#elec memes
elecalice · 3 months
Prepare for the April Fools Memes
A bit of MMBN6 and a LOT of FEXL
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elecalice · 3 months
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Well, I did this meme about my comfort characters.
Especifically, how it feels trying to find content about my comfort characters. Not just official content, but also and most importantly, fanworks or fan content. Like fanarts, fanfics, etc.
Elec Man (Mega Man Classic): He's one of the most popular Robot Masters. He has a LOT of fanwork.
Remy (Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike): He's a polarizing character in the SF community, but he's gaining more attention and love these days. He has a good size of fanwork.
Doctrine Dark (Street Fighter EX series / Fighting EX Layer): He was originally going to be deep down with Ito, but he's gaining more fanwork. He's one of the most popular characters of the SFEX/FEXL. Not as popular as Skullo but he's popular. He has a small and decent size of fan content.
Prosecutor Ito / Satoru Roppo (Mega Man Battle Network 6 / Rockman.EXE 6): He has really... REALLY few content. There's a good size of Ito content on Pixiv, but I noticed there are deleted Ito content from there (That I found thanks to Tumblr posts). While in the English community, really few content. As well as, well. He's a Super UNDERRATED character. Hence why he's deep down on the meme. I had to dig down or "internet dumpster dive" a LOT in order to find content of him.
It sucks to be a Prosecutor Ito fan... ;-;
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elecalice · 3 months
Oh. Maybe I can use my old big sketch pads-
Yay! I got triggered! :D
(I forgot to tear up those drawings. Whoops)
(Although... I had a plan with those drawings into a vent/rage piece like a altered collage. Or maybe I'll just tear up those drawings and censor the small ones)
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elecalice · 4 months
Chun-Li and Blair Dame
Never Skip Leg Day
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elecalice · 6 months
(Estimated) Personal Confidence Levels to Me Speaking to people
Context: Autistic Chilean girl who speaks both in Spanish (Native) and English (Intermediate). I also have a speech impediment, difficulties to pronounce the hard R and RR words
Me talking alone in English: 99.9%
Me talking alone in Spanish: 90.0% (Confidence breaker: If there are people nearby)
Me talking to friends in Spanish: 95.5% (Confidence Breaker: Forgetting the Spanish word of something when I am more familiar with the English word)
Me talking to friends in English: Possibly 95.0%. I Haven't tried. (Confidence breaker: Not knowing a word or using the wrong word for something. And possibly the fear of using a word that can be a slur somewhere. It happened to me once on a Discord server)
Me talking to strangers in English: Possibly 80.5%? Haven't tried, neither. (Confidence Breaker: Same as the previous point)
Me talking to strangers in Spanish: 75.4% (Confidence breaker: Same point mentioned before. + Not managing to pronounce well my words. Especially words with R and RR words due to my speech impediment)
Me talking to my big brother and dad: 68.5% (Confidence Breaker: Previous points mentioned. + The fear that receiving a harsh or bad comment. Or when they pressured me to speak fluently what I want to say)
Me talking to mom (good or neutral mood). Only Spanish: 59.0% (Confidence Breaker: Previous points mentioned. + Extra pressure since mom's more impatient that the rest of my family)
Me taking to mom (angry mood) Only Spanish: -1000000000.0% + Fear and anxiety that makes my speech WORSE + The feel of need to cry and hate myself
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