#electric guitaaaaar
cursed-elo-images · 1 year
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Wow, The Dorks of the Orchestra. One of my favorite bands! It’s way too easy for me to fangirl over those dorks!
We’ve got:
Jemf: The singer guy who also knows how to shred guitar. Was he the Ziggy Stardust that David Bowie sings about who also sang his songs and could play guitaaaaar? Must be considering Jemf’s band logo is a spaceship sooo now we know he’s from Mars which explains his talent! (Joking)
Big Bev: Who is what he likes to call himself the “drummist”, instead of “drummer” like how regular people do for some reason that I don’t know, and no wonder why he has such biceps.
Kells: The bassist who does not subscribe to the stereotype that bassists are typically shy and withdrawn. Dude’s a total party animal.
Key Tapper: Also known as Richard, Key Tapper plays the moog. He is so hardworking and plays the moog so much that it’s so rare to see him smile due to how tired he gets. Poor guy, he really should take breaks every now and then.
Hugh McDonald Had A Farm EE-I-EE-I-O: The official cello smasher, has been playing cello since as far as he can remember. He doesn’t only play them, but he spins them, smashes them, and even plays them behind his back! The most important thing about him is that he is 21 years old. Oh and don’t forget, he’s a founding member of the band too and doesn’t want you to forget that.
Yet Another Michael: The Electric Dorks have had many Michaels come and go as their band grew. From Michael Edwards to Michael D’Alberquerque, for some reason this band attracted so many Michaels. Violin guy is, indeed a Michael. A Michael Kaminski to be exact. Also, did you know that Kells was actually born a Michael Groucutt?
Chatterbox: Fun fact: This lovable motor-mouthed cryptid played the cello just like the teenaged founding member of the band. He was also simultaneously a cello man and a piano man, just like Key Tapper! Another talent of him is that he can talk for a very long time, about almost anything. He is what the drummist calls an “ear bender”. He will tell you that cork heels can float on water, among anything else he can think of. He has done this so many times, to people like Bob Hope as described in a book the drummist wrote. Since Chatterbox is also friends with the 21 year old founding member, I’m sure the founding member can tell you how many times he had to bend his ear to the whims of Chatterbox’s grand speeches. I’m sure the drummist has had these experiences as well. It does sadden me how he probably unintentionally annoyed these folks though as I have a super mushy soft spot for him. At least he could play his cello upside down behind him though!
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xiangqiankua · 2 years
林志炫 Terry Lin - 單身情歌 on spotify
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punk-chicken-radio · 3 years
Thank You for the Music.....
.....or rather, thank you for the vast array of musical instruments that we can make such diverse sounds with.....from cowbell to cornet, drum to didgeridoo.....the full audio spectrum is covered by one contraption or another .....although @loveaxiomatic​ tells me that anything can be a musical instrument if you’re brave enough 😬.....
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.....and I guess that’s how it all started.....someone kicked a log and liked the sound, started tapping sticks and stones and before you know it there’s a whole orchestra banging away.....
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.....over the centuries things developed with different things being attached.....strings...tubes...buttons...knobs.....then with the introduction of electricity things started to get really serious.....and behold.....GUITAAAAAR......
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.....of course, while we here at the PCR love a bit of guitar, we usually fall heavily for synthesizers.....we’re always complaining that there’s not enough synth and take every opportunity to have a big ol’ synth party.....
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.....and on that note 🎵.....I’m off to practice my nose flute.....
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.....you know what’s next.....a bunch of songs about musical instruments.....
Keyboard Kisses 😘
love(human league convo)axiomatic 
The Old(Rik Mayall gif)Smelly 
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