#elliot cadieux
furymint · 22 days
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FFXIV Write 2024 | header | wc: 465
Brave set a steaming pot down in the gathering's center. Sweat trickled down the black iron from the heat, and it ran to stain droplets into the raw wood table. She stretched her arms to shake off the strain, then something popped in her back. Arcian was the first to commiserate an apology.
The other Bells around the table gave their thanks instead. Few of them had the energy to do more than wait in the Alliance commons while Brave ducked into the mess galley to find something to settle them with.
Not one of them was a soldier—as they so often were reminded—but that did not entitle them to any civilian comfort. If they wanted to eat, they'd need to feed themselves.
Usually there was food ready for them in Castrum Oriens, but a disrupted supply meant even the Adders went without full meals this sennight. "Disrupted" was no kind substitute for the truth: a massacre followed by an inferno, so the pack chocobos' feathers raised a stench that harassed the Eorzean front for malms.
Brave explained with a laugh that the meal before them was scraped together with the only three ingredients she could find: flour, chicken, and water.
"Water," Elliot declared, "is not an ingredient."
Haru smacked him on the arm. "Just shut your mouth."
"I mean... Maybe?" Norhi tilted her head.
Brave pinned him with a dead look. "I boiled the bones into a stock, so yes. Water. With chicken dumplings."
"And no seasonings?" asked Elliot.
"Can we please just forget him?" blurted Arcian.
Wyda grinned. "Does the fire to boil it count too?" 
At this point, Brave dunked a ladle into the pot and served herself a bowl. "Look. I'm too hungry to care about the philosophy behind my soup. Have it or don't."
"Don't—I mean, wait!" Elliot stumbled to his feet, whipped his legs free of the bench, and flew out of the mess hall.
Yumi started a silent count with her fingers until he returned. Forty-four seconds. "I never thought he could run that fast."
Elliot leaned one arm into the table, panting, and smacked a wax paper puck to the table with his free hand. "A tea cake," he proclaimed.
Wyda pointed her spoon at him. "Drinking tea and eating supper at the same time—that's way too efficient for you, Carambole."
"But it's flavor!" he protested.
For the first time, the room considered what he said. The doubtful sat beside those who had nothing left to lose.
Brave shook the wax paper from the tea cake and lofted it for inspection. "...Does anyone hate the idea?" she asked.
No one protested.
"All right, Elliot—you win. Three ingredients." Brave tipped her bowl back in the pot and crushed the teacake over the sorry stew.
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tonberryslantern · 4 years
Tooth and Nail: Xanadu Mol
Lord Elliot Cadieux was woken from a blissful slumber by the sound of tapping.  it was intimately close and quiet, and rather than open his eyes he just tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.  But through the fog of his half wakefulness he realized he wasn’t just hearing the tapping, he was feeling it.  A repeated, almost imperceptible pressure.
He opened his eyes and saw a small hand near his face.  In the dark he had a hard time determining skin tone other than dark, and something almost black was wrapped around the back of the hand in an oddly familiar pattern.  None of this bothered him in his state halfway between dream and reality.  It was, instead, the perfectly manicured nails of the hand, especially the one on the index finger gently tapping on his left incisor.
Tap tap tap.  Keratin against enamel.  Gentle, rhythmic, consistent.  What?  What?  Then he saw past the hand to the arm, the figure who it belonged to, hidden in the shadows crouched next to his bed.  Then its eyes opened.  Horrible red-pink glowing eyes, the eyes of a demon boring into his soul.  And the figure whispered in a serene, terrible voice.  “You still owe me.”
His screaming called Sir Nolanel, but by the time he showed up the figure had gone, leaving Elliot wrapped up in his sheets, mouth clamped tightly shut, counting his teeth with his tongue.
Love you @furymint
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norhimorovine · 4 years
Between Wolves and Spears
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A couple letters and packages are delivered to Bellworks Mailboxes. The first shows up in Brave's box, before Norhi even leaves the Bellworks campus that evening. The rest show up the next afternoon.
(( @theseventhdawn​ @endangered-liaison​ - I had fun rp’ing with everyone today! Even if it did go sideways, LOL!))
To Chief Engineer, Brave Horizon, "Nolanel and Max sort of came to blows, but not a full fight. Max baited Nolanel, and he pushed her out of his space. This prompted an episode of breathing issue. It was just a case of two high strung soldiers needing to back up and stop picking at each other for a moment, let their heads cool. However, our dear Miss Mol felt it was necessary to interject her brand of... I'm not sure what it was. Vitriol? She called it civility. I'd call it a complete disregard for war trauma. Either way, I think Vhene did more for calming them, than anyone else in the room did, myself included. I wasn't far from throwing out a few Reposes on all three of them, to be honest. As it was, neither of them wanted her to come to harm, as close as she was to the action.
Either way, I just wanted to inform you of the incident, so that you'd be aware of any escalated tensions remaining between the three of them. Though, if I had to give my healer's opinion? Xan might mend the rift between them, if only in causing them to plot together on how to murder her. Which won't do shit for their trauma. But I don't know if we've got anyone actually trained for that anyway.
Suffice it to say, I feel like Max and Nolanel, this incident notwithstanding, are coming along fairly well as calmer, more reasonable people. No one was actually injured. And they both wrangled themselves back into control. There was one broken mug, which I believe was Nolanel's personal property anyway. But I blame Xan for baiting him. I'm sure she'll have her own viewpoint and it may even be valid. She's strangely logical about those views, as frustrating as I find them.
At any rate, I can give you a more detailed explanation of the incident if you require it. I just wanted to give you the heads up before I left for the evening.
My Regards, Norhi M.
The second letter is attached to a tin of snickerdoodles, in Elliot's box.
To Elliot Cadieux, So, while I suspect you may hear this from Nolanel before you see this letter, I just wanted to pass along what I know. Max baited Nolanel, after he asked her if she'd ever fragged any oficers she served under. I don't condone her response to get into Nolanel's face. But I also don't condone Nolanel rising to her bait like he was a twelve year old with a point to prove.
I know they were both acting out of their own pain and trauma. And I'm sure you've got a much better idea of Nolanel's problems than I could ever hope to have.
Add in the fact that Xan showed up and was her classic display of demands and self centered bravado, and it very nearly got worse. Thankfully, Nolanel and Max both got themselves under control again. Perhaps because they were worried about Vhene sitting only a couple fulms away. I'm not entirely sure.
With that in mind, I simply wanted to check in with you. I don't know if Nolanel is seeing anyone trained in dealing with war trauma. But, if it's something he can be persuaded to, maybe he should. I'll leave that to you two to figure out, as I know it's honestly none of my business. I simply worry.
Be Well, Norhi
Under Elliot's letter is one for Nolanel
To Nolanel Feran, I wanted to check in. I know what happened was unpleasant and would not be surprised to find you rattled. I don't expect you to share that pain with me. And I know some of this is none of my business. I simply wanted to pass along that I'm here if you need anything. Cookies, an ear, company, or whatever. Doesn't even have to be about what happened.
I said some words that were a bit harsh to my own ears, back there. And while I don't feel like I should apologize for trying to help you find your calm again, maybe I could've gone about it a different way.
I worry for you, as I like to think that maybe we're at least a tiny bit friends. And I won't lie, I worry for Max too. I think there's a lot of good inside her, if the environment were better for her. And I won't defend what she said or did. Hells, she made me mad enough about it. But I'm not going to defend what you said to her either. No one was innocent, save for perhaps Vhene.
I can't possibly understand what you're dealing with. Even with what experience I gained before I left the adventurers guild. I pray that you find healing and comfort, in whatever manner serves you best. Thank you for watching out for Vhene the way you did. It's a balm to me, to think that I can count on you for her safety and well being. I hope the cookies are still to your taste.
Best Wishes, Norhi
A larger box is slipped into Max's mailbox. Inside it is a map of part of the Black Shroud, south of Bentbranch, right around Tam Tara Deepcroft. A pair of patrol routes is marked along it. Also written on the map is a pair of names and their ranks within the Wood Wailers. It also notes the usual weapons they're seen carrying. The map was marked with a few other small notes - an ochu nest, skeletons, poison ivy, sink holes, and more. The rest of the box's contents were a few things like more peanut butter cookies, potions, and a letter.
Max, I first want to thank you for helping out with those two Wailers, when you have the time. They're really quite the problem for anyone who seeks their safety in the forest. I have several friends that have only narrowly squeaked out of their grasp.
I also wanted to touch base about what happened. There was a lot that was said and done, by everyone including me, that probably could've been handled better. I'm certain that you've got enough to be angry about already. I just hope you understand when I ask that you give Nolanel a little slack. Not a lot of slack. And no, I'm not excusing him for his words or behavior. That's his problem to make up for. But I also know that he's got his own pain he's acting out of. It's not an excuse. Just an explanation. I don't know entirely what he's gone through. And I haven't pried into that. But I'm a healer for a reason. Your pain and his pain don't mesh very well I think.
Of course, you're going to do as you wish. And that's your right. I just had to hope that by asking, you might consider a more peaceful path. At least in this regard. Either way, do as you must.
Thank you for your kindness towards Vhene too. Her safety in that scenario was a relief to me. Maybe in time we can have cookies or something together, again.  
Take Care, Norhi
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the-wardens-torch · 5 years
FFXIVwrite2019 - Prompt #21
Entry #15, Prompt #21 - Crunch Word Count: 516
The figure Falerin Arcita cut while trying to walk in the snows of Ishgard resembled some sort of slim marsh bird, and seemed just about as out of place.
Upon first setting foot in Coerthas, Falerin had cheerfully admitted to being excited to see snow for the first time.  Or at least he had before he actually… set foot in it. Sure, snow had the capacity to make everything beautiful - to wrap Hydaelyn in a blanket of soft white as she slumbered and dreamed of spring.  But it also had the capacity to be wet, cold, slippery, and generally miserable.
And so, he had avoided further trips north as much as possible, but now he was out of excuses… He hadn‘t seen his friend Elliot Cadieux in moons now, and all attempts to lure him out of the austere chill of Ishgard and into more temperate climes had failed.  On the contrary, Elliot had been the one to lure him into Ishgard, with the promise of a loan of some poetry books, as well as a conversation over hot imported tea and a variety of absurdly complicated Ishgardian pastries.
The snow crunched audibly underfoot, flattening into ice that he knew would slide out from under his feet and acquaint his backside with the cobblestones if he moved any faster than a slow trudge.  It reminded him a bit of walking in loose, soft sand, but at least sand had the decency to not transmute itself into wet slime when it made its way into your shoes and clothing.  He couldn’t wait to be out of it. It was probably only by the grace of Reonora’s forced gift of an oversized sweater, scarf and mittens that he could even continue being in it.
But just where in the seven hells was that damn café?! Great stone buildings loomed all around, looking down their noses at him much like the tall and proud aristocrats they housed.  Wasn’t this the right street? It was a bit hard to tell… Some of the shop names and addresses were written in calligraphy so elaborate as to be nearly illegible to his islander peasant eyes.
He carefully removed one of his mittens with his teeth and reached into the pocket of his coat, taking care not to let his nearly numb nose drip anything on the paper that contained the address.
The paper was dusted not in his snot, nor in Elliot’s elegant script, but in fine white powder… Fine white powder that was now crawling into the gap between Falerin’s coat and his neck like some sort of malevolent rodent with ice clusters for paws.
The mitten fell from Falerin‘s teeth as he whirled around to locate the source of this sudden assault, nearly losing his balance on the slick ground.  He was not surprised to see a certain blonde Elezen standing under the eaves of nearby building, laughing about as hard as it was possible to laugh while still maintaining one’s patrician demeanor. Falerin grinned and shook his head.
“You’d damn well better be buying the tea, Elliot!”
((Elliot belongs to @theseventhdawn and Reonora belongs to @aspected-benefic… Using other peoples’ characters always makes me so nervous but this idea was too cute to ignore sfrAEDGFSfwse poor Fal and his desert/beach-dweller sensibilities.))
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endangered-liaison · 6 years
lobs ✎ back
Thisis how people lose their eyes, Cardboard.
1: Wyda genuinely couldn’t remember Elliot’ssurname for the first few months, and now she keeps giving him Fake Surnamesboth as a fond running joke and mainly because she doesn’t want people to knowshe was doing it out of forgetfulness rather than humour.
2: She thinks Elliot is braver than he realises andbolder than he knows.
3: Wyda’s highly protective of Elliot. She mightmake fun of him like an embarrassing older sister, but that’s done out offondness. If she heard someone else insulting him, she’d bristle and defendhim.
4: She’s envious of his skills as a healer. Shetries her hardest with it, but she knows she’s mediocre at best – that herstrengths come from breaking the rules, and that breaking the rules withhealing is a great way to save patients whose injuries are probably too severe,and lose patients who’d live with a more skilled healer.
5: Last Starlight, she gave him a new makeup kit,with some deeper colours. Pastels can get you a long way, but she’d love to seeif he could rock some dark eyeliner.
6: His codename is “If I Had To Pick A Dude”
7: Also, she really wishes he’d grow his hair out.The short choirboy hair doesn’t frame his face properly and oh, gods, she’s thejudgemental fashionista, isn’t she.
8: The two of them often work in the BellworksInfirmary alongside each other, mostly dealing with small work-related injuriesor the occasional broken nose from someone getting into an off-duty fight downat the Quicksand. When they’re working, Wyda is a lot softer and doesn’t teasehim at all. She still gets his name wrong, but she does it while speakinggently.
9: Wyda’s offered to train him in self-defence.She’s not a knight or the best fighter in the Bellworks, but that means herdefence is focused on her being a mage. A knight won’t understand mage’stechniques of defending themselves.
10: Wyda likes chatting with Elliot’s Anantafriend. The two often work in the Arcane Workshop together, and she admires hertechniques with gemcraft. Wyda’s pretty sure the ananta has a crush on Elliot.
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hasty-touch · 6 years
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@theseventhdawn‘s Elliot as thank-you for their participation in the Carrot Festival! :o
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bellworksffxiv · 4 years
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Eastbound & Down - Pinning the Rook
It's been about five days since the Ashen Rook departed from Limsa Lominsa for Kugane. Their route takes them south of the three great continents, the same route the Warrior of Light took during their first journey to the East. The Rook is following common shipping routes, no reason to do otherwise for this particular trip. The crew of the Rook has been in good spirits since their departure, they have been polite, if a little standoffish of the Bellworks folks.  A few conversations reveal that they are simply protective of their ship, and aren't quite sure of what to make of this pack of engineers and demolitionists wandering all over it.
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The fight continues for a while longer. It seems the Rook may come out on the other side of this, thanks probably in part to one of the other ship's magazine going up with a deafening explosion. There seems to be a sudden lull in the fracas as everyone involved stops to catch their breath and find their bearings. Kail rises from his scuffle only to find a monster of a Sea Wolf jumping onto the deck in front of him.
Kail gives the Roegadyn a once over, looking suddenly tired.  He bends down and picks up a long knife from where it lay on the deck, then straightens and nods to the other Captain. "Toumgara...I thought ye were still further east, pickin scraps out the Confederate's teeth."
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Rithe Lasbeoux: "Fair enough, I'd forgotten how long journey's by sea could take. I honestly wish I'd brought something to tinker with since they won't let us in the engine room."
Brave Horizon nods at Rithe, then frowns at Kail. "Yeah. She's got a good point! Why can't we look at your engines, captain?"
Kail Gerrad nods to Rithe.  "Ye'll have t'fergive our engineer...we use a different engine than most other ships...cheaper t'use but she's more sensitive and needs a delicate hand."
Elliot Cadieux | ITS DEF HAUNTED.
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Ishgardian Orthodox wedding transcript
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(( For the wedding of Rosaire Ledigne and Gwenneth Gilrouis, we attempted to create an “Ishgardian Orthodox feel” by adapting what we were able to find and translate of late medieval Catholic wedding customs, especially those from the Sarum Rite, with adjustments for game lore.
For those curious who were unable to attend or may be thinking of attempting similar projects in their own RP, below is a trimmed-and-edited transcript of the wedding for your reading pleasure, with ceremony parts in bold, plus select audience reactions. ))
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Judielle Farendaire: "Lo, we assemble here for honoring, in the presence of Halone and all the saints, the joining together of two bodies, that of this man, Rosaire Ledigne, and this woman, Gwenneth Gilrouis, so that they may be made one body in the faith and law of the Fury."
Gwenneth Gilrouis steals a glance to her right, her own expression breaking into something that dispels the dumbstruck nervousness that had settled onto her face and shows instead a split second of unbridled joy -- and is that relief?  But, just as quickly as she’d dared to look, her attention is on Judielle again, all solemnity.
Judielle Farendaire: "Wherefore I admonish, by Halone, the Fury, all you present here, that if any among you there be who may know some lawful impediment to exist between these persons such that they may not be able to be joined together in lawful matrimony, let it now be openly declared and shown." 
Riven Pendragon flicks her gaze around, fingers flexing slightly. Kail Gerrad glances around the room at the last phrase, a dagger slipping out his sleeve...just in case. Gwenneth Gilrouis holds her breath despite herself, waiting. Judielle Farendaire blinks and narrows her gaze slightly on Kail in consternation. Martiallais Heuloix reaches over and gives Kail a nudge, shaking his head slightly.
Judielle Farendaire: "Likewise I admonish you both, as you will answer before Halone on the day you come before Her throne, that if either of you know any impediment such that you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, you now confess it." 
Kail Gerrad gives an innocent shrug, the dagger dissapearing as soon as it appeared. Gwenneth Gilrouis gives Judielle the slightest shake of her head, keeping her silence; smiling instead. Rosaire Ledigne breathes, drawing himself up tall, dignified. Azette Sejois smirks in approval towards Kail, then shifts her attention back to the couple-to-be.
Judielle Farendaire: "Let be displayed forthwith the license for solemnizing matrimony, exempted from the proclamation of banns, between the aforesaid Rosaire Ledigne and Gwenneth Gilrouis, in writing, with the seal of the Most Reverend Bishop, dated the twentieth sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon of the fifth year of the Seventh Astral Era." 
Judielle Farendaire: Judielle betrays a faint smile as she turns her gaze to Rosaire.  "Rosaire Ledigne, have you come here to enter into marriage freely and wholeheartedly, without coercion, to form a bond that lasts until death, and to accept the gift of children lovingly and to bring them up according to the law of Halone and Her Church?" 
Rosaire Ledigne: "I have." 
Judielle Farendaire: "Gwenneth Gilrouis, have you come here to enter into marriage freely and wholeheartedly, without coercion, to form a bond that lasts until death, and to accept the gift of children lovingly and to bring them up according to the law of Halone and Her Church?"
Gwenneth Gilrouis: "I have."
Judielle Farendaire: "Rosaire Ledigne, will you have this woman, Gwenneth Gilrouis, for your wife and spouse, and love and honor her, and keep and guard her, as a husband should a wife, and forsake all other women besides her and cleave to her alone, as long as you both shall live?" 
Rosaire Ledigne: "I will."
Judielle Farendaire: "Gwenneth Gilrouis, will you have this man, Rosaire Ledigne, for your spouse and husband, and love and honor him, obey and serve him, and keep him in sickness and in health, as a wife should a husband, and forsake and put away all men besides him and cleave to him alone, as long as you both should live?" 
Gwenneth Gilrouis draws in a breath; lets it out, staying the well of rising emotion.  "I will."
Judielle Farendaire smiles warmly to Gwenneth before saying, "As it is your intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands and declare your consent before Halone and Her Church."
Rosaire Ledigne turns to Gwenneth to take her right hand gently in his. Again that staid expression dissolves, and he looks upon her with tenderness for a breathless moment before he summons the powers of speech.
Rosaire Ledigne: "I, Rosaire, take you, Gwenneth, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death us do part, if Holy Church will it ordain. And thereto I plight unto you my troth."
Shinorah Nightsbane nods a bit.
Gwenneth Gilrouis steps forward, extending her right hand and its barely perceptible trembling, and likewise, for much the same reasons, has trouble finding her words.  When she does, finally, they're given with an earnest smile.
Gwenneth Gilrouis: "I, Gwenneth, take you, Rosaire, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to be gentle and obedient in bed and at board, till death do us part, if Holy Church will it ordain. And thereto I plight unto you my troth." 
Judielle Farendaire: "May the Fury strengthen and bless the consent you have declared before the Church, so that what Halone has joined, no one may put asunder." 
Judielle Farendaire turns her gaze outwards to those assembled, outstretching her arms as she proclaims, "Let us praise the Fury."
Perrine Pepin: "Praise be to Halone." Martiallais Heuloix: "Praise be to Halone.:" Riven Pendragon: "Praise be to Halone." Keldorin Lumont: "Praise be to Halone." Aedos Valleritignon: "Praise be to Halone." Elliot Cadieux: "Praise be to Halone." Milloux Allard: "Praise be t' Halone." Brave Horizon's eye open wide. There was audience participation? Rosaire Ledigne remains in silent fascination, just looking at Gwenneth and smiling. Kail Gerrad glances around. Martiallais Heuloix simply nods. Seya Braisaux looks at her companion, Dogsbane. Shinorah Nightsbane: "Ah, so sayeth we all" Kail Gerrad: "Aye...what she said."
Rosaire Ledigne ... shakes it off, then turns back to Mother Judielle, producing for her inspection a small gold band. Such fine detail is likely visible only to her and to his bride, but etched on the surface is a motif of winding sweetbriar with roses in bloom.
Gwenneth Gilrouis stares up, wondering.  For a moment she seems about to say something, until she's jogged from her reverie and, from her own hand, passes toward Judielle a second, broad gold ring with care.
Judielle Farendaire smiles warmly to the both of them before procuring holy water, sprinkling it on both rings as she says, "Bless, O Fury, these rings, so that those who wear them may remain faithful to each other, abide in Your will, and live always in mutual charity. So may it be."
Keldorin Lumont: "So may it be." Aedos Valleritignon: "So may it be." Martiallais Heuloix: "So may it be." Perrine Pepin: "So may it be." Riven Pendragon: "So may it be." Seya Braisaux: "So may it be." Tristeaux Demorelle: "So may it be." Kail Gerrad: "So may it be." Milloux Allard: "So may it be." Shinorah Nightsbane: "So may it be" Azette Sejois hums something that sounds similar to those words. Brave Horizon: "S-so may it be," she says, a half beat later than everyone else.
Brave Horizon blushes and just decides to let the Ishgardians do all the talking from now on, she'll reply in her heart. 
Judielle Farendaire: "Rosaire, pray take the right hand of Gwenneth." 
Rosaire Ledigne ... can't... actually take Gwenneth's hand at the same he holds the ring, having only one good hand. So he simply extends the ring towards her; she must raise up her hand of her own accord to meet it.
Rosaire Ledigne: "With this ring I wed you, and this gold and silver I give you. And with my body I worship you, and with all my worldly goods I honor you."
Gwenneth Gilrouis blinks once, immobile as she watches her intended and...not quite getting the cue until the next moment when, lowering her eyes in a brief show of apology, she lifts her hand toward him. 
Rosaire Ledigne lowers his voice to a murmur as he touches the ring to her thumb; "In the name of Halone," and then to her index finger, "the Fury," and to the next finger, "and Her Blessed Spear," and then finally slides it onto her fourth finger, with her assistance: "So may it be."
Judielle Farendaire: "Gwenneth, pray take the right hand of Rosaire."
Gwenneth Gilrouis reaches up, taking one large hand in her very small own.
Rosaire Ledigne lowers his eyes, soft, to watch. 
Gwenneth Gilrouis: "With this ring I wed you, and with my body I worship you, and with all my worldly goods I honor you."
Gwenneth Gilrouis, with that same reverence, touches the ring to his thumb. "In the name of Halone.” She moves the ring to his index finger, "the Fury," she says, and then to his middle finger, "and Her Blessed Spear," and carefully works the ring onto his fourth finger and releases it with: "So may it be."
Judielle Farendaire turns her gaze to Rosaire expectantly.
Rosaire Ledigne spends a moment staring down at his hand before turning back to Mother Judielle, producing next a copy of the Enchiridion, its cover burnished and beautiful; a little clumsily, he balances it on his less-useful left hand while placing upon its cover two coins, one of silver and of gold. 
Judielle Farendaire solemnly sprinkles the coins of silver and of gold with holy water, proclaiming, "Bless, O Fury, these tokens that Rosaire will give to Gwenneth, and pour over them the abundance of your good gifts. So may it be."
Martiallais Heuloix: "So may it be." Aedos Valleritignon: "So may it be." Milloux Allard: "So may it be." Perrine Pepin: "So may it be." Elliot Cadieux: "So may it be." Kail Gerrad mutters in a lowered voice. Kail Gerrad: "What's with the coins?" Kail Gerrad: "oh and So may it be." Seya Braisaux: "So may it be." Riven Pendragon: "So may it be." Shinorah Nightsbane: "So may it be" Brave Horizon: "So may it be."
Rosaire Ledigne: "Gwenneth, receive these coins as a pledge of the Fury's blessing and a sign of the good gifts we will share."
Kail Gerrad: "Aaaaaaaah." Martiallais Heuloix nods slowly.
Gwenneth Gilrouis, out of reflex, reaches to assist, but stops herself just as she begins the motion, waiting instead to receive the book.
Rosaire Ledigne extends the Enchiridion to Gwenneth.
Gwenneth Gilrouis takes it with a held breath, not trusting her own hands, perhaps, and the faintest laugh escapes her when she doesn't allow it to topple to the floor.
Judielle Farendaire: "Let us pray."
Martiallais Heuloix lowers his head.
Rosaire Ledigne takes his cane into his right hand once again to help him make his way down onto the floor. Once kneeling, he lays it down beside him, then looks up at Judielle -- and then past her, towards the statue of Halone, in solemn piety.
Gwenneth Gilrouis sinks to her knees, the layers of her gown spread around her.
Judielle Farendaire raises her arms outstretched as the bride and groom kneel, proclaiming, "O Halone, Blessed Fury, Mother of Coerthas, Savior of Ishgard: grant Your blessing upon these, Your servants, this man and this woman, so that they might be armed with the power of Your heavenly protection and uphold the covenant."
Judielle Farendaire: "Bless, O Fury, this ring and this vow, so that they may ever abide in love and harmony and obedience to Your laws, and that through them Your will be done and the holiness of Your domain ever increased. So may it be."
Brave Horizon frowns at poor Rosaire being forced to kneel.
Judielle Farendaire joins the right hands of Rosaire and Gwenneth, saying, "Those whom Halone has joined together, let no man put asunder."
Judielle Farendaire raises her gaze once more to those assembled.
Judielle Farendaire: "Forasmuch as this man Rosaire desires this woman Gwenneth to be his wife in the Fury, and this woman Gwenneth desires this man Rosaire to be her husband in the Fury, and one has made the other a promise of holy matrimony, and have now both professed the same openly, and have confirmed it with the giving of rings to each other and the joining of hands: I pronounce that they be joined together with lawful and Halonic matrimony, and I confirm this, their marriage, in the name of Halone, the Fury."
Elliot Cadieux is pretty much ready to cry. Gwenneth Gilrouis' hand still quivers, though the man who is to be her husband may feel the light pressure of her holding on a little more tightly than she needs as she raises her other hand, briefly, to her eyes. Mandalina Bouchard isn't crying YOU'RE CRYING. Rosaire Ledigne squeezes back very gently, looking at her with a slight, crooked smile.
Judielle Farendaire raises her right hand in front of her, motioning the sign of the Fury's Spear as she proclaims, "Halone bless, preserve, and keep you; the Fury turn Her gracious countenance upon you and so fill you with all spiritual benediction, for the remission of sins, that you may so live together in this life and in the world to come. So may it be."  She cannot help but smile for the both of them.
Milloux Allard watched the two silently, guarded expression softening some and a smile forming, as she glanced between them.
Rosaire Ledigne takes up his cane again and uses it to push himself to his feet. It's a bit of a struggle, especially dressed, as he is, in his best finery; but he's practiced, and he manages, with considerable effort and a bit of worrying sway.
Brave Horizon pulls out a handkerchief and begins mopping up her leaking eyes. Perrine Pepin rises, her eyes on Rosaire, but he's got this! On his own! Good job! Aedos Valleritignon hops to Gwenneth's side to help her rise. Martiallais Heuloix likewise seems to be eyeing Rosaire but gives an approving nod when he rises under his own strength.
Judielle Farendaire turns to the opened doors of the main body of the cathedral and begins to walk forward in the full solemnity of the occasion. 
Gwenneth Gilrouis moves to rise, unwilling to release Rosaire’s hand, at first, but begrudgingly does so to allow him the easier mobility of rising up.  She casts a quick glance to Perrine, and then to Aedos, murmuring her gratitude as the knight helps her to her feet. 
Rosaire Ledigne comes up to his place at the right, looking first upon the statue of Halone and then towards Gwenneth, resting a rapt gaze on her, drinking deeply of this sight.
Elliot Cadieux || A psalm sung by a chorus echos throughout the hall as the assembly enters the sanctuary.
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "Blessed are they that fear the Fury and walk in Her ways."
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "For thou shalt eat the labors of thine hands; O well is thee, and happy shalt thou be."
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "Thy wife shall be as the fruitful vine upon the walls of thine house,"
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "Thy children like fruiting branches round about thy table."
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "Lo, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Fury."
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "The Fuy in the First Heaven shall so bless thee, that thou shalt see Her mountain in prosperity all thy life long;"
Elliot Cadieux: ♪ "Yea, that thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon the land."
Rosaire Ledigne lowers himself to the floor once more, a little less gracefully this time.
Gwenneth Gilrouis takes a moment, once she stops, to catch her breath.  Watching Judielle, and in a mirror of Rosaire, looking to Halone -- though with the strange suggestion of a question on her face, before her gaze drifts to the right, where it stays on the groom as she sinks to the floor again.
Judielle Farendaire glances down to Rosaire with a twinge of a frown of concern. 
Judielle Farendaire raises her arms as she proclaims, "Halone, have mercy upon us," keeping them held aloft.
Aedos Valleritignon: "Fury, have mercy upon us." Rosaire Ledigne: "Fury, have mercy upon us." Martiallais Heuloix: "Fury, have mercy upon us." Elliot Cadieux: " Fury, have mercy upon us." Keldorin Lumont: "Fury, have mercy upon us." Perrine Pepin: "Fury, have mercy upon us." Gwenneth Gilrouis's static smile wavers into a rather obvious show of concern...which shifts to wordless encouragement.  "Fury, have mercy upon us." Kail Gerrad: "Woman leave us be." Milloux Allard: "Fury, 'ave mercy upon us." Martiallais Heuloix gives a quiet exhale. Riven Pendragon: "Fury have mercy upon us."
Judielle Farendaire: "Save Your servant and Your handmaid,"
Rosaire Ledigne: "Who put their trust in You." Aedos Valleritignon: "Who put their trust in You." Martiallais Heuloix: "Who put their trust in You." Martiallais Heuloix: "Who put their trust in You." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "Who put their trust in You." Perrine Pepin: "Who put their trust in You." Keldorin Lumont: "Who put their trust in You." Riven Pendragon: "Who put their trust in You."
Judielle Farendaire: "Send them help, O Fury, from Your Heaven,"
Rosaire Ledigne: "And evermore defend them." Keldorin Lumont: "And evermore defend them." Aedos Valleritignon: "And evermore defend them." Perrine Pepin: "And evermore defend them." Martiallais Heuloix: "And evermore defend them." Riven Pendragon: "And evermore defend them." Seya Braisaux: "And evermore defend them." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "And evermore defend them." Azette Sejois rubs her forehead at the prayer, hand shaking a little. Milloux Allard: "An' evermore defend them."
Judielle Farendaire: "Be upon them a tower of strength,"
Rosaire Ledigne: "From the face of their enemy." Keldorin Lumont: "From the face of their enemy." Aedos Valleritignon: "From the face of their enemy." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "From the face of their enemy." Seya Braisaux: "From the face of their enemy." Martiallais Heuloix: "From the face of their enemy." Milloux Allard: "From th' face of their enemy." Riven Pendragon: "From the face of their enemy." Perrine Pepin: "From the face of their enemy."
Judielle Farendaire: "Halone, hear our prayer."
Rosaire Ledigne: "And let our cry come unto You." Aedos Valleritignon: "And let our cry come unto You." Kail Gerrad mutters under his breath. "We've got yer back m'dear." Keldorin Lumont: "And let our cry come unto You." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "And let our cry come unto You." Martiallais Heuloix: "And let our cry come unto You." Perrine Pepin: "And let our cry come unto You." Shinorah Nightsbane nods in agreement and squeezes his hand. Milloux Allard: "An' let our cry come unto You." Brave Horizon shifts uncomforably as the prayer is recited.
Rosaire Ledigne bows his head. At the same time, one of the assistants steps forward, holding a pure white cloth. As he drapes it over the bride, it billows, covering her body entirely; the end he drapes over the groom's shoulders, partly covering him as well. 
Judielle Farendaire: "O Halone, O Fury, bless these Your children, and sow the seed of salvation in their hearts, that whatsoever they may learn for their betterment, they strive to fulfill in deed. Look, O Halone, down from heaven, and bless them, that they, obeying Your will, ever be under Your protection and abide in Your love unto their lives' end. So may it be." 
Gwenneth Gilrouis bows her head as well, allowing the cloth to fall over her; she holds her breath, her eyes welling as she stares down at the floor at her knees.
Judielle Farendaire: "O Fury, look favorably upon Your servant and Your handmaid. Let them receive the blessing of the Heavenly One, so their children to the third and fourth generations may be piously and virtuously brought up to Your praise and honor, and to do Your bidding on earth. So may it be."
Judielle Farendaire: "O Fury, grant unto Your servant and Your handmaid Your righteousness, that both this man may love his wife as You love Your people, defending and cherishing them, and also that this woman may be loving and amiable, faithful and chaste. O Fury, bless them, so that they may reach Your Heaven and join Your blessed. So may it be."
Judielle Farendaire: "Almighty Fury, pour upon Your servants the riches of Your grace, and sanctify and bless them, so that they may please You in both body and soul and in true love live together unto their lives' end. So may it be."
Rosaire Ledigne raises his head as the attendant lifts the veil off the couple. He picks up his cane to lever himself up onto his feet once more -- he may be tiring, for this time the procedure is much more laborious, and he grunts a bit trying to lift and steady his appreciable weight. But he manages neither to collapse nor to topple over backwards, even though his face in the dim candlelight has grown a bit sweaty.
Gwenneth Gilrouis releases the shuddering breath she'd been holding as the veil is removed from over her, and rises, slowly and half in a daze.
Judielle Farendaire offers Rosaire a reassuring smile. Perrine Pepin subtly shifts forward, ready but again not needed. Rosaire Ledigne returns the smile with what was probably intended to be a smile but looks more of an uncomfortable grimace.
Judielle Farendaire raises her arms once more, proclaiming, "May Halone, the Fury, keep you of one heart in love for one another."
Rosaire Ledigne: "So may it be." Aedos Valleritignon: "So may it be." Martiallais Heuloix: "So may it be." Perrine Pepin: "So may it be." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "So may it be," she whispers. Riven Pendragon: "So may it be." Tristeaux Demorelle: "So may it be." Kail Gerrad: "So may it be." Shinorah Nightsbane: "So may it be" Seya Braisaux: "So may it be." Judielle Farendaire: "May you be blessed in your children, have solace in your friends, and live in harmony with all Her people."
Rosaire Ledigne: "So may it be." Martiallais Heuloix: "So may it be." Perrine Pepin: "So may it be." Aedos Valleritignon: "So may it be." Seya Braisaux: "So may it be." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "So may it be." Keldorin Lumont: "So may it be."
Brave Horizon: "So may it be." Tristeaux Demorelle: "So may it be." Milloux Allard: "So may it be."
Judielle Farendaire: "May you ever be the instrument of Her spear and see justice done, so that all worthy may enter Her Halls."
Martiallais Heuloix: "So may it be." Rosaire Ledigne: "So may it be." Keldorin Lumont: "So may it be." Aedos Valleritignon: "So may it be." Perrine Pepin: "So may it be." Riven Pendragon: "So may it be." Tristeaux Demorelle: "So may it be." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "So may it be." Seya Braisaux: "So may it be." Kail Gerrad: "So may it be." Shinorah Nightsbane: "So may it be"
Judielle Farendaire: "And may all of you who are gathered here be blessed, by Halone, the Fury, and Her Blessed Spear."
Aedos Valleritignon: "So may it be." Keldorin Lumont: "So may it be." Martiallais Heuloix: "So may it be." Rosaire Ledigne: "So may it be." Brave Horizon: "So may it be." Perrine Pepin: "So may it be." Seya Braisaux: "So may it be." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "So may it be." Tristeaux Demorelle: "So may it be." Martiallais Heuloix dips his head in a nod, at that. Azette Sejois growls at that final statement and looks away from the priest. Aedos Valleritignon touches a hand from her forehead to her chest. Shinorah Nightsbane shifts a bit in her seat, smiling politely. Riven Pendragon: "So may it be."
Judielle Farendaire glance between Rosaire and Gwenneth with a wide smile before finally bidding all assembled, "Go in peace, sons and daughters of Halone, and by your deeds, bring Her honor and glory."
Martiallais Heuloix: "Praise be to Halone." Elliot Cadieux: "Praise be to Halone." Perrine Pepin: "Praise be to Halone." Keldorin Lumont: "Praise be to Halone." Aedos Valleritignon: "Praise be." Brave Horizon: "So m--praise be to Halone." Gwenneth Gilrouis: "Praise....praise be to Halone." Kail Gerrad: "Luck t'yer house." Riven Pendragon: "Praise be to Halone."
Rosaire Ledigne remains silent, turning to Gwenneth, a slight, uneven, but perfectly contented smile on his face. His hand cannot take hers, gripping tight to his cane, but he offers her his elbow instead. Gwenneth Gilrouis beams her gratitude at Judielle, bowing her head low before turning that bright, unbridled smile to Rosaire, and takes the offered elbow. Aedos Valleritignon claps for Rosaire Ledigne. Kail Gerrad claps for Gwenneth Gilrouis. Martiallais Heuloix claps. Riven Pendragon claps. Gwenneth Gilrouis beams with delight at Martiallais Heuloix. Milloux Allard claps for Gwenneth Gilrouis. Martiallais Heuloix nods to Gwenneth Gilrouis. Azette Sejois claps for Gwenneth Gilrouis. Martiallais Heuloix nods to Gwenneth Gilrouis. Azette Sejois claps for Gwenneth Gilrouis. Rosaire Ledigne spends another moment gazing at Gwenneth with that quietly awestruck look, then turns and starts to make his way out, steps slow not chiefly for practicality, but to savor the moment they are in. Aedos Valleritignon claps for Gwenneth Gilrouis. Brave Horizon nods to Arcian. She claps for the newlyweds, then reaches for her hankey again and just uses it to cover her face when she starts to openly sob. Judielle Farendaire looks on with a warm smile, breathing a quiet sigh of relief now that her first performing of matrimony, especially between two grown dear to her, has met its happy end. Gwenneth Gilrouis keeps her eyes ahead -- or at least, she tries; recalling something of a superstition.  But she spares a smile out toward the crowd, and the next up, overly-fond, toward her husband, keeping pace with him as they depart.
   (( The ceremony text was mainly “written” by me, with invaluable additions and help from the players of Gwenneth Gilrouis-now-Ledigne (@rose-in-the-stone), Perrine Pepin (@halonic), and Judielle Farendaire (@judiellefarendaire).
I pieced it together from various sources, mainly The Book of Common Prayer, a version of which is available free online. An extremely useful guide was Maggie Forest's personal article "Pro Sponso et Sponsa". I also adapted some text from a notarial record by Richard Watkins describing Katherine Parr's marriage, Latin translated by Janel Mueller in Katherine Parr: Complete Works & Correspondence. Various stages of a real-world Catholic wedding, either modern or period, were omitted for time considerations, because I did not feel comfortable FFXIV-izing them, or because we don't yet have adequate information about whether analogous rituals exist in Ishgardian Orthodoxy.
Special thanks to Judielle for coming in to play the officiant on short notice, Elliot Cadieux ( @theseventhdawn ) for handling the psalm and taking many screenshots for us (the second one above is his!), as well as all who attended or who wished to attend but were unable, including @erstwhile25, @scrollsfromarebornrealm, @mythrilreflections, @coerthanrobin, @elezenaccountant, @tinycatteandfriends, @bourgeoisfury, @snarksonomy, @brave-horizon, @arcianmartell, @necrologos, @faerie-apples, @dravanian, @elezendad, and @tonberryslantern. ))
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bourgeoisfury · 7 years
idk what star is gonna show up bc mobile but ⭐ drag my boy
Send me a “★” and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
for Elliot Cadieux  @theseventhdawn :
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose/ I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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furymint · 22 days
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FFXIV Write 2024 | header | wc: 1,376 | cw: elliot's bad parenting | i kidnapped @houseshadowstar for this
If nothing else, Elena did look cute. Even as she pouted and complained that she was hungry, and even when Elliot had to remove her rings after they'd caught in her lace collar for the second time, she didn't entirely look like a four year old child set on establishing Elliot’s unmitigated doom. That was a good start.
As he herded her towards the door of his chambers, he realized that navigating through the cathedral and to the carriage was going to be impossible. He refused to hold her hand. Their heights were simply incompatible: he would have to lean to the side as he walked just to match her, and part of him would rather never go out again than be seen like that. Carrying her was more impossible. In the end, Elliot settled on the assistance of an iris. With the end of the stem in his hand and the flower in hers, he bridged the gap.
They made it to the carriage without further issue. The ostiary even complimented Elena's hairpiece—not that she noticed—while they trundled down the snow-lined path. Her deadweight didn't help him lift her into the cab, and her seat right at the window didn't help him join her, but Elliot comforted himself in thinking that the Shadowstar residence was not far.
"Their names are Ceridwen and Sirus," Elliot coached her.
Elena pushed her cheek into the window and said, "Mm."
The iris didn't work once they reached the stairs ascending to the front doors. Elliot took her hand to balance and encourage her through each tall step, inwardly noting the committed scrunch of her face as something to tell Nolanel.
Since there was no guard to admit them, Elliot let Elena press the doorbell.
Ceridwen answered just as Elena began scraping her new shoes against the stoop.
"Elliot! I'm so glad we could have you. Sirus is inside; I have him tending my chocolate to watch for bubbles. I hope the two of you have the time to wait for it to set?" Ceridwen took both of Elliot’s hands fondly and squeezed them.
"I hope so," he returned, looking pleadingly at Elena.
Ceridwen shifted her attention to the girl too. "Miss Elena, have you had pan au chocolate afore?"
She thought about it. "Can I have one?"
"They'll be finished soon," Ceridwen promised.
Elliot inched forward. "I apologize for being so direct, but do you have any refreshments immediately available?"
"I'm hungry," interjected Elena.
"Oh, good!" said Ceridwen.
Elena turned her head toward the left wall. "It doesn't feel good."
"We have plenty to fix that—we just have to join my brother." Ceridwen turned slowly to lead the ungainly pair into the estate.
Her massive tulle skirt rippled as she walked, flowing around the legs of side tables and undulating through open doorways. 
Elena pursued the rustling sound as they walked. In under ten seconds, her walk became a run, and the run into a complete forward tumble.
"No no no—Don't—Ugh!" Elliot wailed, reaching for her.
She didn't care. The tiny girl hugged the plush fabric, no worse for wear, and giggled as she stood with iron fists of fluff.
Ceridwen laughed with her, then knelt to to inquire if she were truly fine.
"It's not fine at all!" Elliot started, his voice rising in its pique. "She can be so inconsiderate of people. Clothes are as much of a person as all of their property. She's mistaken a lady's dress skirts for the curtains once, and tried to hide among them—I still have not lived it down."
Three things happened. Ceridwen ignored Elliot, offered her hand to Elena, and waited for the girl to bore herself when help was refused.
Elliot watched those three things from another world. It surprised him how much he hated them. If he were a different man, he would have patience, acceptance, and humor. He knew he had those things—for others. For the girl who was suddenly in his life until he died, and who he did not want there, he had none.
But she was just a child in a new place-—and it was no fault of hers that she didn't trust him. He didn't want to be near her—-she was mercurial and weird and loud—and he had work to do that couldn't include a blind urchin.
They were stuck with each other whether they liked it or not when Nolanel left. He couldn't just tell her that she'd been abandoned so Nolanel could return to war. He couldn't be her father, either, although he had no good reason for that.
He and Elena were acquaintances living together, even if she had no appreciation for poetry and he did not share her fondness for ripping paper into tiny strips. Sometimes he was convinced that she calculated her day according to what would annoy him most.
But if he wanted Elena to behave politely, then he must be polite first. His voice lowered. "Thank you for being so kind. I don't know what I'm doing."
Ceridwen frowned pityingly, but in a way that showed she disapproved. "Do you not recall a whit of Vhene's upbringing when she was so young? Children are not angels, no matter how we paint cherubs."
"Of course I do," he insisted, "but Vhene had Norhi and all the force of the Bellworks behind her upbringing. 'Twas a bit strange, but she still had an entire party of adults to tell her not to climb up the kitchen cabinets."
"I'm sure they were only successful in deterring her half the time."
"That's true," Elliot grumbled.
Ceridwen rose to her feet and allowed the child to hold onto her skirt at they continued. "But Elena has you, your father, and all the rest—she shan't beat the table in a drum march because her food hasn't arrived timely enough. You won't let her."
Elliot impatiently nodded. "Yes, but heaven knows what else she keeps for dinner manners when she's excited. She probably had wolves for parents afore she had Nolanel. He's hardly any better."
Ceridwen looked blandly over at him and centered the charm on her necklace. "I doubt you. Ser Feran is as polite as a knight comes. It's true he intuits nothing in the language of gossip, but at one request he is the most accommodating creature I've ever met in a ballroom."
"That's because he's frightened out of his wits and desperate for guidance. Once he's comfortable and knows you enough, he forgets what it is to compromise."
Sirus whistled a falling note from the kitchen. "Damn," he cringed, appearing in the doorway. "Dwen was correct when she said this intervention would be for you more than the kid."
Elena followed Ceridwen past him into the kitchen. It was a massive, organized, efficient affair of countertops and containers. Elliot remained outside while Ceridwen swept around the island and poured a ramekin full of assorted berries. She handed it to Elena.
Elliot leaned against the opposite side of the doorframe and wagged a hand at Sirus. He wanted to talk of anything—even for a moment—that wasn't children. "Sirus. Have you patronized The Brume Closet recently? I heard there is a mistress proprietor now. When did ownership change hands?"
Sirus pressed deeper into his share of doorframe casually. "Oh, it's not so much of a change. I mean, some change, but just from an old name to a new one."
"Oh, very good," he replied, though he sounded absent. 
For the time being, Elena devoured blueberries in the same silence the room took on. Steam and scents wafted from one of the ovens while chocolate cooled at the other side of the room, away from its heat.
Ceridwen resumed her harassment. "Vhene is also nine, now, in case you've forgotten."
Elliot recoiled and slumped. "Why does the new youth so often do naught but remind me of my age!"
Sirus tilted his head. "How much older are we than him again?"
"Stop making fun of me!"
"I mean, you've asked for it," Sirus shrugged. "Coming here to wallow about how you've made enemies with your own kid."
"But she's not my child," Elliot sulked.
Ceridwen looked at her baking chronometer. "All right," she sighed. "How much time do we have?"
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tonberryslantern · 4 years
Clamor: Xanadu Mol
Of all of the things that were now Worse, capital letter, italicized for emphasis, now that Ishgard had opened its gates to outsiders (ick) the music had to be the absolute top tier Worst thing.  Elliot was thinking of making some medals.  Congratulations On Ruining Ishgard #1 Please Leave.  And this band had to be the absolute worst of them????  They had drums and none of the stringed instruments had bows except for the harp because ????????????????????????????????????
The music went clang dang diddle doo and was from some horrible far off place that probably ate other spoken or at the least let their children run around naked or their nobles had jobs or something.  This left him in the absolute worst mood.  Even the fact that he looked at least infinitely better than everyone here wasn’t helping.  Why?  Because of his date.
She was so small and angry and mean and she had horns and of course she had horns because she was literally Diabolos.  She stood next to him in this dress that was aggravatingly stylish?  How did something so completely evil have such good taste?  the bitch.  At least she had a tail poking out.  Ha!  no cure for that, is there?  Victory for taste.
The demon thing looked up at him and smiled in that way she did that made Elliot know that everything was about to go Bad (trademark Elliot Cadieux, Ishgard).  He just smiled back because what else was there to do when Xanadu Mol looked at you like that?  he could run.  Ugh, no, not in these pants.  They were made for high fashion and not UGH excercise and would probably tear and he would never live that down and have to live in his own cellar until everyone who knew him died.
“Shall we dance, Lord Cadieux?”
NO!  No.  They would not dance.  how did you even dance to this clamor?  Elliot suspected it required less clothing and possibly ritual masks.  Maybe a human sacrifice.  Help someone help.  Maybe if he prayed enough Halone would come down and smite the little demon and parade her around as an example of what not to do but it hadn’t worked so far.  “No,” he said because this was the polite thing to say and Xanadu wasn’t just dying to make things easier.
“Yes,” she said and stared at him with those eyes that were red and pink???  Who has eyes like that?  Demons.  Demons have eyes like that and also tiny little evil imps intent on ruining his life and stealing his teeth.  She said she was going to and he really thought she would.  He never should have gotten engaged to her.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor and suddenly everyone was looking at him?????????  Nope.  No thank you.  If he had to be seen in public with Xan four times (which was their agreement) before this farce was over why couldn’t she have just gone on a walk or something where they could ignore each other and think about something nicer like flowers or the calamity.
He got pulled though because if everyone was going to look at him then he couldn’t start shouting at her or trip her or push her off a balcony or cry or anything.  This was the worst.  He had to put his hand on her bony little witch shoulder and spin around entirely not to the music because who could even dance to this???????
“Why Lord Cadieux, you almost seem as if you don’t enjoy my company.”  She was smiling, but this time it was that smile she got when she was watching something squirm right before she did whatever she did to it.  Ate it maybe?  he could see her eating squirmy things.
“That’s because this is the worst day of my life,” he grumbled, pouting.  No, not pouting.  He was showing his displeasure like a gentleman.  Someone please murder him.
“Just wait,” she said, resting her head on his stomach and making him consider flinging her off into this awful band like a discus.  “I promise, it’ll get worse.”
Thanks to @furymint cause I straight up stole Elliot for this cause I love him.
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norhimorovine · 6 years
🎄 !
It was another day of research at the Bellworks for Norhi. Naturally the building had been decorated in the seasonal style. And Norhi, being the holiday lover that she was, had been completely on board with the whole thing. 
She’d stepped out of the workshop to go get herself something to snack on. Being a few months with child had brought the beginnings of cravings. Luckily for Norhi, the Bellworks kitchen was stocked for a multitude of diverse personalities. So, finding something that fit her cravings usually wasn’t difficult.
So, it wasn’t long before she was making her way back out of the kitchen with a bowl in hand, having located boiled eggs, chocolate, and a jalapeno pepper. And just as she reached the kitchen door, she nearly bumped into a tall, pale green coat. Or rather, Elliot, in his classic pale green coat. 
Norhi had to crane her head back to smile up at the man, as always. But she’d long gotten used to being so short around here. She noted his baffled glance at her bowl, and then grinned weakly. “Don’t picture it. It won’t go away.”
She then noted the green sprig hanging from the kitchen doorframe. And Elliot had not yet noticed himself. And so, in the seasonal spirit of camaraderie and mischief, Norhi popped up onto her toes and pulled Elliot down by his shoulder. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and then bounced around him and back off to work. She laughed, calling back, “Happy Starlight!”
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the-wardens-torch · 5 years
Falerin had never been to Coerthas, nor did he ever plan on going. In fact, the very concept of a barren land of nigh-unending war and an inescapable class system presided over by a gelid, spear-rattling warrior goddess was downright repugnant to him. It seemed equally unlikely that he would befriend anyone who had a genuine love for such a land.
…Yet here was Elliot Cadieux, proud son of Ishgard, on his doorstep in Gridania, enthusiastically shoving books of Ishgardian sheet music and poetry into his hands. They had only spoken a handful of times, yet he greeted Falerin like an old friend. Was he living in some tangential adaptation of The Prince and the Pauper, or perhaps The City Mouse and the Country Mouse?
He looked quizzically at the pile of books, just now recalling something he’d said the last time he and Elliot had spoken… About how he didn’t know any Ishgardian poetry and only knew Ishgardian music in the form of a few well-traveled waltzes and scraps of chamber music.
Falerin was touched by the gesture, but not sure just how to react.They had only spoken a handful of times after all, and it had taken some time for Falerin to speak to Elliot as a friend and fellow musician, rather than bludgeon him with the knee-jerk sarcasm that well-heeled, aristocratic types invariably brought out in Falerin’s penniless peasant heart…
As Elliot bid him goodbye, Falerin looked back into his room at his sparsely populated bookshelf. In the few years since his arrival on the mainland, he had only acquired a small handful of books, most of which were “alarmingly generic,” according to a scholarly friend of his. But what bauble of his own cultural legacy could he offer?
Just then he remembered that Elliot had spoken of his lover; a soldier with a humble and generous heart and a sensitive soul, whom he was deeply committed to. He could practically sense the man’s presence when Elliot spoke of him - it seemed to follow in his shadow like a loyal hound.  It was then that the lyrics of a favorite old love song padded faithfully into Falerin’s mind.
Without hesitation, Falerin asked Elliot to come inside for a moment.  Hastily yet carefully, he removed his accordion from its case on his living room table. Here was a song for Elliot to sing the next time he saw his Nolanel, he said.  He began to sing low and softly,  matching his deep, smoky voice to the tones of the accordion keys.
“I've felt you coming, as you drew nearI knew you'd find me, cause I longed you hereAre you my destiny? Is this how you'll appear?Wrapped in a coat with tears in your eyes?Well take that coat babe, and throw it on the floorAre you the one that I've been waiting for?
As you've been moving, surely toward meMy soul has comforted and assured meThat in time my heart it will reward meAnd that all will be revealedSo I've sat and I've watched an ice-age thawAre you the one that I've been waiting for?
Out of sorrow entire worlds have been builtOut of longing great wonders have been willedThey're only little tears, darling, let them spillAnd lay your head upon my shoulderOutside my window the world has gone to warAre you the one that I've been waiting for?…”
((Like with the previous one, forgive me if any of this is a bit off or OOC!  I’m so scared to write other peoples’ characters, even this ambiguously, hahafff but this was a really fun challenge! The lyrics are a scrap of the song (Are You) The One that I’ve Been Waiting For? By Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Nick is actually Fal’s speaking voice claim and about 75% of his singing voice claim too.))
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bellworksffxiv · 4 years
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Tea (Coffee) Time at the Bellworks 5/20/20
Elliot Cadieux: "I would only be contradicted if I spoke the truth." Elliot. elliot ur still not being clear.
Victoria Castle gently pokes Max in the ribs. Enough, you terrible hissing marsupial.
Max Sawyer: "The rain in thavnair dries crops in Ul'dah. Masks befit only large rats. I can talk nonsense too."
Norhi Morovine eyes Elliot and Max and then shakes her head. Refill it was. She gets up and pours herself a second cup of coffee.
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furymint · 19 days
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FFXIV Write 2024 | header | wc: 1,045
Elliot: Game time: Tell me who your favorite Bell is.
Nolanel: That guy.
Elliot: That was swift. Arym? Truly?
Nolanel: Weird name. Yeah. Had breakfast more than once with him, real early. I think he only knows about eighteen words in Eorzean.
Elliot: Please! Truthfully now?
Nolanel: Brave.
Elliot: Our bellwether? Not Norhi?
Nolanel: Not Norhi. Brave takes care of you folk. She's ready and straight so you can keep your finger paint straight, and ain't afraid to cut manners out of business with crows.
Elliot: Not to doubt your munificence, but I never suspected that you would forgive her for making you leave.
Nolanel: I never blamed her. She's fair. The only one of you that's fair.
Elliot: I'm pretty.
Nolanel: You're besides the point. And what answer's in your pretty head?
Elliot: I'll pretend to think about this. Norhi.
Nolanel: She babies you.
Elliot: Not more than she indulges you.
Nolanel: One day she'll need to tell you no.
Elliot: She has—but never when it matters. What's more, she despises everyone I despise with the exact amount of candor to prove it's real. Norhi never argues, either. The way she avoids confrontation could almost make one believe that bickering is unenjoyable.
Nolanel: Imagine that.
Elliot: But I like Brave too. She always lets me make a fool of myself while watching with that smile you have.
Nolanel: It's easy to wind you up and set you marching like a toy.
Elliot: Joy is always running—although often away.
Nolanel: Wyda I mostly like. Got some wrong ideas.
Elliot: About Xanadu.
Nolanel: And her bedmates.
Elliot: Oof. But she's the most intelligent person I know--even if she applies her gifts hazardously—and she's my most favorite to talk too.
Nolanel: Aye, I know you're in love with her.
Elliot: I think she'd hate that more than I, if it's possible. But if you were to fall in love with any of them, who would it be?
Nolanel: No. That's propaganda.
Elliot: I don't know what you mean. It's foolishness.
Nolanel: It's what you said about the Faithful. For naught but making oneself furious, especially when it don't make sense. Now you see—
Elliot: I think it's humorous!
Nolanel: Answer me yours, then.
Elliot: You'll loathe me.
Nolanel: Try.
Elliot: August.
Nolanel: You're the stupidest man in the world! Heavens! Fury!
Elliot: Haha!
Nolanel: Gods, lightning could strike you twice and you'd beg a third. 
Elliot: I can't help it!
Nolanel: Your no-good taste needs to be studied. Self-destruction. Self-denial. All those things you say—and you doe-eye some imperial who looks at you like he hopes your pansy tongue rots in your mouth.
Elliot: Well, if only I spoke poison!
Nolanel: What'll it take for you to love an artist? 
Elliot: I couldn't possibly love a mirror.
Nolanel: Ah—Only soldiers who want naught with knowing your happy little theories about war.
Elliot: His eyes are gorgeous.
Nolanel: Ugh! The only man with the right priority in this damned country. Let him be.
Elliot: But I have! I don't court the thought of dying here by angering him like you have.
Nolanel: It'd be one nice thought in my brain to think you'd have the sense to darling something decent when I'm killed.
Elliot: No no, there's no betterment or forgetting where I'm involved. Aren't we supposed to sigh and look wan for the rest of our lives, and pray in the monastery that love was taken too soon and shall not come again?
Nolanel: No.
Elliot: You mean if my heart gave in this moment, you'd grow past me while I spent eternity in my glowing youth? I'd be the perfect thing to worship since I wouldn't talk back—and you'd open your affection to a distraction? Who?
Nolanel: That's propaganda.
Elliot: Stop thinking and just gossip with me!
Nolanel: No!
Elliot: 'Tis August, too! Haha!
Nolanel: Oh, fuck no—I'm not so ridiculous.
Elliot: I'll go down the roster until you blush.
Nolanel: Do what you want.
Elliot: That's what life is for. Now. Hm. Not Laelia—she has that miasma about her. Max is evil. Vicky is...
Nolanel: The only among them with a decent mind. She's sturdy and patient. She listens. But get out of the Garleans.
Elliot: Wyda, then.
Nolanel: Just to sicken her more? No, she's too argumentative. Always thinks she's in mandate of the only truth.
Elliot: Norhi doesn't argue, then.
Nolanel: Norhi is married. I'm no salesman. Besides, she has ears.
Elliot: You also have ears.
Nolanel: Hm.
Elliot: What if you married Xanadu instead?
Nolanel: You'd pawn off your wife like that?
Elliot: I make a terrible husband; I'm destined for bachelorhood soon. You would be a much more admirable spouse.
Nolanel: 'Tis true I can make bread.
Elliot: Oh! Ser Basile then!
Nolanel: Don't let him hear that pun; he'll probably enjoy it and I'll never hear his name right again. He's the man people need, but not me.
Elliot: Cass?
Nolanel: You want an answer, not a conversation anymore.
Elliot: So? Cass? 
Nolanel: Closer.
Elliot: Ha!
Nolanel: But there's a dragon where anything else ought to be. A stupid dragon in looks and manner, but still one.
Elliot: I should've expected so. It treats well with the chocobos, somehow, at home in the Bell house. I also appreciate that her hair changes more often than the seasons.
Nolanel: Is it supper time yet?
Elliot: We have to consider more names! Eliane? Brave? I know Yumi and Haru are no choices for you; nor dear Sasamu. 
Nolanel: I don't know anyone else. I doubt Lady Dufresne would enjoy knowing that an industry-despising dandy and former employee was flirting with the idea of setting his dragoon paramour away to disrupt her marriage.
Elliot: That's why gossip is only shared with trusted companions who would never speak a word to anyone. Except the daily press, perhaps. However! This is for amusement! Not—
Nolanel: 'Ey! What's love in this place worth? Who should I love among the residents of Alvarium?
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furymint · 4 months
Q. One missed call. Any mix of yours and my characters. go wild. (or just one! your choice. ^_^, and that includes the XVI boys)
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wc: 488 | header | minific meme
Elliot’s name was not announced at the party. He knew it from the first: as he navigated the busy floor, dodging dresses and flapping fans, few people hailed him to share pleasantries. Even as he recognized baron, dame, and cardinal, and the music ebbed to open conversation among the guests, there seemed to be an unwarranted shortage of acknowledging glances and how-do-you-fare's.
Faces he knew closer than some scripture welcomed him. Their warmth reassured him, but he did not come for tranquility. When Lady Ottoline began stroking his hand and nattering about squirrels licking icicles, he balanced his champagne flute on a chair back and floated away.
Gustave le Berre. Lucien Tedalgrinche. Adrien Charroix. The names continued. Karoiseka O'dayla.
Almost every soul stiffened. People paused, their heads swiveled, eyes narrowed. Forks returned to plates and skirt bustles dropped from hands. Whether they looked to the grand doorway or not, every person knew the night would be irrevocably different from this moment. The savior of Eorzea--now savior of Ishgard, after a fact--had arrived, and now gossip must follow her.
She didn't look armed. She didn't look decent. But neither of those things were fully true.
In the frame of the archway, the Warrior of Light was small, intense, and beautiful. Even if her eyes could be described as tired, they were striking first, and the blue of them matched her hair in a way that seemed to prove that this was the woman chosen by Hydaelyn. Reports spoke of a crystal-lined bow with arrows that could pierce dragon scale. Still, few could doubt that if it came to magic, she would not be able to cast without a staff.
It was either bold or ridiculous that she wore no armor. A sleeveless gown was out of fashion whether her gloves bore jewelry or not; somehow the lace at her breast and the tall collar were enough to excuse it. The black skirt of her dress rippled without a petticoat or hoop, sliced on one side from the thigh to the floor, and teasing a sight at her leg as she drifted forward. Once again, the thing that mattered was smaller than the whole: her shoes were a flashing, bright silver, with a thin, curving heel and beaded ankle strap. Perhaps, in the same way, what mattered of her was herself and not her title.
A scary, dark, one-eyed rascal of man was beside her, and he did not look nice, so he did not matter. Relations were impossible to escape in all places but the ballroom, and so Elliot would forget--for the next three bells--that the man had whispered to her in a way that seemed to let him kiss her ear.
As the room tried to seesaw back into nonchalance, Elliot chose sensation.
Perhaps, in a different way, she was kind.
He was the first to speak to her, and the first to be seen doing so.
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