crimerecords-info · 1 year
January 13 - St. Knud's Day in Sweden
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Painting by K. A. von Gasoline. "The Death of Saint Knud". (1843)
Knud IV the Saint (Knud 4. den Hellige) was the king of Denmark in 1080 - 1086 from the Estridsen dynasty. During his reign, due to heavy taxes associated with the preparation of the campaign, an uprising broke out in the north of Jutland. Knud IV was forced to flee. On July 10, 1086, Knud and his men took refuge in the Church of St. Alban in Odense.
The rebels broke into the church and killed Knud, along with his brother Benedict and seventeen of his followers, right in front of the altar. According to the chronicler Elnot of Canterbury, Knud died from a spear thrust in the side. Now he is the Patron Saint of Denmark.
Ironically , Knud 's son , Count Charles I of Flanders , was also killed in the church .
St. Knud's Day is traditionally celebrated twenty days after the Birth of Christ among Western Christians. This day is considered in Sweden and in other Scandinavian countries to be the day of the end of Christmas, as indicated by the well-known saying: "Tjugondag Knut kor julen ut" (On the day of Knud, Christmas is banished).
Read more in the post "St. Knud's Day"
*Translated using an electronic dictionary. The original text in Russian and much more on the criminal topic can be selected on the main page of the site - http://crimerecords.info/
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j-hyn · 5 years
Why is life moving so fast..
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tawne-ga3d · 4 years
lazm ykoon fe 3ada mu3ayn mn elnotes? lana fee ashya2 y6l3 w fee ashya2 la2
عن التبن هذا ولا البن؟
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. . Dear Lelaki, Aku tahu apa yang kau rasa , namun juga apakah kau juga tahu bagaimana seorang wanita ketika ia pandai menyembunyikan rasa? Semua yang ia rasa mungkin tak mampu kau pahami, maka dari itu ia terkadang lebih memilih memendam agar kau tak mengetahui. . Jika kau mampu mengerti apa yang ada dalam isi hatinya , kau pasti juga akan merasa iba. Ketika dia melihatmu bersama dengan yang lainnya, seperti apa hancurnya hati yang ia rasa? Seperti apa jika kau juga tak mampu mengerti. . Satu hal lain, ketika ia benar-benar mencintaimu ia yang tak mampu mengatakannya untuk itu ia lebih memilih diam. Sebab jika dia berkata, ia tak ingin membebanimu sebab perasaan yang telah merenggut dirinya. . Jadi, sikapmu mungkin harus berbeda. Menanyakan yang ia rasa, sebab ia hanya dimengerti begitu saja. Termasuk , ketika ia ingin kau menjadi pendamping hidupnya :) . Elda Rina, @elda_rina . . #eldarina #elnotes #elquote #catatancinta #muslimah #cintahalal https://ift.tt/2JXMWXe
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espasyos · 6 years
Little taste of Heaven
I swore I was fine
It’s a chess game
I’m the mess to blame
Sad beautiful tragic eyes
Fallin’ apart
Come back and tell me why?
Oh baby it’s a permanent memory
How you vanished quickly
The moment I knew
It is finished.
Another time
Another place
It’s a history
Things has change
A delicate beginning rush
No good for the lungs
With the new soundtrack
It’s just a crack
A heart beat
Take a rest
Live your life
Love yourself.
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j-hyn · 5 years
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The night I’ll never forget. Thank you for being in my life ❤️
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j-hyn · 5 years
Life can be so unfair sometimes. I feel like I’ll forever feel this dread for the rest of my life even though I know it’s for the better.
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j-hyn · 5 years
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Feelin myself
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j-hyn · 5 years
I hope I can vibe to Illenium live with my significant other in the future
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j-hyn · 5 years
You will never be replaced or forgotten.
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j-hyn · 6 years
Last night I was telling my story to a friend about how far I’ve gone in life. I haven’t accomplished much as of now but as a person, I sure have fought a huge battle. From being outgoing and energetic to insecure and doubtful, I stand today being tall and confident with who I am. I have many things I should not have done and hurt people in the past, but that’s only because I never really found who I was. No guidance. Around bad influences. No motivation. Neglected. Never thought twice about my actions. Negative everything. I was a lost child that wanted answers, and now I’ve found them. Self love is what I was missing. I never loved my physical appearance nor was I in love with my mind. Now that I’m able to control my mind to be more wiser and love my physical and mental self, I’m able to go out and live my life with no regrets. I came this far in life to not back down but to make an impact to my peers around me and hopefully to the whole society too. Spreading self love and motivation is something I want to keep on doing until the day I die because everyone deserves a long, strong happy life with no regrets. Without that mindset, you’ll only live a miserable life.
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j-hyn · 6 years
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Can’t wait to start a new year in less than 2 months🤩 better things have yet to come😊
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j-hyn · 6 years
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Stay tuned🤩
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j-hyn · 6 years
You make me feel so great about myself. Showing me that I have self worth and how I impact others.
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j-hyn · 6 years
When your friends call because they want to check up on you to see if you’re okay❤️
Such a warm fuzzy feeling that always gets me through the day especially going through hard times right now.
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j-hyn · 6 years
You know,
I want to just write a little something to all my friends who’s been there for me since day 1. People who stuck around and never left my side to this day. Whether our friendship has only lasted 1 month or 10 years, it’s the thought that they never left my side and still with me to this day. I’m so genuinely happy and thankful for all the people in my life for bringing me nothing but happiness and positive vibes. Being true to their self. Growing to be a role model. Knowing what they want in life. That’s what I strive, live, and look for. People who bring nothing but positivity and motivation. Seeing laughter and happiness on their faces. Shit. How did I get so lucky?
I’m so incredibly thankful. I love, miss and appreciate you guys so much. Thank you for sticking around and being in my life.
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