voraxiia · 4 months
“  just let me take care of you.  ” [ aito to seven !! ]
 ㅤ⁺₊ ﹙ㅤunprompted / i forgor ...   //  @elganacㅤ﹚
ㅤㅤㅤit was not the first time the redhead was coming home covered in dirt and blood , even before joining this stupid organisation . it was also not the first time Seven was in a mostly one-sided fight with kind Aito for taking Leah’s side in their tussle earlier . perhaps rightfully so , perhaps ‘ tussle ’ was a bit of an understatement , but details weren’t important in the experiment’s eyes as much as the bruise that marked both his ego and his trust in their caretaker of sorts . 
ㅤㅤㅤoh , he was positively sulking , adamant on resisting every attempt the other made at helping him clean up , up till Aito said those words , with his tone that held just as much care as it did exasperation . Seven found himself discomfited by it , though it was hard to explain such a feeling other than through a silent glare up at Aito , who was cleaning his face with a cloth . 
ㅤㅤㅤthe only way to let out his frustration now was , of course , to bite down on the man’s unprotected hand . none too gently too , but at least for now , it was enough for him to settle down , for the time being . hmph .
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royaletiquette · 1 year
are you blushing? [ short prompt; hibiya and alison! ]
short prompts | @elganac
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His rant on different members of the court followed Alison from the reading room, the bedroom, to the bath. Undoubtedly, she was used to knowing when to just ignore Hibiya if he went down certain roads, and this was definitely one of those times.
The goddess took control of the one-sided conversation and agreed with Hibiya as she checked the water. She then agreed with the noblemen, undressing as she countered Hibi's argument. As she stepped in the water, Alison went on about... something else? A solution? Her opinion? Hibiya's mouth was slightly agape and with the hyper-focused stare he had, there was no listening anymore.
A soft hum between his lips before a boyish chuckle at himself. "Probably" was all Alison got out of him before quickly giving back to the responsibilities of work. "I have to um," he had to drag his eyes elsewhere, taking a step closer to the door. "I have a meeting tonight I should... finish prepping for."
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chteru · 2 years
❛     inbox     —     @elganac​     :     [ SUMMER ] our muses relax on a beach
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‘   it’s been so long since we’ve gotten to go out, clair - san   !   ’   when an opportunity was presented for some well - deserved moment of respite, she knew precisely who to call. after brainstorming what they could do with this newfound time for leisure, a chance to breathe, to step back from the duties that conquered the entirety of her identity, to simply be eru in the company of a trusted friend. to be able to speak freely, to be her true self and not the pristine and courtly image required of her. 
‘   there’s so many crabs!   sad we can’t really cook with them..   ’   she laments this truth with a pout, observing the crustacean she held without compunction in her hand by the shell, much to the surprise of her companion. ‘   we should go get seafood boil tonight!   i’ve never had it, but i’ve heard americans eat it a lot!    ’
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gloryundimmed · 5 months
❛ don’t shut me out like this. ❜ [ ali/kai revolution au? OwO ]
Living a double life was hard. Truly, he never wanted to lie to the one he loved most, but he wanted to keep her safe, keep her from the dangers of the revolution. What would happen if he let her in on it and it backfired? She would be charged for treason as well. He couldn't allow that to happen under any circumstances. This was his fight, after all.
To keep Ali from becoming more suspicious— as well as to spend some time with her— Kai had taken the day off of his usual paperwork and other duties as the head of the revolutionary force to take her on a picnic on the lake. Lazily, he rowed underneath a stunning weeping willow tree to keep them out of the sun while they ate.
"What do ya mean? I haven't been shuttin' ya out." he moved to place a kiss on her cheek. "Things have just been busy lately, y'know? After being away for so long, I realized that my parents financial affairs were a mess. I'm not tryin' to keep anythin' from you." The revolutionary forced a smile. He hated being dishonest, but it was to protect her. "Enough of those thoughts, though. We should just enjoy the day."
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He unpacked some sandwiches and handed one to her. Truthfully, he was tired. Tired of keeping up this double life and tired of the hateful, vengeful emotions that ate at his insides. With a sigh, he moved to sit next to his love and rested his head on her shoulder. Golden eyes scanned the springtime meadow on the shore— its white flowers gleaming in the sunshine under a flawless pale blue sky. It was a perfect day, so why did things feel so cloudy?
"I'm sorry, Ali. I think I'm just tired."
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@elganac​ asked: 🍪 bake gingerbread men together [ from emile for adrian!! ]
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❛❛   Okay I might have made the icing a little too runny...  ❜❜ Adrian admitted as he stepped back to take in his work on the cookie he’d been decorating. He’d tried to make the little man look happy, but it seemed to have the opposite effect as the black icing sort of oozed about the cookie.
❛❛  Think we should start over?  ❜❜
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cxrsedcreations · 2 years
Closed starter for ( @elganac​ )
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She approached, apron tied tight around her waist as she pulls out a small notepad, pen at the ready. “What can I get for you?” Head tilts, brown eyes watching the one patiently. This wasn’t her first time being a waitress, it was likely one of the easiest jobs she could find to get hired but this was the first one that welcomed her so nicely. Perhaps they hadn’t heard her reputation or maybe they simply didn’t care. Either way, she wasn’t going to pry into it and risk messing this up. “Oh, I do have to warn you, we close in about an hour. Will you be eating alone?” While part of her hoped this customer wasn’t waiting for someone, it was relatively late. Hopefully she didn’t plan to walk these streets by herself once she was done.
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cxrsedmoon · 2 years
ℂ𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣 << @elganac​ >>
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Warm frame sways slightly in her seat, allowing the music to flow through her and forget the problems of the day as Audrey sips her drink slowly. It didn’t matter if she drank it quickly, it wouldn’t be strong enough with this one alone to effect her but still, she was cautious. Jade green eyes flicker about, bouncing between those dancing to others talking amongst themselves over the music in booths. A few people were scattered across the bar but there were none that held her interest. Or at least none that looked like they could handle a decent conversation at the moment. Her gaze lands on the bartender, a soft sigh passing through glossed lips. “I’m sure you stand there listening to other’s stories all the time. Does anyone ever listen to yours?”
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royaletiquette · 1 year
hang on, i’m taking a picture. [ short prompt; leah and hibiko! ]
short prompts | @elganac
"Noooo, oh my god wait I'm hot and all red and have no makeup on." Hibiko was quick to complain, fixing her ponytail and flattening stray hairs she knew she had.
The view was worth it sure, and the princess handled the hike better than she was expecting, but she was far from picture ready. Then again, there was no real chance to argue. She either kept whining, or made sure she didn't look like hell in the photograph. "Okay okay," Hibiko announced, fixing her bangs and posing.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
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@dcwnrisen @avaere @despairforme @elganac @xyuuken @deathmcth @guhamun/@ardenssolis @villxinoux @nezumivc103221 @cantuscorvi @bclasaeg @rotdream @tximidity @gildinbainas @terestris @glasgcw @v-iciious @hellhunted @unwcvering @maqnolya @inunomori/@sidedcoins @laplacemail @lunaetis @phantasmaw @hembralfa @distopea @chenqizi @chaoscrawls @farspirits @rebellixn/@scanncr @igniferous @oleandew @otverzhennyy @killerhubby @semplicementerojuro --- annnnnnnnnnnd all of you, lbr.
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storiesofstratos · 8 months
Chapter 10: Daniel in Danger
Not every secret can stay hidden...
Leah Nguyen is an OC created by my good friend Shima, who was gracious enough to allow me to include her in the story! Please go give Shima some love <3 Leah is from @elganac and Shima is on twitter @/ShimaVT
The ground gave way under my feet suddenly. Scrambling in a moment of panic, I found myself unable to catch the ledge, tumbling down the side of the cliff. I only managed to survive by the skin of my teeth, my hands finding purchase on a root jutting out from the cliffside. It was steep enough that if I hadn’t caught myself, I would’ve been a goner for sure. “Shit, oh shit,” were all the words I could think to say in that moment, seeing my friends look on in absolute horror as they saw me tumbling to what was almost certainly my death.
“Shit, Daniel,” Jack called out to me as he looked over the edge, “Dude are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah! Just fine,” I shouted back, “In fact, the view’s pretty nice down here, why don’t you come join me?”
“NOW IS NOT THE TIME,” Nico screeched at both of us, full blown panic on her face, “Oh my god oh my god, what do we do? Do we have a rope? No, we don’t, god, I knew we shouldn’t have traveled so far from camp! Now Daniel’s gonna die and we can’t do anything about it!”
“I’m not gonna die Nico, I’ll be fine!”
“Nothing about you says fine right now! Hang on, I’m gonna get the teacher, just wait right here!”
“Trust me, it’s not like I can go anywhere-” Wait. Of course, that’s it! “Hang on Nico, table that teacher thing for now!”
“Excuse me?? Dude, this is not the time to try and show off!”
“No, no, seriously! I have an idea… but, I need you both to trust me. Promise, you will not freak out.”
“Freak out? I’m already freaking out,” Nico’s panic was palpable. Hell, she was almost making me nervous! “What are you just gonna fuckin sprout wings or somethin??”
Nico was about to open her mouth again, but Jack placed a hand in front of it, giving her a look. “We promise.. Do whatever you gotta do..”
Okay.. Easy now Rowe, no need to panic. With where I was at now, the angle should be just right to… yes, okay, good. Just two solid leaps, and I should be back on stable ground. “Just like I practiced,” I whispered to myself.
Get the feeling back in the legs. Feet firm against the wall. Focus… and-
I let go.
Despite Nico’s sudden scream, I maintain that focus. Feel the pressure build under my feet, and-
Suddenly I’m in the air. Everything is dead silent after that thunderous boom of my kickoff, and it’s just me, and the wind. I landed on a nearby cliff, about twenty feet up from where I was, on the opposite end of the ravine. Good.
I crouched down, feeling that pressure build up again. I let loose-
The ground cracks underneath my feet as I leap into the air, clearing not only the gap across to my friends, but making it up another thirty or so feet, landing squarely next to them, brushing myself off.
Their mouths are agape, slack-jawed, staring at me as they get their first look at my abilities that I’d tried so hard to hide from everyone, for all these years. That super strength I’d been blessed with at birth, finally coming out in front of anyone.
Jack was the first to speak up, “So.. since when the hell can you do that?”
“Uh… since… I dunno, since forever? I was… born with these powers, Jack.”
“BORN with them? Bro, I’ve known you since we were like, six, and you didn’t think to bring up the fact that you’re a fuckin superhero?”
“I try not to bring attention to it. I don’t wanna be treated differently because of my powers.”
“Hang on,” Nico piped up, “But you play baseball. You could be the top player if you’ve got super strength. You’re not even in the top ten.”
“I hold back. Like I said, I try not to draw attention to them, so.. I hold back. Like, a lot. I mean, I had thought about, maybe senior year, giving it a little extra in baseball, really make this school remember me, y’know? But, for now, I just use plain old normal strength.”
“So.. how strong is super strong to you, exactly?” Nico seemed more curious than Jack. But, I owed them some answers, I suppose.
“Uh… I never really measured the extent of it, but I know I can lift two of those old cars in the junkard with one hand.. My top running speed measures out at about fifty miles an hour… what else… oh, and I can heal super fast. Nasty cuts last a couple hours… broken bones, maybe a day at most. Never been too keen to measure how far that one goes. Getting hurt sucks.”
“So, back in eighth grade when you broke your arm and wore a cast all that time?”
I shrug, “Fake. Had to keep up appearances.”
They looked like they were about to ask about a thousand more questions before we heard a twig snap behind us. My head whipped around to see the source. Shit, who else could have possibly… oh no.
There she was. Leah Nguyen…With her beautiful brown eyes and her- no, wait, focus Rowe! How long has she been there? How much did she see? Her mouth was just as wide open as Jack and Nico’s… don’t tell me she saw-
Nico turned to Jack, “Grab her.”
Jack nodded, walking toward Leah with a weirdly menacing gait.
“Wait, hold on-” Leah tried to protest, but it was too late. Jack had grabbed her, covering her mouth with his hand before Nico and him dragged her away to somewhere more remote.
“Wait, guys!” I called out to them, “Why the hell are you two being so damn ominous?” I followed, making sure they weren’t about to do something really stupid. That was my department.
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gloryundimmed · 5 months
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for alison !!!!
Y-Y-You're Just My Type!
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"Naturally! I love her more than I love my-fuckin'-self!"
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paratopaxi · 1 year
Big congratulations are in order for our lovely @elganac for geting Vtuber of the Year! A big round of applause and hugs for our little round fluff! 
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cxrsedmoon · 2 years
ℂ𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣 << @elganac​​ >>
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A loud thunk echoed throughout the small shop, the pink fleshy thing swaying as it sat stuck to the counter outside of its box. Shohei stood there, face split in a smirk as brown eyes glimmering with gold stared down at the woman just a few feet away. “Tell me,” head tilts, amusement clear upon sharp features as fangs are revealed further with each passing second. “Is this the biggest you have? Surely that’s not all, right? Not really that impressive, if you ask me.” He leans in, elbow pressing to the counter as his chin takes residence within his palm. “What do you think?”
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royaletiquette · 2 years
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Hibiya has a type and it’s slime rancher apparently. @elganac​ @saviata​
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madamhatter · 2 years
Muse Body Language
BOLD ➝  always   /  usually  applies
ITALIC ➝  only  applies  situationally   /   sometimes  .
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arms  crossed  on  chest  /  crossing  legs  /  fist-like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  / karate  chops  /  stiffening  of  shoulders  /  tense  posture  /  curling  of  lip  /  baring  of  teeth  .
hand  to  face  gestures  /  head  tilted  /  stroking chin  /  peering  over   glasses  /  taking  glasses  off  —  cleaning  /  putting  earpiece  of  glasses  in  mouth  / pipe smoker  gestures  /  putting  hand  to  the  bridge  of  nose  /  pursed  lips  /  knitted  brows  .
arms  crossed  /  sideways  glance /  touching  or  rubbing  nose  / rubbing  eyes  /  hands  resting  on  weapon  /  brows  rising  /  lips  pressing  into  a  thin  line  /  strict  unwavering  eye  contact  /  wrinkling  of  nose  .
open  hands  /  upper  body  in  sprinters  position  /  sitting  on  the  edge  of  a  chair  /  hand-to-face gestures  /  unbuttoned  coat  /  tilted  head  /  slacked  shoulders  /  droopy  posture  /  feet  pointed  outward  /  palms  flat  and  facing  outward  .
hands  behind  back  /  hands  on  lapels  of  coat  /  steepled  hands  /  baring  teeth  in  a  grin  /  rolling  shoulders  /  tipping  head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact  /  chest  puffed  up  /  shoulders  back  /  arms  folded   just  above  navel  .
chewing  pen  or  pencil  /  rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb  /  biting  fingernails  /  hands  in  pockets  /  elbow  bent  /  closed  gestures  /  clearing  throat  /  pacing  /  “ whew ”  sound  /  picking  or  pinching  flesh  /  fidgeting  in  chair  /  hand  covering  mouth  whilst  speaking  /  poor  eye  contact  /  tugging  at  pants  whilst  seated  /  jingling  money  in  pockets  /  tugging  at  ear  /  perspiring  hands  /  playing  with  hair  /  swaying  /  playing  with  pointer  /  smacking  lips  /  sighing  /  rocking  on  balls  of  feet  /  flexing  fingers  sporadically  .
short  breaths  /  “ tsk ”  sounds  /  tightly  clenched  hands  /  fist-like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  /  running  hand  through  hair  /  rubbing  back  of  neck  /  snarling  /  revealing  teeth  /  grimacing  /  sharp-eyed   glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows  /  shoulders  back  ,  head  up  /  defensive  posturing  /  clenching  of  jaw  /  grinding  of  teeth /  nostrils  flaring  /  heavy  exhales  .
tagged by: @pastballads​ / tysm for the tag :D tagging: @fxmiliarity / @vocalcords / @vacuitas (Naiya) / @crownlcsking / @eraba-reta-unmei / @elganac (Alison!) / @xdcwntherabbithole (Akane!) 
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storiesofstratos · 8 months
Chapter 8: Daniel Left to His Own Devices
Separated from his friends, Daniel meets someone new...
Leah Nguyen is an OC created by my good friend Shima, who was gracious enough to allow me to include her in the story! Please go give Shima some love <3 Leah is from @elganac and Shima is on twitter @/ShimaVT
So I found myself alone for the first time since the trip started. Everyone else had gone to do their own thing, and Jack and Nico were off helping to collect firewood. Didn’t really appeal to me, so I stayed behind. So it was just wandering, until I saw the lake. That was ridiculous.. Who would go swimming in this weather?
Then I heard the splash of someone getting out of the water. No way. Who the hell would even think to–
Oh. OH. I was immediately fixated on her eyes. A beautiful shade of dark brown, shining in the early evening sun. Her black hair falling just to her shoulders, a little messed up and wet from the water she’d just pulled herself out of. Not even mentioning that cute little polka-dotted swimsuit that just–
I’m getting ahead of myself.
I stood there for what felt like an absolute eternity. Did I know her from somewhere? Obviously she went to my school, she must have been in my grade too.. Did I have a class with her? Hmm, no, I would’ve recognized her. Shit, was I staring? C’mon Rowe, just TALK to her. She’s cute! Go get her number, or, something! That was a thing normal people did, right?
“Uh..hello??” Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Shit. I totally WAS staring wasn’t I?
“Uh.. h-hey.” Nailed it. “You.. like swimming..?” Nailed it less.
I watched as a small smile crept up on her face. Hopefully that was a good sign and she wasn’t just… laughing at me. In her head, or something.
“I mean… yeah. I’m the only one swimming in this weather, aren’t I?”
“Oh, uh.. Yeah, true, true…” Come on Rowe, think of something, anything else to say! “Do… you mind if I sit with you?”
“Uh, yeah! Sure, go for it. I mean, not like anyone else is gonna be over here with us, y’know?” I watched as she patted the space next to her, which is where I took a seat. “I’m Leah, by the way.”
“Daniel. It’s nice to meet you. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
She shrugged, “It is a pretty big school. I don’t even know the names of all the people in our grade.”
“Yeah. Fair enough… I don’t really need to know many names aside from my friends, and… well, I guess yours now, too.”
“Wow, you’re gonna remember my name? I’m so touched.” She laughed to herself… wow. That was a sound I could listen to for the rest of my life and be happy.
“...You’re really pretty–”
There was a silence between us, “Uh, the, the sunset! It’s… really pretty, don’t you think?” I just hoped she didn’t think much of it. It was autumn, so the sun was already starting to set… yeah, that was it.
“Oh… Right. I mean… yeah, like, it is pretty. I guess.”
“Hey, you two!” A voice called out to us, one of the other students, “Mr. Walker wanted to gather everyone up for dinner, c’mon.”
I stood up at that, holding out my hand to Leah. “Wanna go grab some food?”
She looked at my hand for a second, before nodding and finally taking it, allowing me to help her up off the ground. “Yeah. Food sounds good.” She smiled at me, and it didn’t go unnoticed that her hand lingered in mine for a little longer than necessary.
…Was this what it was like? Had I made it? No wait, focus.
Dinner was sort of a blur. Leah had been called away to go over and hang out with her other friends, and I ate with Jack and Nico. “Soo… You two know that girl over there?” I nodded toward Leah.
Nico took a look over her shoulder. “Oh, her? Uh, yeah I know her. Leah Nguyen. We’ve got history class together, and we’re sharin’ a tent on the trip, actually.”
“Wow,” Jack piped up, “I’m surprised. Didn’t think you knew anyone’s name in your history class. Though you hated them all.”
“I do, mostly. But we got put in a group project about Aztec history and hot damn, that girl was a godsend.”
“By that you mean she actually pulled her weight?”
“Oh yeah. Got her number, told her next time there’s a group project, I want first dibs on her. She thought I was funny. Why, what about her?”
“Well, I just,” I was at a loss for words, “I mean, we talked earlier, and I just…” Uh oh. She saw me looking over at her, didn’t she? I watched as she gave me a polite little wave, which I returned. “I mean, y’know, we just talked for a bit and…”
“Uh oh,” Jack’s immediate response, “Daniel’s got a crush.”
“What? Pff, no I don’t.”
“You totally do. Dude you’re looking at her the same way you looked at Stacy Sherman back in middle school.”
I groaned, “Can we PLEASE not talk about Stacy Sherman? I’d like to block that dance from my memory forever, thank you.”
Nico just looked between us, confused, “Wait, what happened with Stacy Sherman?”
“Daniel asked her to a dance back in middle school. She said yes, but the night of the dance, she just left him. The whole time, wouldn’t even look at him, it was so fucked up.”
“Wow,” Nico tossed her paper plate in a nearby trash can. “I think I hate Stacy Sherman.”
“You and me both, she was a huge bitch with a capital.. BITCH.”
“Okay, yeah, she was not… the greatest, but I mean, that was the past! That was like… three years ago, I’ve grown as a person. I make better choices now.”
“You do?” Nico spouted out, “Since when? Or has that not started yet?”
I just looked at her. “You are so annoying.” Was all I could say in response to her little gremlin laugh.
I didn’t see Leah again the rest of the night. She had her own group of friends to hang out with, I didn’t wanna bother her. But Jack crawled into our tent that night brimming with interest. “So, you gonna ask her out or what?”
“Dude, I dunno. I really don’t want a repeat of what happened with Stacy, I mean… I don’t know if Leah would do that, but…”
“It’s hard to think about after something like that, huh?”
“Yes! That sucked, like, a lot, and I really don’t want it to happen again.”
Jack settled into his sleeping bag. “Yeah… okay, I’ve made up my mind. I’m gonna help you.”
“You? Help me?” I sat up and looked at him. “Dude, aren’t you like… the king of not confessing to your crush? I mean when are you gonna tell Nico that you–”
“When the time is right,” He cut me off, “But, that is not important right now. You’re my best friend dude. So, here’s the plan. Nico wants to walk the trails tomorrow, so when we’re out, we’ll talk about it, see what we can do.”
I just sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the tent. “Yeah… okay, that sounds good…”
“I knew you’d come around to the idea.” Jack smirked as he laid back down. “G’night, Daniel.”
“Night Jack.”
And it wasn’t long before I was out like a light.
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