someone-online · 5 years
Do you have any Filipino!Natalie hcs?
Her parents are immigrants from the Philippines from the Visayan region. They studied law there, met and got married, then decided to move to America while Natalie’s mom (don’t remember if her name was given in the book) was carrying Natalie; they figured their child would have a better life there.
Natalie’s parents didn’t teach her much Tagalog or Bisaya, so she decided that she’d learn Tagalog herself using Rosetta Stone. She’s not completely fluent yet, but she’s pretty good! She plans to learn Bisaya after.
She is super proud of her heritage and has done so much research on Filipino history, making sure to confirm with her parents for accuracy especially if she knows or thinks it’s not written by an actual Filipino.
She loves whenever there’s Asian representation, but gets ecstatic when there’s even the slightest bit of Filipino representation in anything. She barely sees herself represented so she will cling onto even the smallest things. (She doesn’t cry over it like I would, but she will not stop smiling or talking about it.)
She hates that she has to call all of her parents’ friends Tito or Tita or Auntie or Uncle because she honestly has no idea who she’s actually related to anymore and it drives her insane. She swears that her mom keeps changing her answer whenever she asks.
Hates Filipino parties because the younger kids scream and ruin her room (and occasionally steal something from it). She learned to hide her more important stuff or anything she doesn’t want them touching where they won’t find it.
Another reason to hate the parties: titas constantly asking “Do you have boyfriend?” Her parents constantly told her “No boyfriend until you graduate” and her titas tell her the same thing (some have said until she’s 35) so why would they ask her that question???? (Found out eventually that they were joking. She thought they were serious before.)
She doesn’t do the karaoke during parties, but will do it when it’s just her and her parents. She isn’t an amazing singer, but she’s pretty decent for someone who never had voice lessons.
Her parents believe Filipino superstitions. She doesn’t. She has tried to explain to her parents that they aren’t true, and will go to bed with her hair wet to prove she won’t go blind or use deodorant to show it won’t make her armpits black.
Also refuses to use Vick’s as a miracle cure for getting sick or hurt.Gets really, and I mean really, annoyed when people try to guess her ethnicity. She keeps being mistaken for Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Latina, and a couple others.
Another pet peeve is when she’s told that she’s “not Asian, she’s Filipino.” Will explain to you that Filipino is still Asian (amount of detail in her explanation will depend how annoyed she is).
Doesn’t like using the bathrooms in most other people’s homes because there’s no tabo.
She also always has to wear her tsinelas (slippers) whenever in her house. She hates being barefoot or wearing her shoes in the house. In other people’s homes, she will just wear socks if she needs to.
Loves spaghetti with hot dogs. She thinks Americans are missing out by using meatballs instead, because the hot dogs are amazing. Also loves pancit.
Probably eats too much rice but she doesn’t care.
Her family visits the Philippines every year for usually about two weeks. She enjoys the visits since it’s to see the rest of their family.
She likes durian candy. Doesn’t like durian itself. Has gone to the Durian Capital of the Philippines. She doesn’t plan on going back anytime soon.
She’s done research on many of the islands in the Philippines and wants to go island-hopping one day with her parents. She knows which island has what and even has the plan on which islands to go to and what they’ll do.
Once her mom introduced her to Yoyoy and she decided that she never wanted to hear his voice again. Complained to Scott about his voice, only to find out the next day that Scott looked him up on YouTube and memorized the Philippines History song. Scott decided to prove this by singing the whole thing. Natalie was not happy.
Also showed Scott a picture of a Philippine tarsier, and he cried over how cute they were.
The Recruits don’t understand why she gets easily annoyed when taking more than two pictures.
She brought lumpia to school once and shared it with the rest of the Recruits. They absolutely loved it, so she makes sure to bring lumpia whenever her mom makes some, usually storing a ziploc full of them in the back of the fridge before a party.
This is long and way more headcanons than you probably wanted sorry djdndjdnndnd
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lanihaluki · 5 years
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@electronickittendetective since both of us fancast Millie and Sadie as Kara and Bethany :))
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flying-mochis · 5 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @aquamarinewaterwoman
Answer 11 questions. Tag 11 people. Write them 11 questions.
1) Favorite Weasley?
Maybe Charlie? He like never shows up but he seems cool.
2) Last Book You Read and What Did You Think?
I mean I skipped to the end so idk if it counts as reading but, Graceling. As for what I thought? I skipped to the end.
3) Hogwarts House?
Hufflepuff but Slytherin is a close second.
4) Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert irl, Extrovert online
5) What's Your Opinion on Astrology Signs?
I don't really have an opinion, I just want someone to move my birthday one day ahead or one day behind. That's all I'm asking for. Please.
6) Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. But I basically never drink Pepsi so maybe it's better. Who knows.
7) Last Song You Played on Repeat?
I don't really play songs on repeat, I get bored of them easily then.
8) Name an Overrated TV Show.
Uuuhhhm...Idk. I think there's this one show that's really old and called 'Wharehouse' or something like that. Idk if it's overrated but my parents really like it. I thought the plot and especially the acting was pretty terrible tbh.
9) Favorite Superhero?
Hjhhjhhhjhj. Hey now. You can't just ask a superhero lover that. Idk! Don't make me choose!
10) Morning Person or Night Person
Night, definitely.
11) Favorite Ice Cream Flavour?
@relatable-books @lanihaluki @electronickittendetective @trash-bookworm @someone-online @thetallassdevil @thequeervest @jcp1765 @wicked-ghoul @electroendeavor @redfield5x5
1) Favorite TV Show?
2) Favorite Musical
3) Most Underrated Musical?
4) Most Read Book Genre?
5) Do You Have Any Pets?
6) How Much Do You Swear?
7) Pineapple On Pizza?
8) Do You Watch Documentaries?
9) Favorite Weather?
10) Do You have More IRL Friends or Online Friends?
11) The Latest You've Stayed Up?
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Picrew Masterminds based off @electronickittendetective ‘s funko pop designs!
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syanara · 6 years
@trash-bookworm @electronickittendetective @someone-online @relatable-books
Would you guys be interested if I made a Story Thieves/James Riley Discord?
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relatable-books · 6 years
Tagged by: @someone-online​
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people.
Nicknames: KK, Lala, Goldielocks Mom
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5′3, apparently
Last movie I saw: actually I can’t remember?? Newsies I think (if that counts)
Last thing I googled: Khan academy
Favorite musician: Skillet band, definitely
Other blogs: @terrible-story-thieves-aus , that’s it
Do I get asks: Occasionally
Following: 105
Amount of sleep: I try to aim for at least 9 hours
Lucky number: 3!
What I’m wearing: Chat Noir hoodie I got for Christmas, jeans, socks/shoes
Dream Job: Author and maybe school counselor?
Dream Trip: to the fictional world! otherwise I’m okay here
Favorite food: Mac n cheese!
Play any instruments: I can play Old McDonald on the piano and a few songs on the guitar, but they’re shaky
Languages: Really just English but I know the ASL alphabet and I’m learning Spanish
Favorite song right now: Monster by Skillet or The End is Where We Begin by Thousand Foot Crutch
Random Fact: I’m always dehydrated
Describe yourself as Aesthetic Things: uh?? Books? Books are aesthetic. Cozy blankets and snuggles in a corner. Swishy ponytail.
I tag: @electronickittendetective @neela-chaan @pexelukive @little-euro-girl sorry I don’t know 21 people ;-;
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someone-online · 5 years
Hear me out: a STORY THIEVES/PERFECT SCORE crossover
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someone-online · 5 years
4, 5, 10, And 15?
4) your top three songs from Dear Evan Hansen!
!!!!! Okay top one is rlly basic but definitely Waving Through a Window bc the second time I listened to the soundtrack, I actually listened to the lyrics and all of a sudden I have this song describing exactly how I feel???? Especially bc I didnt know I had anxiety at the time and was convinced by my mom that theres no one else who felt the way I did and I thought that no one understood how I felt so I always kept it to myself but then I heard this song??? And I started crying bc I was like “Thats me. This song describes exactly how I feel” and over two years have passed and this song still means so much to me.
Second is probably Requiem bc I love Zoe so much???? Like this song just shows how she felt and what she went through with Connor and then the parts with Larry and Cynthia show how they feel regarding Connor’s death and also it’s a fun song to sing and play on my uke
Third is If I Could Tell Her bc it’s pretty cute but also it’s the song that made me realize in tenth grade that I have a crush on Zoe djdjdjdjdn
5) your top three songs from Be More Chill!
Top is definitely I Love Play Rehearsal bc its so fun to sing!!! Like it gets so sporadic and stuff and is just the embodiment of ADHD and also Christine is so passionate??? Plus I love that one video of the Broadway version where the way Stephanie Hsu portrays it, Christine is just quickly explaining herself and she’s trying to hold back but she can’t and just starts going all out to ramble about her hyperfixation and just djdndjdn
Second is probably A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into bc it’s a Christine song and Im love Christine and also its so fun!!!! To play on the uke!!!!
Third I had to think about but I have to go with Pitiful Children. Villain songs are always so fun and like. That song is just fun in general and whenever I listen to it I always have to sing along to the chorus djdnjdjd
10) your top three songs from The Prom!
TOP ONE IS DANCE WITH YOU! I always get this one stuck in my head at random times and I just. Love to hum it. It’s so soft and cute and just UGH MY HEART 💕💕
Second is Tonight Belongs To You bc its such a fun song and it’s really catchy!!! Also that Wicked reference djdjdnjdjd
Third is Alyssa Greene bc I relate SO. HARD. Like I have to pretend to be this perfect straight child for my own mom when I want to be able to be myself and be open but I cant bc I too am scared of what could happen if I came out so Im just this weird mix of who my mom expects and who I am in real life and it’s kind of. Stressful
15) top three musicals you would love to see!
Not including the ones Ive seen already, I’d say Be More Chill is one bc I bonded with my cousins in the Philippines last year over BMC and they were supposed to come this summer bc they got their visas and we were gonna be allowed to go up to New York to see Broadway shows and we were gonna see BMC but then later they decided they wouldn’t come this year and now Im sad bc BMC is closing and we won’t be able to see it together :(
Another is The Prom bc LESBIABS also it’s a really important story to tell with an important message and like. Its also a nice musical with humor and a happy ending and just. Good.
Third is Hadestown bc ITS SO GOOD???? Ive had the songs constantly on repeat lately both on Spotify and in my head and just. I love Greek mythology and Ive loved the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice for the longest time since second grade and Hadestown is such a good adaptation of the myth and it also makes my heart break in a good way.
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someone-online · 5 years
Any Scottlie headcanons?
Scott finds as many fictional books that he can with law in it and reads them and also watched Legally Blonde and talks about them with Natalie and she’ll be explaining more in depth how a case would or might go, or any inaccuracies that these sources have.
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someone-online · 5 years
I'm writing that one Randi one-shot while listening to SHE USED TO BE MINE and akjksadj here we go
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someone-online · 5 years
akjska another Randlie hc is that Randi calls Natalie “Nat” and she’s the only person allowed to do so
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someone-online · 5 years
Evan Hansen, Alyssa Greene, and Christine Canigula
:000 some of my favorite characters!!
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someone-online · 5 years
djskldj i keep info dumping tps stuff BUT i have this small headcanon that randi's hair used to be long but around fifth-grade she cut it short and jane didn't like it (although once she realized randi was able to focus better in gymnastics she was fine with it) but gavin really liked it and natalie even complimented her
To get Jane off her back about it she probably used the excuse that its easier to just have it really short than to have to spend time tying it for gymnastics but it just makes her really happy bc it’s the one part of her life that she at least has some control over
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someone-online · 5 years
ok so for that nonexistent Perfect Score musical: Scott and Natalie have a duet when they become friends and Randi and Natalie have a Reprise of that duet when they become friends
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someone-online · 5 years
asghfsa i’m so sorry but imagine Randi and Natalie listening to THE PROM together and Trevor and Mark listening to BE MORE CHILL together
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someone-online · 5 years
hi akjdka i’m so sorry to keep sending in tps asks but i’m curious...what are your ethnicity hcs for the Recruits?
Oof I only really have headcanons for Natalie (Filipino), and my headcanon for Randi is more vague (Asian but idk what kind of Asian yet I’m still figuring that out djdjdjdj).
Gavin is canonically Latino (or half, if his dad isn’t) and I think I saw in a post from you that Scott is canonically white? I don’t remember if it’s written in the first book, maybe it’s in one of the later ones. But I like to think he might be part Jewish somewhere down the line. Trevor I headcanon as white, and I think your headcanon for Mark being black influenced me before I read the Perfect Score because I can’t imagine him being anything else really djdjdjdjdjd
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