#eliot said fuck canon so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
rxnningfreetoday-a · 5 years
A Series of Nice Things bc We Deserve Them
Set in Eliot's 'I got drunk married to a sports superstar wat do' verse, co-starring aftg's Kevin Day but honestly if you’re just looking for some Nice Eliot & Quentin content after that dumpster fire of a finale, i welcome you with open arms;; verse tag is here, the tl;dr is el accidentally marries a Very Famous Sports Guy while drunk in vegas and shenanigans ensue and they fall in love for real. dedicated ofc to @im-possiblelimits ♥
The 'what am I fucking doing for the rest of my life if magic never comes back' fear comes creeping back on him. 
He and Kevin have multiple important conversations. 
Kevin Day gives the best fucking pep talks ever. Eliot walks away from every hard conversation with him wondering how he got so lucky. 
 Eliot becomes a fashion designer 
 And hes fahcking BALLER at it !!!!!!! 
 He collaborates with Margo for a few collections; they become instant classics. 
 Margo models in like every show. 
Eliot watches in Absolute pride. 
Frankly???? El designs all his dresses for her specifically. 
Routinely he either flies Quentin and Margo out to Chicago or goes to New York and crashes on Margo's couch. 
Obviously Margo and Q stay in The Condo, in Eliot's old room which still houses a good portion of his stuff. 
 Once he starts raking in that Goöd designer cash, he gets them both stupid expensive gifts just cause. 
 "Eliot this bikini top is made from Swarovski fucking crystal" 
"Eliot I CAN'T accept this case of Moët" 
 ........"please just let me love you :( " 
Of fuckin COURSE he gets box seats to a T Swift concert & takes Q along. 
"How did you...?" "I'm making her a dress. Oh yeah, we're meeting tomorrow to consult and you're coming with." " .O." 
 This hurts extra good and cozy bc when Eliot moves from NY he makes Q promise him to always text him a singular emoji if he feels Bad(TM). 
Eliot tells him that he doesn't care what time it is or what he has going on or even how bad Q feels, he'll drop just about anything. 
El always texts back asking if hes up for a phone call. Usually he is; cue Eliot gently asking about what he ate last, how much he's slept, if he's taken his meds. 
One time Q's completely despondent and Eliot starts racking his brain on what the next question should be when it just.......comes out of his mouth;; 
I stay out too late. Got nothing in my brain. That's what people say... 
 "...I had no idea you knew that song." 
 Kevin totally hears him but thinks better of ever saying anything about it. 
 Margo however razzes the hell out of him (only lovingly) 
Suddenly its Eliot taking Kevin to events instead of vice versa and everyone loves him 
Eliot does some of his best sketch work at Kevin's practices. 
Just practices tho, games are too high stakes and theres too many people around.  
He always makes jokes at the end of the season about it being the end of the season for him too bc of that. 
Eliot does try very very hard to balance attending exy games & practices and his own shit. 
He's way more willing to go to a game than go to an event alone; he'd so much rather go with Kevin especially as he cuts his drinking back to almost nothing. 
The exceptions tend to be when Margo (and Q) are in town. He's been known to bring them both. 
 Since its years later and his romantic feelings for Q are p much buried he gets a special kind of resentful about the fact that he can't just take Q to an event without it being An Issue(TM). 
Even when it's the 3 of them, rumors fly. Eliot's extra conscious of his body language at that point and hates that he has to be. 
He gets completely mortified one day bc of a hickey-slip that the press asks Kevin about. 
 "We think Q left it, what do you have to say?" 
 Kevin, raising his eyebrows: "No that was definitely me...." 
Eliot, putting his head in his hands: "Ohhhhh my god....." -Can we get back to politics (please?)- 
Q thinks the rumors are kind of funny He gets asked about it and hes just like "you've SEEN Kevin, right? Like......there's no competing with that, El's a lucky guy." 
Really who doesn't think Kevin's hot?????? ofc Q’s not immune
Idk how but through sheer force of will Q and Kevin become friends 
(or at least friendly-ish, which for Kevin? Fucking huge.) 
Like obviously its nowhere near the level of friendship between Eliot and Q but Somethin noice happens there however many years later. 
Q goes thru a bad breakup sometime down the line. Eliot asks Kevin if it's okay to fly him in. 
Kevin patiently tells him that he doesn't need to ask that anymore. 
 Eliot's floored bc hes never actually been with a guy who was so secure????? It gives him a lot of feelings about being trusted and loved and accepted for who he is and how he expresses his affection. 
 Idk all I can think of is it being like Friday night and the 3 of them are on the couch together. 
Q's sad and sleepy, his head on Eliot's lap, barely registering the Buffy episode El put on. Eliot's leaning against Kevin's shoulder, one hand holding his and the other absently playing with Q's hair, snarking lovingly every few minutes about the campiness. 
 Q apologizes to Kevin privately later on because oh god his head was just in his husband's lap and that's Super Weird, sorry.... 
That's probably about the time Kevin decides earnestly that Q's alright.   
Idk how but SOMEHOW Eliot's left with a toddler for a minute and we all cry together in this chili's 
 I decided its Q's, let Q be a dad tbh. He's together with Eliot's makeup artist who was a single father before Q came into their lives. 
 Anyway Eliot’s sketching--like always. He hands over his notebook for color palette planning and a few colored pencils. "You wanna color with me?" 
 Everything's fine until bab starts Screamin.   
 (Gentle voice) "What's wrong?" [Screaming] "You hungry?" [No.] "Are you thirsty?" [No] "Are you tired?" [Soft affirmative noises] "Let's take a little nap then."   
 Eliot just picks bab up with so much care and love in his eyes, holding them gently and off on a mission to find either a guardian or a soft reclining chair. 
Kevin witnesses all of this and is probably pretty sure he's never seen anything more wholesome in his damn life. 
 Kevin's most likely the one who suggests kids  (I'm guessing he's retired) 
Eliot probably would have but he just doesn't even think about it?? And then Kevin says in so many words that he'd be a good father and Eliot just about loses it 
 I can't decide if their kid's definitely a jock or definitely not a jock. Maybe they're a dancer? 
Regardless, they're both endlessly supportive 
 Eliot of fucking Course joins the PTA. 
His gym buddies flip their collective shits. 
 He's really out here advocating for good sex ed & preserving arts in schools bc hes a fuckin hero 
 Also family vacations to Everywhere but especially beachy places!!
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