solo-blaine-blog · 10 years
Subject: Hey Little B, 
      So I know this may be the worse way possible to tell you this but until I get my new phone email is my only way of communication. You know how I left to do that study abroad thing with the museum? Well it’s turned out to be something I really love and believe it or not I feel more at peace here. 
     That being said I want to say sorry for being such an asshole to you. I started to talk to someone here that said I was just trying to control things that weren’t controllable. Or something like that, I want you to be happy with who ever that is that makes you happy and smile. I know I’m not going to be there physically but I’m going to be here mentally for you if you need it. 
     Tell Morris and Rachel both I’m sorry for how I acted towards him and their relationship and tell Kurt I’m going to be waiting for him in Russia. I love you, Little B. Call me or email me if you ever need me. 
                                                                              Take care,
                                                                  Nikola J Anderson
Subject: Hey Little B,
       I wish I'd been able to hear this from you in person, but I understand. You've always been so supportive of me and my dreams, and what kind of a brother would I be if I didn't support you and yours? This is an amazing opportunity for you, and I'm so happy that you're in a place where you can feel free and relaxed.
       I'll keep you posted on the whole situation - Kurt said that he wants to be with me and that he'll wait for me to be ready to pursue a relationship for real, and now we're kind of hovering in the space between. It's nice, though. I feel more settled than I have in a long time. I know - I'll send you videos of my performances and we'll stay in touch. Maybe we can skype sometime? Or I'll come visit you. We'll make it work.
        I'll tell them. I love you, too. Remember to send me your new phone number and I'll talk to you soon.
                                                                                  Blaine D. Anderson
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