#em.eto tw
hoppinkiss · 7 months
woke up at 5am to my cat puking all over my quite new rug 👍 no one is happy in this situation
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
I officially have covid 😔
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
⚠️ultra mega complaining zone⚠️
I'm sweaty and my throat hurts and I'm miserable and I'm so irritable because I've had to feel like this AND be in the same house as my dad for days and I couldn't sit down for the second half of my chores like I normally do because he was using my swivel chair as a footstool so I'm out of breath because I have COVID which HE FUCKING GAVE ME
I want to cry
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
made myself ramen and saved some sausages mom started from burning. and then put cut up sausages In my ramen. and then I had a hostess cupcake as a leetle treat
and im pretending it was mo.rdin feeding me instead of myself bc im baby and im not feeling well
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hoppinkiss · 1 year
I tested negative for covid!!!
still feeling a bit run down tho. blegh
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hoppinkiss · 1 year
waiting on a covid test rn and. if it's negative I get to know how well my surgery has healed. but if it's positive I get skip appoimtment
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hoppinkiss · 1 year
I'm not all the way better yet but oh my god guys I woke up without a sore throat and I can Mostly breathe through my nose. fuck yes
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
woke up with an achy throat and a sinus headache :(
mo.rdin pls come take care of me
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
I'm having a rebound of covid so the obvious next step is to kill my father for giving me covid in the first place
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
noooooooo I have a sore throat againnn T^T I think it's covid rebound
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
hhhhhh trying not to have friendship insecurity bc I know it's probably just brainworms from not socializing much while I was sick 💥💥💥💥💥
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
"the cat's puking because you waited 5 minutes to put out more kibble even though it's not their main food source!"
*inspects the cat puke*
mom, the cat is puking because she eats plastic.
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
when will the hunger signals return from the war (had covid)
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
👁👄👁 I'm not in unbearable pain this morning
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
my dad's talking shit about how I haven't been doing my chores. I am going to beat him over the head with a thermometer.
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
I have had. a morning
my mom says that if my recovery is like hers I'll start feeling better tomorrow morning and god I hope she's right because two days in a row I've cried bc it hurt that much to talk and swallow
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