#elina kivivuori
surkeasilakka · 10 months
TPA-meemejä (part ??)
Nonni, nää on lahonnu meikän tietokoneen kansiossa jo tarpeeks kauan- Tässä liuta TPA-meemejä kansalle :) Ps. laitan keep reading muihi kun ekaan, koska ne sisältää spoilereita ainakin kolmoskirjasta!!
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homospeksuaali · 2 years
Elina Koskela ent. Kivivuori on bi-ikoni. Ei vastaväitteitä.
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varistenjuoruilu · 4 years
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Väinö Linna: “Tyttö oli todella rakastunut rakkauteen.”
Minä: “Tarkoitit varmaan kirjoittaa, että Elina oli NIIN ihastunut Sanniin.”
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swildy · 7 years
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violasmirabiles · 3 years
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Can We Ask You A Really Weird Question? 
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kelkkamonologi · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden Alla + Onion headlines part 3
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wintersoldeer · 6 years
3 fandoms tag game
@rabbitheartrosie​ tagged me!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag people you want to know better.
The three chosen fandoms:
Rick Riordan: pjato/mcga
Väinö Linna: tuntematon/pohjantähti
JRR Tolkien: lotr 
ok i know im probably going to ramble again so here’s a read more
The first character you loved:
Luke, probably, it’s been so long..! i might’ve liked percy himself a lot but luke was a Favourite, that’s for sure
Rokka, i was so determined to not like him, but turns out i am a cliché (he was the only character i knew beforehand, by name at least)
The black riders??, talk about it being a long time ago... but i do remember loving the black riders and galloping around the house and warning my very confused friend about how “the black riders are coming!!”. and i remember drawing them a lot! tho i used to love and draw sauron a lot too.... it’s been fifteen years so, idek....
The character you never expected to love so much:
does anyone ever expect to love a character?? but probably the only logical one is Hazel re: the characters you didn’t like at first, but do now.
fuckin any of them. i never expected to actually like these books... let’s go with Akseli, bc i fricking love him it’s unreal
Boromir?? what a good dude who i’m sure i didn’t care about the first few times i read the book
The character you relate to the most:
uh..... what does that even mean
just call me Vanhala
i dont know?? i want to be a hobbit, for i have no need for adventures
Character you’d slap:
fricking no one bc im afraid
that theyd slap be back, also
violence is wrong
Three favorite characters: (three per one thing??? thats gonna be a lot harder than one per one or million per one)
Hearthstone, Blitzen, Hazel Levesque
Akseli Koskela!!!x3 (x30000) ...jk...., Määttä, ohgod i cant pick just one more...Rokka
Samvais Gamgi!!!!!, Faramir, Éowyn
Character you liked at first, but don’t like anymore:
Percy Jackson himself... i still like him in the first books, but gooooodddss, i am so tired of his cameos and whatever, i just don’t care anymore. also i never liked percabeth *gasp!!* and it seems that nowadays there’s no percy without percabeth, so there’s that... ok when i say i never liked i mean i have always very much disliked it............. why couldn’t u just let them be friends!!!! *still bitter after ten years* (wow ok that came from somewhere deeep, i thought i had accepted this years ago, but apparently not ha ah ha)
Vilho Koskela, i mean i still really like him......... but now i love his dad so much more that he can never compare. hähä really im just using this as an excuse to tell you all again that i love akseli koskela
uhhh... i vaguely remember liking Gandalf the Grey, but then not really caring about Gandalf the White. But like I said, it’s been a looong time since the first time i read the book. now i don’t really care about any gandalf, so if i remember correctly that i did used to like him, this answer is not a lie.....
The characters you didn’t like at first, but do now:
Hazel what the fricking fuck was wrong with me???? i just remember vaguely not liking her (or maybe even actively disliking her) when i read the son of neptune the first time, but when i read, idk maybe it was, the house of hades i was like wait a second she’s amazing and then i reread the others and was still like wait a second, she’s amazing!!, did i even read these same books the first time?? and after all these years i don’t know what that was about. anyways, hazel is the best.
well since i had to reread tuntematon immediately after the first time to make any sense of the characters, i’d say there were many that i didn’t like bc i couldn’t tell them apart or couldn’t remember they existed
Frodo, if i remember correctly? i’d like to say i never disliked him (i have always enjoyed the hobbit and especially sam and frodo’s adventure parts of lotr the most) but i really can’t say for sure. ten year old me, tell me your thoughts!!
Three OTPs:
Blitzen/Hearthstone, Reyna Avila Ramirez Arrelano/Thalia Grace, Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro
Akusti Koskela/Elma Laurila, Akseli Koskela/Elina Kivivuori, Antti Rokka/Suen Tassu
Samvais Gamgi/Frodo Baggins, uhhhh i dont know... legolas/gimli, faramir/éowyn.. sure
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swildy · 7 years
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“Täällä on kaks Koskelaa… Kaks Koskelaa Pentinkulmalta.“
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violasmirabiles · 5 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Screenshots of Despair, osa 5
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violasmirabiles · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Onion Headlines, osa 29
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violasmirabiles · 5 years
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Menetettyään otteensa poikiin Anna oli keskittynyt tyttäreensä melkein sairaalloisella vimmalla. Hän oli varjellut Elinaa kuin silmäteräänsä ettei tähän vain olisi tarttunut pienintäkään tahraa Kivivuoren ilmasta, jossa lenteli perseitä ja perkeleitä niin kuin kärpäsiä.
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violasmirabiles · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Onion Headlines, osa 27
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violasmirabiles · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Onion Headlines, osa 33
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violasmirabiles · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Onion Headlines, osa 30
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violasmirabiles · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Onion Headlines, osa 23
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violasmirabiles · 6 years
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Täällä Pohjantähden alla + Onion Headlines, osa 21
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