these animals and farm living takes up most of Hazels day. She is ready to pass out by 5pm most days
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Clara is adorable though!
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First proper date with Bjorn
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They really are cute together. Its like magnets, they have always stared at each other
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So cute 馃グ
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Hazel was so insulted she attacked!! But she was not successful.
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Deff Bjorn's kid!
So I built them a new house! Hazel wasn't feeling the old once with all the memories of Bjorn in it. So, I built this one! No proper pics to share cause its painfully empty, they ran out of money!
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Such a cutie!
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Now that that horrible man is out of her life, Hazel is back to practicing her magic.
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the-sims-central 2 years
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HOW IS IT LEAKING AND ON FIRE???! The first few days without Bjorn was rough.
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Bjorn came over a few days later .. and.. he's OLD!!! I had changed the age settings to normal with townies aged on and I guess it was time. I always knew he was older than Hazel but was still shocked!
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Tate playing with his new dollhouse from the Little Campers set!! I have to say that I LOVE this kit!! I normally don't like build kits but I adore this one!
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Wished for money and got 4k!
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Up until this point I wasn't sure if Tate was gonna be a spellcaster or not, I had completely forgotten you could see this in the traits!
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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The Elderwoods moved to this much smaller house in Tartosa! ( am I using this as an excuse to finally play in the newest world?? Yes. Yes I am :D )
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The windows are all facing the beautiful ocean. The entire house has amazing views. Hazel already felt at home
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Well.. she WAS feeling at ease!!
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Bjorn to the rescue again!!
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Tate is cute <3
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The two are as flirty as ever!! That or Bjorn is trying hard to get that second baby!
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Sofia came over to see her father and the house was a wreck. Hazel was absolutely embarrassed by her seeing the mess of the house
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That night while the Elderwoods were in bed.. the creeeepppyy music started..
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A Burglar had appeared!!! Bjorn rushed to fight them off!
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Even though nobody was hurt, and they got their items back, it didn't stop how unsettled everyone now felt in their own house.
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The two sat down and talked. They were behind on bills, the farm was struggling and they just couldn't keep up, and finally, now they felt unsafe. The two made the hard decision.. to move.
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Meet Tate Elderwood!
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Bjorn isn't right, man.. somethings wrong with him
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The scarecrow came to life :D he's really helpful most of the time.
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Michael came over to help around the house. Honestly, I think he still has a crush on Hazel.
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Hazel got invited to Bjorn's house!
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I'm not sure how aware Hazel was that Bjorn has a family.. but at his house she met them all.
I would like to take the time to say this is when I installed a ton of whim and personality mods. I really wanted to start following Hazel's whims more, but I needed them to be more relevant to her. So in came the mods!
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Meeting his older daughter, Sophia. and wow.. Hazel just looks devasted here.
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She looks so sad
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She most definitely is still into him though!
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Hazel adopted a cat named Toby <3
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the-sims-central 2 years
1.21 Elderwood
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The two very different expressions at seeing public nudity lol
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In the midst of all this.. Hazel has noticed a problem. She seems to be gathering power very quickly within her
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She's starting to glow.. she's never had this problem before
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She wasn't really sure what to do.. so she headed home where the glowing seemed to intensify. She had neglected her magic for awhile.. and then suddenly started using it heavily. Maybe it had something to do with that?
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the-sims-central 2 years
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Luckily, it was all fine. Mother of the year.. x.x
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Michael Bell and her friends are all becoming elders ;-; I turned off aging for townies at this point.
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Tate's birthday!! Don't mind all the stinky food.. and Toby's ass in the cake x.x
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HE'S SO CUTE!!! He looks like a copy of Bjorn
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He rolled lazy. Ugh
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Bjorn came over to see Tate
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THIS BITCH!! I guess he wanted to prove he had moved on.. or back.. to Clara that is. WOW
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Tate and Toby get along just fine
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Hazel is always playing with him now
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Bjorn is such a good dad
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The new world is seriously gorgeous!!
So, I'd like to take some time to say that I took a few weeks away from the Sims 4 and this was the start of my return ^-^ I'm sure nobody noticed because my queue was fullllll of posts ready to go! :D we all need breaks sometime!
But, at this point I did take out all my mods. I keep going back and forth.. do I wanna play with some mods or go completely vanilla? Well, right now I wanna play vanilla. I keep trying out mods.. but in the end I always end up back at vanilla. I wonder if I should just give it up and stay here?
The only thing that kinda sucks about vanilla and its the same problem I had modded is the age spans!! I have never quite found a custom age span I like. Its either too short.. or too long. And I don't like to play aging off cause I do like to have a set time. So, I'll be playing a mix of normal, long and sometimes ages off at times! Just a warning!
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Well.. it had to happen. Clara was ready to move on officially from Bjorn. He just wouldn't divorce her on his own. She decided to finally end it. Complete with new makeup and a makeover! Clara is ready for a new man!
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Once both of them returned home I saw this. It sucks but all the signs are there. These two were just never ment to be. They were as happy as they could be.. until Hazel met his family and she just never quite got over it. The two have officially broken up and Bjorn has moved out ;-;
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Admist all the chaos of moving.. Hazel aged. This was totally my fault x.x;; I'M SORRY!!
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His wife.. who STILL isn't his ex-wife!!!! followed them to the new house
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Bjorn seems to have had enough of her. This was completely unpromoted.
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I didn't do anything to him.. he aged up like this and I thought he was too adorable to change <3
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My heart...!!
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Bjorn making a call while Toby steals his breakfast lol
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They are deff getting along much better now
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I don't know why she wanted to fight the Easter Bunny.. she just did xD
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After Tate was born Hazel started rolling a bunch of wants for different jobs. I think she wanted to start focusing more on herself.
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Meanwhile Bjorn wants another!
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And this was when I realized that the Elderwoods... could NOT afford their house. They just can't seem to make enough to pay the bills. Between jobs, farms and the new baby it was becoming a bit much.
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They were not having a good time.
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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I guess now that she's pregnant, she wants to mend things between them.
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Hazel is getting super super big... I started getting worried it was twins so I sent her for an ultrasound. It's a boy!! 馃グ
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He also wants to patch things up. Awwww
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On the night of New Years Eve..
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Hazel woke up to cramps. It's time!!
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy - Gen 1
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So.. this surprised me! It just popped!
Second gen is finally on the way!! WOOOOO~~ and just in time.. Hazel had three days left to becoming an Adult!
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the-sims-central 2 years
Elderwood Legacy
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Another chicken has died ;-;
So, the dinner date didn't go well between them. All they did was fight ;-; they weren't really in the Winterfest mood so they forgone a tree and just did gifts.
Hazel got a camera and that is SO perfect! She was just using her phone to take pics, but now we have a proper camera!
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