mistbow · 1 year
laindirがあなたの投稿に返信しました “laindirがあなたの投稿に返信しました“This is ultimately 自分用 and...”
but why wouldn’t you want to see Sorey showing off his man tits too LOL…. also wait LIGHTNING AND ZENRUS………. THONKING EMOJI……. also also Ho-kun has the little birdie icon too right??
YOU ARE ONTO SOMETHING HERE BRO... he was likened to a bird A LOT in the canon... just like how that baby elysalark was basically Sorey... BIG THONKING EMOJI damn. Damn... lmao...
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laurxlle · 7 years
Elysalark -- [ x ]
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      He gets it, she’s so very grateful there’s at least one Inspector in the twisted system that understands the viewpoints of those who were branded as criminals without giving them a choice in the matter. The struggles that were face on a daily basis, just the means to survive in a world that wanted to see you fail. It was painful, the mimic sitting in the background watching it all transpire. She knew well enough how to avoid the machinery that very much would capture her on the spot, or even kill her if the means were deemed necessary yet she had watched so many others fall to those unforgiving hands.
          ❝Only another person can see the true worth of one who cannot see it themselves. A system as this deems people who are capable of so much good as failures in need of... Rehabilitation or just death.❞
      It’s not an insult to him, nor even a jab at his profession. The mimic would thank her lucky stars to have met someone so earnest in his endeavors, would bury her face in the dirt at his feet if he ever learned of the truth behind her & what she has done. Sorey was one who made her feel like she was still good, that even with her lack of innocence, there was still some shred of value to her life.
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sirenssonnet · 7 years
The child looked up at the brunett haired man and watched him curiously. He sure was dressed funny.
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bokudou · 7 years
@elysalark replied to your post: me:    lads .     i      love          tainted...
Okay but consider this: tainted sorey as a goblin hellion. With a cart. He’s the happiest hellion to ever exist
i’m like..... half love it half feel Very cursed, but mostly because my skype name was gay guzzling goblin for like almost a year and i feel like i relate too much FKEHWFLERKJL
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prudentiae · 7 years
cherry: I see Ignis exploding into fire on my dash cherry: explain cherry:  I thought he was like. releasing a shrimp into the river or something cherry:  and then fire???? ƒαdιиg мємοιя: what. ƒαdιиg мємοιя: oh - ƒαdιиg мємοιя: phoenix down. cherry: oh
ƒαdιиg мємοιя: i'll never not see shrimp.
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fortethealla · 7 years
elysalark replied to your post “wingless. confession: I didn’t know how to pronounce sorey’s name...”
//dw friend i called him Soree for about a year until the game came out
at least once the game came out you knew. I’ve been sitting halfway in the fandom for the better part of a year now and I never figured it out...
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rokurou · 7 years
elysalark replied to your post: I’m so glad I restarted tales of link, I’m so...
//I was just going through the ToL tag and saw this. Letting you know that Mikleo’s badge drops from the ToB Awakening stages! All of the badges do, they’re just rare
OHHH MY GODDDD, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! He only needs 2 more and I’m set, I’ve done all for Eizen so I don’t have to really worry about him, I’ll just focus on Mikleo again, thanks for telling me about that I really appreciate it!! 
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fujuun-a · 7 years
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—————one day, this system’s true worth will be tested.
@elysalark / @talesofepeolatry / @laurxlle / @fujuun
personals do not reblog. gif credit
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laurxlle · 7 years
❝ not all good people are innocent. ❞
Short Stories || Accepting
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      Eyes fall to her hands in her lap, the ivory flesh a stark contrast to the blood red color of the frilled dress that she wears. These lolita style dresses are his favorite, the frills & lace a reminder of things he never could have that she has given him. The Inspector sitting to her left is one whom she could agree that she’s grown relatively close with, their leisurely conversations in the park an event that the mimic had become fond of. She felt normal sitting here, as if she could push aside all that had transpired until now. The events that she sat by watching from a distance, waiting for her time to show her worth were a distant thought when they spoke, the older male giving her peace that she hadn’t been able to grab onto at any other given point.
      He was smart, rightfully so. A hum pulses at the back of her throat, swallowing it down until she manages the courage to raise her head to face him. He’s looking at her, it startles her slightly with a soft jolt of her shoulders that causes her to quickly divert her gaze once more.
      Does he know… ?
          ❝… But they are taken care of regardless, are they not? This system… In it, mistakes are not permitted. Their CC index raises… & they are captured. Even if they are not innocent – they are still good. They are… Still good people.❞
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sirenssonnet · 7 years
elysalark replied to your post: divinecannon replied to your post: Icons? (...
The skit faces give good basic coverage of expressions?
// Ah~ I forgot those~ I should probably go save them to my Patty Icon file~
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ofstarsandskies · 7 years
In Depth Headcanon Prompts; Set 1
☛ : What is their typical response to being given orders?
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Contrary to what his journey might make you believe, Star is fine with being ordered around…to a degree. If an order is, say, ‘clean your office’ from Vera, she’ll get a quick, “Yes ma’am.” before Star goes off to do the chore. Where the line starts to be drawn is dependent on the person’s tone or the severity of the order. 
If some guy started screaming, “Get outta my way!” as Star was walking by (and thus ended up in the man’s way), he may obey to avoid starting a fight. However, he wouldn’t be treated very politely as those who give requests in a calm, direct manner. The other line would be orders that involved injuring or murdering people; if someone, even a superior, asked him to murder somebody, he’d simply ignore them and help the person instead. If that meant getting punished/attacked, so be it. 
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elysalark replied to your post “Ugggggh. I had to give a quiz this morning in my discussion session....”
I feel you. I have a couple of difficult students as well and it gets really frustrating :/
It definitely does! Fortunately, I’ve got a lot of really great students too, so it mostly balances out.
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murgleys · 7 years
{{ Okay but listen: An iris gem that shows the event of alisha’s death and Alisha keeping it as a seraph :’D }}
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therionn · 7 years
elysalark replied to your post “Eats a flower.”
Okay but like some flowers are delicious. On China we eat Lily buds as a vegetable. The more you know
I’m more confused that velvet is eating a flower? she cant taste anything so whats the point?
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fujuun-a · 7 years
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Sorey was getting tired of this game too. Mikleo always seemed to be one step ahead, always, always with the upper hand. The cycle of desperation and close-calls wore on anyone’s endurance and hue.
“No way.” You didn’t bargain if you weren’t coming from a position of power, it was that simple. No good could come of it. “We don’t negotiate with criminals and terrorists. You’re not getting anything from us.”
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“ Smart one, aren’t you? “ As expected of the MWPSB. Of course, he wouldn’t have minded either way -- but he already had his trump card, ready to play. At his feet lay a young woman, tied up and writhing on cold concrete. A woman named Lailah, a baker with connections to the division. She really made for an easy target, and potentially a very useful one. Turning down to take a photo of her, he sent the image to the Inspector with a smile.
“ This is a familiar face, isn’t it? The same woman that runs the bakery near headquarters. “ A quiet groan escaped from Lailah, barely audible over the call. “ She’s been poisoned -- and yes, I do have the antidote. “
“ --So, Inspector. What will you do? If you just listen to me, I’ll tell you where this is and give the antidote. If you leave now, you’ll surely make it. If not... don’t blame me if she doesn’t make it. “
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deleau · 7 years
elysalark replied to your post: — ;; { who wants to marry my meebo he’s up for...
//i’ll take him as long as he provides me with snacks on demand
— ;; { he would in fact, provide snacks on demand
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