#elvis inspo fr
zzleepywulf · 1 year
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Quick sketch of a singin Wally today
Feelin a lil sick-
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be-my-ally · 1 year
Like Pieces into Place
This is part of my prompt fill for fall/autumn and/or halloween. I started writing and the wordcount spiralled out of control (7k and counting... I intended it on being maybe 2? lol) but I didn't start writing it until today and was desperate to post something tonight, so take this as a sneak peek. The rest - including a trip to the Memphian, my dreams of ‘72 Elvis in a knit, and smut to come later this week.
summary: it's autumn 1972, and Elvis' girl on the side, Laura (from All Revved Up), who is no longer the girl on the side -- has come to stay at Graceland.
wc: sneak peak 1.3k I'll attach the inspo pics when the rest is posted since they don't hugely fit with this opening part.
October 19th 1972 Graceland. 
It’s quiet as Laura pads down the stairs, suspicious of the silence in the house - hoping that Elvis hadn’t actually up and left her on her own. She hadn’t bothered to get dressed, hoping to find him quickly and work out what she should wear today, and besides, it was early - knowing him they’d end up back in bed soon. But she hadn’t really expected having to go all the way downstairs before she could call to him. She wraps her arm around herself as she looks around, it’s the first time she’s been cold at Graceland, really, she’s only been there a handful of times anyway - and last year in the colder months he’d had her over in Palm Springs. Sure, he kept his room at a frankly ridiculous temperature but under the warmth of his heavy comforter and arm she barely felt it. Now though it feels as though there’s a cool breeze running through the house. The late summer having certainly given way to autumn, bronzed leaves starting to fall off the trees.  
Elvis is nowhere to be found as she peeks around doorways and arches, and she wonders if she should give up and just wait for him to show up in the bedroom - but she’s sure he’d have woken her up if he was leaving, so he must be around here somewhere. She’s grateful there’s carpet in the kitchen for her bare toes when she creeps around the corner, the breeze suddenly stronger. The mystery is quickly solved; the door to the hallway flapping from the exterior door being left open. Laura huffs as she slams them shut, but it does at least explain where they’ve all gone (and why it was so breezy in the house). She looks down at herself, considering if she was prepared to venture out, but it’s just this side of too cold, and besides she’s fairly sure Elvis would flip out at her parading outside in just her silk robe. She heads down to the den, intending on just getting a little glimpse before going to get changed.  
She quickly spots some of the guys, as she peeks out of the glass, but they’re all just a little too far to the side to see properly. She leans against the windowsill to help her stretch to peer as far as she can out, tiptoes rubbing into the plush green carpet. A football comes flying and Joe comes running past, red-faced and struggling to breathe in an attempt to catch it. She can’t help but giggle watching him as the collection of men come trotting around the corner to join him. Elvis at the end of the group, looking pleased with what had clearly been his throw. Laura leans as close as possible to the window, ducking her head under the little curtain, appreciating the look of him having fun. He’s practically bouncing around outside, dressed casually in a way she hasn’t really seen before - his velour zip-up looking particularly cozy. He’s a little thicker than he was in the height of the summer and in Laura’s opinion it looks good on him; she’s a fan of how he’s styling his hair at the moment too - the slightly longer shaggy length of it that seems to look like he’s either just combed it  into a gentle swoop or like he’s been rolling around on it.  Both looks make her tummy flip if she looks at them for too long. He’s foregone his tinted glasses, whether because it was overcast and therefore the light manageable to his eyes, or simply from fear of the football being thrown Laura didn’t know. She could, however, just from looking at the set of his shoulders tell that for once he seemed untroubled. As calm as he could ever be, his carefree attitude was evident even from a distance. He spots her at the window after a couple more passes, his face lighting up as he jogged over to the window.  
Even though Laura was watching him she still startles when he taps the glass, through the decorative metal, grinning at her. She beams back - thrilled at his happy face.  
“How'd’you sleep honey?” He shouts at her, muffled but still audible, she giggles in response - shaking her head at his antics. She’s quite sure she’s somehow alone in the house, but she wasn’t about to start shouting through a window at him. He folds his arms, leaning back to look her up and down, frowning suddenly and insistently tapping the glass again in mock outrage.  
“Get dressed!” Laura shakes her head again, teasing him and watches as he signals something to the boys who all jog off to one side. She’s too distracted by all the movement to notice Elvis himself disappearing, until the door slams open. She stumbles, caught in the drape when she tries to whirl herself around - but before she can right herself there’s an arm suddenly wrapping around her middle, holding her tight and close. Despite the plush velour rubbing against her back, she can feel the chill on him; they must have been out there playing for a while already.  
“Jesus Elvis! You’re freezing!” He shakes his head, laughing and shoving his cold nose into the crook of her neck, “Elvis!” She tries to dance and wriggle out of his hold, but he has a surprisingly tight grip onto her.  
“Not my fault Lor! Y’gotta get dressed, honey, catch yer death runnin’ round like this!” He tugs her away from the window, bundling them towards the middle of the room.  
“Didn’t need - didn’t need to before.” His hands brush up her sides and she squirms as he tickles her. “‘Fore someone kept shoving their nose places it didn’t be-” Laura yelps when his nose makes another appearance, now with accompanying snuffle-snorting noises. “-long!”  
“Oh yes you do. Can’t have you like this -” Elvis holds her with one arm, the other hand trailing down to brush across her bare thigh, large hand parting her robe and pushing up her nightgown. Laura involuntarily clenches her thighs and immediately feels his huff of laughter as he feels it. His voice lowering as he leans closer to her ear, the gentle vibration sending goose-pimples across her skin. “Not like this.” He flicks at the hem, now high enough to send a gust of air across the crease of her upper thigh, just the threat of exposure enough to make her gasp. 
He smooths the fabric back down, mock outrage back in his voice; “Anyone could see you!” As if he wasn’t the one exposing her. He prods his long fingers into her tummy, making her crunch in an attempt to squirm away from his tickling, giggling the whole time.  
“No, no!” She shrieks, “No more! I give!” He stills his hands and between gulps of air she tells him, “I’ll get dressed! I give.”   
“Y’better!” he growls against her ear, squeezing her tight to his torso for a long second before releasing her with a grunt. A self-satisfied smile on his face when he pulls her around to face him, her own rosy cheeks matching his. He flicks at the hem of her nightgown again, shaking his head at her.  
“Go on then.” He turns her to the stairs, slapping her behind as she stumbles calling out to her as she heads up the stairs and back up to his bedroom “Hurry! Want you to be my little cheerleader out there!” 
---- taglist -----
@thatbanditqueen @vintageshanny @arrolyn1114 @from-memphis-with-love @whositmcwhatsit @ellie-24 @shakerattlescroll @peskybedtime @dkayfixates @lookingforrainbows
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Have you seen the new Elvis movie? I just did and I’m 😍 afterwards I kinda fell into a rabbit hole of Elvis’ life in the final years and it was just so wild. Tbh it reminded me of your page with your murdoc fic! Like the idea of what happens to a rockstar on his way out…
I actually haven't, although I kind of want to!!! I have to admit, I'm not super big on his genre of music is all, so I never got into Elvis too much, despite being sort of in the retro/classic rock community 😅 Definitely lots of interesting stuff around him and his legacy tho, so maybe!!
ALSO. THANK YOU ?!?!? 😭😭🙏🏻 Tbh, I wasn't really sure anyone on here much cared for my murdoc fic lol (except greenheart99, my beloved <3), so thank you for thinking of me with it, I genuinely am smiling :) I could definitely see that tho, like the big star suffering a heavy fall from grace bc of drug/alcohol/addiction complications... My Murdoc fic is actually fully completed rn, but literally just last night I was like, damn. I realized I totally could've played up the physical debilitation aspects of recovering from such long (loooooongggg) term drug and alcohol abuse, as opposed to mainly just the mental aspects.
To be fair, if I was going to go to that level of realism, I'm pretty sure ol' Mudz would be either literally, or at least cognitively, dead sksksksk But that's why it's fiction, right? 😂 I'm ngl, I'm actually kind of sad my fic is done, bc I still want to write more for him!!! Just not like, canon him, bc I'm too sensitive for that 🥲🥲 Who knows tho, I've been microwaving a whump fic in my brain for nightcrawler for a while now, might explore something like that for the next fic for Mudz 👁️
Anything particular you were thinking about for the Elvis movie? Bc I might go see it fr, especially if it's going to deliver inspo (sad as it is) for potential content. I'm all ears!!
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