#ellster loves meeee
ghil-dirthalen-blog · 7 years
Tagged by the glorious @ellstersmash who makes me feel more loved and included with every tag despite me being a ver smol blog. <3
1) How many works in progress do you have?
Oh. Dear. God. *ahem* Shit. Let me count. 4 DA, 2 longer fic but 1 is almost done and 2 short stories. I use the word short... Loosely. 4 original novels. And at least 4 long ME fics and two drabble but I know I'm forgetting some. I have them all typed on a sticky note on my computer. We'll ballpark it at 15? Mostly long fics.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
I do. I struggle with keeping up on a schedule tho cause when my depression kicks in, and it has a lot this year, I quit writing. Then I feel like a horrible writer for letting readers down and feel like no one will ever trust me as a writer and ill never get a strong reader base and Ughhh. I'm trying to do better but its hard not to give up. At least on sharing them cause Ill still write them.
3) Do you prefer paperback or ebooks?
Paperback all the way. At first I treated ebooks like Satan spawn but I've grown more tolerant. I see the advantage of being able to instantly get a new one or carry lots with you when you need luggage space for other things or to minimize what you carry. But even if I get them in ebook I always eventually get paper.
4) When did you start writing?
The first serious time I recall was... 6th grade so... I was... 13. And it was 2006. I think. Shit I have bad memory.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I've co-written over 250 stories with my best friend Briana since 2006 when we met. She's the one who really got me into it, where Id only dabbled before. No one but us has seen these and likely ever will XD. Here on Tumblr @skylo-ben and @superb-mediocrity see all my stuff before I post it. First time I've ever had beta readers and I adore them both to pieces.
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
Place doesn't really matter cause when I write the rest of the world goes away. Time doesn't exist. I'm there. But I usually have to have some great music playing way too loud in my headphones. Helps block out outside distractions.
7) Favorite book as a child?
A Wrinkle in Time. Also anything else there. A Wind in the Door. A Swiftly Tilting Planet. Many Waters. Also anything by David Eddings. I loved Elfquest, still do. Hobbit/LOTR. (Are you realizing I can't pick just one?)
8) Writing for fun or for publication?
¿Por que no los dos? Seriously tho, I want to eventually write as my job... Whether thats a supported fanfic writer or a published author. I was hoping to use fanfic as practice to get advice on how I could improve when I dive into my original works... But then I realized I have no idea how to market, approach/talk to new people, or generally be part of society. So... That plan has gone stale at least until im in a less stressful environment and have more energy to devote to marketing my works. Instead I'm writing for fun like I always have and always will.
9) Have you taken any writing classes?
One. I mean aside from your typical English 112. (My favorite memory of that hellhole was everyone's faces when I wrote a how to essay on how to perform an emergency tracheotomy). I took creative writing and he gave me a D (no jokes, minds out of gutter) because I can't for the life of me stay under a MAXIMUM word count. Fucker.
10) What inspired you to write?
Ive always lived in a daydream. I was miserable where I was at so Id constantly run away and test theories and ideas through character building and interaction in my head. It was my coping mechanism even if it became unhealthily close to dissociation many times. Eventually it just made sense to start writing it down.
Tagging @ithewriter skylo and superb if you two wanna do this too go ahead.
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