elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
1. things you said at 1 am
Elisabeth and Noah barely communicated during their first day together. She’s grieving. When Noah found her covered in blood on the cave floor, his priority was making sure she wasn’t injured. He knelt down beside her, taking off his plastic slicker.
‘are you hurt?’ he signed. Elisabeth shakes her head.
Of course Noah knew that Peter would die, but it’s still slightly jarring to realize he might be the only person alive looking out for her. Noah takes his spare set of clothes from his bag and places them next to Elisabeth.
Noah mimes writing something down, and Elisabeth takes out the notebook from her pocket and gives it to Noah. Her hands are cold and quivering, and leave red splotches of blood on his.
Noah writes, ‘You should change. These clothes are dirty and you should be clean so you do not get sick.’
Elisabeth hesitates for a moment, then nods. Noah turns around to let her change, and a few moments later she taps him on the shoulder to turn around again. The clothes are too big for her, they hang loosely off her narrow frame, but they’ll do for the time being.
Noah pours some of his drinking water onto an old washcloth and passed it to Elisabeth, gesturing at her face. She complies, wiping the blood off her face.
Noah writes down, ‘Do you want to talk about what happened?’
Elisabeth shudders and shakes her head. Noah mimes sleeping the same way she did when they talked in the Kahnwald house. Elisabeth shakes her head again.
Noah stays up all night with her. Neither of them sign or write anything down. Elisabeth can’t sleep, adrenaline still coursing through her veins. Her eyes are bloodshot and wide, her hair matted to her scalp with sweat.
Noah finally writes something on the notebook.
‘Would you like me to hold you?’
Elisabeth doesn’t say anything, but she slowly moves so she is sitting next to Noah, and buries her head in his shoulder. Noah gently strokes her hair, humming a song he remembers his mother singing when he was little. Elisabeth’s body is shaking with sobs. Her hands are curled tightly into the sleeve of his sweater, and Noah feels as if his heart is shattering watching her suffer.
Many minutes later, Noah remembers that Elisabeth can’t hear him. He stops humming, which causes Elisabeth’s head to shoot up from its place on his shoulder.
‘Don’t stop!’ she signs, her movements fast and sharp. Elisabeth takes the notebook from his hand and writes, ‘I can feel the vibration.’
Noah nods, and begins to hum. Elisabeth rests her head on his shoulder once again, her breathing slowing. Noah absently strokes her hair until she falls asleep. He now understands what his older self had told him about his destiny. Noah’s destiny is to protect Elisabeth Doppler.
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth modern au
part 1/?
they would meet while elisabeth was in university
she would be getting her bachelor’s degree in political science and noah would be getting his phd in religious studies
noah would be a ta in her class, and they would end up spending a lot of time together because he was the only one in the class who could speak sign language
silja definitely taught him when he was little! for some reason i really think in a modern au silja would be a psychic or fortune teller, so she had strong instincts that noah would need to speak sign language one day
bartosz did not understand why she taught him, but he tried to learn a few phrases as well
anyways back to noah and eli!
their relationship would progress really slowly
jonas is noah’s roommate
and he knew elisabeth when they were kids
so he was very fed up with them not talking about their obvious feelings
noah would be really nervous bc she’s 19 and he’s 27
elisabeth would make the first move
she would wait around a year before she got fed up with them not being together
jonas would wait about a month before he would get fed up with noah and eli not being together
elisabeth would ask noah if he thought she was pretty
noah would get really flustered
he would carefully sign that he thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever met
elisabeth would think for a moment, and then pull him into a kiss
when they finally pulled apart for air, they would rest their foreheads together and catch their breath
jonas would walk in and immediately cheer
that would startle noah, and he would move away from elisabeth out of reflex, but elisabeth immediately kissed him again
eli would flip jonas off
jonas didn’t understand much sign language, but he understood that
he left the room
noah says that he loves elisabeth as soon as jonas leaves the room
eli just grins and kisses him again
eli steals noah’s clothes all the time
especially his soft sweaters and shirts
noah teases her about it, but the sight of elisabeth asleep curled up in his sweater is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
they worry about each other a lot
noah’s seen a lot of shitty things happen to good people, and he gets really stressed out if eli is going somewhere she doesn’t know anyone
eli just reassured him that she’ll be okay and gives him a kiss
eli worries that noah doesn’t take care of himself, he can sometimes genuinely forget to eat or rest, so she and jonas make sure to check up on him
noah has a lot of nightmares. eli calms him down by gently stroking his back and leaving butterfly kisses on his neck and shoulder
elisabeth first tells noah that she loves him about a month into their relationship
this is one of the only mornings in their relationship where eli wakes up first
the light through the window illuminates noah’s tattoo and makes his hair appear to be golden
eli is running her fingers up and down his bare back, and she traces ‘i love you,’ into his skin.
noah wakes up a few minutes after, he rolls over and pulls eli into his arms
he kisses her forehead and she signs ‘i love you,’
noah cries
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
Can I ask you for a little jonas and mikkel relation father / son headcanons like you did for magnus and katharina ? Does mikkel was aware as a father too, that jonas /martha had a crush on martha / jonas ? (I love your writting so much ♡ it makes me want to draw more...)
jonas & mikkel headcanons
a/n: adult mikkel is referred to as michael in this! it got really confusing once mikkel was born
thank you so much! i hope u like it <3
also this is basically just mikkel having déjà vu and jonas being an adorable child who is obsessed with cats
so michael doesn’t really remember much about before he was adopted
because of the drugs
fuck you ines
but he has hazy memories of a blonde boy in a yellow raincoat who was nice to him
when hannah was pregnant she asked him what he wanted to name the baby
in his mind, the name katharina was all that came up
which he thought was weird
because katharina nielsen didn’t like them very much
and he definitely wouldn’t be able to explain that she was his mom
hannah was wearing a yellow dress, and when she moved to clear the plates mikkel mistook her for the blonde boy
it felt as though this had already happened
“i think jonas is a beautiful name,” michael said
hannah nodded, turning her head to smile at him
“i like it too,”
when jonas was born, michael and hannah were both really stressed out
he was premature
and both of them were terrified of messing up
when michael looked into jonas’s wide blue eyes
he knew that being a father was what he was meant to be
michael really didn’t like the hospital
it made him uncomfortable
but he stayed for a few nights because hannah was scared
she barely slept, she just watched jonas to make sure he was breathing and safe
when the doctors finally let them go home they were both even more stressed out
jonas was an almost scarily quiet baby
he barely cried
the first night back in the house, michael made hannah go rest
she hadn’t slept in almost 72 hours
so mikkel stayed up with baby jonas
whenever jonas would cry, he would get up to rock him back to sleep
a few months later, katharina and ulrich had their second child
as soon as hannah told him her name was martha, he almost dropped jonas
when jonas was starting preschool
he and hannah took him shopping for a raincoat
jonas picked a yellow one
which made michael almost faint
he wasn’t sure why
but on the way home, jonas held both his and hannah’s hands and jumped in the puddles
and michael felt like the image of a boy in a yellow raincoat in the rain felt familiar
but hannah noticed he was zoning out so she kissed his cheek
and so he forgot about the déjà vu
baby jonas was obsessed with cats
and baby bartosz was really nice AND had a very old and cranky cat named marigold
aka jonas’s favourite kind of cat
when jonas made friends with bartosz in kindergarten, that also meant he was friends with magnus and martha
it felt wrong to see jonas making googly eyes at martha
michael felt weird with both magnus and martha around
but this just felt straight up disturbing
he couldn’t tell anyone that martha and jonas were related because no one would believe him
jonas was a very empathetic child
he could tell if something was off or someone was sad
and he could tell his dad was sad when magnus and martha came over
so most of the time he went to their house
when marigold died, jonas cried a lot
aleksander and regina has her cremated
and michael had a cat funeral with jonas and bartosz in the backyard
they both cried and hugged each other
michael thought that even though the cat was gone
they still had each other
michael tried to avoid going to the nielsens
the older they all got, the more familiar they looked
but when mikkel was born, hannah offered to watch martha and magnus
and she made michael come with her to drop off all the kids
martha and jonas held hands in the backseat
“aren’t they a little too young for that?” michael asked, scrunching up his face in discomfort
he knew it wasn’t the age, but something was wrong
he knew he was ulrich and katharinas son
but he didn’t really remember his siblings in great deatail
hannah just laughed
she assumed he was just being overprotective of his baby
magnus was very awkwardly sitting next to martha and jonas
anyways, when they got there, ulrich let magnus and martha say hello to their new baby brother
and then he asked if hannah and michael could watch mikkel while he checked on katharina, who had immediately fallen asleep after giving birth
hannah had to go to the bathroom
so it was just him and this little baby who looked a lot like his baby jonas had looked
michael felt lightheaded
he was meeting himself
thankfully, a few minutes later ulrich returned and took mikkel back from his arms
jonas was distracted during all of this
because he had spotted a street cat through the window
he loved cats
on the way back home, jonas pleaded for a cat
but hannah said no, and their collective parenting style was too at least try to agree
michael felt weird
it was like time was running out
he couldn’t sleep
but he heard a crash from downstairs and went to check if there was an intruder
it was just jonas
he had dropped a glass bottle of milk
“i was thirsty,” he mumbled, looking down at his socks, “i’m sorry,”
“no don’t apologize!” michael said quickly, “next time, just wake me up and i’ll pour you a glass.”
after michael had cleaned up the mess he poured jonas a glass of water and brought him back upstairs
“why were you up?” michael spoke softly, “it’s late.”
“i had a nightmare,” jonas whispered
“it was that you left me and mama and i was all alone.”
“that’s never going to happen, sweet boy,” michael combed jonas’s soft blond hair back from his forehead. “i would never leave you or mama.”
“can you stay with me until i fall asleep?” jonas asked
that felt weirdly familiar, but michael brushed off the feeling
the most important thing was too be here with his son
everything else didn’t matter in comparison
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth modern au
part 4/?
2 months after their honeymoon, eli has been throwing up a lot but doesn’t really seem sick
eli insists that it’s just the flu, but noah worries so they go to the doctor
the doctor tells them that elisabeth is pregnant!
they are both overjoyed
they both start crying, and eli gently places their foreheads together and moves noah’s hand to rest on her stomach
when noah and eli get home noah starts to panic
he doesn’t know what to do and how to deal with it and he’s worried the baby will resent him and that he’ll be a terrible father
eli signs everything will be okay. you will be the best father in the world
martha is the first person to know
not because they told her, but as soon as she sees eli she can just tell
they tell their parents when eli is 4 months along, just to be safe
charlotte and bartosz are both overjoyed
franziska and magnus love babies, so they’re excited too!
peter is a little upset, but he pretends he’s happy for elisabeth’s sake
he know that noah will take care of her
they tell jonas last
he cries
he’s so so happy that they’re having a baby!
jonas is like the baby whisperer, babies love him
martha already knew, but she pretends to be surprised
noah and elisabeth decorate the nursery when eli is about 6 months along
they paint the walls a soft yellow, and set up a crib and dresser
they decide that they want jonas and franziska to be the baby’s godparents
noah and eli tell them a few hours before the baby shower
franziska is so happy! she now gets to be the fun aunt and the fun godmother
jonas is really excited
he cries a little bit, but mostly he’s too happy to cry
magnus takes this to mean that he will be the baby’s step-godfather, which noah and eli did not mean to happen
they try to explain, but magnus is too excited so they let it slide
charlotte is born very prematurely
so noah and eli are both really scared
labour is really long and painful
eli clings to noah’s hand very tightly
he doesn’t complain, he knows that it’s nothing compared to the pain she’s enduring
as soon as charlotte is placed in elisabeth’s arms, they both cry
she’s so tiny
after feeding charlotte, elisabeth passes her to noah
he immediately tears up again
she looks up at him with her big eyes and reaches a tiny hand to latch onto his finger
noah just gazes at her
he can’t believe he helped create something so precious
her full name is charlotte silja tauber
a little while later, they let jonas and franziska meet her
jonas cries too
he’s the first person to point out that she had noah’s eyes
franziska rarely cries
but as soon as she sees that sweet baby, she tears up
after charlotte meets their parents, they both fall asleep in the hospital bed
when they take charlotte home, noah is unbelievably stressed out
he doesn’t want anything to happen to her
elisabeth is so sweet and gentle with the baby and noah
elisabeth shows charlotte around the house
charlotte sleeps in a bassinet next to their bed for the first month
every night noah sings charlotte lullabies
most of them are songs silja sang to him when he was a baby
elisabeth is on maternity leave, but noah takes a few months off work as well
if charlotte wakes up crying at night, he goes to comfort her
he figures it’s the least he could do
jonas, martha, franziska, and magnus come over often
charlotte LOVES jonas
she giggles whenever he holds her
franziska always brings presents for charlotte
her and jonas always bicker over who gets to hold charlotte first
while they’re arguing, usually magnus has already picked up charlotte and is playing peek a boo with her
he takes his role as step-godfather very seriously
noah and elisabeth take charlotte into the backyard a lot
she likes looking at all the flowers and plants
charlotte looks really similar to how noah looked as a baby
bartosz brought over some of noah’s baby photos
he loves holding charlotte
she reminds him of silja
noah keeps a polaroid of him, charlotte and elisabeth in his wallet
jonas took the picture
whenever he feels sad, he just looks at the photo and everything feels okay again
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth modern au
part 3/?
noah and eli eventually get their own place, a little house not far from eli’s dads house
it’s a bit of a fixer upper, but they manage. eli puts lots of soft blankets and books and trinkets everywhere, but noah doesn’t have many belongings except for a little memory box
eli grows a garden! it mostly has vegetables and herbs for her and noah to cook with
they hang photos everywhere! pictures of them together, them and jonas, lots of pictures of the dopplers
eli finds an old photo of noah, agnes, bartosz, and silja
when she asks noah if they can have it framed, he just smiles and kisses her
there are quite a few photos of silja around the house, and as noah and bartosz become closer again, noah puts up an old picture of bartosz with baby noah
eli signs that young bartosz looks like noah
noah just replies that agnes looks more like bartosz
both of them wonder what their kids will look like, but neither of them tells the other person
noah really wants their kids to look like eli, with soft blonde hair and doe eyes
eli wants their kids to have noah’s blue eyes, but she thinks that her kids will probably end up with blonde or red hair
noah knew he wanted to marry elisabeth from the first moment they met
shortly after eli turns 22, noah asks bartosz for his mother’s engagement ring
it’s a simple gold band with a small diamond in the center
noah asks for both charlotte and peter’s blessing
he knows that elisabeth is her own person and can make her own decisions, but he’s old fashioned and at least wants to know if they approve
he would have proposed even if they didn’t
charlotte immediately says that he has her blessing and hugs him
peter is very quiet
noah is very nervous, but peter doesn’t look mad, he just looks lost in thought
he’s a little worried that since eli is only 24 and noah is 32, that she’s too young and will regret it
eventually he says that he doesn’t approve of noah, but he still has his blessing because he wants eli to be happy and she’s the happiest he’s ever seen her when she’s with noah
noah also asks for franziska’s blessing
she just grins and tells him he’s an idiot and should have proposed to elisabeth a long time ago
noah tells jonas and martha, who offer to help him plan the proposal
because jonas and martha are the king and queen of big romantic gestures
a lot of the more extravagant plans they come up with just don’t feel right
so noah decides to just wait for the right moment
a month later he gets it
it’s a bright sunday morning, and eli walks back inside from the garden, her yellow sundress twirling around her
the straps are bright against her pale skin, and the edge of the skirt just falls above her knees
her hair looks golden in the sunlight, and her eyes are bright as she beams at him
noah knows he will remember this moment for the rest of his life
he falls to one knee in front of her, pulling the ring from his pocket
elisabeth’s eyes widen as she sees the ring
noah starts to sign slowly saying, all my life, i had waited to feel like i belonged somewhere. my mother told me one day i would find someone who would become home to me. she said that it was my destiny. i lost faith over the years, but when i saw you, i knew that she was right. you are the single most important person to me, and i love you more than anything. you are my home. you are my destiny. elisabeth, will you marry me?
eli frantically signs yes, and he quickly slides the ring onto her finger before she captures his lips in a kiss
they get married about a month later
it’s a small ceremony in their backyard, the only guests are their families, magnus, martha and jonas, and agnes, who noah hasn’t seen in years but eli insists they should invite her
eli’s dress is really simple but gorgeous and she wears one of those old fashioned veils
they write their own vows
noah cries when eli walks down the aisle
but jonas cries more
martha keeps tissues in her purse for him, so it’s okay
noah immediately leans forward to kiss eli when she reaches the altar, but restrains himself
everyone laughs, even jonas, who is still crying
i think charlotte would perform the ceremony
also just to clarify, charlotte is just eli’s mom in this au, not her daughter as well
charlotte doesn’t finish saying “you may kiss the bride” because noah’s already sweeped eli into his arms to kiss her
they have the reception in their house
eli is perched on noah’s lap the whole time
charlotte and bartosz get along really well
they bond over how much they love their children and daughter/son in law
jonas is noah’s best man
he tries really hard not to cry during his speech
if you’ve seen himym, it’s kind of like when ted gives toasts at his friends weddings, except no one films it
jonas practiced the speech in sign language so elisabeth could understand it too
he tells the story of the day noah and eli first met
and how when noah got back to the apartment he was all blushy and smily
noah told jonas that he met a girl
jonas was confused because in all of their years of being close friends, noah’s never shown romantic interest in anyone
so he knew eli must have been someone special
he talks about how much he loves both of them, and how happy he is that they’re together
jonas cries a lot during this speech
noah cries too
jonas leans down to where they’re sitting and hugs them both really tightly
franziska is elisabeth’s maid of honour, but she didn’t really want to give a speech
to be honest, eli didn’t want her to give a speech either
their first dance is really slow and noah keeps leaning down to kiss her
after their first dance, they slip away for a while
noah kissed eli long and with passion in a room hidden away
jonas finds them, giggling and pulling them back to the party
he’s a little tipsy
magnus whoops and hollers when he sees them
franziska punches his arm
noah’s hair is all messed up and his tie is undone
eli’s veil is gone, her hair is loose around her shoulders
noah thinks she looks even more like an angel than before
they dance a lot after that
eli and peter have their father-daughter dance, and peter apologizes for being so harsh with noah
eli signs back that it’s okay, she understands
noah and agnes dance together, and all their past grudges are put aside at least for the time being
eli and jonas take turns twirling the other person around
they fall over a lot and dissolve into giggles
the party fizzles out, and most people are gone by midnight
jonas and martha are the last to leave
jonas is drunk and really wants to stay
but martha insists, and he gives in very easy to her
she understands that noah and eli probably don’t want to spend their wedding night taking care of a very drunk and very emotional jonas
the next morning, they leave for their honeymoon
they spend about 5 days in a cabin in the woods
it’s wonderful
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
49. giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
for @21stcenturyamericanidiot000 thank you for being so patient with me! it’s a little bit short, and is set in an alternate reality where the events in the show don’t happen until they are adults. I hope you like it!
Martha was illuminated by the moonbeams that snuck through the curtains as she paced the empty living room. The red rug underneath her slippered feet was worn from use. She thought of the day she and Jonas had bought it, from an old second hand store in Winden. He had taken a liking to it immediately, for a reason she had never understood. Martha wished he was here now.
It had passed midnight hours ago, and Jonas had left at seven to visit his mother and promised to be back by eleven. Martha couldn’t help but worry. Her mother had always said Winden was a black hole, devouring everything in its reach. Perhaps she had started to believe it too.
The lock clicked and Martha was started out of her thoughts. He was back. She rushed to the door and engulfed him in her arms. He staggered back for a moment but pulled her closer to him once he had regained his balance.
“Is everything alright?” he whispered.
“Yes,” Martha pulled back to look him in the eyes. “Everything is fine now.”
He smiled softly and pulled the door shot behind him.
“What took you so long?” She questioned. Jonas let out a very exaggerated sigh.
“Mama wasn’t home, so I had to go looking for her.” He collapsed into the armchair in the living room, “She’s fine now, but swears she saw someone watching her. A hooded figure or something.”
“Well, that’s probable,” Martha scoffed. “Nothing ever happens here.” Jonas nodded in agreement.
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth modern au
part 2/?
a/n: this is kind of just world building & character study, but since this is an au, i think it’s necessary. i have to adapt a lot of their storylines and families to work in a modern setting, so this clears a lot of confusion up! <3
about 2 months into their relationship, they met each other’s parents
charlotte is only elisabeth’s mom, not her daughter
charlotte and noah hit it off
franziska was wary at first because of the age difference, but when she tried to give noah the shovel talk he would explain how much he cared for eli and how he would never hurt her
peter hates noah
like HATES hates
no one is good enough for eli in his opinion, and the age difference makes him uncomfortable
he would eventually warm up to noah, but it took years
bernadette would get along with noah quite well though!
charlotte and peter got divorced about a year after charlotte found out about the affair
they’re still friends though, and they have a monthly family dinner with eli and franziska
noah and magnus are honorary family members (not to peter, but charlotte is the head of the family and she likes both noah and magnus)
noah and magnus join family dinner!
noah doesn’t see his dad very often
silja died in childbirth with agnes, but he takes elisabeth to her grave and introduces them in that way
noah visits his mom’s grave every week, and eli comes with him every second week
she understands that people sometimes need space to grieve
noah hasn’t seen his dad in around 10 years, but eli really wants to meet him so noah reaches out
bartosz is so happy to hear from noah
the three of them have dinner together, and bartosz remembers a bit of the sign language silja taught him
he refers to noah as hanno which makes noah tense up
after his mom died, his dad tried his best, but hanno and agnes were eventually put in foster care
they ended up living in a church orphanage
hanno started going by noah because the kids there would make fun of his name sounding like hannah
when he was little sometimes silja would refer to him as noah, so he started going by that
anyways back to the dinner!
it would be really awkward at first
because eli knows how noah feels about his father, but also really wants them to get along
bartosz and elisabeth have a lot in common, so the conversation flows nicely
sometimes noah translates, but bartosz knows enough to communicate, and when he doesn’t know how to say something he writes it down
bartosz apologizes to noah at the end of dinner
he says that silja’s death wrecked him emotionally, but that was no excuse for being a bad father
noah nods, and when him and eli leave he and bartosz shake hands and noah asks if he would like to come over to his apartment to have dinner with him and eli next week
bartosz almost cries
he knows noah isn’t ready to hug him, but he and eli hug!
noah and eli hold hands the whole way home, and eli makes sure that he feels alright
noah just smiles softly and signs how grateful he was to have her in his life
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
also, in those prompt list, could u do no.9 for noah x elisabeth? i love them and i love ur writing!! 🥺🥰
thank you so much! it means a lot
9. things you said when i was crying
One week.
It had been one week.
One week since her father had died, since the Monster has tried to do unspeakable things to her, one week since she had started living in the caves.
It felt like it had been years.
Noah hadn’t pushed her to do anything. He let her sit and sob and mourn, and gently sat down next to her to hold her hand when she wanted to. Elisabeth appreciated his caution, even though she didn’t tell him what the Monster tried to do to her. Franziska always used to say that men shouldn’t have to be scared into acting decent, they just should be. Elisabeth thought a lot about Franziska. Her long red hair, her effortless beauty, how she could name almost every star. But most of all, Elisabeth thought about how Franziska was fearless.
Noah sat down beside her, startling her out of her thoughts. He pulled the notebook out of his pocket.
‘I was thinking we should bury your father, if you want’
Elisabeth simply nodded. Noah gently helped her up, and motioned for her to put on her face covering.
The walk to the trailer wasn’t far, but it felt as though hours had passed when they arrived. Noah kicked the door open and Elisabeth followed him, her footsteps light compared to his. As soon as she entered the trailer, her whole body became tense. She felt frozen.
They came across the Monster’s body first. Noah seemed to put the pieces together as soon as he saw the corpse. He gave it a hard kick. Elisabeth tugged gently on his arm, leading him away.
Her father’s body was next. He could have been sleeping, if not for the rod shoved in his neck and the cold lifeless eyes. Her eyes filled with tears. Elisabeth sobbed, falling to her knees in front of the corpse. The smell of it made her choke and keel over. She could feel a hand in hers, and jerked away out of reflex. But when she turned, it was only Noah. She reached for him, collapsing into his arms. He just held her close.
After what felt like forever, Noah had gently ushered her out of the trailer and motioned that she wait outside. A few minutes later he emerged with a body bag. Elisabeth shut her eyes. She didn’t want to think about her father being dragged. She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.
Noah signed, ‘Where would you like to bury him?’
Elisabeth motioned to the forest. She gently took his hand in hers. Noah’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. She let him lead her towards the forest, and tried not to look at the body bag.
It took a long time to dig the grave. Elisabeth marked it with a large smooth stone until she could come back with something proper. Noah pulled a little crocheted ornament out of his pocket and placed it on the rock.
‘My mother made it,’ he signed carefully. Elisabeth chose not to ask questions. He didn’t make her say anything, it would be unfair to force him.
When they arrived at the cave, the sky was dark. They were both too tired to eat, so Elisabeth just sat up on her bedroll and faced Noah.
‘Did I kill him?’ Elisabeth signed slowly, ‘My father,’
She couldn’t hear Noah, but she could see his lips frantically moving, mouthing ‘no, no, no,’
‘Franziska would have saved him,’ she said, her eyes once again filling with tears, ‘He would have lived,’
Noah carefully signed back, ‘There was nothing you could have done,’
Elisabeth covered her face with her hands, the tears coming once again. When Noah moved closer this time, she didn’t flinch. He wouldn’t hurt her. She felt Noah’s calloused hands prying hers away from her face.
His hands raised to sign, ‘You couldn’t have done anything else. You did everything you could have. It is not your fault.’
Elisabeth’s breathing slowed. She didn’t know what to say.
‘Thank you Noah,’ She signed. Noah glanced down, his eyes looking almost conflicted. His hands moved slowly as he told her:
‘My name is Hanno,’
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
I love your headcanons (and writing) so much!! If you have time pls do one about little Hanno’s childhood 🥺
hanno’s childhood headcanons
i hope u like it!
okay so when silja gave birth to him she named him hanno
siljas memories of her own childhood are hazy
but she remembers her mother being named something like hanno or hannah
and she wanted to honour her mom’s memory
we all saw the look on bartosz’s face when hanno was born
he clearly knows that his son will become noah
this makes him very uncomfortable around the baby
so mostly silja took care of him
bartosz refused to tell silja why he didn’t want to be around the baby
she thought maybe it had something to do with the fact that he apparently knew her mother
baby hanno is so cute
be can be a little fussy
but he’s also a very happy child
he giggles a lot
whenever silja enters a room he reaches for her
silja tells him lots of stories
she knows he can’t understand her yet, but it feels nice to finally say them out loud
she tells him that adam is her brother and she’s from the future
she tells him how her mother died
even though hanno did not understand her, he squirmed when she told that story
she tells him that her parents haven’t even been born yet
and that she was taken care of by a deaf woman in the future
i think that silja knows hanno will eventually be with her
she’s not stupid
bartosz tries his best, he really does
he takes hanno for walks and gets up to rock him back to sleep in the middle of the night
but he just can’t get it out of his head that his son will become noah
franziska and magnus babysit a lot
so silja and bartosz can have date night
hanno adores franziska
he totally had a little kid crush on her
he also used to tell people he wanted to be magnus when he grew up
silja would sing to hanno a lot
mostly lullabies
his earliest memory is her singing to him
it’s very fuzzy, but he remembers a woman’s voice, and long dark hair
silja teaches him sign language
or at least tries too
she knows he’ll need it one day
hanno only remembers a little, but it makes all the difference when he meets elisabeth
when silja dies things start to go badly
bartosz is absolutely distraught
and hanno feels like his heart has shattered into a thousand pieces
bartosz spends less and less time at home
so hanno and agnes are mostly taken care of by magnus and franziska
which means they’re also taken care of by adam
hanno used to cry and try to run whenever he saw adam
but now he just felt sorry for him
adam had the same look in his eyes that bartosz did, this sort of sadness or pain that never leaves you
hanno adores agnes
he dotes on her
when bartosz is home, he doesn’t pay much attention to hanno or agnes
he drinks and repairs that car and mostly just stares blankly at the wall
hanno tried to spend time with his dad
but every time he asks bartosz if he can take him somewhere, or teach hanno how to fix cars, bartosz always says no
sometimes he stays the night at magnus and franziska’s
he likes it there
it’s really warm and cozy, and he feels like he and agnes are safer there
bartosz refuses to talk about silja
but franziska tells hanno lots of stories about his mom
hanno liked exploring adam’s office/lair
he was only caught one time
he was looking at the picture of the three worlds, with adam interrupted him
“did you find something interesting?”
hanno jumped, and was about to apologize, but adam cut him off
“it’s alright, it’s good to be curious.” adam took a seat on the green sofa and gestured to the chair across from him. hanno sat on it hesitantly
“do you know how important you are?” adam asks him slowly.
hanno scrunches up his face in confusion
adam smiles, which hanno didn’t think he was capable of until now
“you will lead the others to paradise,”
hanno has heard of paradise before
silja talked about it, magnus and franziska talked about it, bartosz scoffed at it
“you will make the world new again. it depends on you.”
to a child whose father ignored him
to a child who felt unloved
this was pivotal
for the first time in his life, hanno felt important
he spent a lot of time at adam’s after that
he started to stay most nights at magnus and franziska’s
bartosz didn’t seem to notice
or maybe he just didn’t care
hanno stopped caring to please his father
he had done that for 13 years, his whole life
he knew his father would never love him, what was the point in trying to make him
adam told hanno that he was destined for great things
but he had to be patient until it was time to do those great things
so hanno waited
he got a job at the local tavern, he tried to save money for agnes in case he left to become a traveler
in 1920, a man came looking for a place to sleep
the man looked at hanno as if he knew him
hanno thought the man looked like his father
a few days after that, adam told hanno that if he was to accomplish these great things, he needed a new name
he had to stop being the lonely orphan boy and become someone else
just as the sad blond boy had become adam
adam called him noah
he said that noah saved people, he led them away from pain and sorrow
he said that is what hanno had to do
so that is what noah did
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
Hey there! I really like your works, especially the Magnus & Franziska one. Could you maybe do some more with them? Perhaps something to do with how friends/family would react to them because I really enjoyed your baby Magnus and Katrina post! Love the blog x
franziska meets magnus’s family
i hope u like it! also i’m totally going to write separate headcanons for franziska and magnus as a couple, but i’m really in my nielsen family feels right now
as soon as katharina found out magnus had a girlfriend, she insisted he invite her over for dinner
okay so of course franziska knows the nielsens, but she’s never really been around them as magnus’s girlfriend
she’s a little nervous, but we all know franziska doesn’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of her
magnus is excited
but he’s also way more nervous than franziska
he really really wants them all to like her
he totally calls a family meeting to discuss off limit topics
they include: sex, starvation, lego (mikkel gets really intense about it), her parents, & religion
martha just fights everything he tries to put off limits
not because she wants to talk about those things, but because it’s really easy to make magnus upset
katharina thinks the list is unnecessary
she’s going to ask about a lot of those things even if magnus says they’re off limits
mikkel isn’t really paying attention, bht magnus says he can do magic tricks so he’s okay with the list
ulrich is 100000% done with his kids calling family meetings
they do it way too often
and it’s totally for stuff like “mikkel stepped on my foot so i’m not speaking to him for a week,’
it’s canon that martha and franziska don’t really get along
but they try, for magnus
mikkel already likes franziska
he thinks she’s the coolest person he’s ever met
she actually pays attention to his magic tricks and genuinely looks interested
ulrich is probably the most neutral family member
he likes franziska, and he doesn’t make a big deal about magnus dating someone
unlike katharina
who makes a huge deal out of it
her baby boy has a girlfriend! of course she’s gonna freak out
it’s canon that katharina would kill/seriously injure anyone who tried to date her kids if the relationship was inappropriate in some way
honestly if i was katharina, and i saw my teenage daughter hanging out with a middle aged man who is also her nephew, i would freak out too
she knows franziska of course
but she’s never had a real conversation with her
i feel like their dynamic would be really interesting
they’re really similar: both independent, outspoken, impulsive, distance themselves from their parents, rebelled as teenagers,
katharina is very very passive aggressive
but after a while she realizes how great franziska is
and they get along great
mikkel forces the family to watch a magic show
because it’s mikkel
it’s actually really good
everyone gets really into it, and katharina completely forgets about the pie she has in the oven
it burns and part of the oven catches on fire
ulrich puts it out quickly, but katharina frets about everyone and cannot stop apologizing
they order pizza instead
martha and franziska like the same kind, so at least they have one thing in common
they watch a movie after, and martha sobs like a baby
she hardly ever cries in movies, but the dog dies and that makes her feel very sad
magnus offers to let franziska stay over, but both ulrich and katharina veto that immediately
so she just gives magnus a kiss and says she’ll see him tomorrow
the nielsens all have varying opinions on if the dinner was a success or a failure
katharina cannot get past the burnt dinner. she tends to focus on little details of mistakes she made, because she thinks she deserves to feel bad about them. ulrich is always quick to reassure her that she does not deserve any of the abuse her mom inflicted on her. katharina really likes franziska though! but overall: failure
ulrich thinks the dinner went well! it was definitely one of their better family meals, there was only one fire, only one person cried, and mikkel went to bed early. success!
martha has an okay time. she doesn’t really like franziska, but she makes magnus happy so martha tolerates her. she’s pretty broken up about the movie though. she thought the fire was hilarious! she was practically in tears at how hard she was laughing. it’s overall a failure for her though
mikkel has a great time! he loves franziska, he thinks she’s awesome. everyone was really invested in the magic show, they got pizza, they saw a movie, and he got to stay up an hour past his bedtime! definitely a success
magnus thinks it went really well! they all liked franziska, and she climbed through his window once the family thought she left. his vote: success!
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth domestic ship meme!
who reaches out to new neighbors
elisabeth! noah isn’t great with small talk, and tends to be shy and closed off to people he doesn’t know
who remembers to buy healthy food
noah for sure
who remembers to buy junk food
elisabeth! noah isn’t really a sweets person, but she always makes sure to get the licorice he likes
who fixes the oven when it breaks
noah! but elisabeth helps
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
elisabeth usually, but she forgets about it 1/3 of the time, so then noah does it
who wakes up earlier
noah! he’s used to having to get up early
who makes the bed
noah, he can’t stand it when things aren’t neat
who makes the coffee
noah makes coffee for elisabeth almost every morning, unless she wakes up first
who burns breakfast
elisabeth! noah can be ... distracting
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
they give each other a quick goodbye kiss, and noah whispers something about how much he loves her
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
a hug and a kiss! then they sit down on the couch together and talk about their days
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
if noah sees something he thinks elisabeth will like he will bring it home for her!
who picks the movie for movie night
elisabeth usually! noah’s fine with whatever she wants to watch
their favorite kind of movie to watch
they love rom coms! noah pretends he hates them though
who first suggests a pillow fort
noah! when elisabeth is sad, she is cheered up easily by the idea of a pillow fort
who builds the pillow fort
they build it together, which mostly ends with them laughing, covered in blankets in each other’s arms
who tries to distract the other during the move
elisabeth for sure! noah distracts her unintentionally, but eli can’t help wanting to kiss him whenever she looks at him
who falls asleep first
elisabeth, noah takes a while to sleep, he’s one of those people who has to think about a lot before they sleep (like me lol)
who is big spoon/little spoon
noah is the big spoon, even when he’s sad! he doesn’t really like being little spoon
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
martha & jonas ship meme!
also this is set in a world where none of the time travel shit happened and they’re not related!
who hogs the duvet
for sure martha! it always starts equally draped over both of them, but by the time they wake up, martha is in a sort of blanket burrito.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
jonas checks up on how martha’s day is going, but martha has a sort of sixth sense about when jonas is feeling anxious, so she makes sure to check up on him a little more often.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
i feel like jonas? i feel like he’s really shy and embarrassed about it though, and if he gives martha anything that he’s made she loves to show it off, which makes jonas blush like crazy.
who gets up first in the morning
jonas. he has a lot of nightmares and difficulty sleeping. martha has literally slept through a fire alarm, but if jonas makes the tiniest whimper or sound of discomfort she’s awake in a heartbeat
who suggests new things in bed
martha! she’s definitely more open about this than jonas, who would definitely be embarrassed to bring anything like this up
who cries at movies
jonas cries at literally everything, and martha only cries in movies if an animal dies (bambi, the lion king, etc) also they both love disney movies! one of their first dates was watching the little mermaid. jonas cried at least 3 times, because king trident reminds him a little of his dad.
who gives unprompted massages
jonas! he loves taking care of martha
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
both i think? jonas would be more openly concerned, and fuss over her a ton, bringing her soup and medicine and trying to make sure she sleeps and stays well hydrated. martha would just cuddle jonas and make sure he’s feeling content and safe.
who gets jealous easiest
martha! jonas kind of gets sad and insecure, but i wouldn’t exactly categorize that as jealous. jonas doesn’t really understand how beautiful he is, so he often doesn’t pick up if someone is hitting on him, and if someone is, martha immediately comes up and kisses jonas and gives that person her death stare
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
jonas for sure! he definitely listens to 70s soft rock music, which martha absolutely loathes.
who collects something unusual
i feel like neither of them collect things, but they are both quite sentimental so they hold on to things for a long time.
who takes the longest to get ready
martha! it was takes her a while to decide on what to wear
who is the most tidy and organised
jonas! martha tends to get distracted and often forgets she made a mess, she can be a little absent minded. jonas definitely puts his sweaters in rainbow colour order, which martha finds adorable
who gets most excited about the holidays
martha! she loves snow, and i feel like her and their friends would get really intense about snowball fights while jonas peacefully makes snow angels.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
most of the time jonas is the little spoon! but if martha is feeling sad they switch
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
martha! i feel like when she was little her and magnus would watch sports with ulrich, so she would get really intense about it. also they were definitely on a little league team when they were kids!
who starts the most arguments
they don’t really fight much, but i feel like martha can get a bit frustrated with jonas when he’s really insecure, because she just wants him to know how much she loves him.
who suggests that they buy a pet
jonas! i feel like he’s always wanted a kitten but hannah never let him, so when him and martha get their own apartment she gets him a cat as a surprise! they take a really long time to decide on the name, but magnus calls him squishy and that just stuck. their joint phone answering thing (bc they totally do that) also includes squishy as a member of the nielsen-kahnwald family
what couple traditions they have
they always try to get out to the lake, and i feel like jonas would try to do something special on their anniversary. after they get married they try to have a date night at least once a month
what tv shows they watch together
martha loves loves loves soap operas! jonas isn’t really a fan, but he likes watching them with martha because she gets really excited and tries to guess all the plot twists
jonas really likes nature documentaries, his favourites are the ones about arctic creatures like polar bears and penguins. martha gets super bored and fidgety when they watch them together, so they alternate who picks what to watch
what other couple they hang out with
they occasionally go on double dates with magnus and franziska, but it always ends with martha and magnus bickering over the details of a childhood memory while franziska and jonas discuss quantum mechanics. canonically jonas spends a lot of time with noah and elisabeth, and i feel like martha and noah would get along really well.
how they spend time together as a couple
they mostly just talk and cuddle. they enjoy the little moments spent together
who made the first move
this is a hard question, and i feel like both of them would be too nervous to make the first move, which would eventually lead to magnus just telling them to kiss already. he now wants their first child to be named after him, but martha is trying to negotiate it down to a middle name. jonas does not approve.
who brings flowers home
jonas! he really likes showing his love for martha in little ways. he also will stop and immediately buy something if he thinks martha will like it
who is the best cook
i don’t think either of them are great cooks, but i do think since hannah was absent a lot, jonas is a bit better at cooking simply because he’s had more practice. martha has definitely helped katharina in the kitchen before, but she tends to spill or make messes so she only makes really simple foods
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth ship meme
who hogs the duvet
it takes a long time for them to sleep in the same bed, but once they do, elisabeth hogs the covers!
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
noah! he gets really worried about elisabeth
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
elisabeth for sure! she is really creative, and always gives him interesting and beautiful presents for their anniversary
who gets up first in the morning
noah! he’s used to getting up early to work in the caves
who suggests new things in bed
i’m not sure. both of them are very open and honest with each other, so if they wanted to try something they would just ask
who cries at movies
noah! but only in movies where bad things happen to children. elisabeth tries to avoid picking movies like this because she knows that it makes him uncomfortable
who gives unprompted massages
i don’t think either of them do. noah isn’t used to touching, and elisabeth is traumatized from what happened to her in the trailer. they touch each other very softly, and make sure the other person is okay with what is happening
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
noah! he gets so worried about eli, even though she constantly reassures him that she’s fine
who gets jealous easiest
noah definitely. he tends to get insecure about their relationship, he thinks that eli deserves better than him
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
it takes noah a while to hear 21st century music. they both think the other person’s taste is weird
who collects something unusual
noah collects nothing, he’s not very sentimental when it comes to objects (except for the polaroids). i feel like eli would collect shiny trinkets and such. if noah sees something he thinks she’ll like, he brings it home for her.
who takes the longest to get ready
neither of them take a particularly long time
who is the most tidy and organised
noah! he isn’t used to having many belongings
who gets most excited about the holidays
elisabeth for sure. i can’t really imagine noah as a child celebrating many holidays
who is the big spoon/little spoon
noah is big spoon, eli is little spoon
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
elisabeth! noah can be competitive, but eli takes the cake because she’s a very sore loser
who starts the most arguments
i feel like elisabeth? because noah would want to protect her, but she says she can protect herself.
who suggests that they buy a pet
elisabeth! if they were in a normal non-post apocalyptic setting
what couple traditions they have
on the anniversary of peter’s death they visit the grave noah dug for him and pay their respects. elisabeth was originally supposed to go alone, but she feels safer when noah is there.
almost every night, they sit outside the cave or cabin, depending where they’re living, and try to spot constellations. the fog is pretty thick, so they don’t see much, but it gives them an excuse to cuddle before they were together
what tv shows they watch together
they wouldn’t watch anything post apocalypse, but if they were in a normal setting they would love crime dramas!
what other couple they hang out with
in a normal setting probably franziska and magnus, or martha and jonas
how they spend time together as a couple
they mostly just talk (sign). they tell each other lots of stories. about their childhoods, favourite books, paradise, and elisabeth explains and describes the plots of disney movies, just because they’re really entertaining and remind eli of her childhood. her favourites are peter pan & the little mermaid, and noah’s are mulan & robin hood.
who made the first move
elisabeth! noah was too nervous and honestly i can’t even picture him making the first move
who brings flowers home
flowers are sparse in a wasteland, but if noah finds any plastic flowers he brings them home for eli! in a modern au, eli would have a garden she grows flowers in, but noah brings her a bouquet quite often
who is the best cook
neither of them are particularly good, but elisabeth is better at making food taste good. noah tried his best, but he’s not a very frivolous person, and he’s not used to people cooking for pleasure.
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
Always See Your Face
a/n: this is set in 1911, one year after silja’s death and agnes’s birth.
pairing (s): franziska/magnus, mentions of bartosz/silja, noah/elisabeth if you squint, some franziska/silja vibes
warnings: miscarriage, bartosz not being a good father, a lot of angst,
the conversation between franziska and bartosz is a remake of a conversation written by @roseharker9 !!! go check out her works, they’re incredible
Franziska liked having Hanno around. It’s not that Magnus doesn’t, he just didn’t expect to see her with children. It had been Hanno’s seventh birthday yesterday, and Magnus and Franziska had made him a cake. it wasn’t a cake by 21st century standards, more of a large muffin, but Hanno had been so excited. Bartosz had never done anything special for Hanno, and now that Silja was gone, he really only had Magnus and Franziska.
It was strange seeing his wife seem so joyful. Over the years they had accepted the fact that they would probably be stuck here for the rest of their lives, but he knew that Franziska longed for her life before all of this. It was nice to see a glimpse of her old self. She sat across from Hanno on the rug in front of their fireplace, telling him a story about his mother. Hanno giggled when she explained how lovestruck Bartosz looked when he first saw her, and Franziska fake swooned in an attempt to make Hanno laugh. He did, reaching his chubby hands to hold on to hers.
Franziska looked up at Magnus, her eyes sparkling with joy. He smiled back, and glanced to Hanno, who was fiddling with Franziska’s wedding ring.
“Did my mama have one of these?” Hanno asked quietly. Franziska’s smile slipped away.
“Yes she did. Your papa gave it to her when they got married, before they had you.”
“Do you think I’ll get married?” Hanno asked, his big blue eyes gazing up at her.
“Of course, my darling boy,” Franziska exclaimed, reaching to pull Hanno into her arms. “One day you will meet someone you love very much, and she will love you just as much, and you two will be very happy.”
“Do you know who I will marry?” Hanno asks.
“No, but you mama did,” Franziska replies, stroking Hanno’s hair. “Your mama never told me who it was, but she said that you would be together for a long time,”
Franziska pressed a kiss to Hanno’s forehead, glancing up at Magnus again. He walked toward them and sat down on the rug.
“It’s getting late, we should probably bring you home to your papa and Agnes soon,’ Magnus quietly said, reaching out a hand to comb Hanno‘s hair from his forehead. Hanno nodded, letting Magnus help him up, and clinging to his hand. Franziska got up as well, and got their coats. She had tensed up at the mention of Bartosz, but she knew that Hanno had to be brought to his home.
It was pouring outside, and Franziska and Magnus let Hanno spin and jump in as many puddles as he’d like. Bartosz’s apartment was only a short walk away, and soon they found themselves on the porch. The door was unlocked, like it always was. Hanno’s father was sitting at the table, staring blankly at the wall in front of him.
Magnus ruffled Hanno’s hair. “Run along and go to sleep. It’s late,” Hanno nodded, and Franziska bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek. Hanno smiled and kissed her cheek as well, and then quietly slipped up the stairs. Both Magnus and Franziska waited until they heard the door to the bedroom shut, and until they couldn’t hear Hanno padding around the room to check on Agnes.
Franziska turns to Bartosz, her expression one Magnus has seen her give Bartosz many times. “He’s just a fucking child, you idiot! How can you treat him this way?” she yells.
Bartosz doesn’t acknowledge her, just continues staring at the wall. “Just leave, Franziska ,”
“Your family needs you, your children need you. Silja would be ashamed of you!” she shrieks. Magnus tries to place a comforting hand on her arm, but she bats it away, still absolutely livid at Bartosz. “Do you honestly think she would be okay with you treating her children like shit?”
“You don’t know who he is,”Bartosz responds coldly and quietly, his back still turned to them. “Silja would understand if she saw who Hanno becomes,” Magnus shivers at the tone that Bartosz talked about his son with. Magnus would have never spoken of his children in that way, if he had them.
“I know him better than you do!” Franziska screams. She slams her hand on the table, trying to make Bartosz turn to face her.
Bartosz is seething with rage. Magnus is starting to fill with rage too, his judgement clouded by the way Bartosz speaks to his wife, at the way he speaks about that sweet little boy.
“You know him how he is now" Bartosz says slowly "But if you had seen him, really seen him, you… you would look at him differently too.”
Franziska is speechless, furious, but whenever she tries to shout at Bartosz no words come out. Her eyes fill with tears.
“What kind of man speaks about his son this way?” Magnus utters, as he reaches out to calm Franziska. This time she leans into his touch.
“The kind of man who has seen this sweet little boy as an adult ,” Bartosz says simply. “If you knew what he turns out to be, you would look at him the same way Ido.” He stands, glaring at Franziska and exiting the room quickly.
Franziska collapses into the nearest chair, putting her head in her hands, trying her hardest not to cry. Magnus kneels next to her, taking her hands in his.
“I hate that man,” she speaks, her face almost eerily calm despite the tears.
“I know.” Magnus says simply, reaching a hand to gently cup her cheek. Franziska closes her eyes, leaning into his touch.
Franziska had wished for children of her own long before Hanno was born. He knew that Franziska missed her family terribly, and he knew she wanted a family of her own. She had spoken to him about it on their wedding night. Franziska had said she wanted to have three girls. Magnus had laughed, and told her he hoped that they had a least one son, so they could name him Mikkel.
‘Fine!’ Franziska had conceded, ‘three girls and a boy,’
Magnus had told her he hoped their babies got her red hair. She had laughed at that, throwing her head back.
Not long after that, they thought they had got their wish. Magnus didn’t like to think about what happened.
For a long time it had been hard for Magnus to look at her face without seeing her face all those years ago, tears spilling out of her eyes, her hand trying to stop the bleeding between her legs.
That horrible night had been almost 10 years ago, 3 years before Hanno was born. Magnus remembers her trembling hands shaking him awake, he remembers her saying that it’s too early, that she couldn’t do it, that she didn’t want to die. He remembers her begging him not to let her die. Magnus had refused to leave her, his hands trying to stop the bleeding and try to remain comforting and calm. He remembers the noise waking Silja and Bartosz, who ran to find the doctor. Magnus remembers his hands being slick from the blood of his wife and unborn child, trying desperately to calm her.
He remembers when the doctor arrived, and Magnus had clutched Franziska’s cold hand and refused to let go. He remembers the doctor having to perform some kind of surgery, but he doesn’t remember what it was. He only remembers Franziska, and how absolutely devastated she had looked. Her eyes had been hollow, as if someone had taken a piece of her soul away.
For nearly two weeks after, Franziska didn’t move. She didn’t speak. she laid on their bed, quietly crying, her hand hovering over the bandages on her abdomen. She had lost the child, and the doctor said it wouldn’t be safe for her to have another. Magnus had sat next to her for days. He felt as though his heart had completely shattered. He simply sat, and willed that she would live. That she would be able to smile again.
Magnus knew how much it hurt Franziska to see Bartosz with a child. To see him treat that child in such a disgraceful manner. She had admitted to him a little after Hanno’s fourth birthday, that she wished Hanno was their child. That she could be able to love and care for him every day, instead of leaving him to sleep under the roof of the man she hated most in the world.
Franziska had started weeping, and Magnus gently pulled her into his arms. His hand came up to stroke her hair, attempting to soothe her.
“It’s alright,” Magnus softly spoke, stroking her back in an attempt to calm her down. “It’s all going to be okay,”
“Who could Hanno possibly grow up to be? And what if Bartosz treating him this way is what causes him to be that way?” Franziska mumbled into Magnus’s shoulder. He didn’t know what to say. He knew that all of them were basically trapped in eternal hell, so it was likely that something worse would happen to Hanno.
“I don’t know,” Magnus said. “But Hanno knows that you love him. That we love him. He knows we could never hate him, and we’ve been better parents to him than Bartosz has.” Franziska raised her head from his shoulder to look him in the eyes.
Franziska nodded, her eyes watery. “I miss Silja. She made Bartosz so much more ... bearable.” Magnus had chuckled lowly at that.
“She is in paradise waiting for us,” he said, “And when we see her again, she will thank you for being another mother to her son.”
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
katharina & magnus headcanons
katharina was terrified when she found out she was pregnant with magnus
not because she was afraid ulrich would be upset, she knew he would be overjoyed
but because she didn’t want to end up like her mom
but ulrich reassured her that she would be nothing like her mom
she would be kind and loving and never ever hurt her children
they decided on the name before magnus was born
they didn’t want to have a spur of the moment name that they would regret
labour was very very long
katharina was still scared that she would end up like her mom
but when she held her newborn baby for the first time, she knew that she would never hurt him
magnus was a very chaotic baby
he cried and screamed a lot
when he just wouldn’t calm down, katharina would take him on walks with her
he liked that! he loved seeing birds and animals and waving at people
magnus looked EXACTLY how katharina looked when she was a baby
like their baby photos are identical
people thought magnus was a girl a lot
like in the anniversary party scene, someone refers to baby photo of magnus as a ‘sweet girl’ and katharina just laughs and says that it’s magnus
it’s because of his eyelashes
they were insanely long, especially when he was little
when magnus had nightmares he would crawl into bed with katharina and ulrich
magnus refused to have his hair cut, but he hated that it was always in his eyes
katharina would braid it! she also taught ulrich how to do it
magnus would be kind of jealous of martha when she was born
because she got more time with katharina than him
but he would eventually be fine with it because katharina made sure they spent time together just the two of them
martha & magnus would have sleepovers all the time
sometimes they would get scared of a noise from outside the house or something
so they would go get their mom, and she would cuddle them until they fell asleep
they would spend every second saturday with tronte and jana
they would mostly play games and eat ice cream
katharina would never ever let her mom see them
when she and ulrich were 15, and they first started dating, ulrich let jana know about katharine’s home life
they couldn’t do much about it until katharina was a legal adult, but jana said that as soon as katharina turned 18 she could move in with them
so katharina really trusts jana with the kids
every night, katharina would read martha and magnus a bedtime story
martha would fall asleep almost immediately
but magnus couldn’t fall asleep until the story was done
sometimes she would make up stories about magnus travelling to a magical world where there were fairies and unicorns
on magnus’s first day of kindergarten, they both cried
as soon as magnus started to cry, katharina started to tear up
but he fit in really well with the kids!
he missed martha and katharina a lot
when they picked him up, he ran to hug them both
i have so many headcanons about the baby nielsens ... like seeing baby martha with katharina made me so soft
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
Hiii! I am once again asking for this, because i love your writing! Could you do 38 (things you said) for Jonartha?
38. things you said when i was (you were) sick
a/n: this is set in i guess the origin world? it seems like that’s what the dark fandom is referring to happy AUs as.
sorry this took so long! i hope u like it <3
Her head burned. It felt like an enormous task to even attempt to open her eyes. Martha rolled over, and slowly stood up. The floor was cold on her bare feet as she padded to the bathroom. Jonas kept all the medicines there. He had insisted she knew where everything was, even when she giggled and teased him about it. She rummaged through the cabinet, pulling out the ibuprofen.
“What are you doing?”
Martha jumped, dropping the medicine. She turned, facing Jonas. His blonde hair fell in his groggy eyes, his hand braced himself against the doorframe. His pajamas hung off his bony frame. Martha always worried about his sleep, and she felt terrible that she had woken him up.
“I was just trying to find some medicine. I feel sick,” Jonas’s eyes immediately widened, and he raised his hand to feel her forehead. His hands were soft but cold, and she shivered when he touched her.
“You’re burning up,” Jonas worried, “Get back to bed, I’ll bring you medicine and water,” He moved around her to put back the medicines she had knocked over, and rummage around looking for God knows what.
“I’m fine!” Martha whined, “It’s probably nothing, I’ve just been feeling off the last couple of days,” She hated being sick, having to sit still was so frustrating.
“The last couple of days? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know!” Martha huffed. “I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Well, of course I’m going to worry. I love you.” Jonas said matter-of-factly. “Now go back to bed so I can take care of you.”
Martha rolled her eyes.
Jonas just raised his eyebrows in response. She sighed and walked back to their room. Jonas was probably the only person on Earth who could convince her to lie down and rest when she was sick.
Martha flopped onto the bed, pulling the blankets tight around herself. She rolled onto Jonas’s side of the bed, the side closer to the window. It was always warmer than her side.
A few minutes later, Jonas entered the room. He sat down next to her, and she could feel one of his hands stroking up and down her back.
“I just need you too sit up so you can take the medicine, okay?” Jonas softly said, gently pulling Martha up. He handed her a few pills and a glass of water. She swallowed them quickly, and Jonas brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
Martha lay back down on the bed, and she could feel Jonas lie down behind her. His arms wrapped around her waist and he pressed soft kisses to the back of her neck. She didn’t remember much after that.
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