#ella wasn't waiting for her one true love.... she was too busy for that.
coeursainte · 2 years
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what soft romance cliche are you?    
love at first sight let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
tagged by : @b1rkn tagging : @aniimvs @solesnati @colpapabear @graysistance or just steal it!
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feline17ff · 2 years
Budding Frenemies: The Tale of Faybelle Thorn and The Thorned Rose
By @the-lavender-creator and @feline17ff
AO3 link
Chapter 2: Narrow the suspects
Thorned Rose had a busy, busy day.
She rescued princess Holly O’Hair from Faybelle Thorn, stopped a burglary done by a Cheshire Cat, returned Bunny Blanc and Hopper Croakington II to their human forms after they were struck by an animalfication ray, and released an entire class of students from Rumplestilksin’s basement. That guy has really got to stop holding students captive and making them spin straw into gold for him!
But now that things had slowed down, it was time for a much-needed relaxing hangout with her BFFA, Princess Apple White.
Apple's destiny, like Briar's, was to fall into a deep sleep only to be awoken by true love's kiss.
But, unlike Briar, Apple didn't have to wait for a hundred years to be woken up. She could technically be woken up the same day; her story didn't have any ground rules when it came to that. Briar sighed. She was not looking forward to sleeping for a hundred years. She wasn't looking forward to losing her friends and maybe her family too… but enough of the sad stuff, she had had a productive day and she wasn't going to let her annoying destiny ruin it.
Faybelle also had a busy, busy day. She kidnapped a princess, got her butt kicked by the nemesis of her dreams, ran from the cops, and started trying to track down said nemesis.
She took the scrap of cape fabric to her BFFA, Duchess Swan. Duchess quickly determined the exact materials that it was made up of, and muttered something about seeing a bolt of that fabric and a spool of the lace at a particular craft store.
So of course, Faybelle offered to take Duchess there on a shopping spree. Of course, she planned on hacking into a store computer while there to get a list of everyone who has bought that fabric and lace recently, but Duchess didn’t have to know that.
Duchess eagerly led Faybelle to the fabric shop, gushing about a dress she’s commissioning from Briar Beauty. “- and I just have to provide her a sample of the fabric I want! She suggested this store since it’s the one she shops from for all of her projects, and all of the fabrics they carry are simply spell-tastic! They’ll all look so wonderful on me, I just don’t know which one to pick!”
Faybelle nods along, her thoughts elsewhere. Duchess doesn’t even notice that Faybelle isn’t listening to her.
They get to the store, and Duchess immediately goes to the fabrics. Faybelle follows just long enough to get some information from the tags on the particular fabric and lace used in the cape. After she’s got the info she needs, she trails off from Duchess and sneaks into the back room.
She finds a computer used for inventory, the password written on a sticky note stuck to the monitor. She navigates her way through the system, looking up the data for the fabric and the lace. She writes down everyone who appears as recently buying the fabric on another sticky note, and then checks the names that also show up on the list for the lace.
By the time she goes to find Duchess, she’s got a list of 10 possible suspects.
Holly O’Hair, who couldn’t have possibly been the heroine since she was the one being saved.
Apple White, who couldn’t have been her since she’s too pale and her hair is too light.
Ashlynn Ella, who again couldn’t have been the heroine due to her looks.
Lizzie Hearts, who wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a color that wasn’t black or red herself - but quite possibly could have made the costume for someone else.
And lastly, Briar Beauty. A thrill-seeking daredevil whose entire wardrobe is that shade of hot pink.
One of those suspects is much more likely than the others.
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Twin Flames (Moonwalkers AU)
Chapter 5: More Than Enough
Warning: Strong language, mention of drug use and vomit (non graphic).
a/n: As always thank you so much for all your support, this series taught me to always believe in my writing. Thanks for sticking with me and expect more Leon and Thalia in the future.
(Twin Flames Masterlist)
"Tha, would you like me to put these up there?" Ella asked pointing at the last empty shelf in the store.
There were only a few more boxes filled with tiny perfume bottles to display on the shelves, both girls wanted everything to be perfect for the opening.
Over the last few years, Thalia had been saving every penny to finally open her business, a boutique to sell all her handmade perfumes.
Everyone else was pretty much broke after the whole moon landing incident. After selling the car, and finding a bigger place to live, there wasn't much left to get by, so they were happy to help with the store and work there with her.
"Yes, please, I shouldn't be climbing these stairs now..." Thalia mumbled.
"Wait a second! Why not? Are you...?"
"I don't know for sure, but I might be. I'm almost two weeks late," she smiled.
"That's so great! Congratulations!"
"Do you think Leon will be happy?"
"Of course he will! I heard there's this test you can buy to do at home, you should get one."
"Don't you think it's too soon for all that? It's been less than a year since the wedding."
"Too soon for what?" Leon came in through the door making the small bell at the entrance ring.
"Nothing," Thalia quickly ran to give her husband a proper welcome hug.
His lovely smile was a lot more visible now that his beard was shorter. He looked a million times healthier after over a year and a half of sobriety and he had never been happier, even though he was out of the acting game for the foreseeable future. Luckily he found a nice job as a drama teacher, so he could at least do something related to his passion.
"Are you two talking about us?" Kidman followed.
"What if we are?" Ella looked down at him with a taunting smile.
"How was class today?" Thalia asked.
"Pretty good, I think the kids like me."
"Why wouldn't they? You're basically one of them... Where's Jonny?" she ran her fingers through Leon's curls.
"He's doing all his marketing stuff for the opening," he gently leaned into her touch. "Is everything ready for tomorrow?"
"Almost," she looked around, hours of hard work, her life's dream finally coming true.
"Look what I got," Leon proudly held a bronze coin he had in his pocket. "18 months!"
"Did you tell them you took a hit from my blunt last week?" Thalia narrowed her eyes.
"No, that's just a little detail, no one needs to know that."
"I'm proud of you, glykouli," she kissed him. "How about we celebrate tonight?"
"Sweet, how about a few drinks?"
"I'm..." Thalia looked at Ella for support. "Not really in the mood for drinks, how about dinner instead?"
"You're not in the mood for drinks? Who are you and what have you done to my wife?" Leon snorted.
"What do you mean? That I'm some kind of alcoholic?"
"No, you're just... Very party inclined."
"That is true," Kidman mused. "Is there something wrong, Tha?"
"No, guys, I'm just not-"
"Hello everyone. This place will be packed by tomorrow, you're welcome," Jonny walked in with an empty box of free samples.
"Thanks, red! You're the best... Have you been smoking?" Thalia winced.
"Well, yeah."
"Bloody hell!"
She ran to the back gagging and covering her mouth, Ella watched the whole thing wide-eyed... Might be? That's hardly a might be situation, maybe they wouldn't need that test after all.
"What's wrong with her?" Jonny chuckled.
"I don't know, she's so odd today," Leon shook his head. "She's been odd for a few days now."
"Are you two really that stupid?" Kidman stared in disbelief. "Can't drink, sensitive to smells? Thalia is..."
"Tom, no!" Ella shouted, something she never did, but the circumstances were special.
Jonny's mouth dropped when he finally understood. Leon seemed to be the only one still confused with the situation.
"For sure?" Jonny smiled.
"No, not for sure," she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Guys she wants to be sure before..."
"Before what?" Leon grimaced. "Can someone tell me what's going on? Is Lili sick?"
"No," Thalia came out of the bathroom and took a deep breath. "I just might have a parasite."
"A parasite?" he ran to hold her hands, his eyes filled with worry. "Is it bad? It's bad, isn't it?"
"Not really. If it's really in there, it will come out in about nine months or so," she giggled.
"Nine months?" he slowly put the pieces together and his face lit up gradually as the realization dawned on him. "Lili!"
"That's so incredible, happy for you, man!" Jonny tapped his friend's shoulder.
"Am I gonna be a dad?"
"I don't know, maybe?" she murmured, a little overwhelmed by his reaction. "It's either you or the milkman..."
"Stop that," Leon laughed, nearly jumping with excitement. "It's mine! I can feel it!"
"You don't even know if it actually exists, calm down. For all I know I just had some bad eggs for breakfast."
"Do bad eggs cause two weeks of delay for your period?" Ella blurted out.
"Ella!" she scolded.
"I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!" Leon sang, spinning his wife around the store.
"Slow down, you're gonna make me sick again!"
"Sorry, sorry," he stopped, putting her down. "I love you so much, Lili."
He tried to lean over to kiss her, but she stopped him with her hands on his face.
"You know I just threw up, right?"
"Well, I'm about to become a father, I better get used to it."
Leon kissed her lovingly, he couldn't believe how lucky he was. What were the chances of them finding each other after all those years? And still be madly in love like they were the first time they met? And make everything work even with all the problems they had to face? And now this?
Part of him didn't believe he deserved all of it, he was a junkie who ruined his own life and career. He wasn't able to deliver a single line correctly back when they were trying to shoot the most important gig of his life. Every day he tries to be better, but would it ever be enough?
"I hate how adorable this is..." Kidman grunted fondly.
"We should see a doctor, right?" Leon brushed Thalia's wild hair with his fingers. "Get a test done, a sonogram or something? I can take you there right now, you're almost done here, right?"
"I am, but maybe that's a little too fast, we should wait a couple more days, I can schedule a proper appointment," she suggested, but he wasn't having it.
"I won't be able to sleep at night not knowing if there's a little baby in there or not. Come on, come on, let's move!"
The couple headed to the doctor's office, where thankfully the gynecologist was able to squeeze them in for a quick appointment. Thalia didn't expect a positive by any means, she thought it might just be PMS, the symptoms could be easily mistaken...
"So, is my wife pregnant, doc?" Leon watched as the doctor analyzed the urine sample.
"Calm down, honey, you have asked five times already," she laughed.
"Sorry, I'm just too excited!"
"Well, she is pregnant," the doctor chuckled. "Very pregnant, in fact."
"JESUS!" he jumped from the chair and rushed to see it for himself, nearly getting the urine sample all over the place. "This is the best day of my life! I'm gonna be a father! We're gonna have a little monkey, love!"
"I will... Have you take some pills to help with the nausea," the doctor awkwardly pulled from Leon's embrace to go get a prescription.
"I never thought I'd see you so happy when we're basically fugitives from the CIA and you can't even act anymore," Thalia shook her head with a smile.
"I've got to play Stanley Kubrick and Neil Armstrong, I don't think it can get any better than this. I have you, we have the store now, we have our friends, I have my students, soon we'll have a little one coming. That's... More than enough."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @spanishmossmagnolia @a-ghoulish-tale @seanfalco @salvador-daley
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One chilly and cold night, a sound of a child crying out loud could be heard. She was desperate to run through the playground to hide, someone calling her "Ella, please hear us out first. Don't do this, my daughter." While crossing the road, she was hit by a taxi driver and then... "Please, Doctor, do everything you can to save my daughter. I don't know what to do, help me Oh God!" A serious situation happening at the emergency room, the child was in severe condition, the doctor was trying to save her. After how many minutes, she was saved, and her parents were restless while talking to the investigator to investigate the case of her child. "Have you seen the plate number of the taxi, Ma'am?" the investigator said. "No, things happened fast but I think the driver was under the influence of alcohol, his car was wiggling and luring to left and right," said her mother. "We'll do everything to resolve the case, thank you for your cooperation." The investigators leave the hospital. Unfortunate things happen the day that the child knew her parents decided to divorce. The doctor approach them and said: "Ma'am, we did our best but the impact that was done was severe and it damages the veins in her eyes. Sorry to say, but she wouldn't be able to see again, she's now blind." Her mother was left in awe. She resented herself for what happened to her daughter. Time passes, 11 years after the accident. Ella and her mother were back at the hospital, they've been visiting once a month for a check-up and getting information about the eye donor who wants to donate eyes for Ella. "Ma'am the donor kept on changing decisions; I will let you know once it's final. So far Ella was in a good condition and ready for an eye transplant." He gladly tells Ella and her mother. "Thank you for your kindness, doctor." Leaving the hospital, Ella held her mother's hand, upon the shining ray of sunlight her smile can be seen. She was happy upon hearing that any time soon, she would be able to see the world, again. "Mom, are you bothered? You don't have to worry about me, it's alright I can still wait even after another 11 years. I will." They both headed home. One afternoon, Judith, her mother prepared lunch for her children and to comfort Ella. She asked her older son, Cher to look after her dish as she was going to check if Ella's awake. Judith was excitedly hopping her way upstairs to check Ella who was listening to jazz music. She knocked on her door and slightly opened it. “I’m coming in, Ella” She saw her lovely daughter and as the wind blew the curtain through the window of her room. Ella’s hair flips, and her beauty shows right through her pure soul. Judith reminds of her when she was a teenager like Ella, it made her emotional upon seeing Ella suffering from their mistakes. Ella was into jazz music, listening to it once she woke up in the morning. It helped her clear her thoughts and put peace through her mind and soul. "Oh, my lovely daughter! You have a heart for jazz music, just like your father. Prepare quickly for lunch, I have something to tell you." Judith was excited too. "Yes, mom. I'll be there as fast as I can." They both giggled. Abundant food serves in a rectangular shape table good for the whole family. All delighted to smell the aroma of freshly baked macaroni pasta, Ella's favorite dish. "Sister, come here I'll guide you to your seat," said Cher who was excited to taste every dish served. She replied: "Hmm... I can sense your excitement over the food, Cher thank you so much." They are all together, laughing and chatting, catching up with each other. And then Judith suddenly remembers something she wants to tell them, especially Ella. "Alright guys, can I interrupt for a minute? I have something to say to your sister, Ella finally... She now has a donor. The doctor confirmed it to me. "Oh really, Mom! I am happy for you sister." Ella was happy upon hearing the good news but can’t deny that she was worried. "Mom what if he changes his mind, what if..." "It's alright, I thought you said you can still wait until another 11 years?"
she jokingly said. "We have to strengthen our faith from now on. I believe, this time." Ella replied to her: "Just to make sure I want to meet my donor mom." "I want to thank him and know what makes him decide to donate his eyes." Judith was wondering whether she would let her daughter meet her donor. It would be hard for her if he changes his mind after they meet. She does not want Ella to lose hope. Phone ringing, a man was disturbed by its sound, tossing, and turning around his bed while a ray of sunlight touches the skin that awakens him. He reached for his phone. "Hello, this is Roel. Who's this? He answered the phone with a raspy voice. " Ahm... Sorry for disturbing you, I am the Doctor from St. Teresa's eye hospital. I just wanted to inform you that we already contacted the mother of the donee. Do you want to meet them in person?" Roel jumps out of his bed as he nervously replies to the Doctor. He stuttered and put down his phone. Roel doesn't know what to do, he restlessly walks back and forth in his room. He seems worried and scared about his decision. Back in time, Roel found out the truth. His father went to his school to take him home after school hours. "Oh, son here!" "Sorry for waiting, I just did something." Roel smells the alcohol stinks from his father. He knew that he drinks before coming to his school. He questioned his father. "Dad are you drunk; I can smell alcohol in you." He was a little irritated. "I just sip a little, I wasn't drunk. I would've come here and got you a ride if I was drunk," said his father. Roel continues to question him, "Dad how true that you killed someone by accident before because of your irresponsible drinking while driving?" His father was surprised to hear that from him. "Aren't you going to take responsibility for what happened? How long will you hide and face the consequences?" "I never thought that way, I didn't run away from the accident. I was scared to be away from your mother. You know she was sick and up for eye surgery when that unfortunate thing happened. I don't know what to do, I can't help it." There was a fast car approaching, Roel and his father got into an accident which caused his father’s death. It was another painful memory for him. Roel decided to meet his donee's family. He's nervous to death thinking that he will meet the family of the victim of his Father's reckless driving. He sends a text message containing: "I'm on my way, Mrs. Judith. I'm sorry it would take some time." Mrs. Judith was busy early this morning preparing everything for their visitor. She's grinning and felt excited while humming as someone knocked on the door. They warmly welcome him to their house, opening the door he sees the ever lovely, Ella who was then patiently waiting for him. Roel can't imagine that Ella would be this pretty. He suddenly felt guilt and sadness seeing her suffer what his father did. Time slowed down; he was stunned by her beauty as if she fell in love. "No, stop it Roel. Think about what your father did to her." He quietly talks to himself. Their lunch was full of conversation. They get to know each other well. Roel decided to not say anything about his father and the accident. Roel visited Ella’s house to catch up with one another. He always assists Ella whenever she needs him. Their days and nights repeat. As another year unfolds right into their eyes. Slowly, step by step they develop feelings for one another. As the calendar flashes in a blink of an eye, years and years have passed. In present years in 2021, Roel confessed his feelings toward Ella. They’ve known each other for a very long time. Somehow, they’ve forgotten about her eye surgery but Roel promised him that he would give her his eyes. It just turns out for good that she had fallen in love. How great it would be to have each other’s company. Ella felt the assurance of having Roel by her side. But it can't be denied how worried she was if the time has come that Roel would be leaving and have his eyes, one that only remains a gift from the one he loved. No one can’t break true love. Roel and
Ella told Judith about it, and she gave them her blessings. She wasn't against their love, after all, Roel was a good man but he reminded him of his promise to Ella and her as well. “Promise is a promise, Mom. I love Ella as much as you love her, I won't let you down. Think of it as another gift I could give to her. This was the only thing I could do to pay for...” He slips his tongue and forgets that he hasn't told everything yet, the truth about him and his father’s mistake many years ago. They happily ended their conversation with a warm hug. 5 years passed. They have created a lovely family consisting of 2 children, a daughter, and a son. Despite Ella's condition, she is patiently and willing to wait for more years. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Roel and her children. They've been living peacefully for 5 years and things went a change. While rummaging through her husband's stuff, a recorder fell on the ground. Not knowing what it's, she reached for it and the recorder played. She heard a voice, recorded by her husband, Roel. The message contains: “Ella, by the time you are listening to this. I am sorry and to your family as well. I am too selfish; it is all my fault. I should've not let myself fall in love with you. My father wants to surrender himself by the time the accident happened. He just wanted to be on the day my mother's eye surgery was held. Now that they are both gone, I just wanted to pay for his sins. I indeed loved you, but I didn't know that this would be very hard. Please forgive, even though I didn't deserve your forgiveness for everything that I've done.” Ella was surprised, she was left in awe and disbelief. She threw the voice recorder and began to cry out loud. "No, this can't be true." It seems like the world has stopped and another bad news comes from his brother calling from the hospital. "Ella, your husband was in the hospital. He was involved in an accident going to Mom's home." said his brother who was panicking now. She was going to the hospital but suddenly told the driver to change direction. While going away from the heartbreak, she called her mother. "Mom, do you know... that Roel's father was the one responsible for the accident that happened to me?" she said it while containing herself from what happened. "I just heard that he wanted to meet me before his accident happened and I guess he planned to tell me about that matter." said her Mother. "This can't be true. I can't believe this was happening to me." She began to cry. "Ella, as much as I wanted to give justice for what happened. Roel is gone, and the Doctor is asking me if you would still want to be Roel's eye donee." Judith sounds worried. She knew this would be hard for her daughter. “Where are you? Let’s talk about this in person. You can’t do this alone.” “He made a promise, Mom. I thought he loved me, but it seems like he didn't care about my feelings at all. He loves himself more than me.” Ella felt betrayed, they were both blinded by love. Six months after the misery and traumatic situation, Ella’s children were in Judith’s care. She’s taking the kids for a shower when she receives a call. It was from her daughter, Ella who had been away for a long time. “Mom, it’s me Ella. I’m coming home, I have a surprise for all of you. I’m sorry for leaving, I’m good and ready to face everything now.” She said while her voice was shaking, she teared up a bit. “I’m glad you’re coming back. I’ve already prepared everything for your OB Foundation that you said.” Judith was delighted to hear her daughter happy, again. In the airport, a place where either you would be separated and or reunited from your loved ones. The sound of airplanes landing through the runway, which excites the kids who are waiting for their mother to arrive. Kids hopping and giggling with each other, no words can't express how they’re longing for their Mother’s embrace. “Children, Mom’s here!” Ella shouted with joy. “How nice to see your faces. Mommy can see now.” Ella’s voice cracked. “Ella, I cannot believe this! Can you really see us now?”
You’re now seeing the world. Judith was obviously surprised. On the way home, Ella tells Judith exactly what happened after she left the country. “Before I leave after the incident, I’ve been waiting for OB Foundation’s confirmation about my eye surgery. I left the country not just to move on to life, but the surgery was supposed to be done in the United States of America. After the recovery they want me to be part of the foundation and to serve as a living proof. I did, and I always wanted to give back to people and to the world. Even before, although I can’t see the world, I knew how painful it is to see the world and its people suffering. With the help of the foundation, I started a new whole life, again.” Ella reminisces about her hardships it was painful, indeed. After a couple of days, Ella’s family decided to go to the church and to visit her husband's tomb. Hand in hand walking the streets with her children grin ear to ear. She tightly holds their hands as she feels guilty and sorry for what happened and that at an early age they’re separated from their deceased father. Ella parted ways with her husband, leaving with a heartfelt message that she always wanted to tell. “We’re too selfish Roel, we were both blinded by love that leads our lives into miserable ones. I know how much you loved me, and you know how much I loved you. I’m sorry, it took a lot of time for me to accept all of this. I refused to have your eyes and I've already decided even before things happened; it is the only way I could think to repay your love to me. Until we see each other again, Roel.” I hope that the story was able to touch your heart.
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soulexplorer21 · 3 years
One chilly and cold night, a sound of a child crying out loud could be heard. She was desperate to run through the playground to hide, someone calling her "Ella, please hear us out first. Don't do this, my daughter." While crossing the road, she was hit by a taxi driver and then...
"Please, Doctor, do everything you can to save my daughter. I don't know what to do, help me Oh God!"
A serious situation happening at the emergency room, the child was in severe condition, the doctor was trying to save her. After how many minutes, she was saved, and her parents were restless while talking to the investigator to investigate the case of her child.
"Have you seen the plate number of the taxi, Ma'am?" the investigator said.
"No, things happened fast but I think the driver was under the influence of alcohol, his car was wiggling and luring to left and right," said her mother.
"We'll do everything to resolve the case, thank you for your cooperation." The investigators leave the hospital.
Unfortunate things happen the day that the child knew her parents decided to divorce. The doctor approach them and said:
"Ma'am, we did our best but the impact that was done was severe and it damages the veins in her eyes. Sorry to say, but she wouldn't be able to see again, she's now blind."
Her mother was left in awe. She resented herself for what happened to her daughter.
Time passes, 11 years after the accident. Ella and her mother were back at the hospital, they've been visiting once a month for a check-up and getting information about the eye donor who wants to donate eyes for Ella.
"Ma'am the donor kept on changing decisions; I will let you know once it's final. So far Ella was in a good condition and ready for an eye transplant." He gladly tells Ella and her mother.
"Thank you for your kindness, doctor."
Leaving the hospital, Ella held her mother's hand, upon the shining ray of sunlight her smile can be seen. She was happy upon hearing that any time soon, she would be able to see the world, again.
"Mom, are you bothered? You don't have to worry about me, it's alright I can still wait even after another 11 years. I will." They both headed home.
One afternoon, Judith, her mother prepared lunch for her children and to comfort Ella. She asked her older son, Cher to look after her dish as she was going to check if Ella's awake.
Judith was excitedly hopping her way upstairs to check Ella who was listening to jazz music. She knocked on her door and slightly opened it.
“I’m coming in, Ella”
She saw her lovely daughter and as the wind blew the curtain through the window of her room. Ella’s hair flips, and her beauty shows right through her pure soul. Judith reminds of her when she was a teenager like Ella, it made her emotional upon seeing Ella suffering from their mistakes.
Ella was into jazz music, listening to it once she woke up in the morning. It helped her clear her thoughts and put peace through her mind and soul.
"Oh, my lovely daughter! You have a heart for jazz music, just like your father. Prepare quickly for lunch, I have something to tell you." Judith was excited too.
"Yes, mom. I'll be there as fast as I can." They both giggled.
Abundant food serves in a rectangular shape table good for the whole family. All delighted to smell the aroma of freshly baked macaroni pasta, Ella's favorite dish.
"Sister, come here I'll guide you to your seat," said Cher who was excited to taste every dish served.
She replied: "Hmm... I can sense your excitement over the food, Cher thank you so much."
They are all together, laughing and chatting, catching up with each other. And then Judith suddenly remembers something she wants to tell them, especially Ella.
"Alright guys, can I interrupt for a minute? I have something to say to your sister, Ella finally... She now has a donor. The doctor confirmed it to me.
"Oh really, Mom! I am happy for you sister."
Ella was happy upon hearing the good news but can’t deny that she was worried.
"Mom what if he changes his mind, what if..."
"It's alright, I thought you said you can still wait until another 11 years?" she jokingly said.
"We have to strengthen our faith from now on. I believe, this time."
Ella replied to her: "Just to make sure I want to meet my donor mom." "I want to thank him and know what makes him decide to donate his eyes."
Judith was wondering whether she would let her daughter meet her donor. It would be hard for her if he changes his mind after they meet. She does not want Ella to lose hope.
Phone ringing, a man was disturbed by its sound, tossing, and turning around his bed while a ray of sunlight touches the skin that awakens him. He reached for his phone.
"Hello, this is Roel. Who's this? He answered the phone with a raspy voice.
" Ahm... Sorry for disturbing you, I am the Doctor from St. Teresa's eye hospital. I just wanted to inform you that we already contacted the mother of the donee. Do you want to meet them in person?"
Roel jumps out of his bed as he nervously replies to the Doctor. He stuttered and put down his phone.
Roel doesn't know what to do, he restlessly walks back and forth in his room. He seems worried and scared about his decision.
Back in time, Roel found out the truth.
His father went to his school to take him home after school hours.
"Oh, son here!" "Sorry for waiting, I just did something."
Roel smells the alcohol stinks from his father. He knew that he drinks before coming to his school. He questioned his father.
"Dad are you drunk; I can smell alcohol in you." He was a little irritated.
"I just sip a little, I wasn't drunk. I would've come here and got you a ride if I was drunk," said his father.
Roel continues to question him, "Dad how true that you killed someone by accident before because of your irresponsible drinking while driving?"
His father was surprised to hear that from him.
"Aren't you going to take responsibility for what happened? How long will you hide and face the consequences?"
"I never thought that way, I didn't run away from the accident. I was scared to be away from your mother. You know she was sick and up for eye surgery when that unfortunate thing happened. I don't know what to do, I can't help it."
There was a fast car approaching, Roel and his father got into an accident which caused his father’s death. It was another painful memory for him.
Roel decided to meet his donee's family. He's nervous to death thinking that he will meet the family of the victim of his Father's reckless driving. He sends a text message containing:
"I'm on my way, Mrs. Judith. I'm sorry it would take some time."
Mrs. Judith was busy early this morning preparing everything for their visitor. She's grinning and felt excited while humming as someone knocked on the door.
They warmly welcome him to their house, opening the door he sees the ever lovely, Ella who was then patiently waiting for him. Roel can't imagine that Ella would be this pretty. He suddenly felt guilt and sadness seeing her suffer what his father did. Time slowed down; he was stunned by her beauty as if she fell in love.
"No, stop it Roel. Think about what your father did to her." He quietly talks to himself.
Their lunch was full of conversation. They get to know each other well. Roel decided to not say anything about his father and the accident.
Roel visited Ella’s house to catch up with one another. He always assists Ella whenever she needs him. Their days and nights repeat. As another year unfolds right into their eyes. Slowly, step by step they develop feelings for one another.
As the calendar flashes in a blink of an eye, years and years have passed. In present years in 2021, Roel confessed his feelings toward Ella. They’ve known each other for a very long time. Somehow, they’ve forgotten about her eye surgery but Roel promised him that he would give her his eyes. It just turns out for good that she had fallen in love. How great it would be to have each other’s company.
Ella felt the assurance of having Roel by her side. But it can't be denied how worried she was if the time has come that Roel would be leaving and have his eyes, one that only remains a gift from the one he loved.
No one can’t break true love. Roel and Ella told Judith about it, and she gave them her blessings. She wasn't against their love, after all, Roel was a good man but he reminded him of his promise to Ella and her as well.
“Promise is a promise, Mom. I love Ella as much as you love her, I won't let you down. Think of it as another gift I could give to her. This was the only thing I could do to pay for...” He slips his tongue and forgets that he hasn't told everything yet, the truth about him and his father’s mistake many years ago.
They happily ended their conversation with a warm hug.
5 years passed. They have created a lovely family consisting of 2 children, a daughter, and a son. Despite Ella's condition, she is patiently and willing to wait for more years. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Roel and her children.
They've been living peacefully for 5 years and things went a change. While rummaging through her husband's stuff, a recorder fell on the ground. Not knowing what it's, she reached for it and the recorder played. She heard a voice, recorded by her husband, Roel.
The message contains:
“Ella, by the time you are listening to this. I am sorry and to your family as well. I am too selfish; it is all my fault. I should've not let myself fall in love with you. My father wants to surrender himself by the time the accident happened. He just wanted to be on the day my mother's eye surgery was held. Now that they are both gone, I just wanted to pay for his sins. I indeed loved you, but I didn't know that this would be very hard. Please forgive, even though I didn't deserve your forgiveness for everything that I've done.”
Ella was surprised, she was left in awe and disbelief. She threw the voice recorder and began to cry out loud.
"No, this can't be true." It seems like the world has stopped and another bad news comes from his brother calling from the hospital.
"Ella, your husband was in the hospital. He was involved in an accident going to Mom's home." said his brother who was panicking now.
She was going to the hospital but suddenly told the driver to change direction.
While going away from the heartbreak, she called her mother.
"Mom, do you know... that Roel's father was the one responsible for the accident that happened to me?" she said it while containing herself from what happened.
"I just heard that he wanted to meet me before his accident happened and I guess he planned to tell me about that matter." said her Mother.
"This can't be true. I can't believe this was happening to me." She began to cry.
"Ella, as much as I wanted to give justice for what happened. Roel is gone, and the Doctor is asking me if you would still want to be Roel's eye donee." Judith sounds worried. She knew this would be hard for her daughter.
“Where are you? Let’s talk about this in person. You can’t do this alone.”
“He made a promise, Mom. I thought he loved me, but it seems like he didn't care about my feelings at all. He loves himself more than me.” Ella felt betrayed, they were both blinded by love.
Six months after the misery and traumatic situation, Ella’s children were in Judith’s care. She’s taking the kids for a shower when she receives a call. It was from her daughter, Ella who had been away for a long time.
“Mom, it’s me Ella. I’m coming home, I have a surprise for all of you. I’m sorry for leaving, I’m good and ready to face everything now.” She said while her voice was shaking, she teared up a bit.
“I’m glad you’re coming back. I’ve already prepared everything for your OB Foundation that you said.” Judith was delighted to hear her daughter happy, again.
In the airport, a place where either you would be separated and or reunited from your loved ones. The sound of airplanes landing through the runway, which excites the kids who are waiting for their mother to arrive. Kids hopping and giggling with each other, no words can't express how they’re longing for their Mother’s embrace.
“Children, Mom’s here!” Ella shouted with joy. “How nice to see your faces. Mommy can see now.” Ella’s voice cracked.
“Ella, I cannot believe this! Can you really see us now?” You’re now seeing the world. Judith was obviously surprised.
On the way home, Ella tells Judith exactly what happened after she left the country.
“Before I leave after the incident, I’ve been waiting for OB Foundation’s confirmation about my eye surgery. I left the country not just to move on to life, but the surgery was supposed to be done in the United States of America. After the recovery they want me to be part of the foundation and to serve as a living proof. I did, and I always wanted to give back to people and to the world. Even before, although I can’t see the world, I knew how painful it is to see the world and its people suffering. With the help of the foundation, I started a new whole life, again.” Ella reminisces about her hardships it was painful, indeed.
After a couple of days, Ella’s family decided to go to the church and to visit her husband's tomb.
Hand in hand walking the streets with her children grin ear to ear. She tightly holds their hands as she feels guilty and sorry for what happened and that at an early age they’re separated from their deceased father.
Ella parted ways with her husband, leaving with a heartfelt message that she always wanted to tell.
“We’re too selfish Roel, we were both blinded by love that leads our lives into miserable ones. I know how much you loved me, and you know how much I loved you. I’m sorry, it took a lot of time for me to accept all of this. I refused to have your eyes and I've already decided even before things happened; it is the only way I could think to repay your love to me. Until we see each other again, Roel.”
I hope that the story was able to touch your heart. 💚 -ASTER
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