scienza-magia · 5 months
Levitazione gravitazionale a pressione elettrostatica
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Ingegnere Nasa rivendica una nuova forza della fisica rivoluzionaria. Un ex ingegnere della NASA sostiene di aver scoperto una nuova forza fisica che potrebbe rivoluzionare il modo in cui concepiamo il volo spaziale. Questa affermazione proviene da Charles Buhler, che dopo una carriera alla NASA ha co-fondato Exodus Propulsion Technologies. La sua azienda ha brevettato nel 2019 un sistema che, secondo quanto riportato, sarebbe capace di generare una forza di spinta di 1G senza l'uso di alcun propellente, un risultato che se confermato, potrebbe essere considerato rivoluzionario. Il dispositivo ideato da Buhler si basa sulla pressione elettrostatica asimmetrica generata attraverso una differenza di tensione su una superficie conduttrice. Tale differenza crea un campo elettrico che risulta in una forza di pressione elettrostatica che agisce su almeno una superficie dell'oggetto, permettendo teoricamente una spinta sufficiente per sollevare un piccolo oggetto contro la gravità terrestre.
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Questo tipo di propulsione, se funzionasse su scala più ampia, potrebbe avere impatti significativi sui futuri viaggi spaziali, permettendo addirittura la realizzazione di gravità artificiale simile a quella terrestre durante i viaggi spaziali lunghi. Tuttavia, come spesso accade con le rivendicazioni che sembrano sfidare le leggi fondamentali della fisica, c'è una buona dose di scetticismo (un po' come i superconduttori a temperatura ambiente). Esperienze passate, come quelle con l'EmDrive, hanno mostrato che ciò che appare come una spinta senza propellente può spesso essere spiegata con effetti fisici convenzionali, come l'effetto termico che altera le misurazioni. Il professore Martin Tajmar, dopo aver ripetuto esperimenti simili, ha smentito le affermazioni relative all'EmDrive, dimostrando come i cambiamenti apparenti nella forza di spinta potessero essere attribuiti a deformazioni termiche dei componenti della bilancia utilizzata per misurare la spinta. Charles Buhler è consapevole della portata delle sue affermazioni e ha invitato la comunità scientifica a esaminare i risultati del suo team e a verificare la fisica sottostante. Fonte: IFLSCIENCE Read the full article
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jingszo · 11 months
About 10 years ago, a little-known aerospace engineer called Roger Shawyer made an extraordinary claim. Take a truncated cone, he said, bounce microwaves back and forth inside it and the result will be a thrust toward the narrow end of the cone. Voila … a revolutionary thruster capable of sending spacecraft to the planets and beyond. Shawyer called it the EmDrive.
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noneedtofearorhope · 2 years
I saw your posts about nuclear energy, and I agree, but there's something I've been mulling over recently that I thought I should shoot by you. I've read before that tritium reactors are both safer than uranium and can be used to more or less eat uranium waste (in fact, uranium was only the standard material because it can also be used to make bombs). Since tritium waste only has a half life of 100-300 years, I was wonder what your opinion would be on having some tritium reactors running for a while, if only to turn all of the ~100,000 year nuclear waste we have into ~100 year nuclear waste
looking up 'tritium reactor' points to fusion. as far as i'm aware, fusion has yet to show that we can get a net positive amount of energy out of such reactions. i know there was recently some hype about a big breakthrough, but i haven't looked into it because i'll simply believe it when i see it and don't wish to feed the hype train/algorithm.
i'm reminded of the EmDrive, which also recieved a lot of media attention a few years ago, for what appeared out of some initial tests to break the laws of physics, getting more thrust than was equal to the energy input into it.
i also didn't see anything that seemed to mention the consumption of uranium waste, which to me seems like a bit of an ambiguous term anyway. does this refer to the mining and milling tailings, or to the products of fission reactors? either way my best guess as to what you were referring to with this was that maybe uranium would be used to breed tritium? but this would likely only be used as a source of energetic neutrons to bombard lithium with, and wouldn't consume the uranium, but rather the lithium, which just presents us with the problem of lithium mining. remember when we were all shitting on elon musk for supporting (if not having a direct hand in) the coup in bolivia, since it helped secure lithium for production of his stupid electric vehicles? so between all that and the likelihood that this would just be a sink of energy and not a producer, i don't much care the idea of using it to produce more radioactive waste, even if it 'only' pushes the problem a couple of generations down the line instead of hundreds.
if you have any clarifactions or sources to give me the context needed to address your questions better, or if, somehow, this actually answers the question and you simply have follow ups, feel free, either over anon or in dms.
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jhavelikes · 11 months
“I don’t know of any other purely electric drives ever tested in space,” Mansell told The Debrief, including the controversial EMDrive, which, he noted, relies on a completely different technology but also claims to produce thrust without propellant. “If so, this will be the first time a purely electric, “non-conventional” drive will have ever been tested in space!” Mansell also believes that whatever happens, his team has shown their customers and colleagues that they can move potentially revolutionary ideas from concept to product in record time. “Whether or not the Quantum Drives produce the expected thrust, IVO will have shown again that we are capable of not only trying hard experiments, we can do them efficiently and in record time,” said Mansell, noting that his company was ready to go back in June before a glitch with something else on the satellite caused that flight to be canceled. “In fact,” he added, “we were able to produce the final flight versions of the Quantum Drives in two months!”
EXCLUSIVE: The 'Impossible' Quantum Drive That Defies Known Laws of Physics was Just Launched into Space - The Debrief
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iancroasdell · 11 months
The M Drive Engine: A Controversial Propulsion Concept
IntroductionThe M Drive, or EmDrive, is one of the most controversial propulsion concepts to emerge in recent years. It garnered widespread attention and debate in the scientific community due to its alleged violation of the law of conservation of momentum. This innovative concept, initially proposed by British engineer Roger Shawyer in 2001, claims to generate thrust without the need for…
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year
Palavras Perdidas: DeLorean elétrico, Delorean autônomo, New technology for toys? 1.2, Detalhes de filmes que a maioria das pessoas deixou passar da primeira vez que assistiu, EmDrive – O motor impossível, Rick and Morty ganha teaser live-action com Christopher Lloyd Participe de nosso grupo no WhatsApp Recomendo: Art and culture of the native peoples of our planet. ART AMBA MIRIM Share, help…
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technsavi · 2 years
Inventions | Free Full-Text | An Efficient Ring-Shaped Electromagnetic Thruster
1. Introduction Cavity thrusters use radio frequencies (RF) as the only way to generate thrust, thus justifying the name electromagnetic thrusters (EMT). The EmDrive [1] is a truncated conical resonant cavity producing a thrust in the direction of the major base when it is fed inside with electromagnetic waves of the proper intensity. The thrust results from the radiation pressure difference due…
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mainsminds · 2 years
Miracle mind meld quantum plasma g
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If you’re curious about that broader coverage, that book and subsequent papers are one starting point.īack to inertial frames and conservation laws: An inertial frame is such a ubiquitous property of spacetime that it is often taken for granted. For new readers, a more complete introduction to various approaches and issues of both spacedrives and faster-than-light flight are spelled out in the book Frontiers of Propulsion Science.
The majority of this update is related to the 3rd option – inertial frames. There are a least 3 approaches to address conservation of momentum: 1) using a reaction mass indigenous to space or spacetime, 2) negative inertia, or 3) exploring the physics about inertial reference frames – the backdrop upon which the conservation laws are defined. The situation is less obvious with spacedrives. Conservation of momentum is easy to grasp for a rocket the rearward-blasted propellant matches the forward momentum of the spacecraft. At first blush, such wishful thinking might seem to violate conservation of momentum – a crucial detail. In addition, though there are experimental replications of thrusts from possible spacedrives, separating experimental artifacts from actual thrusts is also, still, a work in progress – and the main point of this update.īefore getting to the latest experiments, here is a bit more background behind the challenges of a spacedrive.
Though theories for faster-than-light warp drives do exist (one type of spacedrive), the physics of the required negative energy is still debated – which itself is a prerequisite to devising how to engineer a warp drive. With spacedrives, the operating principles are works-in-progress – more akin to lines of inquiry than having complete packages ready for scrutiny. It’s easier to grasp engineering challenges that are based on known physics, since there are already operating principles to cite. That makes it harder to grasp, harder to explain, and harder to solve. That detail – of interacting with spacetime to induce motion – is a matter of undiscovered physics. That ambition is the essence of a spacedrive. Imagine, instead, if there was some way for a spacecraft to interact with its surrounding spacetime to move in any direction and be limited only by the amount of available energy. Sails are limited by one-directional photons (or particles) from an external source. Rockets are limited by having to carry their entire journey’s reaction mass with them (propellant). The ambition is to find a fundamentally different way to propel spacecraft rather than rockets or sails. While this update is mostly on the “Mach Effect Thruster,” it also touches on the infamous “EmDrive,” as well as a refresher on the general quest for spacedrive physics.įirst, what is a spacedrive? Presently, a spacedrive is still a goal rather than a proven device. In short, the experimental methods are improving, but definitive results are not yet in hand. Two recent articles, one in Scientific American and the other in Acta Astronautica, prompted this update about the experimental tests of possible spacedrives. Millis is in the midst of developing an interstellar propulsion study from a NASA grant even as he continues to examine advanced propulsion concepts and the methodologies with which to approach them. Recent coverage of the ongoing experimental work into spacedrives in both the popular and scientific press has raised public interest, leading Millis to explain in today’s essay why and how the techniques for studying these matters are improving, and how far we have to go before we have something definitive. Marc Millis, former head of NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion Physics project, recently returned from another trip to Germany, where he worked with Martin Tajmar’s SpaceDrive project at Germany’s Technische Universität Dresden.
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inhumanresources · 6 years
Advice to Human.  29.
Be on the lookout for the following existential anomalies. 1)  Cursory Planetary Rendering:  Resources will not be devoted to extra-solar differentiation beyond placeholder entities of roughly equal size orbiting at regular intervals in most cases. 2)  Inexplicable Thrustings:  Shortcuts were taken.  If an A HUMANS were to emit electromagnetism within an unevenly-shaped resonant cavity, they might detect thrusting of inexplicable origin.  They would never do that, though.  They should never do that.  It would all gang agley.  That would make the leak so much worse. 3)  Frustrating Recalibrations:  Complex machinery requires high existential fidelity to operate correctly.  Fidelity is increased as-needed whenever more than one entity is interacting strongly with the device.  Ergo, computers, cars, and other devices may exhibit odd behaviors when left alone, but will seem to mysteriously right themselves when brought to the attentions of an expensive mechanic or priested Linux-man. There will be other, less predictable anomalies.  Cause and effect do not operate at a 1:1 ratio, after all, especially when no one is looking.  Be comfited.  These are all signs that everything is under complete control and we are not one major resource shortage away from having to suspend operations all together.
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astroblogs · 3 years
En wederom is de conclusie: de EmDrive werkt niet
En wederom is de conclusie: de EmDrive werkt niet
De testopstelling van de EmDrive in de TU in Dresden. Credit: M. Tajmar et al. 2021 De EmDrive is hier vaker langsgekomen, de revolutionaire raketmotor die met zijn ‘radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity thruster’ voortstuwing zou leveren doordat fotonen in een afgesloten, niet symmetrische konische ruimte bij een bepaalde frequentie tegen de wand van de ruimte botsen. Mocht dat inderdaad werken…
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adrianusv61 · 3 years
En wederom is de conclusie: de EmDrive werkt niet
En wederom is de conclusie: de EmDrive werkt niet
De testopstelling van de EmDrive in de TU in Dresden. Credit: M. Tajmar et al. 2021 De EmDrive is hier vaker langsgekomen, de revolutionaire raketmotor die met zijn ‘radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity thruster’ voortstuwing zou leveren doordat fotonen in een afgesloten, niet symmetrische konische ruimte bij een bepaalde frequentie tegen de wand van de ruimte botsen. Mocht dat inderdaad werken…
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scienza-magia · 4 years
Un motore a curvatura per eludere i limiti relativistici
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Quantum Thruster, il motore a perturbazioni quantistiche che potrebbe eludere i limiti relativistici. Da alcuni anni la NASA sta sviluppando progetti teorici di motori potenzialmente in grado di aggirare i limiti relativistici. Nel libro di Rick Sternbach e Michael Okuda “Star Trek The Next Generation – Manuale Tecnico” viene raccontato che, nel 2061 lo scienziato Zefram Cochrane realizza un prototipo definito “super rotante di fluttuazione” che consente a un veicolo privo di equipaggio di muoversi nello spazio entro i limiti della barriera della velocità della luce. Questo prototipo dimostrava che era fattibile viaggiare alla velocità della luce senza un consumo di energia teoricamente infinito. In seguito, la nascita della tecnologia di curvatura o “warp drive” sviluppata sulla Terra viene raccontata nel film “Star Trek: Primo contatto”. Il primo motore”warp drive” realizzato dai terrestri tra il 2061 e il 2063, verrà testato dal suo stesso ideatore, il dottor Zefram Cochrane per la prima volta il 5 aprile del 2063, una data cruciale per la civiltà terrestre che verrà “notata” per la prima volta dai Vulcaniani, una razza aliena in possesso da secoli della stessa fantastica tecnologia. A questo punto, la Terra entrerà a far parte di un club galattico, la federazione dei pianeti. Read the full article
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cognitiotumb-blog · 7 years
Emdrive, the motor impossible. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
Emdrive, the motor impossible. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.
NASA has released the results of a test that would confirm the controversial electromagnetic propulsion, that could get us to Mars in 70 days and without fuel, though defying the principles of physics. After years of speculation, an experimental research team of NASA’s Johnson Space Center has reached a milestone that many…
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almostblunt · 5 years
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#emdrive #avortexcup #coffee #beautifulglow #avc #chefalmostblunt https://www.instagram.com/p/B3S4GT5nm3W/?igshid=1h988byn8949s
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kerberoseus · 7 years
La investigación EMDrive sigue adelante
La investigación EMDrive sigue adelante
El ingeniero aeroespacial Roger Shawyer, inventor del EMDrive, ha publicado sus últimos diseños en la reconocida revista científica Acta Astronautica.
Afirma que este empujador no necesita ningún propulsor, que crea empuje directamente de la energía eléctrica. Hasta la fecha, todos los motores de propulsión espacial necesitan empujar la masa (propulsor) para mover la nave espacial, ya que en el…
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ovnihoje · 5 years
EmDrive, o motor que viola as leis da física, será testado em definitivo
EmDrive, o motor que viola as leis da física, será testado em definitivo
Cientistas na Alemanha construíram um dispositivo de medição para determinar se o enigmático EmDrive realmente funciona.
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O motor de propulsão eletromagnética, que alguns cientistas acreditam que poderia anunciar uma nova era de voos espaciais substituindo os motores convencionais de foguetes químicos, continua a ser controverso. O EmDrivesupostamente funciona convertendo…
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