uttersorcery · 3 years
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With the Elm How album “Me Howl”released tomorrow on Eyeless here is a few words about some of his life changing records...
Top 5 Albums (and not 1 single track mentioned, haha).
1. Nirvana - In Utero
I doubt very much that this list will be in any way surprising. However, I don't think I could ever list my favourite albums without this one. I had already long been into many of the Sub Pop bands by this stage, but this album rarely left my cassette deck. I even owned the tab book, convinced I could play along to it all. I certainly tried but it definitely had me tied to my first guitar, a very heavy, black left handed encore strat.
2. Jeff Buckley - Grace
I did say this list wouldn't be unique, but Grace blew my mind. It helped me realise there were other ways of not only considering music, and varying the things I listened to. By now I had begun to write my own songs, and that I could maybe challenge the habits of verse/chorus/verse. Thankfully none of those remain in existence though. Long before the Internet!
3. British Sea Power - The Decline of British Sea Power
Where to begin? Like me, also from Kendal. Old friends and often an inspiration. I have no doubt been to more BSP gigs than any other. I remember being at college back home, finally completing an art foundation when this came out, listening to it repeatedly on my CD Walkman, finally upgraded from tapes. Immensely proud of them and genuinely in love with the record. Speaking of records, it's probably about time I bought it on vinyl.
4. Pixies - Surfer Rosa/Come on Pilgrim
A bit of a cheat here, 2 albums in 1, and whilst I do actually own Surfer Rosa on vinyl, the original CD I bought had them both together. I worked at Our Price at the time I finally bought this, around 17. So many amazing albums were ordered for the shop, but never even made it to the shop floor. I think I was looking for something that would excite me as much as the Pixies. These albums still inform alot of how I think about and write songs today. And whilst my taste has broadened an awful lot, this will always take me back to my naiive youth.
5. Redd Kross - Phaseshifter
I thought alot about many options for number 5, notable absentees include anything by The Velvet Underground, 1 or 2 Neil Young albums, and many more from the grunge era. This list comprises some albums that have inspired me and take me somewhere, more likely back to my teens and twenties. Phaseshifter is a wonderful album. I can sing along to it all and often still do, especially when there are clouds overhead. Unashamedly rock and roll, noodling solos and fuzz guitars. Apparently they are still due to play at The Prince Albert, I must get a ticket.
Elm How “Me Howl” is released April 9th on Eyeless Records
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