kiankiwi · 2 years
The Big Day:
Summary: You and Elvis welcome your first born child
You and Elvis had needed to have a talk about whether or not you were going to deliver at a hospital. You had done plenty of research and being an anxious person, you definitely saw more pros to giving birth inside your home, your space, your Graceland. Elvis, the logical yet emotional one who only wanted you to be safe may not see a homebirth as the safest option, hence why you felt you needed to present your worries and talk through it with him.
You decided to bring it up with him when he came to bed that night. He could already tell you had something on your mind when he tucked himself in beside you, rubbing your seven month pregnant belly affectionately. "Hey little, you doing okay?" You scoffed. He's been calling you that nickname for years now but you definitely didn't feel any semblance of little right now.
Elvis raised his eyebrow, his mouth quirking up at the corner. "What?" You put down the book you were reading. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.." Elvis puts both of his hands up, "Whatever it is, I didn't do it!" You chuckled, "No no, it's nothing like that. Just something I've had on my mind lately and researching." Elvis nodded, and kept his eyes on your rounded belly, rubbing his hand over it; the action constantly calmed him.
"I, uh, I've been thinking about if I want a homebirth actually instead of y'know a hospital." Elvis didn't expect that to come out of your mouth, he was caught off guard. "Okay, uh, well you know all I want is you to be safe and for the baby to be safe. And the fact that we'd be here not around doctors doesn't make me feel like you'd be the safest staying here, e-e-especially if something goes wrong, honey. I couldn't live with myself if I watched something happen to you and our baby..." He was spiraling already, tears brimming in his eyes.
You pressed one of his large hands onto your belly in attempt to calm him and cupped of your hands on the side of his wet cheek shushing him. "Elvis, baby, baby, I'm okay, the baby's okay, just listen to me okay?" He sniffed, eventually nodding.
"You and I wouldn't do this alone, we'd have a midwife to help and if anything went wrong, I'd go to the hospital if I needed to. I've already found a midwife I really like but I really like the idea having the baby here; this is our home, this is where they're going to grow up, hm? Plus if I have the baby here, that makes it so the paparazzi doesn't get any chance to photograph the baby when we're on our way home and we can control who comes over here after they're born instead of them just showing up, y'know?"
Elvis thought it all over, pecking your forehead and your lips. "Okay, mama, okay. Whatever you want, okay? If you feel safer and better doing it here then that's what we'll do okay?" You nodded as Elvis hugged you to his chest. "Thank you, El."
Eight weeks and five days later, you were finally in labor. But you didn't want to wake up Elvis yet because he barely slept as it is and you didn't want to wake him up until you absolutely had to. You were walking around the ground floor of Graceland, letting gravity help the baby come down. As another contraction wrapped around your middle and squeezed around your organs, you leaned on the banister of the main staircase, groaning as you tilted your body to rest against it. And that's where Elvis found you. "Baby? Are you okay? Why didn't you wake me." Elvis rushed down to you and placed one hand on top of yours as you clutched the banister and one hand on your back.
"Oooh shut up, shut up." Elvis nodded, staying quiet until you acknowledged. Only then did he feel he was allowed to say anything.
"Okay, it's gone." You breathed heavily, straightening up. "I didn't wake you because it's not a big deal." Elvis's eyes widen in horror and anxiety. "Not a big deal?! Baby, you're having contractions." You still struggled to catch your breath. You nodded. "Trust me I know, I just didn't know if this was the real deal or not so I didn't want to wake you yet. Besides you need your rest, you haven't been sleeping well lately." Elvis rubbed his temples. "Baby! My comfort doesn't matter, you're having a baby here. Have you called the midwife?" You rubbed the underside of your belly where all the weight was causing pain to your back.
"No, no, I haven't yet. Now stop yelling at me, I'm about to have another one, E." He sighed, realizing how his voice sounded, he hadn't meant to sound angry with you. He wasn't angry at all just scared and nervous. "I-I didn't mean to yell at you, baby. I'm sorry. What can I do?" You held your hands out to him. "Just hold me, please." You begged with tears brimming in your eyes. Elvis let you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and helped you sway around the room with him in a bit of a slow dance while your belly contracted yet again.
You screamed just as the contraction peaked, burning your belly as Elvis shushed you, petting your hair. You finally got a deep breath as something popped and all the pain left you. Elvis pulled back, feeling his socked feet get wet. "Baby, did you-" You sighed. "My water just broke. Time to call the midwife and clean up this mess, huh?" Elvis smiled. This was really happening. Happening today. "No, you sit down and call her and I'll clean up this mess okay?" You nodded, waddling over to the couch to sit yourself down.
"Hello, hello?! I hear we're having a baby?" The midwife announces herself as she lets herself in. She finds you leaning back against Elvis as he sits behind you on the couch, propping you up, letting you lay on him between contractions. Your nightgown was pulled up to expose your nether regions and your bump because as the contractions continued the hotter you got. "Looks like it," Elvis said as he watched the midwife set up her things and covered the furniture and anything else that could get covered in bloody fluids, ''her water broke about twenty minutes ago. She hasn't let me up since we called you." The midwife chuckled. "Yeah, she needs you. You're not moving till she moves." You gripped Elvis's arm, eyes closed, breathing steadily. "He's comfy." Elvis chuckled against you. "I think that's just a loophole to calling me fat but thanks, darling. I love you too." You patted Elvis on the shoulder, still not opening your eyes. "Don't move, that hurts." Elvis nodded whispering, "Sorry."
You still didn't open your eyes but you could feel the midwife sitting in front of you and she touched your bare knee. "Darlin' is it alright if I check how dilated you are? See how far you are?" You held out your hand to Elvis. "Elvis hold my hand." Elvis dutifully quickly took his chunky rings off and gave you his hand for you to squeeze the hell out of. "It'll be a bit uncomfortable but I'll try to make it quick, okay?" You nodded, bracing yourself for the pain.
As you felt gloved fingers enter your vagina, you gripped Elvis hand until you were sure it was bruising and turned your face into his neck, growling and screaming at the pain. "Oh god! Stop please!" "I'm sorry darlin, I'm almost done." Elvis wanted to crumble at the sound of your raw pain. There was nothing he could do, there were no drugs for you to help with pain here. But you didn't want to go to the hospital. And it was breaking his heart. "Alright, alright, she said stop it!" Elvis nearly screamed at the lady. No one argues with Elvis so the midwife does stop and removes her used gloves.
"Alright, it looks like you're at a four right now, sweetie great job." You just groaned, trying to sit up. "Woah woah," Elvis exclaimed at your sudden movement that he didn't expect. "What're you doing, love?" Elvis grabbed your arm, holding you steady. "The bed, El. I want the bed. But I'm scared of the stairs. They're gonna hurt so much..." The midwife smiled reassuringly, rubbing your other arm. "Honey, we can help you. It won't feel pleasant but if the bed is where you want to be, we'll get you there, okay?" You nodded and they both helped you to your unsteady feet.
It was a long and painful process getting you up those stairs. Every time you lifted your foot it was like bolt of lightening burst up your leg. "Elvis, stop, I can't!" You groaned as you somehow got to the middle of the staircase. Elvis held you in his arms as the midwife used her thumbs to create counter pressure against your back which felt fucking wonderful. "I-I'm tired El. And I'm scared." He rubbed your back, kissing your head. "I know, love. I am too. Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? They can get you some pain meds that'll help you get some sleep?" You shook your head as a sob bubbled up your throat. You felt like you were admitting defeat if you left your home now. "No, no, no." Elvis nodded. "Okay, we don't have to. " Yet he didn't add. "Let's just get to the bed first and figure it out later. Here, let's get you to bed and I'll get you some ice water, hm? Does that sound good?" You nodded, just not noticing how freaking dry your throat was. "Y-yeah." You mumbled. "Good bub. Can we move now or do we need to stay here a bit longer? Whatever you want is fine with me." You locked your arms as tight as they would go around Elvis's neck so that you wouldn't trip or fall. "Move, please."
21 Hours Later
You had been laboring for more than twenty hours at this point and Elvis was getting more and more concerned at how exhausted and out of it you were getting. He sat at your head as you laid on your side on his huge bed writhing in pain. Elvis was so worried at this point, seeing how you went in and out. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it to get your attention. "Honey are you with me?" All you could muster at this point was an "Mmm." Like, yes you were but you couldn't formulate proper words at this point. "Honey, I really think we should head to the hospital at this point. Get you some pain meds and some sleep. You're exhausted love. You're worrying me here." The midwife looked to Elvis, giving him an agreeing nod. She was on the same page with him, they just had to convince you.
"No, no, don't leave me." You whimpered as you cracked your eyes open and Elvis wasn't even sure you could focus on his face. Elvis cupped your cheek in his hand and sighed when you visibly relaxed at his touch. "Honey, I'm not leaving you at all. You're just in too much pain, let's just get you some relief huh? That way you can sleep some and when it comes time to push you'll have some energy again. I really think you need to go. Do you trust me?" You nodded as much as you can. "I can't sit in the car though... It'll hurt so much." The midwife piped up. "I think we can call an ambulance. This is definitely somewhat of an emergency." You tiredly poked Elvis in the face to get his attention. You were so out of it. "I give you permission to use your Elvis card. I just wanna go to sleep, El. Please let me sleep." The midwife goes off to call a private ambulance company while E comforts you.
"I know baby, they'll give you something to help you in the ambulance I promise." Elvis notices your eyes light up with a moment of clearness. "Promise you won't get mad and yell at them please. They're just gonna take care of me." Elvis nodded, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. "Alright I promise."
Twenty minutes later, you have no idea how you got here but you're laying down again with people yelling things and you're moving way faster than you'd like and you can just barely hear Elvis yelling over everyone else that is hovering over you, "I'm right here baby. I'm still here, you're just fine I promise." You hear him yell against the haze in your mind. You feel a sharp poke in the inside of your elbow and another one in your non-dominant hand. You have no idea where Elvis is but you extend your arm toward his voice, just wanting him to hold your hand.
One of the EMT's grabs your hand and pulls your hand back but you think it's Elvis. "No, no, I wanna hold your hand, please hold my hand baby." The EMT puts your arm back on the stretcher, preventing you from reaching for your husband for comfort. But Elvis was sitting up front and you can't reach him you can just hear him yelling reassuringly. Even though you told him not to yell he found a loophole like he always does.
"Elvis! Please help!" Elvis has to blink hard to keep the tears at bay and not one moment later, everything goes black and you're finally passed out.
5 hours later
You wake up sometime later in a hospital bed in a private suite with two IV's in your arm and hand and you see Elvis passed out sitting at your bedside with his hand placed on your belly. "El?" Immediately hearing you, Elvis pops up and takes your non stuck hand in his. "Hi baby. How do you feel?" At that point you feel your baby moving around in your belly so you know you're still in labor. "How long have I been-" Elvis smiled at you to help your fear. "A few hours, they just slowed everything down and gave you some pain meds because you needed your rest." You nodded, trying to get your bearings. "Am I okay?" You asked, still scared. Elvis nodded, running his hand through your hair. "Yeah, you're okay. We were just waiting for you to wake up so we can start your contractions up again, you ready?" You nodded. You were feeling a lot better with some sleep and medicine coursing through you. You were ready to meet your baby. He pointed to the big red help button on the wall behind you. "Hit it, the nurses will come running." You nod and push the button, squeezing Elvis's hand glad that he was still there with you.
Not even ten minutes later, a nurse comes in and waves at you, "Hi! You feeling better, ready to start up your labor again?" You nodded. "Yeah, I want to meet my baby." The nurse nodded, getting all of her supplies ready.
30 minutes later, you were back in full blown labor. You had been in labor for over a day at this point and you just wanted to hold your child. You had gotten scared again, wanting to be in a smaller space and feel safe again, you had asked if you could sit on Elvis's lap. "Sure baby." He sat on the side of the bed and helped you ease your body into his lap. You groaned a bit, adjusting your body into a comfy position, and wrapped your arms around Elvis's neck, laying your head on his shoulder, pushing your face into his neck. "Are you comfy little?" You nodded. "Thank you. You make me feel safe." Elvis sighed. "I'm glad, little. I'll do anything for you." He whispered as he leaned forward a bit to kiss your shoulder as he tried to rock you a bit, waiting on yet another contraction.
You were breathing roughly through another contraction when you needed a distraction. "Elvis, please. Talk to me, tell me anything. Just talk to me." He nods, happy to have a task he can actually accomplish.
"Who do you think the baby will look more like? Me or you?" You grit your teeth, hissing air through your teeth trying to focus. "Uh, I hope she looks like you." Elvis raised his eyebrow. "She's a girl today?" You shrug, gripping Elvis's shoulder. "She feels like a girl most days... Oh hi honey I know that's your knee. Ouch that hurts." As your catching your breath you ask, "What if she wants to sing, like you?" Elvis curled his lip up. The last thing he wanted was for his son or daughter to get caught up in the fame and fortune and have to meet someone to control their career like the Colonel did for Elvis. "If she does, I hope she's smarter than me about it. And if she doesn't want to sing or do anything musical that's okay too." You eyed Elvis. "But Graceland's always gonna be filled with music. We're gonna make sure she at least likes music." He nods, pecking your now dry lips. "Yep, she'll listen to music every day."
Ten minutes later you start fidgeting in El's lap. "What, what's wrong?" You gripped the underside of your belly as you tried to stand up off of Elvis's lap. "Oooooh no, she's right there El. Her head's right there I can feel it. Oh god. I need to push."
Not even five minutes later, the room was in a total frenzy multiple doctors rushed in as Elvis was helping you back on the bed and he was prepared to fight if they tried to make him leave the room. As the doctors set up everything for the delivery, Elvis kept your face locked toward his so that you wouldn't get too scared of everything that was happening. "El, get behind me, I need to help me." Elvis eyed the doctor for permission and they nodded as if to say, 'Do whatever she asks here'.
Elvis sits behind you so you can lay back against his chest. "Alright, Y/N as soon as you get another contraction I want you to put your chin to your chest and push for ten seconds, then we'll take a break and go again. Got it?" You nodded, pressing your face into Elvis's neck. "I love you E." Elvis rubbed your belly. "I love you too, hon. Let's have our baby okay? You got this?"
An hour later, you were finally getting somewhere. "Oh fuck, it burns!" Elvis's eyes widened, is it supposed to burn??? "That means your baby's crowning love. I need you to stop pushing and just breathe. Breathe your baby out until I tell you to push again, okay?" You really wanted to push but you did as you were told even though it was extremely difficult.
"Baby, copy me, okay? Watch me." Elvis takes deep breaths and eventually you follow him, breathing into his face until the burning lessens and the urge to push almost comes back overpoweringly. "Head is delivered." Elvis peeks over your knees as he hears that and sees your baby for the first time as they're partially delivered. "Oh baby, she's beautiful." You're laying back against Elvis just taking a minute to catch your breath. "She?" You ask breathily. You can hear Elvis's smile crack across his face. "You convinced me." The doctor spoke up just then. "Okay on this next push, the shoulders will move and then you'll feel me do some tugging, okay?" Elvis read your mind and voiced your concern while you were still catching your breath. "Will it hurt her, the tugging?" The doctor shook their head. "Being born is hard work but it won't hurt either of them. Now chin to your chest and push."
You could feel the baby's shoulders moving around and eventually exiting your body and you screamed as Elvis helped you hold onto the energy you needed to push past the pain. "Keep going baby, keep going, she's almost here. You got this." Elvis whispered sweet nothing's into your hair and cheek as you rested against him. "E!" You screamed, just wanting your husband to take away all the pain and make it better.
"I know baby, I know, you've almost got her. She's almost here. You're almost done." You pushed as hard as you could one last time until the pain left your body and your baby was finally held up and placed on your chest. "Oh my god, oh my baby, baby." Elvis chuckled wetly, kissing your cheek. "Is that your baby." You laughed, relishing the weight of your child laying and screaming on your chest. Elvis lifted up the baby's leg and chuckled. "Mama's intuition was right, it's a girl." You laughed, tears leaking down your cheeks as you rubbed your baby's back.
Ten minutes later, Elvis was sat beside your bed, just telling you how well you've done while the baby was being weighed and measured and getting their footprints. "I can't believe you just did that. That was crazy, lovie." You smiled, still a bit out of it but insanely happy.
"What do you want to name her?" Elvis asked you as the doctor laid your daughter back on your chest and your rubbed her back, putting her inside your hospital gown and adjusting her hat on her a little bit. "I liked Amelia Jayne for a girl." Elvis thought the name over and nodded. "Look at her, she looks just like you." You said with a smile on your lips as you studied your daughter's brand newness. "Eh, she's got your eyes." You chuckled and Amelia squeaked at the movement. "Oh, Oh, I'm so sorry little one, go back to sleep." Elvis smiled and leaned down to peck her shoulder as she napped on you.
Elvis held his hands out, "May I? I'll hold her while you get some sleep?" You nod. "I'm gonna miss her though." Elvis smiles, taking your daughter off your chest and cradling her in your arms.
Two hours later, you're woken up when you hear Elvis across the room softly singing to your daughter. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my dear Amelia Jayne. Happy birthday sweet girl." Elvis stopped when he noticed you sniffled and he realized your eyes were closed but tears were running down your face.
"Honey? I know you're awake." Elvis walked toward your bed with Amelia still asleep in his arms. You reached one hand up and wiped your face. "I just never knew that Happy Birthday would make me cry like a baby." Elvis chuckled wetly, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and did the same for Amelia.
There it is! The long awaited birth scene I've been working on for two whole days! It's my favorite so far! <3 hope you enjoyed it! @plasticfantasticl0ver @kendralavon7 @mooodyblue @ellie-24
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