#ellie borderlands 2
savannahsdeath · 9 months
୨⎯ e. williams x reader ⎯ ୧
MDNI! you like your dealer more than you like to admit, so when after your meeting everyone disappears, leaving the streets and buildings empty, she's the one you look for.
warnings: dealer!ellie, mention of weed, next parts will contain death, blood, etc. and will be way more interesting i swear
prologue ⋙ chapter one
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you followed the small winding alleyway through the dark, your steps echoing off the brick walls around you. your heart beat quickened, your hands trembling as you neared the corner where the alley opened into a dimly lit street. the shadows moved with every motion, and casted by the nearby buildings gave off a foreboding sense of loneliness, as you felt alone in a world that did not understand you.
you clutched your money tightly in one hand, while the other idly twirled a lock of your hair around your finger. you felt a nervous energy radiating from your body, wanting to run away and yet being compelled to follow through with the decision you had made. you thought you caught a scent of an acrid odor lingering in the air.
your dealer stood in front of you, her face obscured by the shadows as she greeted you. ellie's voice was soft and pleasant, a contrast to the tension you felt building in your chest. despite the darkness and foreboding sense you had felt surrounding the area, you couldn't help but feel a little more at ease in ellie's presence. even though it also served as a reminder of the risks and mistakes which led to that, ellie's gentle nature was a guiding light that helped you navigate through.
ellie handed you a small baggie containing already rolled blunts, its contents wrapped tightly inside as to hide the substance from prying eyes.
"stay safe" she smiled as you gave her your money in exchange. she always said that and you always kept that in mind.
as you began to leave the dark street, you heard the familiar sounds of the city. at first it was nothing more than the subtle drone of engines and tires rolling across asphalt, yet as you moved further away from the meeting spot, the noise grew in intensity and variety. car horns, yelling from people down the street, the faint rumble of public transportation, and the hustle and bustle of the general populace. you could feel the city around you as you took steps away from the area, a sign of progress towards home.
you felt like you had entered an entirely different realm, one with much more life and energy than the atmosphere where you had met ellie.
and you, in fact, entered an entirely different realm.
suddenly, there was no longer the drone of traffic, no honking of horns, no voices or chatter of pedestrians. the silence was so complete and unexpected that for a moment you wondered if you had suddenly gone deaf. but as you realized that you can still hear your footsteps on the ground, your breathing and heartbeat, you knew that it's something more complicated.
once you emerged from the shadows your surroundings were completely different from what you had expected just moments before. the street was normally packed with people commuting to and from work or school, but in this moment, it was empty of all but you. the sudden lack of noise and activity made you feel a strange sense of isolation, as if you didn't matter and the world had decided to desert you. every step you took seemed to echo loudly in the emptiness that surrounded you. it was as if the city had come to a halt, leaving nothing but a blanket of ominous silence to welcome you back. as your footsteps resounded in the silence, you began to feel an overwhelming sense of solitude.
"hellooo?!" you called out, your voice breaking the silence and echoing eerily in the empty streets around you, but with no response. with the city's sounds now absent, the only audible noise came from your own throat, which seemed to only intensify your sense of fear. "oh god..." you mumbled.
your thoughts began to wander back to ellie, and her soothing voice which had offered a sense of comfort amidst the darkness and forebode of the meeting. she was the last person you had seen before the sudden quiet, and as much as you didn't want to admit it, there was a nagging concern in the back of your mind. you wondered if ellie had also been left abandoned by the sudden absence of sound and people, or if she had managed to escape somehow.
you tried to ignore your feet scuffling but it was too much, you could feel the emptiness trying to absorb you too. you began to sprint back toward the dark alleyway in which you had met ellie just minutes ago, hoping for some sign of life. the adrenaline pumping through your veins fueled your pace as you began to notice that every sound you made was magnified in the unnatural silence that surrounded you. you could hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears as you ran, yet the only sound other than that was your own breath and the thump of your feet hitting the ground.
as you turned a corner, the shadows that littered the path seemed to grow thicker, creating an illusion of danger. you felt your heart beating even faster as you realized how isolated the area was, and how much more isolated you felt in the midst of it.
"ellie?" you called out, letting her name hang in the air.
as you rounded the corner, you couldn't help but notice a subtle movement within the darkness. the shadows played tricks on your eyes as you peered into their depths, trying to make out any shapes or figures within them. a slight twitch caught your attention, and as you rubbed your eyes, your vision adjusted and you realized a familiar figure was standing there. ellie.
"thank god!" you weakly shouted, coming up to hug her and melt into her embrace.
ellie seemed taken aback by the sudden display of affection, but quickly reciprocated it, wrapping her arms around you and embracing you tightly. as she held you close to her, she noticed something was wrong, and slowly pulled away from the hug to look at you with concern. she could tell something was weighing on your mind, and as she looked at you, you couldn't help but notice the slightest hint of worry in her eyes.
"something's wrong," you began, looking down at the ground. "i— don't understand it. everyone's gone. gone like they disappeared into thin air. it— i don't understand." your words were coming out in a rapid, jittery pace, and your breath was beginning to catch in your throat. you were struggling to grasp the reality of the situation, and as you looked up, you could tell that ellie was struggling to do so as well.
"are you sure?" ellie asked, her voice filling with doubt. "maybe you're just... high?" in the midst of this detachment, it was easy for ellie to wonder if you were simply experiencing some strange sort of hallucination, rather than something truly mysterious happening. but the blunts were untouche— you ran your hand through your pockets and noticed the baggie you got from her was nowhere to be seen. you must drop it while running.
"see for yourself" you mumbled and took a step aside, gesturing the way to the city center.
"alright" she hesitantly agreed and started walking in the intersection's direction, which a few minutes later left her as shocked as you.
taglist: @ellieswife @coff1nn @abbyily @littlegingerperson2 @marianeski @onlinelesbo @mayagrahh @acatstalkingyou @rayslender @imprettyandpink @sillymelodyy @destructive-path @ellieslutybitch @elliemywife @saxiigami @flowexr @dsybouquet @ellieswifee @stickynachomaker @elliesaesp @elliezlils11utt @pank0w @xiaos-wife1
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vaulthunterlands · 6 months
Stupid idea I had a few nights ago, don't think too hard about the inconsistencies in ages and stuff. Probably just doing Vault Hunters and a few other characters.
Majoring in cybersecurity. Good student, studies and gets consistently high grades. Has a well-formulated meal and workout plan. Also an RA on campus. Roland is the guy you go to if you have issues. He might not be great at "talking you through them" or "showing empathy" but he always has solid advice and is well-respected by his peers.
I was going to say "Brick wouldn't go to college in canon" but this isn't canon babeyyyy. Brick is going into veterinary medicine. You may think this is completely off as a major for him, but I argue that his love for dogs is far greater than any challenge he may face in his education. Still a gym maniac. Roland is his RA, which means Roland is in charge of calming Brick down when he gets mad. Dating Mordecai. Also, unrelated but Brick in a philosophy class:
"Brick, can you tell us what you think about what Descartes said?"
"I PUNCH Descartes."
Y'all are going to hate me for this but Lilith is a chemistry major. Girl loves fire, electricity, and acid so you can't tell me she wouldn't be a menace in her labs. (Also, before the first game was released her full title was "Dr. Lilith Cashlin, Mercenary Scientist") Only goes to class half the time but still does really well. Rooms with Mordecai and Brick. Huge crush on this RA she keeps seeing around
BIRD MAAAAAN. Y'all already know this guy is doing two things on campus. 1) Majoring in Ornithology 2) Going to parties to get drunk. This man is the epitome of "college is for partying". Keeps birds in campus (not allowed) and is doing okay in his classes (he is hung over 80% of the time) (Mordy pls) Dating Brick.
Honestly, what field of science ISN'T this girl majoring in? She's insane(ly smart) and constantly gets perfect scores on all of her exams. Closest friends are Roland and the gang.
Why is he here??? What??? Marcus is the guy who runs the restaurant that is directly across the street from campus. *Phenomenal* food, but GOD is it pricey. Tends to not care about many of the students chilling (as long as they BUY SOMETHING)
Doesn't go to this college but he's good friends with Roland and his pals. Likes to go out drinking with them on the weekends and is just all-in-all a cool guy to hang around with. Friends with Janey.
BMOC. Captain of the football team. You can trust him! (He's the water boy.) Total jock but he's not an asshole about it. Majoring in Rehabilitation Science. He's... not the *best* student, but he does try and genuinely care about what he wants to do. Lives with Salvador, Maya, and Zer0 in a dorm.
Culinary major. My man can COOK. He's the best cook in the dorm and no one will ever argue if he offers to cook. Really good student even though he parties all the time with Mordecai, Brick, and Axton. Lives with Maya, Axton, and Zer0.
*Insert weeb joke here* They're a literature major. Not just because of the haiku, either. I feel like Zer0 would be fantastic in literature courses and understanding thr deeper meanings in texts. They are seen as a "weird kid" on campus. They do not care. Lives with Maya, Salvador, and Axton.
The reason I made this list (big surprise, V does a huge post and it's Maya's fault), Maya majors in entomology. (S/O to @forbiddenpurplesoda for this because I've always thought Maya would be a bug girl) Maya is a phenomenal student and she always gets great marks in her studies. Lives with Axton, Sal and Zer0. Has at least one pet beetle that makes Axton panic.
Mechanical Engineering/Robotics major. Obviously built Deathtrap as a buddy because she felt a little lonely in her dorm. Calls her Dad every night. Has a huge crush on a girl in one of her math classes. Lives with...
Listen. Listen. Krieg majors in psychology. The *actual* football captain. Doesn't talk much and when he does, it's complete nonsense. (Everyone just goes "haha classic Krieg") Gaige gets along with him extremely well. Maya and him have a thing where they will just look at each other and think "holy shit they're so gorgeous). Always wears a face mask.
Child prodigy chemistry major, buddies with Lilith and Roland. But seriously, who let this kid in the lab? Like, okay, yeah, she knows what she's doing, but what she's doing is COMBUSTION REACTIONS. How is she still in school.
Engineering major. Lives in the building across from Roland and the gang. Absolute sweetheart and huge flirt but will also drop you on her ass if you threaten her friends.
I could see Moxxi as a professor of engineering, actually. Every student thinks she's gorgeous and she's learned to ignore it. Scooter and Ellie's Mom. Thinks their friends are funny.
Oh man, this one was tough. I decided on absolute tool you meet in college who's the head of a frat and thinks he's God's gift to women. Lives in the same building as Roland, Lilith, Brick, Mordecai, Salvador, Axton, Maya, Zer0, Gaige, and Krieg. Constantly getting into arguments with... basically everyone listed above. Majors in business.
She's an art major!!! She's super intelligent and aces all of her classes but she absolutely loves art. Jack is her brother in this AU. Has a crush on the cute punk girl in her math class but could never tell her. Lives in a single.
Double majors in conservation biology and zoology! Finds the creatures that he studies absolutely fascinating and always has a bright disposition on his face. Lives in a single that looks exactly like you think it does (his room on Sanctuary III). Strained relationship with his sister.
Acient History Major, specifically interested in Ancient Greece (wonder why?). Works at Marcus' restaurant. Hates it. Pay her more. Has her eyes on a girl that frequents Marcus' restaurant. Tried to live with Wilhelm, Jack, Nisha, Timothy, and Claptrap for a semester, she is now a commuter. Still friends with Timothy.
Jack's second-in-command. People look at him like he's a dumbass, big hunk of meat, but he's also in a robotics major. Aside from being buddies with Jack, he's... kind of chill? Man likes what he likes and he works out pretty often. Boxes in his free time. Lives with Nisha, Jack, Timothy, and (formerly) Claptrap.
Criminal justice major, naturally. Jack's girlfriend and the baddest and scariest bitch on campus. Likes watching old western movies. Never, ever shows up to class but still passes. No one knows how. Lives with Jack, Timothy, Wilhelm, and (formerly) Claptrap
Theater major! Always has a smile on his face, even though he's nooooot very well-liked. Tried to get in with the popular guys but eventually figured out he was being used. He confronted Jack and Jack kicked him out of the dorm 😔 Lives... well, he kind of just lives around Roland's dorm. Roland's too nice to say no.
I feel like Tim would be a Biology major. I don't know why but I can see him in that field. Looks SCARILY similar to Jack, and hates this. Unfortunately put into a room with Jack, Wilhelm, Nisha, and (formerly) Claptrap. Misses Athena greatly and wishes she still lived on campus. They're still good friends.
Oh good lord, who let her on a college campus. Has an extravagant single room because she's *rich* and she's not sharing with someone else are you insane? Studies law because this bitch wants to be a judge someday. Absolutely hates to be seen with her brother Alistair. Rivalry with another rich law student makes this even more tense.
Doesn't go to this college but she knows a few people around campus and hits up Marcus' restaurant for a bite to eat every so often. The food is just so good, right? No other reason. None at all. Friends with Scooter.
Rhys is a business and economics major. Is in Jack's frat. Is getting increasingly sick of Jack's shit. Buddy buddy with Vaughn, Fiona, and Zer0. Dating Sasha.
Accounting major. Man has a mind like a steel trap, and also enjoys bodybuilding. Best friends with Rhys, good friends with Fiona and Sasha.
I genuinely feel like Fiona would be a nursing or Healthcare major. I have no basis for this, it just feels right for her. Hates Jack and keeps telling Rhys to tell him to fuck off. Friends with Rhys and Vaughn, Sasha's older sister.
Social work major! Loves helping people and wants to make a change in the world after she and Fiona grew up in less-than-ideal circumstances. Dating Rhys, also keeps telling Rhys to get away from Jack. Friends with Vaughn.
Transfer student. Served in the military for a while before deciding she wanted to go to college. Undecided major but she's just trying to focus on the pretty women I mean her grades haha am I right? ALWAYS at Marcus'. Always. Lives with Zane, Amara, and FL4K.
FL4K has Mr. Chew, Broodless and Meat-Thief as emotional support animals. I can see FL4K as a double major in zoology and veterinary medicine. Loves their pets. Super chill unless you speak badly about them or their pets. Will shank a bitch. Lives with Zane, Moze, and Amara.
Healthcare studies major, with a focus on pathology. Also a bodybuilder. Also a boxer. Amara is that girl and she knows it. Always asking Moze to work out with her and she is completely oblivious to Moze being head over heels. Will fight someone being mean to a customer service worker. Lives with Zane, Moze, and FL4K.
Pop pop went back to college! No but in this AU Zane is probably older than everyone but not that much older. His major was tough for me, but I honestly think he'd be a good candidate for a major in rehabilitation science with Axton. Also LOVES parties.
His Father wanted him to go into Business to take over the family legacy but he decided to go into law to "protect the little guy". Has daily arguments with this stuck-up, pretentious "harpy" that's in most of his classes. She's awful. Has a crush on this well-spoken man in zoological studies. At least that will take his mind off of the harpy.
Troy is a media and communications major. Has a fantastic time making videos and being admin of many social media pages but doesn't do very well in class because he dislikes most of his professors. Has a very close relationship with his sister, Tyreen.
Double major in Art History and Theater. Loves to be the center of attention and often stars in her brother's videos and projects. She loves it. A little full of herself. Close with her brother, Troy.
Cringe boomer history professor that can be easily distracted by him telling his stories of his many adventures (no one knows if they're true or not). Troy and Tyreen's Father. NOT a piss poor Dad in this AU, just embarrassing as all hell. Pretty decent guy but he's okay as a professor. (Please guys let me have my "Typhon is a good cringe embarrassing boomer dad to the Calypsos" AU)
OKAY this was a really long post and I probably forgot someone but I'm sure I'll hear about it LMAO. Also I don't know every single college major and its appropriate title, I just went off of vibes. Pls be nice 2 me
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hotlineremedios · 6 months
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wolfstarr-the-sequel · 6 months
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handsomejdasha · 2 months
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А так же мне захотелось выложить этих красоток всех вместе
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way-too-cool-raybot · 10 months
You know while I was doing that side quest for Moxxi about that electricity guy or whatever I was thinking like. Why don't we acknowledge how smart Moxxi are her kids are. Like. She was like OK Hon give me three batteries and I'll make a "token" that will absolutely shock the shit out of him (but not you) so you may shoot that bitch. And like also besides that she is very good at acting. Ellie is also obviously very smart like she works on a fucking rocket??? And made a truck that you can run over people with for fuel??? And I didn't pay attention to Scooter that much (he's just not my favourite character) but he was also a mechanic of at least a similar caliber to Ellie. Like Tannis is very clearly smart but like. In a very different way. Sanctuary is full of smarties we must acknowledge this
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kitsumidori · 3 months
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The magical girls of Borderlands!!!!
I was up until almost 3 am finishing this. A showcase of both the siren's and some of the psychic users.
And if anyone asks what the hell is the thing behind Maya, I'll give you a hint: It only shows up in my most despised mission in BL3.
Also I gave Moze a cosmic bear companion, her name is Usagi and she's a real sweetheart.
(click for better quality)
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rolilith · 1 year
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cakerapop · 6 months
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Idk how to draw scooter sorry
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the-cpu-system · 2 months
My favorite character is Butt Stallion and Scooter but no one will ever ask me cus they assume my fav is Jack 😔
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Sibling fight pt 3 revengeance! Right bracket eleventh seed.
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savannahsdeath · 8 months
୨⎯ e. williams x reader ⎯ ୧
MDNI! you and ellie meet another soul, which brings you hope... but quickly takes it back again
this isn't the best since i'm sick but i was impatient to finish it so enjoy !! next games n chapters should be more interesting 🫡
warnings: mentions of death, acid/poison, pressure and fear
prologue ⋘ chapter one ⋙ chapter two
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the last few hours were a mist of confusion and denial. you and ellie were wandering around the city without much sense nor any plan. all of the walking has drained your energy and you could feel your legs begin to ache with each step. the silent streets offered only a glimpse of reality, yet it was one that made little sense, leaving you both with conflicting feelings of doubt and concern, not sure what to believe or do next. though the silent city seemed to offer no clues as to where everyone had gone, its silence became a disturbing reminder of the reality of the situation, as if to taunt you.
your wandering eventually brought you and ellie to going into building after building, and despite entering each one with the hope of finding someone, they all offered the same eerie result. you could hear nothing inside, aside from the faint echo of your footsteps as you walked through the rooms.
"wait, this one's locked" you began, standing in front of a not big house with its front door firmly shut. you tried pulling on the handle, but found it firmly locked from within. in the midst of all the chaotic disappearance, this was a strange sign of... normalcy? you wondered, if only for a moment.
"maybe they locked themselves inside" ellie suggested. "i mean, who wouldn't, after something like this happened?"
it made sense; the unknown and sudden nature of the emptiness could have easily sent people into a state of panic, desperate to hide away from the unknown and keep themselves safe. the closed house certainly seemed to suggest this possibility, a sign that someone was still here, just locked away from the outside world.
the two of you stood outside the house for a few silent moments, debating what to do next. everything remained empty and still, aside from the sound of your own voices speaking softly in the chilly evening air, and your feet shifting on the cold ground beneath you. you tried pulling on the handle a little harder, but still it did not budge, remaining firmly shut. the absence of any noise made the situation all the more unsettling, as if the house itself was a silent witness to the chaos unfolding around it. your heartbeat picked up speed as you began to contemplate the possibility of breaking down the door, and as if reading your thoughts, ellie reached out to touch your arm, a gesture to remind you to keep your composure and remain collected.
you paused mid-motion, suddenly recognizing the sound of footsteps just outside the door. it didn't take long to realize that someone was indeed in the house, their actions producing the faint echo of footsteps on the floor. the sound was quiet, but distinct, as if whoever was inside was walking slowly and carefully, trying to minimize the noise they made.
you stepped back from the door as the hidden occupant's footsteps stopped. after an uneasy few seconds of silence, you heard the faint sound of a lock clicking, followed by the soft whoosh of a door knob turning. the sound of the door shifting in its frame filled the silence, as it opened slightly, revealing nothing but a crack of darkness on the other side. the vague shape of a shadow behind the door was all you could see, its identity still a mystery.
you remained still, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness behind the door. the faint outline of a human shape remained, albeit without any clear details. a soft breathing drifted out from the door, its subtle yet distinct rhythm hinting at the presence of a person. it was the only sound within the silence, filling you with an uneasy feeling, though nothing compared to the sudden appearance of a whisper. in a quiet, barely audible voice, the person behind the door spoke.
"hello...? is someone there?" the voice drifted softly through the air, its whisper almost sounding like a faint breeze. it was clear that whoever was waiting behind the door was hoping to avoid attracting attention, though their question was a clear sign that they were aware of your presence. the shadows created by the dim interior and the dim exterior light made it impossible to decipher any details about the person speaking.
"yes" you answered, the sound of your voice filling the air to confirm your presence.
you remained still, letting the person behind the door take the lead. with a quiet and subtle creak, you could hear the door slowly inching open to reveal the shadow behind it.
the figure turned out to be a man, his eyes meeting yours in a silent glance as he took in your presence. while he had a look of caution in his eyes, his demeanor seemed calm and reserved, almost apologetic in the way he watched you. he looked to be way older, perhaps in his mid-40s or so, though his worn and overworked appearance made it difficult to pin down his exact age.
"come in" the man said, softly gesturing for you to follow him inside the house. he slowly walked past the door frame, letting his body pass into the darkness of the interior while expecting for you to do the same.
you cautiously looked at ellie, as if to ask her what to do.
"do we have a choice?" she shrugged and encouraged you forwards. "ladies first."
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you stepped past the man into the kitchen, ellie close behind you. the light was dim, yet much brighter than the rest of the house that remained shrouded in darkness. you could see everything more clearly, including the man himself. his appearance was somewhat tired and overworked, though his soft demeanor betrayed no sense of danger. he had not spoken since he led you inside, keeping a respectful distance as he allowed you and ellie to settle into the kitchen.
the man looked at you both, taking in your appearance with an understanding look. "newbies, i'm guessing?" he asked, his soft and calm voice indicating that he was well aware of your confusion and uncertainty. his look of understanding remained unchanged, as if he fully understood your doubt and the situation you found yourselves in. "i'll cut to the chase then" he said, stepping a little closer and speaking in a more clear manner. his demeanor became slightly more serious, as if he was taking on the role of the one in charge of the situation. "do you know what's happening right now?"
"we know that everybody's disappeared" you told him, gesturing the space around with your hands. "everyone. all of these buildings are empty."
the man's expression remained neutral, giving off the impression that he had already known this, and thus was not the least bit surprised by the news. instead, his demeanor conveyed a sense of solemnity and understanding of the gravity of the situation. "yes, that's right." he nodded.
the man began to fill ten shot glasses with water, laying them neatly on the counter top as he talked. one of the cups seemed suspicious, because he carefully took it out from a drawer, already filled. "something big is happening in the world, like nothing i've ever seen. something powerful and unknown, beyond our understanding. i think it's better to focus on what we do know. there's no point in trying to piece it all together, we'll just go crazy. we have to accept it. we can worry about how all this happened later, for now we should think about what needs to be done." the man took the suspicious cup and placed it between the other nine glasses, seemingly making no distinction between it and the remaining cups. he quickly rearranged them, making you unable to remember which one was the different one.
the man suddenly smiled, his whole expression shifting into a more playful and cheerful tone. "well, i guess we're playing a game." he looked at the glasses, which he had now carefully arranged in a pattern where all of them looked the same. he pointed at them with an excited smile on his face, as if to challenge you and ellie.
GAME 1 : 3 of ♦️
- the players may not physically interact with the dealer
- there are 10 shot glasses arranged in a row on the counter. each glass contains water, except for one glass which contains a lethal poison
- the player and the dealer will take turns playing the game. during the player's turn, they have 1 minute to choose one (and only one) of the following two actions; failing to do so results in an immediate game over:
- make the second player drink the contents of the leftmost glass (from the player's perspective) on the counter, and remove that glass from the row
- make the second player drink the contents of the leftmost glass and the second-leftmost glass (from the player's perspective) on the counter, and remove both glasses from the row
- apart from the abovementioned actions, the player may not interact with the glasses and/or their contents in any other way (e.g. the player may not pour away the liquid in the rightmost glass)
- during the dealer's turn, he has 1 minute to choose one (and only one) of the same actions as the player, except he takes glasses from the right from his perspective
- the game begins with the player's turn
- at any point in time, if the dealer drinks the poison, the player receives game clear
- at any point in time, if the player drinks the poison (or breaks the game rules as stated above), both players receive game over
ellie hesitated, the gravity of the man's explanation sinking in as she processed the situation. "you're crazy" she said, looking at him with a mixture of bewilderment and confusion. the man remained nonchalant, seeming unfazed by her words.
you then piped up, asking "what if we don't want to... play?"
the man stepped aside and reached into a drawer, withdrawing two cell phones and pressing one into your hands. as you turned it on, a plain black text revealed: days on visa: 1. you peeked at ellie's but it showed the same thing as yours. he then gave a brief explanation of the visa, which he assured you are the remaining days of your life that will increase everytime you play a game by the difficulty of it.
you both sat in silence, taking in the information. you had thought all the rules of the game had already been revealed, but now you had this new information to take into consideration. you looked at ellie, who shared your bewildered look of confusion as you processed the knowledge that you both only had one day left to live.
"are we supposed to be satisfied with just one day?" she asked, her voice containing a frantic touch of amusement.
you both had a hard time choosing, and the man seemed to be growing impatient with your reluctance to begin the game. after a few more moments of silence, he broke in, seeming ready to make the first move. "i'll go easy on you, i swear, newbies. you go first. choose one or two, just pick something."
"this is three of diamond. if you win the game you get another three days added to your visa" the man explained. he didn't seem to care about the implications of playing a life-or-death game every day in order to simply prolong your life for another 24 hours. he simply expected you and ellie to accept the circumstances and begin the game without question. "it's not like you can choose anyway, but you couldn't have come across a better chance. i mean, it's a simple game, there's really nothing else to say. one of the glasses has acid in it. so choose wisely, play carefully, and good luck." the man ended his brief explanation with a playful smile, as if he was really looking forward to starting the game regardless of your decision.
after a few moments of hesitation, you decided to play it slow and choose one. you carefully picked the first glass between the ten and held it up to ellie's face, waiting for her to take it. her head tilted back and she lifted the glass to her lips, drinking the whole liquid in a single gulp. you watched her, still unsure about the whole game, expecting her to either burst out in pain or scream as the acid burned her throat. instead, she simply set the glass down with a contented sigh.
the man watched your expressions closely, smiling brightly at the sight of your relief. but though her lips were not burnt by the acid, the game was not over yet. he nodded, indicating that he's ready to play.
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you'd made it through eight glasses and each had been safe. the odds may not be in your favor, but you had managed to beat them up until now. finally, you were at the final round of the game, with only two cups remaining. as you realized the dilemma in front of you, you also realized there was only one logical choice: you had to choose one glass, because even if you tried playing two, it wouldn't spare you from death, ellie would still be drinking poison. the only way to avoid it was to pick a single one and hope for the best.
you reached forward and carefully picked a cup, feeling the tension build as you held it out to ellie. she looked at you with a nervous expression, clearly feeling equally stressed about the situation as she prepared to take yet another sip of what potentially could be acid. you held your breath as she lifted the glass to her lips, sipping from it. after a full swig, she lowered the glass without a reaction, just as she had done four times before.
with only one glass remaining and the man's turn, you knew that there was a one hundred percent chance this would be the acid shot. he seemed to understand this as well, smiling cheerfully as he nodded to the glass in front of him. "it's my turn, isn't it?" he chuckled and gave another small laugh as he picked up the glass and raised it, as if to celebrate a victory. "to the remaining two!" he toasted and gave you an understanding smile, as if to reassure you both that the game would end well for you. "you might not want to see this, though."
as the man raised the glass to his lips, his eyes met yours with a serious and focused expression. he did not shy away from your stares, knowing that there was no point in avoiding you the sight of consequences. you could not move from the unbelievable sadness of witnessing a life ending before your eyes, and yet you felt ellie's hand consciously grip your arm, pulling you away from the tragic scene.
game inspired by: HippoOfGreen on reddit
taglist: @ellieswife @coff1nn @abbyily @littlegingerperson2 @marianeski @onlinelesbo @mayagrahh @acatstalkingyou @rayslender @imprettyandpink @sillymelodyy @destructive-path @ellieslutybitch @elliemywife @saxiigami @flowexr @dsybouquet @ellieswifee @stickynachomaker @elliesaesp @elliezlils11utt @pank0w @xiaos-wife1 @machetegirl109 @teawithnosugar @lostwsoo @iove-bbb
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minty-trash · 7 months
I want to hug Ellie 🥺
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hotlineremedios · 6 months
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i was playing borderlands 2 and these r my lately works!<3
we got siren!zer0 and assassin!maya
and still my favourite,renaissance costume
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kiba-biba · 2 years
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oh hell no
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handsomejdasha · 2 months
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5 день - Элли и Мокси Челлендж почти заканчивается, остается всего то пару дней. Но зато будет коллекция красоток в купальниках)))
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