#elvis gold lame
lllsaslll · 1 year
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1957 ~ Gold Lamé
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balladofsallyrose · 2 months
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k.d. lang trying on western attire at Nudie's Rodeo Tailors, 1988 {x}
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presleyspassions · 1 year
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Rock and roll musician Elvis Presley poses with clothes designer Nudie Cohn in his $2500 gold lame suit. He only wore the full suit twice on stage. On March 28, 1957 he wore it at the Saddle and Sirloin Club at the Stockyards Inn in Chicago. He also wore it March 29, 1957 at Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, Missouri.
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jhoneybees · 9 months
I love your writing! It’s very pretty and I love to scroll mindlessly thru your account. Could you do a lil fic where the reader is really sick with a cold? I think 50s Elvis would B ideal for this but it’s your choice who you pick ❤️
— N
Sorry for the wait! I love this idea! And thank you for requesting ☺️
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Characters: Elvis X fem!reader
Warnings/triggers: Sickness
When you're dating Elvis, something out of the ordinary happens regularly, both good and bad. Which this time, after a long day of travelling to the next hotel during Elvis’ tour, you begin to have a runny nose and a cough. Your boyfriend being the kind to get worried about you easily, you attempted to be discreet with your coughing and carrying on but that didn’t last long until he noticed your hand on your forehead as if to check the temperature of a fever. “Are you sick darlin?” his voice laced with concern as he walked over to you after excusing himself from the conversation with the guys, knowing it wouldn’t be convincing you shook your head anyway. “No.. just a lil tired ‘s all” Elvis gave you a look “Ya lyin’ aren’t ya?” you sighed “Yes Elvis I’m lying, I’m sick” he replies with a nod, kneeling on one knee in front of you being sat in the passenger's car seat and taking your hands into his. “Fever?” he asks, you shook your head “No just a runny nose and a-” a scratchy cough interrupts making Elvis furrow his eyebrows. “Cough…” finishing your sentence. Elvis nods again “Let’s get ya inside” you appease by nodding and carefully standing up on your feet, Elvis reassuringly holding your hand.
Leading you inside the hotel room, Elvis directs you to sit on the bed while he gets you a glass of water. “Drink some water, it’ll help” you silently nod and take the glass. He lays a hand on your forehead while you drink and clicks his tongue. “Seems like you got a fever too honey” he states, you were feeling a bit hot during the drive. “Yeah..” is all you could say, leaning over to rest your head on his lower abdomen, you feel tired. Elvis smiles small, stroking your hair silently. “Do you want to take a bath?” you close your eyes while shaking your head. Elvis grins “Alright, let’s getcha in your pyjamas then”
After swiftly helping you into your nightgown, Elvis pats your knee “Get ya self comfortable, imma call room service” you shuffle up to the headboard of the bed and get yourself under the covers. Half an hour later, the chicken soup arrives. Elvis rests himself on the edge of the bed, beginning to scoop some soup, blowing it gently earning a scoff when he takes the first bite. “Looked tasty, had to try it” he chuckles ,you playfully roll your eyes.
Just as you take another bite, a knock comes to the door. Elvis quickly answers, discovering he had 2 hours to get ready before he leaves for tonight's concert. He closes the door after a brief chat and walks back to sit on the bed, the concerned expression Elvis had earlier returns on his face “ I’ve got 2 hours before I go, are you gonna be alright without me?” you hum quietly “I’ll be alright, you go get ready” Elvis smiles softly before he gets up to prepare himself.
Elvis quickly changes into his gold lame suit and stands in front of the full body mirror on the wall, making sure his collar is neatly folded and combing back his gelled up hair. Elvis turns around to face you “How do I look?” Scanning him from head to toe, you hum softly with a soft smile “Handsome” a sly grin creeps onto his face “Thank ya darlin’” a knock comes to the door again and a voice “Are ya done EP?” Elvis sighs “Yeah I'm done, be there in a bit!” Just before he leaves, Elvis leans down to give you a delicate kiss on the lips “wish me luck” you nod with a smile.
The group of cars finally leave and you're now alone at the hotel, you decide to sleep since there's nothing else to do. An hour into your sleep, you wake up to the sound of the phone ringing. Sleepily as you get out of bed and walk to the phone, yawning before you speak “Hello?” at the other end you could hear the faint sound of a crowd “Hi Honey, it's Elvis… are you feelin' alright?” wiping away sleep from your eye “Hi baby, yeah I'm alright.. I was just sleeping” after hearing what you said, Elvis feels bad for waking you up “Oh, M’sorry dear you go back to sleep” you giggle softly “Alright, see you after the concert okay?” Elvis hums, ending the call with a “goodbye, I love you” and you go back to bed.
Elvis waits around backstage, he bites his nails quietly. Yes he's nervous to go up on stage but also the thought of you all alone without him there to take care of you is itching at him. Of course you can look after yourself, it's not the end of the world but the secure feeling of actually seeing you sleeping peacefully in bed is what he wants at this very moment. He shouldn't call you but he can't stop thinking about his lingering thoughts.
what if you got to go to the bathroom and just suddenly fainted? What about if you vomited and you're too tired to clean up the mess? Oh it's eating him alive, he has to call you now.
The phone rings again and you sigh, getting out of bed to answer the call “Hello?” Your voice is evidently tired just by your unusually quiet voice. “Darlin'? Are you alright? I-I got worried” your eyes begin to droop “Yes Elvis I'm alright, I was sleeping sweetie…” you repeat your words again to hint at him that you just want to sleep with no disruptions “I figured you would be… sorry honey, I got worried about ya.. you go back to sleep, I'm sorry” a tired hum leaving your mouth “Don't be sorry baby, I love you…see you later” the call ends again.
Just when you begin to fall into deep sleep…the phone rings…again.
“Elvis, I'm alright honey, I'm alright” a relieved sigh comes from his end “Okay..good, I love you” you sigh “I love you..”
For the fourth time.
“Elvis, I know you're worried about me but please I just want to sleep Honey” you tiredly spit out. Elvis nods “A-alright alright m’sorry I wanted to make sure you're safe… I love you” you hum “I love you Elvis”
Before you could say a word, Elvis cuts in “I'm sorry baby, m’sorry I can't stop worrying about you, ya sure you're okay?” His voice is shy and apologetic. “Yes dear, I'm okay I was sleeping, I'm still in the hotel room. I haven't fainted or anything I'm okay” another sigh from Elvis' end “Okay…okay..o-ok that's good” one of the stage managers calls for Elvis “I-I gotta go now honey..” you smile softly “Okay, go have fun” you can feel his hesitation so you reassure him quietly “and don't worry Elvis, I'll be right here in the hotel room. I won't go anywhere” he nods quietly “A-alright…” your smile grows a little “I love you” “...I love you”
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whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
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Chapter 3
AN: Well, this whole writing thing got away from me for a bit, sorry everyone! Thank you to my alpha @thatbanditqueen, who decodes my gibberish, and a big thank you to @vintageshanny, @ellie-24 and @be-my-ally for keeping me sane without even knowing it.
Here are the previous chapters since you'll definitely need to be remind yourself what it's all about!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
There was a sharp rapping at the door after lunch the next day. Sally had gone back to the room to change into her bikini and robe, deciding to brave the poolside because she was tired of looking like the washed-out spirit of some pioneer girl haunting the hotel.
Thinking it was Laura checking on why she was taking so long, Sally threw open the door as she went to the mirror and adjusted the bikini top beneath her loose peasant blouse.
“Do you think I should untie the straps on this thing? I don’t want to have white lines on my shoulders.”
The tall man standing in the doorway raised his eyebrows behind his sunglasses and flashed a wide smile.
“Uh, I don’t know that I’m qualified to answer that one, Miss,” he replied amiably with a shrug.
Sally whirled round, feeling her mortified blush tingle as it hit her hairline.
“Oh gosh, I thought you were someone else,” she mumbled lamely. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, my name’s Sonny. I work for-“ He pointed a finger up and Sally frowned.
“God?” Utah wasn’t a million miles away but surely they didn’t send missionaries to the Las Vegas casino hotels. That just seemed unfair on both sides.
“What?” He gave a sharp laugh. “No!” He shot her a look like he thought she was either dumb or crazy, maybe a mixture of both. But she wasn’t the one who cased the corridor like a secret agent before murmuring: “Elvis. I work for Elvis.”
“Oh.” She thought that he was maybe waiting for more of a reaction, but after worrying that he was a Mormon missionary, the fact that he was one of Elvis’ guys was a relief.
“Uh, anyway, my boss wanted me to bring you these-“ He whipped out the tickets for that night’s show. “And, uh, this.” He held out a small, dark green velvet case in his other hand. She took both and frowned again at his look of expectation.
“Do you… Oh, I don’t really have any cash on me right now. Hang on a second, I can check-”
“God, no.” He wiped his face with a big meaty hand and yanked off his sunglasses, fixing her with a look that she thought was supposed to be intimidating but just looked exhausted. “Can you open it please? I’m s’posed to let him know how you… acted.”
“No pressure,” she muttered, lifting the lid.
Inside was a gold bracelet interlaced around emeralds circled by little diamonds. It looked like something the Queen of England might wear to a soiree, not a teller from a bank in the middle of nowhere. Not without being accused of embezzlement.
All of that ran through her head as she stared open-mouthed. Finally, she remembered her audience and she glanced back up.
“Can you tell him that I was overjoyed and jumped up and down and was grateful?” she asked, worrying that she hadn’t accrued enough goodwill to get him to lie for her. “I am very grateful, really grateful, but this is… I’ve never even seen anything like this before, let alone touched it.” She tentatively put a finger to the metal; it felt cool against her fingertip.
“Yeah, I’ll tell him.” He slid his sunglasses back on and gave her a small smile and a nod. “I’ll see ya.”
Sally nodded back and closed the door, clutching the tickets and bracelet to her chest. “Well, that was weird.”
At the pool, Laura huddled over the bracelet, pulling Sally’s wrist close to her near-sighted eyes like she was a jeweler, appraising gems.
“You think they’re real?” she asked, tilting Sally’s arm to see the stones caught the sun. Sally looked around at the other people on the sun loungers, feeling slightly too conspicuous thrusting precious stones in the air.
“I don’t know.”
“And you didn’t even have to sleep with him.”
“Keep your voice down!” Sally hissed, snatching her arm away.
“I’m just saying, you’ve got to be careful playing hard to get, you know, Sal, they can get tired of it real suddenly.”
“That’s not what I’m doing. I wouldn’t do that.”
Sally could imagine that he would be able to see through that pretty quickly too. He seemed to do that, to see deeper than people thought he did, or at least it felt like he did when his eyes were on you.
Almost as if she was afraid of being caught, she glanced up at the towering white façade of the hotel. It rose up and disappeared into the shimmering heat of the endless blue sky. Somewhere, right at the very top, which she couldn’t make out from the bottom, he was there. She wondered if he was thinking about her. Maybe he was looking down at the pool… She felt her cheeks heat up and she had to look away just in case.
That evening, she and Laura were standing in line for the dinner show. At the front were the devoted fans who had probably started queuing while they were still at the pool.
“Imagine if they knew you what you got up to last night,” Laura remarked, wiggling her eyebrows. She seemed more excited by the cachet of Sally’s relationship, such as it was, with Elvis, than Sally herself was. “What? It’s okay to enjoy things, Sal, Jesus!”
Sally opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by Emilio the maître de who had somehow picked them out of the crowd of heavily made-up glamorously dressed women.
“The Beatles fan… Sally, is it not?” He pecked both her cheeks and then grabbed her fingers, wrapping them around his crooked arm. “We have been told to take extra special care of you.”
Sally glanced back at Laura, who had snatched hold of her other arm, and pulled a face. They giggled as they were escorted past all the baleful looking people in front of them in the queue.
“It’s like being a movie star!” she whispered to Laura.
“Now you’re getting it.”
Sitting in the central booth again, they felt highly visible as the room rapidly filled and staff served dinner. Sally watched the tables beside the stage fill up, the biggest tippers sitting central, women only closest to the stage.
“You know, some people come all the way from Japan and England and Australia just to watch these shows. Not even on vacation, just to see Elvis. The other night, I was talking to some people from South Africa!”
“Well, older folks have more money I guess,” Laura murmured, sipping her champagne.
“It’s not just older people,” she murmured, hearing how defensive she sounded. Laura shrugged, but didn’t reply as the lights started to go down.
The show passed in a blur of lights, sounds and, of course, music. Sally could tell that Elvis was getting more comfortable on the stage with each show, the patter between each song was becoming longer, sometimes surreal, usually funny, and he was cutting up during the songs more, swapping lyrics, usually for something dirty. The audiences seemed to enjoy it, and he certainly seemed to thrive on that.
Joe appeared during the piano intro for ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love.’ This time, he didn’t ask them to come backstage, he just gave them a smirk and gestured for them to go ahead of him.
In the wood panelled outer dressing room, Sally recognised some of the stars in the crowd, there were the actors from the Mod Squad, over there was Glen Campbell, but there was only one face she was looking for. She stayed back as the inner dressing room door opened, there was a glimpse of fleur-de-lis wallpaper, and Elvis came out.
Sally thought he looked anxious as he emerged, but even as her brain was registering it, his face relaxed into his usual charismatic smirk and he scanned the room. She averted her eyes, her stomach fluttering manically, and tried to look casual. She twitched a nervous smile at a stranger across the room and looked around for Laura, finding her beaming up at a tall, tanned older man.
Shaking her head, Sally turned back and almost banged her nose on Elvis’ chest.
“Snuck up on ya, didn’t I!” He looked pretty pleased with himself even as he grabbed her forearm so that she didn’t stumble back. He pulled on her arm a little harder, tugging her towards him so that he could lean down and give her a lingering kiss on the cheek. She felt a wave of goosebumps ripple up her spine as her hand brushed against his suit jacket and his cologne tickled her nose.
“You did, I almost pulled out my pepper spray.”
“Pepper spray?! Hell, that ain’t no good, honey, that’s just seasoning. We oughta see about getting you a gun.”
“Oh, no thank you,” she replied, pulling a face.
“Not a big one,” he reassured her, like that was the problem. “You know, they make ‘em small enough that you can just put it in your purse.”
She envisioned fishing around for a mint or lipstick and shooting herself instead.
“I think I’m more comfortable with the pepper spray.”
Elvis pulled a face that told her that he wasn’t, but luckily they were interrupted by one of his famous guests, who leant right across her to shake Elvis’ hand and pat him on the shoulder. Sally moved back before she was elbowed. She almost stepped on the foot of a man behind her who was wearing a jacket covered in Elvis pins. It was a comedy of errors as she shuffled and circled and edged out of everyone’s way. She found herself pressed up against a decorative carpet that hung against the wall, overshadowed by a dark wood cabinet. It didn’t feel that different from the showroom, standing at a distance, watching him say his lines and his audience beaming at him. Even off stage he was still always giving a performance.
After about half an hour, the tall man who had delivered her bracelet- Sonny- gave her a pleasant smile and asked her to come with him. She glanced over at where Elvis was explaining something with animated hand gestures to a rapt group of men and women. The group let out a loud collective laugh as Sally grabbed Laura and they followed Sonny from the room.
“Where’s Elvis?” Laura asked as they walked along the bland tiled corridor towards the elevators.
“He’ll be coming along,” Sonny replied, pausing to introduce himself. Laura’s eyes lingered on him a little longer and Sally looked down to hide her knowing smile.
The elevator ride felt like an interrogation as Laura questioned Sonny on himself, on Elvis, on Hollywood, and anything else that caught her attention. Laura’s enthusiasm was unphased by Sonny’s stoicism, even after he mentioned his fiancée. Sally envied her friend’s confidence and self-assurance. Laura was the top saleswoman back home every month because she had a knack of dragging customers into conversations and building rapport with them so that when she mentioned that she was worried that they were not sufficiently covered by insurance, or that they could get that home renovation done now if they just signed up for a little, low-interest home loan, they felt they were being advised by a friend. If anyone had told Sally that one of them would get noticed by Elvis while on vacation, she would have bet all her cash on Laura.
Up in the Imperial suite, Sonny brought the women a drink and settled them in the den like they were his house guests. He seemed to have succumbed to Laura’s charms, sitting beside her on the couch and stretching out his arm behind her. Sally clutched her drink and surveyed the room, pretending to be intensely interested in the chandelier as Laura giggled quietly off to her right.
Finally, the door of the suite burst open and half a dozen guys strode in together. They all seemed to be talking at once, laughing at some in-joke. Elvis appeared amidst the group and the corner of his mouth twitched up as he caught sight of her. He made a beeline for her as his entourage peeled off and headed in different directions. Joe handed him a bottle of water, still talking to him, but it didn’t slow Elvis’ stride as he came and stood in front of her.
Without a word, he took the drink from her and placed it on the side table, then grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her to her feet.
“C’mon, honey, let’s go hide.”
Sally bit down on her lips to stop herself grinning like a cartoon as he tugged her along behind him. He took big strides so she had to half jog in her heels to keep up and she kept her eyes on the floor to make sure she didn’t trip on the thick carpet or any hidden steps.
In the bedroom, he slowed down as he purposefully closed the door, leaning on it for a moment before he turned round and smiled at her. She shivered involuntarily at the light twinkling in his eyes.
“Hello,” she giggled and he bit his lip as he moved toward her, his eyes taking her in with an almost predatory hunger. His lips pressed softly against hers even as she felt him gathering her up, his hand around the back of her head, the other on the small of her back, sliding up as he pressed her into him.
Sally almost sagged in his arms as the anticipation and tension she had felt since leaving him passed liked waves from her body. She didn’t realise he was moving the both of them backwards until the side of the bed hit her calves and she made a squeaking noise against his mouth as she wobbled. Elvis’ grip of her tightened even as her arms tensed around his athletic frame, trying to keep herself upright.
Elvis pulled back from the waist up, his eyes opening slowly, thick black lashes flickering against his cheeks, as if he didn’t want to quite let go of the kiss. It only made her want to launch herself back at him, but she suspected he knew that.
“Man, I been thinking about this ever since I saw you in that dress,” he murmured, his hand dragging around her waist from her back and his long fingers tickling underneath the short hem.
Sally had already worn all of her good outfits to his shows, so she had borrowed a green mini dress from Laura and had spent most of the evening tugging it down.
“You wear this for me, honey?” His warm breath tickled her neck as he leant in to pepper her jaw and throat with soft butterfly kisses. “You ain’t trying to get me in trouble now, are you.”
At the same time, her thighs tingled with goosebumps at the feel of his callused fingers trailing up to the edge of her underwear beneath her skirt.
Part of her was protesting that this was too fast, that he was too much of everything: too experienced, too rich, too famous, too handsome, too Elvis for her. She was so far out of her depth that drowning was inevitable. The problem was that he made drowning look both exciting and pleasurable.
“I wore it because it matched my new bracelet,” she said, slipping her fingers through the opening of his jacket, warmed by his skin and the feel of the coarse chest hair against her fingertips. She could feel the thudding of his heart reverberating through his rib cage and sternum.
His chin dimpled as he peered down, grabbing her hand and pulling her wrist up for examination. She gazed at his face as he inspected her wrist, his left eyebrow twitching with self-satisfaction. She loved the creases at the corners of his mouth, how they made his full lips look sullen even as she knew he was suppressing a smile. It felt like a secret between them.
“You like it, baby?”
Sally shot him a look of disbelief. “Of course, it’s beautiful, Elvis, so beautiful, but you shouldn’t have. It looks expensive.”
“That don’t matter,” he murmured, frowning. “It looks pretty on your little wrist here.” He dipped forward and pressed his lips to the bony part of her wrist. Sally’s whole arm twitched at the heat and velvety softness of his mouth and her stomach fluttered as his pout continued its path round to her pulse point. His hair brushed against her jaw and throat as he leant over pressing kisses up the delicate skin on the inside of her forearm.
“I -uh..” She dropped down onto the bed, even as she was thinking that she was starting to feel a little lightheaded from holding her breath.
He looked like he was holding back a laugh as he asked, ‘You okay, honey?”
“I meant to do that.” She frowned, daring him to contradict her.
“Uh huh.” He nudged her legs open with his knee so that he could step closer and she could feel her skirt sliding to the top of her thighs as he drew in, his thumbs on her jaw tipping her head back so that he could kiss her as he slowly and gently lowered her back onto the bed, his tongue teasing its way into her mouth.
“Well,” he said, pressing his knee into the mattress right at the apex of her thighs, the pressure of him answering the ache beginning to throb there, “I might not get around to the next show, but-” He lifted a mischievous eyebrow. “It’ll be worth it.”
It took every drop of restraint in Sally’s being not to grind down on his thigh, but her self-discipline was almost immediately undermined by Elvis pressing down on her, and she let out a sigh mixed with a moan, catching a glimpse of his smirk before he kissed her again. Yet again, he was performing exactly the show he knew his audience enjoyed.
Trying to find some sense of balance, she let her hands glide down from his shoulder blades, feeling the mechanics of his lean muscles working beneath his suit jacket, and cupped his perfectly round ass. She felt him pause for a second, before he tried to cover his surprise by moving with even more authority, rolling his hips and driving a moan from her that had her turning her face into his neck and hiding in embarrassment. He didn’t seem to realise this was what she was doing as he shuddered and showered kisses on her throat and shoulder, pulling back her neckline as far as it could go so he could taste her pink, sun-kissed skin.
Sally felt his teeth clamp down lightly on the muscle in her shoulder before he drew back, depriving her of his spicy warmth, so that he could shrug off his suit jacket. As usual, he wasn’t wearing anything underneath and she couldn’t stop herself reaching out to touch his skin, running her fingertips up his sides and making him twitch and hiccup a laugh before he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. Her bracelet bit into her skin from the pressure, but she didn’t fight it or protest.
“This okay?” he asked softly, his face looking suddenly very boyish and vulnerable. It was unexpected and helped ease some of her nerves as she gazed up at him and nodded. Her lips were swollen and tingly, seemingly a side effect of being in close proximity to him, and she bit down on her bottom lip, trying to stop herself from panting too needily. He groaned, mumbling about how she was going to be the end of him, and sank back down into kissing and rubbing and pressing against her as she shivered and writhed and pressed right back.
Sally’s skirt was now somewhere around her waist and her restraint was buried somewhere in the sand outside of Las Vegas along with everything else that people from this city found themselves forsaking. She hooked her fingers into the tight waistband of his pants and tugged impatiently even as her tongue was sliding against his.
“Hey, whoa whoa, easy, baby,” he mumbled into her mouth. “We got plenty of time. I got you to myself all night, right?” She nodded dumbly. “That’s right, we made a deal.”
Despite his words, he walked his fingers up her thigh and her breath stuttered in her throat as he slipped his thumb into the warmest, wettest part of her. His eyes crinkled slightly and his mouth fell slightly open as he studied her face, which she was desperately trying not to screw up into unflattering expressions as he circled and dragged the pad of his thumb over her slippery skin, flooding her with sensation, before slowing and ebbing back, letting her breathe and float for moment. He seemed to take her efforts to be quiet and composed as a personal challenge, shifting his hips to get more comfortable and pressing himself against her thigh, before pulling out his thumb from the leg of her underwear and insert his whole hand into the front.
“S’okay,” he whispered, panting softly, as he played her like an instrument with his delicate fingers and she bit down on a whine. She could see where his mascara was beginning to smudge below his eyes as they both lost their cool both figuratively and literally.
Sally felt sweat trickle from her hairline down behind her neck and she shifted slightly. Elvis glanced up from where he was watching the movement of his hand and his heavy-lidded eyes seemed to assess her. In one smooth movement, he rolled onto his back, his hand still working in her underwear, and reached over to grab a pillow from the top of the bed.
The next thing she knew she was being thwacked lightly in the face with it.
“No, wait, that ain’t right,” he remarked dryly, picking it up again and smirking at her disgruntled expression beneath. “Lift your head, honey.” She clasped her hair in one hand and raised her head so that he could tug the pillow into place with his free hand, grunting slightly as he tried to keep himself up at the same time.
As soon as he was satisfied she was comfortable, he leant back over to kiss the air from her, increasing the pressure of his fingers as they began to sink into her while his thumb strummed at the bundle of nerves, making her twitch and writhe.
“Oh God,” Sally breathed, clasping at his neck and the damp tendrils of his hair. She couldn’t decide where to touch him, still not able to believe that she could. Her hands moved from his neck to his shoulders to his back, brushing his narrow waist, kneading his perfect ass and squeezing his thighs.
As the knot tightened in her belly, her muscles tensed and she began to moan freely, losing her inhibitions, she palmed at the firm bulge in his pants. He growled softly, pressing his face to her chest and resting his warm, sweaty cheek against her decolletage, scratching her with his sideburn. It felt like he was everywhere, leaving nowhere for her to retreat and hide, making it impossible to stay calm and demure, giving her no way to hold it together.
His fingers prodded deeper, causing the swell of the waves of pleasure in her gut to break and ripple through her body. She whimpered into his damp hair as stimulation so intense that it was almost painful rolled over her, making her thighs clench and her toes curl. The aftershocks made her twitch and he huffed a laugh into her temple, giving her pussy a scritch like it was actually his pet.
Sally shot him a disapproving look, a little embarrassed at how completely he had taken her apart with just his hand. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged as if he wasn’t responsible for what he did.
While she slowed her breathing and felt the unwelcome return of her inhibitions, Elvis hovered over her, straightening her underwear and diligently pulling down her skirt. He moved up, adjusting her neckline and pulling the shoulder of her dress back into place. Sally hoped they hadn’t stretched it, because she knew Laura would make her pay for another and she suspected it wasn’t from a catalogue like Sally’s own dresses.
“All better,” he pronounced in a soft, babyish voice, looking down at her body. When his eyes returned to her face however, he snorted softly. “Up here’s a different story though, baby, up here you’s a mess!”
“Noooo!” she protested, her hands going up to her hair, feeling the damp frizz and knots as he gave a cartoonish cackle and nodded. She pouted and reached up, vigorously ruffling his hair and pushing it in his face. “There, now we match!”
There was a pause and her stomach dropped as she thought that maybe she had crossed a line, but then he laughed and shook his head, swiping his black hair out of his eyes before he swiftly straddled her and obliterated any hope she had that her hairdo was salvageable. She wrinkled her nose and blew a lock of hair off her face.
“You made me do that!” he informed her. “I didn’t have no choice.” He did one of his patented sullen smirks as he picked up a long lock of her hair and laid it across her forehead like a monobrow. His laughter vibrated through her and his thighs tightly clamped her hips as she batted at her face and knocked her hair away.
“You are a public menace,” she informed him.
“You ain’t the first person to say that,” he nodded. “First person with a bird’s nest on their head to say it though maybe…”
In spite of his playful tone and the calming endorphins flooding her body, she was starting to feel self-conscious and she tried to roll over and escape his grip.
“Okay, let me up.”
“Honey, I’m just teasing. It ain’t that bad.” The expression on his face contradicted his words. She shoved at his thighs, trying to push herself free, and quickly discovered when her hand slid up that she might have been a mess, but she was apparently an exciting mess.
It was another twenty minutes of rolling around on the bed before she made it to the bathroom to examine the damage to her hair. It was as bad as she had feared, and she rooted around in the drawers and cabinets looking for a brush or comb to attempt triage. During her search, she found three pistols, some amber bottles of medication with a range of names printed on them, and a photo of a cute blond-haired baby, before she finally found what she was looking for.
Two hours of curlers and teasing and half a can of hairspray wasted, she vigorously brushed her abused hair into long brown curtains on either side of her face and wet some tissue to wipe away her smudged and smeared eye make-up.
When she emerged from the bathroom, Elvis was laying on the bed and he did a double take as she came out.
“What?” she asked, pausing nervously.
“Nothing… Nothing, honey.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You just look different with your hair all down like that.”
“I didn’t have much choice now, did I?”
“No, I guess not.” He rolled off the bed and somehow made it onto his feet before he hit the floor, striding over to clasp her head in his hands and kiss her almost chastely. “It looked so pretty before though, honey.”
“Thank you?”
He shook his head sharply. “I mean, you’re still pretty. I don’t even know what I’m saying, man. Sorry, baby.” He kissed her again, this time with more force. “Every time I get up on that stage I think I must shake something loose up there, losing my damn mind. You’re pretty, you’re beautiful, honey.”
Before either of them could speak again, there was a gentle tap on the door.
“E, it’s time.” The guy’s voice was no louder than speaking volume and clearly audible through the door. Sally was horrified, thinking about what they might have heard on the other side of that door. Elvis didn’t seem bothered though, just annoyed that their time together had to end, but then he was probably used to all of this.
“I gotta go to work, honey. Sold my soul to Kirk Kevorkian for a hundred thousand a week and I’m starting to think I’m the one that got snowed.” One side of his mouth twitched up into a half smile as he rose, but she didn’t quite understand what his expression was trying to convey. And in in an instant, it was gone.
“You coming to the show?” he asked with a bashful smile.
“If that’s okay with you?”
At this, he cupped her face in his large hands and kissed her, nipping her bottom lip between his teeth before pressing his forehead against hers.
“You ain’t real,” he told her, to her confusion. “There ain’t no way you’re real.”
“Funny,” she replied, “I think the same about you.”
As he walked her to the main door of the suite like they were on a surreal date, he told her not to bother coming down to the stage for a kiss at the midnight show.
“Oh,” she murmured, a little deflated. “I did exceed my allocation after all then?” He gave her an amused little frown.
“The way you talk, honey! Naw, I just got something else in mind. Don’t go messing with my plans, now, okay?” He gave her a peck, motioning to someone behind her. Laura reappeared, straightening her dress slightly and looking sheepish. Sally looked from her to Sonny wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
The midnight show, her fifth now in three days, confirmed that the tummy flip when Elvis appeared on stage was a permanent thing. Meeting him, talking to him, hadn’t lessened her wonder and awe at his talent and energy. If anything, seeing him up close in the flesh and learning more about him only made that huge presence he projected seem that much more impressive.
“Does it bother you?” Laura asked curiously, pouring herself a glass of champagne from the magnum resting in an ice bucket. They hadn’t ordered it, it had just been presented to them with the assurance that there was no charge.
“What?” Sally asked. Laura nodded towards the stage where Elvis was crouched down in front of a couple of women who were giving him a gift. He gave them both deep, effusive kisses, going back for seconds from one of them.
“Why would it bother me?” she laughed. “if he didn’t do it, I wouldn’t have got to kiss him.”
“Exactly,” Laura said cryptically, raising her eyebrows. Sally rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the show.
Elvis didn’t introduce Love Me Tender until later in the set, leaving Sally wondering what he was talking about when he said he had a plan. When he finally started the introduction, she suddenly became vigilant, like she was waiting for an ambush.
At first, nothing seemed much different, Elvis sang a little, kissed a lot and the band persevered, playing verse after verse. Then, after walking to the wings, he just… didn’t stop. She watched his dark head drop down into the crowd and pandemonium broke out. People- women- were charging down from the back of the showroom, the audience were laughing and whooping as girls called Elvis’ name and begged to be able to touch him.
“God, they’re going to eat him alive!” Laura laughed, as they both craned their necks to follow the knot of people moving through the crowd.
Sally watched as people tried to climb over tables just to reach out and touch his arm as he passed by. He was being jostled by the press of his own bodyguards and then the fans begging for kisses. Her eyes widened as she realised the procession and growing mob were heading toward their booth; blue uniformed security guards were already appearing behind her, ready to marshal him through safely.
A beautiful blond managed to step into Elvis’ path as he almost reached the back of their booth. Sally and Laura had turned in their seats and were kneeling up on the red velvet cushions, watching the circus. He clasped the blonde’s face, just as he had done Sally’s only an hour earlier, and kissed her on the lips. Sally wondered if maybe she should be feeling jealous, but the truth was that she really just felt empathy with the woman, understanding how exciting and delicious it was to be kissed by him.
Despite the pressing and the chaos, he managed to pause at their booth, his tanned hand replete in gold rings gripping the white scrollwork to fight the momentum pushing him on. He gave her a lopsided grin as he leant in.
“How’d you like my plan? Seemed a good idea at the time.” He almost stumbled as he was jostled from behind.
“Not bad for a public menace,” she grinned, wrapping her fingers around his sweaty neck and almost sighing against his soft lips. A security guard stepped closer as if she was an overexcited fan that he was going to have to drag away, but she drew away before he could reach out and grab her.
“See ya later!” Elvis called over his shoulder, taken by the current. As he was swept on, she only heard the word ‘deal’ float back through the screams and whooping and laughter.
Turning round and smiling at Laura, Sally licked her lips and savoured the salt there. 
Tag list:
@itsnotthatserious03 @everythingelvispresley @bigromansgirl-blog, @sillybookmarks, @returntopresley
As always, shout out to the Elvis harem: @thatbanditqueen, @be-my-ally, @vintageshanny, @ellie-24, @from-memphis-with-love, @missmaywemeetagain, @peskybedtime
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nosramus · 2 years
if u still want to do one of those top 5s... How about top 5 Elvis Moments? :)
obviously #1 is the microphone deepthroat moments.
GOLD LAME SUIT! PLEASE help me... lord above...... i would do anything
that time he was wearing that pink shirt and then got a parking ticket and was like posing on the hood of the car while the cop was writing the parking ticket. and he had pink socks on also
that picture of him posing in front of a poster with his name on it but he's standing in front of his name
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Hostess With The Mostess
Blazer:  What do you think about Elvis Presley? This is a genuine question. To me, Elvis has always been this larger than life, picture on an American Icons poster (with Marilyn Monroe and Mickey Mouse), rock and roll hall of fame, bedazzled souvenir token. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to to get beyond the pompadoured gold lame baggage of Elvis to really hear his music[1] with anything like…
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brn1029 · 1 year
On this date in music history….
April 27th
2013-A blue plaque was unveiled at Swansea railway station, Wales, honouring Peter Ham who co-wrote 'Without You', a hit for both Harry Nilsson and Mariah Carey. Ham who was a member of Badfinger were signed to The Beatles Apple Records label, (and enjoyed their biggest hit in 1970 with a Paul McCartney penned, 'Come And Get It'. Ham took his own life in 1975 at the age of 27.
2009 - Aerosmith
Aerosmith were to hold a free concert in Hawaii to placate angry fans who brought a legal case against them. Fans filed a class action case, which claimed the band had cancelled a sold-out show in Maui two years ago, leaving hundreds of fans out of pocket in favour of a bigger gig in Chicago. Lawyers for the would-be concert-goers said Aerosmith had now agreed to put on a new show, and would pay all expenses. Everyone who bought a ticket to the original concert would receive a free ticket.
1981 - Ringo Starr
Ringo Starr married actress and one time 'Bond girl' Barbara Bach. The pair met while filming the movie, Caveman, with Dennis Quaid and Shelley Long. In attendance at the wedding were George Harrison and Paul McCartney.
1976 - David Bowie
Customs officers on a train at the Russian/Polish Border detained David Bowie, after Nazi books and mementoes were found in his luggage. Bowie claimed that the material was being used for research on a movie project about Nazi propaganda leader Joseph Paul Goebbels.
1974 - Bruce Springsteen
A free afternoon event was held in the parking lot of the University of Connecticut, Ice Hockey Arena in Storrs. The four acts that appeared, Aerosmith Bruce Springsteen, Fairport Convention and Fat Back. Springsteen then went on to play another gig that evening at the University of Hartford in Connecticut.
1971 - The Grateful Dead
The Grateful Dead appeared at the Fillmore East in New York City. The Beach Boys also appeared on stage with the Dead, who together performed a short set of Beach Boys songs.
1969 - Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd appeared at Mothers Club in Erdington, Birmingham, England. Radio 1 DJ John Peel reviewed the gig as '...sounding like dying galaxies lost in sheer corridors of time and space'. Recordings from this show were included in the group’s 1969 album Ummagumma.
1967 - Sandie Shaw
Sandie Shaw was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Puppet On A String', her third UK No.1 and the Eurovision Song Contest winner of 1967.
1963 - Little Peggy March
Little Peggy March started a three week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'I Will Follow Him'. At 15 years, 1 month and 13 days old, Little Peggy March became the youngest female singer to have a US No.1 record.
1957 - Elvis Presley
In a rare appearance outside the United States, Elvis Presley performed at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Canada where he wore his full gold lame suit for the last time.
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shefancdotcom · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Elvis Presley Trading Cards from 1992 USA Printed Collection .
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bitter69uk · 3 years
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A shimmering vision in gold lamé … Born on this day 81 years ago: luscious, pouting rock’n’roll heartthrob and "British Elvis" Billy Fury (real name: Ronald Wycherley, 17 April 1940 - 28 January 1983). For anyone unfamiliar with his music, seek out his 1960 chef-d'oeuvre The Sound of Fury.  
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paradisevallley · 5 years
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lllsaslll · 2 years
Elvis & Legendary "Rhinestone Cowboy" Fashion Designer Nudie Cohn
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Elvis' Tailor Measurements from Nudie Cohn for the 1957 Gold Lamé Suit & the 1967 Millionaire Nudie Suit
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balladofsallyrose · 5 months
"Phil [Ochs] was a guest on the old David Frost talk show (a syndicated show distributed by Westinghouse). He appeared right after the Gunfight At Carnegie Hall concert (March 1970).
I remember at the start of the segment Phil was sitting with Frost on the edge of the stage, right in front of the audience. Phil told the story of the Carnegie concert battle and sang I Ain't Marching Anymore (with his acoustic guitar) to demonstrate the 'old folkie' Phil Ochs. I remember that his right hand was bandaged and Phil explained to Frost that right after the concert some disgruntled fans had complained to Phil that they felt gypped by the performance. So Phil had taken them to the Carnegie box office to get their money back for them. The box office was closed and Phil banged on the glass so hard trying to get someone’s attention that he broke the glass, cutting his hand in the process.
Next Frost cut to commercial and then Phil emerged in his Elvis gold lame suit and performed with an electric band his Elvis medley and maybe (if memory serves) a Buddy Holly medley. The one thing I most remember in the interview was at the commercial break David Frost, speaking to the camera was giving his teaser to the home audience and said words to the affect that `We will next see the suit that caused all this commotion. During the commercial, Phil Ochs will go back stage and emerge like Cinderella from her magic coach...' At this point Phil broke in with `how about; like Superman from the phone booth?' Frost agreed that Phil’s was a better metaphor."
— Thomas Hanafee, Phil Ochs on Film The David Frost Show, May 13, 1970
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Some of the greatest gowns worn by a Royal
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KEYSTONE-FRANCEGETTY IMAGES Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, 1949 - Then-Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret went glamorous for a royal variety performance in London. The sisters each wore an elaborate ball gown with fur wraps.
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ULLSTEIN BILD DTL.GETTY IMAGES Princess Margaret, 1951 - In 1951, Margaret posed for a birthday portrait taken by Cecil Beaton in a one-shouldered cream gown with gold embellishment by Christian Dior.
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ULLSTEIN BILDGETTY IMAGES Princess Margaret, 1956 - Margaret posed for her 26th birthday portrait wearing a one-shouldered pink tulle gown. The dress featured elaborate flower embroidery and sequins.
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BETTMANNGETTY IMAGES Queen Elizabeth, 1961 - American royalty met actual royalty when President John F. Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy visited Buckingham Palace for the first time. The Queen wore a blue ballgown by Norman Hartnell with white gloves for the occasion.
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FOX PHOTOSGETTY IMAGES Princess Anne and Queen Elizabeth, 1969 - In May 1969, the monarch and her daughter, Princess Anne, went on a state visit to Austria. Both royals went full glamorous for an event at the British Embassy: Anne wore a white dress with a sash, gloves, and a tiara, while the Queen wore a lime green gown with a matching sash and jewellery.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Anne, 1973 -Princess Anne wore a floral printed gown with a sleek updo to a film premiere in London with her husband, Mark Phillips.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Anne, 1978 - Princess Anne, the Queen’s only daughter, wore a floral ruffled gown for an event at the Dorchester Hotel in London. The Princess finished the look off with elegant white evening gloves.
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GETTY IMAGES The Queen Mother, 1980 - Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, wore a white chiffon evening gown to her 80th birthday celebration in 1980. She paired the gown with a stunning tiara and necklace set.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1984 - Diana wore a pink and white dress by Catherine Walker to a ballet performance in London.
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PRINCESS DIANA ARCHIVEGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1985 - The Princess shined in a gold lame evening gown by Bruce Oldfield, which she wore to the premiere of the James Bond film 
A View to Kill 
in 1985.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1985 - The Princess chose a white, crystal-beaded silk chiffon gown by Japanese designer Hachi for an event at the National Gallery in Washington D.C.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1987 - Diana wore this memorable number to a gala during the Cannes Film Festival. The pale blue flowing chiffon dress was designed by Catherine Walker, one of Diana’s favourite designers.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1989 - During a royal visit to Hong Kong, the Princess wore a white silk dress with pearl and sequined detailing by Catherine Walker that is now called “The Elvis Dress” by many.
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GETTY IMAGES Princess Margaret, 1990 - In the summer of 1990, Princess Margaret was on hand to celebrate the Queen Mother’s 90th birthday at the London Palladium. She wore this icy-blue number for the occasion, along with a blue necklace and earrings.
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1992 - In 1992, Diana wore another Victor Edelstein design, this time a striking red gown.  
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TIM GRAHAMGETTY IMAGES Princess Diana, 1996 - Princess Diana wowed in an electric blue dress by Versace while at a dinner in Sydney, Australia in 1996.
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ANWAR HUSSEIN GETTY IMAGES Queen Elizabeth, 2003 - In 2003, the Queen posed for a photo with Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and Prince William in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Queen’s coronation. The Queen chose a pale pink dress with dazzling details, worn with a diamond necklace.
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ANWAR HUSSEIN GETTY IMAGES Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, 2007 - The Duchess looked regal in a pale blue dress while at a dinner hosted by the King of Bahrain’s wife, Shaikha Sabika.
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SAMIR HUSSEIN Queen Elizabeth, 2011 - The Queen paid tribute to her host country while on a royal visit to Ireland. The white evening dress was embellished with chiffon shamrocks, the national emblem of Ireland.
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WPA POOL GETTY IMAGES Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, 2011 - In one of her first appearances after her royal wedding in April 2011, Duchess Kate stunned in a blush Jenny Packham gown with elaborate detailing on the front.
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KEVORK DJANSEZIAN Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, 2011 - The Duchess looked regal in a pale purple gown by Alexander McQueen while attending BAFTA Brits To Watch event in Los Angeles during a royal visit to North America.
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CHRIS JACKSON GETTY IMAGES Sophie, Countess of Wessex, 2012 - Sophie chose this pink one shouldered gown for the 2012 Paralympic Ball, which she attended with Prince Edward.
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DANNY MARTINDALE GETTY IMAGES Sophie, Countess of Wessex, 2013 - In 2013, Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex attended Princess Madeleine of Sweden’s wedding to Christopher O'Neill. The Countess wore a pale pink gown with lace detailing on the top.
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MARK CUTHBERT GETTY IMAGES Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, 2016 - In April 2016, Prince William and Duchess Kate went on a royal tour of India, where the Duchess wore this royal blue look by Jenny Packham.
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ALEX BRAMALL/ROYAL COMMUNICATIONS VIA GETTY IMAGES Princess Eugenie, 2018 -The second dress Princess Eugenie wore to her royal wedding in October 2018 is one for the books. For her reception, the Princess changed into a blush tone draped gown designed by Zac Posen.
Thank you....so beautiful....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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richwall101 · 5 years
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Elvis Presley - 50,000,000 Fans can’t be Wrong Gold Records No 2 - Album Cover. Issed in November 1959. He is seen wearing the famous Gold Lame Suite. Rather more than 50,000,000 fans now I think…!
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