#elhokar apologist no.1
aesudan-kholin · 2 years
no fuck navani for REAL. she is anti-abolitionist. she was completely fine with everything aesudan was doing in kholinar, including things like increasing taxes to throw lavish parties, which were so wasteful and there was like one guy who used to pass out extra food to the poor that "died a few years back", and ignore the needs of the country, and navani said that she "determined that the queen is sufficiently endowed with the requisite skills needed to hold alethkar" and like presumably didn't bring up or try and do anything meaningful to fix anything that was going on there. she hates moash to the degree that her husband/brother-in-law getting visions from god saying god is dead didn't challenge her faith but the mere existence of someone who doesn't like her son for killing his family does, and like never takes a moment to think about the impact that him killing people through state violence has, just that if someone hates her son then they must be bad. she supported gavilar and dalinar all through the unification of alethkar, and all the despotism and atrocities that happened during. i can not stress the slavery thing enough. she lives in a privileged position but the idea of ending the institution of alethi slavery and all the impact and pain and torture and violation of human dignity that's used to maintain it costing the fact that it would make an amount of social upheaval is is no way a deal worth considering. she doesn't care about the suffering her family has caused in any way and actively supports when they do things that would do more harm than good.
like i get that navani isn't an actively unpleasant personality and a lot of people like her, and that's of course normal because this is a book series where no character is good and free from scrutiny, but i feel like most people like undershoot how bad she actually is, like underneath the pleasant demeanor. did she singlehandedly commit any atrocities? not really. but look at everything she is ok with, all the change that she could have made but simply neglected to on so many fronts, all the suffering she could have prevented but didn't simply because she didn't care to. if this was some rando middle class lady she would be pleasant and nice. but instead the politeness becomes a shield to deflect from the genuine criticisms of the things she and her family upholds. she's in a position of great power and doesn't wield it morally.
fuck navani
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
stormlight characters' response to being asked "did the chicken or the egg come first?"
gavilar - "this is nonsense. neither came first because they both come from each other. there is no "beginning" here."
dalinar - "their lives are a circle, the chicken lays the egg which hatches the chicken. they both come first, because they are the same."
navani - "it must be the egg, because all chickens are from eggs, so there never was a chicken not starting from an egg."
evi - "the chicken because she lays the egg and grows it ^-^"
jasnah - "if you follow the lineage of the species of chicken that we eat today back to its source, back to its last common ancestor where it split off and became an actual chicken, you'd see that there was at one point a non chicken that layed a chicken egg, so that egg hatched the first actual chicken. thus, the egg came first."
elhokar - "oh wow." [thinking face] "i don't know, that's a weird question."
adolin - "... the chicken, i think? it does lay all eggs, so it must have come first."
renarin - "the egg."
aesudan - "who gives a shit."
shallan - "well, if you look back into the history of the species, it wouldn't be possible for the first chicken to have hatched without being an egg, so the egg."
kaladin - "i... don't know? I mean chickens come from eggs, but those eggs also came from chickens so... they both just come from each other."
gavinor - "what's an egg? do you have a chicken here?" [you show him a chicken] "can i pet it? it's body is so soft! what is that stuff covering it? 'feathers'? wow!!!"
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
this is from a couple months ago but it's still my favorite news reel i've gotten
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
i count the lack of proper reactions to jasnah and elhokar's deaths by anyone but navani as plotholes tbh
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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every time i think more and more about navani's role in kholinar and everything she watched and was all right with aesudan doing enough to say this well first of all the more funny it gets but second of all im like navani. navani oh my god. navani you cant just do that and not tell anyone what things were like over there. navani what the fuck
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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shoutout to the bros 🧮
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
man navani... kind of isnt great
#this sounds obvious yes considering all the things she's aided and abated with gavilar and dalinar#but im thinking about all the things she was chill with aesudan doing who i take it for granted is Bad#all that stuff with wasting food and increasing taxes and wasting the money and taking food in from starving villages then letting it rot#that had been going on for Years. like lhan talked about an ardent who 'died a few years back' who used to distribute some food#navani was there during those years. she couldnt have Not known about it. her purpose was to be political advisor to aesudan#and even still she left saying aesudan had the skills needed to maintain alethkar#let me just tag stuff real quick#elhokar apologist no.1#unmade magnet#my posts#and she never Said Anything about it either it was not a big deal in her mind i guess#elhokars role in this is confusing and there are various pieces of a puzzle i havent quite put together yet. but he seemed very surprised#and disbelieving of what seems to be a personality shift in aesudan even though they have for a fact talked during that time period#that deserves its own post once ive finished thinking about it. anyway the point is we all know the moral greyness or dark greyness of most#characters but since navani is likable and as far as we know hasnt personally Caused any big atrocities she doesnt get focused on much#but god damn she sure had the direct power to stop some of those horrible things and she Didn't#idk i just reread the lhan interlude and got Thinking#like OBVIOUSLY its aesudans fault that is a granted as i say this but navani Could have done something but Didnt
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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various discord highlights shoutout to the bros
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
love how none of elhokars family gave a shit when he died except navani. adolin was like 😶 and ran away but when he actually started Thinking about it he was like Man. i Don't want to be king. when dalinar found out he was like that sucks i guess but i've got other things going on rn. dalinar's tien Who. not a single mention from renarin or jasnah. navani was the only one (and kaladin but he's a special case) who was like 😔😭😢😔😔😔
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
not strictly about elhokar but i love it when navani goes mom mode. like she's definitely always been the mom friend even before having kids but she had kids and went mad with mom power. adolin? mom'd. renarin? mom'd. shallan? mom'd. jasnah? an attempt was made to mom, but jasnah blocked it with her special attack. elhokar? mom'd like 3 times over once for being her son once for making up for jasnah not letting her mom her and once for the baseline moming of people around her
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
gavilar is so funny he'll be like "What honor can we find on a battlefield while our people starve?" and "Is it honor when our lighteyes plot and scheme like eels in a bucket, slithering over one another and trying to bite each other’s tails?" and then go home and verbally abuse his wife
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
navani good naturedly dunking on elhokar compilation
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
Blog tags (to be updated periodically)
Character tags:
Jasnah - favorite heretic
Navani - elhokar apologist no.1
Gavilar - daddy issues
Dalinar - uncle issues
Adolin - unnamed adolin tag
Renarin - gay cousin
Evi - unnamed evi tag
Shallan - lightweaver solidarity
Kaladin - the hero
Syl - unnamed syl tag
Aesudan - unmade magnet
Gavinor - son boy
Moash - an ancient singer's name
Hoid - so true jestie
Design - gay gay homosexual gay
Sunraiser - internal screaming
Vengeance (the horse) - vengeance
Relationship tags:
Kaladin and Elhokar's relationship - room temp milk
Jasnah and Elhokar's relationship - sibling content
Aesudan and Elhokar's relationship - heteronormativity go brrr
Hoid and Elhokar’s relationship - kinglebells
Event tags:
Elhokar almost getting crushed by a chasmfiend - fail elhokar almost getting cringe crushed by a chasmfiend
Drunk Elhokar - storms elhokar
That time Elhokar imprisoned Moash's grandparents - the roshone affair
Elhokar's death - died as he lived (like a dumbass)
Other tags:
Vibes - Elhokar vibes
Me - mood
My posts - self explanatory
Rb - self explanatory
Ask - self explanatory
Art - my art
roshar island - about my tomodachi life save
Bros - my interactions with the bros
Unnamed discord tag - discord screenshots and the like
Long post - self explanatory
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
i am thinking about.... navani....................
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