#elisabeth x hanno
holly-mckenzie · 2 years
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Hanno “Noah” Tauber / Daniel Solace
DARK (2017–2020) / 1899 (2022 – ) created by Jantje Friese & Baran bo Odar
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marthaskane · 1 year
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2.08 | 3.06
DARK (2017-2020)
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fatum679 · 3 days
- Ist was? - Ich hab grad ein Déjà-vu.
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𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜/𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚟𝚒𝚋𝚎
𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐚 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐍𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐱 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡
𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗/𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔
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xxrain05 · 4 months
Why has no one ever realized how much Noahbeth Claudia’s getting to see during the apocalypse?
Like she’s literally getting to see Noah and Elisabeth be a couple in two worlds!
That job is the perfect job for me!!!
Pls Claudia let me be you for the times you are with Noahbeth. I don’t even mind which world. Just let me see them together—
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dragneto · 5 months
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Title: Die Geständnisse des Pfarrers Fandom: Dark (2017) Pairing(s): Hanno Tauber/Elisabeth Doppler; Hanno Tauber/Jonas Kahnwald; Hanno Tauber/Elisabeth Doppler/Jonas Kahnwald Word Count: 20,006 Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Tags: Diary/Journal, During Canon, Post-Apocalypse, Missing Scene, Character Study, Introspection, Crisis of Faith, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Angst, Canon-Typical Existentialism
Summary: In the secret lodge belonging to the society of travelers known as Sic Mundus there sits upon a pedestal an untitled book, its plain binding worn with use and its pages filled with accounts of a time long past.
read the fic on AO3
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stheresya · 1 year
Noah and Elisabeth's romance comes to show that sometimes less is more. Like they don't have much screen time together and yet they still deliver everything on chemistry, longing and tragedy aspects, making their relationship one of the most memorable in the show.
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viperpage · 1 year
Noah and Elizabeth are so cute together, especially when we saw them together as teens.
That was before I realized Noah was banging his granddaughter but we gonna ignore that because in this series everything is complicated.
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itsbrych · 4 years
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Noah in a nutshell
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thalys-artcorner · 4 years
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Soooo this happened. I was approached by the owner of this lovely, super cool instagram account (dark_netflix) , who asked if they could share my art on instagram, and I said yes. They were super kind and nice about it. And then THIS happened. Freaking Max liked my drawing. I don’t even know what to say to be honest. I spent almost the entire day bouncing around the house and not quite believing it (I actually checked it was the real account like a dozen times and that it was my drawing he liked a dozen more). And i don’t know whether to feel incredibly proud of myself or incredibly embarrassed because like...Sir, that’s your face I tried to draw.
But yeah. I’m over the moon and I wanted to share it because I don’t know anyone else who would get my excitement apart from my little sister hehe.
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laboratorioautoral · 4 years
How long until Noah x Elisabeth AU with a Hades x Persephone dynamic? I mean...The aesthetics is already there.
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aw16st · 4 years
pawns on a chessboard.
Fandom: Dark (Netflix). Pairing: Elisabeth Doppler/ Noah | Hanno Tauber. Genre: angst, romance. || Rate: Mature. Summary: He will not understand until years later that they were just pawns on the chessboard.
Hanno is a believing man.
Not necessarily in religion, rather in a higher being who on a bad day decided to play around with the people and circumstances in Winden. Also, Hanno is a simple man, he does not question the injustice of life, after his mother died giving birth or when the beak made its way through his father's body. Finally, Hanno is a man loyal to his beliefs and to himself and those three qualities are what make him a survivor, in his time or in 2020.
His older self does not give him many details, he knows that Noah says barely enough to ensure that the cycle of events is fulfilled as it should. However, he is not stupid, he sees enough pain and helplessness in his gaze hardened by the passage of time and difficulties. He knows the path ahead will be complicated and he only has three names in his head when he enters the bunker, barely in time to escape death and radiation.
Claudia Tiedemann, Jonas Kahnwald… Elisabeth Doppler.
[Read more] [Or in spanish]
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artypurrs · 4 years
So seeing as I'm bored figured will ask the question of:
How do you think the story would have changed or been a bit different if Yasin Friese (Elisabeth's boyfriend) had lived?
How do you think the story would be or what would have changed if Peter Doppler had lived? (or at least live longer to see Elisabeth grow up)
We know no matter what that she ends up with Noah because Elisabeth existence at all because of her loop (Elisabeth has to have Charlotte to exist & the same for Charlotte because they are both eachothers mother & daughter also they are their own grandmother)
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With Yasin Friese still alive do you think it would take longer for Noah & Elisabeth to get together? How do you think Noah would react to Yasin being around? Do you think if Yasin was still alive would Noah be ok with Elisabeth being in a relationship with someone so long as she is safe or would be outspoken about his feelings (that he likes Elisabeth or doesn't approve of Yasin) because her having an affair with Noah is out the window to me as they both are the rare few loyal couples in the show (them and Alexander & Regina)
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For Peter I can see him being the very over protective father (with good reason seeing as they are in the apocalypse & with what almost happened to Elisabeth) so with that I can see it probably being difficult on Noah or Elisabeth's part to start a relationship when they get older or it taking a lot of convincing for Peter to trust Noah or have him around at all. Like I can just picture any conversation Noah & Elisabeth have either being in secret or Peter always not too far away (like close enough for him to always see their sign language/hear what Noah says so it would probably make talking to him difficult for Elisabeth as let's be hounest nobody ever really freely talks about whatever you want to talk about or say when your parent is right there so probably lot of odd silence if Peter is around watching them unless Elisabeth or Noah is a rebel who doesn't care that Peter is there)
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So how do you think things would have gone if Yasin or Peter had lived? Would love to hear what others think 😁
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(Looks around for @harritudur @sweettacoghosthero @holymultiplefandomsbatman @ariadne-labyrinth @believe-that-you-can-my-friend )
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marthaskane · 1 year
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My dearest love, I'm not done yet How many years I know I'll bear I found something in the woods somewhere
DARK (2017-2020) ↳ 3.05 Leben und Tod / Life and Death
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
1. things you said at 1 am
Elisabeth and Noah barely communicated during their first day together. She’s grieving. When Noah found her covered in blood on the cave floor, his priority was making sure she wasn’t injured. He knelt down beside her, taking off his plastic slicker.
‘are you hurt?’ he signed. Elisabeth shakes her head.
Of course Noah knew that Peter would die, but it’s still slightly jarring to realize he might be the only person alive looking out for her. Noah takes his spare set of clothes from his bag and places them next to Elisabeth.
Noah mimes writing something down, and Elisabeth takes out the notebook from her pocket and gives it to Noah. Her hands are cold and quivering, and leave red splotches of blood on his.
Noah writes, ‘You should change. These clothes are dirty and you should be clean so you do not get sick.’
Elisabeth hesitates for a moment, then nods. Noah turns around to let her change, and a few moments later she taps him on the shoulder to turn around again. The clothes are too big for her, they hang loosely off her narrow frame, but they’ll do for the time being.
Noah pours some of his drinking water onto an old washcloth and passed it to Elisabeth, gesturing at her face. She complies, wiping the blood off her face.
Noah writes down, ‘Do you want to talk about what happened?’
Elisabeth shudders and shakes her head. Noah mimes sleeping the same way she did when they talked in the Kahnwald house. Elisabeth shakes her head again.
Noah stays up all night with her. Neither of them sign or write anything down. Elisabeth can’t sleep, adrenaline still coursing through her veins. Her eyes are bloodshot and wide, her hair matted to her scalp with sweat.
Noah finally writes something on the notebook.
‘Would you like me to hold you?’
Elisabeth doesn’t say anything, but she slowly moves so she is sitting next to Noah, and buries her head in his shoulder. Noah gently strokes her hair, humming a song he remembers his mother singing when he was little. Elisabeth’s body is shaking with sobs. Her hands are curled tightly into the sleeve of his sweater, and Noah feels as if his heart is shattering watching her suffer.
Many minutes later, Noah remembers that Elisabeth can’t hear him. He stops humming, which causes Elisabeth’s head to shoot up from its place on his shoulder.
‘Don’t stop!’ she signs, her movements fast and sharp. Elisabeth takes the notebook from his hand and writes, ‘I can feel the vibration.’
Noah nods, and begins to hum. Elisabeth rests her head on his shoulder once again, her breathing slowing. Noah absently strokes her hair until she falls asleep. He now understands what his older self had told him about his destiny. Noah’s destiny is to protect Elisabeth Doppler.
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thaly-s-artcorner · 4 years
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DARK Netflix || Elisabeth x Noah/Hanno Tauber --> beginnings.
“One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon And we will hear those planes overhead And we won't have to be scared”
—Civil Twilight.
[ Part 1 of a series that’s gonna take me forever. Part 2 (aka adult versions coming soon) Follow me new art blog HERE . This ship is the sole reason why I was not satisfied with the ending xD cause I’m that petty and I wanted my OTP’s paradise ]
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notafunkiller · 4 years
I believe Elisabeth and Noah are in paradise.
The last episode is called PARADISE & in Dark paradise=darkness.
Hannah points that out in the last scene, talking about how free she felt when the world ended.
Adam talks about it with Noah, too, before Agnes kills him & Noah even tells himself that.
I think Adam called him Noah because he was meant to build that ark and save himself & his family.
In the Book of Genesis, God –Adam in Dark– plans to wipe humanity from the face of the earth in a great flood. He warns Noah, who builds an ark, on which his family and the animals they bring on board are saved. Afterwards, God promised Noah that he would never again destroy the earth by flood, and put the rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise.
I think the rainbow in Dark is the photo of Elisabeth in a way.
Noah talks so much about paradise *which is free of pain and suffering*. It is his only hope to be with his family.
He brings love. He is meant to bring L O V E; he is not evil: which means he won't be punished.
Adam tells him that he & his family can't be in Paradise, but he was referring to the origin World.
BUT that world ISN'T paradise. The ones who are alive in this world aren't happy, they are incomplete: they all want a WORLD WITHOUT WINDEN, with "no desires and no obligations"; they want "an infinite DARKNESS".
Even the show is called DARK.
And Dark wouldn't give hints in vain.
So yes, Elisabeth and Noah found peace & are very happy now.
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