#elijah's eyebrows 😂
julessworldd ¡ 2 years
Modern!Cregan stark x fem!reader
A/N: I was inspired by @valeskafics modern take on Cregan. She was lovely and gave me permission to use him as a hockey player like her fic! Shoutout to bel for getting me obsessed with another Stark man 😘 so inspiration creds to Bel
Warnings: Fluff, shy Cregan, public fingering, fem receiving (it’s at the end so if you don’t want to read that then skip and go to the last part), cussing, Viserys III being a whiny ass yes I made it a warning 😂
I don’t own the characters of asoif or claim to. All characters belong to George R.R. Martin and HBO
You met in college, junior year, psychology class. Cregan had transferred last year to your university because he was getting more playing time here. Your brother was on the hockey team with them. Elijah was a senior and took Cregan under his wing last year. You knew about Cregan, his hockey career, stats because of your brother.
The professor was teaching when the door busted open and Cregan walked in. He was a beautiful mess, his hair was tossed around from the unexpected wind storm. His shirt was sideways, his backpack was about to fall off his shoulders. He was blushing so bad too.
“Thank you for joining us, Mr. Stark” the professor rolled his eyes. Cregan mumbled something but he was looking for a seat. You sat your backpack down silently telling him to sit down.
Class ended and you walked out of the room and down the hall. Cregan watched you and decided to talk to you. He has seen you somewhere and he can’t figure it out. “Y/n, hey can I ask you something?”
“You just did” you deadpanned as you turn around to him
Cregan furrowed his eyebrows making you giggle, “What is it?”
“Uh are you Otter’s sister?” He asked slowly blinking
“Yeah little sister unfortunately” you joked
“Um so will you be at our next game? If you are I was wondering if you maybe wanted to uh go out with me som-time. Only if you want to” Cregan blushed
“Yes I’ll be there. Yes I’ll go out with you”, you smiled up at him
“What wait?! That’s great, I’ll text you later”, He smiled as he walked out
“Where you gonna get it from? Huh?” You giggled making him stop in his tracks walking back to you
“Right.. sorry I’m not really good with people” Cregan blushed.
“It’s okay, I’m not much of a people person either. Here give me your phone” you smirked
You and Creagn decided on a little restaurant on the strip down from campus. It was a little intimate for a first date. Everyone went there and they had really good.
Cregan decided to impress you so he got a spicy bowl of noodles and veggies. You and the waitress looked at each but she smiled and told us she would get it right in.
The food came out soon and you were smiling waiting for Cregan to eat his noodles.
Cregan took a bite and his blue eyes widened as the heat tingled his tongue
“Spicy enough for you?” You smiled
The date went good and he was walking you back home to your apartment you shared with your best friend, Daenerys and her brother, Viserys. And her boyfriend Dario doesn't pay rent but lives there practically. He can cook pretty much everything so you weren’t complaining. Viserys was unlocking the door when you two exited the elevator. He saw you and Cregan and grinned as he shut the door. “Who’s that?” Cregan asked
“Viserys, my best friend’s older annoying brother. Pain in my ass too” You giggled
Cregan looked around the hallway and could tell it was a richer apartment complex, “Uh how do you afford this?”
“Oh Vis and Dany’s dad pays for it.. I didn’t want to live in the dorms after freshman year” you said.
Cregan nodded, “So are you gonna be at the game tomorrow?”
“Yeah I’ll be there” you smiled
Two months had passed you two were getting pretty serious. As it got closer to the your brothers graduation you were worried that Cregan would dump you for someone else for next year. Cregan was in your room as you went to get Dany’s Amazon package at the door. You walked back in sitting on your bed at the bottom corner, Cregan was at the pillows laying on your octopus squishmallow.
“Hey don’t lay on her like that” you jerked it from under him.
“She’s comfortable” Cregan smirked
You sat the squish on the chair that was next to the bed, “Poor thing is misshapen now”
Cregan drugged you up the bed by your arms as he laid on you on his chest, “I’m sorry I’ll shape her back before I leave” Cregan kissed your head.
It was quiet as you laid on Cregan’s chest listening to his heartbeat
“I love you” Cregan blurted out
“I love you too” You smiled at his chest
Suddenly there was a porn graphic moan coming from Viserys’ room making you and Cregan look at each other and laughed
“Did he forget we were here?” Cregan laughed rubbing his hand on your back
“Maybe but he doesn’t care either” You replied
————- it was Elijah’s graduation, you and your younger sister were talking and just catching up as you didn’t go home for spring break. Suddenly she turned her gaze to someone walking down the steps. You followed her gaze to Cregan. Elijah had invited him and you completely forgot about it. Cregan was in a white button up and black slacks and black dress shoes. You were gonna say hi but your father saw him and started talking to him about hockey. Cregan would talk about hockey for hours if you got him on that topic. You sighed and turned back to your sister. Elijah’s graduation ended and your parents were taking everyone out to eat.
You sat down with Cregan finally seeing him today, “Hi baby, you look beautiful as always” Cregan whispered in your ear
“Awh don’t be like that, princess” Cregan sat his hand on your knee rubbing it
“Like what?” You replied looking at the menu
“You’re jealous aren’t you? Jealous that I sat with your dad and talked to him. I am in the right ballpark, princess?” Cregan smirked
“You could’ve said hi first” you sighed
“I’ll remember that next time, now don’t be so stubborn” Cregan’s hand went up your leg more, the dress you chose was riding up as you sat down.
You let a breathe out as he rubbed his hand up and down your leg
You were talking to your sister again completely forgetting about Cregan’s and his rouge hand.. out of instinct you spread your legs open as Cregan reached between your thighs. Cregan smirked as he slowly trailed up your legs and pulled your underwear to the side. Then it hit you how far he was, you turned to look at him but he had his head turned as he talked to your brother and a fellow teammate. His hands still in your panties, he rubbed your clit, making you bite your finger.
He had two fingers in you slowly taking them out and shoving them back in, his hand thumb played with your clit. You knew your tongue would be sore tomorrow from all the bite marks you were giving it. You groaned but covered it up as a cough as he picked up his pace. “You alright, honey?” Your mother asked
“Perfect actually” You reached under the table grabbing his wrist. Cregan looked at you and whispered in your ear, “Liar”
You were almost there but the waitress brought everyone’s food. Cregan took his hand away and rubbed your juices on his napkin with a shit eating grin. After dinner you rode back with Cregan, he was walking you up to your apartment.
“So the year is over, are you gonna dump me for someone else for next year?” You asked but didn’t realize you had said it
“No, I want to be with you as long as you let me. I love you Y/n a lot actually, you still make me nervous. You’re a good girl I like being with you” Cregan brushed a piece of your hair back
“I love you too” you blushed
“I take it, I still make you nervous, don’t I ?” Cregan asked with a gentle smile
“Just a bit” You giggled
Cregan bent down and kissed you holding your back in his hand holding you close to him. You held a hand on his chest as you kissed him back.
“Call me tomorrow, huh?” Cregan squeezed your cheek gently as he smiled
“Yeah” you opened the door, Viserys whined as you hit him with the door not realizing he was there. “You jackass! I told you to quit spying” Dario laughed.
Cregan chuckled, “See ya love”
You blushed as he walked away and you decided to check on Viserys and his possible injuries.. “Let me see,” you sighed, shutting the door. Viserys was holding his cheek, “It’s fine probably will be bruised later”
“Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt the pretty dragon’s face” you joked but honestly felt bad.
“Dragon? What?” Dario asked from his place on the couch
“It’s nothing”
“Nothing my ass.. he calls himself that during his hook ups. It’s his por-“ you said but Viserys threw you over his shoulder walking back down the hallway were your rooms were at
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themarcspector-arch ¡ 2 years
drabble title: a big oof. who: sidney ahmed  pairing: sidney ahmed & iah elijah requested by: no one. project: heart of glass triggers: none? other than sid being a meme since i made her in 2017....😂 sidmeme. notes: sidney, before becoming a proper lawyer, is working for a woman who kind of sucks during the summer? and during this time, she re-meets her old friend, iah elijah, who unbeknownst to her is actually.....more than he seems. but she’s too busy sidney-ing around to realize it. this was just a fun little thing i decided to finish cause i had part of it on my google docs. so i was like, why not finish it?
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“Hey, you!” A voice calls out through the crowd.
Sidney’s looking at one of the exhibits in the museum intently, her eyebrows knitting inward as her gaze shifts and she attempts to read about some random historical artifact fact, and fails, due to forgetting to put on contact lenses or glasses. 
So, for a moment, she doesn’t catch on to the fact that someone is speaking to her at all. She’s too focused on not focusing and is trying to figure out what the blur of words on the little rectangle says about the display and nothing else.
She pulls her face closer to the little box as she stares it down, before she accidentally hits her face against the box and mumbles, “Shite!” out loud, and pulls away, running so fast, back first into a man who’s built like a brick wall.
A few people look at her, and she wants to tell them to run along, but then she notices who she’s ran into and she can’t help but to smile a big goofy smile and hug them.
Because, well.
It’s her old friend: Iah. 
And surprisingly, he hugs her in return. Awkwardly, of course. But he hugs her. 
“Thank goodness I ran into you and not someone who would’ve given me an entire earful,” Sidney tells him once she’s by his side. “Are you fine? Did I knock you out cold?” Joking words obviously, he seems fine. And though she towers over most people, Iah is tall and broad so she hadn’t really made much of an impact. 
He smiles at her and shakes his head. “I’m okay. Are you? You…hit your face pretty hard just now.” He looks away, and she laughs just a bit, wishing she saw her own blunder on tape or on some funny video montage. But alas, she isn’t that lucky. 
“I’m wonderful. Just forgot to wear my glasses. You know the drill: Despite the obstacles, I do what I want, and right then, my biggest obstacle was an information plaque I wanted to read.” She rubs her forehead and now he laughs, knowing that he can without offending her. “I’m glad to see you, Iah. It’s been some time. I hate that I only see you every so often. But it’s always a treat when I do run into you.”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Well, nothing has happened since I last saw you.” Then he pauses. “Or at least, nothing important has happened. So you’re not missing out on much in my life.” 
She smiles back at him. “Well, I’ve got a feeling, deep down - and you know how I am with these feelings - that something will happen for you. Something super duper important.” She nods all-knowing. 
“I doubt it. I’m not that interesting. I hang out here for fun. Plus, when I’m not here, I’m working on boring things online or at the university library.” He winks at her after he says that and she narrows her eyes without thinking about it; and probably cause she can’t fucking see , and maybe, because he may not have winked at all. 
She shakes her head, confused. And smiles, super confused.  “You never know, bud...” And as much as she’d like to catch up with him, her phone rings and it’s her boss, calling her to leave. So she leaves. Goodbye Iah Elijah. She sighs. She hates goodbyes after such a quick hello.
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galvanizedfriend ¡ 2 years
L and F and G (ask game!)
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? Tons. 😂 It depends on whether or not I'm more or less happy with the story. But usually at least two or three times.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it. The way I can never think of a snippet when these questions come along.
But this is from The Wolf 1:
"Your job, and I believe I made myself clear about it, is to get the mother of your child back to this home, where she will be safe under our protection. Unless you have resigned yourself to your daughter being born in a swamp."
"And however would you have me do that, Elijah?" Klaus questions, gesticulating frantically. "I can't cuff Caroline to a bed and force her to stay. I have asked her to return, I have told her this is her home. She doesn't want to come back."
"Well, convince her. If you can use your charm to sweet-talk the werewolves, all of whom loathe you, into going against the pledge they've signed, then you can surely put that nasty tongue of yours to better use and convince her to come home."
A shadow crosses his brother's eyes, and Elijah knows what's going through his mind even before he says it.
"Why don't you give it a try?" he sneers, schooling his face not to betray anything, which in turn betrays everything. "What was it that you said? That you would take whatever you want? I won't let anything get in my way, Niklaus. Not even you." Elijah cocks an eyebrow at his appalling attempt at copying his voice. The accent is atrocious. "Well, then. Go ahead. Confess your love, Elijah. Tell her how desperately you miss her."
So typical… He always finds a way to turn an accusation around and somehow make himself out to be some kind of victim. Niklaus, a victim. How so very ludicrous. Elijah does not rise to the bait, though, considering his brother calmly for a moment. "Do you want to know the truth, Niklaus? I would, gladly, if I thought there was any chance it would find echo in her, if it would bring her back. At this point, hurting your feelings is positively the last item on my list of concerns. But despite all your paranoid fabrications, I know better. What I ask myself is… Why haven't you done that yet? How much longer do you intend to hide from your responsibilities to that woman and her child behind some deluded idea that she's better off there, away from you and our family?"
"You don't know -"
"Oh, but I do know,” Elijah cuts him off, tersely. “Your logic is absolutely flawed and nothing you've done for the past month and a half makes any sense, but I happen to speak fluent Niklaus. You hurt her, and now you're scared of facing the consequences. You've realized you have actual expectations to live up to, and stakes will be even higher when your child is born, and it terrifies you - of course it does. For one thousand years, you've lived for no one but yourself. You've satisfied no one else's needs but your own. Whenever things didn't go your way, or anyone defied your tyrannical rules, you just stabbed them with a dagger and left them to rot in boxes until you felt either gracious or bored enough to let them out. But that won't work with Caroline. It won't work with your daughter. Now, you have to make amends, correct your mistakes, and you're finally starting to understand how painful it is to care about disappointing someone who has no familial obligation whatsoever to let you off the hook. Caroline's not me, she's not Rebekah. She never took an oath. She doesn't have to forgive or tolerate you. You actually have to earn her respect, and that just drives you out of your mind. Am I close?"
Klaus smiles bitterly, eyes slitted. "What are you now? My new therapist? At least Camille was easy on the eye."
"I'm better than a therapist. I'm your brother. And it is beyond me why I still care, because it is clear you are hell-bent on self-destructing, even when life smiles at you in a truly miraculous way that you don't even deserve. You've spent so long, Niklaus, soaked in darkness that you believe the natural way of things is for life to be miserable, grim and grey. For hatred to come to you as easily as breathing. You revel in it, because it's easy. It's simple. And selfish. God forbid you ever find anything that brings you real joy, or worse - happiness."
I just really like this scene as a whole. It starts as something that happens in canon (Klaus is searching for his mother's grimoire, Elijah hid it from him) and then goes into them discussing Caroline (which is what always happens, I guess 😂 I just tried to make everything about Caroline one way or another). And I really like how by this point Elijah really didn't care about hurting Klaus' feelings anymore, so it's very honest and it also shows just how well he knows his lil bro. I really liked writing moments where we get to see Klaus and his psyche explored through other characters' POV because for me, his own POV can be really distorted at times. Klaus thinks he's always right, he always thinks he knows better than everyone else, that his means are always perfectly justified, his skewed sense of morality and selfishness creates this distortion, and it's a part of writing him for me. So then we have Caroline who had a more "normal" and humanized view of situations, and Elijah, who can be just as twsited as Klaus, but usually has a much clerer view and a stronger sense of right vs wrong than him, and can see right through his bullshit. So that's a good scene imo. I like this dialogue a lot, even though it might not be much for readers.
Also, can you tell I just really like writing Elijah in TW? 😂
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Usually, from start to finish. Chronologically is the only way I can get things in order. But lately I have been writing little scenes or snippets of future stuff, if the idea comes to me, although I still can't piece everything together unless it's in order. Latest example: I decided to add a new scene to TW3x05 and I could not keep writing it until i had the new scene ready, even though I have the whole rest of the story.
Thanks for your asks, nonnie!
If anybody still wants to play this, the list is here
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