#elsa maria pmmm
dreamerwitches · 1 year
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Witches, familiars and a Nightmare from Monster Strike
The art is so beautiful <3 <3 <3
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area-strigae · 5 months
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new witch drawings from yours truly
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m00nb04rd5 · 13 days
Elsa Maria?
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Elsa Maria (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
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angelbrained · 1 year
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some simple, aliased transparents of a few madoka witches i made for some friends a bit ago, covering most of the witches with a prominent role in main series. feel free to use for anything
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
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anime-to-the-t · 3 months
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googrii · 11 months
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Witchvember day 5! Elsa Maria
A dark enemy needs a dark hero
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day eleven: Once bitten, twice shy
Babycorn hit the ground, hard, and with a loud snap.  Her staff had flown out of her hands and had landed just next to her.  “Come now! Is that all you can muster?!” Her opponent taunted her, he was on his last legs just like her. “Rise! Rise once more! It mustn’t end yet!”  Slowly Babycorn rose to her feet, staff back in hand. She began to laugh. 
“Tilika I think I’m done with dying.” 
Tilika looked up from her magazine with bewilderment plastered all over her face. “What brought this up?” Aside from the obvious, that being that Babycorn was currently confined to a bed while she recovered from her more serious injuries after facing off against the Endsinger and Zenos consecutively. 
“First of all-! Dying is no fun!” Babycorn tried to cross her arms, forgetting that one of them was currently in a sling. She looked confused for a second about where to put her arm until she decided to just let it hang loose to her side. 
But she wasn’t happy about it. 
“Another thing! It really hurts!” 
Sure, Babycorn couldn’t remember much of the first time she died but if the pain her scar from the first death occasionally brought her was anything like how it actually felt, then she could safely say that it must have REALLY hurt. “So stupid…” Having been stuck with the pain for so many years let Babycorn get used to it but she did find it hurt just a little extra back in Ultima Thule.
Babycorn decided she didn’t want to think about how much stuff hurt anymore, so instead her mind shifted back into snack more.
She stretched her arm to try and reach one of the various candies that had been gifted to her over her recovery. Along with several other candies and flowers sent by secret admirers the world over and closer to home.
There was something in Babycorn’s head that was tricking her into thinking she was much taller than she usually was. 
Tilika let out a stifled laugh. Her plan to make sure Babycorn didn’t eat all the (unwrapped) chocolates at once was proving to be a success. She felt a little bad for doing it but if it was for Babycorn’s sake she would do pretty much anything. 
She put her magazine down and walked over to pick a couple of chocolates for Babycorn and one for herself. 
Tilika made sure to unwrap the chocolate in front of Babycorn. Just to really sink it in her head that you needed to unwrap candy before you ate it and the plastic around it was not just ‘the candies shell.’ 
“You can’t eat too many right now.” Tilika said, reminding Babycorn of her fragile state, “But I promise once you’re out of here I’ll treat you to an All-you-can eat chocolate buffet!!” 
The chances of a place like that existing were very slim but Tilika was sure she could find something close to it, for Babycorn’s sake.
“Reallyy??” Babycorn’s eyes were twinkling all with the allure of diving head first into a fountain of chocolate. Just like she tried to do back when she and everyone explored some Arbor-tarium or something. 
“I love chocolate….” Babycorn closed her eyes. She was drooling. 
If Tilika couldn’t find some place with unlimited chocolate then she would just buy out every piece of chocolate in Eorzea if that’s what it took. Tilika handed Babycorn the chocolate and watched as she threw it into her mouth and ate it all in one bite. 
“There’s going to be so much chocolate that you’re going to get full!” Just had to make sure Babycorn didn’t eat too many and give herself a tummy ache. It was a hard balance to keep.
“And Cherry can come too!” 
“And…?” Tilika was caught off guard for a second. “R-Right! Of course!” 
It came as a shock, Babycorn hadn’t mentioned Cherrypit for weeks and when anyone tried to bring him up she would shake her head and walk away. While it was a shock, it wasn’t entirely unwelcome. 
Tilika smiled, “I’ll make sure there’s enough for both of you!” Which would have to be a LOT of chocolate now that she thought about it. Oh well. 
“And-And-! You too!!” Babycorn cheered, raising one of her arms in the air. “It’ll be a Chelinka and Cherry and Tilika partyyyy!! Yippee!!”  
“Yippee!!” Tilika echoed. 
Tilika ended up giving Babycorn more than half the box of chocolate because she asked very nicely. And really, who could resist those little pleading yellow eyes of her’s? Absolutely no one could, Tilika tried to convince herself. It was absolutely impossible. 
“And you know what else-?!” Babycorn said with a mouth full of chocolate. 
“When you die and come back-everyone's mean to you sometimes!” Babycorn moved her left shoulder around for no reason in particular. “They should be happy you aren’t dead! And not saying you’re like a scary monster or you should be dead!” 
Tilika hadn’t seen any of the anger towards Babycorn and Cherrypit that she described to her first hand. History did give a reason for the people of Ul’dah to have such a negative opinion of the undead but, in Tilika’s opinion, that was no excuse to have treated a pair of children like they had. 
Tilika only hoped that there was no one that still thought of them like that. 
“You’re right. That would be horrible…” 
What else could she say?
“Dying isn’t fun either cause then…You don’t know if you’re gonna come back…” 
Tilika silently watched as Babycorn played around with her fingers. 
“...Was it scary for you too Tilika?” Babycorn’s voice was almost a whisper. She looked surprised that she even managed to ask the question at all. “Never mind…” she tried to say but Tilika wasn’t going to let her walk away so easily.
Tilika took in a deep breath, “To tell you the truth I don’t really remember much of it.” That was the whole truth. It had felt like she had just gone to sleep for the night and then woken up in a field of flowers. “I just remember wanting to protect you and then…nothing.” It hadn’t really registered to her that she had ‘died’ in a sense until now honestly. 
“I’m glad it didn’t hurt…” Babycorn mumbled. 
“Me too!” 
Babycorn laughed a little at that.
Tilika took a seat at Babycorn’s bedside, making sure not to mess up her bedsheets too much. “But if you ask me, I’d do it all over again. Just to keep you and Cherry safe.” She picked up a corner of the blanket to wipe Babycorn’s tears away, only to be stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a pair of wide eyes staring back at her.
“N-No…Please don’t say that…” Babycorn whimpered. “Please don’t ever s-say that…”
It didn’t take very long for it to dawn on her to what Babycorn was trying to tell her. 
Babycorn wasn’t just sick of dying.
She was sick of death itself. 
Tilika wasted no time in embracing Babycorn in the most gentle hug she could.
“I don’t want that to happen! Ever again! D-Don’t…tell me you want to do that…” 
It didn’t take Tilika long for her to guess that Babycorn was talking about what happened at Ultima Thule. The way that the Scions all sacrificed themselves one by one just to ensure that there would be a way forward. Tilika had only heard about it after the fact, seeing as she was one of the first to go.
“I don’t want anyone to leave! No more! No more…”
From what she heard Babycorn hadn’t taken it very well at all.
“Don’t leave me alone…”
She held Babycorn closer to her. 
“I’m sorry.” Tilika placed her hand on Babycorn’s head and tried her best to soothe her as she sobbed. “I promise I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here with you and Cherry.” She hoped that her words had reached Babycorn, in any case she wasn’t just going to say these words and not mean them.
Tilika decided then and there that she would do whatever it took to stay at the siblings' side for as long as she could. 
Babycorn held onto Tilika like she was going to disappear at any moment. 
Something that had been closer to reality than Babycorn ever wanted to admit.
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deltaruiner · 8 months
alright so i made this poll before, but none voted and now a bunch of people are here so im restarting it
theres no real reason for it i just really want to know how popular my favorites are
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anoddworld · 5 months
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”If you really want… you really don’t have to feel pain anymore!”
Sayaka fighting Elsa Maria gave me chills while I was watching PMMM. Then I started thinking “Hey! What if Misha lost it and, since he is most likely the new watchmaker, attacked everyone?” So I made this :)
(version without the text too~)
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skarpetkowa · 5 months
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aesthetic moodboard :: half decent Elsa Maria (pmmm) moodboard
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dreamerwitches · 1 month
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Witches from the Madoka Magica flash game, yes that's all it's called...
These are simple but cute
Thanks to Hotaru on the wiki for these
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tothepointofinsanity · 7 months
I absolutely LOVE your latest artwork and I just LOVE all of your art!! It’s just so beautiful! I love how you draw Sayaka as well as how you write her, it’s amazing! You’re one of my favorite PMMM artists…
Also, I love Elsa Maria’s tendrils’(? I don’t know how you call them sorry) appearance, Sayaka fighting against that Witch was so terrifying…
And- And you did WONDERFUL in drawing her again!! I think there’s some symbolism in that drawing too and I think I have caught up to some, but I could be wrong…
Again, I really really really REALLY love and appreciate your art, it’s so unique and interesting and just BEAUTIFUL!!! I also appreciate you for drawing them… (and I really enjoy reading your personal ramblings too!!)
Hope you don’t mind me sending this… 👉👈
Oh!! Thank you for taking the time out to write such a detailed response to my works. ^_^! It really makes me feel honoured whenever someone describes my work as beautiful…I don’t think I’ll ever learn to accept or be accustomed to it.
Truth be told, I really wonder what people see in my Sayaka works when they say the writing is good because not even I can comprehend it/hj. There’s also no “wrong” symbolism in my works since they are always up for interpretation by the people who look at them. I just like reading people’s thoughts on them in general even though I do have a vague idea of what they are “supposed to mean”. What do you think?
The familiars of Elsa Maria are known as Sebastian, if I am not mistaken…I just thought about it because I rewatched the Elsa Maria fight the other day. Sayaka gets pummelled into the sky by them but she still survives. Truly one of the top ten magical girl moments.
Either way, I’m really happy that you like my works to this excitable degree, so I don’t really mind being sent this. After all, if I took fault with people using the ask system, I would simply switch it off u_u
Thank you for the ask!
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tomatoteddy · 2 years
Sariah Albrecht
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Name: Sariah Albrecht
Age: 16
Wish: "That everyone will do what is good"
Soul Gem: White cross on forehead
Weapon: Lance
Ability: Hypnotism
Element: Light
Witch/Doppel: Elsa Maria
A very religious young lady. She has a black and white mindset of the world and believes that everything she says and thinks is right. Sariah has no bad intentions with this though, but she is very stubborn in what she believes in.
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I forgot I had this in my drafts oops
Anyways uhhh hi!! I still make magical girl ocs from the PMMM witches lol. I have her story planned out but I still have to write it, but I really like her design lol. Idk designs based off lolita fashion are always so fun to make
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necrotic-nightshade · 2 years
got your candeloro post recommended and went Wild (/pos) so if you're still accepting requests.. elsa maria or elly/kirsten perhaps?? i love all the witches but it's hard to find art of these two :( either is fine if you'd prefer to do one over the other !!
EEE sorry these took longer than expected!
I felt their designs were simple enough that I could draw both of them! (though I kinda went ham on Elsa Maria's ngl)
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I had a lot more fun than I realized drawing these and I may or may not have an idea for a more detailed piece of Elly later on... (assuming i get around to it)
Enjoy :D
(Madoka witch/familiar requests: CLOSED)
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goji-pilled · 2 years
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I love characters that are 100% mentally stable and have absolutely nothing super fucked up going on, just totally normal people, yep.
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