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Enjoy some majestic looking Eldoron art! And yes that is Pixel messing up his hai…..I mean feathers!
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dragonhalffreelance · 2 years
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Fully rendered scenes taken from my script for Book 1 which involves a close up of Eldoron’s eyes. He has hazel eyes that change color and appear heterochromatic after changing over completely. The intensity of this effect depends on mood and lighting.
Also experimenting with coloring and line art styles. Shows details and breakdown as well. I will be posting the full time-lapse on reels and on my Patreon, which I need to start posting regularly on! Let me know what you want to see in terms of finalized pieces and behind the scenes!!
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geeky-elf · 3 years
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Experimentimg with how I’m going to tackle the room layouts for everyone aboard Rajin. Kind of want it to be everyone trying to draw out their ideas individually as messy or as strange as it is. Gotta look back at my sketch book for the very rough versions I did years back! I am not too stressed about having this finalized or even close to until I’m more into Book 2 as Book 1 barely touches on sections of the ship.
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Wanted to redo Eldoron’s reference sheet to be cleaner since I want to publish these as supplemental material. Want to clean up Trish’s and Jessie’s too while I get through a bit of artist block that is keeping me from finishing the rest of the main six.
Also wanted to finalize his design since the size and shape of his talons were inconsistent plus he had too many scales that would make drawing him too time consuming so cut those down by over half.
Fun facts about Eldoron;
1) He comes from an alien race of bird/human hybrids called Vimerians
2) Vimerians used to be light enough with larger wings allowing for autonomous flight, but over generations of evolution driven by atmospheric shifts. these abilities disappeared so they used powers of magic and tech in order to enjoy the skies again.
3) Eldoron like all males, possesses a biological hydraulic piston pump in the form of a separate circulatory system where he can voluntarily redirect blood causing his arms, hands, and claws to swell and harden to allow for extra strength and support. He can release this pressure in times where dexterity takes priority.
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Very very early concepts for Eldoron’s parents. Had an idea and motivation to quickly get these sketches down. Eldoron, his home, and backstory are all going to be major focuses in Book 2. And yes that is a baby freshly hatched Eldoron whom similar to birds of prey is born with fluff and open eyes. Though Vimerians are also born with the yolk sacs still intact and connected to their bellies. They slowly shrink and drop off over the early years leading up to adolescence/fledging.
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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The main six!! While everyone isn’t 100 percent there design wise, they are close enough to move on with the next steps of this project! Took years and many character art pieces to get this far!
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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Bio for Eldoron
“The last of his kind or as far as he believes, Eldoron comes from a race of vestigial winged steam powered engineers inhabiting the vast floating islands of Vimeria. He proudly leads the others while piloting Rajin, a larger than life space/airship hybrid. One of his closest companions is a tiny mute fairy named Pixel!’’
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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characters are laid out story, personality, quirk, and behavior wise their designs are still not quite there or even just simply the general art style.
I am very happy with Ian and Trish’s designs and anymore improvements there will only come with detail capture as my skills level up. However I asked myself a few questions anyway ……
1) Am I enjoying drawing this character as is?
2) Do their designs make sense for the REOD Universe and their original environment?
3) Do they capture that middle ground between realistic and cartoon while also feeling unique enough from each other regarding the basic shapes that make up their designs
4. Does it feel like I am just drawing out the same character with a different face and hair)??
For example Trish is perfect, her big eyes, amphibious/fish like body makes her perfectly built for a dense, muddy swamp
What about Ian? He comes from a desert planet? He needs thick skin to conserve water, large dermal pores that can open and close to regulate body temp, little fat, lightweight, facial features that protect from wind and debris, and big feet to not sink in the sand.
Jessie? Well her family is made up of some of the best apothecarists. Besides their botanical and chemistry knowledge their bodies should be built for endurance over flat and rough terrain alike for long hikes anywhere to forage everything they come across. Broad horse legs with cloven hooves just makes more sense. Plus making Jessie a faun vs human is much more fun to draw despite it being a big, random shift. Her slitted goat like eyes that are wider apart focus on a wider array of items making her a better support if she can see all around her without having to change her focus.
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Eldoron’s general anatomy is closer to a human’s but his torso and extremities are incompletely covered in tiny scales and feathers with fingers and toes ending in talons like a bird’s foot. His hair is also a feather-like mess and even his face is covered in light downy fluff. I figured this re-design makes sense for a character who lives up in the sky but no Eldoron and fellow Vimerians cannot fly on their own and depend on floating ships to get around. He is still going to be very steampunky in his attire and home plus his sharper eagle-esque eyes are compatible with his keen navigation skill as captain.
Orion is still a very typical male elf but I wanted to add plate mail like growths and tattooed runes on his skin. Every elf lacks these extra features prior to discovering their type of magic. Once the magic chooses them, it transforms them in a way it sees fit. For example some elves with sky or wind magic have wings or those with earth magic develop hooved feet for extra strength and stability during casting. They become different degrees of animalistic human hybrids in that sense.
Orion uses energy manipulation magic so his given features help his body sense and flow with that energy within and around him. They help redirect his mana to flow down his back as strongly as possible since that location is anatomically without disruption or redirection.
And Skyfyre is just sitting there being a boring Earth human….
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