#elincia x heather
cupofcolors · 10 months
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skrunkly batch pt.2
((for FE art scuffle ^^)
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enbyleighlines · 8 months
Radiant Dawn Unused Supports
I thought I would go through the loooong list of unused supports in Radiant Dawn and share a quick thought or two about each one. This list is long, so sorry if this post is super long.
Also, apparently due to the high volume of possible supports, they only planned to write one conversation per pairing, which would be unlocked at A rank. A little disappointing, but I would have preferred that to what we got…
Boyd x Brom: They have a support in PoR, so this makes sense. It would probably just be a continuation of that.
Boyd x Ike: Interesting. Maybe they would have referenced that rivalry between them they established early in PoR and then never mentioned again.
Boyd x Rolf: They’re brothers, it makes sense. It would be cute if it referenced their brotherly spat in the earlier base convo, plus the thing with Rolf’s mom (if the player managed to get that.)
Boyd x Mist: Cute. I wonder if it would have been Mist confessing her feelings to Boyd like it says she does in her paired ending.
Boyd x Oscar: Again, makes sense. They would probably discuss the past, probably? Maybe Boyd would even encourage Oscar to follow his dreams of becoming a knight again, since he and Rolf can take care of themselves now?
Boyd x Titania: I wonder if they would reference the fact that Boyd accidentally calls Titania “mom” in their supports in PoR.
Boyd x Ulki: Didn’t they have a support chain in PoR? It would probably be a continuation of that.
Boyd x Mia: Ahaha, this would have been cute. I can see them being good friends.
Aran x Laura: Makes sense. They think of each as brother and sister, right? It would have probably been cute if a bit generic.
Aran x Makalov: What would these two have to talk about???
Aran x Micaiah: Again, not sure what these two would talk about but at least it makes more sense than the above.
Aran x Mordecai: Oh, I can kinda see this. Maybe they would be good buddies.
Aran x Nealuchi: Hmmm. Not sure what to make of this one. Could be cool, though.
Aran x Nolan: Interesting. I can see Nolan kinda becoming a father figure to Aran.
Aran x Sothe: Again, makes sense, but idk what they would talk about. Maybe they would compare their respective relationships to Laura and Micaiah? You know, the whole “kinda siblings but also kinda not” thing. Except I never got the sense that Aran had romantic feelings for Laura, so idk.
Caineghis x Elincia: Aww I kinda want to see what they intended to do with this. Maybe they would reminisce about Elincia’s father together.
Caineghis x Giffca: Another missed opportunity. I would have liked to learn more about their relationship.
Caineghis x Ike: They probably would have talked about Greil together.
Caineghis x Kyza: I imagine it would be something to do with Kyza’s work ethic?
Caineghis x Ranulf: Same as above, but probably a less boring version.
Caineghis x Renning: Ooooh another opportunity to reminisce about Elincia’s father, or else gushing about how much Elincia has grown.
Caineghis x Lyre: Huh. Not a clue what this conversation would entail.
Caineghis x Mist: Hmmm. It would probably be kinda cute, I suppose.
Caineghis x Mordecai: Another version of his conversation with Kyza probably.
Caineghis x Nailah: Oooh, this one would have been neat to see.
Caineghis x Lethe: Why does Caineghis have so many support convo options?? This is getting kind of ridiculous.
Caineghis x Skrimir: Well this one just makes sense, yeah. It would probably be Caineghis congratulating Skrimir on his growth.
Caineghis x Stefan: Oooooooh. Considering Stefan is probably part Gallian royalty, I would have loved to see this conversation.
Caineghis x Titania: Would they have talked about the good old days together? I would have loved this one also.
Calill x Geoffrey: Geoffrey apparently visits her place a lot, so I guess this one makes sense.
Calill x Heather: Would Heather hit on a married woman? The answer is… yeah, probably.
Calill x Muarim: Oooh, they could talk about being adoptive parents.
Calill x Nephenee: It could be a cute continuation of their support chain in PoR.
Calill x Soren: Um, what? I guess they could talk about magic…? OR WAIT. Soren could recognize what Amy is and they could talk about that, omg. Wait no now I want to see this conversation, dammit!
Calill x Tauroneo: Huh… not sure what they would have to talk about.
Calill x Tormod: Adoptive mother asking Tormod for tips on how to be a better parent, maybe?
Calill x Mia: Hmm. I guess this one could be good. They seem like complete opposites, though.
Calill x Danved: Well, supposedly Danved is a friend of Largo’s, so this makes sense.
Brom x Elincia: Aww, it would probably just be Brom giving Elincia a nice ego boost.
Brom x Heather: Maybe Heather will admit that some men are okay?
Brom x Janaff: I… haven’t a clue what this one would be about.
Brom x Meg: Father and daughter reuniting at long last! Honestly, why don’t they get at least a base convo together when they finally unite???
Brom x Nephenee: They’d probably talk about missing Ohma.
Brom x Zihark: Brom apologizing to Zihark for promising Meg that she could marry him, maybe?
Shinon x Gatrie: Makes sense.
Shinon x Ike: Oooh, this one could have been good, actually.
Shinon x Janaff: A continuation of their supports in PoR, perhaps?
Shinon x Rhys: Weird choice, but okay.
Shinon x Rolf: Just makes sense.
Shinon x Mist: Hmmm. Odd choice, but I respect it.
Shinon x Oscar: I know they must have conversations sometimes, considering they work for the same merc company, but I honestly don’t know what they would talk about.
Shinon x Sigrun: Huh??? Why????
Shinon x Titania: Titania would probably scold Shinon or something.
Edward x Leanne: Odd choice, but okay. I am guessing he would vow to protect her or something.
Edward x Leonardo: Again, makes sense.
Edward x Micaiah: Makes sense, even if it doesn’t interest me personally.
Edward x Nolan: Edward chats with father figure.
Edward x Sanaki: What??
Edward x Stefan: Edward seeks a swordmaster sensei and winds up with a second father figure.
Edward x Sothe: Makes sense. Theoretically they are friends, but idk what their dynamic would actually look like.
Ilyana x Gatrie: Gatrie hits on a pretty girl, gets rejected.
Ilyana x Laura: Okay, wait a second. Actually, these two would be good friends, I think.
Ilyana x Lucia: Lucia saves Ilyana by giving her leftovers, and remains politely confused when she learns how often Ilyana needs to eat in order to survive.
Ilyana x Micaiah: Hmm. I guess this could be cute?
Ilyana x Mordecai: Don’t these two have a support chain in PoR? If so, this would be a continuation of that.
Ilyana x Oscar: Hmm, a food lover and a chef. I wonder what the topic of this conversation would be…
Ilyana x Mia: Again, a continuation of their PoR support chain.
Ilyana x Zihark: Hmm. Do these two have a support chain in PoR? I feel like they do but I can’t imagine what they would have to talk about. Traveling, maybe?
Ena x Gatrie: Would Gatrie hit on a woman still mourning the loss of her fiance? The answer… yeah, probably.
Ena x Gareth: I imagine they have some relationship, but idk what it is.
Ena x Kurthnaga: Reminiscing about Rajaion, most likely.
Ena x Leanne: Hmmm… this could be really good, I think.
Ena x Mist: Huh. A belated apology for asking Nasir to steal her amulet?
Ena x Nasir: Makes sense. Maybe they would discuss Ena’s parents?
Ena x Volug: I am imagining that this whole conversation takes place in the ancient tongue, which would be hilarious.
Ena x Rafiel: Hmm. I suppose this could be good, also.
Elincia x Geoffrey: Maybe they address the rumors the Crimean nobles brought up at the beginning of part 2 of RD?
Elincia x Ike: Best friends discussing life, most likely.
Elincia x Kieran: Kieran being over the top and Elincia indulging him.
Elincia x Ranulf: Huh! I think this would be cute. No clue what it would have been about, but it’s a cute idea!
Elincia x Leanne: Cute! I love their friendship in RD.
Elincia x Renning: Makes sense.
Elincia x Lucia: Of course. Can’t exclude this obvious matchup.
Elincia x Marcia: Awww! I love that they become friends in RD.
Elincia x Mist: Elincia chatting with yet another good friend.
Elincia x Nephenee: Neph awkwardly but fiercely giving Elincia an ego boost.
Elincia x Nailah: Omg, wait, I want this, actually. Two queens, both drastically different. I would have loved to see what they might have spoken about.
Elincia x Pelleas: Oooooh, very interesting. I wonder if the dialogue would change whether or not you viewed this convo before or after Pelleas realizes that he’s not the true Daein heir??
Elincia x Sanaki: Makes sense.
Elincia x Tibarn: They could have that talk Tibarn wanted to have with Elincia and never did.
Elincia x Bastian: Politics, probably.
Fiona x Laura: Hmm. I suppose they would be friends?
Fiona x Leanne: Odd choice, but okay.
Fiona x Leonardo: Again, I am assuming they have talked before, but idk what about.
Fiona x Micaiah: Micaiah would probably want to know more about Fiona’s dad.
Fiona x Pelleas: What would they have to talk about?
Fiona x Tanith: Odd choice, but okay.
Fiona x Tauroneo: Obviously they would discuss Fiona’s father.
Fiona x Danved: Huh… I am confused but also vaguely intrigued.
Gatrie x Marcia: Gatrie tries to hit on a pretty girl and fails.
Gatrie x Mist: This one would have either been super wholesome or oh so creepy.
Gatrie x Muarim: Ummm… what would they talk about, exactly?
Gatrie x Oscar: Makes more sense than the above, but my question still stands.
Gatrie x Rafiel: Please tell me they intended for Gatrie to mistake Rafiel for a girl. That or he wants to know how Rafiel managed to land a woman like Nailah.
Gatrie x Astrid: Gatrie tries to hit on a pretty girl and fails… Though, tbh, Astrid would have been better off with Gatrie.
Geoffrey x Kieran: Bros being bros.
Geoffrey x Kyza: Weird choice, but I kinda dig it.
Geoffrey x Renning: Obviously.
Geoffrey x Lucia: Makes sense, they are siblings.
Geoffrey x Bastian: Makes sense, they are best friends.
Giffca x Gareth: I… have no words. I guess they can bond over being silent protector types?
Giffca x Kyza: Huh. Okay.
Giffca x Ranulf: This one makes sense.
Giffca x Mordecai: I’m surprised they planned so many Giffca conversations. Did they intend on fleshing him out into a full-fledged character?
Giffca x Lethe: Still confused.
Giffca x Skrimir: This one makes sense.
Giffca x Tauroneo: Huh??
Giffca x Janaff: Why does Giffca have so many planned support convos??
Giffca x Bastian: I am assuming this one would be 100% politics.
Gareth x Janaff: Wait they planned for Gareth to have a bunch of support convos too? Did they intend to flesh him out, too?
Gareth x Kurthnaga: This one makes sense.
Gareth x Renning: Okay…
Gareth x Nasir: Makes sense, I suppose. They would probably discuss Dheginsea and it would be very sad.
Gareth x Vika: Wait, why??
Haar x Heather: Ummm, why?
Haar x Jill: Obviously. I don’t care for this pairing, but since they have a paired ending, I am unsurprised that they were intended to have a support convo together.
Haar x Makalov: Two lazy people discuss how much they enjoy being lazy.
Haar x Volug: Why, though?
Haar x Pelleas: I can kinda see this one being funny. If anyone would tell Pelleas to grow a spine, it would probably be Haar.
Haar x Sigrun: Supposedly they know each other, so this makes sense.
Haar x Tauroneo: Hmm. Makes sense, I suppose, but I don’t think I would care to read it.
Heather x Lucia: How would Lucia take to being hit on by a devilishly beautiful female rogue, I wonder?
Heather x Mist: Huh. Maybe they would talk about their moms together?
Heather x Nephenee: Yessss. Though if they had included these conversations and this one didn’t end in lesbian makeouts, I would have been very disappointed.
Heather x Vika: Ooooh. Yeah, Heather would hit on Vika, and I don’t blame her.
Heather x Volke: Hmm. I guess they could discuss being thieves?
Ike x Kurthnaga: It would probably be similar to the base convo they have together, with Ike thanking Kurth for sparing them before.
Ike x Ranulf: It would be super flirty and I would love every second of it.
Ike x Micaiah: Oooh. This could have been really cool to read.
Ike x Mist: Awww. Some sibling bonding.
Ike x Nasir: Makes sense.
Ike x Nailah: Omg, yes. I really want to see what their dynamic would have been like.
Ike x Oscar: Ike and his surrogate big bro having some sibling bonding.
Ike x Lethe: A continuation of their PoR support, perhaps?
Ike x Reyson: Same as the above, most likely.
Ike x Soren: Probably the prelude to the secret cutscene where Ike admits he doesn’t actually remember them meeting as kids, or else Ike teasing Soren about essentially tutoring Skrimir on tactics 101.
Ike x Sothe: Aww, this could have been cute.
Ike x Titania: Ike and surrogate mom have a family bonding moment
Ike x Tibarn: Ike taking advice from Tibarn on how to confess to his gay crush??? Probably not, but I can dream.
Ike x Volke: Strange choice, but okay.
Ike x Mia: Yes!! Their friendship is so cute, I wanna see more.
Ike x Zihark: Would they discuss beorc-laguz relations? Most likely.
Janaff x Lucia: Odd, but okay.
Janaff x Oscar: Hmm. I suppose I can see them getting along?
Janaff x Tibarn: Obviously.
Janaff x Vika: Oooh, Janaff interacting with a crow laguz that isn’t corrupt? This could be interesting, actually.
Janaff x Ulki: Obviously.
Jill x Mist: Obviously. They would probably talk about Jill’s feelings about deserting the Daein army (for the second time).
Jill x Nealuchi: Huh?
Jill x Lethe: A fine choice. It would be interesting to see what they would have to say after the three year gap.
Jill x Sigrun: Huh. I guess Sigrun knew her dad, so there’s a connection there?
Jill x Tauroneo: Hmm. Logistically I can see them having stuff to discuss but idk what it would be.
Jill x Zihark: Similar to the above, but I would be curious to see this one.
Kieran x Rhys: Aww, what if they discuss Rhys’s dreams of becoming a knight??
Kieran x Renning: Hmm, makes sense.
Kieran x Lyre: Huh?? I suppose this could be funny but… huh.
Kieran x Marcia: Sure! I imagine they are friends. And their supports in PoR were pretty funny.
Kieran x Oscar: Well, duh! They are boyfriends lifelong rivals, after all!
Kieran x Reyson: Wait. This could be cute. Kieran inviting Reyson to train with him, since Reyson wants to be stronger.
Rhys x Rolf: Makes sense.
Rhys x Mist: Makes sense.
Rhys x Nailah: Omg, wait. Actually, hold on. I actually am upset we didn’t get this. I actually have a (unfounded) headcanon that Rhys is into women who could snap him in two (aka Titania). So him meeting Nailah would be hilarious, if only because of my own headcanon (completely unfounded, really, it’s based on no canon content whatsoever).
Rhys x Oscar: I bet these two are good friends, so this makes sense.
Rhys x Titania: Ahh, the pairing that I was so devastated didn’t have a paired ending back when I was 15. Seriously, from their very first conversation in PoR I was like “oh these two should date.”
Rhys x Ulki: A continuation of their support convos in PoR, most likely.
Rhys x Mia: Awww! Yeah, we need a continuation of their supports in PoR.
Kyza x Ranulf: Ahaha, yeah. I can only imagine how gay this convo would have been.
Kyza x Lyre: More fighting between love rivals, most likely.
Kyza x Meg: Huh. Okay. Hmm. A weird choice, but I am curious as to what they were intending to do with this.
Kyza x Mordecai: This probably would have been super wholesome, ngl.
Kyza x Muarim: Ooh, interesting!
Kyza x Zihark: Oooooh, okay. I like the sound of this one, too.
Kurthnaga x Micaiah: Okay, sure. I can see the idea behind this.
Kurthnaga x Nasir: Makes sense.
Kurthnaga x Pelleas: Oooh. Again, would the convo change whether it happens before or after Pelleas finds out he’s not the true heir of Daein??
Kurthnaga x Skrimir: Oh, okay. Odd choice, but I think it could be interesting.
Kurthnaga x Sothe: Huh.
Laura x Meg: Aww, sure! I can see them being good friends.
Laura x Micaiah: Sure, why not?
Laura x Nealuchi: Why??
Laura x Nolan: Nolan adopts yet another teenaged orphan.
Laura x Tanith: Oh. Okay. I… cannot see this ending well. I feel like Tanith would hate Laura’s guts.
Ranulf x Lyre: So much simping. And I get it, I do. Ranulf isn’t just a snack, he’s a three course meal. So I really can’t blame Lyre.
Ranulf x Mordecai: Wholesome.
Ranulf x Lethe: Makes sense.
Ranulf x Skrimir: Obviously. I am curious what it would have been about, though.
Ranulf x Tibarn: Oooh, okay. I can dig it.
Ranulf x Zihark: Oooh, yes.
Leanne x Leonardo: Weird.
Leanne x Naesala: Of course! This one would have been so cute, too!!! Ughhh.
Leanne x Nealuchi: Makes sense.
Leanne x Nailah: Oooh, Leanne getting to know her sister-in-law, I can dig it.
Leanne x Oliver: Good god, no. No. Burn it with fire.
Leanne x Sanaki: Aww, this could be cute.
Leanne x Tibarn: Leanne teasing her brother-in-law, yes please!
Renning x Lucia: Makes sense.
Renning x Bastian: Of course.
Renning x Vika: Weird. Why??
Leonardo x Micaiah: Okay, sure.
Leonardo x Nolan: Makes sense.
Leonardo x Pelleas: Hmm. Okay.
Leonardo x Skrimir: What, why??
Leonardo x Sothe: Sure, I guess.
Lyre x Nephenee: What?? Weird, but okay, yeah. I kind of want to see where they were going with this.
Lyre x Pelleas: Huh. Another character who would tell Pelleas to grow a spine. I approve.
Lyre x Lethe: Awww. Sister bonding time
Lyre x Astrid: What? Would Lyre be able to convince Astrid to give up on Makalov? If not, I don’t want to hear it.
Lyre x Titania: What???
Lyre x Zihark: Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhh. Yes, actually. I want to read this one.
Rolf x Marcia: A continuation of their supports in PoR, perhaps.
Rolf x Mist: Best buddies.
Rolf x Oscar: Awww. This one would have been so cute and wholesome, I can feel it.
Rolf x Rafiel: Huh? What would they even talk about??
Rolf x Tauroneo: Don’t they have a support convo in PoR? If so, I suppose this would be a continuation of that.
Lucia x Astrid: Can Lucia convince Astrid to give up on Makalov. Pretty please?
Lucia x Bastian: Yeah, I knew this one be here, but I am still disappointed.
Makalov x Marcia: Yeah, makes sense.
Makalov x Naesala: Weird… but okay. I guess I would be curious to see what they intended to do with this one.
Makalov x Astrid: Okay, yeah, I knew this one was coming.
Makalov x Bastian: Huh.
Makalov x Volke: Omg, what??
Marcia x Sigrun: Awww, I bet this would’ve been cute.
Marcia x Astrid: I approve of them being friends.
Marcia x Tanith: Ahaha, I bet this wouldn’t be hilarious.
Marcia x Ulki: Strange, but okay.
Meg x Micaiah: Cute!
Meg x Nephenee: I imagine they know one another, so this makes sense. Maybe Neph used to babysit Meg?
Meg x Astrid: Okay, I approve.
Meg x Vika: Oooh, okay. Unlikely friends, but I approve.
Meg x Zihark: Would it involve them agreeing to be platonic friends? If so, I approve!
Micaiah x Naesala: Yes, please. Give me those literary parallels.
Micaiah x Nailah: Ahaha, yes.
Micaiah x Nolan: Makes sense.
Micaiah x Volug: Again, makes sense.
Micaiah x Rafiel: Omg, this one would be so sweet, I just know it.
Micaiah x Soren: YOOOOOOOOO. Excuse me??? I was DENIED a support convo between Micaiah and Soren??? Excuse me, Radiant Dawn. This is unforgivable. What the fuck. Why would you do this to me. Or, I guess, why would you not give this to me? I have been ROBBED.
Micaiah x Skrimir: Huh. Odd, but I can dig it.
Micaiah x Stefan: Yessssss, please.
Micaiah x Sothe: Of course.
Micaiah x Tauroneo: It makes sense, but man, I can only imagine how boring this conversation would have been.
Micaiah x Tormod: They would share Sothe stories, for sure.
Mist x Oscar: Awww! Wholesomeness for certain.
Mist x Titania: Yes, please.
Mist x Mia: Awwww!! You’re telling me I missed out on a Mist and Mia friendship??
Mordecai x Oliver: Umm. No, actually. I am glad this one never saw the light of day. Mordecai doesn’t deserve that.
Mordecai x Lethe: Makes sense.
Mordecai x Stefan: Good.
Mordecai x Ulki: Sure, why not?
Mordecai x Danved: Aww, okay, yeah. I can see these two becoming friends.
Mordecai x Zihark: Sure.
Muarim x Lethe: Interesting. This one would probably go into the history of laguz slavery and be very sad, but it would be educational, so…
Muarim x Sothe: Muarim attempts to adopt another teenaged orphan.
Muarim x Titania: Okay. I can see this.
Muarim x Tormod: Obviously.
Muarim x Vika: Sure! I want to know what their dynamic is, actually. How did they meet?
Muarim x Zihark: Okay, sure.
Naesala x Nealuchi: I guarantee that there would be at least one usage of the word “Nestling.”
Naesala x Oliver: Omg, actually?? I think this would be interesting to read
Naesala x Rafiel: Naesala tries to warm up to his future brother-in-law. Though, they probably already know each other, right? Maybe Rafiel was a big brother figure to Naesala back in the day?
Naesala x Reyson: Oooh, interesting. I would like to see them be friends again.
Naesala x Sanaki: Oooooh, yes. Cute.
Naesala x Sothe: Hmm. I suppose…?
Naesala x Tibarn: Ahahahaha. Yeah, idk how this would end with Naesala not torn to shreds. But I would have liked to find out!
Naesala x Vika: Ooooh, okay! This could be interesting.
Nasir x Stefan: Hmm. I guess I can see it?
Nasir x Volke: No, too weird.
Nasir x Ulki: I guess??
Nealuchi x Nolan: Okay, actually, I can see this one.
Nealuchi x Rafiel: Oh, yes! I imagine they knew each other once. I would have liked to see Nealuchi get all nostalgic about Rafiel as a young princeling.
Nealuchi x Reyson: Okay, makes sense.
Nealuchi x Tauroneo: Huh.
Nealuchi x Vika: Ooooh, very interesting.
Nephenee x Pelleas: The world’s most awkward conversation. Seriously, what would they even discuss?
Nephenee x Danved: Okay, I can kinda see it.
Nephenee x Zihark: Huh, okay, sure. Why not?
Nailah x Volug: Makes sense.
Nailah x Rafiel: Yesss. I wanted more of them interacting, so yes.
Nailah x Reyson: Nailah trying to impress her brother-in-law? Or would it be the other way around?
Nailah x Tibarn: It would have way too much sexual tension for two people who are in-laws.
Nolan x Sothe: Okay.
Oliver x Rafiel: Ugh. Yeah, okay, I understand why this was planned, but why?? Why do this to Rafiel??? Hasn’t he suffered enough?!??
Oliver x Reyson: Should have seen this one coming. If it doesn’t involve Reyson breaking his fist on Oliver’s face again, I don’t want to read it.
Oliver x Tanith: Why, though???
Oliver x Tormod: No. Absolutely not. Don’t do this to Tormod.
Oliver x Danved: Huh. Okay. Hear me out. It could be funny, especially if Oliver is like “didn’t I hire you once?” and Danved resolutely denies it.
Volug x Rafiel: Sure! I wouldn’t mind seeing them interact.
Volug x Soren: Ummmmmm, what? Actually, no, why? Why was this a planned thing?? What would they even talk about??? Unless it was about… how the branded are treated in Hatari???? Wait actually that would have been sick as fuck.
Volug x Tormod: Sure, this could have been cute!
Volug x Mia: Omg, wait. Yeah, this would have been adorable.
Oscar x Tanith: A continuation of their convos in PoR, no doubt.
Oscar x Titania: Sure, why not?
Oscar x Mia: Omg, yes. I guess I am just a fan of Mia interacting with people in general.
Pelleas x Tauroneo: Hmm, could be interesting, actually.
Rafiel x Tibarn: Rafiel and Tibarn both trying to impress their brother-in-law and both failing at it.
Lethe x Sanaki: Okay, could be cute.
Lethe x Skrimir: Yes, actually. I want to know what their dynamic was like.
Lethe x Zihark: I feel like Zihark has a planned support convo with every beast laguz. I’m not complaining, I’m just pointing it out. This one makes sense, tho.
Reyson x Tanith: Hmmm.
Reyson x Tibarn: Yes, please. Especially if it has some underlining sexual tension.
Reyson x Tormod: Sure, okay.
Reyson x Ulki: Okay, yeah. This could be interesting.
Sanaki x Sigrun: Sanaki and surrogate mom number 1.
Sanaki x Tanith: Sanaki and surrogate mom number 2.
Soren x Skrimir: Ahahaha, yes. Man, I would have liked to have read this one. Sad it doesn’t exist.
Soren x Stefan: Obviously. Do you think Stefan would have tried to convince Soren to go with him again, or no?
Soren x Titania: Awwww!! Wait, no, I really want to read this one.
Sigrun x Skrimir: Huh. Weird, but okay.
Sigrun x Tanith: Awwwww, yes! Man now I’m really sad we didn’t get this.
Skrimir x Tibarn: Omg. Just imagine.
Skrimir x Mia: Yes!! This would’ve been adorable, I just know it.
Stefan x Vika: Okay, could be cool.
Sothe x Astrid: I think they had a support chain in PoR, so I guess this makes sense?
Sothe x Tormod: Awww, buddies catching up!
Sothe x Volke: Odd choice, but okay.
Tauroneo x Volke: What?
Tauroneo x Zihark: Okay, sure.
Titania x Tibarn: Omg, wait. I like this one a lot, actually?
Tibarn x Ulki: Sure.
Tibarn x Mia: Mia trying to duel the King of the Hawks. RIP Mia, but at least you died doing what you loved.
Tormod x Vika: Yes, please!
Tormod x Danved: Sure, why not?
Bastian x Volke: Okay, yeah, this one works.
We kind of ended on a low note there, but anyway. That’s my thoughts on every single planned support in RD. Sad they didn’t have a Ranulf and Soren support planned. Nor a Pelleas and Soren one. And actually, where is the Pelleas and Micaiah support?? Shouldn’t that one be a given????
But I suppose it doesn’t matter, since they left support convos out of the game entirely. Which I get, that would have been A Lot of writing. Still, it’s a shame. Oh, what we could have had…
Anyway, that’s the end of my super duper long post. Thanks to anyone who read the whole thing!
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nerineaart · 5 years
Fan-made merch scouting poll results
You might remember the Fan-made Merch Questionnaire that was circulating some time ago. As responses stopped coming I have now assembled results and will post all of them under the cut in case they might be interesting to some of you. 
As for the pairings that made it into production, the idea was that any pairing that receives 10 or more votes will get in. Not gonna lie, the most popular pairing was somewhat of a surprise:
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So pairings that will get their nuzzle charms are:
Lyn x Florina
Cordelia x Sumia
Maribelle x Lissa
Tibarn x Reyson
Azura x Olivia
Eliwood x Hector
Lissa x Lon’qu
Pairings I will also include because they were either close and I love them, or I was already planning to make them are:
Nephenee x Heather
Elincia x Lucia
Camilla x Hinoka
Odin x Niles
And if I still feel after doing some more after all of that the following ones might get in as well:
Ike x Ranulf
Olivia x Tharja
Olivia x Cordelia
Reyson x Naesala
Once characters are drawn you will be able to combine them in any pairing you want for a little extra payment. Likewise, charm commissions will be available too. Fe:h Camillas are soon to be finished and I am very excited to finally show them off!
So that’s that for my future plans at this moment. 
P.S. the poll is still open here if you wish to keep voting. You might just change this ballot since it will take time to finish the first round of pairings that got in. https://forms.gle/X4PSgqdEfGov5sYx7
Results based on 53 responses.
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It seems that people care about the art-style the most and are willing to even forgive a higher-than-average price if they love the art-style. 
Some of the more frequent answers, when asked if there’s something else that might be discouraging in the same scenario, were: payment type offered, preorders happening at an inconvenient time and the quality of merch being bad (I have never personally encountered any particularly bad quality merch, if someone is willing to elaborate on how do you recognize this before buying that would be interesting to hear). Kudos to that one person that refuses to buy when Niles is drawn with light skin. Same. 
Skimming through each individual answer showed that many are actually willing to forgive art-style if the price is low and freebies are included.
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This should be helpful to any artist opening a store when deciding on prices. I know it cleared some uncertainty for me. 
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TWR zine info, v.2
Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast.
Each individual artwork in this zine features multiple characters from different games spanning across the FE series. Volume two consists of thirty+ full-color illustrated pages by our twenty-two artists and writers (listed below), each featuring combinations chosen by them.
The zine will be printed on a 9"|22.86cm x 6"|15.24cm gloss saddle stitched booklet.
Preorder date: June 2nd - June 30th Release date: Late July - Early August
Contributing artists and writer list:
Celes Eliana Harblkun Garmmy Aurelie A Ale Flamingopunch Jadesnap Doromaya Aquanut Gzeidraws Fabledtactician Mauvelaces Roy Milly Vergara Reri Nickles Narg Red Ortizmi Trashbird
Volume 2 artwork, comics, and prose includes the following FE characters
Heroes: Alphonse, Sharena, Anna, Bruno, Veronica, the Owl Fates: Takumi, Sakura, Camilla, Azura, Hinoka, Kaze, Saizou, Mozu, Hana, Oboro, Effie, Nyx, Hayato, Izana, Kaden, Keaton, Odin, Shigure, Forrest, Nina, Caeldori, Soliel, Anakos Awakening: Tiki, Chrom, Robin, Gaius, Libra, Henry, Sully, Stahl, Donnel Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn: Sanaki, Elincia, Ranulf, Tormod, Ilyana, Rafiel, Edward, Leonardo, Nolan, Heather Sacred Stones: Innes, L’Archel, Forde, Kyle, Ewan Blazing Sword: Hector, Ninian, Lyndis, Guinevere, Priscilla, Lucius, Sain, Kent Genealogy of the Holy War: Altena, Erinys Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem: Tiki, Abel, Cain, Jake, Sirius, Medeus
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mariyekos · 8 years
"would you ship this" ok ok ok hear me out here. heather x elincia. master thief sneaking into the palace to steal some royal goods only to find the Best Royal Good (i totally didn't just pull this ship out of my ass right now)
I mean Heather does have a little speech about Elincia which sounds like more than just some passing appreciation, so...
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