#unnamed adolin tag
aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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so this guy named hoid pulls into kholinar
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swamp-spirit · 3 years
rRules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @wufflesvetinari, and I love this kind of stuff. You should def check out her stuff too
Also, I chose two sentences for a lot of these, because it turns out the way I write first lines makes first sentences really boring. Also, a lot of these are still ongoing, the date is just when started.
Most Recent -> Least Recent
1. Children of Baltigo - One Piece Fanfic The boy had been broken when Dragon pulled him from the water. 
2. Unnamed - One Piece Fanfic Garp never carried many marks.  Most people were covered in marks as children, possible futures that faded as they chose a path, leaving only the marks that would someday burn into tattoos.
3. Swear on Our Name - One Piece Fanfic A lot of people told Luffy he had no self control, which he thought was pretty unfair.
4. Conflict Resolution via Brawling and Stickers - Collab My Hero Academia Fanfic It’s like seeing a ghost.
5. Augury - My Hero Academia Fanfic “Oh, the Put Your Hands Up is starting! I’ll just put that on for you!”
6. Write it Like Valley - My Hero Academia Fanfic Toshinori knew that Mr. Hirose had probably been dreading this meeting as much as he had. He wished he was petty enough for that to be comforting.
7. American Villain - My Hero Academia Fanfic (oops all OCs) If Holly had to pick the best thing to happen to her villainous career, it would have to be box karaoke.
8. Unnamed - Original Prose Nobody at Twilight was a waiter, not really. Everyone was a writer or an actress or a dancer who just hadn't quite gotten their big break and just happened to be, at the moment, waiting tables.
9. Left to Rot - Original Comic Fade in to young Vanya trying to shake their mother awake. Y!Vanya - Mom? Mom? There’s a lady beside my bed.
10. Three Down (One to Go) - Harry Potter Fanfic The war felt far away at the Potter's. There was a fire lit, warm food, and an atmosphere so calm that even after weeks of fear and horror, 
11. Cut Teeth - Original Prose I told myself the things I did in my dreams didn't reflect who I was.
12. Weak Blood - Stormlight Archive Fanfic Adolin rode slowly so Renarin could keep up. It wasn't that Renarin was bad with horses, but it came naturally to Adolin in the way so many things did.
13. Rethe - Original Comic  [The story opens in the desert on a sunny morning. There are bright carriages pulled by large birds, a giant lizard crawling on the ground, and people walking together. Rous stands alone outside a carriage. He looks about twelve and has finely embroidered clothes and short hair.]
14. Untitled - Original Prose At this time of day, Richard L. Albrit preferred to be in his office, in a clean suit with a competent staff and maybe a glass of whiskey.  Still, as unusual as it was to find himself in dirty trousers, feet buried in the sand, one could not say he was out of his element.
Conclusions: -Quarantine gave me a rare disease where I only write fanfic for shounen manga. (combined with the creative burnout I went through after writing a heterosexual romance visual novel for work three months in a row last summer) -I tend to do a short, simple lead in sentence with a second sentence giving context. -Despite being a dialogue heavy author, I pretty much never open with dialogue. -I need to open on action more than thinking. I tend to open comics on particularly mundane moments.
My favorites are probably 7 and 14. They both set up something slightly jarring.
Anyone who thinks this would be more fun than stressful should do it, but let’s tag: @19catsncounting, @fic-pickyourpoison, @man-destroyer, @renarinkholin, @kogiopsis, @ladyknightradiant
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
stormlight characters' response to being asked "did the chicken or the egg come first?"
gavilar - "this is nonsense. neither came first because they both come from each other. there is no "beginning" here."
dalinar - "their lives are a circle, the chicken lays the egg which hatches the chicken. they both come first, because they are the same."
navani - "it must be the egg, because all chickens are from eggs, so there never was a chicken not starting from an egg."
evi - "the chicken because she lays the egg and grows it ^-^"
jasnah - "if you follow the lineage of the species of chicken that we eat today back to its source, back to its last common ancestor where it split off and became an actual chicken, you'd see that there was at one point a non chicken that layed a chicken egg, so that egg hatched the first actual chicken. thus, the egg came first."
elhokar - "oh wow." [thinking face] "i don't know, that's a weird question."
adolin - "... the chicken, i think? it does lay all eggs, so it must have come first."
renarin - "the egg."
aesudan - "who gives a shit."
shallan - "well, if you look back into the history of the species, it wouldn't be possible for the first chicken to have hatched without being an egg, so the egg."
kaladin - "i... don't know? I mean chickens come from eggs, but those eggs also came from chickens so... they both just come from each other."
gavinor - "what's an egg? do you have a chicken here?" [you show him a chicken] "can i pet it? it's body is so soft! what is that stuff covering it? 'feathers'? wow!!!"
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
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luke had this big brained idea for a story and i had to draw it so bad. the shenanigans
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
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More, he felt his own growing worry that he might actually have to take the throne. He’d grown up knowing it could happen, but he’d also grown up wishing—desperately—that it never would.
— Oathbringer, chapter 101
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
adolin and elhokar and gaz all have something in common, any guesses as to what it is
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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outside the gates of kholinar
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
long ago (like a year prob i dont remember) i thought of the funniest possible way of aesudan having met elhokar and that is that at age 13 when adolin was getting started with Girls aesudan was a short term middle school girlfriend type thing to him and eventually aesudan was getting tired of him and then adolin and his buddies go to some thingy and elhokar is there also and aesudan finds out that elhokar is way more fun because he's very easy to tease and also doesn't mind it when its from someone whos funny and other random compatible personality traits. then aesudan breaks up with adolin and starts being besties with elhokar and at first 13 year old adolin to 17 year old elhokar is like dude stop hanging out with my ex >:'(( but elhokar is like cousin i do not give a FUCK get over it. then adolin moves on over time and then eventually as an adult has to sit with the fact that his middle school ex girlfriend is now his cousins lavender marriage wife
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aesudan-kholin · 2 years
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What if it went deeper? What if he’d always known inconsistency lurked within him? He couldn’t keep pretending he was the man his father wanted him to be.
— Oathbringer, chapter 101
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
i got this $22 pencil/charcoal drawing kit and i am in LOVE i have been working on printer paper with a 2b pencil for my whole life and now i am mad with power and in love
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this sketchbook has white and brown and black paper and i like the brown one the best but theres only 10 pages of it so i'll have to get more in the future. i like white well enough and the black is super cool but i'm in love with this midtone paper. and the pencils are so NICE and the BLENDING STUMPS?? i've never used them in drawing before but they're really nice
i'm still learning how to use everything properly but it's just really exciting. theres shit in here i never knew existed before i saw it. sandpaper block?? pencil extender?? artists knife?? woodless pencil?? bro
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
love how none of elhokars family gave a shit when he died except navani. adolin was like 😶 and ran away but when he actually started Thinking about it he was like Man. i Don't want to be king. when dalinar found out he was like that sucks i guess but i've got other things going on rn. dalinar's tien Who. not a single mention from renarin or jasnah. navani was the only one (and kaladin but he's a special case) who was like 😔😭😢😔😔😔
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
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digitized my pfp for the pride icon. did not expect to actually keep this pfp around for this long but it grew on me. it was actually a doodle within a doodle from december of sadeas and dalinar in twok because the dynamic there is hilarious to me. blissfully unaware elhokar was a square shaped image i just had sitting around but now it's important because i attach sentimental value to things like jpgs too easily
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(actually turned on the lights to get the picture this time lmfao. and the lower right is it running into a pic of renarin with long hair cause i pack my sketchbook pages like it's tetris)
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
why is it that adolin seems to be in charge of the king's guard in twok then wor rolls around and he's not
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
one of the best ways to see the difference between elhokars place in the narrative is looking at the difference in how adolin views him
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aesudan-kholin · 3 years
Blog tags (to be updated periodically)
Character tags:
Jasnah - favorite heretic
Navani - elhokar apologist no.1
Gavilar - daddy issues
Dalinar - uncle issues
Adolin - unnamed adolin tag
Renarin - gay cousin
Evi - unnamed evi tag
Shallan - lightweaver solidarity
Kaladin - the hero
Syl - unnamed syl tag
Aesudan - unmade magnet
Gavinor - son boy
Moash - an ancient singer's name
Hoid - so true jestie
Design - gay gay homosexual gay
Sunraiser - internal screaming
Vengeance (the horse) - vengeance
Relationship tags:
Kaladin and Elhokar's relationship - room temp milk
Jasnah and Elhokar's relationship - sibling content
Aesudan and Elhokar's relationship - heteronormativity go brrr
Hoid and Elhokar’s relationship - kinglebells
Event tags:
Elhokar almost getting crushed by a chasmfiend - fail elhokar almost getting cringe crushed by a chasmfiend
Drunk Elhokar - storms elhokar
That time Elhokar imprisoned Moash's grandparents - the roshone affair
Elhokar's death - died as he lived (like a dumbass)
Other tags:
Vibes - Elhokar vibes
Me - mood
My posts - self explanatory
Rb - self explanatory
Ask - self explanatory
Art - my art
roshar island - about my tomodachi life save
Bros - my interactions with the bros
Unnamed discord tag - discord screenshots and the like
Long post - self explanatory
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