#kai;;answers—{you should be afraid of monsters like me.}
countrymusiclover · 7 months
25 - Kai Parker Screwed Us
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Part 26
Family is More than Blood
Jacob didn’t have as much to pack as I did Klaus and he decided to help load the car while I finished packing things up. I had already said my goodbyes to Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan and surprisingly Damon at certain times since we’ve met. Shutting one of the bags that had some of my clothes inside I heard the door open and close. “I’m almost packed, Klaus. We should be leaving in an hour.”
“Blonde hair, blue eyed and a witch. Never would have thought that the ruthless hybrid Niklaus Mikaelson would ever let himself fall in love.” Whipping my head around I heard a woman's voice seeing a girl with brown hair like Elena.
Raising myself back to stand upright I brushed my hands down my shirt with a tilting of my head. “Elena….Wait that’s not right.”
“Hmm you’re smarter than the others aren’t you. I’m Katherine Pierce.” The woman walked towards me and down the short set of stairs. Her hair was curled compared to Elena’s that was always straightened and she wore almond all black clothing.
Meeting her brown eyes I took a few steps backwards from her. “What are you doing here, Katherine? I’m told you ran from my boyfriend for 500 years.”
“Yes, all because he wanted me to break his werewolf curse. Thankfully Elena Gilbert managed to take care of that for me. But what I want to know is what exactly made someone like Klaus fall for you?” The 500 year old vampire smiled.
Crossing my arms over my chest I just let myself think for a moment before answering her question. “I don’t see him the way everyone else does. He’s never been a monster to me.”
“Awe sweet witch you really have been fooled by that charm of his haven’t you. I used to be just like you when I first met him. I let myself be won by his charm until I learned that he wished to kill me so I saw no other choice but to run.” Katherine shakes her head, dropping her arms down away from her sides.
Biting my lip I mumbled to the vampire in front of me. “What exactly do you know about Klaus Mikaelson that you think I don’t already know about?”
“I have a letter for him about something interesting in New Orleans and I’ve heard you're already heading there so I’ll deliver it to you.” Katherine reached into her pocket holding out a sealed white envelope. “Klaus won’t be to walk away from this. He and I are the same. We manipulate, we thirst for power, we control, we punish. But our actions are driven by one singular place deep inside.”
Taking the letter from her hand I questioned. “What do you mean?”
“We’re alone and we hate it.” She finally admitted turning on her heels and about to leave the mansion until she halted in her tracks glancing over her shoulder at me. “Let me give you some advice, blonde witch. Since you are giving your heart to Klaus you should know that you need to be one step ahead of his enemies.”
Smirking at her I straightened my back not afraid of the vampire in front of me knowing I could take her easily. “I’m not afraid of his enemies. I can take them justice like I could you. But I appreciate the advice.”
“Well you better remember it, blonde witch.” She vamped out of the mansion with one final word. Eyeing the letter in my hands I opened the envelope reading the name Sofia Deveror that was a witch knowing whatever she had to tell us would be interesting for sure.
Twisting one of the pieces of the Ascendent I was sitting on the ground in the large room in front of the fireplace lost in thought. I had my hair put up in a bun so it wasn’t in my face. Footsteps entered the room with Klaus lowering himself down on his knees before me. “Raelyn, you don’t have to go back there if you don’t want to. Jacob and I can do this on our own.”
“No way, Klaus. I am not sitting on the sidelines when it comes to fighting my psychopath cousin.” Snapping my head upwards I sat the device down on the wooden floor.
He tilted his head to the side. “Raelyn, I almost lost you to that man. I don’t want that to be a reality again.”
“I’m a freaking heretic, Nik. I am strong enough to fight Kai Parker. And he is attacking my family here. I won’t let him hurt anyone else that I care about after what he did to Josette.” Throwing my hands up in the air I huffed sniffing through some frustrated tears.
He reached forward placing a hand on my cheek and I leaned into his touch. “I understand that, Rae. But this is a big risk even for someone as powerful as you.”
“Don’t worry dad. This family is known for being powerful and kicking ass.” The pair turned their heads around at the voice that entered the room. We saw our middle daughter standing in the doorway, arms over her chest. “Vampire hearing is freaking awesome.”
Raising myself to my stand Klaus followed after me when I shook my head no at the thought. “Missy, you can’t come.”
“And why not?” Alina’s voice entered the room with her and Hope coming around the corner hearing our conversation apparently.
Klaus turned his head letting me answer the question since he knew I wasn’t backing down even though that’s what he wished I would do. “Girls, I know that you want to help us rescue the Saltzman’s but it's too dangerous.”
“How so. You know we are three badass witches.” Hope snapped, crossing her arms.
Throwing my head back I kicked the floor with my boot. “I’m aware but you don’t know Kai Parker. He murdered his entire family without a care. He has no rumouce for the things that he’s done. We can’t risk any of you getting hurt-“
“If you’re worried about us dying I’m already a heretic mom.” Missy rolled her eyes.
Klaus finally entered the conversation. “Melissa, you listen to your mother now. You might not be able to die again but that doesn’t leave Hope and Alina out of the chance.”
“Is this really happening just because I’m pregnant?” Alina snapped at her father, flashing her werewolf eyes when one of her hands rested on her stomach. “When did becoming pregnant be a bad thing in this family?”
Running my fingers through my hair I stepped towards her. “Urgh! Alina, that's not the reason. But it does put you more at risk.”
“We beat Aurora and Uncle Joshua, what’s stopping us from doing the same with Kai!” Hope raised her voice.
Stepping towards our daughters I held out my hands sighing heavily knowing what needed to be done since they refuse to listen to our judgment. “Girls, look I know that you want to help. But we’re your parents and we are always going to worry about your safety. So take my hands and just this once I’ll let you help us out.”
“Raelyn.” Klaus warned me.
Ignoring his worries I knew what I was doing with our kids even though they’d not like me later when this was said and done yet I refused to lose my children to Kai like I lost Josette. “Kids, I know that you will always fight for this family. Take my hands…and remember that is a great thing to do…just not today.” Hope, Alina and Missy all made me a confused look with our hands all on top of one another.
“Mom, what are you doing-“ Hope questioned
Shutting my eyes I released a breath hearing the triplets wince when I siphoned from them even though I didn’t need to. Klaus watched our hands turn red before I felt their grips slip from mine and their bodies hit the wooden floor. “Ad somnum corposris impetus…I’m sorry girls.”
“Rae, you know they’ll hate you for that.” Klaus came over to me eyeing our three daughters passed out on the wooden floor in the living room.
Spinning on my feet I snatched the Ascendant from the floor then reached into my pocket holding a vial of Bonnie’s blood. “It doesn’t matter. Kai would have killed them and we can both kick his ass better than he thinks we can. Now give me your hand…Phasmatos tribum, invocia cavea, misero mundi…” Klaus placed his hands in mine closely watching as I closed my eyes and chanted the spell. The Ascendant raised itself up in the air and I felt some wind blow around us until he saw a flash of light and our bodies collapsed onto the floor.
Rubbing my eyes I groaned glancing around the room recognizing the old Salvatore fireplace just like I left it. "Urgh…Hopefully we won't have to come to any more prison worlds." Klaus groaned, forcing himself to his feet and tugging me up to stand with him.
"We can both agree on that for sure. Now, let's see if we can find them." Snapping my fingers a map appears at my feet, raising my wrist up I bite down drawing an open wound. Allowing my blood to drop on the map. "Since the twins have Josette's blood I should be able to find them on my own…Ahsorum dolusantum infidictus."
Klaus watched from behind me sitting on my knees with the red blood traveling across the map in three different directions. "It appears that someone has split them apart. Josie is in the middle of a field. Elizabeth is in some countryside area and Alaric is running through the woods of this town. What the bloody hell are we supposed to do now?"
"We find Josie first. Then we find the others. It's as simple as that." Glancing over my shoulder I clasped my hand in his concentrating on her location, never actually doing a transfer spell with someone else like this. "Te ni rien a boka…Te ni rien a boka."
There was a rumbling of the ground before we looked around again and saw the field she was supposed to be in. Klaus tugged me behind a tree hearing someone coming our direction. "So, we need three things the apex of the celestial event that trapped me here, some Bennett blood, and the duplicate ascendant, which is the first thing I went looking for - when those burnouts woke me up."
"Oh you've got to be kidding me. I'm going to ring his neck if he hurts her!" I growled through a whisper.
Josie asked him. "Did you find it?"
"No answers for free. I assume you come carrying the Bennett blood." He shook hurt head until he saw she gave no reply back. "How is it possible that you came to a prison world without the one thing you need to escape it?"
"Well, it's not exactly like this trip was planned." She admitted.
Kai raised a brow. "Okay, so then what exactly are you bringing to this partnership? Because from where I stand, I'm the only one of us who is not useless."
"No answers for free. What's the celestial event?" Josie didn't answer him.
He shrugged his shoulders and started walking away from her. "That I actually don't know, but, uh there's only so many minutes in a day, so I'll figure it out."
'That's your plan? Process of elimination?" She gasped.
"Mm-hmm. I like a challenge. And to be honest, I've got nothing but time." He nodded before his gaze lifted up slightly over her head calling out to us somehow he knew. "Come on out, Rae Rae."
Klaus peaked his head around hands behind his back he walked up, not afraid with me at his side until we reached the pair. "Malachai Parker, what a pleasure it will be to see my wife mop the floor with your body again."
"Yeah but the thing is I'll come back to life, Nikky." He teased the hybrid.
Pushing in between the boys I shoved Josie behind me and away from her uncle. Flashing my fangs and the veins underneath my eyes. "You're never getting away from this world, Kai. Now what have you done with Alaric and Lizzie!"
"I didn't do anything. The only one who teamed up with me is Jonie here." He raised his index finger at her. "So my guess is they'll be dealing with the students Ricky sent here that woke me up. For once I'm not to blame if they're in danger."
Rolling my eyes I grabbed him by his neck, where he just chuckled. "Here’s what is going to happen, Kai. You hand over the Ascendant because I know you found it by now and take us to the source of Bennett blood. After that we will leave here and you will be desiccating just like you were!"
"Whatever you say, Rae Rae. You still have to find a celestial event and I don't give answers for free- " He smiled before I snapped his neck knowing he would come back to life anyway.
Josie walked up to me. "Aunt Raelyn, how are guys here?"
"That's a long story, Josie. But rest assured we have to come to get you and your family out of here." My husband explained realizing that we were stuck though. "Bloody hell, we're gonna have to wake him up to make him show us the blood supply."
"What are we getting from here exactly, psycho?" I questioned Kai holding a piece of broken wood against his back while be led us inside the hospital after he finally woke his ass back up.
"Information for information. Tell me more about this Malivore pit and those monsters you've been dealing with. And for the record, I never lost faith in Santa being real."
"Basically, Malivore is a pocket dimension, like this one. There is a portal into our world. We closed it, - but the monsters keep coming." Josie began explaining against my better judgment not too.
"Fascinating. Now, to answer your question, we're here because I spent years studying genealogical records while being hunted and killed for sport. I recently found someone who donated blood under the name Smithfield, which was her married name. Maiden name: Bennett. Bennett blood. Ta-da." Kai paused outside a hospital room showing the door said blood storage but when he opened the door there was a red headed vampire who had eaten all of it.
Waving my hand I locked the door, rolling my eyes at my cousin. "You have any brighter ideas!"
"Nope because that blood is gone." Kai shrugged his shoulders walking away from us.
Josie said quickly. "What if there was another way to get Bennett blood? Would you help me then?"
"Yeah, nice try at manipulation, but I'm not gonna believe anything you-" He trails off.
She revealed outside of her jacket a res vial. "It's Bonnie's from when we sent the Sandclock here."
He smiled at her. "I knew you were holding out on me."
She admitted holding it away from him. "I didn't know if I could trust you."
Kai reached for the vial before someone knocked me and Klaus on our backs and then I saw someone holding Kai against the wall. The girl had red orange hair and held a stake near his heart. "Oh, goodness…Oh, perfect timing, baby." He started laughing shortly after, pulling her close to him.
Klaus scrambled to his feet. "Josette, get out of here."
Josie started to run but Kai raised his hand up doing the freezing spell before I could stop him. "Immobilus."
"Urgh! Stay away from her." Vamping forward I almost grabbed him but the girl vampire grabbed me holding me by my throat against the wall. Klaus tried to snap her neck but Kai used his other hand and was faster snapping his neck instead.
Kai walked around Josie in a circle taking the vial of blood from her hand, smirking wickedly. "Hey, thanks for your help. Your instincts were right. There is no trusting me. So, while you've been playing checkers I've been playing chess. Checkmate."
"You won't get away with this!" I grunted, clawing at the girls wrist around my neck.
"You’re not really in a good position to make threats, siphon queen." Kai didn't seem concerned though where he vamped away. "Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention one thing about the whole Hunger Games I'm kinda into it. Keeps the monotony interesting. Once they woke me up, they quickly realized my superior leadership qualities. They're kind of like my followers, I guess you could say."
The vampire girl smirked at me. "Now what am I going to do with you?"
"You can…go to hell!" Digging my claws into her arms she winced harshly when I siphoned from her performing a desiccating spell on her. Her body turned gray and veins covered her body before she dropped me to the floor. I heard a crunch sound in my right Jean pocket.
Klaus was still passed out with Josie calling my name not being able to move from the spell. "Aunt Raelyn, what was that sound?"
"Uh…we're in trouble Josie." Reaching into my jacket I felt loose metal pieces of the Ascendent moving around. Dropping the broken bits at my feet I cursed under my breath. "We're screwed. Kai now has the only Ascendant to get us out of here."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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insanit3a · 2 years
unlicensed demolition
i swear i have other ocs i just really like writing these two 😭
Pov: your tiny friend is trying to ignore you, so you find another way to get her attention :D
it was supposed to be 300 smth but it's actually 747 oopsie poopsie
Concentrating had always come easy to her—she needed a good amount of focus to capture every detail of an object or to ensure her landscape drawings were accurate. It would be much easier to concentrate, though, if the giant outside her window left her alone.
“Kai, I already promised to go get them with you, and the sale ends hours from now. Could you please do something else and let me read in peace?”
She didn’t need to see him to know he was pouting.
“But Bijouuu~!” the cat-shifter whined, “I get oh so lonely without you. Besides, I haven’t seen you all day! How am I to know if you’re okay or not?”
Bijou huffed. He tended to get like this after they were separated for too long on his free days. It was a stark contrast to Polaris, who popped in every once in a while to see if she needed anything before returning to work.
“Stop being so dramatic. I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” She sighed, walking over to the window and opening it to look up at him. “I’ll fry you some fish later!”
The artist watched Kuiper’s icy-blue hues widen for a moment, then glance off to the side as he tilted his head.
“A tempting offer, really. But I’d give up all the fish in the world to spend time with you~! Maybe.”
“Look. I’d love to go right now, but I’d also love to finish this chapter. Just let me read, and I’ll let you know when I’m done.”
She closed the window before he got the chance to answer. Bijou ignored the tapping on the glass and the muffled sounds of Kuiper calling her name, trying to drown herself in her book. He’d leave once he realized she wasn’t coming back out. She was sure of it.
Eventually, the noises stopped. It was eerily peaceful for someone so playful and energetic, but Bijou tried to dismiss the bad feeling in her stomach as something she ate.
As she finally started to unwind and get back into the story, a sudden rumbling came from outside. Living with giants, she’d gotten used to random tremors in the ground, though it still made her uneasy.
The shaking continued to worsen—loud and distracting to the point where focusing on the pages became impossible. Things began falling off her dresser and onto the floor; she could tell it was coming from somewhere above her, but couldn’t pinpoint what it was. She knew it had to be Kuiper, though. Despite being the same size, Polaris moved quickly and quietly.
Bijou noticed the room getting brighter. It was pouring in from above, but she didn’t have a skylight, so what else could it have possibly been..?
She looked up, anxiously dreading what she would see, and let out a startled gasp.
“I keep forgetting how tiny and adorable you are~! I should do this more often~”
There was a huge hole in the ceiling. The face of her equally huge friend replaced where the roof was supposed to be. She kept silent, glaring up at him with anger and bewilderment in her eyes. Just what was he?
It didn’t make sense. He could be super scary one second, then super sweet the next. Kuiper was a good person, she knew, but there was always a sense of doubt in the back of her head. With the sheer difference in height between them, anything could happen. Besides, one day his joking may not be a joke anymore.
“Aww… What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
At that moment, Bijou felt all her pent-up feelings explode out of her mouth.
“Why are you always like this? I don’t wanna be afraid of you, but how can I not be?!”
She looked down at her feet, muttering a few more words under her breath.
“You really are a monster, aren’t you?”
Soft giggles came from the giant. Shifting her gaze to him and seeing the disheartened smile on his face made her realize the weight of what she said.
“I suppose I am.”
His face disappeared; Bijou heard a thud, followed by the ground quaking.
“Kai? Kuiper, wait!”
The artist rushed out of her room and nearly tripped down the stairs as she tried to catch him. She threw the front door open, though was only met with disappointment.
All that was left of him was a white tail, going around the corner and then out of sight.
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monodipita · 3 years
dangerous (Yandere!Killua x Reader)
Word count: 2,161
Warnings: Yandere content warning, slight abuse warning, blood warning
The night descended upon you, the air reeked of blood and decay. You weren't even close to the door yet you were afraid to go anywhere near it, but you knew who was inside. He was there, waiting for you, even though you were scared of what was going to be inside the room, you were wise not to ignore his demands for your attention. Killua could be quite the monster sometimes, but never did you think that he would go this far. You were nauseous just thinking about it, and the noxious fumes in the air added on to nausea, but you were still holding yourself together through the pain.
What was on the other side of this door? Who would you see lying on the ground, surrounded by their blood, captured by the embrace of death?
Your hand slowly moved to the door handle. It turned effortlessly and smoothly to your chagrin. Watching the door creep open, it unveiled a new world before you. You had little time to react as your face was blasted with the acrid smell of death, causing you to double over and nearly vomit on the spot. It took everything within you to fight your reflexes, nearly becoming lightheaded from your efforts, but you were able to recover.
"Do you think I'm afraid of hurting you [Y/N]? Do you think that because I am so nice to you that you can walk free, that you can talk to whoever you want, whenever you want when I'm not looking? You took me for granted. I don't appreciate that." Killua. His voice sent chills down your spine. “No,“ you answer him in a quiet voice, “Killua, I wasn’t trying to do anything with them. I only spoke to them for up to a few minutes at a time. I didn't have anything to do with these people!“ It was a sobering thought.
”I just told you why I killed them [Y/N]. I'm not fond of repeating myself.“ Killua stood from his chair. You could see him in the dim light that was provided by the room now that he was closer to you. You could see the veins bulging in his hands, his nails were sharp as you had seen them be before in previous encounters. Blood splatter covered his body from head-to-toe. You find yourself slowly backing away from him, but you knew your lover well, there wasn't any fighting him, there wasn't any escaping him. "Killua," you called his name quietly, your mind surging and trying its best to come up with an excuse that would get you out of this hot mess. You didn't want to die, but you knew he was going to kill you. You didn't want to die because of something you'd thought was only a minor inconvenience. "Please, I..."
"What are you going to say," he was in front of you, his beady blue eyes stared down at your face. ""Don't kill me?" Of course, I wouldn't kill you, [Y/N]. I love you far too much to kill you, don't be ridiculous." He pulled you into an embrace and squeezed you in his arms tightly, his hands stroking down your back and reaching back up to your shoulders. You were hesitant to hug him back but slowly brought yourself to wrap your arms around him. . . feeling the two of you lock together in the embrace, your eyes closing as you brought yourself to lean into him with your head pressing on his shoulder. "Of course, I love you," he whispered.
The air was still and quiet, neither of you spoke to each other and instead held this awkward silence. You knew better than to move away from Killua, you knew better than to fight him when he was so much stronger than you, so you accepted your fate, resting against him like this. It was actually kind of nice after a while, it made you feel like he still loved you.
That was until you could feel his sharp nails burrowing themselves into your back.
"Ah!" You cried out. Your body began to squirm underneath his embrace that only got tighter the more you struggled against him. "Stop STOP! It hurts, Killua, PLEASE!!" You shrieked.
"This hurts, hmm? Am I hurting you [Y/N]? Does it hurt as much as you hurt me?"
Your screaming turned into wailing and sobbing, your body that had been consistently put to the test since you met Gon and Killua at the hunter exam became partially numbed to the excruciating feeling of his nails piercing and digging into your skin. Thankfully he didn't seem to be pushing his fingers any deeper into your body. "N-no, Killua, it doesn't," you sobbed, "I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
"You're sorry?" Killua's hands ceased their assault on your body. He pulled his fingers out of your skin. The numb feeling that took over that area of your body ceased to exist at the moment, and the pain began to flood you from head-to-toe. Your own hands gripped at the shirt Killua wore to somehow relieve the agonizing pain you felt through putting pressure into your fingers. Your body began to shake, but you kept yourself up as best as you could. "yes," you breathed, "I'm so sorry that I hurt you Killua, I won't ever do it again!"
Silence fell.
Killua pulled himself away, his hands holding yours tightly as he looked down at you. "Good," he smirked, "I'll trust you, but just to make sure I'll handle it on my own." He said calmly. He gripped your hand crushingly tight. It was better than the pain you felt in your back, that was for damn sure though. You were dragged effortlessly out of the building that the two of you were in.
On the way out, he ripped off the note on the outside that lured you inside. He balled it up and tossed it aside. Your teeth clenched and grit themselves together while the two of you walked back to your apartment, the pain you were feeling was unbearable, but you knew better than to talk to Killua right now. The sounds made on the trek back would be the sounds of you whimpering and your footsteps colliding with the cement of the sidewalk. The two of you didn't pass by very many people on the way, so there was no one to stop and ask you what was wrong - perhaps that was for the best. You held your silence as the two of you stepped inside the apartment building, your eyes warily looking over to the elevator as he dragged you over to it.
You were scared, scared that he was going to do something horrible inside the apartment once the two of you were in it. As you entered the elevator your body nearly collapsed against his, your body sinking to the floor before Killua's. His hands went to your shoulders as he stared down at you, a shadow cast over his face to prevent you from studying any bright details, as well as rendering his expression unreadable.
"I think I like you in this position." He smirked.
You shook your head, "no, KIllua... please, my back... we need to go to the hospital..." you were tired of behaving like it wasn't an issue. The pain was still there even after ten minutes of putting up with it. "No we don't!" he rolled his eyes as he pulled you up. "I'll take care of you, don't worry about it. Only I should be the one to touch you anyway."
The elevator conveniently came to a stop for him so that he could lug you out of it and drag you to your apartment door. You could feel your body be dragged against his, your legs touching the floor, your injured back coming dangerously close to touching the floor, but your body was too weak to fight against his, you could only cry out at the feeling. "KIllua, please, it hurts!" You whimper, "let me get up!"
"I'll pass~!" the white-haired boy spoke casually as he grabbed the key from your apartment from his pocket. You took this moment to try and lift yourself, but you were only met with the feeling of pain, as his hand tangled with your hair to force you back down onto the ground.
The door opened. Killua dropped your hold on his body and stepped inside.
This... this was the chance, the only chance you would have to run if you were going to run. You were injured and on the brink of passing out, but an attempt of running and hiding sounded better than submitting to whatever would happen inside that room. Your body slowly brought itself to stand with the help of the columns of the doorway. Right as you were able to fully stand, KIllua glanced back at you for a moment. "Go lay on the bed," he ordered you, "I'm gonna go get the first-aid. 'kay?"
You said nothing as he disappeared around the corner. Your body instinctively turned to jet away from the scene as fast as your injured body could take you, finding yourself facing out into the hallway. What am I running for? You had no answer for yourself but anything was better right now then being at the behest of Killua, even if you still loved him you knew that there wasn't any turning back from this point on. ...at least not for you.
Your body tip-toed itself away from the doorway to your apartment and out into the hallway. You began to make your break for it, but you were stopped mid-way.
"Did you seriously think that this was going to work on me of all people?" He asked you, his hand wrenching your shoulder tightly within his grip. "After being made aware of everything that I'm capable of, me, Killua Zoldyck?" There were no words to express the genuine amount of surprise the white-haired boy felt. He was wordless as he pulled you back inside the apartment, this time closing the door behind him and securing you inside with him. You were powerless to fight against him.
"Now, let's go take care of those wounds of yours, shall we?"
He brought you further inside the apartment to your bedroom, where you were originally supposed to be in the first place.
There were chains on the bed. You could see them very well—they stuck out like a sore thumb because they were black against the gray sheets of your bed. "Ki-killua, what is this??" You ask him worriedly, but he pays you no mind as he pushes you onto the bed.
You aren't given time to react. He's already putting the ensemble together on your body. First your ankles, then your arms, and finally your neck are all bound by the same black metal. You wince in confusion, your eyes going up to him. "W-what is the meaning of this?! What are you doing to me?!"
"Seeing as I can't let you wander out without talking to people like only you know how to, I figured I'd take the necessary steps to ensure that you can't run away ever again." He spoke in such a cheerful voice. You were unnerved by it. "You can't do this to me... it's not right," You tried to reason with him, "I don't want to be stuck like this forever!"
"Oh, but I can do this to you, and you can be stuck like this forever! I have the power to facilitate it." He grinned. "Don't worry [Y/N], I won't let it be too lonely in here. I'll make sure to stay with you as much as I can! Like, I'll feed you, I'll bathe you, all that stuff. Like a pet. Only if you're good, though." You looked on in horror while he continued speaking. He seemed to forget what he needed to do at the moment. "Right, I almost forgot! I need to patch up that wound of yours. Hold on, I'm coming back!" So cheerful, so disturbing, you hated every second of it. You watched as he disappeared.
You took this time to look down at the predicament you were placed in. You were surrounded by familiar things, but you were in something unfamiliar: these chains, that you were supposed to be in forever. It was a horrifying thought, being bound to this one spot forever with someone as chaotic as Killua being the one to look over you... he would've been more than willing to have you killed on the spot, you were almost certain of that.
When Killua came back, he was holding a small first-aid kit in his hand, but more importantly, he was holding a large container of rubbing alcohol in his other hand—you already knew where this was going. You swallowed thickly as he came closer.
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At last, my Big Bang fic!
When Roman and his friends go hiking, they expect to see some birds, some lizards, maybe a deer if they were lucky- not a hidden cave with a sleeping person inside, unable to be woken up by anyone. His friends decide to let the sleeping person stay put, but there’s some feeling Roman just can’t shake off. Red chapter one below, and the full fic on AO3, accompanied by amazing art by @littlebigmouse
taglist: @theimprobabledreamersworld @edupunkn00b @ts-storytime
AO3 link
art post
The tranquility of the forest was quickly interrupted by the banter of several people standing by a parked car, their faces illuminated by the pink-tinted full moon low on the horizon.
“Come at me, Mothman! I have a very juicy ass you would LOVE!”
“Remus, you IDIOT. Mothman lives in West Virginia!”
“Well what about the skunk ape, Virgil? Don't you want to see the Skunk Ape? SKUNK APE! SKUNK APE!” He chanted, his voice echoing in the parking lot.
“Remus, would you shut up?!” Roman shoved his brother. “We are actually going to try and find wildlife like deer and stuff, and that’s not going to happen if you keep shouting for cryptids to fuck you.”
The rest of the group sighed collectively at the antics of the twins, though Roman didn’t pay much attention to his friends’ groaning.
“Anyways,” Roman said louder than necessary. “Logan, you have the compass, right?”
“Of course. I also brought several yards of paracord, just in case. And also cereal bars, batteries, and water.”
“Thank you for being the responsible one,” Roman laughed. “Virgil, it’s your job to make sure that the entire state of Florida doesn’t find out that my brother is a monster fucker.”
Virgil groaned. “You know that’s going to be impossible.”
“Just punch him when you think he’s about to say something stupid.”
“Oh, like this?” Virgil smacked Remus in the arm.
“Ow!” Remus groaned.
“Well, I thought you were about to say something stupid.”
“Can we please just get on with our hiking-adventure-whatever you’re calling it?” Janus spoke up.
“Please.” Logan agreed.
“O-KAY! Into the woods!” Roman sang.
The five hikers walked down the small dirt path, the mud from last night’s storm splashing their ankles. The colors of the sunset were barely visible through the branches of the trees, which cast long shadows onto the ground and Roman still quietly humming all parts of the song by himself.
As Roman’s song ended, trailing off into the instrumental bits, Remus had finally shut up about various cryptids, and the only sounds were the squelching of mud sticking to their shoes and the occasional snap of a stick or crunch of a fallen leaf underfoot.
The May nights were cool and humid, so most days like this, Roman wore cheaper jeans and a hoodie that he was willing to throw away if it got too dirty or torn.
About half an hour into their adventure-hike, Logan silently passed around flashlights to everyone, which Roman gladly accepted. It had gotten dark quickly, to the point where Roman had been barely able to see his feet.
Suddenly, Virgil, who was in front, stopped.
“Deer,” he whispered, aiming his flashlight into the trees.
Roman followed the flashlight beam onto a huge buck, its pelt speckled with mud and antlers extending far beyond its ears.
“The inside spread is over twelve inches,” Logan whispered.
“That’s big, right?” Janus asked.
“Yes, it is. The largest recorded spread in the state of Florida was nineteen and a half inches.”
Roman knew that Remus was about to open his mouth and say something stupid, and apparently, so did Virgil, because Remus groaned again after he was hit in the shoulder, the rest of the group snickering.
The deer eventually ran away, and the group continued on until the dirt path ended.
“Hey, look at this!” Virgil waved the group over to where he was standing, shining his flashlight into a large opening in the side of a rockface.
Roman jogged over and looked into the cave- as far as the flashlight illuminated, he could see moss and other plants clinging to wet stone.
“I haven’t seen this before- I think I’d remember,” Janus commented.
“It must have been uncovered by erosion from the storm last night,” Logan added in.
“Let’s go in!” Roman and Remus said at the same time, grinning at each other. They might not agree on much, but when it came to deciding whether or not to explore a creepy-looking cave, the answer was always going to be yes.
“Don’t you think we should- never mind,” Virgil sighed as the twins started swinging their flashlights across the wet ground of the cave.
“Look at this!” Remus whisper-shouted to Roman, pointing out some kind of slime growing on a rock.
“That is disgusting, put it down or I’m not letting you in the car,” Roman said as Remus began to poke the slime.
Remus stuck his tongue out at his brother but reluctantly stopped poking the unfamiliar growth. Roman turned around to see that the rest of the group had followed them in.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Virgil asked worriedly. “I mean, this cave wasn’t here before, and we might be the first living things to step in here in maybe hundreds of years.”
“And this is how people find monster boyf- OW!” Virgil once again took it upon himself to hit Remus in the arm to stop him from talking about various cryptids in a non-child-friendly manner.
“Caves such as this one are particularly interesting because you never know what you might find- oh, look!” Logan pointed to another small opening at the back of the cave.
“I’m going to crawl through!” Roman declared after the group had spent a minute or so deciding what to do.
Roman got on his hands and knees and started to wedge himself through the opening, quite aware that he would likely have to put his clothes through more than one wash cycle to get the stains out. He bit down on the flashlight, illuminating what was in front of him, but only barely.
When there was finally room for Roman to stand, he turned and called through the opening, “I’m fine! You can come through, it’s safe!”
The second part of the cave was much wider than the first part, and Roman was able to stand without hunching over.
Swinging his flashlight across the ground, Roman suddenly gasped.
There was a man laying on the ground, hands folded across his chest, dressed in- were those robes?
“Guys…? You might want to see this…” Roman called out again, his voice shaking.
“Ro? Are you okay- HOLY SHIT!” Janus crawled through, his eyes wide with disbelief and perhaps a little fear.
Remus and Virgil came through next, Remus uncharacteristically silent, his mouth open in an ‘o.’
Logan was the last to crawl through, and he, like everyone else, stood silent, looking at the figure laying in the center of the cave, arms crossed over their chest and wings spread out- Roman rubbed his eyes. This couldn’t be real- he couldn’t have found some guy in a cave that hadn’t been touched in years!
Maybe they had gotten drunk or something and put on a very realistic-looking cosplay and then ran through the woods? Remus had done odder things, so it couldn’t be completely ruled out.
Janus slowly walked up to the figure, stepping over the silken blue robes and putting his hand on their neck, careful not to knock off the wire framed glasses.
“There’s a pulse, but it’s really faint.” Janus announced to the group. “They’re definitely not dead.” The hikers stepped closer to the sleeping person, forming a circle around them but careful to not touch the giant gray bird wings sprouting from their back. Roman noticed a strand of curly brown hair had fallen into their eyes, and resisted the urge to reach out and tuck the strand of hair behind their ear.
After a moment of silence, Roman spoke up. “Should we… try to wake them up? I mean, what else should we do?”
Roman was careful not to touch the sleeping person. Roman wouldn’t admit it, but he was afraid there would be some kind of horror movie scene- where as soon as he got close enough, they would sit up and try to murder him. Or something like that.
Logan crouched and tapped his phone, and the default alarm sound echoed through the cave. The person didn’t stir.
Virgil stepped up next, unscrewing the cap of his water bottle and pouring the contents onto their face. “Seriously? Nothing?” Virgil muttered.
“Let me try,” Janus said, grabbing the person’s shoulder and shaking them.
“Alright,” Remus said, stepping forward and rolling up his sleeve. He looked up at Roman, grinning, before bringing his arm down to the person’s face and slapping them on the cheek. Roman cringed at the echo it created, but there was still no reaction from them.
“How the fuck did that not work?” Remus stared at the still-sleeping person.
“Heavy sleeper?” Roman suggested.
“Are we about to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved?”
“Underlying medical condition?”
“Alright, it’s your turn, Prince Charming. Go do a true love’s kiss on the guy. You never know,” Remus laughed.
“No way! I’m not touching that guy with my finger, let alone my mouth!” Roman protested as Remus tried to drag him over.
Another beat of silence passed before Virgil spoke up. “I think we should leave. This dude’s probably not okay, and I don’t want to have to call the police or paramedics. I don’t want to get involved in anything, whether this guy is just stoned or in a coma or whatever.”
“Yeah.” Roman said after a minute of consideration. “You’re right. I don’t want to get involved. We should just- I dunno, leave the guy here? Maybe check later to see if they’re okay? I mean, they’re not dead.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, and soon crawled back out the way they came. Roman exited last, and couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder at the sleeping figure. A small part of him wanted to stay behind, try and wake them up.
But Roman ignored that feeling and left the cave with the rest of his group.
Once the group srood back on the path, all a little shaken or confused from what they had just seen, Roman said, “let’s all just go back home. If we want to, we’ll come back next week or whenever to make sure the guy’s either okay or gone, but for now just leave it alone.”
Roman said the last part for himself, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that he was missing something. He shook his head and followed Logan and Janus, who had already started walking back to the parking lot through the wet grass and still-sticky mud. Even in the dim light, Roman could tell the two of them were holding hands. Roman opened his mouth to tease the two of them but thought better of it. They had all just seen something pretty weird in that cave (Roman was still trying to decide what he really saw), and Logan and Janus hadn’t announced that they were together, probably for the exact reason that Roman would tease them.
Oh well, there would be plenty of moments for teasing later. For now, Roman just focused on dragging his feet along the muddy path back to the car, though he kept glancing over his shoulder. He told himself that it was to keep an eye on Remus and Virgil and make sure they were still behind him, but the nagging feeling that he had forgotten something still lingered.
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anfie-in-the-box · 3 years
Dreamtale_Not_Found Teaser
Nobody asked for this, including me. I never intended to participate in Aftermare Week (and I'm a bit late as it is). Furthermore, I never could figure this ship out at all; for me, it just didn't work. Until suddenly, it did. All thanks to this event. Not sure if I'd expand this idea, but have this teaser nonetheless.
Do you?..
"Well, that's new," Nightmare says out loud, unsure how to react.
To be fair, it's always something new unless he concentrates on a certain AU. There are too many of them, so it's only natural they come and go.
He's been through this so many times, yet it's as awe-inspiring and breathtaking as ever. He still remembers the first time. He couldn't put up with his life anymore, and he tried to change it. Only... He hesitated a mere second before making contact with the closest golden apple. After all, he never touched it.
There's no proof, but it felt like the whole world shifted, settling in a state completely different from before.
That night, for the first time in his life, Nightmare had a dream. It wasn't a good dream; quite the opposite actually. He remembered walking in a cold, empty world filled with what he thought was snow. Of course, it was monster dust. He learned that shortly after, right as he stumbled into a human murdering an armless lizard-like monster. The air was thick not only with dust but also with grief, horror, and pain. Nightmare's never felt so much negativity in one place.
As time passed, his lucid dreams have become more and more frequent. He explored a world he was dreaming about, invisible, untouchable. The worlds were different every time, each of them unique in its own way, and he craved to learn and see as much as possible in what little time he had. Need to hurry made him upset at first, but then excitement came, the thrill of a race against time, a gamble of what he discovers and what misses, what chooses and what discards.
He was so vulnerable back then, no wonder he'd fallen into a trap of escapism, sleeping more and more every day. Dream was so worried, and Nightmare... Nightmare couldn't care less. He just wanted to get out of the world where everybody neither loved nor accepted him. Or, well, he believed so. What a fatal fallacy that was.
Now, his life is balanced and bearable, yet, the dreams stay a welcome distraction and adventure that Nightmare awaits with eager anticipation. They never cease to surprise.
Like this time. He got thrown into so many different places, but this one is something else. There doesn't seem to be anything but a tiny lawn with two words above, and then, there's only endless darkness. "Continue" and "Reset", the words say. Nightmare is vaguely aware of the concept after visiting so many universes, but... Is this really what it looks like? Even if so, what is he doing here? His dreams always led him to monsters or humans, but this place is utterly empty.
Did something break? Was he abusing his power to travel between the worlds? Is this his punishment? Will he stay here forever? What about Dream? He's strong, he'd live on even if Nightmare never woke up or disappeared for good, but Nightmare doesn't want to bring that on his brother!
"Anybody here?" Nightmare tries, despite the anxiety building in his whole being, verging on panic. It's all for nothing, of course, he's invisible, untouchable, and inaudible during his dreams, he's never present enough in another world to interact with it. But doing something — anything at all — is better than giving in to panic.
Then, suddenly, a voice comes from the darkness, astounded yet wary, "the heck?!"
Nightmare shrieks, taking a step back and instantly going on the defensive. Ready to cover himself or dodge.
"who's there?"
Now that all Nightmare's senses are heightened by fear, he can actually see where the voice comes from. A distant figure coming his way in fast, big steps, running almost.
"Do you... hear me?" he asks, not quite sure if he expects an answer or a lack of it.
"duh. see ya, too."
Okay. Alright. They're not attacking, only coming closer. No reason to relax yet, but perhaps he should show them he's not a threat. Ever so slowly, Nightmare raises both hands. For some reason, that earns him a... chuckle?
He doesn't even see there are two of them at first. The only thing he can focus on is those weird white things covering their heads. He's never seen anything like this before. What is this? Are they okay?
Then, he remembers what types of worlds he has access to.
Then, he sees a huge bloody slash across the creature's chest.
Everything falls into place.
They're really, really not okay.
Only then, he finally realises there isn't only one creature before him. A monster wearing his face — or, well, about a half of it, the other being covered by this strange white thing, — a Sans of this universe, if it even is a universe, it seems; and a kid sitting on his shoulders, covered by the whiteness as well.
"did we startle you?" Uncertain, Nightmare nods, his gaze glued to the blood dripping from the slash. It's rude to stare, he might make this Sans mad, but just can't get himself to look anywhere else. It doesn't help that there's nothing to look at. Definitely nothing as vibrant, not even the grass behind their back. No, Nightmare can't look away even if it'd be the death of him.
"so? mind telling me who you are? or how you entered this place, maybe? dunno, don't care, you choose what comes first."
The stranger's tone is nonchalant, but Nightmare can sense other's emotions, so there's no way that's fooling him. They're confused and distressed. And in so much pain that never ends.
"I'm dreaming," Nightmare falters. It suddenly hits him that he's actually talking to somebody from another world. One of those he's never present enough in. What changed? Could it be this place that affects him? If so, wouldn't that be a trap, a prison with no way out?..
Stars, please, anything but that. He doesn't want to leave his brother.
The stranger's only socket widens in surprise. He looks as taken aback as Nightmare feels, truly.
"but you're not..." he mutters, clearly talking to himself. Shakes his head abruptly, earning a huff from the child on his shoulders. "sorry, kiddo, didn't think that through. you good?" They nod. "then, do me a favour and go play with the blasters, 'kay?" He lifts them with magic Nightmare is all too familiar with and summons the blasters, although smaller than Nightmare's accustomed to. The child pouts but goes away without a word, settling on a lawn.
"okay, let's start over. first, put your hands down, that looks uncomfortable." Says someone with a seemingly eternally bleeding wound, Nightmare thinks but does as asked. It's not like he's in any position to choose. "seems you're more afraid of me than i'm of you if your shaking's anything to go by. relax, kid, i'm not gonna hurt ya if you're not gonna hurt me."
He's not a kid. Not anymore. He really is shaking, though. Haven't even noticed. But that's not surprising at all, he still doesn't know what to expect.
"I'm not a kid," Nightmare says before he can stop himself. The stranger just shrugs, "then give me something to call you, why don't ya?"
That's... actually reasonable. His name never came up.
"Nightmare," the stranger gives him a quizzical look, so he clarifies. "That's my name. Nightmare."
"wow. somebody has a dark sense of humour or something?" Nightmare's not sure how to respond, but he doesn't get the chance anyway. "no, sorry, that's kinda hypocritical of me. name's geno."
As in genocide?
Nightmare doesn't ask that. Maybe he just heard that word too much during his travels.
"so, nightmare. how did you get here?"
Undertale © Toby Fox
Dreamtale © jokublog
Aftertale © loverofpiggies
Aftermare Week © @bluepalleteuniverse
I tried to explain as much as possible in this little teaser, but if you have any questions, ask away. Although some things might be spoilers, and I'm planning to do something with this idea. If not a full story, perhaps a collection of shorter ones would suffice. It's not set in stone yet.
Anyway, thanks for reading, and take care 🌻
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skywalkerstyles · 3 years
Kissing Lesson pt.3
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: light smut, orgasm, angst, fluff, minors DNI
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Katsuki gently cups my face in his hands, checking me over, concern clouding his face. “What happened?” he asks. “Where’s Mei?”
“She’s fine. She’s with Kai. She said I could leave.”
“Come over here. Sit down.” I let him pull me into the living room, he sits beside me on the couch, throwing a blanket over my shoulders, I wrap it tightly around myself. “What happened?”
“I fucked up….” I don’t know any other way to put it. I shouldn’t have overreacted like I did. Ash wasn’t trying to hurt me. Was he? “Ash kissed me.” Katsuki narrows his eyes.
“That’s not all. What did he do?” His voice is low, dangerous. He looks pissed, I don’t want to make him angrier, but I have to tell him. Just being kissed by a boy is no logical reason for me to come running into the house like I did.
“It was really hard. It hurt. He bit my lip and he….He forced his tongue down my throat. It was gross and not at all like when we kissed. I didn’t like it….” Katsuki sits there, I look down at my hands embarrassed. When I did look up, Katsuki’s face was inches from my own. I backed away slightly out of instinct, but he grabbed the back of my head, gently pulling me back to him.
His lips are soft and apologetic when they meet mine. It makes my heart flutter, I reach up and cup his cheek in my hand. He sucks on my bottom lip and blows air lightly into my mouth. I moan into the kiss, causing him to break away.
“Shhh. People are sleeping.”
“Why are you still up anyway?”
“I wanted to make sure you and Mei got home safe. But it looks like Mei wasn’t planning to come home….I’m glad you did though.” I smile and he kisses me again, just a quick press of lips to my mouth. He stands up and lifts me into his arms, blanket and all, off the couch.
“What are you doing?” I whisper as he carries me down the hallway. He kicks the door to his room open gently and sets me down on my feet. He closes the door behind him, I hear the lock click. We are surrounded in total darkness.
His hands manage to find my arms and he pulls me into his body. His chest is warm and his heartbeat is strong. I can feel it beneath my fingers. “I want you to stay with me tonight. I promise, all we’ll do is sleep. And if you wanna leave you can, I just….I thought you might like that….dumbass.”
“Oh…..um…..Okay.” I smile into the darkness. Katsuki hands slide up my dress. He grabs the zipper, the noise is loud in the quiet of the house as he drags it down my body. I shimmy out of it, left only in a strapless bra and panties. He pushes soft fabric into my hands, I don’t know how he can see in the dark, it must be muscle memory.
“Put this on.” It’s a t shirt. I pull it over my head. It smells like him. He takes my hand in his and leads me to his bed. I climb onto it, scooting back until I hit the wall. I feel the bed dip as he climbs in beside me. “Just like old times.” I reminisce. When we were kids, if Mei and I got scared we would go find Katsuki and stay with him. He would protect us from all the monsters. Katsuki chuckles.
“You used to be afraid of everything.”
“No I wasn’t.”
“Yes you were, idiot. And you were a crybaby. Come here.” He reaches out for me, he pulls me towards him, my body half lying over his, I prop myself up on my elbows. I feel his fingers against my face, touching my eyes and my lips, my nose, like he’s trying to memorize me in the dark, one of his arms is wrapped loosely around my waist.
I bend down, capturing his lips in mine. He shifts and pulls me into his lap. I straddle him easily, he places both of his hands on my hips now. We kiss slowly, lazily, no real effort or passion behind it, just something we both need. I can feel the...arousal...begin to burn through my legs. My body feels hot and I can feel him start to stiffen against me. I roll my hips gently, causing him to buck up against me. It feels good.
His hands slide down to cup my ass. I don’t know why this doesn’t bother me. It bothered me when Ash did it. Maybe it’s because I know Katsuki. I’ve known him my whole life. He would never hurt me. He begins to guide me, grinding me down against him as he pushes up towards me. I can feel him now, straining through his sweats.
I hold onto his shoulders tightly as we rub against each other. He gives my ass a light squeeze, licking into my mouth with his tongue and biting my lip gently. It doesn’t hurt when he does it. I completely relax into him as he controls the motion and the speed of the grinding. One of his hands slides up to cup my face, he breaks the kiss to trace my lips with the pad of his thumb, I take a shaky breath.
“I wish all girls reacted the way you do.” His voice is deep and filled with something foreign to me. What he says makes me shiver, my arousal spiking, I can feel something happening.
“Am I good?” I manage to pant. He brings my face back down towards his, I can feel him smile against my lips.
“Very good. You’re perfect baby.” that word makes my stomach knot tightly. He’s never called me that before. He begins to move faster, pressing his lips against mine hungrily. My body starts to stiffen, I can feel something happen.
“K-Katsu…..” I whimper.
“Shhh It’s okay. Let go. Let go Y/N. I got you.” he presses his hand to my mouth as my body tightens and pleasure floods me. I buck and grind against him hard, unable to control my body as it spasms. He pushes his hips up, his hard on pressing against my clit hard. I shiver, suddenly feeling relaxed and tired. He gently pushes me off of him and pulls me into his arms. He kisses my forehead gently as I try to catch my breath.
“What was that?” I ask in amazement.
“That,” he says kissing my nose. “Was an orgasm.”
I wake up feeling warm, someone’s arms are wrapped around me tightly, our legs intertwined. I bury my face in their chest and squeeze my arms around them. I want to stay like this forever.
“You awake?” my eyes snap open. I look up to see Katsuki watching me, a soft expression on his face. He reaches up and brushes my hair back from my face. “Good morning.” he whispers, pecking my lips softly.
“Good morning.”
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah...I slept really good.” he smirks, releasing his hold on me. He climbs out of bed and goes to his dresser, he tosses a pair of basketball shorts at me. I blush crimson, realising I’m not wearing pants. Memories of the night before flood my mind.
Katsuki senses my distress and sits back down on the bed, he takes my hands in his. “It’s okay Y/N….Things got kinda out of hand last night. I should have stopped it but-”
“No. Don’t say that. It felt good.” I can’t look him in the face. But it’s the truth. It felt really good. Maybe now I’ll be able to get off on my own, just thinking about it.
“Y/N.” he puts his finger under my chin, I try to avoid his eyes. “Look at me.” slowly, reluctantly, I let my eyes meet his. He has a sad look on his face, one of disappointment even. “You need to put those shorts on and go to Mei’s room. Now.” He drops his hand from my face and turns away. I’m surprised and hurt by his sudden change in demeanor.
“Did I...Did I do something?” I ask quietly. He doesn’t answer. I can feel tears of embarrassment burn my eyes. I jump off his bed and pull the shorts on. As I’m unlocking the door he stops me, placing his hand on my wrist. I look towards his bathroom so he doesn’t see my tears.
“Y/N. You didn’t do anything wrong….It’s just...I don’t-”
“It’s okay,” I say, wiping my hand over my face, I pull the door open and he backs away from me. “I get it.” I shut the door before he can say anything else.
I feel like an idiot. I don’t know why I expected anything more than for him to put up a boundary, draw a line in the sand. He’d never see me as anything more than a good friend, a sister. I sink down in Mei’s bean bag chair, covering my face with my hands. I wasn't even supposed to like him! It was supposed to be Ash. Ash, who I ran from last night. Ash, who liked me and flirted with me….he was drunk. Maybe he’s a better kisser sober...I resolve to put Katsuki out of my mind and talk to Ash on monday. I hope he still wants to go out.
Mei comes back later in the afternoon. I spent most of the day in her room, only going out if I was hungry or needed to go to the bathroom.
“Sometimes guys can be a little rough,” Mei says to me as she hands me a bottle of water from the fridge. “Like you said, he was drunk. I think you should give him another chance.” I nod, happy with her advice and approval. “We can go out on a double date. Just us.”
“I’d like that.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” we both jump, turning to see Katsuki standing by the kitchen table, sunglasses on and keys in his hand. I can’t tell his he’s looking at me, but I look at the floor anyway.
“What?” Mei asks.
“Dude man handled her last night and you’re telling her to give him another chance?” Mei crosses her arms.
“He was drunk. And she’s never been kissed before. I do think she overreacted a bit.”
“I think she reacted perfectly fine.”
“How would you even know?” Katsuki opens his mouth and closes it. “That’s what I thought. Where are you going?” Mei changes the subject.
“To meet up with some friends. We’re going to the beach.” He grabs an apple from the little bowl on the table, takes a bite and turns to leave. Mei turns back to me.
“In all actuality Y/N it’s up to you. You don’t have to see him again or you can. Whatever you wanna do I’ll help you. But Ash genuinely likes you and I think he’d be good for you.” I smile as we walk back towards her room. At the very least he’ll be a good distraction, get my mind off my best friend.
I wish I never asked for the kissing lessons. I wish I’d never went to bed with him last night. I wish things could go back to normal, where it was the four of us against the world, best friends to the end. I hate lying to Mei, or at the very least, not telling her everything. It feels so wrong to me.
“Very good. You’re perfect baby.” I swallow hard, trying to forget the way his words made me feel.
I make my way through the crowded halls, searching for Ash on Monday. I haven’t spoken to him since everything happened and I want to apologize. I find him outside my chemistry class, talking with Kai. His eyes go wide when he sees me, he meets me as I walk towards him.
“Hey.” we stand in the middle of the hallway awkwardly, neither one of us knowing exactly what to say.
“Look before you say anything-”
“I’m sorry.” he shuts his mouth, I continue, “I shouldn’t have overreacted like that….You took me by surprise.” Ash leans down, he hesitates, his lips barely brushing mine, I lean forward, pressing mine against his. It's better now, not perfect, but not so rough. He takes my hand.
“I shouldn’t have came onto you like that. I get a little wild when I drink.” I laugh, he puts his arm around me, pulling me into his side. “Can I walk you to class?” he asks.
“That would be perfect.
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high-supernatural · 3 years
Secrets pt.2
Kai Parker x Female Reader/Character
Word Count: 2197
Warnings: typical tvd themes, mean Kai, they kiss at the end ;);)
Summary: Kai merged with Luke and started feeling different soon after. He got sick and the reader took care of him, throwing him into a fit of confusion. She doesn’t judge him for anything and has the understanding that he’s a product of his environment and acts out of revenge and distrust of others. Kai knows this after having a conversation with her and decides to find out all of her secrets too.
***since y’all like the one shots better than the series, I’m gonna write one shots for female readers under the name V for what I would’ve/will write in the series***
V felt even more like she was losing him now. When he went to get Jo’s magic, she went into the woods, her safe space, and begged to have her old world back, no matter how terrible it was, she wasn’t alone, she had a team, a family.
She was out there for hours and went back after the sun had gone down, silently hoping Kai wasn’t in the room. He was.
She opened the door and saw him sitting on a chair he had pulled between the coffee table and the couch. She closed the door with her back facing him and walked to the bathroom while taking her sweatshirt off, wearing a tank top underneath.
Kai grabbed her wrist as she walked past trying to avoid him, “someone’s had a rough night,” he said looking at her red eyes.
“And someone’s suddenly all better,” she looked at him expressionless.
He let go and looked away, “yeah… well…” he looked at the book he had in his hands, “turned out I wasn’t really sick, I just needed Jo’s magic and had Luke’s,” he looked back at her, still expressionless.
“Well, congrats, you can go back to being an even bigger dick now,” she was about to walk to the bathroom when she saw what he was holding.
“Why are you holding my journal?” she asked.
“Well…” he completed his coined dramatic pause, “I figured since you know all my secrets I should know yours,” she just stared at him so he kept talking, “SO, I got to reading, then I thought to myself, ‘self, this is way too personal to be reading alone, you should read it with her’, and so, here we are,” he smiled.
She didn’t see any malicious energies behind what he said, but still she asked, “what kind of game is this, Kai?”
“No games,” he said childishly, “have a seat,” he motioned at the couch.
She sat with her knees to her side, staring at him, waiting for him to start attacking her with everything she has in her journal.
“Let’s begin,” he said.
He crossed one of his legs over the other and flipped the book open, clearing his throat, “2007, age 10,” he read, “the last time I went to the prison world,” he stopped to look at her, “man you’re really obsessed with me,” he said with a smirk.
“Mhm, keep reading,” she raised an eyebrow.
“2007, 11th birthday, page 12,” he gasped in sarcasm, “what’s on page 12?” he flipped to the page and read, “I was at school, I didn’t want to go to school this day, it felt different. It felt like danger. I remember begging my parents not to make me go, but they did anyways, assuming I wanted to ditch on my birthday,” he paused to say, “those assholes,” before continuing, “I convinced Audrey and Kai to ditch with me into the basement right before we heard screams. We hid behind the vents behind a tall shelf and covered our ears when we heard the first bomb. The school crumbled onto us, but we couldn’t move. I remember begging in my mind that nobody would find us, I felt like they were here for us,” he paused again, “paranoid much?” and continued, “a group of people came into the basement calling my name, but I wasn’t going to say anything,” he looked up again, “hm, maybe not so paranoid,” and went on. “They got angry when they couldn’t find me and set the basement on fire before leaving. We almost couldn’t make it out after they left, but then I heard my dad calling for me.”
Kai flipped back to the original page he came from and looked at her, “that was tragic,” she kept staring at him, saying nothing.
“aaaand not so long after, ‘2007, 1 week after the first attack,’” he read and flipped to the page numbered beside it.
“Me, Audrey, Kai, and my parents made it to the western coast of Europe to find a boat. We traveled from Lyon to the coast of the Celtic Sea,” Kai paused again to say “I didn’t know that’s where you were from,” and chuckled before returning, “learning how to hijack cars on the way. We saw nobody the whole way. When we did, they were dead, or a monster. We didn’t know what happened yet. Everything was destroyed and I felt nothing. I went into survivor mode. We stole a boat to head towards America… we made it halfway before the waters got rough. The boat started filling with water until it was fully under. Everybody got onto a lifeboat except me, I was under the water. They started going without me until Audrey jumped and saved me. That’s when we made our deal.”
Kai gasped again, “is that why you don’t like the ocean?” he smiled through his next words and chuckled, “it is, isn’t it?” flipping back to the other page.
“You having fun yet?” V asked.
He ignored her, “what was the deal with Audrey?” he asked, “maybe it’s on this page,”
“Page 24,” she told him, “The good stuff you’re looking for is on page 24.”
Kai read again, “age 15,” he stopped again, “no dates this time, weird,” he continued, “we made it to America just days before it was attacked. We had enough time to find the community of hunters we came here for, barely. Angels were taking over. The biblical apocalypse. I don’t know what to believe anymore. My dad turned into one of those murderous vamps and we had to let him go. When we were captured my mom was killed. Me and Audrey made it out of captivity, I don’t know where Kai is anymore,” he trailed his next words, “he was with us when we were caught, he was with us through captivity, but he started to change. I woke up one morning and he wasn’t in his cell next to us. I never saw him again. I want to believe he’s dead but I know he’s somewhere far worse. It’s just me and Audrey now. We have the community but it’s thinning.”
V looked at her hands and back at Kai, “there’s letters I wrote him even though I knew I’d probably never find him in the back if you want to read those too,” she said softly.
Kai closed the book slowly and put it on the table between them, “I’m good, I think I have enough to figure you out now too.”
V put her feet on the ground, “cool, can I go now,” she rolled her eyes and didn’t give him time to answer before going into the bathroom to turn on the shower.
Kai leaned against the door and heard soft sobs and couldn’t help but feel a little bad about how he went about this.
When she came out of the bathroom Kai was leaning against the wall outside of it. She took a step back and waited for him to talk, “I need to run to the gas station, come with me?” he asked.
“I don’t want to,” she responded softly. He gave her a pouty face and she ended up going anyways.
They walked to the gas station to get snacks and drinks before Kai sat at the bus stop bench, “what are you doing now?” V asked annoyed.
“I want to talk to you,”
“You talk enough, constantly,” she responded. Kai just sat smirking at her, so she sighed and sat down next him, looking in another direction.
A moment of silence went by before he spoke, “I don’t know how to talk to you, V,” he gently placed his fingers on her upper arm prompting her to snap her head and look him up and down as her reflex response.
“That’s crazy because you’re always talking,” she snapped.
He took his hand away. “I think I care about you, but I don’t know how to talk to you, and I only have a few things I want to say,” he looked into the distance, and she looked at him, “just say them,” she said.
She looked into his eyes when he spoke, “I’ve done some… really bad things. Some I won’t even admit. But they haunt me, eat at me, and I can’t get rid of them. I killed my family, kids too. And it got me locked away for 18 years. I came back and killed more of them, I didn’t learn anything from being there,” she still looked at him, listening, when he looked away to finish.
“There’s times I’m afraid I’m gonna kill you too. Or anybody, really. It’s not a revenge kick. I slept on the couch because I woke up with my hand on your throat and I thought about it for a split second. My entire life I’ve been the freak, feigning for hits of magic like a kid on drugs. I became the coven leader, and nothing really changed,” he stopped and looked at his hands before continuing.
“Except now I can feel things and I don’t know how to process. I remember everything I’ve done and I know it was wrong, but part of me still doesn’t care,” he sniffed and looked the other way to avoid tears before looking back down, “everything I’ve done in my life has been the wrong thing. I don’t know how to do the right thing. When I was in that prison world there were times I’d try to end it multiple times a day, now that I’m here I think about it a lot because I know it’d work this time. I’m not a good person, V, I never have been, someone like you shouldn’t be around me.”
“Look at me,” she spoke, “your family sucked, not you,” she moved his face to look at her with her finger, “they isolated you because you were different and they didn’t understand, that’s not on you. They beat you, didn’t let you touch or come near anybody, treated you different, and over time you turned yourself into somebody they thought you were. You tried being who you were, but everybody around you acted like you were different, so that’s who you became.”
“How do you know all this” he whispered.
“When I look at you I can see past the things not even you can see in yourself. I can see who you really are in that deep place, and I can see who your family made you out to be on the outside. You’re not evil, Kai.”
“You know what I’ve done, V—” he interrupted.
“I know what you’ve done, and I know your motives behind it. I still think what you’ve done says more about your family than it does you, because that’s who they built. I see you on the outside and see something they built in their image. Underneath that I see revenge, hatred, and an aimed vengeance. Deeper I see someone who wants to let it go but can’t because they hurt every aspect of your being. But deeper I see that you just hurt, all the time, and it doesn’t stop, and I get it, you’re confused a lot.”
There was a long pause, Kai looked away and V looked at him still.
She sighed and scooted closer to him, “you aren’t evil. Not only can I see that, but you prove it. A real psycho wouldn’t have had the conscious to sleep on the couch or talk to me about anything. If you were really a psycho with no feelings, I’d either be dead or you wouldn’t be here because you’d break the pact,” she grabbed his hand and he looked at her again.
“Get it through your head this time,” she spoke soft, “you aren’t evil. I’ve seen enough evil to see it a mile away and I wouldn’t want you that far away from me.”
She interlocked their fingers as they looked at each other. Kai had an expression on his face that told her he wanted to close the space between them but part of him didn’t believe what she was saying, he was scared and frustrated with himself.
She took her hand away to wrap her arms around his neck, bending her knees up onto the bus stop bench to her side and got closer to his face, “believe me,” she whispered before laying her lips on his.
He placed a hand on her waist and the other on her knee, giving into the kiss.
They moved their lips together for what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds before V pulled away with her arms still around him, “do you believe me then,” she asked.
“If I say no, will you kiss me again?” Kai said almost speechless.
V pulled him into another, more passionate kiss, rubbing her thumb through his hair as his hand made its way up to hers, placing the hand that was on her knee behind her, pulling her deeper.
She opened her eyes slowly, “we should head back,”
“If you promise you’ll do that again, okay,”
“Pinky swear.”
38 notes · View notes
thatwouldbee-enough · 3 years
Prompt from @that-gal-kay 💜💜💜
She requested Bendies John with appendicitis, and Alex having to call John's dad for the first time!
Alex stares at the wall opposite him, unable to find words. Today has been… well, today has been long to say the very least.
It had started fairly uneventful. John had been complaining of some stomach pain, but he had shrugged it off. He’s nearly as stubborn as Alex himself, after all.
He should have known something was off. He should have told John to stay home. To go see his doctor. Something.
Instead, when John said through gritted teeth that he wasn’t going to miss their last practice before the upcoming meet, Alex had fucking smiled. Had made some dumb comment about how a little upset stomach could never stop someone as determined as him.
What a fucking stupid thing to say.
His knuckles are white where they grip restlessly at his phone, and the buzz of the waiting room echoes around him like static, overwhelming to his ears.
“Hello? Who is this?”
Alex swallows around the rawness in his throat and forces out words. “Hi, yeah, uh… Mr. Laurens? Henry?” He cringes to himself and shakes his head, wondering idly how many of the other hospital visitors are listening in on his failure of a conversation.
“Yes. Who’s calling?”
“It’s Alex,” he says, the words stilted. Disjointed. As if they’re not even coming out of his mouth. “Uh, Alexander Hamilton.”
Alex hates how fucking off center this whole thing makes him feel. The last time he and Henry spoke had been, what, Christmas? Or Easter, maybe? Whenever he went with John to family events, he and Henry kept conversation to a minimum. He still remembered how fucking broken John had seemed way back in the beginning of their relationship, after all. And he remembered the way Henry had thought of him, had thought that he wasn’t good enough.
He’d accepted they would never be friends a long time ago, and he was okay with that. He was fine with spending holidays talking with John’s kid siblings, and occasionally his Uncle James when he was in town. He never needed Henry’s approval. He has John’s, and that’s all that matters.
Well– at least it was all that mattered until John fell down from the high bar at the gym, clutching at his stomach and curling in on himself in pain, unable to move from the mat as he cried out.
In the moment, Alex hadn’t known what had happened. John wasn’t doing anything particularly difficult. Hadn’t been training new or risky moves. Alex hadn’t even seen the exact moment he fell, too preoccupied with his own vault practice.
“Ah. Alexander.” Henry sounds almost as awkward as Alex feels, and it’s a small, but noticable consolation. At least this is incredibly, painfully uncomfortable for the both of them. “Hello.”
“Hey. Uh, it’s– it’s John. He’s in the hospital.”
The responding silence is so long, Alex is almost afraid the line has dropped. He pulls the phone away from his ear, just barely far enough to see that the time for the call is still ticking slowly onward at the bottom of the screen. Second after agonizing second. “...are you still there, Mr. Laurens?”
“Yes. I’m here. Just… is Jack alright?” Alex isn’t quite ready for the genuine concern in Henry’s voice, deep and intimately vulnerable as he waits with bated breath on Alex’s response. Fearful of the worst, hoping for the best.
He doesn’t keep him waiting long, because for all that he kind of hates John’s dad, Alex isn’t a monster. “He’s okay. Well, I mean, he’s going to be okay. It’s his appendix. Appendicitis. I’m at the ER with him now.” He stares hard at the ground, his brow furrowing. “Well, I mean, I’m in the waiting room. They wouldn’t let me go in. He’s having surgery soon. I checked with the nurses, and the surgeon is good. Has almost twenty years of experience. A degree from Harvard–”
“Is there someone I can talk to?”
“A nurse? The front desk? Can you pass me over to someone?”
“Oh. Uh.” He glances up at the front desk, and the woman there is blessedly unburdened by other patients. Alex should have known. There’s no way Henry wants to hear from him. Doesn’t want to share in his anxiety over John, all alone as he waits for his procedure. “Yeah, sure. One sec.”
He gets the nurse’s attention, asks if she’ll speak to the patient’s father. And then he waits.
Without even his phone to keep him distracted, it’s an agonizingly long couple of minutes, only incomprehensible snippets of the conversation audible from his end as the nurse responds with short, one or two word answers to most of Henry’s questions.
When she hangs up the phone, Alex is left feeling almost hollow. He thought… well he isn’t sure quite what he thought. That this awful moment would be enough to bring the two of them together? That Henry would potentially offer some sort of consolation to him? Assure him that John would be alright?
The nurse holds his phone out to him, and Alex steps forward again, ready to settle back in for a long night– “Mr. Hamilton?” She asks carefully. He nods, confused.
“You can head back to see Mr. Laurens. He’s in room 132.”
Alex blinks, unsure if he’s heard correctly.
“Mr. Hamilton?” she repeats, more slow and insistent this time. “It’s right this way. Through those doors right there to the left. Just follow the signs.”
“I–” he pauses, unsure what to say. Settles on, “Thank you,” and pushes his way through the double doors, shaking his head as he presses on down the hall, trying to wrap his brain around what exactly just happened.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter. All that matters at the end of the day is that he gets to be with John when he needs him most.
16 notes · View notes
angstyaches · 3 years
okay but i’m in love with the concept of bamf! Charlie and vulnerable! Shayne could i have some of that please?? 🍄
WHoa, look who finally got back to posting fics. I edited it SO MUCH, so there are probably inconsistencies, but I literally cannot look at it anymore.
Takes place a few days after Frost/Bite.
CW: nausea, panic, supernatural elements, possession, body sharing, slight possessiveness (maybe? could be interpreted like that?)
Shayne gulped and tried to breathe, tried to situate himself properly in his surroundings. He hadn’t imagined he would reunite with Charlie in a place like this; an abandoned section of railway ten minutes outside of the town, where Elliott said Nancy often came out to practice enchantments and where Ryan sometimes took the boys to practice combat and hunting techniques. In a way, it was like the Aldridge’s backyard, despite being nowhere near the townhouse itself.
He hadn’t imagined reuniting with Charlie much at all, really, since the idea alone was enough to make his lungs feel like they were collapsing. And now that the time had come, his stomach was twisting, and his body was trembling and cold, and there was no room left in him for anything else.
“You doing okay, buddy?” Felix asked.
Shayne groaned and kicked the toe of his boot against the metal railing at the edge of the train track. Flakes of rust dropped away into the frost. 
“You’re excited to see your friend, right?”
“Excited?” Shayne looked up, searching Felix’s face for any hint of sarcasm. “Should I be excited?”
“Sure? Maybe?” Felix glanced at Elliott, whose face made it clear that he didn’t intend to get involved. Felix’s own face made it clear that he regretted opening his mouth at all. “You want to see Charlie, right?”
“Yeah.” Shayne swallowed and shifted his feet in the icy grass. “I just – I feel sick, more than anything else.”
“Well, what did you devour a demon for, when you knew you were gonna be seeing Charlie soon?” Elliott snapped, losing hold of his stoic silence. “Is there a brain in that head of yours, or is it just vapours?”
Shayne gulped and tried not to visualise the entity’s soul that was currently being squeezed into the other dimension by his insides. He spent most of his waking hours trying not to visualise this, but anxiety and panic made it harder to distract himself. He’d hunted that demon in preparation for this specific day, but now, the pain – coupled with the apprehension – was rendering him unbearably nauseous, and he was starting to wonder if it had even been worth the effort.
“I don’t know what to say to him, after – after everything that’s happened.”
Elliott hummed pointedly. “I’d start by apologising for that shit you said outside his house, when you didn’t know he was listening.”
“I don’t think anything you’re saying is helpful, Elli,” Felix grimaced.
“I also tried to eat him.”
Felix cleared his throat. “I’m sorry; what?”
“Mmhmm, twice.” Shayne paced back and forth in front of the two of them, slowing when the frantic movement made his stomach cramp. “Once as Charlie Two, and once as just Charlie.”
“Hey, that…” Felix chuckled. “I’m sure that sounds worse than it –”
“I tried to chew off his hand.”
“O-kay,” Felix sang, drawing out the O as he mashed his gloved palms together.
“Either way, I think he just pulled up,” Elliott pointed out, nodding towards the slope in the hill. Next to the Aldridge’s car was Trevor Waters’ green Fiat.
And in the end, everything happened too fast.
Shayne wished he could remember the moment he saw Charlie get out of his car and come towards him. If his heart skipped a beat upon being scooped into an embrace, he couldn’t recall. All he knew was that suddenly he had a face full of Charlie’s jacket, and a head full of the smell of him, and a hollow clawing in his stomach that he couldn’t quite put a name to. 
At least he was sure it wasn’t hunger this time.
After what could have been moments or hours, Charlie pulled back to look at Shayne’s face. He hadn’t gelled his hair up, so it was hanging like a clump of soft yellow feathers across his forehead.
His eyes, though, were darkened by something, and that initial haziness fell away as quickly as snow sliding from a tree branch. Shayne swallowed and lowered his gaze to the collar of Charlie’s denim jacket, to the coating of artificial fur inside his hood.
“Something’s wrong,” Charlie breathed. “Isn’t it? Look at me.”
Shayne flinched at the feeling of a hand on his cheek. The jolt of fear was followed by hot, scalding anger; all he’d done for months was long for Charlie to be close to him, and now that he was, his body was doing nothing but betraying him. He shut his eyes, feeling close to tears, but he didn’t know if they would be tears of relief or fear or frustration.
“Shayne, please.”
His gaze flicked up for just a second, before he glanced away again. The temperature of Charlie’s hand seemed to drop, and his hold tightened.
“I’m – Charlie, I’m fine –”
Gulping against the second swell of fear in as many moments, Shayne felt his face guided again by Charlie’s grasp. Charlie’s eyes moved back and forth between his; what Shayne saw in them was not the softness he’d come to recognise, but an abject kind of fear.
Like Charlie was staring down something from one of his own night terrors.
“You devoured a demon?”
It was barely a question.
Shayne swore that a deep shadow – a shadow with its own face and its own voice and its own touch – slithered across Charlie’s face, settling in the iris of his left eye, spreading like an oil spill in the dazzling blue.
Charlie’s fingers began to slip the longer Shayne didn’t reply, didn’t deny what he’d been accused of. He practically flung Shayne’s face out of his grip.
“You – you’re still devouring demons? You’ve been…”
Shayne felt his lips start to tremble; all he wanted in the world was for Charlie to stop, to just please stop looking at me like I’m a monster –
“You came here to – I mean, I thought you came here to get away from all that.”
“I-I did, I –”
“You took yourself out of school, away from Mulberry, away from… everything.” Charlie laid a hand on his own chest at this; the back of his hand was pocked with the shadows of darkened veins, of something else coming through. “I thought it was so you wouldn’t have to do this anymore?”
The nausea Shayne had been fighting so hard to keep under control suddenly had a dark, burning grip. The look on Charlie’s face was enough for Shayne to be sure that his stomach was going to turn. He was used to being the object of someone else’s disgust, but he’d never prepared himself for this, for Charlie to –
“Charlie…” As he said the name, Shayne saw that shadowy chasm in Charlie’s left eye deepen. The fear finally churned Shayne’s stomach and made his hair bristle. “C-CT,” he stammered.
“Was it you two?” Charlie demanded, turning on Elliott and Felix. “Was it you two, or your foster parents? Motherfucking bloodsuckers, who did this? Fucking answer me!”
Stop, Shayne needed to say. He needed to tell Charlie that this was all on him, he’d made the decision himself, that the Aldridges weren’t to blame. But the words caught in his throat, the dread felt like a weight in his stomach, and the tormenting thoughts came in like a wave.
Doesn’t he know? This is what I am.
This is what I’m for.
This is all I’ll ever –
It wasn’t until a trembling started, in the ground and in his bones, that Shayne snapped himself out of it and realised what was happening. The tracks groaned under the pressure suddenly being shot through the wood and metal, as though an invisible train was suddenly hurtling towards them.
“Charlie,” Felix was saying softly, proceeding with his palms outstretched in front of Elliott, whose fists were tightly drawn by his sides. “Listen, we – we care about Shayne just as much as –”
“Quiet,” came a steady cry that seemed to penetrate the logic of regular sound and reverberate through the air. “You bastards only see him as a tool, don’t you? Just like the Devines.”
“N-no,” Felix blurted out, never taking his widening eyes off of Charlie. “That’s not – that’s not true at all…”
The ground beneath Charlie’s feet swirled with sickeningly black darkness. The fingers of his left hand curled outward like chipped, grey branches, clutching at the air as though they were directly gripping something.
A sharp crack made Shayne jump, made his knees tremble, and he realised a plank of wood built into the train tracks had splintered and buckled upwards. Felix seemed to notice it too, and he took another step back, drawing Elliott with him. Shayne’s breath quivered as he sidestepped another plank as it warped and snapped, until he finally knocked the heel of his boot on the rusted iron rail and sent himself stumbling. 
He almost caught himself, but then his legs finally sagged and he let himself sink to the ground, clutching the railing with one hand and his stomach with the other.
This isn’t happening. This isn’t your body. This isn’t –
“I took him to the forest so he could devour a demon.”
Shayne’s eyes widened as he heard Elliott speak up. He looked up to see that Charlie’s attention had snapped around to focus on the taller of the Aldridges. Felix’s body sagged slightly, and he lightly clutched at Elliott’s arm.
“Speak,” Charlie and CT snapped, and a wisp of their deep grey fog rose in front of Elliott’s face.
“I took him out to the forest the day before yesterday,” Elliott went on. His face deepened into a frown as his neck and shoulders rolled lightly, mirroring the twist of CT’s curved fingers. His eyes met Shayne’s briefly. “So he could hunt. I also took blood from him.”
Shayne physically flinched on the ground; he couldn’t think of a single reason to reveal that to Charlie, especially at this particular moment. He hugged his stomach, saliva building in his mouth as cold sweat coated his skin.
“You took his blood?” Charlie’s voice trembled with anger and surprise. “You really have no idea how afraid you should be of me, bloodsucker. You have no idea how far I will go to keep him safe from abominations like you.”
“I needed to,” Elliott grunted, his voice heightening. “To… to get us back home. The snow had gotten us lost and I was so weak, and he was – he was in pain and he was freezing, and I could barely keep my head up. I was so dizzy, and he was so –”
Elliott was spilling out the explanation with seemingly little-to-no control, for someone who usually liked to get right to the point.
“He… he needed my help, and I needed his,” Elliott choked out weakly.
Shayne realised it must have been Charlie forcing the truth out of him. Usually, even using his telekinesis around other people made Charlie nervous. And yet, this…
This was his Charlie.
“Ch-Charlie, stop,” Shayne whimpered. His heart clenched and his stomach flipped over again as that gaze was turned on him, CT’s eye burning like black coals leaking smoke, and Charlie’s eye weeping furious tears.
Both, he realised, were prepared to kill for him.
“Elliott, he – he didn’t… I asked him to take me out there,” Shayne whimpered, barely resisting the urge to curl in on himself. “It was m-my decision, and it was – it was probably a stupid one, but that’s the truth.”
His heart pounded as Charlie considered him. Shayne was practically cowering on the ground, but he had the feeling Charlie was taller than he usually was. CT’s demonic fingers were still twitching and curling by his side, causing the pressure in the ground to come through the metal railing and into Shayne’s spine.
“I don’t believe you,” Charlie said. “I can’t believe you.”
Cold fear coursed through Shayne’s gut. “It’s the truth,” he whispered again.
“Why – why would you?” Charlie’s voice almost back at the same level as it always was. Slowly, the black flames began to lick a little higher around his legs, the sunken form of CT’s skull seeping through to the left side of his face.
“I-I –”
Charlie dropped to a crouch and clutched the opposite railing with his branch-like fingers. The metal creaked and the wood began to warp again, closing in around Shayne’s legs like weathered, splintering snakes.
“How could you?”
“I –”
“You left me behind,” Charlie growled, “so you wouldn’t have to do that, unless you LEFT ME BEHIND FOR NOTHING –”
“No.” Shayne found himself shrinking back, arms wrapped around his waist, trembling with the fear of what was inside him; of what he was to the creature standing in front of him. “The last – last time we were alone together, I – I almost hurt you.”
Shayne felt like the rest of the world was being warped as Charlie leaned forward, pressing down on the tracks with both hands now. 
“You devoured a demon before seeing me,” Charlie said, “so you wouldn’t be tempted. So you wouldn’t hurt me?”
The irony was not lost on Shayne as he attempted to hold himself together, feeling like his entire body could shatter under the intensity of that gaze.
The darkness spiked up through Charlie’s face, dragging his hair back with it. “Shayne, when you hurt yourself, you hurt me. That’s how this works.”
“How...” Shayne’s teeth chattered, his breath hitched. “How what works?”
The tracks stopped groaning, and the shadows sank back from Charlie’s eye sockets.
“When you love someone, asshole.”
Shayne’s chest ached as though he’d just been punched, no room left in his lungs for air. His stomach twisted into a knot that only eased up slightly when he felt the first tears start to roll down his face.
“I… I-I love… I love you, too.”
Charlie blinked, the chasm of CT’s control retreating again as his hair fell softly over his forehead. “Shayne…”
“I’m – I’m sorry, Charlie,” Shayne whimpered. “All I wanted to do was keep you safe and this was the only thing I could think of – I’m sorry that this is all I am, this is all I’m ever going to be good for, and it’s the only thing I can do…”
Shayne was shivering as he curled in on his own body. He was so focused on trying to breathe deeply enough for his lungs to stop aching, that he didn’t realise he’d sunk forward, pressing his forehead against the wooden tracks that no longer vibrated with demonic energy. Over the sound of the sobs that were catching in his throat, he heard words being exchanged.
“Shayne, I’m – oh my god, shit. Um, hey, it’s okay…”
“This - this is - this is all I can do,” Shayne choked out between hitched breaths, no longer sure if he was telling Charlie, or himself.
“It’s alright, man, it’s not just you,” Elliott muttered. “He’s been a fucking wreck the last few days.”
“You, um, need a hand, getting him to your car?” Felix asked.
“No, I’ve got him.” Charlie’s voice soft and careful. A hand - soft, warm, human - rested on the back of Shayne’s head, fingers combing through his hair. “Just give us a minute.”
“I’m sorry,” Shayne whispered through clenched teeth, shivering as Charlie’s touch sent warm shivers over his skin. He nudged his head against the hand, eventually following it upwards so that he was looking Charlie in the eye again. He was dizzy and even more nauseous than before, but he forced himself to focus as Charlie brushed a thumb against his cheek.
“Hi,” Charlie whispered.
“Hey.” Shayne directed his breathless, trembling energy into a half-smile, which made Charlie’s blue eyes light up.
“Miss me?” Charlie let out a self-conscious chuckle as he asked the question, but it hit Shayne in the gut. 
He winced and leaned his cheek into Charlie’s hand again. “Every fucking day.”
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In The Club .7
Yandere!Overhaul x F!Reader
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7*
Warnings: Death, gore, yandere overhaul, kidnapping
A/N: Ah skeet skeet motherfuckers were back again. Here’s some more food for ya’ll. Enjoy. Sorry that its short again. I PROMISE PROMISE THAT TOMORROWS WILL BE LONGER
@hello-lucky-luka @winchester-wifey
“Is the room ready Chrono?” Kai asked as he walked down the corridor. The sound of his shoes hitting the tile floor, making his footsteps wing through the entire compound.
“Yes Overhaul, the room’s all ready.” Chrono answered as he walked behind Kai. He was a little skeptical about the whole ordeal but would much rather have you then the one that Kai has now.
“Good.” Kai smiled under his mask. Your room was ready for you to come back and stay there. You were coming back to him and away from that scum. You would be much safer here where your pure body would not be tainted by the outside world anymore.
Kai had stopped right in front of the door of your soon to be new room. It had everything except things to contact anyone of course. You had the most expensive clothes and jewelry. Your bed was highly recommended, a desk and everything you could ever ask for. You would never need to leave your room.
“Kai my boy whats this?” Kai jumped at the sound of Pops coming near him. He quickly tired to figure out a lie that pops would believe. He didn’t want to seem suspicious and accidentally spill his plan.
“Him and (Y/N) are getting back together.” Chrono said quickly, covering for Kai.
‘Thank you Chrono.’ Kai sighed internally. 
“Thats great news! To be honest I liked her more then (R/N).” Pops laughed as he patted Kai on the shoulder. 
‘Good to know he likes her, since she’ll be staying with us for quite some time.’
“Well come get me when you bring her here again!”
“Will do.’
‘Okay so It’s his birthday today, what should I get him?’ You look through out the entire mall. Going in and out of stores. Nothing looking up to your standards. You want to get him something that he’ll cherish forever. Not something he’ll have for a few months then throw away like a video game.
Looking around trying to pinpoint the right store for your ever so loving boyfriend you get this sick feeling as if someones watching you. Goosebumps litter you skin as the feeling got stronger the longer you looked in front of you. You move your feet faster as you drag yourself to the food court.
As you take a seat on the cold leather booth near the back exit, you get the feeling again, just stronger. Sitting by the back exit will do you some good since you can run if you need to. Before you thought of what could give you this uneasy feeling a cold hand placed itself on your shoulder. You slowly snake your eyes towards the hand that adorned your shoulder before you felt your whole world shatter around you.
“K-Kai? What are you doing here” You say as you feel his gloved hand caress your skin gently. The feeling was anything less then welcoming.
“I’ve decided to take back whats rightfully mine. I can’t believe you would find some rat so soon.” If it weren’t for his mask you would have definitely felt his breath on your neck. Even if you couldn’t feel his breath, the warmth of his body surrounded around you. But instead of comforting you, it made your boy fill ice cold.
“I’m not yours...you let me go remember?” Your whole body shook as he motioned for you to stand up.. You obliged in fear of what he would do to you. No matter what kind of voice he talked to you in, you always got a horrific memory of what event happened when he used said voice.
“See still a good girl as always. Now come on, we’ve got to go back to the base. Everyone is waiting for your return.”
“But...what about-”
“Dead. I never want to hear you talk about him ever again understand? Don’t even mutter his name.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze. Making you let out a yelp of pain. Considering that it was the shoulder where he carved his initials into you, the pain was more severe that it would have been originally if it weren’t there at all. But since it was, it made a pain shoot up all the way into your shoulder and down your arm.
“Yes Kai, I understand.” Your voice more of a whisper as he lead you out of the mall and into the familiar black car. The car that once excited you now gave you a feeling of dread and fear.
You sit on the leather seats as you look away from the monster besides you. You curled your toes in your shoes as your fingernails dug into the leather seats. Your body shaking in fear. The warm air brushing against your the skin of your cheeks.
“Don’t look so scared my angel. Your going to be more safe with me then you ever where with that rat. I don’t need your replacement anymore now. THank god, she was annoying anyway.” You were going to scoot away from hiim only to have his arm wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. He lifted you up and sat you on his lap. His strong arms showing no signs of releasing you.
“Your gonna love your new room angel.”
You step out of the car and your shoes hitting the ground. You felt yous legs turn into jelly. Fear making you so weak. YOu tried showing that you weren’t afraid that you were here on your own choice. But you were utterly terrified. Everything you’ve been through flashed before your eyes.
Your hands felt like they were holding satans. The latex of his gloves in between your fingers gave you a sickening feeling. The latex of his gloves made your skin prickle.
“Look happy angel. Pops will be home soon. Can’t have him seeing you scared face. Plus being scared isn’t a good look on you. I love your smile so much more.” You nodded as you try to put on a more convincing happy face as you walked towards the door.
It opens with a soft squeak and everyone looks at you, causing you to squirm and tense up. Kai growled as he gave everyone a glare that could kill and everyone immediately went back to work. 
You felt his strong hand pull you down the corridor. His thumb rubbing your knuckles. You wanted to vomit. Why did he think that you would so willing come back to him? You were just terrified of what he could do to you if you didn’t. You didn’t know what kind of drug he was on. Before you got even more lost in your thoughts a familiar voice rang through your ears and it hits you all at once.
“Kai lets go to the mall! I want new diamond earrings-why the hell is that wench doing here?” It was her. There was no fucking way. Out of everyone in Japan it had to be that bitch. That same bitch who posted pictures of your crying face all throughout the bar you use to work at. He really got her as your replacement. It kinda pissed you off in an unexplained way.
“Be careful of what you say (ex co-workers name), this is my angel and I will no longer be needing your services. Get out.” The last bit of Kai’s words sent a shiver down your spine. You hated when he used that threatening voice. You felt extremely uncomfortable when the girl looked your way. Her piercing eyes staring right through your soul. Making you feel so small.
“No longer be needing my services?! Well it would be a shame if someone were to tell Pops all about your little secret-” Her voice forever was silenced as her body turned into only a blood splat on the wall.
Her once alive body was now covering the walls, nothing but a big splatter of blood as it dripped down the walls. Her blood covered your face and some of your clothes. You felt her blood seep through your clothes and cover your face. You were speechless. You just witnessed Kai kill her. It’s not like you didn’t knwo he was a dangerous man but that didn’t mean him killing her in front of you wasn’t traumatizing. You would never get the image of her body turning into a puddle of blood.
“Disgusting. Finally she’s gone.” Kai grunted as he let go of your hand as he violently scratched at his skin. Trying to get her blood off his skin and clothes. Hives decorating his skin. He groaned before looking at you seeing you shake as you looked at your hands. Which were covered in her blood. Her blood covering a majority of your body.
“Don’t be scared my precious angel. I promise I will never do it to you again. I can’t even imagine seeing you in such a state in my own eyes again.” He grabbed your shoulder and brought you to his chest which was also covered in her blood. Smearing all over your face.
‘Please just let me go damnit. I was so close.’ Tears pour out of your eyes as they stream down your face when you felt his gloved hand pet his hair.
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gloryundimmed · 5 months
what did they whisper to you when you were leaving?
WHat HAPPENed? Angst
"I'm sure you'd like to fuckin' know. Since when did your investigation include things that people say to me? Fuck." He scoffed, sending Kurama an irritated glare. But after a moment of thought, a devilish smirk replaced his threatening look. "Shit, if you're that fuckin' obsessed with me, ya only got to tell me, ya know?" He stepped close enough so Kurama could smell the spice of his cologne. "I think you're messin' with me because ya know I'm in a bad mood. What are ya lookin' for? I didn't take ya for the kind of guy who would enjoy gettin' slammed up against a wall durin' angry sex, but if ya keep pushin', maybe that's what you'll get."
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secret-time-is-here · 3 years
An Error's Journey
Chapter 24
Previous - First - Next
TW: Reference to torture, talk of death, Insanity, and loss of limbs/body
“You mean future me doesn’t remember?”
“Now you’re getting it.”
“Are you gonna answer current me’s questions yet?”
“Hmmm… I’ve led you on long enough. Sure.” Core shrugged, “To start, I have to lead your timeline so you can become a good person. If you lose your hope and give into insanity-I’m afraid there’s no way to save the multiverse. You and your team, as much as it may be stereotypical to say, are indeed special.”
“So what was the first timeline like?”
Core went silent at that, a frown on their face as they seemed to space out. “...Core?”
“It… it wasn’t good...” They took in a shaky breath and sighed, “Thankfully… hopefully, this should be our last run.”
“Oh...kay… um-” Sans tried to think of another question, “Why do I have to become a God?”
“Because the multiverse needs its balance, you will just happen to be at the wrong place at the right time. Remember, Immortality is not just a curse, but a gift if you let it be one.”
“Hah, ominous much?”
“...Immortality is its own torture, Sans. Watching loved ones die,” Sans cringed, pulling his arms in towards himself, “-watching wars tear and destroy,” His mind thought to the great tales of the monster and human war, forcing them underground, forcing them to rebuild.
Core looked over to him, staring into his eyes with their empty ones, “-watching as your entire world-the multiverse and beyond-will either prosper or destroy themselves. Which sadly both are inevitable…” Core turned away, and in a rare moment of vulnerability, pulled their legs closer, closing their eyes and pulling into a ball, “Fate is far from a kind force, but it’s not evil either. Just doing its job as we all do ours.”
“...Is that figure I keep seeing in the void Immortal?”
“...Yes. I’m sure he’s aware of your exemption by now.” Core sat up again, “I would not be surprised if he started to pay more attention to you from now on.”
“Another question, what the fuck is up with that laugh of his? Keeps ringing in my non-existent ears...”
Core burst out laughing, “What, it's not funny. Fucking bastard is starting to creep me out more than Frisk.”
“Sah… pftt-hehe… Sorry.” Core finally amended, “He’s a little socially awkward, so he doesn’t really know what to do when he meets someone who he can finally talk to. The other Gods aren’t that fond of him… so he just has his brother-who’s also a God, then the opposing God of his balance, and me on occasion.”
“Stars… that’s gotta be rough.” Core only nodded sadly, “...How’s future me gonna be with all this? Learning it and such?”
Core thought for a moment, pulling up a few screens, looking like they were reading through something or other-before answering.
“Well, it’s going to be difficult, you got used to it-suddenly remembering things, and I hope you’ll stay used to it-but it’s hard to say. I can’t predict everything. I’ve had perfect runs get thrown completely of course because you suddenly decided I was evil or someone for some reason stepped in when they weren’t supposed to.”
Sans’ expression turned solemn at that, “...However, while you’re remembering things, you would have already met all of your team many times before-even living with one and visiting another often. With the way I’ve directed them, and the way I’m directing you, any of you should be able to help each other and be able to pull the other back if anything does go wrong.”
“Are we officially a team yet?”
“No… you know who two are though. I expect you won’t learn who the other two are for months to come.”
“You’re driving future me crazy, aren’t you?”
“A little, yes. Although it’d be far from the first time you went insane… don’t question that last bit too much, okay?-” Core’s smile bore into his soul and shakily he smiled back, nodding, “Good. Driving future you a little crazy isn’t going to hurt you much though, in fact-the most hurt you get is a little frustrated.”
Sans finally sat up, his expression tight, “By that point, you’ve been through so much you’ve learned to either adapt and overcome or die-well, get hurt to the point of death, but never truly dying.” He tensed, Core pat his shoulder comfortingly.
“You act like that isn’t a big deal...”
“Sans… Twice in your life, you will lose your entire body-in one way or another. You’re strong, and will often be revered by your enemies as a literal machine with your endurance and self-discipline… Yes, your future is Grim, but I’m confident you’ll get through it.”
Sans merely nodded, “You’ve had your soul shatter how many times already from the resets?” Sans sighed, mumbling an agreement, “Speaking of… see you in a bit.”
His soul shattered yet again, and he awoke in the dark void.
“Welcome back!~” A familiar dark voice whispered into his ear, the feeling of a cold figure looming behind him, “Took you a while, huh?”
Sans turned his head to be met with the mirror image of himself, only dressed in a black cloak…
The first window held a white void, sketches of buildings and characters, but otherwise a blank slate. The second had a large tree on a hill, a dryad sat under it. The third showed the image of a monster draped in black.
“You… who are you?”
“How thoughtful...” The head crooked to the side, a wide smirk cracked into the otherwise cold expression, the void creature's sockets empty, “I'm the Grim Reaper… but you can call me Reaper… or simply Death if you prefer. Nice to meet ya, Sans.”
With the awareness of the multiverse now… Death knowing his name was nearly as shocking as it should’ve been.
“...Nice to meet you too, Death.”
“Hmph.” He leaned back, floating casually, his smoking cloak billowing with an unseen wind, “Guess you’ve already had your brush with the multiverse then?” Sans gave a quick nod, “Well that makes this far less fun...”
They sat in silence for a bit as Death seemed to try and think of some way to… have fun with-? No, that just sounds weird. Sans shook his head as he thought over his new situation. Getting a chuckle out of Death. “Well aren’t you an odd one. First staying awake in the void, next shaking out Alphys knows what you were thinking about-”
The sound of a pop jingle interrupted Reaper’s ramble, and Death groaned dramatically, pulling a flip phone from his robe. “I gotta take this… see ya next time Sansy~” Death smirked before his smile dropped, and the bags under his eyes became more clear, opening a portal and walking through as he pulled the phone to his skull, “Hello-? Yeah, I know-”
His conversation was cut off as the portal closed, leaving Sans alone again.
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
Brave - Sora & Child!Reader
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I have been mulling this over and over and OVER for like a week now. I’m not sure I can call it fluffy, but I’d like to think it’s a little sweet. As for the “daughter” part, I skimmed it over after writing and it’s not exactly a gender-specific fic, so I apologize for that. 
Still, I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for your request. @kalosqueen27
            Eyes snap open. Without thinking about it, I slide out of bed and scurry towards the open door.
              It’s the middle of the night and the house is full of frightening darkness. I tiptoe because I don’t know what waits in the shadows, but I’m scared and when I’m scared, only two people can make me feel better.
              The next door creaks as I push it open and hurry inside. I scramble onto the bed and force myself between the still-sleeping grown-ups. Blankets are pulled up over my head while I press as close to Dad as possible. This is where I’m safe; no one is stronger than my dad. Still, even if he is the strongest, the darkness has made the fear that started with nightmares worse.
              I shouldn’t be out of bed and I don’t want to be a crybaby, so I try hard to keep from crying out loud. Dad hums and moves. Jamming a fist against my mouth, I try harder not to make a sound.
              Then a hiccup comes out.
              “Mm? What’s wrong?” he asks sleepily.
              His arms wrap around me. Mom’s still asleep; I’m trying my best to hold it in but it’s getting harder to control. Pulling me off the bed, my dad leaves the room with me. Sniffles are quiet against his shoulder as he takes me into the living room. Even as he sits on the couch, I cling to him.
              “What’s wrong, lion cub? Was it a nightmare?” he asks again. I nod into his shirt and he runs a gentle hand over my back. “It’s okay. You’re safe; I’m here.”
              It takes a while for me to calm down, only sniffling a little now. Dad’s presence has made the fear fade though it still exists.
              “Do you feel better?” he asks. I shrug. “Hmm. Here. Blow your nose.”
              He reaches for a tissue off the side table and I do as he says, loudly.
              “Eww!” he laughs. Cleaning my face, I giggle at his silly reaction. “There’s that goofy smile.” My tongue pokes out at him which he does back. “Feeling better now?”
              “A little,” I mumble.
              “Should we go back to bed?”
              My head shakes. “Uh uh.”
              “No huh,” he hums. “Well…” His eyes catch on the window. “The sky looks clear; do you wanna go for a ride?”
              “A ride?” I blurt out. I know well that every trip with Dad is an adventure, but it’s the middle of the night—it’s dark outside.
              He shushes me with a smile, puts me on the floor, and waves me to follow. Hands over my mouth, I sneak outside after my father.
              With the door closed behind us, Dad walks onto the front yard.
              “Watch this.” He puts his hand out, palm open. Glitter dances around his fingers before a big, shiny key appears from thin air. However, before I can burst with questions, he holds a finger up. The key flies from his hand with a sweep of his arm. It twirls through the air, turning back like a boomerang. A bright light flashes and the key is suddenly no longer a key but a massive vehicle. It looks like a giant bike but without wheels, floating across the yard back to my dad.
              Grinning, Dad says, “Alright, let’s go.”
              “Woah!” I exclaim, racing across the grass to him. “What is that?!”
              “It’s a keyblade glider.”
              “Oooo. Is this what we’re gonna ride?” I ask as he lifts me up.
              Dad sits down on the machine with me right in front of him. “Yes, but don’t tell your mom, ‘kay?” I put a finger to my grinning lips and Dad laughs, “That’s my little lion cub. Hold on tight.”
              The machine rumbles to life. I expect the thing to move forward, but instead, it begins rising. Gasping, I tighten my grip on my seat when I see the ground get far away. An arm slips around my waist and the vehicle turns towards the water.
              My grip never loosens as we fly through the air, especially when we go over the water. I live on an island, but Mom says I’m still not allowed to swim alone. Besides that, it’s so dark down there, like a giant, black monster prepared to swallow us up. This is starting to feel like a bad idea.
              The bike slows to a stop and I expect it to start falling with us on it, but we just float where we are, high above the water.
              “What do you think?” my dad asks.
              I lean back against him. “I wanna go home…”
              His arm tightening around me makes me feel somewhat better, but it’s not enough. “How come?”
              “Scary” is the only word I can mumble, still watching the monster far below.
              “It’s okay; I’ve got you,” he says against my hair.
              “I don’t like the dark.”
              A hand slips under my chin, making me look away from the water. “Then look up.”
              My eyes move to the stars and I’m surprised. I always thought the sky at night was black and dark and kind of frightening—I didn’t know I was wrong. A pretty mix of blue and purple make up the sky as if someone painted it. Tons of tiny lights cover the whole thing, sparkling like little diamonds. A bright, shining moon hangs among the stars with a peaceful glow. It’s amazing.  
              “Woah…” I whisper, sitting up.
              “Pretty, isn’t it,” Dad hums. I nod. “Wanna hear a secret?”
              “Every one of those stars is another world.”
              “How do you know?”
              When he doesn’t answer, I look back. He’s smiling that smile he uses when I see him look at Mom. It’s my favorite smile but I don’t understand why he’s using it.
              “Because I’ve been to them.”
              “Really?! When?! How?! What are they like?!”
              “Woah, slow down. One question at a time.”
              Dad tells me about the other worlds and his adventures on them. He answers all my questions, becoming more amazing than I already believed him to be. He’s strong and brave and he’s gone to other worlds and helped so many people—my dad is the most amazing person. However, as he speaks, I can’t help noticing just how many stars are scattered across the sky. They’re so far away and there’s so many; the universe is really big—and I’m so small.
              Dad notices. “Hey, what’s with the frown?”
              “I wish I could see other worlds.”
              “One day we’ll go see them.”
              I shake my head. “What if something happens? What if the darkness gets me?”
              “Why would the darkness get you?”
              I hate to tell him my next words. “’Cause I’m scared. I’m not brave like you.”
              Dad hums thoughtfully. “Well that’s the thing: you’re not brave because you’re not scared. You’re brave because you keep going even though you’re scared. Everyone gets scared.”
              “But you got to see all the worlds and saved a lot of people.”
              “And I was scared. There are a lot of scary things out there, but there’s a lot of good things out there too. And if you let the scary things keep you from doing anything, then it wins and you don’t get to see the good things.” Dad looks back to the sky. “So even when we’re scared, we can’t let the scary things keep us down. And I know you’re my brave little lion cub.”
              “How do you know?”
              “Because when you had a nightmare, you came to find me instead of being scared all by yourself. And that makes you brave.”
              “Really?” I didn’t feel brave in that moment.
              He nuzzles my cheek with his nose. “Absolutely.”
              A smile tugs at my lips and I look back to all the worlds glittering in the sky. Dad has never lied to me before so it’s not hard to believe he’s gone to see other worlds. Believing that I’m brave like him is another story though. I’m just a little kid; there’s no way I can be brave on my own.
              I look back at him. “Will you go with me? When I go to other worlds?”
              There’s that smile he uses for Mom again. “Of course. I gotta teach you to use the keyblade after all.”
              That settles it: I’ll get out there and see those other worlds someday. They may be far away and I might have to go through some darkness to see them, but I know I can do anything with my dad with me. I trust him no matter what.
              “I can’t wait,” I say.
              Hugging tightly, he makes me safer—braver—than I’ve ever been. “I’ll always be right where you need me, lion cub, no matter how scary things get.” A kiss meets the top of my head. “I love you.”
              “I love you too.”
              Right after those words, a yawn comes out of my mouth.
              Dad chuckles. “Alright, let’s go home and get to bed before your mom finds us missing.”
              The flight back is very different than the flight out. Black water doesn’t seem like such a scary thing anymore and the sky is full of adventures I’ll one day have with my dad. It’s still full of unknown things but I’m not as afraid as I was before.
              The vehicle touches down in the yard, vanishing after we hop off. By now, I’m ready for bed again, almost asleep against Dad’s shoulder.
              The front door slams open. Fully alert, I look to the house where I see Mom.
              “Uh oh.”
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colonel-insomniac · 3 years
Lost Cause (or the Lack Thereof)
So I feel like I didn’t hurt Ezra enough last time. Consider this my sincere apology for that. Just joking, but here’s another one in which I might have made Ezra not very ok. Uhm, @my-blood-is-maple-syrup and @pawsomelybuggy it’s ok. Everything’s ok so let’s not be m a d at me, ok? Cool. Also, Pon fic in the works? maybe. maybe not. a n y w a y s READ.
Ezra lived in static. At least, that was how it had started to feel. He couldn’t sleep, food tasted like cardboard, he couldn’t focus and he didn’t want to do anything. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see were the bodies, lives taken through his hands. And it hurt him. It scared him in the times he did sleep, because almost always there would be a couple that started to drag their way towards him. 
He knew that both Kai and Pon worried for him, and he felt terrible for that. He just didn’t know how to shrug off whatever funk he was in. Most days he was out of their shared apartment by the time the sun’s first rays touched the skies, burrowing himself far within the forest. Past the site from that fateful day and further in. Further and further until there was a pain in his ribs and his breaths short in length because the feeling was cathartic. It gave him something to focus on instead of the monsters living within his mind. 
And honestly, Kai and Pon had grew to understand that waking up in the morning without Ezra present in the space was just going to be a norm until he could cope in a different way. Kai still felt bad, still missed his friend— who was he kidding, his lover— wished to wake up with him there for once. For things to not be so messy so they could all just relax.
Ezra lay among the snow, the chill from the ice working its way into his bones, numbing him. He was able to escape. 
But maybe there’s such a thing as being too numb, and that’s where he feels the sting in his eyes, a telltale sign that he is truly so close to the edge of collapsing and he really does not want plummet into those depths. In all honesty, Ezra’s afraid of what lurks at the bottom if he were to just let go. 
And so he sits, dragging his knees to his chest, knowing bits of snow stick to his shirt. Ezra would just let himself shiver, relishing in the ability to feel something other than this misery. Every breath was a shock to his lungs, hurt in a way that couldn’t harm him physically, but would allow him to feel something, anything, because his despair seemed to be bottomless and the growing urge to hide away was scary.
He heads home after a bit, trudging slowly in the snow, each step stoking some smoldering fire of passion and determination with him, though it was apparently very slow to ignite. By the time his keys jingled in the lock as he opened the door, Kai was out in the living room, wringing his sleeves or fingers, or messing with something so that he could let out the anxiety dwelling in his bones. 
Ezra settles on the couch beside Kai, not sure of what to say, or do at first. After a minute, he rests his head on Kai’s lap, and the other boy abandons his fidgeting, and places his fingers instead on Ezra’s head. He gently began running his fingers through the hair on Ezra’s head, and Ezra closes his eyes. Relishing in the combination of silence and touch, he closes his eyes and sighs, feeling slightly content for the first time since getting back to Earth. 
And then Kai starts humming a tune to some song Ezra can’t place a name for. But the sound of the song being vocalized through Kai, and the knowledge of how much music means to Kai is enough to make his heart fill, his mind trying to tell him see, you did something right. And so he lets the emotions spill over into the real world, allowing the tears to slide down the side of his face. He isn’t sure if Kai notices, and doesn’t know how much he cares to know whether his conniption has been perceived by Kai yet. 
Kai’s fingers push into Ezra’s scalp at the gentle crescendoes in his voice, easing at the decrescendoing. Ezra lets himself feel the sensation, and allows it to lull him into such a contented state that he begins to doze off, accepting a temporary escape into the arms of unconsciousness. 
When Ezra opens his eyes, it’s not to the feeling of Kai’s fingers in his hair. He sits up, not yet noticing his surroundings, but his eyebrows furrow at the sight of a fire against what looks like a grey wall. His first coherent thought runs along the lines of why are they burning a fire indoors? 
That’s when he rubs his eyes and sits up. It looks like he’s in some cave...at night? Something seems off, and when he spots a seated and dozing Pon, and Kai staring straight into the fire, he rushes to his knees, deaf to the sound of Kai worriedly calling his name. The blood roars in his ears, but his heart feels like it’s stopped at the sight of one tell-tale sign of where they were— the moon. It wasn’t gray, like it should be. It was the moon from Azurelle. 
How were they back? How could they be back? He’d made sure all three of them had escaped alive. They should be on Earth right now, not here on… 
Ezra swallowed, unable to admit the planet’s name, even in his own mind. He stumbled around the side of the cave, sinking down into snow that shocked his system into believing he was there again. Where he’d apparently remain. 
He closed his eyes, trying to calm down so he could think rationally. When he opened them again, he was alone in a field, standing amidst a sea of bleeding bodies. Looking down, he caught sight of his blood soaked shirt, and stained hands. His stomach turned, and he felt his breathing quicken, confused and terrified. Mostly terrified of himself and what had he done? 
Ezra heard a gasp from behind him, and turned to see Kai, who looked horrified, hands covering his mouth. “What have you done?” he exclaimed, eyes refusing to leave Ezra’s. The taller of the two frowned, how was Kai up and walking when they had just returned from him being held hostage? How were there no scratches or bruises on him? Was it possible he had dreamt up the whole situation in his mad craze? 
“Kai! You’re okay!” Was all he was able to get out, voice high in excitement. 
“I was, until you murdered everyone!” Kai spat, stepping back when Ezra tried to move towards him. Ezra stood still and closed his eyes, unable to think with all the blood around him. 
His eyes flew open at the sound of a scream. A pained one. He saw Kai, something buried within his torso. There weren’t any dead bodies anymore, only Kai falling to the ground, and Ezra dropping to his knees. 
“Kai.” The younger boy looked up at his name, green eyes dimming and full of pain. 
“I’m not gonna make it.” Was the short, choked reply. Ezra’s eyes stung. He couldn’t do this. Nothing more. He couldn’t take it, the thought of life without Kai, the thought of Earth without him was unbearable. 
“No, no, no, please Kai, please don’t leave.” Ezra begged, panicking as Kai coughed, a drop of blood staining his cheek. 
“Ezra…” Kai whispered. “Kai,” He answered, “I can’t do this without you. Please.” He felt his panic increase when Kai’s eyes closed, and tried shaking him. 
He kept shaking, his eyes closed but tears slipping out freely. 
He didn’t understand what was going on, the desperation clawing it’s way out of him, the emotions rising, because Kai was gone. He was going to have to live without Kai, and how could he do that?
There was a part of Ezra that thought he heard Kai calling, but it couldn’t be. This was too real to be fake. He didn’t want to open his eyes. 
Ezra’s eyes snapped open, the rise and fall of his chest too fast and the first thing to register on his mind was the feeling of being unable to breathe. The next was something wet on his face, tears. The last was the sensation of fingers on his arm. 
He felt his eyes widen when he looked up and saw Kai’s face, scratches and bruises healing, but more so in the light. “Ezra, you’re okay.” Kai leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead, hand brushing hair out of the way. 
Ezra sat up, putting his head in his hands. “What happened?” Kai whispered, hand now rubbing circles on Ezra’s back, trying to not cut the contact. Ezra knew that that helped. 
“Bad dream,” He started, sniffing. “We were in the cave on Azurelle, then the field, where everyone was dead. Because of me, and you were angry with me. And then you were hurt, and I couldn’t do anything.” Ezra pressed a hand to his own abdomen, trying to convey more of the last part without having to admit it. He was scared that admitting it would make it real, and it being real would be unbearable. 
Kai’s hand withdrew, and Ezra forced his eyes to stay open, urging himself not to blink. He was scared of what would be there when he opened them. “Ezra, blink.” Kai warned, watching. 
Ezra shook his head. “I’m scared of what will change if I do.” Kai slipped a hand in Ezra’s with a quiet sigh of concern. 
“Hold my hand, so that when you open your eyes, you know it’s real.” Heart beating fast, Ezra closed his eyes, hand gripping Kai’s. He let them stay that way for a couple moments, testing his luck. 
But when he opened them, Kai was still there, still bathed in the morning sunlight. Taking his hand back, Kai looked at Ezra “And as for me being hurt again,” He began, hands holding onto the hem of his shirt, “I’m also fine.” He lifted it, and Ezra’s eyes ran over the skin of Kai’s torso, finding no new injuries. 
Ezra’s hand drifted towards Kai, but he stopped, eyes glancing to Kai’s face. The boy nodded, grabbing Ezra’s hand and placing it on his abdomen. Ezra found nothing, fingers simply tracing over now-old scars. “See, I’m fine.” Kai whispered. 
Ezra couldn’t help but feel the tears buildup again, out of a mixture of relief and exhaust. Kai dropped the shirt to cover his torso, hands cupping Ezra’s cheeks to wipe away the tears that slid down the other’s face before dropping them into his own lap. “Just give up on me...I’m a lost cause” Ezra said helplessly, wiping away new tears from his face.
“Oh darling,” Kai leaned forward and kissed Ezra’s cheek. “You’re not a lost cause...you’re just someone who needs help. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Kai stood, offering Ezra a hand. When he accepted, Kai helped him to his feet, walked Ezra to Kai’s room, where he pushed Ezra to the bed. 
Ezra climbed in, wiping his face again as he watched Kai climb in from the other side of the bed. Kai tossed the bed covers over Ezra, and pulled them over himself, wiggling his way as close to Ezra as he physically could. Ezra hesitantly wrapped his arms around Kai, who proceeded to reach a hand up to stroke Ezra’s cheek, hoping to provide comfort that he knew his lover needed. 
“You can come here whenever you need to,” Kai whispered. “I’m always going to be here for you, because you are my love.” Ezra closed his eyes at the words, happiness rolling off him in waves. His cheeks flushed, because that was the first time Kai had said that, and he rushed to return the sentiment, pressing a kiss to Kai’s cheek and smiling when he heard Kai giggle.
Getting better might not be so easy, but as long as Kai was his, maybe Ezra could manage. His smile grew at the feeling of his necklace chain on the back of Kai’s neck, his heart full for the first time in a while.
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
So listen, uh, I am strangely fascinated by the potential dynamic between Tala/Yuriy and Garland. They're both Boris Balkov's "favorite", or top blader, until some super talent (Kai, Brooklyn) comes in and basically takes that away from them. Also, Boris is playing Garland against Tala. They have some things in comon, at least when it comes to experience, and if they ever spoke about their time with Boris, I think they would find they can profit from each other's knowledge? So idk, if you find that thought inspiring for a little fic I'd be interested 👀
Ohhhhh smart smart!! I am living for this idea, let’s make these boys trauma bond shall we? 👀 Anything in ** are thoughts from Tala’s perspective! 
It had been a few months since the finale of the BEGA championships. Tala had stayed in Japan, while the rest of his team went home. He was staying in a low-budget hotel room. Mr. Dickenson had paid for his room and boarding, while he stayed to help him with the rise of the new BBA. However, Mr. D was broke, Tala still appreciated him doing what little he could. 
Tala didn’t have the courage to tell him he was helping him for his own selfish reasons. 
He laid on his bed watching late-night programs on the old TV set. The silence was broken when he heard the slip of a small paper. 
He stared off the edge of his bed, inspecting the floor to discover a note had been slipped under his door. 
He stared at it quizzically, scared at first, but decided to check it out, after determining nothing horrible could happen to him from reading a note. 
He cautiously hopped off the bed and picked up the note, sinking into the corner of the worn-out mattress. He unfolded it: 
‘Come to the park at midnight, I need to talk to you about Boris’
Tala’s heart caught in his throat. 
*This is… What I wanted- but*
He stared at the clock. 
He pulled out his blade. Searching his wolf bit for answers. 
*What should we do Wolborg?*
Tala knew this could be a trap. Another one of Boris’ many schemes. He decided the risk was worth it. He was here for this reason after all. He knew Boris was alive.
He wanted to take him down for good. 
He couldn't sleep until he knew the world was safe from Boris. 
Tala stood to the end of the park. He leaned on a metal bar of a swingset. His eyes frantically searched the deserted clearing.
“Don’t freak out-”
Tala jumped, running forward a bit before turning around to face the sudden appearance. 
“Garland?!” Tala asked, surprised. 
“Yes Tala, it’s me.” 
Garland held his hands in the air above his shoulders, trying desperately to portray he wasn’t a threat. 
Tala was obviously not well mentally. Garland knew that without even seeing him. What Boris made him do to him messed him up way more than necessary. 
“Why did you call me here!?” Tala’s voice was much more aggressive than he wanted it to be, he was unconsciously putting his shields up. 
“First of all, I want to say- I’m sorry.”
Tala’s breathing became slower, less panicked. 
Garland slowly lowered his hands, but Tala looked like he might panic again, so he put them back up. 
“I never wanted to hurt you like I did- Boris-”
“He’s a monster.” Tala finished his sentence for him. 
Tala rearranged his stance, trying to trick himself into being more calm. 
“I don’t blame you for what happened. I know what it’s like to be in his grip… But I don’t forgive you… I hope you understand.” 
Garland nodded, “I understand.” 
There was silence. The wind blew through the crisp grass and danced around their shins. 
“I need to talk to you about Boris.” Garland continued. 
“He’s still out there.” Tala’s voice shook. 
“I know.” 
“I can’t- I can’t have him out there Garland.” 
“Neither can I.” Garland nodded, he agreed while watching Tala’s body language with concern. 
“I can’t sleep. I can’t eat- I’m constantly thinking of where he’s coming from next- I lost weeks, Garland. Weeks that I will never get back.”
“You almost died.” Garland watched him grow angrier. 
“To anyone who was conscious, I was dead. I wasn’t coming back.”
Garland was testing him. He needed to know how able Tala was, how far would he go for revenge? To protect himself, and everyone he loved? 
“So what are you doing Tala?” Garland let his hands rest at his side, this time, Tala wasn’t afraid- worse, he was angry. 
“I’m looking for him- I’m going to find him- and I’m going to make sure he can never get back up.” 
Garland raised an eyebrow, not in surprise, but in admiration. 
“Really? You would go that far?” 
“He trained me to go that far.” 
“I feel the same way Tala.” 
Tala looked at Garland now, not as someone to be feared, but as an ally. 
“Garland do you understand-”
“I understand-”
“I want him in the ground.” 
Tala’s icy blue stare crept down Garland’s spine. 
This is exactly what Garland wanted. 
Garland grinned, “this is what I wanted Tala. I knew you were still in there somewhere.” 
“What do you mean by that?!” Tala spat. 
Garland shrugged, “Since you got hurt- you’ve been- different…” 
Tala became visibly angry, he was mostly upset with himself, he had tried so hard for his weakness not to be noticed. 
“I’m the same person I was before.”
“I know, now you’re more cautious, that’s good. I need that.” 
“Why do you need it?” Tala squinted his eyes, “What do you need me for?” 
A dark shadow crept over Garland’s face.
“Are you sure you want to know? Are you strong enough?” 
“Are you doubting my abilities?” Tala questioned him aggressively. 
“No, not at all. I know what you’re capable of.” 
Tala pushed, “so then tell me.” 
Garland shuffled his feet, he took a deep breath. 
“Spit it out,” Tala grumbled. 
“I’m going to take down Boris. Like you said, put him in the ground.” 
Tala didn’t miss a beat.
“Count me in.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
My god you people are sadistic and masochistic ☹😫 who wants to see Chisaki's S/o dying...
This and more asks about deaths, kidnapping. Just general things about the mafia *shrugs*
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"This is bad." Chrono comented with a wince as he looked down at the message on his cellphone... a warning actually as all the eight precepts, him, Mimic, Overhaul and (Y/n) were on the same room.
"Put bad on this. We're fucking being tARgEtEd By A BunCh Of pUNKS-!"
"Sit down Mimic." Chisaki spoked nonchantly as he saw the many death threats that appeared for him.. most of them mentioning your name on it.
He should have been more careful...
"What's the issue? We get many death threats and in teh ne we always kill those fuckers." Rappa layed himself on the wall as Tengai glared at his commurate for his disrespect "So what makes this fucking different?"
"Many things." Nemoto manifested as he read one of the letters "This gang in particular had been tracking the Shie Hassaikai for years already, and this time the threats are getting way too serious."
"Serious in what level?" Setsuno asked nonchantly as he swung his katana around uncaringly.
"(Y/n) is their target." Chisaki spoked numbly as he looked down at his desk. All room went silent and you rubbed your palms a bit nervously.
"... what?" Deidoro broke the silence and everyone sighed hopeless.
"Since miss (Y/n) is their target, then they are the person in here they're going kill drunk dumbass." Rikiya spoke as Deidoro slapped the air mumbling he already knew that.
"Why though? Sure, (Y/n) is a great help but why exactly her?" Tengai asked calmly as Chisaki sighed with hatred.
"I want the security of this place ten times increased. (Y/n)." He called and you looked at him "You're forbidden to leave this place until second order, understood?" You nodded at your lover and gulped the thick air stuck on your throat.
"Maybe is because they are Overjerk's partner. Then I am the dumbfuck here." Rappa muttered as Tengai decided to ignore it.
"Well." Another voice manifested in the room and all the men in there turned wide eyed as they looked at you... more at the person behind your back actually. "The muscular there is not wrong. After all-" the person smiled wickedly "She is last thing your leader would want gone."
Chisaki widened his eyes in realization that their person's quirk was probably teleport as he almost jumped from his chair.
"Get them! Now! (Y/N)!" He shouted but sadly, even despite all trying to reach you, you were gone with the masked person on the blink of an eye... just when he had reached his hand to grab you... touching the ground instead.
He tsked his tongue before letting out one shout that left everyone in the room afraid for their lifes as even the ground itself breaked due to his quirk.
"SON OF A BASTARD!" Overhaul's shout seemed even to echo in the whole house before he bursted the door open, jacket on his gloved hands as he ran out of the house.
"The hell?!" Rappa broke their shock as Kurono and Irinaka shook their heads and ran after Chisaki.
"That was teleport quirk, surely." Tengai spoked as Rappa, Hoyo, Setsuno and Rikiya left after Overhaul shouted their names.
"I WANT ONLY THE ONES WHO HAS EXPERIENCE ON COMBAT." He shouted as Kurono tracked teh gang down to discover their address.
Hang on Angel. I'm coming
You stared in hate at the yakusa's boss in front of you. Arrogant bastard that had that smirk on.
"Say. How long have you know that street rat? Chisaki Kai?"
You only increased your glare as you growled between teeth.
"None of your damn business."
"Woah. A sassy one." He mused out loud as he snapped his fingers, the man holding your chains pushed you out of the room "You will be a good use for us."
You flipped him off, hardly since your hands were chained, as the man pushed you like a dog around that place.
"You will be released soon." The man spoked suddenly "Your only use is being a bait for that sociopath."
You arched one eyebrow as he chuckled.
"You don't need to know much. After all, his life is not going to end very much... well."
Your eyes widened in realization that this was planned to be a trap... you couldn't let that happen!
Although, only a few minutes of walking an explosion was heard from teh other side of the house and you immediately knew what it was and who it was.
"They're faster then we presumed." He cursed under his breath and this time you smirked.
"We're full of surprises." You said normally before laying a great kick on guy's stomach, the man almost fly to the wall and almost puked before glaring up at you, sneakily grabbing his gun from behind.
"You little shit-!" He hissed and you dodged his attack before running down the hall.
You didn't know their plan... but if the guy already spilled tagt you were a bat, then Kai had to be very careful until you didn't reached for him.
Hang on devil, I'm coming!
"We came in here only to save (Y/n). Have that on your minds." He said to his commurates as he saw a bunch of teh guard coming into their direction
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun, right Overhaul?" Chrono smirked as he twirled his gun a bit before starting to aim at one guy's head.
"I usually despise messes." He said nonchantly before he saw a guy shouting with a sword coming into his direction.
He simply crouched down, took off his glove nimbly to just touch two of his fingers on the man's torso before his upper body exploded. remnants of blood gushing everywhere and some drops hit his green jacket ... but his thirst for killing was so great, it overcame even his misophobia of years as he looked numbly at the mass of man with their terrified eyes at him and his face almost errupted in hives... like he was some savage animal or a monster that came from hell.
"But blood from garbage will be spilled on this filthy ground. Merciless." He growled before his commurates started to attack their enemies as he made his way to the inside of the house.
He almost broke the door of the big house and shouted your name. Not having an answer he scoffed and made his way in hurry inside.
Please be okay. God, please be okay. It was all that he asked.
"Well, would you look at that." A elder voice echoed behind him and he immediately turned around to see that old man... once a commurate from Pops, but the bastard tried to steal their money and betrayed them by going into the police for some whatever reason.
He was young, but he reminded very well that bastard.
"You've grow a lot since the last time I saw you street rat. What gives me the honor of having THE Chisaki Kai inside my residence?"
"I will give you ten seconds to tell me where is them before I end up with your sorry excuse for a living." He growled and overhauled his gloves in anger. The man looked at him with a sarcastic smile before chuckling.
"So we have the right one." He looked at no where in specific before looking at Chisaki "Who would thought? When my old pal showed me he had taken a street rat home I didn't believe my own eyes when I saw it, especially since the guy had an daughter already... why grab someone who doesn't have any value?"
"If you're trying to get me with empty words them you're just waiting your time." He said nonchantly, but his anger didn't changed one bit "I will give you one more warning. Give her back, and I might leave you only with a rib cage broken."
"Rude and brute as always, eh?" He messed with the pocket of his tuxedo, and showed to Chisaki his gun. The young man simply arched an eyebrow and aproached his hand to the wall.
"No no no, my dear friend. This little present is not for you." He smirked devilish as he heard footsteps getting closer and closer "Is for your little..." he lifted his gun, aiming at Chisaki before abruptly shooting the place where your heart was.
".... weird." He smiled at you falling in the arms of his subbordinates while crying out loud "I thought angels were immortal creatures Chisaki." He said nonchalantly but smirked at the way Kai's golden, serious eyes had turned wide open as hives exploded even more at his face and forearms "Oh well. Just useless as you was."
Chisaki let out a inhumane shout before slamming his bare hand at the floor, plataforms being formed with force almost crushing the subbordinate atlnd the old man.
"Boss!" Mimic broke the house down with the help of Rikiya before he cursed out loud at seing the mass of blood coming from you and the situation.
"Something about my pal that I never agreed on Chisaki." The man gave him a psychotic smile as blood spilled from his mouth at the force of teh concreto crushing his body as Chisaki still was using his quirk and glaring at noth men with murderous wide eyes. "He had his honor and believes, but drugs were something that always put us on the top before the heroes days... so imagine if by my quirk of healing what we could do?"
"You have the nerve to even SPEAK?!" Chisaki formed another spike with the material of the floor and made it's way to the elder chest... he only coughed a bit of blood before laughing... his commurate already dead on his side.
"You see it's funny. You worry so much about killing us... that you forgot about that thing over there..." Chisaki followed the man's chin and jumped form his place when he saw you were still breathing.
"(Y/n). No no no. Hey! (Y/N)!" He cupped your face and ignored the mass of blood that was spilling from your chest "Is going to be alright, angel keep your eyes open! Do not dare to close your eyes on me!" He shook your head a bit before placing his hand on teh wound "I can heal it! See?! I can take the bullet's out! Stay just a bit (Y/n)-"
"There's no use." The elder laughed when Chrono put his gun at his temple and told him to shut up as he yanked the man on the ground. "We made sure that those didn't work with your types of quirks. Only one thing is needed. And well... is not even a good use."
"Kai..." you coughed, trying to find him in your blurry vision "Trap... you.. kill-"
"Don't waste your oxygen idiot!" He shouted and tried to lift you up... but stopped when he felt your limb hand on his wrist.
"Not... time..." you whispered and felt your body getting cold... worse than the cold of ice.
"She has a point." He laughed before he got pinned down by Rappa and Chrono. "This works like venom... even I didn't got the heart, it works just as fast as a bite from a snake."
"Stop this nonsense!" He shouted, ignoring the elder and cupping both of your cheeks again as you tried to mantain your breath "You're going to get through this..." he shook his head to stop his eyes from burning "Come on angel just-" he gagged a bit at seing your faint smile and eyes almost closed... lifting slowly your hand up to trace his covered jaw.
"At... least... I could get to see you... one.. last... time..." he grabbed your hand a bit too harsh but when his bare skin of his hand touched yours he widen his eyes in terror when he saw you letting out your last breath... your body going limp on his hold.
"No..." he whispered before putting his quirk on action. But even if he had gotten your back back your pulse still didn't come as well "No...!" He tried again "No, no no nO!"
He tried again, again... and again... all ended up in failure...
"Kai-" kurono tried to talk but the laugh of the elder surpassed his own voice.
"See what I told you?! Isn't it glorious?! My masterpiece worked! Even if I wanted more, seing teh next leader wrath and hatred is so much more valuable, it makes me really proud to be honest-"
"Shut-" Chisaki growled before slamming his hand on teh ground, sending Kurono and Rappa out of the man's body as he make the old man come to him by the the force of the wall pushing him "-THE HELL UP!" he lunched on the gut of teh man before opening his hand and overhauling the guys entire body... covering your limp body with his to not send any of the filthy blood in your angelic figure...
He breathed in and out before looking at your face... his limbs stopped working, be couldn't catch what his commurates and sobbordiantes were saying as he sneaked fhis hand on the back of your head as his free arm brough your cold one to his...
He didn't felt like this... in ages. And for the first time... he wish he could feel nothing at all... because for lord, that hurted he couldn't breath.
He didn't catch that Irinaka and Kurono asked for space to him. Setsuno, Rikiya and even Rappa nodded in respect and left to wait outside... all of them with a unconscious pain on their chest.
Kurono and Irinaka hesitantly aproached, not much close to Chisaki due to respect for the man as he hugged his death lover still on his arms.
Overhaul was so... quiet. It even scared both mans that had stayed to at least try to help his own grief.
"Chisaki... we-"
"No..." he interrupted Irinaka with a shaky sigh... shocking both again, since they never heard Kai sounding so... broken.
"Kai." Chrono took his mask out, surprisingly noticing a hint of two or three tears on his eyes forming before he wiped them quickly "We gotta go before the heroes come by..."
The shoulder of the dark brow haired man shook suddenly, and it didn't take long for faint sobs started to appear...
He was almost crushing your body to his as he almost yanked his mask from.his face in anger at feeling his tears coaxing the material... the disgusting fluid slidding from his eyes in all directions of his face possible.
He let out a louder sob before burring his face in the cold crook of your neck and letting out one of his worst, painful, loudest shout that even seemed to hurt his lungs.
He let ou a howl of your name after his outburst as he succumbed to sobs again, clinging around you... his knees were hurting but the pain he felt surpassed all of those he ever felt on his entire life.
Mimic and Chrono could only lower their heads and pay respect... not even flinching at the strenght of their... friend's shouts.
All of his tears fell like a water fall... but one single tear of Overhaul's had slided and emerged on your wound... not catching attention of anyone until Chisaki felt a warmth coming back from your chest.
He lifted his head a bit to look at your chest... tears still falling endless, he continued to have your body glued to his... a desperate wish that if he squeezed you hard enough against his living body, you could be back.
But he wasn't foolish.
He blinked before looking back at your face and he sucked a shaky breath in as he traced the side of your face with his fingers... he touched foreheads with yours before leaving a chaste kiss on your cold plump lips...
Just when he was about to lift you up a string of gold started to appear on the side of your neck... almost shinning if it wasn't for the rooftop blocking the sunlight.
"The fuck?" Mimic mumbled before cursing when Chrono punched the back of hsi neck with a scowl.
Chisaki arched both of his eyes brows before tracing the string of gold... looking more like tree branches then mere strings. Soom they started to gently trace your face and come lower and lower until they reached your chest...
"What the..." he muttered, his voice and throat, weak and sore from all of his outburst and shouting.
He placed his hand on where you were shoot and widened his eyes at not only feeling the warmth of your chest back neither that the strings had dissapeared... but the most important.
He felt your pulse. The beating of your heart right below his bare hand.
It... was he hallucinating? It couldn't be...
Suddenly you let out a grunt that even made Chrono and Irinaka shout a curse in shock before falling into their backs. Chisaki widened his eyes at feeling you stirring on his arms before lazily opening your eyes to look around you... getting confused a bit before looking up at him.
"..(Y/n)...?" He couldn't believe his own eyes as you arched one eyebrow at both man layed on teh floor not much away form you two. You soon looked up at Chisaki again, a confused and sheepish little smile as you asked shyly.
"Did... did I missed something?"
He let out a shaky sigh as a rare smile appeared on his lips before he almost crushed you for real on his arms and toned chest.
"(Y/n)!" You hugged him back, a bit confused, before yelping in surprise when he lifted you up in the air and started to leave feathery kissed in your cheeks, nose, forehead, most important were lips... everthing his lips could touch.
As much you were giggling in shock a bit you looked at Chrono, whose had recuperated from his scare, and pointed at Chisaki discretly with a questioning look.
"Where's my Kai?" You asked before giggling at his growl for you to shut up as he nuzzled in your hair, sighing in relief as he crushed you even more on his embrace.
"YoU ComE BacK FrOm ThE FucKiNg DeAd AnD YoU StiLL WAnT FuCKinG AnsWeRs FrOm Us YOu FReaCkinG PUNK ThAt Let Us AlmOsT DyInG-?!"
"Wait what?" You widened your eyes as you took notice of your lover's chest easing back a bit.
"Long story." Chrono sighed while picking his mask up as Chisaki breathed in and out before returning his usual expression.
He cupped your cheek and inspected a bit your face and body in general.
"We have to do tests to take notice what on all Earth and Hell happened with you..." he squeezed your hand back when you did the same as he had you close to his chest. "We need to clean this up before those heroes suspect of something or even the police. Call those three back."
"Yes boss." Just when they left he sighed and brought you close to his chest again, your face even hitting his chest.
"My angel..." he sigjed shakily as his hand carresed your hair, his touch seeming like you were some type of porcelain... form how gentle and careful he was being with you.
You had a LONG tests to give to him and a lots of questions... but right now you were happy to give the comfort that your devil was needing...
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