#eliza reviews iewu
megumiifushiiguro · 2 years
here goes my hateful review for the 1st chapter of It Ends With Us
You may be asking yourself why did I wrote that in a big cutesy pink font. The answer is: I have no idea. But anyways-
This whole thing starts with “I was thinking of suicide.” Understandable. But for a 23yo woman named Lily Blossom Bloom? Ma’am- this girl literally thinks about the whole process of suicide (like falling off of a building, if the person regrets it a few meters before death etc. etc.)
Then it continues with the style of writing I was using when I was 9 (I’m sorry if I’m just talking shit about this, but DON’T GET ME WRONG, IT’S REALLY LIKE THAT) and LBB is complaining about her roommate who loves to hear herself sing. Nothing special.
To this part I could totally stand this book. UNTIL this creepy doctor guy named Ryle Kincaid walks in. He just… waltzes in and randomly starts abusing an innocent chair, like dude wtf- I see red flag anger issues, girl you better run.
But no. Our Lily just stares and Ryle doesn’t even notice. So she starts describing the material of that chair which I can’t translate to english and can’t even pronounce right.
The guy smokes. He pulls out a joint and smokes. Okay. Lily thinks he’s so friCKIN MYSTERIOUS (🥵🥵🥵) and a maSCULINE VERSION OF MONA LISA (😳🥵😰)
He notices her and immediately starts acting manipulative and obsessive like our dear and beloved Dean Forester, who irritates me so much I’d like to abuse an innocent chair myself
Lily thinks that Ryle is cute. I won’t deny. He looks cute.
They start talking, he asks her about her secrets and experiences and life in general which is kinda sorta creepy, but WAIT
He says that he wants to fuck her, I- and she says she’s not really into one night stands, so he starts kissing her on the neck and her collarbone and boobs (which she says it’s okay) BUT GIRL, HE TAKES A PHOTO
And she acts pretty passive about it, like she doesn’t mind and that bothers me tbh. Like if a guy took a photo of me in a ✨spicy way✨ without my consent, then dude, if I ever see you on the street, you’re done, DONE
And then he leaves and that’s the end of the chapter.
The characters are pretty shallow in my opinion, because they seriously look like they were written by a 13yo girl on wattpad in a story about mafia fuckboy and a mary sue bby girl, who just wants to get laid
I also hate the way Lily’s passive and not very strong like she says. Her character has SO MUCH potential and I can see crystal clear where CoHo was going with her, but just didn’t handle it very well
And that’s just very dissapointing for me, because no one likes strong, well-handled, deep female lead characters than me AND I’M SORRY I’M RAMBLING BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TRYING TO SAY-
hasdfgf the pink cutesy font is cute bestie dw
oh ok the story started really dark don't ya think..? and lmao what is that name💀 who tf names their child 'lily blossom bloom'😭
got it :') it is the cringey wattpad writng style that looks like it has been written by a 10 year old right? read a lot of those *shudders* (also pls pls complain ALL U WANT i am here to listen to every single one of ur complaints👀) and ok? why is she complaining abt her roommate singing lol😭
oh OH i have heard abt this ryle guy he ain't good?? and ok him abusing a fucking chair?? 🚩x 100 if u ask me
WHY IS SHE DESCRIBING THE MATERIAL OF THE CHAIR HELP😭😭 and oMg a mAn wHo sMoKeS u sAy?? sO hOt oMg🥵🥵🥵 sO mYsTeRioUs🥵🥵🥵
oh no he is like dean?? i already hate him so fucking much now— also what EXACTLY did ryle do??
also who cares if he's cute? if he's anything like dean forester i loathe him automatically
just when i though it couldn't get any worse i read the next paragraph of this ask—he says WHAT now??? WHO TF SAYS THAT?? AND WHEN LILY LITERALLY SAID SHE'S NOT INTO ONE NIGHT STANDS WHY DOES HE CONTINUE KISSING HER??? DUDE WTF?? *flashbacks to when jess continues kissing rory after she said 'no' like 3 times already*
why did she let him take that pic anyway—she should've punched him in the face or smth not just let him take that photo what is happening??? also same if u took my pic like that babe ur getting killed by me🔪
ok WHAT he just....leaves??? i have so many questions rn—
oh OH so its those kinda story oh no
and yes yes yess bestie i get what ur trying to say!! and BESTIE RAMBLE ALL YOU WANT!!!
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