badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #ThreeDarkCrowns OMG THE NEXT BOOK NEEDS TO COME ASAP! Worst thing about starting a brand new series, is it's as good as this one you need to wait! I have absolutely no negatives about this book. I love it so much and will excitedly watch for the next one! 10⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #TheThousandthFloor My favorite thing about this book was the futuristic technology. The tower was like the whole of New York City and they communicated with contacts. It was super awesome! The story itself was pretty teenage love story meh. The rating I'd give is 7⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews Loved it! Part one is all about the southern culture of Savannah, Georgia which reminded me of living in Missouri for college. Part two is a murder trial and how it affects the town. Definitely recommend.
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #TheFairyGuardian #CreepyHollowBookOne by #RachelMorgan A simple YA read that reminded me a lot of the book #tithe which is one of my favorite books from Junior High. Enjoyable enough that I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series. 9⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #FantasticBeastsandWheretoFindThem No words. Read this right after I saw the movie and was just as epic. Had some extra little nuances and such that the movie didn't and just made me love it all the more. If you like Harry Potter, read/see it! 10⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews just fecking read it, it's amazing! It reads kind of like a fan fiction but I loved every minute of it. If you ever enjoyed Harry Potter, in any capacity, READ THIS BOOK.
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #Wild by @cherylstrayed This book was amazing. I now want to hike and climb and find my soul in the wilderness. This book was amazing and inspiring and I just know I'll read it over and over again. I think anyone can relate to the hardships she talks about and will cheer as she overcomes obstacles and finds herself in the desert and mountains. Read with @msmolly15 for our #LongDistanceBookClub 10⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews Crap. Total crap. If this had not been free I would be even more pissed I wasted my time with it. Poorly written and edited. Decent concept except It was obviously a YA trying to be an adult by saying "fuck" every other sentence and having sex scenes or elusions to sex every chapter. Waste of time. Don't read.
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #TheLadyoftheRivers by #PhilippaGregory My favorite author of historical fiction has done it again. She has taken a character from history you may not have even thought about being important and brought them into the spot light. My next favorite of her novels after #TheOtherBoelynGirl which will always have a special place in my literary heart. 10⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews Dude. I can't even. This book reminded me a lot of Gone Girl. Very intense and very thrilling. Read it in less than two days. Go get your copy now!
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #RedQueen This book was very much similar to other teen dystopian novels (think Hunger Gamed) however it was clever and poignant. I felt the main character was rebelious and very relatable. I look forward to reading the second book. 9/10⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #ZBurbia On a zombie kick I guess! Fun dark book that again shows that zombies are the least of our worries during an apocalypse. Super badass cannibal that I instantly fell in love with. She was so cool! She's the reason I may continue the series. 8⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews of #RotandRuin Zombie fun times. I really enjoyed this; it was part coming of age, part surviving the zombie apocalypse among the dredge of human scum that also survived. It really makes you contemplate what you would have to do to survive not only zombies but also humans. People may come together in a crisis but once you know how to live day-to-day, what happens then? Let me know what you thought below!
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #TheAtlantisGene I really enjoyed this book! First in a series, there was science (which I appreciate) and action and romance, it had all my favorite elements! I'm a little iffy about the ending which I won't spoil... But other than that I'd rate a strong 9⭐ Comment below your thoughts!!!
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #UncommonStock book one. Meh. Once it FINALLY got going which was like the last fourth of the damn book it was great but up until then it was so slow I dunno if it was worth reading. I mean there were some interesting tidbits here and there, the two main characters are trying to start a business so it's cool but not really driving. Took me a couple months to finish because I kept putting it aside to read something else. 6⭐
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badwolfqueen · 8 years
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#EllenDoesBookReviews on #LookingforAlaska In true John Green fasion, this book is deep, and dark. Teenagers coming to grips with the darkness of the world and leaves the reader feeling like they need to reevaluate thier lives in the best way. Loved it even though I finished the book with a heavy heart.
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