#emily i am smooching you on the forehead thank you so much!
shadowglens · 2 years
🐱💀👗🙏😍 for king diego too!!
[ 🐱 ] does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
diego used to have a pet hermit crab when he and glenn lived together, who was obviously left behind when the outbreak started (rip to hamish the hermit crab). at hilltop, diego has his horse who’s a beautiful black and white spotted pattern, and he also loves helping out with the chickens, but he has no real pets.
[ 💀 ] has your muse gone through anything traumatic? if so, how has this trauma affected them?
on the first day of the outbreak in atlanta, when shit started hitting the fan, he and glenn had raced to the outskirts of the city to try and save diego’s family (who glenn considered his extended, second family as well). the house had been overrun and diego’s family all killed by the time they go there though, and diego was forced to watch glenn kill his little sister who had turned. that moment, of seeing her rotting body tumble to the ground, has haunted diego ever since. even eight years later, when he’s happy and settled in hilltop, he still dreams about her. these days, glenn joins her. beth sometimes too. 
his dreams are pretty crowded these days, actually. he tries not to think about it.
he also has been through most of the standard traumatic things that the group’s gone through, since he’s been with them since the start. shout out to terminus, the return to atlanta, and glenn’s death for his top three most traumatic moments with the group.
[ 👗 ] what is your muse’s fashion sense like? are they able to dress the way they want to? what would they wear in an ideal world?
diego is a plaid and dark denim guy, always has been always will be. his staples are olive green military jackets, hoodies, lace up combat boots, dark jeans, beanies, plaid button ups and black tank tops. his fashion sense was about the same before the world ended, just a bit more put together and less ... stained. also, his hair was better - he used to style it a fair bit, but had maggie chop most of it off while they were at the greene ranch.
[ 🙏 ] what does your muse need? this can be something material or something abstract.
above everything, diego needs community. he needs people. i cannot stress enough how much he would not survive without other people around him. it’s not that he’s weak or can’t defend himself, because by god he can, but he is a social person by nature and would disappear into himself without the comfort and companionship of others. he was so very lucky to have glenn at the very start, and even luckier to have rick and the group. 
[ 😍 ] does your muse believe in true love? why or why not?
yeah, he does. he’s a big believer that there’s always more than one person for each of us though, and that we’re not destined to only love one person in our lives. he’s had a few partners and loved all of them, and he loves paul just as much. not to quote sue zhao but “love is important, love is important, love is all we have” is very much how diego looks at the world.
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scullydubois · 3 years
Only the Light Ch. 20
20/? | AU where Melissa moves in with Scully after Scully’s abduction | angst, msr slow-burn, occasional fluff | currently: mid-s3 (canon-divergent) | T | 4.7k | previous chapters | read on ao3 | tagging: @today-in-fic <3
I now present to you a chapter that is filled with more angst than Chris Carter could ever dream of, and for that, I am truly sorry. 
Scully and Mulder's foray into domesticity with Emily is interrupted by the past catching up to them. Faced with despair, they cling even tighter to each other.
Scully is granted maternity leave, though it’s only for two weeks, which Missy let her know is “a piss-poor bargain.” And she knows this is true, but she also has more incentive to stay at her job than ever, so she’d like not to lose it. The fact that advocating for herself and her child would mean risking her job is a mess in itself, but one lone woman can’t be expected to take down the patriarchy, and besides, she’s already tried and failed. 
As for she and Mulder, they hide their flirtation in plain sight. Mulder’s perpetually present in body or spirit, but his behavior never reveals anything more than it did before. Every morning he swings by to say hi, brings Scully coffee and a bagel with full-fat cream cheese, and checks if Emily’s picked up any new words. Personally, he’s working on “alien” and if you ask him, she’ll get it soon. She knows that it refers to her UFO stuffie, so sounding out the letters can’t be far behind, much to her mother’s dismay.
On Wednesday of the first week, he shows up at 6pm with takeout carbonara from a local Italian joint. His presence makes every Scully girl happy, but it makes one in particular the happiest, and Melissa realizes that there are definitely things her sister has failed to mention. She doesn’t question it, but watches with glee as the situation unfolds. 
After that first night, Mulder keeps coming back with dinner and refuses to let either sister shoulder the cost. On Friday, he stays for a movie too and gets to participate in Emily’s nightly tucking-in ritual (a tickle on the left foot, a tickle on the right foot, and a big smooch on the forehead). 
Saturday afternoon, he joins them for a stroller push through the park, earning some serious side-eye from Scully when he suggests that they stop at the playground because, according to the mama bear, “Em can only take six steps at a time, Mulder.” So instead they buy hotdogs from a vendor and eat them on a bench, Emily sandwiched between her mother, her aunt, and her...Mulder. They couldn’t ask for more.
That night, Mulder hangs around after dinner because what else is he gonna do? Go home and watch old baseball games until he falls asleep? A new leaf has been offered to him, and he’s gotta turn it. 
He’s baffled when, upon announcing that it’s Emily’s bathtime, Scully goes to the kitchen and switches on the sink. 
Scully raises an eyebrow at him. “What, your mother never washed you in the sink when you were a baby?” 
“Not that I know of...I have a hard time envisioning myself ever fitting in a sink.”
Scully scoffs. “I forget. You were a Vineyard boy.” 
Before he can come up with a smart response to that (as if there actually is one), Missy pipes up. “Oh, I bet you were the kid that took baths with your mother,” she teases. “Care to confirm or deny?”
“If I did I blocked it out of memory, thank god,” he testifies. 
Having spread a towel on the counter, Scully strips Emily down and perches the girl on her hip. She sticks her hand under the faucet. 
“That’s not too hot, do you think?” she asks Missy, who tests it as well.
“That should be fine.”
Mulder joins in too, and immediately regrets it. He shrinks away from the water, shaking droplets all over the room. “Jesus, Scully! Are you trying to boil her?”
“Babies lose heat quickly because of their body surface to weight ratio,” she says matter-of-factly. “They’re more susceptible to the cold.”
“I think the cold will be the least of her worries,” Mulder quips.
“If you really think it’s too hot, I’ll turn it down…” There’s a concerned crease beneath her eyes, and it makes Mulder feel bad about his joking.
“No, no, you know what you’re doing,” he assures her. “You’re her mother.”
As she lowers Em into the sink, Scully’s heart twinges. Her. A mother. How many times will she have to hear this before it stops feeling like news to her? 
One week and bathtime has already become routine. Missy fills a plastic cup and pours it gently over her niece, the water cascading down Em like she is nature’s own. Scully soaps her palms, then glides over her daughter’s skin with such care that its memory may blight any future affection Em is graced with. And then another waterfall, and the gentle brush of a wash cloth against eyes and nose. 
Scully squeezes a penny’s worth of baby shampoo into her hand, looks to Mulder. “Come on, get in here. You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, are you?” she says with a smirk.
He smirks back and shakes his head as she lifts his open palm and shrinks her accumulation to a dime. “Although, technically I am getting my hands cleaner…”
She boops him right on the nose with a shampooed finger. He laughs.
Missy smiles. Oh, to see destiny play out right in front of you. “Someone’s cracking dad jokes,” she points out, unable to resist. This observation is much too on-the-nose for the pair (quite literally for Mulder), who simultaneously blush but say nothing.
Mulder wipes the shampoo from his nose and plants it on Emily’s head, joining his partner in making soapy circles over the girl’s tuft of strawberry hair. Scully’s full attention is directed toward her daughter. As soon as the lather is sufficient, she dons the lifted lilt of motherhood. “Okay, time to rinse! Missy, will you do the honors?”
Missy turns the faucet, fills the cup, and lets it flow over Emily. Mulder and Scully wash their hands off in the stream. 
And as Scully leans for the towel, a splash of red dirties its fresh white surface. Mulder notices it first. He points at his partner’s porcelain face. “Scully, you’re bleeding.”
Her hand shoots to her nose. Sure enough, it stains her fingers. “Shit.” She turns away, goes for a tissue. “I haven’t had nosebleeds since I was fourteen,” she tells them, as if that invalidates this one. She wipes away a glob of blood, her stomach turning. “Missy--” her voice shakes involuntarily, “--will you dry Em off?”
“Uh-huh.” She nudges Mulder. “Will you grab a new towel from the linen closet?” she whispers, not wanting to further upset her sister.
Mulder goes off without a word, and Missy squeezes out Em’s hair as best she can. “What a pretty girl!” she gushes. “All clean!”
“Yee!” Emily throws her little fists in the air, injecting joy back into the room. 
“Time to put your PJs on, and get a tickle, tickle, smooch.”
Mulder scrambles back in with a new towel, skirting around Scully, who remains occupied with her own situation. He slides the soiled towel away and helps Missy swaddle Em. Mulder ruffles the little girl’s hair, and she laughs like a music box. 
“Mol-dy.” She spits it out in halves, as if she’s been rehearsing. 
Mulder’s eyes water with recognition. “Mulder? Mul-der? Is that what you’re trying to say?”
“Moldy,” the girl declares again, certain of herself.
Missy adjusts Em on her hip, smiles at Mulder. “Looks like you’re Moldy now.”
Mulder bites his lip to hide his overwhelming delight. “Yeah, I...I never thought I'd be so happy to be called moldy.”
Next thing he knows, Scully is at his shoulder with a tissue stuffed up her nostrils. “Wait, what’s going on?”
“Em called me Moldy,” he tells her, full of satisfaction.
“Oh.” It comes out relatively unimpressed, but really, she’s just distracted. “Missy, will you get a diaper on her before there’s an accident? I would but I’m still--” She gestures to her nose. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Missy smiles at the baby in her arms. “PJ time, Em!” They go off toward the bedroom, a happy pair.
As soon as Em is out of sight, Mulder spirals toward his partner, panic-stricken. The glee of moments ago has evaporated. 
“Are you okay?” He touches her hair, shoulders, and the familiar small of her back, unsure of where he should land. 
“I’m fine, it’s fine.” Her grip on his elbows--keeping his hands firmly placed on her waistline--suggests otherwise. 
“You’ve got to see a doctor,” he pleads. “This could be...”
“This could be what, Mulder?” The steel in her blue eyes is a death grip. She’s never liked being told the obvious. 
“Scully…” He sighs, rubs his neck, wills her to say what they both know. When she doesn’t, he takes his hands off her and wrings them together. “The Mufon women...they said it would happen to all of them eventually.” He’s careful not to lump Scully in with their group. 
“And what do they know?” she retorts. “One of them was sick. One.”
“Okay, well, don’t you think it’s better to be safe than sorry?” he reasons. “You have Emily to look out for now.”
Scully rolls her eyes. “Don’t guilt trip me. It’s a nosebleed. Those happen all the time for completely benign reasons.”
“Yeah, but they don’t happen to you. You just said--you haven’t had one since you were fourteen.”
She clenches her jaw. He’s right, and she’s playing the fool. His position is the one she would take if this were anyone other than herself. She’s gonna have to lose this fight with as much grace as possible.
“Fine. I’ll get it checked out, but they’re gonna think I’m insane for coming in because of one nosebleed.”
“That’s a nice change of pace--you being the insane one for once.”
“Well, you’re the one who wants me to go, so you’re not out of the woods.”
“Good, I’ve finally got some company!”
Scully smiles in spite of herself. “Yes, yes you do.”
It happens very quickly, as most calamities of life can be said to. This gives it the unreal quality of a nightmare that might soon be woken up from, if there is any justice in the world.
Scully snags a doctor’s appointment for three days after the initial nosebleed. By the time she walks into the waiting room, one nosebleed has quadrupled into four, and her minor concern has snowballed into abject terror. 
Margaret Scully drove into the city to watch Emily so Missy could join her sister. Scully insisted that she would go alone, but Missy wouldn’t accept this. She threatened to tell Mulder the details of the appointment if Dana didn’t let her go, and that was enough to earn her a spot in the passenger seat. Scully can’t take the thought of Mulder witnessing the worst--let alone her reaction to the worst. 
And so it goes something like this: they are taken to an exam room, at which point Scully explains her situation to a nurse, including that she has recently learned she is at high risk for cancer. The nurse assures her that such a diagnosis is highly unlikely, but makes a note for the doctor. The doctor comes in with knitted eyebrows and listens to Scully describe the aftermath of her abduction experience with a heavy emphasis on the convoluted but substantial claims of the Mufon women. She asks if Scully has had any other symptoms, to which Scully replies that it’s hard to tell because she has an infant in the house and thus, a marked lack of sleep. 
The doctor laughs, but it’s not a haha laugh, more of an I feel your pain. She agrees that the women’s claims are concerning, but tells her patient not to fret. They’ll take all the precautions, run any test that might assuage her worries. There’s a quip about how it’ll be on the government’s dime since it covers Scully’s insurance, and then the doctor leaves to order an MRI. 
A full body MRI, which Scully has never had, and which she hoped she would never require. There’s no deeper sickness than one that cannot be pinpointed, and no greater fear than of the unknown turning into the worst case scenario. 
The MRI is completed that same day. As she slides into the machine, Scully thinks of Betsy Hagopian and wonders how she’s doing. It has been many months since she stood outside an exam room and watched Betsy enter one of these. Has fate been kind to her?
For a few minutes, her world is limited to the mere inches between her face and this life-saving yet life-ruining contraption. It is noisy and sometimes bright and altogether disorientating. She is glad when it’s over. 
The images return almost immediately, and maybe it would all have been okay if Scully weren’t trained in radiology herself, if she wasn’t able to recognize the glaring speck of light in her nasal cavity for what it is. But that one glance is all she needs to know that waiting by the phone isn’t an option. 
“It’s a tumor, isn’t it?” she blurts as the radiologist tries to escort her and Melissa from the room. “In the nasal cavity. I have a M.D. I saw.”
“Your doctor will call with the results,” the radiologist insists, standing by the open doorway.
“No, no, you can’t do this to me,” Scully sputters. “I know what I saw, and I don’t have any time to waste.” Her eye twitches in a combination of stress and anger. “I have an infant daughter.”
The radiologist sighs, pity on top of pity. “Perhaps your doctor will talk it through with you now.”
“Yes. Please.”
And it is talked through, though there’s no need to make it complicated: nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Inoperable, and just barely in the realm of treatable. That’s the kicker, the coyote in the pasture, the cloud covering the sun. In the words of Scully’s doctor, it is auspiciously rare. And in Scully’s brain, it is the bottom she’s been expecting to drop out from under since she held her daughter in her arms.
Melissa drives home. The sisters cannot fathom how they will tell their mother. Cannot fathom ruining her blissful time with the granddaughter she’s just met. When they turn onto their street, Scully swallows hard and coughs on her own spit. “Will you do something for me?” 
Missy looks over, eager to do anything she can, yet terrified by the possibility of the request.
“Will you take me to Mulder’s?” Scully mumbles. “I would just take the car but...I can’t face mom right now. I don’t want to risk it.”
Missy bites her lip. “And what am I supposed to tell mom when she asks where you are?”
“The truth,” Scully says curtly. “She doesn’t need the backstory.”
Missy drives past their building, though she’s not completely sold on her sister’s reasoning. “Don’t you think she might wonder why you aren’t coming home to your daughter?”
“I know she’ll wonder, Melissa, I know all of this,” Scully snaps because she needs to. “I don’t care.”
“Okay.” Missy’s voice is barely perceptible. I don’t care; she knows how low her sister has to be to say those words. 
They complete the drive in silence, Scully biting her nails--a habit which she has never possessed, and perhaps just acquired. The car idles as Missy pulls up to the curb of Mulder’s building. 
“I can pick you up when you need it,” she tells her sister as she pulls herself out of the car. “I’ll bring Em.”
“I’ll figure it out,” Scully says, closing the passenger door and edging toward the building. Missy hears a thanks float toward the car, then her sister is gone like a teenage girl embarrassed by her mother.
They sit on Mulder’s couch, muted. Words cannot fathom the injustice of this situation, nor can they suffice as empathy. Their hands are clasped together, a throughline of strength between them. This is what they need now; the most primitive language of all.
Scully’s watery eyes brush Mulder’s face. His own eyes, more pained than usual, look into hers. Without a word, she drapes an arm around her partner’s shoulders and scoots into his lap. He is surprised but not distressed. What else is left for them, now?
She is tiny, so tiny. And she is his. 
Their eyes meet once again, speaking in tongues. Scully nods, and then Mulder does too. This is it. This is it.
Permission granted at last, Scully’s lips travel to her partner’s jawline. The first time her lips have touched his body, and this is where they go. She is a constant box of wonders, a fortune he can never predict. Her lips are much like he has fantasized they would be: wondrously soft and silky, stroking him like they have always meant to be there. Yet he couldn’t have imagined the urgency with which they burrow into his skin. As if she’s making a mental map of his bone structure. He never expected that she would want him this much. 
His hands find her hips and grip the cotton of her shirt between his fingers. It is enough to tear her away from his flesh. Mission accomplished. His breath travels past her ear, hitting her neck. It is shallow and warm as he breathes her name. Her real name, the one her family calls her. She breathes his own back to him, like a bird responding to a mating call.
She feels his lips on her neck, wet and aching. It feels like God. This is the most blasphemous thought she has ever had. She throws her head back, exposing the whole of her skin to him. What is holiness, if not this moment?
He showers her in tattoo kisses, and she lets him, she lets him, she lets him. This is not just what she wants, but what she needs. No one will save her now, she knows this. So she has decided not to be saved. 
Her shirt ripples as he clutches it. “May I?” He is breathy, awe-struck. 
“Only if I can do the same.” Always about equality, his Scully is. He lifts his arms, lets her strip him first. He is fraught with the temptation to feel insecure, inadequate, but this is not about him--this is all for her. There is no time to dwell on this anyway. Scully takes in the sight, then puts her own arms up with a hint of impatience. He pulls her shirt over her head, and goosebumps adorn her as the air hits her bare stomach. 
It is unimaginable, the significance of this moment. All Mulder can do is keep going, lest the emotion hit him and he find himself blubbering all over her. His hands travel her body...it is slender and white, but so solid, so strong. Cartilage forming ligaments forming joints connecting bones. And her skin, stretching over her hips and framing it all. The masterpiece that is Dana Katherine Scully. 
He fears for the day she will cave in on herself. Already, one of his hands covers her whole rib cage. Right now he can cradle her body comfortably against his own, but the day will come when a single cautious touch will crush her, and his heart along with it. He wants her as she is now forever.
Seeing that he wants to pamper her, Scully lets herself be pampered. He showers the taut length of her collar bone in kisses. The vibration resonates throughout her bone structure, and already she can feel him in places she’s only fantasized about having him. He is going to heal me, she thinks. If anyone could heal her in any way, it would be him doing this. 
She shows her gratitude by kneading circles into his soft tissues, so tense from all their days chasing ghosts. The sinew relaxes beneath the pads of her fingers, and she feels like she has solved the most important X-File of all. 
Mulder traces his way along her spine. He has never touched her here, nor ever even fantasized about it, and there is an erotic tension--like a needle about to drop on a record--that neither one of them could have seen coming. Inevitably, his hands converge at the hooks of her bra. She arches her back in approval. He slides the hooks away from each other, and both of them feel the release. She shimmies off the garment before he can pull it out of the way. No secrets, not anymore.
Mulder didn’t expect to cry and is aware that most women wouldn’t take that as a positive sign, but seeing her, like this, knowing what they both know, tears feel like the least he could offer up. She is...beautiful is too weak a word to describe it. He needs to invent a new word to capture the essence of his emotions, the reverence with which he views her. He is not a religious man, but he will worship her until the end of time. 
He has known this, intuitively, for a while, and now he’s putting it into practice. He wants to do everything he can for her, give her everything she wants. Yet he doesn’t know how to, and this scares him. She has always slipped through his fingers, always turned on a dime just when he thought he figured her out. Tonight is no exception. How was he to know that he’d be on his couch with a half-naked Scully in his lap?
He fears the tears will offend her, so he nuzzles into her heartspace, his nose pressed against the heart that is--by the grace of that God she worships--still beating. His lips meet the plush of her left breast. 
Where does he go from here? The dusty routine he’s used with other women--the few who have given themselves to him or let him hand himself over--is not worthy enough for Scully. He could never touch Scully in the ways he’s touched the women before because she is not like the women before. There is no mere giving or taking here, no detached exchange of commodities or pleasure for the sake of pleasure. This is survival. They are symbiotically keeping each other alive.
A drop of water hits Scully’s skin, slides down the curvature of her breast. She shudders. A tear. That’s what it is, she realizes. Mulder is crying. It’s a baptism of unfortunate proportions. 
She cups her hand against his chin, tilts it up so his bleary eyes meet hers. She rests her forehead against his. “Shh, shh, it’s okay.” She kisses each eye closed, his lids fluttering beneath her lips. “It’s okay.” 
His breathing steadies. He is quite certain that it is not okay, that it never will be, but he listens to her, lets himself pretend. 
Hands still on his chin, she careens their lips together. His mouth on hers; a godsend. They caress each other for a moment, then Scully opens wide, and Mulder does too. They are reflecting. 
If Scully could compress herself, pushing every particle of air out of her lungs and into his, she would. As a sort of thank you, for everything. For what he has done, what is doing, what he will do...She will never have to live without him. She knows this now, and it makes this easier. But he will have to live without her, and so she must make sure he gets the memories he needs to carry on. This is how grief works, she’s acquainted with it. These moments, these feelings, these bated breaths and tender touches, will be his survival mechanism for awhile. Until the day when he can throw them off and go on without her ghost. It will happen one day, and she will be glad that he made it. 
She feels him pressing against her stomach, which is certainly not where she wants him. “Fox…” Her hands hover above his belt. She unzips his fly first, her hand warm against him. He is dizzy with want as her fingers curl against his belt buckle, loosening it with confidence. In a sweeping gesture,  she pushes his jeans off his hips, exposing him. The thrill she feels, seeing him big and bare in front of her, is a new kind of livelihood. She’s overcome with the desire to take him in her mouth--and that has never, never been her first instinct. She ducks down, but he stops her.
“Dana, no. You.”
She doesn’t need to hear it twice. She sucks in a breath, arches her back, and slides onto him. Slowly, gasping as they go. 
“Am I hurting you?”
Scully shakes her head, lips parted. It has been nothing like this before...nothing so fulfilling. She crosses her ankles, binding them completely together at last. 
Unity triumphs against the self, their union abolishing the world’s insistence on the solitude of the individual. This is what it’s about, isn’t it? Being joined, not only in spirit, but in body? Knowing that whatever horrors are to come, he will feel them as she does. Her dwindling will be his too, her losses an equally empty space within him. 
She is teetering on the edge of something she can never come back from. She is not afraid. 
She careens her fingernails into his back as the pressure builds. If it doesn’t come to a head, she’ll die right here, she thinks. 
She barely registers the cathartic noises coming out of her, though they give Mulder great delight. He thought she would be quiet, and the fact that she’s not trying to hold anything in--after holding everything in for so goddamn long--is the most moving part of the experience. 
And they want this to go on forever, but they want the release. Mulder swivels his hips into her, bringing them both closer to climax. Scully curls against him. 
“I’m sorry,” she cries into his ear.
“What?” He nearly pulls out of her, fearing that she’s hurt. 
“No, no--” She scrambles to stay with him. “This--” she pants “--is so good.” She lowers her lips onto his as confirmation, then speaks into his open mouth. “I’m just sorry to be the one to go.”
He frames her ribcage, thumbs arching toward her belly button. “Fuck, honey...don’t say that, don’t even think that…”
They won’t linger on the choice of pet name, the tenderness with which it settles over her, nor the absolute devastation of her words. There is simply no time. 
Scully hides her face in his neck as the wave breaks over both of them. There is no world anymore, only the two of them on this couch. They have forsaken the physical realm, ascending to heaven in time with their heartbeats. 
Mulder understands then what his reciprocal means when she says she needs proof to believe. Now that he’s been there and felt it, he knows that heaven exists, and holy shit, what does that mean for the life he has lived and the time he has left? What did it mean for Samantha?...What will it mean for Scully?
They collapse into each other, a melted mass of skin and bone. Two becoming one, becoming two again. Mulder strokes the back of his partner’s head, presses his lips to her temple. Her chest rises against him in jagged breaths.
“You are the only proof I’ll ever need that this life is worth it,” he murmurs. “Just you.”
Scully looks up at him, tears running down her cheeks. He kisses them away and wraps his arms around her. “I don’t know if you got the memo, but I love you, Dana Scully.”
She rests her cheek against his. “I love you too, F--Mulder.”
Mulder chuckles, his amusement shaking both of them. Scully closes her eyes and snuggles into him. He puts his hand over her heart, feels it beating steadily into his palm, and longs for it to stay like that forever.
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stunudo · 7 years
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Gifts: Epiphany (A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction)
Featuring: JJ x Spencer             Setting: Season 7 Episodes 1-2
Inspired by: Don’t Speak by No Doubt
A/N: This is my third part of Gifts (Honesty & Shelter) from @penelope-garxia‘s Music Fest Challenge. *Again this song wasn’t on the list, but the first one was* Guys, I think we all saw this coming! Sorry guys, it starts all fluffy but... angst. Also I didn’t want to rewrite entire episodes, so there is some paraphrasing. I am sorry this is so late in the day guys. I am sick and really weepy so it changed like three times. xoxo Stu
JJ was in the shower when Spencer woke up. He wasn’t used to someone being there, using his soap and generally making his home a happier place. He decided that a trip to his favorite cafe was the best solution to waiting for a shower of his own. He grabbed some pastries, having already placed his and JJ’s coffee orders. As he walked back up the block, his cell buzzed.
“Hey, Boy Wonder, we have a case.” Garcia’s perky voice softly answered, just a little off.
“Thanks Garcia, we’ll see you in a bit,” Spencer hung up without realizing what he had said.
JJ appreciatively took the coffee while Spencer rushed through his morning routine. “Hey, Spence,” JJ called to him through the bathroom door. “Am I driving us or should we show up separately?”
Spencer hadn’t thought about it, which was unusual, as he did tend to over think things. He scowled while he brushed his teeth, wow those lines in his forehead were more noticeable with his shorter haircut. He spat, “That is up to you, hon. I don’t see it threatening to expose us, really. But I wouldn’t be offended if you, wanted to be cautious, and show up at different times” His voice was cracking as he tried to project through the wall. He returned to gurgling.
JJ paced in front of his bookshelves, reasoning and reassuring herself into distraction. When Spencer was ready, JJ eyed him appreciatively. His brows rose in surprise, “What? Never seen me freshly shaven with clean teeth before?”
JJ smirked and shook her head at his tease, following him out the door. “I’ll drive, it’s a shame we could have had the whole day.” She leaned in for a quick smooch while they were still in the safety of his hallway.
“Next time, next time.” Spencer held her hand as they headed out of his aging apartment building.
Derek was stretching himself too thin. Spencer could feel the exhaustion rolling off of the strong man’s body. But what was happening wasn’t a normal case.
“Hey guys, I thought we were getting Monday off?” JJ entered, looking more annoyed than she had seemed on the drive over.
“This isn’t a regular case. It’s Doyle.” Derek explained. The room froze, Garcia and Derek filled in the other agents. “Hotch is en route, but it is going to take him awhile to get State-side.”
JJ and Spencer shared a look, this was worth missing a day off. This was for Emily, Spencer thought. He immediately took the intelligence Morgan and Garcia had gathered and began reading. JJ approached Derek in a slightly annoyed stance.
“This is that ‘old case’?” JJ huffed.
“JJ, listen, I didn’t want to involve everyone until it was a sure thing. And it is, we have Declan and Garcia has video that puts Doyle out side the kid’s safe house.”
“I would have helped, you know that right?” JJ explained her frustrations.
“I know, and now you can.” Derek explained.
“Can what?” Rossi interjected, strolling in with his driving sun glasses still on.
JJ wasn’t sure how much Derek knew. She did know that once Hotch was back, the situation would be more manageable. The conflict between protecting Emily and her team was at a tipping point. Then Spence called from the safe house and she realized she had so much more to lose.
“What- bab- no, Reid?!” She urged as he quickly hung up. Waiting was the worst, but once Doyle moved she and Derek had other problems.
“But we buried her?” Spencer couldn’t quite grasp the depth of the revelation. Hotch was back and suddenly he was admitting that Prentiss was alive. Spencer could see everyone was different kinds of upset, but when she walked into the round table room it was like a spring breeze. Comforting and familiar.
Getting back into the search for Declan was an urgent distraction. Spencer just couldn’t shake one thing, JJ wasn’t surprised. She had stood beside Hotch during the announcement. He emphasized his guilt, because he wanted to protect Emily, but also JJ. The gnawing feeling began to clutch his stomach, he pushed it away. It was time to work the case.
Admittedly there were no good options left. When the team came up empty on finding Declan at the warehouse, Spencer broadened the possibilities. If Emily could come back from the dead, surely they could use Doyle to ensure the safety of his son. It wasn’t a safe decision, but Dr. Spencer Reid was done playing it safe.
Our memories They can be inviting But some are altogether mighty Frightening
He had put his career on the line. After killing a female suspect, endangering his team with the exchange of Declan for Doyle, Spencer did not seek reinstatement. However he would not let his team falter, he defended them calmly and with facts. The relief that they had been cleared and the surreal bliss of Penelope removing Emily’s portrait from the wall of the fallen had kick-started his heart.
His joy had been a glimmer, Emily had to think about her return. Chief Strauss knew that she needed talent like Prentiss back in the BAU. The group exhaled when Emily gave in, she was coming home. That type of joy is so treasured because it is only known for a moment. It is fleeting and allusive. ‘Nothing gold can stay.’
JJ was relieved to have Emily back. The team was back, plus she still held on to the profiler title. Now she could be completely honest with Spencer, no more late night hidden Scramble sessions. The trauma that had drawn them together was slowly being mended, they could be happy, together. She didn’t mind when he didn’t answer her phone call on Friday.
It was odd when she didn’t hear back from him by Saturday night. She tried again, texting and leaving messages. She hoped he was alright. Spencer would have called if he had to fly to Vegas, wouldn’t he? They were always in contact with each other before, wouldn’t it be more so now? Now that they had slept together? Now that they were a couple? They were together, weren’t they?
It looks as though you're letting go And if it's real well I don't want to know
JJ knew this panic was ridiculous, right? This was Spence. He wasn’t a ‘hit it and quit it’ guy. No, he was a bleeding heart. And someone who had gone through a helluva week. And who was she? She was his girlfriend that had been lying to him for the past seven months. The guilty tears’ source was revealed. She lay awake that night, thinking of ways to talk to him.
Don't speak I know what you're thinkin' I don't need your reasons
“Charm’s quite the killer.” JJ said at the bus stop, her hair floating on the breeze.
“So are tears.” Spencer retorted. His anger was pushing him in ways he hadn’t expected. The victims were so similar to her description and still Spencer couldn’t bring it in himself to cool his tongue. He kept the case as his focus, allowing the tension to boil within him.
“And instead of dealing with it, he’s acting out.” JJ looked at Spencer. Calling him on his immature handling of his anger over her role in the secret. She knew Spencer was passionate, that was one of the reasons she fell in love with him. Being at the receiving end of his anger was jarring. She had accepted her piece of the Emily scenario, but she was not backing down. He just needed to get it out of his system, then they could work past it. Together.
Don't speak I know just what you're sayin' So please stop explainin' Don't tell me cause it hurts Don't speak
Spencer was disgusted with himself when he played the addict card. Though it was true, there were nights early on that he wanted any escape from the darkening sadness. Dilaudid would have made it easy to dampened that grief. JJ thought he was disappointed? No, this was beyond that.
She apologized once she realized how serious he was. She was honestly confused when he had even mentioned it. This was a mantle he bore in silence for so long. Why was it so difficult for the people closest to him to remember his daily battle? He couldn’t look into those eyes anymore, not with the team watching their exchange. She was tearing up and he was burning rage.
Spencer left to continue the case, not because he was afraid to finish it. He was afraid how far he would take it. Then Hotch came to her defense? Not even the impartial chief would have forgiven JJ if he knew that she had stolen Spencer’s heart in the interim. After everything they had been through together, Jennifer and Spence, was this it? Could he trust her again? How had he let himself become so vulnerable? Why did he have to love her?
Had he meant what he said? Was it too late for apologies?
I really feel That I'm losing my best friend I can't believe, this could be The end?
JJ kept her distance after the blow up at the precinct in Oklahoma. She watched as Emily pleaded her case on the jet. Spence was quiet with the brunette, but he wasn’t hostile. JJ remembered buying him the navy plaid shirt he was wearing. She was right, the smaller size made him look amazing. It hurt to think that there may not be any more gifts exchanged between them. No more quiet mornings or inside jokes.
She tricked herself into thinking she could still smell his place on her coat, the dusty books and spices from dinner. Would that be the only night they spent together? How long would it be before she couldn’t remember his lips on her? Oh god, what about Henry? No, she pushed the defeatist attitude away. This was not over, how could it be? When she still needed him every second?
Garcia had to say something. She just had to. Her romantic radar had sensed something had been different the past few months. As soon as the drama from Emily’s return had calmed down, it had dawned on her. That one phone call ringing in her mind with the word “we’ll”. Knowing that the team was back together wasn’t enough. She needed all her beautiful babies to be happy. If her fellow genius was in pain, she would be damned if she would let him sabotage the best thing he had.
She was waiting for Spencer at his apartment when he got back from the late flight. Her bright ensemble a spotlight in the drab hallway.
“Garcia?” Spencer asked concerned.
“Listen, Einstein,” Garcia began. “You need to get over your shit. JJ did her job. You would have done the same thing if it meant saving Emily or Derek, or even me.”
Spencer’s dark eyes stared at the blonde’s brutal assault. “Garcia, its not just the job. I don’t know if I can trust her right now.”
“What has changed, Reid?” Garcia huffed, hands on her hips. “Don’t be all evasive like I don’t know you’ve seen each other’s under armor!” Spencer blushed, his eyes bulging. “Yes, I know, okay, I am the all knowing Penelope after all.”
“But if she can hide this, what else is she capable of, Garcia?” Spencer’s voice cracked, the fear behind the pain surfacing now. She shuffled across to him, hugging her lanky friend.
“Reid, there is only one way of knowing if this is worth it. Do you still love her?” Garcia asked in a hushed voice. Spencer didn’t answer, but he nodded into her embrace. “Even if she hurts you in the end?” Spencer nodded. “So you’re not scared of loving her, you’re scared of being hurt. You’re a goddamn FBI agent, you’re hurt ALL the time. It’s what makes the good things worth it. And this is a good thing, Doc. A very good thing.”
Spencer pulled away, sniffling slightly. “Uh, thanks, Garcia. I’m not sure what I am going to do now, but thank you for being here. Are you,” he cleared his throat. “Are you going to Rossi’s? That was your cooking class thing right?”
When JJ arrived at Dave’s estate she was nervous. She had stopped herself from calling Spence six times in varying degrees of anger and remorse. She knew it was up to him to make the attempt at reconciliation, he was the one that had labeled it ‘too late’. She tried not to think about Henry and how it would be for their dynamic going forward. JJ wore her hair back and put on some confidence inducing big earrings. She was going to have fun and wine. If Spence decided to show up, fine. It was fine.
Then he did show up. In an awful striped shirt and blazer. But there he was, smiling at her as she melted. The toast was shared and she could feel his tender expression on her profile. Once they had finally sat down to eat their various pasta concoctions, she could truly see him. His brown eyes were relaxed and the rage had dissipated.
“So? What’s the diagnosis?” JJ whispered. “Are we going to pull through?”
Spencer tilted his head, looking away while calculating his response. But his long fingers had found her hand under the table. “I would like to discuss this later. But know that prognosis is favorable.” He smirked at her. His rosy lips in an underutilized position. She grinned back.
She held his hand, despite the need to spool her noddles on to her fork. She held on because this is what mattered. Jennifer and Spence, holding hands in secret while eating with the team. Hold on to your dear ones, before it is too late.
@dontshootmespence @reiding-and-writing @cherry-loves-fanfic @gubl-oser @milkandcookies528  @criminallyoddsocks @penelope-garxia @reidoneshots @reidbyers @speedreiding @rmmalta
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
prison break party, hans’ backstory, and fishing trips
and a new family is formed in the face of tragedy
naoya: jeez, chuuya, you look like a wreck. Chuuya: "Just...stressed." naoya:....yesterday was hard for you, huh? Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." naoya: hmm... Chuuya: "I'm grateful Kajii is willing to teach Sonia...but I worry about keeping her here." naoya: ..... Chuuya: "...I feel like I'm screwing it all up." naoya: *listening* Chuuya: "First Rain...now our entire organization...This is a mess." naoya:....*pap pap* Chuuya: "What am I going to do..." -elsewhere- Rin: "..." kyouko: *knocks* hey rin? i brought snacks. Rin: "Oh...Th-Thanks..." kyouko:...you ok? Rin: "Just...thinking after this mission...Sorry. Lost in thought." kyouko:....*pats his back* Rin: "...Parents are weird..." kyouko:........*looks at her hand* .... Rin: "...S-Sorry..." kyouko: *sigh*....well, its almost dinner time. wanna help? Rin: "Totally..." *gets up* -elsewhere- Jun: *thumbing through papers* tsurugi: *whiiine* im so booooored. Jun: "Try reading a book?" tsurugi: oh jun, you _know_ i dont know how to _read_! Jun: "...Never too late to learn. Want to try?" tsurugi: pass thanks. mafura: mafura wants to! Jun: ^^ "Okay..." *holds up a children's picture book* "We'll start with this." mafura: yay! -elsewhere- Emine: *shivers* setsuna: *hums and strokes his head* Emine: "Th-Thanks..." setsuna: any time, son. ^^ Emine: =\\\\\= "That's still kind of embarrassing..." -elsewhere- zoey: how cute~ -Q and elizaveta enjoying a tea party- Gogol: OwO lydia: <at least they're entertained.> Gogol: <Is it even real tea, though?> -elsewhere- Jeje: *stocking shelves* metsu: *setting up the storefront with new decorations* Jeje: *looks* "Looks good." metsu: thank you. ^^ Jeje: "I take it the others are just lazying about again?" -elsewhere- Paku: *blubbering* "And I missed you so much!!!" izumo: ....*hug* m-missed you too. *wipes eyes* Paku: *hug, pat pat* "I'm glad you're back..." izumo: *sniff* Paku: *pulls back* "...I'm sorry..." izumo: .....am i a shitty daughter? i could have done something to- Paku: "It's...not up to you. You did what you could...and your mother did what she could." izumo:....at least tsukumo is alright. Paku: "Yeah...but where?" izumo:.....*looks at the key* Paku: "When do you think you'll return to classes?" izumo: about a week... Paku: *nods* "Well, if I can help bring anything from school to you..." izumo:...i-i'd appreciate that. Paku: *smiles, nods* "Okay..." *pats her hand* -elsewhere- Kid: "Father, I got the new reports ready to summarize." lord death: good to know, son. ^^ Kid: "After what happened with Stocking's mission, have you spoken with Mephisto?" lord death: indeed. (and made sure to give him a proper scolding to boot!) Kid: "Hmm...I hope the Illuminati can be located. Have you sent anyone out to investigate?" lord death: *he nods* Kid: "Good...I wanted to check on my next mission." -morning- Shima: "..." *yawns* pazuzu: wakey wakey~<3 hehe~ Shima: *groans* "Five more minutes..." pazuzu: hmmm. *cheek smooch* Shima: ._______.;;;;;;; pazuzu: 7w7 Shima: "What the ever loving hell are you doing?" pazuzu: waking you up, duh~! Shima: .________. "...I'm awake. Thank you. Please leave." pazuzu: aww, but i thought you'd be into having a cute girl waking you up~? -squish~- Shima: O\\\\\\\o "..." *screaming internally* ("I'M VERY CONFLICTED. I HAVE A MISSION. AND DEMON / HUMAN SEX IS NOT ANYTHING NEW--I'VE READ ENOUGH ABOUT IT--OH GOD STOP!") *pushes her away* pazuzu: *pouts* fine, be like that. meetings in a few hours. see you there~ Shima: "Y-Yeah...Give me a few minutes." *walks to the bathroom* -elsewhere- twain: *knocking* steeeeinbeeeeck! i got that thing i said i was gonna get you! Steinbeck: -_-# "..." *calls from inside* "Is it going to explode?" twain: i dont think so? it's not a bomb! im not stupid. >3< you're gonna love it, i promise! Steinbeck: "..." *unlocks five locks, opens the door just a crack* "...Acid?" twain: no drugs here. ???: hi jo- twain: SHHHH, not yet, man, wait for him to open the door! ???: oh. ok. *his voice is...familiar.* Steinbeck: "???" *opens the door* lovecraft: hi john. im here. twain: eh? eh?? OwO Steinbeck: "..." *glomp* lovecraft: *awkward tentacle hug* Steinbeck: "FINALLY! A NOT-LOONY PERSON!" YwY lovecraft: ? oscar: oh, good to see you again, howard~ ^^ lovecraft: ...hi? emily: twain, how did you- twain: i have my methods....also i didnt fill a frog's stomach with shotgun pellets. also i _said_ i was sorry for the last time! emily: ah.....wait what? Steinbeck: *still hugging Lovecraft* "We have so much to talk about! But you're probably hungry! Let's get you water..." lovecraft: yes please. Steinbeck: "Yay!" Hemingway: "..." *readies a harpoon* emily: ernest, no. Hemingway: "WE'D FEAST ON SQUID FOR YEARS!" emily: ERNEST PLEASE. lovecraft: *angry wiggly tentacles* Steinbeck: "Hemingway! Go clean the fish tank!" Hemingway: -3- "Fine..." -elsewhere- Driver: Q~Q "Please...I already took you here..." beatrice: .......very well. Driver: Q_____Q *unlocks the passenger door* "O-Okay?" beatrice: *takes her luggage and exits* Driver: *loud exhale...grabs for cigarettes...tries to light up* beatrice: *walks into the city* Bystander: "Hey, nice hair, lady!" beatrice: .... Bystander: "Got lost at cosplay maid restaurant?" beatrice: *ignoring them* Bystander: "How 'bout some service with a smile?" *brings a hand to her shoulder* -shiv- beatrice: *has stabbed them with a hidden blade in her sleeve* Bystander: ".. " *coughs up blood, collapses* beatrice:...*vanishes into an alley* -elsewhere- Hibana: *shivers* hanako: mommy? Hibana: "Y-Yes?" hanako: *hugs her leg* Hibana: "..." *smiles, pats her back* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *rolling out dough* "So, you got your textbooks?" izumi: mmhmm! Spirit: "Good!" *takes out cookie cutter* "You know I'll be helping in one of those classes, right?" -elsewhere- Haumea: -_-# "Stop that." Jonah: *holding an audio jack* "BUT I WANT SOME MUSIC!" Haumea: "And just where were you thinking of shoving that thing--up my nose?" Jonah: OwO;;; guruna: we thought it would be funny~ @w@ Haumea: "You know what else is funny?" *slaps her hands on their foreheads* -DOUBLE KO- guruna: kurururuuuu~@ Jonah: XwX *has visions of idol singers* "Thank you..." Haumea: -_-## kagu-tsuchi: ++_++; Haumea: *drags Jonah and Guruna* "Let's put these two to bed--then get back to work. I'm just about done tracking the radiowaves..." -elsewhere- Bon: "...F'ing Shima." stocking: you said it, bon. Bon: "Just...I can't believe this! I feel so stupid...I've known him all my life..." konekomaru: to think he would stab us in the back like this...i cant imagine how his family must be taking it... Bon: "...Yeah...They looked really heartbroken..." shiemi: i hope they're alright... stocking: im sure they will be. in time. Bon: "Until then, best we can do is look into where the Illuminati may be next..." -elsewhere- Alone: *carves another mark in the wall* "Loooooooong stay..." -outside- beatrice: *sneaking in* Guard: "?! Freeze!" *aims a gun* -shiv- beatrice: *injects the guard with venom* Guard: "GRRK!" *eyes get hazy* beatrice: now, go and unlock the cells. Guard: "..." *approaches computer console--and presses a button* -the doors open- grimoire: the hell? shaula:... !!!! OwO Alone: "Oh, hey--the door opened..." *pokes his head outside* erina: !!!! *runs to a cell..._his_ cell* -chaos erupts- Alone: "RIOT! RIOT! RI--" *chair thrown to his face* Fyodor: "???" <What on earth?> erina: *pant pant* t-the cells opened, i-i dont know how but...you should take the chance to- Fyodor: "...The chance...to what?" erina: *looking around* *whispers* to make a run for it. if you really are innocent then- Fyodor: "I am not leaving." erina: w-what? Fyodor: "I am under investigation, and intend to go through the courts. As well, I cannot leave when--" Prisoner #1: "Get the guard!" Prisoner #2: "Take her hostage!" erina: !!! *Someone grabs her wrist* erina: ??!! *Fyodor pulls her inside, standing in front of her and before the prisoners* erina: ah-! Prisoner #3: "?!!" Fyodor: "..." *whispers to her* "I cannot leave...when you are in danger." erina: ah....*blush* Prisoner #4: "Screw this!" *drops their table leg* "I'm not getting killed by that thing!" Fyodor: *narrows his eyes* Prisoner #5: "Let's just take another guard hostage..." erina: .... *The prisoners leave...Fyodor still stands in the doorway* Fyodor: *looks over his shoulder...* "Are you okay?" erina: .....i-i think so... Fyodor: *nods* "Good...I would never forgive myself if someone hurt you." erina:... .///. Fyodor: "...Erina..." erina: *looks at him, still blushing* Fyodor: "..." *leans down* erina: ah- *Smooch* erina: o/////////////////o Fyodor: "Mmm~" *pulls back...smiles* "You're so cute." erina: *still blushing, unable to say anything* Fyodor: "..." *takes her hand* "Stay here until the prison is back on lockdown. I'll protect you." erina:....o-ok... ./////////. Fyodor: *stands between her and the outside, blocking the doorway, his back to the hall* "..." *smiles at her* -elsewhere- Alone: *ripping at prison bars* "We'll beat down the walls!!!" beatrice: lady shaula! shaula: OwO *GLOMP* YAY! Alone: "??? ... D'awwwwwww!" >w< beatrice: we shall be leaving, now. grimoire: ... Alone: "TAKE US WITH YOU, MAID WOMAN!" shaula: these guys, they cool. oh, and bring drama boi with you Nals: *reading a soliloquy in the middle of the riot* "Ode to a flower--" grimoire: oh, for the love of- *drags him along* Nals: "Wait! My audience is enthralled!" Prisoner #6: "GIVE US HIS HEAD!" Nals: "See?! They love me! I am giving them culture--" grimoire: *unimpressed face* Alone: "So, Maid and Flowers, how we blowing this joint? Dynamite? Use a canoe to beat our way through meat-bodies in our path?" beatrice: we escape through underground... Alone: "Super! I'm good at digging!" *rips flooring up to expose earth* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *putting on a visor* "..." karin: whats that? Vulcan: "I fiddled with the Iron Owls to add something to help us with aerial views..." maki: neato Vulcan: "And with two, it'll record in 3D..." *hands a pair to Maki* maki: here's hoping i dont go blind! Vulcan: "Nah, you won't. I have it attached to my old RC car..." *holding a controller, starts moving the car forward* maki: ok. so far so good... ???: "What on earth is that?" *Takehisa is exiting the showers* maki: *SPITTAKE* Vulcan: ._________. ???: "IT'S A GREMLIN! KILL IT!" Takehisa: "Arthur, no." maki: oh shit. BAIL! BAIL! Arthur: *swings Excalibur--* Vulcan: "NOT MY RC CAR!" Takehisa: "Stop swinging your sword in the hall--" *grabs Arthur--and his towel falls* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Who's hungry?" mary: *waves hand* ^u^ bram: no thanks. *urp* my stomach's disagreeing with me. again. Fitzgerald: "Oh no...Ginger ale, Bram?" bram: please do. Mr. Tsubaki: *rests his head in Bram's lap* Fitzgerald: *pouring ginger ale* "Perhaps another doctor's visit..." bram: most likely. though i'll probably be diagnosed with anemia for the hundredth time... Fitzgerald: "Let's manage the best we can with your condition..." bram: r-right. Fitzgerald: "Mary, you want some chicken tenders?" mary: YES PLEASE! Fitzgerald: "Very good!" *ordering over the phone* "...Yes...Yes. And fries. ...Yes, pizza, too." -elsewhere- lovecraft: so what are we doing exactly? Steinbeck: "Determining how to invest the treasure we collected." lovecraft: oh ok cool. emily: after that, we'll have to look into the guild's history, see if we can gather info on previous members. Steinbeck: *nods* "So part of the budget will be set aside for that--" *looks at the budget* "...Who wrote 'Bubble Cannon'?" twain: it wasnt me this time! Hemingway: *whistles innocently* Steinbeck: -_-# "In any case...Emily, who's the first to track?" -elsewhere- barkova: o^o~? Gogol: "What is it, girl?" barkova: *barking* yana:....hmm? well, lookie here. *checking twitter. there are reports of a riot in the prison* Gogol: "Wow...The one holding the boss?" yana: yeah...*checking radio* Ivan: OwO "IS HE GOING TO BREAK OUT?!" *The station comes on* -lacrimosa plays- yana: hmm... <not just yet. sorry.> Ivan: *his heart sinks* "..." lydia:...*pat on the back* <soon, vanya, soon. i hope.> Ivan: *sniff, wipes his nose* -elsewhere- Alone: "WOO!!!" shaula: FRESH FUCKING AIR! beatrice: now to return to salt lake city and nofix. grimoire: ??? Alone: "...Really?" shaula: yep. *looks at grimoire* he cool man, he cool. grimoire: your grammar doesnt have me convinced. Alone: "Have the maid say it--maybe there will be verbs in it." beatrice: he's....an interesting individual, so to speak.....if a bit shrewd. and by a bit i mean highly raunchy. Alone: "...He's hit on you, hasn't he?" beatrice:....*excalibur face* Alone: "..." *smiles at Grimoire* "See? She looks enthused!" grimoire: .... Nals: "Why is he called 'NoFix'?" shaula: that's-.......a good question actually. Alone: " 'Cause there's no fixin' him? He always seemed kind of weird during...um...moments." grimoire:....i have reasons to be concerned. Nals: "...I'm going to treat this as research for my next role." Alone: "Is sexy witch still there?" beatrice: if you mean kinuta, yes. Alone: "WE RIDE!" grimoire: -_-; -elsewhere- eruka: O-O;;;; Free: "??? What's up?" eruka: just felt a chill up my spine. milia: *hug* eruka: TTuTT thanks, sweetie. Free: "...I'll close the window." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and that's how we learn to sing a song about the periodic table--learning both melodies _and_ chemistry!!!" sonia: ^u^ leo: ^^ Motojiro: "Now, let's set it up with my--" *looks at Ayako--* "Take the curtain off the piano." ayako: *salutes* leo: *rubs stomach* ^^; -after Sonia classes- leo: *hug* Motojiro: "???" =w= "Well, what's this for~?" leo: *takes his hand and places it on her stomach, blushing* Motojiro: "..." *looks down* "...??? What am I feeling?" leo: what do you think it is? Motojiro: "..." *running through his brain a thousand possibilities, eliminating the absurd ones, realizing it can't be any concern about Leo's body so it must mean--* *LIGHT BULB* O_____________O leo: *teary smile* Motojiro: "..." *hug* leo:....*hugs him, crying tears of joy* Motojiro: *giggles, holding her* pushkin: *sniffle* how sweet. katya: you said it. *putting her guns away* Motojiro: *sighs* "...I'm going to have to invent a babysitter." miura: -_-; *sigh* Motojiro: *holds his hand to Leo's face, smiles* leo: *smoooooooch* Motojiro: ^\\\\^ "Mmm~" -elsewhere- Yumi: "...Another goddamn fucking prison break." lord death: what's even going on with security anymore. *sighs and rubs her shoulders* we need higher security... Yumi: "We need more than just security...We need people with powers to guard prisoners..." =\\\\= "We need...*sighs* weapons...quirks...ability users..." lord death: indeed. -elsewhere- minoura: -and to make matters worse, there's a rumor going around that one guard was having an affair with one of the prisoners, that dostoyevsky guy. Santoka: "For crying out loud...Dostoyevsky is manipulating that guard?" minoura: most likely. we'll need to keep an eye on her, if anything, for her own safety. she's just a rookie, so that makes her an easy target. Santoka: "Why not transfer her now? Or you think she might get us some information?" minoura: hmmm, it's a tough call. keeping her near that freak puts her well-being at risk, but if it gets us more info.... Santoka: *nods* "Perhaps we need another guard to keep an eye on her." minoura: good call. Santoka: "I'll send a list of recommendations today." -elsehere- Fyodor: *back in his cell* "..." -its silent- Fyodor: "Hmm..." *looks at the door* -elsewhere- erina: im home... Roommate: "Hey! Are you okay? I saw the news--" erina: y-yeah, im fine... Roommate: "Thank goodness...That looked dangerous. So many other guards in the hospital..." erina:....i guess i got lucky.... 7///7 Roommate: "No kidding...You okay? Need some water?" erina: mm! i'm fine! i'm just gonna get ready for bed now. *walks to her room and closes the door* Roommate: "??? ...That attack must have shaken her." Erina: ..... .////////. (oh my goooooooosh) {Fyodor: *smiles*} erina:.....*blushing and changing into her pajamas* {Fyodor: "You're very cute..."} erina: >/////////< *plops onto the bed and covers face with a pillow* {Fyodor: "I will protect you."} erina: *muffled flustered screaming into her pillow* >////////////////////////////////< {Fyodor: *smooch*} erina: O////////////////////////////O *touches her lips, shaking slightly* {Fyodor: *leans closer* *whispers in her ear* "I am quite fond of you..."} erina: >///~///<;;; (ahhhh, i cant stop thinking about him! am i going crazy right now?!) {Fyodor: "Can I...protect you? Forever?"} erina: *steam explodes off her head* *more muffled pillow screaming* {Fyodor: *strokes her cheek*} erina: *wraps her legs around a pillow, squirming* {Fyodor: *rests a hand on her hip*} erina:....*hesitantly reaches for the waistband of her pants* {Fyodor: "Erina..."} *KNOCK* erina: *SQUEAK* ._o Roommate: *opens the door* "I brought some tea--" erina: thanks! Roommate: ^^ *sets down a tray* "Comfy?" erina: y-yeah... .w.; Roommate: "Well...you look like you are a little shaken..." erina: it's.....been a long day. Roommate: "Sure I can't make you something? Pasta?" erina: hot cocoa would be nice... Roommate: "You got it!" *exits* erina:...*sigh* (cant believe im falling for a prisoner.....im probably going to get fired...) {Fyodor: "Follow..."} erina: ...? {Fyodor: "Do you not want to come with me?"} erina: (i....i want to...) {Fyodor: *smiles* "Then that's all I need to hear..."} erina:.... -//////- -morning- leo: happy birthday, motojiro. ^^ Motojiro: "D'aw...Thank you, lovely." *smooch* *hand on her belly* leo: ^////^ Motojiro: "This little embryo..." leo: *wipes eyes* Motojiro: "???" *rubs her cheek* leo: im just...really happy. Motojiro: *smiles* "I'm glad..." -elsewhere- Alone: "Heeeeeeeeeello!" kinuta: well, long time no see~ *wink* izayoi: =_=# mimeca: 8D grimoire:.... 7-7; hina: oh cool, you brought some more shitheads with ya. nice. Nals: *ahem* "I am not a...what you said. I am a thespian!" beatrice: nofix, dont you say anything or i will throw you out the window again. with a knife in you. PlushFix: "..." *looks at Shaula* "When you escaped, did you go down, or were you on top?" shaula: first of all. HA. second, we got out via underground. grimoire: your employer is.....a stuffed bear? PlushFix: "?!!! Hey! You're that lookalike from earlier! Sad-noire!" grimoire: -_-; 'grimoire'. hina: yeah yeah, that. PlushFix: "Right, Salad Bar. Me, I was that handsome fellow with the spinning powers--then I kind of died and got my soul put into this teddy bear..." hina: OI AKUA! FINISH WHATEVER WEIRD THING YOU'RE DOING AND GET ON OUT HERE! grimoire: a haunted toy, as if that werent the plot of so many horror films. himiko: *GASSSSP* NEW FRIENDS! PlushFix: "And I was fucking Kinuta. Now, I can't." grimoire: what the hell? PlushFix: "No plush penis. Sad times." himiko: hiiiii im himiko toga! and this is fang! he's my baby boy! ^o^ fang: guba? Alone: "D'aw, look at the little baby..." himiko: ^u^ tomura:............oh what the fuck is this....? mr compress: seems things get livelier here each day. twice: is that a fucking dogman? Dabi: -_-# hina: its cool, these guys are friends. Kurogiri: "...The ones who escaped prison?" shaula: yeeeeup! kurome: hi puppy. Alone: *waves* ^w^ kurome: hehe! Kurogiri: "Hmm..." *looks at Shaula* "A Gorgon?" shaula: aaay give this guy a fuckin' medal! yep. the coolest of the gorgon sisters, right here, its ya gurl, shaula! tomura:.....i already hate her. she annoys me. Kurogiri: "Shigaraki, please...She can be useful." tomura: without her tail? shaula: =3= too soon, dude! beatrice: *GLARE* PlushFix: "..." ("She's still got a tail...") *staring at Shaula's butt* beatrice: *throws plushfix into the wall* PlushFix: *muffled* "I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" beatrice: call it a maid's instinct. himiko: who's the other blue haired guy? he's like, a total hunk! Nals: *bows* "I am master actor and swordsman Nals..." himiko: swords? do you stab people with your swords? do you like their blood? Nals: "...I'm more poised than just 'stabbing'..." himiko: *hugs* hehehehehehehe~<3 Nals: "??? Um..." himiko: we're gonna be like, super close, and we're gonna kiss and talk about how cool the hero killer stain is and its gonna be soooo awesome. hina: good luck. Nals: ._________. *screaming internally* shaula: better this than butter-brat. tomura:...i dont even want to know. twice: what do you make of this, dabster? Dabi: "Ok, First of all, don’t ever fucking call me that again." kinuta: well, im going to bed. anyone who wants to join me is free to~<3 Alone: OWO *points at himself* kinuta: *wink* Alone: *grabs PlushFix off the wall, follows* Dabi: =_= mr compress: i thought you would follow suit, given your intense libid- Dabi: "Shut up." *walks after Kinuta* tomura:...you guys are so gross. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "??? What's wrong?" kim: i feel sick all the sudden. -_-; Jacqueline: "...I'll get the ginger ale." -elsewhere- Poe: *moving books* "Here's the next set of volumes to move upstairs." rowena: *nods and carries them up* -some of the books begin...floating?- Poe: *smiles, goes back to the shelves--and finds the ring box* O\\\\\O ghost butler: sir? Poe: "I'M HIDING NOTHING! GO CHECK THE FLOORBOARDS!" *pockets the box* ghost butler: ...*shrugs and floats off* Poe: .\\\\\. ("Find another spot for the ring...") *grabs books, moves upstairs* "R-Rowena? You find a good home for the books?" rowena: yes! Poe: "G-Good..." *looking for a hiding spot* -elsewhere- Dazai: *grabbing baby supplies* "And get some mobiles* atsushi: right. Dazai: *opens his wallet...and a moth flies out* "..." QwQ atsushi:.... (im beginning to wonder if he actually trains moths to do that just to get out of paying.) Kunikida: "..." *pulls out a gold credit card* atsushi: wow. Kunikida: "The boss lent it to us." atsushi: its so shiny. kenji: i can see another me! hi other me. ^^ *waves* Dazai: OwO "...We're going to buy more." *grabs a battle-axe* atsushi: ._.; (oh. oh no.) Kunikida: "NO! And why does this baby store sell 'Baby's First Battle-Axe'?!" *The axe has Lord Death's face on it* kenji: it should be made out of rubber or something. and it should be squeaky. *squeezes a rubber ducky* Kunikida: "GET THE RUBBER DUCKY, NOT THE AXE!" Dazai: "Right, let's get both." atsushi: *sigh* *Kunikida chops Dazai on the head, knocking him out* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "..." *opens a package to find inside...skinny jeans* "..." *deep inhale* "Fuck." mama bakugou: *from the other room* language! Bakugo: "SORRY! I MEANT TO SAY 'FRICK!'" mama bakugou: that's better! Bakugo: *mutters* "Fricking Jeanist..." *takes out the note from the package* -elsewhere- Kid: *picks up Shiori* "Ready?" shiori: wedy! Kid: "Okay..." *sets her into her rolling baby walker* "Let's see you move, Shiori!" shiori: ^o^ *leg waddle* Kid: *bounces the walker lightly* "You'll be running in no time..." shiori: *baby giggles* Kid: *walks to the doorway* "Can you follow me?" shiori: *following* waydup! Kid: "I'll wait..." *holds out his arms* -she made it!- Kid: "Yay, Shiori did it!" shiori: i did it! ^o^ Kid: "Yes, you did! Want to follow me to the study?" shiori: yeah! Kid: "Then we are off!" *walks slowly* shiori: *follows behind him* -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio: *hugs her* Meme: *holds onto her* "...Not again..." mio: its going to be ok, meme. i promise. Meme: "..." *nods* "...Should I have killed her?" mio:.....there’s always next time. Meme: *nods* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Thank you for agreeing to meet." louisa: of course, mrs death. Yumi: "I am sure you heard about the prisoner breakout." louisa: hard not to have. Yumi: "I admit we are having difficulty locating them, but we anticipate they have not left the city. That's where you come in." louisa: right. Yumi: "I want your eyes." louisa: ...*blink* Yumi: "...The eyes your organization has. The computer software." louisa: oh! right, haha! Yumi: "Will your boss cooperate?" louisa: i'll talk to him about it. Yumi: *nods* "Let him know it will be worth his agreement." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "??? You'll need a scarf." *hands one* sylvia: ... .///. t-thank you. Kyoka: *nods* "And you'll need gloves." *takes them out of a drawer* "Ready to get groceries?" sylvia: y-yes miss kyouka! Kyoka: *opens the door--and gets hit with cold wind* "Brrr...Good thing the grocery is nearby..." -elsewhere- hans: alright, class is dismissed. Jakob: =3= wilhelm: finally! Jakob: "Can we have candy now?!" hans: alright. *handing each of her students a piece of candy as they leave* Jakob: *nom nom* ^U^ hans:...*small smile* {-in a cold snowy town, a young lady with long lavender hair is freezing in an alley, with only a box of matches to keep warm-} {hans: .....*shivering*} {It is quiet...A footstep is heard} {hans: *she looks up, holding a hand out* <please...spare me some money...>} {???: "..." <Money is a drag...>} {hans: ....} {???: "..." *takes another step forward--and collapses into the snow*} {hans: <ah! s-sir? are you alright?> *she goes over to him*} {???: =w= <It's too tiring to walk...I'll just sleep here.>} {hans: <but if you sleep out here you'll freeze to death!> D8> } {???: <...Death's a drag too.> =3= *yawns* <I guess I need to get to somewhere warm...Is that a match?>} {hans: <y-yes...> } {???: <I need something to keep warm...How much you want for it?>} {hans: <a-anything that can get me a room for the night...at the very least...>} {???: <Huh. Must be a very important match to cost that much...>} {hans: <i know its selfish to ask, but i have no home to return to...>} {???: <...What's your name?>} {hans:...i-it's hans....^^; m-my parents thought i was going to be a boy...} {???: <It's a good name...> *opens his wallet--and pulls out a 86 euros* <Can you break an 86?>} {hans: ah! <i-is this really alright, sir?>} {???: <I'm not paying for just the match. I want something else from you...>} {hans: ..... ./////. <i-i-i dont offer those kind of services!!> } {???: *blinks...looks her up and down* <...Darn. But that wasn't what I meant.>} {hans: 7////7; <w-well, what _did_ you mean?>} {???: <A contract, matchstick girl...>} {hans:...what kind of contract?} {???: <One to give you unimaginable power...so you never are cold again.>} {hans: .....<what do you get out of this?>} {???: <Absolute devotion.>} {hans:... *blush*} {???: <Do you think a mere 100 euros will be enough to survive...when you could have power to fuel you for a lifetime?>} {hans:.......} {???: *holds out his hand* <Do we have a deal?>} {hans:......<very well.> *she takes his hand*} hans: ......*blinks* oh, right. have to get home. Jakob: "..." *whispers* "Why is she blushing?" wilhelm: *shrug* ???: "There you are..." wilhelm: Owo Kafka: "You little weisenheimers have pranked me for the last time..." *cracks his knuckles* Jakob: "Eep!" -elsewhere- Kuro: "You finish laundry yet?" mahiru: yep...*checks mail* hmm?......!!! o_o Kuro: "??? What?" mahiru: *holding up an acceptance letter to the DWMA* HOW?! I DIDNT APPLY! Kuro: "...Maybe you did it in your sleep. I've done that before with your Amazon account--" mahiru: o_o SO THAT EXPLAINS THE RANDOM PACKAGES! -there was a note.- Kuro: "Sucks to be you. Enjoy class while I sleep--" note: we got you two into the DWMA for training your abilities. <3 Tsurugin~ -there was a second acceptance letter for kuro- Kuro: "...'Two'? ..." *thought balloon: "DWMA = Work = No Sleep* "..." *cat claws* "I'M GONNA KILL HIM--" -elsewhere- fukuzawa: *gives mori a birthday cupcake* Mori: TwT ranpo: ?? Mori: "It's been so long..." fukuzawa: someone had to wish you a happy birthday. Mori: *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Jun: "??? Why are you giggling, Tsurugi?" tsurugi: just a job well done~ Jun: "Oh, good!" ^^ -elsewhere- Hyde: *yelling at a customer* "YOU DON'T PUT A CAN OF SODA INTO THE MICROWAVE!" denki: *arm motions* yeye.....hehehe.... ochako: darn it, kaminari! Hyde: "I'm putting you on the Wall!" *takes out the Polaroid, snaps a pic of Denki, takes it out, tapes it to a window wall: "SHAME"* -there is at least 7 mineta photos on the shame wall- Hyde: "Why do you think we have a security guard in front of the bathroom now?" *There's a Golem in front of the bathroom* Golem: O-o ochako:.....wow. a real golem? neato! where did you get them? Hyde: "This dude in town makes and sells them. Think he's friends with Kirika." ochako: isnt she the girl with the eye patch and bakugou personality? {ochako's mental kirika: FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF MOTHERFUCKER!} Hyde: "Wow, rude! Bakugo is way worse." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "...I think I'm going to murder Soul Eater." eijiro: dude, you're gonna fight a death scythe? mina: that aint gonna look good on records. Bakugo: "I just felt a strong feeling to punch him so hard his stupid glasses fly off." mina: soul doesnt wear glasses that often. Bakugo: "...Then who am I thinking of?" -elsewhere- Nals: "--and that's how I single-handedly saved the theater from going bankrupt!" tomura: *ignoring him* twice: *playing angry birds* cool story bro. Nals: -_- "Philistines..." -elsewhere- Master: "Here you go. One ginger ale." *hands it to Bram* bram: thank you sir. Master: "And your sandwich is coming up, ma'am." mary: yay! Fitzgerald: ^^ "Now, that just leaves the rest of our meals...Miss Miller, Mr. Jordan?" Daisy: "Beer." Fitzgerald: "..." ^^;; jordan: mountain dew! Daisy: "And my last name is 'Fay,' not 'Miller.' What the hell is wrong with you?" Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Sorry. One of my business partners had an assistant named Daisy Miller. I get you two confused." Daisy: *eyeroll* "And Jordan, drink like an adult, for Christ's sake." jordan: i am. i am making an adult decision to get mountain dew. Daisy: -____- "So, Teej, you going to wimp out, too?" eckleburg: well, im driving, so... Daisy: *sigh* "Fine. You owe me." *grabs a breadstick, breaks it in half* -elsewhere- Kid: "--and she just kept moving so fast!" stocking: how sweet. ^^ Kid: "...I don't mean this to be weird...but do you think my sister and your sibling will be friends?" stocking: i hope so. ^^ Kid: *smiles* "So do I..." *hug* stocking: u///u~<3 Kid: *cheek smooch, cuddle* -elsewhere- erina: .... Roommate: "The prison gave you another day off?" erina: seems like it......*siiiiighs* Roommate: "...Okay, I'm not going to have you moping. You need some 'me' time." erina: i-i guess.... Roommate: "Want to go shopping? Get some clothes?" erina: it might help.... Roommate: "And a mani-pedi..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- lydia: *knocks* <vanya?> Ivan: *curled up in bed* lydia:... <may i come in?> Ivan: *affirmative grunt* lydia: *enters* i brought you some tea. Ivan: "..." *sits up* "Thank you." lydia:...are you alright? Ivan: "..." <I miss Master.> lydia: <i know. he'll be back soon.> Ivan: <I'm just so impatient.> lydia: <believe me, you arent the only one.> Ivan: "..." *sniffs, takes the tea* <R-Right...> -elsewhere- Rin: "How's your family doing, Madoka?" madoka: good as usual. tatsuya's signed up for scouts this year. Rin: "Neat! I was never into that...Scoutmaster accidentally cut me with a knife." ^^; madoka: oh my gosh. O-O Rin: *points at his chin* "He was fooling around with a razor blade dispenser--and it popped out right at my chin..." ^^;;; madoka: ^^; *small kiss* Rin: ^\\\\^ "D'aw..." -elsewhere- Asura: "Still hungry, child?" heibito: yeah. Asura: *nods* *opens a freezer, pulls out a soul* heibito: *shiny eyes* Asura: "Don't get a brain freeze--lick slowly..." heibito: ok. *tiny nom* Asura: *smiles* "Good boy..." -elsewhere- izumi: um...is this where i submit the stage name forms? Granny: "Yep!" izumi: *hands hers in.....the name she picked is Izumi Albarn* Granny: "..." *smiles* "It'll be submitted and reviewed by Lord Death." izumi: thank you ma'am. Granny: *thumbs up* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "..." *takes out a phone book* emily: calling home? Steinbeck: "Not yet...First, I wanted to check this name..." *taps a finger on a scrap of paper* "It was among the Old Guild archives." emily: i see. *examining* *It looks like it says "Li Wild"* emily: hmm. i'll check through the archives again. Steinbeck: "Thanks...No online search worked, so I figured given how old they must be..." *skimming...gets to Wild, Zachary* *sighs* "Nothing..." twain: hmmmm *browsing* W. irving, J. london... Steinbeck: -_-# "I'm reading right now..." twain:......i just had a freaking epiphany about all our names and its kinda wigging me out right now. emily: try not to over think it. Steinbeck: "Twain thinking--that'll be the day." twain: just cause i wasnt the brightest student in school and go with my gut instincts doesnt make me stupid. im just more street smart than book smart! ^u^ Steinbeck: "Then go hit the streets and get information." twain: aye aye! Steinbeck: "Good--now I'll get some quiet." emily: credit where credit is due, he does look on the brighter side of life. Steinbeck: "True...I suppose that is valuable to our Guild." -elsewhere- Wes: *staring at a performance schedule* liz: busy month? Wes: "Surprisingly after Valentine's...Even a trip to Paris." liz: oh wow. *shiny eyes* Wes: *hug* "With the best suite in the hotel..." liz: so lucky =3= -elsewhere- Roommate: "Oh, this would look cute on you..." *holds up a dress* erina: ....it does look cute. i just hope i can afford it... Roommate: "Well, try it on first before putting in some investment..." erina: fair point. *enters dressing room* {Fyodor: "I think it'll look good on you, too..."} erina: *winces and turns.....no one there*.....(keep it together, erina...just breathe, remember what you're doing) Roommate: *from outside* "How's it look?" erina: l-looks good! *looks at herself in the mirror* {Fyodor: "Beautiful..."} erina: !!!! *she turns and looks....no one is there*....*shaking* Roommate: "I know it's pricy...Maybe I could pay for a bit of it as an early b-day gift?" erina:.... Roommate: "Erina?" erina: i-im fine! Roommate: "...Can I come in?" erina: im decent if thats what you're asking. Roommate: *enters* "...Yeah, it does look good on you...But what is wrong?" erina: n-nothing's wrong. im really ok! Roommate: "No. You've been jumpy since that prison attack..." erina: g-guess it's just nerves...... Roommate: "..." *holds her hand* "Let's put the dress away--you can buy it another day. Let's get you something to eat..." erina: y-yeah....good idea.... Roommate: *lets go of her hand, steps outside* "Take your time..." erina:... (what's wrong with me? why am i letting this get to me so much?) *Her heart beats a bit...She imagines his smile* erina: *stumbles* Roommate: "!!!" *goes back inside* "Erina!" erina: Alli… i think...something's seriously wrong with my brain..... Allison: "Erina..." *hugs her* -elsewhere- Daisy: *already passed out* "Zzz..." Fitzgerald: "So, Mary, what is your ability?" mary: i can bring dead animals back to life ^^ louisa: its true, i saw her do it back at wonderful manor. Fitzgerald: "..." *stares at his chicken sandwich* mary: i tried it on food. it doesnt work as much. Fitzgerald: "Ah...How did you first realize?" mary: when i was a young child, i brought back my friend's dog... Fitzgerald: "How...did your friend react?" mary: she was so happy... Fitzgerald: "Have you tried on a human?" mary: NO! *her tone was harsh* louisa: !!! mary: i....it doesnt work on humans...not human...never human.... {mary: *trembling at the shambling mess of what once was her best friend approaching her* ah...ah...} {corpse: ah....*SCREEEEEAM*} bram:...*grips mary's shoulders* mary:...i-im ok. im ok.... Fitzgerald: "...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- Stein: "The patient is still under..." valentine: *hands him the tools needed* Stein: *takes the scalpel* "Proceed with nerve stimulation..." valentine: proceeding. Dr. John: *checking vitals* sachiko: doing good so far. Stein: "Prep the limb. We'll have to attach nerves..." -elsewhere- Dabi: *muttering* twice: *knocks* you guys ok in there? Alone: "Just alright..." PlushFix: =w= kinuta: feeling great, honey~ ^^ Dabi: *grumbles* tomura: you people are disgusting...... -morning- shinra: *yaaaaaawn* Relan: "..." *rubs his back* shinra: morning rel. Relan: "Morning...How was sleep?" shinra: better....gonna go wash my teeth and brush my face now. Relan: "..." *snort* shinra:......oh shit i need to wake up.....*exits, and sees takehisa packing* ??? whats this? Takehisa: "Fishing." shinra:.....in February? Takehisa: "The fish will never see it coming." shinra: *sweatdrop* um...good luck then. Takehisa: "You're coming, too." shinra:....im sorry what? ._. tamaki: come on kusakabe, tell relan to pack too. its a group trip. Takehisa: "You've been cooped up in the Eighth too long--you need to get out into the great outdoors." shinra: you're surprisingly amped about this tam- tamaki: *grabs his wrists* fish are involved here! *intense stare* shinra: *sweatdrops* ok, we get it, you have a cat theme, now can you let go of my wrists? you're legit hurting me. Relan: *stands behind Shinra--staring darkly at Tamaki* tamaki: *lets go* OwO;;; shinra: thank you....*rubs his wrists* jeez. Arthur: "I shall be the Fisher King." tamaki: woah woah woah, lets not go there, ok? Arthur: "Yes, let's go there." *holds up a drawing in crayon* "I will catch a hydra." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "--so pack up." atsushi: wow. this should be fun, right? kenji: yay! i'll get my net! aya: hopefully it wont be freezing cold this time! Kyoka: "..." *takes out a taser* atsushi: kyouka, you dont use a taser for fishing! Kyoka: "Fish are in water. Water is naturally susceptible to electricity. Tasers have electricity. QED: taser fish." sylvia: .~.;; Kyoka: "Have you fished, Sylvia?" sylvia: no. i never got to do anything like that. Kyoka: "Then treat this as a new experience." sylvia: o-o-ok.... Kunikida: "Have warm clothes and waterproof gloves..." aya: aye aye! Kyoka: "And a frying pan." -elsewhere- Rin: "What's on the agenda, teach?" stocking: for the time being, we will be researching demon subspecies and elemental alignments. Rin: ._. "...Will this be out of the textbook, or actual specimens in class?" stocking: text book this time. Rin: "...And what if I left my textbook at home?" ^^; stocking: -_-; dang it rin. -elsewhere- Victor: "What, that short guy isn't in your building anymore?" scarlet: guess not. not sure why that is. Victor: "Weird...Not as weird as that prison break, though." scarlet: yeah. ivy: i wonder if anyone of importance to us got out? like anyone who could help us? Victor: "Funny you mention that..." *holds up a picture of Shaula* "Remind you of anyone?" ivy: *lightbulb* hmmmmmm >8) Victor: "???" ivy: that bitch is finally gonna get whats coming to her. Victor: OwO;;; "Um..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *loading up the Matchbox* iris: you guys have fun, ok? shinra: we will. Relan: *waves* Arthur: *dragging a harpoon* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Fascinating research, Gorgon." shaula: i know, right? Kurogiri: "How have you done weaponizing it?" shaula: enough to cause 2-3 incidents in death city. Kurogiri: "Hmm...Shigaraki, interested?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *driving* "...Stop kicking the seat." atsushi: *reading the map* Kyoka: "How much longer?" atsushi: seems we're close to the first rest stop now. Kunikida: "Good. We'll pull over for restrooms--" Kyoka: "And snacks." aya: *has her camera out* Kunikida: "And don't forget the shin guards." -elsewhere- -in the emergency room waiting area- Kepuri: "BUT IS MY BABY GOING TO BE OKAY?!" Yohei: -_-; "It's a robotic arm, Kepuri..." Vulcan: ._. serina: *worried* Yohei: "...Hey. He's going to be okay..." serina: i-i know... Yohei: *nods* "Good...How long have you known him?" serina: a long time. *she smiles* Yohei: "He good at his job?" serina: *she nods* -elsewhere- Kuro: "I'm not wearing some matching uniform, either." mahiru: says you dont have to. there's lots of uniform options, some even choose to wear casual clothes, or even old uniforms of theirs. Kuro: "Good." *grabs a pillow* "I'm taking this with me." mahiru: ^^; guess i should tell my uncle the good news then. (at least i know some people there already, so that's good.) Kuro: "Yeah, go do that..." *lies down, takes out his 3DS* mahiru: *dialing* *Voicemail*: "Leave a message." mahiru: h-hey uncle, its me. you wouldnt believe this, heck im having a hard time believing it too, but i got into the DWMA! im not sure how it happened, guess i just got lucky. Kuro: "..." *looks up from his game* mahiru: well, talk to you soon....*hangs up phone, tears falling, even though he keeps a smile* Kuro: "..." *puts down the game, walks up to him* "Hey..." mahiru: hm- Kuro: *hug* mahiru: o//////////////o k-k-kuro?! Kuro: "Don't cry. I'm sure he's busy." mahiru: .... .////.;;; r-right. Kuro: *pat pat* "Maybe text him a pic when you're in that goofy DWMA uniform." mahiru: ^^; thanks kuro. -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *staring at a mailed book wrapped in brown paper* "...Naho, your new book is here..." naho: OOOH GOODIE GOODIE GOODIE!!! <3 Sakuya: ._.; "...Happy?" naho: YES! -elsewhere- Takehisa: "It's a secret spot. No one else knows to fish there." shinra: oh wow. Arthur: *opening a book, skipping to the page about the Lady of the Lake* Takehisa: "Yes. No one will be there for miles--" Relan: "So why is there a car parked there already?" tamaki: because it's the first rest stop? Relan: "...N-Nevermind." .\\\\. shinra: *pap pap* want to get a snack from the snack machine? Relan: *nod nod* shinra: cool. ^^ atsushi: *checking the info kiosks* hmmm Kunikida: "--and that is why having the brochures is a valuable resource, but do not solely depend on these marketing ploys--" Kyoka: *looking around* "... !!!" tamaki: ?? ... !! Kyoka: "TAMAKI!" tamaki: WA- k-kyouka! sylvia: ._.; Kyoka: *slow motion run, arms stretched out--hug* tamaki: ^^; *pet pet* sylvia: *looks at their group. spots relan* Relan: ._.; sylvia: *hides behind kunikida* >~<;; Relan: *hides behind Shinra* >~<;; Kunikida: "???" *looks at Shinra* shinra: *pats his hand* its ok, rel. ^^; Takehisa: "Oh. Your classmates, yes?" shinra: yep. tamaki: who's the other girl with you? aya: my name's aya koda. tamaki: not you shrimp. aya: WHO'RE YOU CALLIN' SHRIMP?! sylvia: Q~Q;;;; Kyoka: "That's Sylvia. She joined the Agency." tamaki: oh. nice to meet you, sylvia. im Tamaki. this is Arthur, Relan, and Shin- aya: *foot stomp* tamaki: -raAAAAAAA!!!!! *wince and falls over* -KO- tamaki: Q~Q shinra: we barely started, and already your bad luck kicks in. tamaki: TT~TT stuff it, kusakabe. kenji: she just needs some milk is all. ^^ Kyoka: *hands Kenji some dollar bills* "Yes, go buy her some milk from the vending machine, please." Kunikida: "Aya! What have I told you?! If you're going to attack your opponent, you also need to knee them in the gut." tamaki: D8< shinra: *chuckles* atsushi: sorry about that. ^^; shinra: it's all good. Takehisa: "I see you have fishing equipment. Are you also fishing?" atsushi: yeah. we're going to....*checks the map again* rye patch state park. shinra: huh, same here. Takehisa: "..." Kunikida: "..." Relan: "D-Didn't you say--" Kyoka: "--that no one knew about this place but you?" Kunikida + Takehisa: "..." ._.;;; shinra + atsushi: oh no. kenji: i got milk and snacks for everyone! ^u^ Kyoka: *hands the milk to Tamaki* tamaki: TTvTT thank you kyouka. aya:... 737 Kyoka: "..." *hands snacks to Aya* aya: *nom* Kyoka: ^^ "Sylvia, want some chips?" sylvia: um...i-i guess? tamaki:... (her hands are all bandaged up....) Kyoka: *hands her a bag* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *knock knock knock* "Chuuya! I know you're in there!" -silence- scarlet: oh, i didnt know someone else was visiting. Dazai: "..." *shiny eyes* scarlet:.... ? Dazai: *takes Scarlet's hand* "Oh fiery beauty, have you considered a suicide pact?" scarlet:................... -PUNCH- Dazai: *face smashes into the door--knocking it down* XwX scarlet: -_-# annoying. (he actually makes joker's attempts seem appealing. that's just sad.) Dazai: *looks around* "Huh? Where's Chuu-Chuu?" scarlet: is he a friend of yours? Dazai: *pops up* "Best friend!" scarlet: funny. in the few times i spoke with him, i dont recall him mentioning you mr....? Dazai: "Osamu Dazai--at your service~" scarlet:....right... 7_7; Dazai: *pokes his head into Sonia's room* "Huh...I don't see her teddy bear..." scarlet: *looks*.... (no sign of anyone...) Dazai: *opens the fridge* "Expired milk? Okay...That's not his usual style..." scarlet: *examines his answering machine* Answering Machine: "Message 1. Received: last Monday, 12:05 AM* *Dazai's voice* "Come on, ride the train! Hey, ride it! TOOT TOOT!" Dazai: ^^; scarlet:...... -_-; *checks the second message* Answering Machine: "Message 2. Received: Monday, 3:04 PM" Classmate: "Hey! Wanted to see where you are--you weren't in class. ...That's all. Just...worried. Call me back. ...Oh! I should give you my number--" -skip to the next one- Message 3: "It's me. I got the package to its destination. I'll await instructions." scarlet: ... Dazai: "Ominous...What was that about?" scarlet: as if i'd know... Dazai: *presses the next message* ???: "Hello." Dazai: *tenses* scarlet: ?? ???: "I hope the surprise party didn't offend you too much. It just, you know, kind of came to me out of nowhere. I do hope it wasn't too stressful on your friends--I know the mess it may leave can take time to clean up. I promise, though, when I'm out of here, I'll finish cleaning up." <Until later.> scarlet:.....who was that? Dazai: *smiles* "An associate...No one to worry about." ^^; scarlet:.... (he's shaking...) Dazai: "I'll just make a note of that--I'm sure Chuuya will want to be in contact with him soon..." scarlet:..... -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "MISS ALCOTT!" louisa: *flies out of her chair* WA! s-sir! Fitzgerald: *holds up an email to Louisa printed out* "Did you agree to meet with the DWMA?!" louisa: O-O;;;;;; Fitzgerald: "..." *tosses down the email--and pulls out a recorder* "When you next speak with Azusa, pass along this recording we intercepted out of the prison." louisa: ... *blink blink* um. alright? Fitzgerald: *nods* "And keep me updated on her requests." louisa: yes sir! Fitzgerald: *turns, departs...smirks* louisa:..... *presses play* Recording: "--the surprise party didn't offend you too much--" louisa: !!! (that's...!) Recording: "--hope it wasn't too stressful on your friends--" louisa: .... -underground- yana: *listening in* .... Fyodor: *recording* "--the mess it may leave can take time to clean up--" zoey: ahhh~ *heart pupils as she blushes* Ivan: =w= yana: .......*starts writing something down* Gogol: "???" yana: hmm.... Gogol: "What 'cha writing?" yana: shush, im thinking. Gogol: "..." *eyeroll* ("Hard to tell...") -elsewhere- twain: ROAD TRIP BABY! Steinbeck: "...So soon?" emily: we found the location of one of the old guild members. Steinbeck: "?! Really?" emily: *shows a file of a young woman* according to notes, she has to be at least 70... Steinbeck: "This is Wilder?" emily: back in the day, yeah. Steinbeck: "Hmm...Good work, Emily." emily: .///w///. t-thank you sir. Steinbeck: *looks at Twain* "And you...um..." twain: OwO Steinbeck: "...Not bad." twain: ^u^ Steinbeck: "Now, let's pack..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Atsushi, how much further?" atsushi: not too far now, luckily. Kyoka: "Well, I look forward to start fishing." *checks batteries* -elsewhere- Poe: "Ready for your classes?" rowena: *she nods* im looking forwards to spring enrollments. alice, warren and i hopefully will find new recruits for the mystery and occult club too! Poe: ^^; "Just be careful. If you resurrect any dead bodies..." rowena: we wont do anything like that, have some faith in us. =3=' Poe: "I know...Just be careful." rowena: we will. -elsewhere- sonia: and we got to learn about biology too. i had a lot of fun. ^^ Chuuya: "That...makes me so happy." *hug* sonia: *hug* ^u^ Chuuya: *pat pat* "You happy with your teacher?" sonia: *she nods* Chuuya: "Good...Just keep up with your homework, okay?" sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pat pat* "But first, I'll get dinner going..." *sighs* "Based on what we have..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *running down the street Naruto style* yosano: *grabs him by the coat collar* -____-; did you find anything? Dazai: "DOC! Chuu-chuu! Phone call! Slapped! Teddy bear!" yosano: uh-huh? Dazai: "DOSTOEVSKY CALLED!" yosano: !!!!!! -several people are staring now- Bystander: ._. -some groceries dropped to the ground- erina: *frozen on the spot* ....... Dazai: Owo;;;; yosano: dammit dazai. Dazai: "I was excited...because this is terrifying..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Soul? You're up..." soul: hm? Spirit: *drops a folder in front of him* "There's been an attack..." soul: ....right. Spirit: "A small town...and it was..." soul: .... lets go then. Spirit: *nods* "Our ride is waiting... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Here we are..." *pulls up to the lake* tamaki: wow, i thought it would be....more foresty? Relan: "Maybe this is typical for Nevada?" shinra: still, its pretty wide open. kinda nice. Kunikida: *deep inhale* aya: *pap pap* Kunikida: *nods* "...Let's unpack." atsushi: *reading a guide on the park* Kyoka: "--then we can cook the fish over the fire and sing songs..." sylvia: i-i see.... Kunikida: "We also will be training!" aya: yep! Relan: *overhearing* "??? They're training? Even during a fishing trip?" shinra: i guess. Takehisa: "Why? Are you interested in training during this trip?" Relan: "N-No! A restful fishing trip is good enough!" ^~^ shinra: *nods in agreement* ^v^;;;;; Arthur: *pulls out the harpoon and a giant rock* "I am ready." shinra: ._.; Arthur: "I shall fulfill all the requests of the Lady of the Lake so that my Excalibur may be blessed with her divine aura." atsushi: *gives shinra a look of confusion* shinra: *shrugs to say 'dont ask me'* Kyoka: "How come they get to use a harpoon and we don't?" atsushi: because dazai couldnt be trusted with one. Kyoka: "...That makes perfect sense." -elsewhere- Joker: "...So, Russian dude?" scarlet: apparently the supposed leader of the rats in the house of the dead. Joker: "And if he was calling your neighbor..." scarlet: ..... i get a bad feeling from all this... Joker: "No kidding." *smokes* "Hoods, Rats...We got enough problems." -elsewhere- Haumea: *rubbing her bruised jaw* -_-# "Asshole." arrow: and how did _this_ happen? Haumea: "Blame Charon--he got all pissy..." ???: shall i speak with him? Haumea: "...If you wish." ???: *she knocks on his foor* Charon? Charon: "What?" ???: is something troubling you? Charon: "Nothing. Just...nothing." ???: your temperature indicates that you're lying. Charon: "Hmph. Who asked you? I just want this mission done..." ???: .... Charon: "And when it's finished...I'll be able to get her here." -elsewhere- Stein: "The patient is resting..." serina: *sigh of relief* Stein: "...He will need someone there when he wakes up. Care to keep an eye on him?" serina: *she nods* Stein: *opens the door for her* "Thank you..." serina:....*sits next to his bed* ..... Foien: *asleep...he looks so calm...to the point of looking like he's not alive, if not for his breathing* serina:....*holding his hand* Foien: *small murmur* serina:....*squeeze of the hand* Foien: "...Ser..." serina: im here, foien... Foien: *opens his eyes* "..." serina: *smiles* Foien: "...Hey." serina: how're you feeling? Foien: "Weird..." serina:..but other than that? Foien: *smiles* "Glad to be awake." serina:....*small kiss on the hand* Foien: "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *enters the convenience store* ochako: hey todoroki. ^^ Todoroki: *waves, grabs a soda* "How is work?" ochako: pretty good. Todoroki: "Ready for the next class? I heard Aizawa intends to have a pop quiz." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "--then hook the bait--" Arthur: "...What did that worm ever do to you?" shinra: shh. Arthur: *dead-eye glare* Kunikida: "Aya, hold here firmly so it doesn't slip. Put on the glove so not to get callouses" aya: yessir. Relan: *swinging the rod* sylvia: .~.;; Relan: "Heh--kind of fun!" Kyoka: *sitting at the water, line out in the water* kenji: ^u^ Kyoka: "This is restful...Anything in your net, Kenji?" Relan: *still swinging the line back and forth, a hook on it* kenji: *he already caught a few fish* Kyoka: "Impressive...I still haven't caught anything..." *Relan's hook snags something--* tamaki: O-O;;;; -YOINK- tamaki: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! -SPLASH- Relan: D8> Arthur: "...Tamaki was the Lady of the Lake all along?!" Kyoka: "!!!" tamaki: at least it wasnt my clothes that got snagged off. shinra: yeah, wouldnt that have been dumb. *camera stare* tamaki: -_-# just get me a damn, towel. Relan: "I-I-I'm sorry!" *runs for a towel* Takehisa: "You'll need to dry off in this cold. I'll get some clothes out of the Matchbox." tamaki:.......*dives in and snags a fish in her mouth* *muffled* <no regrets> Arthur: .\\\\. shinra: ...huh. cat-like instincts i guess. Kyoka: "Come on, Tamaki--I'll help you get to the restroom." *hands the towel* tamaki: <thanks> -elsewhere- Spirit: "We're almost there..." soul: ..... Spirit: "The meisters from this DWMA branch should be there as well..." soul: *nods* Spirit: "...You don't have to be wielded by them. But at least pay attention how I get wielded.” soul: *he nods* Spirit: "..." *exits the vehicle, looks around* soul:....shit... *Buildings are caved in...There's a small fire from an overturned vehicle. It's quiet...* soul:...... Spirit: "...I'm going to talk to the meisters, see whether they sense souls. Stay on guard--the attackers can still be hidden..." soul:....... *hears something crying* ??? ???: its ok, damon, someone will find us soon.... ???: *whimpers* soul: *walks over to the house* hello? ???: "Eep!" *hugs the other* soul: *he enters....the parents clearly dead*.....damn...... ???: *peaks* there's a man.... soul: *glances* hello? ???: *shaking* soul:...its ok, im not going to hurt you, honest..... ???: *peeeeak* -she looks around 10, with her hair in two small twintails- girl: who're you? soul: im here to get you somewhere safe. Boy: *crying* soul:.....come on, lets get you out of this house. girl: how do we know you're not a weird creepy person? huh? Boy: "Mom...Dad..." soul:....i wish i could have gotten here earlier, maybe i could have.......*sigh* come on... girl: ..... Boy: "No! I want Mom and Dad..." Spirit: "Soul?" soul:....found two kids. parents are...well...see for yourself.... Spirit: *looks* "..." *squats down so he's closer to eye level* "Hey..." *smiles at the boy and the girl* "What's your name?" girl:....becky. *protective hug of her brother* Boy: *hides his face with the hug* Spirit: "Hello, Becky. I'm Spirit. I'm here to help." soul:...*awkward wave* becky:....how can we trust you? Spirit: "Honestly, I can't show you anything immediately...but at least I can get you to a safer place." becky:....*covering her brother's eyes* o-ok.... soul: just dont look.... Damon: *shaking* soul: its ok, kiddo, its ok... Damon: "Mom...Dad..." soul:.....im sorry....*picks him up, keeping his face to his chest so he doesnt have to see them* ...... becky: ...... Spirit: "Come on, Becky..." becky:...*follows* -outside- soul: ...... Spirit: *handing out bottles of water* becky: *hugging damon* .... soul:....damn....i dont know what to do for them... Spirit: "Give them what they need first--which is food, water, and someone to talk to." soul:....um...hey...you kids hungry? becky: ..... Spirit: *hands Soul some gummies* soul: here. becky:....*nom* Damon: *shaking* soul:.... (maka, what do i do?) {Maka: *holds out a hand* "I'm Maka Albarn. And I want you to be my partner."} soul:..... i know, its scary whats going on right now, but it's going to be ok... becky:........ soul: im gonna make sure you two have a place to stay... {Maka: "Come on! It's perfect! It's got two bedrooms, a kitchen, view of the city--it's perfect!"} soul:...i'll look after you kids. becky: ?? Damon: "..." *looks at him* soul: im probably going to make a lot of mistakes, but im willing to try my best to take care of both of you. becky:...... Spirit: "...Soul..." soul: im not sure i'll be able to replace your mom and dad, but i'll make sure you have a place to stay, so what do you say? would you two give me a chance to be your dad? Damon: "..." *sobs* becky:..... soul:.....*sigh* i'll give you time to think it over..... Spirit: "...We have to leave while police check the area. We will need to bring them to Death City anyway for medical treatment." soul:....right... -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...It's not the worst shirt." tamaki: ....... -__-;;; shinra: *dying trying to contain his laughter* Relan: Q~Q "I'm sorry..." Kunikida: "...What is even your fashion choice?" Takehisa: "It was on sale. I also got a Godzilla in Mickey Mouse ears shirt." aya: WHERE DOES HE EVEN GET CLOTHES LIKE THAT?! kenji: cool. {Takehisa: "...And it's only $2? Sold."} {eternal feather: thank you for your patronage sir!} atsushi: maybe its better we never know. Relan: "I think Loot Crate is to blame." Arthur: *plasma-ing fish* -elsewhere- Kid: *brings in boxes into the bedroom* kirika: what's that stuff? stocking: hmm~? Kid: "Candy sale." stocking: *SHINY EYES* kirika: cool. Kid: *takes out the heart message candies* stocking: *reads some* Candy: "Sext me." stocking: *giggles*... kirika:....... ._. 'casual bongos'? what the fuck? Kid: *picks up another one* " Exotic Butters’?!" -elsewhere- Kuro: *in DWMA uniform* "...I'm doing this under protest." mahiru: ^^; we dont start until march. Kuro: "Just give me the phone to take your pic." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Sham has been really busy..." naho: yeah. Sakuya: "Anyone knocked on his door to give him his tea and...these really stale cookies?" tsubaki: ?? Belkia: "They're crumpets." Sakuya: "Whatever--they're getting staler." naho: is he sick? Sakuya: "..." Belkia: "I'm sure it's just his mood." ^^; himawari: is he alright? Sakuya: "..." *hands her the tray* "Want to ask him?" himawari: *knocks* shamrock? are you ok? Shamrock: "??? Come in." himawari: are you doing alright? Shamrock: "...As well as I can..." *he has an unfinished painting* himawari: ah. are you taking lessons from higan? Shamrock: x_-; "Don't tell him I took his paints...I just wanted to paint some flowers or something to get my mind off..." -elsewhere- akaderu: *watching funny videos on his phone* *The door opens* akaderu: *looks up* Kepuri: =_= akaderu: rough day? Kepuri: "The surgery was lengthy...but I am happy to say my baby is fine." =w= akaderu: wish i could have seen it too. Kepuri: "D'aw..." *gets onto the couch, lies down* akaderu:....you can lay on my chest if you wanted to. Kepuri: "..." =\\\\= *rests her head on his chest* akaderu:....*cuddles*..... {akaderu: *on a bridge, looking down* ................................} {*Someone can be heard dragging something along the sidewalk*} {akaderu:......*taking his shoes off*} {???: "Move, you heavy--" *grunt* "--darn device! I just want to get this baby launched to check its aerodynamics and--" *spots Akaderu* "...Um, excuse me?"} {akaderu:.....do you think a fall from this height would be enough to kill me?} {???: *unlocking her suitcase, pulling out a drone* "Yes, it most certainly would. That's why I'm here--because the height from this bridge is sufficient to test the elevation of my new inventWHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!"} {akaderu: *trying to get over the railing*} {???: D:< *drops her suitcase, grabs his arm with both hands* "Oh no you don't!"} {-YOINK-} {akaderu:.....ow.} {???: *lying flat on her back, his chest covering her entire face so she can't breathe* *muffled scream*} {akaderu: *gets up*.....why did you do that?} {???: *deep inhale* "GAH! Because suicide is illogical!" *pushes his face with her hand* "You dummy!"} {akaderu:....so?} {???: "So? SO?! Didn't you listen to me?! If you kill yourself, you aren't producing! If you aren't producing, you aren't contributing all you have to the world! If you don't contribute all you have to the world, you stymy civilized advancement in the pursuit of knowledge, art, and life itself!" *crawls up from the street, coughs* "...Why were you trying to kill yourself?"} {akaderu: a thing like me wouldnt be missed if i died. i'd be contributing by killing myself, so i'm not a burden to society anymore.} {???: "AND HOW DO YOU THINK I WOULD FEEL?!"} {akaderu: you dont even know a thing about me.} {???: "As if that matters! I know you now! And I can't have that on my mind as a burden when I have important things to do! So I'm not going to let you kill yourself!" *grabs his ear*} {akaderu: *grooooan*} {???: "And now you're delaying my work, Big Guy, so you're going to help me! Pick up that drone."} {akaderu: ...maybe after this, i'll hunt down some dokeshi hunt members to kill me.} {???: "..." *drops her suitcase, stands in front of him, looks up* "..."} {akaderu:.....whats with that look?} {???: *hug*} {akaderu: ??? um.... *blink*} {???: "You stupid, tiny man..."} {akaderu: you're tinier than me, ma'am.} {???: "!!!! YOU JERK!" *punch*} {akaderu: *punched right to the ground*.......ow....} {???: >\\\\\< "I CAN'T HELP HOW SHORT I AM! We can't all be giant freaks!"} {akaderu: fair enough.....} {???: *grumbles* "Now you're delaying me with all this stupid suicide talk...I need to get this experiment going AND YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE UP FOR THE TIME DELAY! ON TOP OF MAKING FUN OF MY HEIGHT!" >\\\\\< } {akaderu:....why did you hug me though?} {???: "?? ...Because when people are sad, they sometimes need a hug."} {akaderu: why would you waste that on a good for nothing dokeshi freak like me?} {???: "...You're a Dokeshi?"} {akaderu: yes. let me guess, you're gonna be like all the others and-} {???: "So am I."} {akaderu: wait what?} {???: *sighs* *taps her temple* "Smart Dokeshi brain..." *gestures at her height* "Dumb Dokeshi curse..."} {akaderu: oh...well, i can make clones of myself...but i have to eat things that are red, to replenish my blood.} {???: "...Clones? Really?!" *grabs his arm, pulls up the sleeve*} {akaderu: h-hey!} {-there are multiple scars on his wrist and forearm-} {???: "...This is how?"} {akaderu:.....no.... the scars arent a result of my ability............} {???: "...Oh..."} {akaderu: yeah......} {???: "...What's your name?"} {akaderu: its Akaderu Hisoka....} {???: "Kepuri Yanma."} akaderu:....*huuug* Kepuri: =\\\\= "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Oh, wow--Captain, this is really tasty!" Takehisa: *nods* *passes a plate to Kenji* kenji: thanks mr! shinra: ._. *he got one of arthur's plasma'd fish* *The fish looks unhealthy* Arthur: "--and if you could just bless my Excalibur, oh Lady of the Lake--" shinra: .________________________.;;;;;;;; Kunikida: "That is gross, unhealthy, and not fit for human consumption." *picks the fish by the tail, tossing it behind him--and it lands in the trash* shinra: thank you mr kunikida TTuTT atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: *nods* "The rest of you must eat up to regain your energy from sparring--" Kyoka: *asleep, head on Tamaki's lap* tamaki: ^^ atsushi: so what were you doing before joining the 8th brigade, relan? Relan: OwO;;;;; "...School?" atsushi: ah. aya:..that boyle guy's quite the character. shinra: you could phrase it like that. aya: im actually in the same class as his cousin. shinra: huh. Arthur: "Oh, you're friends with the Duchess?" aya:....we've talked a few times? Arthur: *nods* "She's rather humble about her royal association." aya: i....see... *sweatdrop* Takehisa: "Sylvia? Want a marshmallow?" sylvia: um....ummmm..... Takehisa: *pokes a marshmallow on the stick, starts roasting* "We roast these on fire. Granted, we try to use original flames. Otherwise, Shinra's taste like foot, Arthur's taste awful, and Tamaki...usually ends up burning down a forest." tamaki: Q^Q shinra: 7.7; Arthur: "Mine taste delightful." *the marshmallows from Excalibur are throbbing with electricity* atsushi: .______.;;;; *One marshmallow pops, letting out a growl* Arthur: "See? It's ready to consume." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Anything, Ranpo?" ranpo: .....*he seems tense* Dazai: "Ranpo!" ranpo: ?? oh, we'll have to check out the mafia headquarters... Dazai: "...I'll pull up the car..." ranpo:... yosano:...... Mori: *listening* yosano: stay in the car, dont take off the mask. Mori: *nods* ranpo: lets go, tanizaki. Tanizaki: "On it..." ranpo: dazai, you too. Dazai: *unlocks the car doors* -inside the mafia HQ- ranpo:....... -silence....- Dazai: "...God." ranpo: no one here... Dazai: "..." *checks under a desk, presses a concave spot* ranpo: find anything, tanizaki? Tanizaki: "Yeah, something along the wall--feels hallow." ranpo:...*knocks* Dazai: *presses the concave spot in a pattern--* *The wall slides* ranpo:...huh. Dazai: ^^; "Fortuitous." *looks* "Seems to be some stairs..." -upstairs- ranpo: so this must be mori's room... Tanizaki: "..." ranpo: .......*approaches the closet* Dazai: "...Um, Ranpo--" ranpo: *opens the door to mori's lab* .......so this is where he was carrying his research out, huh? Dazai: "Yeah...Just be careful." ranpo: *looking around* Tanizaki: "..." {Mori: *in bed*} Tanizaki: "..." {Tanizaki: !!!} {chuuya: *holding a scalpel to mori's neck* !!! how did you get free? and get a switchblade?} {Tanizaki: "…Why do you have a scalpel to his neck?"} {chuuya:....if i asked you to say he died naturally-} Dazai: "Oh God!” Tanizaki: *awakens* "!!!" *turns* -her head is there....just where mori had left her- ranpo: ......*too stunned to react* Tanizaki: "..." *covers his mouth* ranpo: ....look familiar to you, dazai? Dazai: "Yeah...I thought she was dead." ranpo: well clearly that part's true. Dazai: "Except she was supposed to be buried not...this." ranpo:.....'shizuka kanei'....*examines the photos and notes* Dazai: "...Mori was...possessive." Tanizaki: *shaking* "I..." ranpo: ..... Dazai: "Call the boss?" ranpo: and what do we tell him? 'oh hey, we found mori's ex-secretary's decapitated head in a creepy stalker love shrine he made'? Dazai: "We can't leave it here--there's enough evidence lying around. But we won't show it to Mori..." ranpo: tanizaki, you got a bag? Tanizaki: *stunned* "Wh-What?" ranpo: to carry the head? Tanizaki: "N-No..." Dazai: "Doc? You got one?" yosano: got one what? Dazai: "...Nevermind. We'll see you in a bit." *takes off his jacket* "Put it here." -and so- Mori: *seated* yosano: ..... *The trio walk to the car* ranpo: *opens the trunk* yosano: find anything? Tanizaki: "..." Dazai: "Recovering some evidence..." ranpo: mafia flew the coop. Mori: "..." ranpo: .... *carefully putting down the coat covered head* Mori: "..." Dazai: *gets into the driver's seat* "Let's get back and report." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Sorry to be traveling so soon again..." emily: its fine. baum said he'd look after the base. Steinbeck: "Good to know..." *looks at Lovecraft* lovecraft: should i go too? Steinbeck: *smiles* "I wish you could--but I'd feel better knowing you're helping to keep the place safe." lovecraft: ok.... *sits in the bathtub*.....*turns on the water* =.= mmmmmm..... Steinbeck: ^w^ "I feel better already." twain: *sweatdrop* if you say so Hemingway: "THE MIDWEST! HOME OF COWS! THE RUNNING OF THE BULLS!" twain: HECK YEAH!! emily: ^^; Steinbeck: "That was Spain, Hemingway." Hemingway: "I rode that bull from Spain and onto a boat all the way to New York, then onward to the Midwest!" emily: ... not even going to question it. Steinbeck: "What happened to the bull?" Hemingway: "Dinner." emily: .___.;;; Steinbeck: "...Let's just get going..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *looks up at the stars* atsushi: cant sleep? Kunikida: "No...When the sky is like this, not a bad thing." atsushi: yeah.....so you were a teacher before becoming to the agency? Kunikida: "For a time." atsushi: i can tell...so how did you join the agency? Kunikida: "It's a long story. I simply had skills that were deemed suitable for the Agency." atsushi: hm... Kunikida: "It has been better than teaching in a school..." atsushi:....ranpo told me you had problems with authority. is that true? Kunikida: "...Rather loose way of putting it." atsushi: care to explain? Kunikida: "...What do you think 'ethics' means?" atsushi: um...its doing the right thing? Kunikida: "And who determines what is right?" atsushi:....i dont know Kunikida: "...Agency is the ability to choose right from wrong. You can either be your own agent, or you can follow someone else's orders." atsushi: ... odasaku: .... Kunikida: "I was never one for following rules I found objectionable. So I sought somewhere that would accommodate my personal code of ethics." atsushi: right.... odasaku:.....*small smile* Kunikida: "...You never had a choice whether to join this Agency." atsushi:...but you know, if i were given a choice to do so...i would have still joined. Kunikida: "Hmm. Why is that?" atsushi: call it instinct i guess... Kunikida: "...In the absence of additional evidence, I guess." atsushi: ..... Kunikida: "...Is this where you see yourself in the next 10 years?" atsushi: i guess so? .... *imagines raising a family with lucy* .///////. Kunikida: "...I would like to see you stay on." atsushi: i will. Kunikida: *nods* "Good..." {Lucy: "You're home!" *hands him a baby* "We missed you!"} {atsushi: i missed you both too. *smooooch*} atsushi: .///////////////////////////. Kunikida: "...???" atsushi: >->;;; have you ever been with someone? *slaps a hand over his mouth* Kunikida: "...Did you get Lucy pregnant?" atsushi: NO! *waves hands nervously* WE DIDNT DO ANYTHI- *ahem* we didnt have sex. or anything similar to that. Kunikida: "...Are you asking for advice, or out of curiosity about my past?" atsushi: ....the last one. Kunikida: "...I have not had any long-term relationship, if that answers your question." atsushi:.... {sasaki: *smiles*} Kunikida: "...I suppose enjoying any moments you have is all that can be expected." atsushi:....well....i should call it a night. Kunikida: *nods* "We'll have an early morning." atsushi: good night. -morning- Steinbeck: *tapping his foot* "...What, did he fall into the toilet?" twain: im up! im up! emily: ^^; Steinbeck: "Good. Once Hemingway comes back with breakfast, we can head out--" emily: ah, hes back with our breakfast orders. ^^ Hemingway: "Good morning." *hands Twain a brown paper bag* twain: hash browns! noice! Hemingway: "Miss Emily." *hands another bag* emily: thank you. Steinbeck: "And me?" Hemingway: "Bacon on a biscuit with coffee." -elsewhere- Spirit: "They're still asleep..." soul:....what am i gonna do? Spirit: "You wrote a pretty big check back there..." *sits down* "Can you afford it?" soul:....*sigh* i dont know....i dont know the first thing about raising a kid. i can barely raise myself as it is... Spirit: "..." *nods* "It's not easy..." soul: especially given how they reacted to me......*sigh* Spirit: "Give them time--they just went through a major change, and now you're here offering another big change." soul: fair point.... Spirit: "...When I knew I was having a kid, I thought it would make me grow up. I think...I think it's apparent that's not how that works. Don't make this about you--make it all about them." soul:....right. Spirit: "At least see them when they wake up. Get to know them." soul:....ok. i will. Spirit: "Good...I have to call home. I'll be right back." *hands Soul some money* "Get them something healthy but fun from the commissary." soul:....will do. -elsewhere- Mori: *coloring* Dazai: "..." {Mori: *smiles*} {dazai: ......} {Mori: "Doesn't he have anything to say?"} {elise: boooriiiing~} {dazai:.....*stares at the floor*} {Q: *peeeek from behind mori's leg*} {Mori: "Elise, please--give him time..."} {elise: he's been here so long and he never talks to anyone but that chuuya kid.} {Mori: "Perhaps he's just shy."} {Q: big bwuver! big bwuver!} Mori: *stops coloring* "...All gone." Dazai: "..." Mori: "This crayon. It's all gone." *tosses it* fukuzawa:....thats a lot of red.... Mori: "Well, when you've seen what I have...I don't suppose this is going on any fridge any time soon." fukuzawa:...... Dazai: "Sir...If none of them are there any more, I can imagine where they would go." fukuzawa: ....? Dazai: "There are Mafia bases that I know we can check. Granted, any one of us only knew of a fraction of them..." fukuzawa: hmmm... Dazai: "I can take someone to check......Maybe after the rest get back." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *nomming on toast* aya: nothing like toast on the fire. *nom* Relan: *spreading some peanut butter on his toast* Arthur: *still fishing* shinra: are there any trails to check out? Takehisa: "Yes. There is one with many photograph opportunities." aya: awesome! Kunikida: *zips up his jacket* "Make sure you have on your hiking shoes." atsushi: yes sir. aya: aye aye! Takehisa: "Same for you as well, Shinra--sandals will hurt out there." shinra: ._.;;; Kyoka: "Tamaki, Sylvia, up for it?" tamaki: yeah! sylvia: o-ok... Kyoka: *smiles* "Just be careful on hills and edges..." kenji: ^^ Kunikida: "Let's head out." *pulls out a map* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "Zzz..." leo:...*strokes his head*....*smiles* Motojiro: =w= "Hello..." leo: good morning, <dear> Motojiro: <Sleep well?> leo: *she nods and kisses his forehead* Motojiro: "Mmm~" <What time is it?> -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "This Hibana--no chance she is still funding some nefarious work?" shaula: not that i'm aware. she never calls anymore =3= Kurogiri: "What of the specimens? Are they still overseas?" shaula: most likely. Kurogiri: "Ever recovered one?" shaula:... .w.; no? Kurogiri: "...They weren't destroyed?" shaula:....can you get us there? OwO;;; Kurogiri: =_= *opens a gate* -elsewhere- Kid: *examining video* "I don't see anything yet..." kirika: just watch, its hilarious. Kid: *gets closer to the screen* -a scary face pops out and screams- Kid: "EEP!" *falls back* kirika: *cackling* Kid: "Deceitful!" kirika: i got ya good though, right? Kid: -\\\\\- "N-Not that good..." kirika: aw, come on bro, lighten up. haha. Kid: "Hmph. I'm going to return to sorting my socks..." kirika: *rolls her eyes* -elsewhere- Panda: *tossing a ball into the air* "When's she getting out?" sasori: ..... Panda: "You finished school, Sasori?" sasori:...never got the chance to... Panda: "It's kind of overrated...Wait, I think I'm still enrolled. Sancho, did I miss class?" Sancho: *reading a book* sasori: *sweatdrop* Panda: QwQ "I'm never gonna be honor roll..." *door slams open, squishing him* sasori: !!? inka: heyo~ sasori: ._.; inka: im baaack and glad to be, ugh, school is BO-RING! Sancho: *closes the book* "So what you up for?" Panda: XwX -elsewhere- Kunikida: *whistling on the trail* atsushi: pretty cool, right? Kyoka: "Ooooo..." *shiny eyes* "I can see the horizon." shinra: neat view. Relan: "The sunrise is impressive..." *takes Shinra's hand* shinra: .////. tamaki: i thought it was afternoon? Relan: .\\\\\. "...I was trying to think of a reason to hold Shinra's hand..." shinra: reason accepted. ^////^ Relan: Y\\\\w\\\\Y shinra: but how about this reason? you're adorable and i love you. *cheek smooch* Relan: *sniff* "I love you, too..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *cleaning up bedrooms* karin: think the kids are having fun? Akitaru: "I'm sure of it--Tamaki loves fish, Shinra likes teasing Tamaki, Relan likes time with Shinra, and Arthur likes lore..." karin: and uncle takehisa? Akitaru: "He's quite good at fishing--so he'll have a blast." karin: that's good. ^^ Akitaru: "You take that trip often?" karin: hm? fishing? on rare occasions. been a while since i last went to be honest. Akitaru: "How about camping?" karin: that i have done. i went on a nature study trip with nozomi up in the wooded areas of the city. Akitaru: "Good research?" karin: we had a blast. ^^ Akitaru: "Cool...Maybe next time bring Nozomi with the fishing trip..." karin: im sure she'd love it. ^^ Akitaru: "..." *looks at her* "I'm glad you're there for her." karin: of course, she's family after all. Akitaru: "And that's what matters..." *looks around Shinra's room before pulling out the vacuum* -elsewhere- Wes: "And they'll cover for your class?" liz: yeah. im so excited! >w< Wes: "Hee hee..." *holds her hand* "Passport ready?" liz: yep. Wes: "Then we're off..." *opens the car door for her* -elsewhere- Foien: *moving his arm* sachiko: how do you feel, mr li? Foien: "Weird...It's kind of numb when I move the fingers--...It must just be nerves or something..." sachiko: thats to be expected. Foien: "...I'm just glad to have it. I don't want to ignore this opportunity." sachiko: *reading his chart* Foien: "...Any red flags?" sachiko: no. you're good to go. Foien: "Great! I guess I wait for my ride?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Izumi, you got some mail from DWMA..." izumi: awesome! Spirit: "Probably your course schedule?" izumi: *reads it* Letter: *--after the salutation--* "--your stage name has been approved--" *and it was signed with a goofy lord death doodle* izumi: yes! Spirit: "Good news?" izumi: my stage name's been approved! Spirit: "??? I didn't realize you had signed up--" -Stage name: Izumi Albarn- Spirit: *stunned* izumi:...dad? Spirit: *starts crying* izumi: dad? whats wrong?! Spirit: "I'm just--so...That's...amazing..." izumi:...thanks dad. Spirit: *blubbering, hug* izumi: !!.....*hug* ^^ Spirit: "I'm so proud of you..." izumi: *smiles* Spirit: "H-Have you told your mother?" izumi: i'll tell her when she gets home. Spirit: "...I don't take away from this, but...will she be okay? I don't want her to think I'm replacing her name..." izumi: trust me, the sooner we can get our last name changed, the better. Spirit: "..." *nods* "...WAIT, WHAT?!" .\\\\\. izumi: 737 *whistling* Spirit: .\\\\\. >\\\\< "J-Just go wash up for dinner, young lady!" izumi: will do, dad. -elsewhere- Damon: *curled up in a blanket* becky:.... soul: *knocks* hey kiddos. becky: *throws a pillow at him* buzz off! Damon: "..." *pulls the blanket over his chin but stares at Soul* soul:....i got some lunchables for you. Damon: "..." *stomach growls* becky:...what kind? Damon: "Pizza?" soul: one pizza and one nachos. want me to heat them up for you? becky: i eat the nachos cold. Damon: "C-Cold, please..." soul:...ok then. *hands them the boxes* here you go. Damon: "...Th-Th-Than..." soul:...you're welcome. becky:...*nom* =n= Damon: "..." *nom* =w= soul:...*weak smile* Damon: "...Mister?" soul: hm? Damon: "W-Water?" becky: they come with capri suns, remember? Damon: "I-I know! I just...want water, too..." soul: coming right up, kiddo. Damon: .\\\\. *huddles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: i had lots of fun in class today. Chuuya: *smiles* "I'm glad. You know learning is going to be important for you, right?” sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *pats her head* "And I want you to do something with your life that you really enjoy..." sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "And I think Kajii will help figure that out...But for now, what you up for dinner?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *asleep on the couch* chie:....*forehead kiss* Yohei: "Mmm..." *yawns* "Hello..." chie: *smiles* hey cutie. Yohei: "Sorry...Was I asleep long?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Hello, Christa." christa: hi aunt yummy ^^ marie: ^^ Yumi: *smiles* "How are you?" marie: doing well. shiori: hihi. christa: hi shiowi! Yumi: "You two get to play today..." *looks at Marie* "Time to talk?" marie: sure, whats up? Yumi: "There are...important tasks coming up. We may have a mission." marie: *nods* Yumi: "There are...important tasks coming up. We may have a mission." marie: *nods* Yumi: "Soul and Spirit already checked the town. I've had a perimeter set to explore miles out from there..." marie: right. Yumi: "I can have someone at the Mansion babysit...I'll certainly need someone to keep an eye on Shiori..." marie: *she nods* Yumi: "..." *sighs* *watches the children* -they seem to be having fun- Yumi: "..." *smiles* "Shiori's been expanding her vocabulary." marie: *smiles* Yumi: "How was Christa's last visit to her doctor?" marie: it went well. Yumi: "She looks healthy. And getting taller." marie: hard to believe she'll be starting preschool this fall... Yumi: "She'll get a chance to make new friends..." marie: ^^ Yumi: "Shiori will have to wait a bit..." -elsewhere- Jun: "--and that also starts with 'A.' Do you know other words starting with 'A,' Mafura?" mafura: apple? Jun: "Heh...And let's look at where else 'A' is." *writes "Takuto" and "Mafura" on the chalkboard* -elsewhere- Wes: *looks in the window* "Beautiful, isn't it?" liz: yeah... Wes: "Care to try it on?" liz: YES. Wes: *opens the door* "Wait until you see other surprises~" liz: >u< *Fine music plays inside, as Wes guides Liz to a tailor* liz: *smiles* Tailor: *she looks up* "Oh, finally--let's get you measured." -elsewhere- Kunikida: -_-# "How does one [Arthur] get poison ivy confused with other leaves?" shinra: this is nothing compared to other things. Arthur: "I thought it was magic..." *scratching* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *leans back in his chair* "No luck..." yosano: .... Tanizaki: "Any other former Mafia sites to check?" Dazai: *knocking his head against the wall* naomi: there is an empty casino owned by one of their executives. Dazai: "...Uuuuuuuuugh, that dick." yosano: oh? Dazai: "Some Mafia prick. We tried to stay away from him." yosano: is that right? Dazai: "Think Mori. Only with more chains and slavery." yosano: .....good god. Dazai: "You'd be amazed what you could get away with..." *opens a cabinet, takes out a shotgun* yosano: .... Dazai: "And we'll need a grenade or two in case he gets whiny." yosano: noted. so it's just you and me going? Dazai: "It's for the best. The rest can check other sites." yosano: right. Tanizaki: "We'll correspond and alert the others if we see anything." yosano: *nods* Dazai: *dons shades* "We roll." -elsewhere- Adam: *shaking* lydia: whats gotten into you? Adam: "I'm cold..." lydia: well, it will be spring next month... Adam: "Ah-ah-AH-CHOO!" *sneezes--fire* lydia: ._.; Adam: *sniff* "I hate colds..." =_= -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *grumbles* pushkin: whats biting him? Gin: "Let's review. He may not kill. He is stuck here. He does not get to see the Were-Tiger." pushkin: that's rough. Gin: "He just needs a distraction..." pushkin: maybe i can tell him a story my sister used to tell me? Gin: "...Explain." pushkin: she studies unusual phenomenons and incidents, and one story stuck out. The tale of the white eyed princess of the mysterious tower. granted i dont remember all the details in full... ^^; Gin: *sigh* "It'll hold his attention..." Akutagawa: "..." pushkin: heeeeey ryuuuuuuu. OwO wanna hear a story? Akutagawa: "If it's about the time you tried to kill me, I already know how that one ends." pushkin: (he's still holding a grudge on me?!) no-no-no! its a story my older sister zhanna told me once! Akutagawa: "...Okay." -according to rumors, there exists a mysterious tower somewhere in the world. the exact location of the place is unknown to many, but it is said a witch with white eyes inhabits it. they say she has the ability to draw things and turn them into a reality. one day, she met a strange person who offered her a deal- pushkin: and that's all i remember. ^^; Akutagawa: "...Why did they have to be white eyes?" pushkin: *shrug* dont ask me, im not the one coming up with legends like this. if you want more details, you should ask zhanna....but if you do meet her, can you leave out the bit of me having been part of the rats? she would kill me if she found out about that. ^~^;;; Akutagawa: "What, she doesn't like mass-murdering terrorists run by a bleeding Russian jackass?" pushkin: >3< i had my reasons! Gin: "...Granted, if his sister knew that he was in the Mafia, would that be any good?" Akutagawa: "Hmm. Fair point." pushkin: ^-^;;;;;; Akutagawa: "...Thank you for the distraction." pushkin: any time, friend. ^^; Akutagawa: "Don't push it." pushkin: that's fair. ^-^;;;;; -elsewhere- Kunikida: "All is about packed. We missing anything?" atsushi: nope. kenji: all set. Kyoka: *still hugging Tamaki* "I am bringing her back." sylvia: .-.;;;; tamaki: =A= shinra: we're both going back to death city... *sweatdrop* Relan: ^^; "Don't correct her. She looks so happy..." tamaki: >n<# Arthur: *sitting in a washbasin in the back of the Matchbox, dosed in oatmeal* -elsewhere- Damon: "Zzz..." becky: ..... Damon: *yawns* becky:...*pap pap*...hey, damon? Damon: *yawns* "Hm?" becky: do you think we can trust that shark tooth weirdo? Damon: "...Heh. His teeth are weird..." becky: yeah...still, do you think we can trust him? Damon: "...He had food. He hasn't hurt us...has he?" becky:...i guess not.... Damon: "...Weird he said he would let us live with him..." becky: ..... Damon: "..." *sniffs...hugs Becky* becky:....*hug* soul: *outside* .....*sigh*..... -elsewhere- Wes: *holds up his glass* "Excellent performance, everyone. Cheers!" liz: *claps* ^^ Wes: *smiles at Liz* liz: ^////^ -elsewhere- yosano: this it here? Dazai: "The elevator will need a code or else it will trigger an explosion. So--" *picks up Yosano, drops her in front of the elevator door panel, runs back a few yards, shouts--* "I'LL CALL OUT A FEW RANDOM NUMBERS! GOOD LUCK!" yosano: D8< Dazai: "WHAT?! YOU CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING! AND EXPLODING HURTS TOO MUCH AS AN OPTION!" yosano: ..... *light bulb* *pulls out her blush and dusts the buttons* Dazai: "...OOOOH! Smart! Make the buttons feel all pretty! That'll stop the explosion!" yosano: -_-; *looks for fingerprints* -the 5 and 0 show up the most- yosano: how many numbers are used in the code? Dazai: "FOUR!" yosano: alright then....5, 0, 5, 0? -it works- yosano: huh. Dazai: "Good work! Let's get inside!" *steps into the elevator* -amazingly, elevator music still plays- Dazai: "...So...You ever gamble much, Doc?" yosano: i have won a few poker games. Dazai: "Lucky. I do pretty well against some marks--Atsushi. Kenji. Ango. A few I couldn't beat, though..." yosano: oh? Dazai: "..." {Dazai: "Oh, come on, Oda!"} {odasaku: alright.} {naoya: 737#} {Dazai: "Yay! I'm gonna have a clean sweep!" *cuts the deck*} -ding- yosano:......!!!!!!!!!!!! Dazai: "...My God..." yosano: *gags* Dazai: "..." *looks at a spot on the wall* -the bodies look like they've been here a long while...- Dazai: "What the hell...That decomposition..." yosano: they have to be several months old.... Dazai: "So, not the recent...thing that happened to Chuuya." yosano: shall we keep going? -she takes a keycard from one of the corpses- Dazai: *follows* yosano: ...... -the door at the end of the hall is open- Dazai: "..." *looks at the floor leading into the room* -there is blood all over. dried.- yosano:....!!!! -the corpse of a young girl lays on the floor. and ace's body still hangs from the ceiling- Dazai: "..." *points* "The one on the ceiling is Ace." yosano: so he's dead.....looks like he's been dead for a while.....and this girl.... Dazai: "Her throat..." yosano: ....do you think there's cameras? Dazai: *nods* "Will have to check a few more doors..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "Okay, we got Easter candy already, so unpack and shelve it." ochako: right! Hyde: "Just glad they didn't melt while seated here--" *pulls out--* "Wait..." *holds up Bunny Peeps* "...What won't they Peep?" ochako: *sweatdrop* bunny peeps are already a thing. they have been for a while now. Hyde: "Hey, hard not to forget--everything is a Peep now. Peep Snowmen, Peep Bats, Peep Turkey. Like a literal turkey dinner made of only marshmallows." ochako: *chuckles* Hyde: *smiles* "Granted, I've heard weirder. You ever heard of marshmallows on yams?" ochako: *bleugh* nasty. Hyde: "Or _pineapples_ on yams?" -elsewhere- Kafka: "Walter and I have a way of organizing who finished which document." goethe: oh? Kafka: *holds up a file* "This is mine. Notice the careful penmanship, the alphabetized files, illustrations clearly labeled. And now, Walter's--" *holds up a file folder with stickers and flowery writing--and glitter...glitter pouring out of the folder* "..." *the glitter keeps falling until it forms a puddle at Kafka's feet* goethe: fancy. Walter: ^w^ "Which is better, sir?" goethe:...walter's is more amusing to me. Kafka: T~T "But mine is informative..." goethe: yours is also boring. Kafka: "IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE BORING! WORK IS BORING!" goethe: 7u7 Walter: ^w^;; "Work can be fun...You just need some pixie dust--" Kafka: "Do not--!" *PFFT* Kafka: *now has glitter blown onto his face* -_-# -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "No report...How about you, Ranpo?" ranpo: nothin' Tanizaki: "Nuts..." *drawing points on a map* -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." *asleep in the passenger's seat* shinra:....u////u tamaki: *texting* Takehisa: "..." *looks in the rearview, spots them all* "..." *looks back at the road* Arthur: *scratching* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "--and in the future trips, be sure to work on your upper body strength to block better. I don't want another case in which Kyoka was able to get the drop on you when--" atsushi: TT.TT yes sir. Kyoka: "--and we can get our hair cut and find you a kimono--" sylvia: that sounds nice. *small smile* Kyoka: ^^ "Aya, interested?" aya: sounds awesome! Kyoka: "..." *sniff* sylvia: m-miss kyouka? Kyoka: *happy tears* "I'm fine..." sylvia: ... atsushi:...*small smile* Kunikida: "..." *looks at the road* "Hmm...Rain coming soon." atsushi: yeah... Kunikida: "We'll pull over at the rest stop and see if it passes..." atsushi: *nods* ...... -elsewhere- Dazai: *examining footage* "..." yosano:.....so dostoyevsky was here.... Dazai: "Of course he was..." yosano: and he stole that file.....*zooms in*...... .______.;;; oh shit. Dazai: "Oh no..." yosano: fuuuck this is bad. if he knows the mafia's abilities.... Dazai: "No wonder he anticipated us..." yosano:....*looking up files on the people working there* Dazai: "Ace liked to keep people around he could bully..." yosano: including oprhan children it seems... -the file shows garnette. the name reads 'Fiona Cunningham'- Dazai: "Orphans..." ("Odasaku...Atsushi...") yosano: good riddance to him then... Dazai: "..." *starts looking through files* -elsewhere- *The hotel door opens--with Wes carrying Liz bridal style* liz: hehehe~<3 Wes: *smiles, kissing her cheek* "Only the best..." *carries her inside, kicking the door shut behind him...the lights pop on automatically at a lower level* liz: oh~ Wes: *sets her down on the couch* "But all that standing..." *sits at the foot of the couch, untying his shoes and taking them and his socks off* "Leaves me sore." liz: *licks lips* Wes: *stares at her lips* "Hmm...You know..." *unbuttons his shirt, as he leans over to her face* "There is the hot tub..." liz: i would like that~ Wes: "Then let me help you..." *his fingers reach for the string at the back of her dress* "...while you help me out of these..." -morning- Hibana: *shivering in bed, muttering in her sleep* gabriella: *spooning her* Hibana: *heavy breathing...then opens her eyes* "Ga-Gab?" gabriella: im here. Hibana: "..." *sniff* "S-Sorry...Nightmares." gabriella: *hug* Hibana: "..." *holds onto her* -elsewhere- Dazai: *lays out the documents* atsushi:.... Dazai: "Gruesome, huh?" odasaku: .............................. atsushi: this is fucked up... Dazai: "Understatement...Those kids..." atsushi: ........ Dazai: "...Like a goddamn curse." atsushi: ......all the more reason to stop him. Dazai: "He's locked up...but he's still scheming..." -elsewhere- Fyodor: *staring at the floor* guard: ....... Fyodor: *looks up at the door* "..." guard: *saying nothing* Fyodor: "Where is the usual guard?" guard: her location isnt your business. Fyodor: "Hmm...Out sick, then." guard: (sick is right....they shouldnt be putting kids in charge of guarding dangerous sociopaths....) Fyodor: "I'm just glad they sent someone to watch me who is so good at their job." guard: ....(nice try buddy, i aint playing your games) Fyodor: "Although I'm sure it's difficult for your two-year-old." guard: ?! Fyodor: "What does little Jessica say when she sees you leave? 'No'? Or 'Bye-bye'?" guard: *trying to keep composure* Fyodor: "I'm sure the daycare on 42nd Street is giving her all the attention she needs. But I really hate that one employee. She forgets to lock the door after she steps outside during naptime..." guard: ..... Fyodor: "Want me to ask someone to keep the door locked? I could send someone over--" guard: i'll handle it, thanks. *exits* Fyodor: "Leaving so soon?" guard: *ignoring him* Fyodor: *smiles innocently* -elsewhere- Wes: "Mmm..." *turns over in bed* *smooch* liz: =///w///= wes~ Wes: "Liz..." *spoons* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Zzz..." sachiko: zzzzz Spirit: *yawns...* *turns over, his chest against her back* sachiko: mmm... Spirit: *hug* "Mornin'..." Spirit: "Sleep okay?" sachiko: yeah *snuggle* Spirit: *holds her* "Busy day? Or... sachiko: you bet. Spirit: "...How about I help start it well?" sachiko: oh~? Spirit: "Yes..." *takes her wrist, stroking it* sachiko: =///= Spirit: *kisses along her wrist and up her arm* sachiko: *giggle* Spirit: "Who's a happy girl~?" *kisses up to her neck* sachiko: ah~ Spirit: *his hand reaches for her back, tugging down...* izumi: guys its breakf-..... ._. sachiko: 0///0;;; Spirit: O\\\\\o "...GET OUT!" izumi: *slowly closes the door*....ew. sachiko: sweetie go make yourself some toast! izumi: will do! and i'll run to school with it in my mouth. -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusts his tie* stocking: busy day? Kid: "Quite a bit. Death Scythes are out on missions or coming back from them..." stocking: ah. and i have classes to teach... Kid: "And I have a long meeting..." *holds her hand* "...I may not get home until you're in bed." stocking: i'll be sure to wait for you. Kid: *smiles* "If you need to sleep...I'll try not to wake you." *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Relan: "Shinra is still napping." shinra: *snoozing like a kitten* iris:...(cute...) Relan: *hands Iris a blanket* iris: *puts it over him* shinra: *BIG KITTY YAWN* =w= Relan: *smiles* -elsewhere- Tsuyuki: *passed out at his desk* tinker:...*puts a little bunny plushie on his desk* Tsuyuki: "P..." tinker: ? Tsuyuki: "Pa..." tinker:....*hug* Tsuyuki: *calms down* -elsewhere- Rin: *carrying bento boxes* konekomaru: awesome! Rin: "Right?! Going to be one big honking meal!" shiemi: thanks for the food. ^^ Rin: "Not a prob! Izumo?" *holds up a box* "It's good~" izumo:.... *nom* thanks. Bon: "..." Rin: ^^; "Just glad you're back in class." izumo: i thought it would be a little later, but ok... Bon: "Don't over-exert yourself. Don't want to have to drag you to the infirmary." izumo: -n- Rin: "In any case..." *takes out his homework* "What was the answer for #4?" -elsewhere- Mori: *coloring* fukuzawa: .... Mori: *holds up the paper* "This path..." *traces a line* "...would have been an escape path from the casino, if that was useful information." fukuzawa: hmmm... Mori: "...I know. It's all sewer works. I can't figure it out..." fukuzawa: we'll see if we can get someone from city planning to help us out... Mori: *nods* "Yes. For the best..." -elsewhere- Allison: "Any better?" erina: i think so..... Allison: *sets down tea* "...Maybe it's too much..." erina:.... *she sighs* during the prison riot.....fyodor kissed me. Allison: "...What the fuck?" erina: he said he would keep me safe while everything was going crazy....and now i think _i'm_ going crazy. he's in my head alli....he's in my fucking head! Allison: "C-Calm down! I'm sure it's just, you know, like a...schoolgirl crush or something?" erina: i keep thinking about him. am i sick? i keep thinking i see him everywhere... Allison: "..." *leans closer, takes her hands* "Look at me." erina: ..... Allison: "He's not here. You're safe here. And if you do see him...then we'll get you the help you need." erina: .......... Allison: "...How many more sick days can you take?" erina: i-i dont know.... Allison: "...Want to find a different job?" erina: i might have to, if i end up being fired for this... Allison: "...That may be for the better, if this guy is getting to you like this..." erina: ....r-right.....*shivers* Allison: "...Want me to stay?" erina:....yeah........to be honest....there's a part of me that wants to see him again.... Allison: "...Why?" erina: its...hard to say....*blushing* Allison: "...Oh, God, you're hot for him?" erina: .... Q/////Q im so fucked up.... Allison: "You got to quit, Erina. And you need to get laid." erina: TT~TT Allison: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--which is what makes it a sonnet: the 14 lines and the rhyme scheme." sonia: *nod nod* Motojiro: "The sonnet is usually a love poem, but there are people who make it rather comedic. Take the insults Shakespeare includes in Sonnet 130--" sonia: ?? Gin: *walks inside* Motojiro: *reads the poem aloud* "--Now, we see that Shakespeare is saying his mistress is _nothing_ like ideal beauty." Gin: ._.# Motojiro: "Such as by calling his lover's breasts as being like 'dun.'" leo:... ^^; ..... O-O;;;; *tries to get him to stop with hand motions as if to warn him* Motojiro: "And yet despite her un-rosy cheeks, reeking breath, and wiry hair, he still loves her--" *spots Leo* "...What? Is there a moth in the room?" leo: *point point* Motojiro: "..." *looks around* Gin: -_-# Motojiro: "Hello, Gin! Care to listen to sonnets--" Gin: *grabs Motojiro by his tie* Motojiro: .w.;;;; -too violent to show- leo: D8> sonia: ._.; Motojiro: *stuffed inside a beaker* "And after recess, we'll review how to use temperatures to remove one's head from common laboratory instruments!" ^w^;;;; Gin: -\\\\- sonia: whats wrong, aunt gin? Gin: *pats Sonia's head* "Never say any of that to a woman, Sonia." sonia: ok. leo: *helping kajii out of his predicament* Motojiro: *muffled voice* "Thank you, my lemon gumdrop--OUCHIE!" leo: *hug* better <love>? Motojiro: <Much~> *his head is now thin and tiny like the Muppet Beaker* leo: ^^; *kiss* Motojiro: =\\\w\\\= *head re-inflates to normal* -elsewhere- Alone: "So, why do you call yourselves 'Villains'? Isn't that a bit on the nose?" tomura: we dont make the rules here. so dont ask me. twice: yeah, its ridiculous, but thats how things work here so just roll with it. Alone: "So who does make the rules? Is it Mister Misty?" tomura: *growls in annoyance* kurome: hi puppy. ^u^ Alone: *waves* "Hi, tiny person!" ^w^ kurome: *she wants up* Alone: .w. *picks her up* kurome: ^u^ Alone: *bounce bounce* kurome: *laughs* Alone: "Hee hee--" Kurogiri: *judgy dad stare* Alone: .w.;;; -elsewhere- Lucy: *opens the Agency door* "..." -_-# "Okay. I see a lot of paperwork all over your table. You know what I don't see?" *holds up a tray of food and drinks* "NUTRITION." atsushi: yes ma'am! *nom* Lucy: ^w^ "Good." *serious angry face is back, as she growls at the others--* "EAT." kenji: *already eating* ^u^ naomi: ^u^;;;; Tanizaki: Q_Q *nom* *whispers to Atsushi* "Your girlfriend is insistent..." -elsewhere- aya: *writing notes* Teacher: "Okay, class, we have a new student today--" -a young girl appears...elizaveta- elizaveta: hello. my name is Erika Ayanami. its nice to meet you all. ^^ Teacher: ^^ "Thank you, Erika. Please have a seat over there--" elizaveta: *sits next to aya and smiles at her* aya: *small wave* elizaveta: do you want to be friends? aya: i..guess? elizaveta: YAY! Teacher: "You'll be working in teams of two on today's science assignment. Please open your books to page 148--" -elsewhere- Damon: *shaking, small whimper* -soft piano music is heard- Damon: "???" *listens* "..." *walks out of the bedroom* becky: ?? soul: *playing piano* Damon: *stops shaking...just listening* becky: .... Damon: "..." *inches nearer* soul: *still playing* Damon: *leans more around the corner--and stumbles with a small thud* "Whoops!" soul: !! *turns* becky: you ok? Damon: *nods* "Ye-Yeah. Thanks." *spots Soul* "!!! S-Sorry..." soul: *offers hand out* its alright, buddy. *smiles* come on, lets get you up. Damon: "..." *holds up a hand* soul: *helps him up* you alright? Damon: *nods* "...That music was...kind of weird sounding." soul: oh? how so? Damon: "...Kind of dark?" soul: huh...did you like it? Damon: "..." *nods* becky: .... soul: do you want me to play something else? Damon: *nods* soul: any requests? Damon: "..." .\\\. " 'Twinkle Twinkle'?" soul: ok then. *playing it* becky:....*small smile* -elsewhere- Foien: *waves* dia: how is it? Foien: "So far, so good. I do have to do maintenance on it, and check in with my, um, 'mechanic' every two days to start..." dia: ah. ruby: neato. you're just like the main hero of the manga i'm reading right now! Foien: "Really? Which one?" ruby: the one about the alchemists. Foien: "Oooooooh. ... I kind of like the first anime more." pearl: i like both seasons. ^^; dia: -.-; Karim: "...The first film was awful." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *scampers down the hall in fox form* O~O eckleburg: ?? something up, lil guy? *Daisy can be heard screaming around the corner* Daisy: "WHERE IS THAT FURRY LITTLE BASTARD?!" Mr. Tsubaki: Q_____Q eckleburg: oh. oh dear. ._.;; Daisy: *marches forward, holding a broken leash...covered in mud...missing a shoe* eckleburg: miss daisy are you alright? Daisy: "Fitzgerald had me babysitting that furball--and then he went berserk! He ran so fast he dragged me through mud, dirt, and whatever else--and now I'm an f'ing mess and--and--AND WHERE THE HELL DOES FITZGERALD KEEP HIS GUNS, BECAUSE I NEED TO DO SOME FOX HUNTING RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" eckleburg: now now, lets try and be rational here. ^^;;;;; Daisy: "I am rational--THE BEAST HAS TO DIE!" Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *hides behind Eckleburg--the remains of his leash wrapping around his ankles* eckleburg: you're scaring him, miss daisy...and me. Daisy: "That's the point! You got to scare these craven little rodents to show them obedience!" *fire in her eyes* *The leash is now around Eckleburg's ankles--and Mr. Tsubaki bumps him slightly* Mr. Tsubaki: ._.; eckleburg: ah- *falls* Daisy: *slow motion* "Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuu--" *CRASH* eckleburg: ._.;;;; louisa: what happ-.... ._.; um... Daisy: *pinned down by Eckleburg* "..." *looks up* "Louisa. Take the fox to get bathed to get the mud off of him. Ignore what you see right now. I'm taking the rest of the day off to get this mess off of me." louisa: o...kay? eckleburg: *getting off daisy* OHGODIAMSOSORRYABOUTTHATITWASANACCIDENTPLEASEDONTTELLANYONE Daisy: "..." *still on the floor* "...You now have mud on you, and I am still on the floor. Help me up." Mr. Tsubaki: *hides behind Louisa* -elsewhere- yana: *streeeetch* ah.... Ivan: <Young Master?> yana: <ya?> Ivan: <How do you feel?> yana: <exhausted> Ivan: <Then let your faithful servant make it better! I will cook you any meal~> yana: just make me whatever. im still tired. oh, and bring me my laptop. Ivan: *hands her the laptop* "Here you are! I'll make you some muffins! With jam inside..." yana: cool. thanks vanyusha. Ivan: ^w^ *exits* yana:... (i guess he's serving fyodor through me.....the least i can do for him is to humor him...) Ivan: *humming in the kitchen* lydia: <so, vetya is on recon now. and gogol's doing whatever he was tasked with...> {Gogol: <Guess who's going to check the sights? THIS ONE!>} {elizaveta: Kyu-pi-pi! >v<} {Gogol: <Be good at school, child--if someone gives you shit, cut off only one finger.>} {elizaveta: <ok, kolya!>} {lydia: <gogol, is it really a good idea to let her go by herself?>} {Gogol: <Sure! It'll build character for her--and get us information about certain people~>} {lydia: <perhaps....but she has no ability to defend herself if she runs into trouble, nor is she able to bring leila with her...>} {Gogol: <Hmm...Hope she knows a little hand-to-hand...>} Ivan: "MUFFINS!" lydia: im sorry, my mind was elsewhere, what? Ivan: "I made them with jam inside!" lydia: ah. i...see. -elsewhere- oguri:....nnh..... {oguri: *staring in horror* ah....} {???: <Time to clean up...>} {oguri: y-you-...} {???: *grins* "Guess who I am~?"} {oguri: who are-} {???: "THAT IS THE CORRECT ANSWER! I am nobody! I am he who shall not be named! I am--drumroll please--GOGOL!"} {oguri: ....who are you and what do you want?} {Gogol: "..." -_- "What, the quiz wasn't entertaining? *sigh* My work of cleaning up messes is never appreciated..."} {oguri: cleaning up messes? looks more like you just _caused_ a mess!} {Gogol: " 'Mess' as in anyone who knows about our next course of action~"} {oguri: 'our'....then, you're with the rats as well?} {Gogol: "More or less~ We are the Decay of Angels..."} {oguri: *his stomach drops* !!!!! *he grabs the walkie talkie* RANPO! ranpo can you hear me?! the agency's going to get a big mission soon, DO NOT TAKE IT! IF YOU DO THE AGENCY WILL BE-} oguri: nnngh.... *opens his eyes* nhuuh...what....what happened...? *It's quiet...but there is a rank smell* oguri: *tries to get up....but he's tied to the chair* (shit.....those fuckers played me.....) *There is a puddle at his feet...Looks like blood* oguri: *groan* (am i going to die this way?....i dont want to die like this...yokomizo...ranpo...what do i do? im scared...) *tears falling* {???: "I think what I like most about you..."} {oguri: ??} {*Yokomizo smiles*} oguri: *crying to himself* i dont want to be alone here. im scared... {Yokomizo: "Even when things are at their lowest, even when you're such a pessimist, you give me hope." *smiles* } oguri: *hic* uuuuu..... *silence in the room...but it sounds like...a heater?* oguri: ??? *the radiator is rattling* oguri: !!! *shuffles chair away* *The radiator keeps rattling--then sputters and grows silent* oguri:....huh.....*looks around*....(where exactly is this?) *There are no windows...One light bulb hangs* oguri: .....(damn....how long was i even out?) *There's a bucket...Something smells* oguri:....(gross....) *glances to the door* *The door is...pink?* oguri:.... (weird choice.....) *scoots chair over to try to listen* *It sounds like Russian* oguri: ...... ???: *mutter mutter mutter--* "Fyodor." oguri: !!!! ???: "Just a bit longer..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Missions have been assigned." homura: *nods* Kid: "You okay with this task?" homura: yes. Kid: *nods* "Thank you." *hands her a file* "Keep an eye on them..." homura: *examines the file* *It's of the city after the Kishin attack* -elsewhere- Arthur: "--and the scratching has finally stopped." komori: [good to know] Arthur: *nods* "Thank you for the ointment. Were things okay while we were out?" komori: [no one died] Arthur: "Excellent." *whispers* "I had bet on Victor being the one to be horribly injured." -elsewhere- Free: "Ready to play?" milia: ^u^ Free: "So, you'll have to move the piece from here to Home--and if you bump into someone's piece, you say 'Sorry'!" milia: got it! Free: "Take the first hit on the dice..." eruka: ^u^ Free: "...and give it a roll!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "--and that's hardly the worst he has ever taught." naoya: well, sonia seems happy though. Chuuya: "True--and that's why I'm happy with all of this." naoya: *nod* Chuuya: "...How are repairs going on your ride?" naoya: she's lookin good. ^u^ Chuuya: *smiles* "Any spot you found down here to test it out?" naoya: still looking... Chuuya: "You would think these fools would keep something like that--even a garage." naoya: its possible. Chuuya: "..." *takes a flashlight* "Might as well look around..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *sips tea, thumbing through their textbook* tsubaki: how are you? Magaki: "Okay. I received the new book." *holds it up open* "I understand some words better, give or take a verb tense." tsubaki: that's good. ^^ Magaki: "How are you?" tsubaki: doing well Magaki: *nods* "Is your family well?" tsubaki: *she nods* Magaki: "What do you do for work, aside from missions?" tsubaki: i guess full-time mom. ^^; Magaki: "...Rather young for that." *small smile* tsubaki: *chuckle* Magaki: "Is Black Star a good 'father'?" tsubaki: .///. i suppose so. Magaki: "Hmm. He seems honorable, although a little more childish than I expect of parental figures." tsubaki: to each their own, i guess. ^^; Magaki: "I guess. The 'kids' like you both?" tsubaki: *nod* Magaki: "Is it weird that many of them, as vampires, are probably older than you?" tsubaki: i dont think that at all. Magaki: "...I guess they really respect you. Good." -elsewhere- Yukio: *grading* seiya: busy day? Yukio: "Looks like it. The papers keep coming in..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *crossing X's on a map* naomi: any luck? Kunikida: "No. Locations are empty, and any vagabonds have no reliable information. I'm still curious whether one of them is not former Mafia..." naomi:.... Kunikida: *crossing X's on a map* naomi: any luck? Kunikida: *sighs* "Let's take a break." *pulls up the news* -it seems a murder has occurred- Kunikida: "..." *scrolls down* -a young legislator was found dead five minutes after being excused from a meeting. his skin on the upper half of his body was sliced off and sewn back on inside out.- naomi: *covers her mouth* Kunikida: "Horrifying..." *flips back a page to some evidence* -elsewhere- Gogol: ^w^ elizaveta: im back from school~! Gogol: <Welcome! How was it?> elizaveta: <i found the girl from the agency!> Gogol: <D'aw! How did it go?> elizaveta: <im making friends with her like yanyan told me to. i cant wait to invite her here!> Gogol: owo; <...That was part of the plan?> elizaveta: *puppy eyes* Gogol: "..." <Not the puppy eyes!> elizaveta: *puppy eyes intensify* Gogol: <A-Ask Yana!> *covers his eyes* >_< elizaveta: oookaaaay. YANYAAAAN! yana: hn? Gogol: >\\\\\< <Cursed adorable children...> elizaveta: can i invite my new friend aya over? yana: sure. that's why i sent you after all. elizaveta: YAY! Ivan: <Shall I provide them with the proper chair?> *holds up a chair with spikes, an electrical chair head-dome, and straps* yana: *chop to the shoulder* <no. not that chair. save that for someone else.> Ivan: >3< <I would, but you all say the harlot is pregnant--> -ear tug- yana: <behave> Ivan: Q___Q <Yes, Tiny Master...> -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns, walking into the Mansion* stocking: *asleep on the couch* Kid: "..." *scoops her carefully off the couch* stocking: zzzzz....waffle island...here i come....zzzz.... Kid: *smiles* *carries her to their bed* stocking: *she seems cozy* Kid: ^\\\^ *sets her down in bed, climbs in next to her* stocking: mmmn...kid? Kid: "I'm here..." stocking: mmm... *nuzzles next to him* missed you... Kid: "Missed you, too..." *hug* stocking: mmmmm~<3 *kiss* Kid: "Mmm..." ^\\\^ *smooch* -morning- Yohei: *yawns* "Hey, little guy..." toru: zzzzz chie: hey sweetie. *picks toru up and kisses his forehead* sleepy? toru: *yaaawn* muma? chie: ^^ Yohei: *smiles* "Fine vocabulary you're developing, smart guy..." -elsewhere- guard: it's crazy... Guard #2: "???" guard: no one wants to go near _that_ prisoner. jeff just broke within a day. his wife found him with the top half of his head blown off... Guard #2: "Shit...But he's locked up here..." guard: that's the thing, he knows how to get into your head. hes like a russian Hannibal lector... Guard #2: *shudders* "...Wish they'd kill him already..." guard: yeah....no kidding.... Guard #2: "Who even is on duty for him today?" guard: no one wants to do it. ???: i am. Guard #2: "???" -its erina- Guard #2: "You're back at work?" erina:....yeah.... Guard #2: "...You're crazy. But hey, better you than me..." erina:....*walks over to fyodor's cell* .... Fyodor: *looks up* erina:...hey... Fyodor: "Hello. I have not seen you here in some time." erina: yeah.... Fyodor: "How are you?" erina: .....been well... Fyodor: "...You don't look well. Forgive me for saying." erina:...didnt sleep much... Fyodor: "What's wrong?" erina:....this is probably my last shift before im transferred elsewhere.... Fyodor: "Erina..." erina: ....*bites her lip, afraid to look back at him* Fyodor: "Look at me." erina: *she looks back* .... -her eyes are dull- Fyodor: "...Did I do something?" erina: .....my superiors think im getting too close... Fyodor: "...Oh." erina: .....what do i do? Fyodor: "If you don't follow their orders, then they will fire you." erina: .....*whimper* Fyodor: "...Do you want to leave?" erina:....no. i like being with you. Fyodor: "If you follow their directions...then you can still be near me." erina: ? Fyodor: "You would still be in the same building. And you may still see me..." erina:.................. Fyodor: "Would you want to still see me?" erina: they're transferring me out of the building. Fyodor: "...Oh..." erina:.... Fyodor: "...I'm sorry." erina:....i still want to see you... Fyodor: "..." *looks outside* "Cameras?" erina: all over.... Fyodor: "Darn. ...Hmm...Where is the kitchen?" erina: why? Fyodor: "Because when I return my meals...I'll leave something." erina: ?? Fyodor: "Just check the leftovers..." erina:.....ok.... -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Gross." atsushi: ..... Lucy: *sighs* "And I take it you're investigating this?" atsushi: it would seem so.... -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Ghastly." bram: who would do something like this? Daisy: "A sicko, that's who." -elsewhere- Kafka: "We finished your reports, sir." goethe: cool. Kafka: "Sir, we also wanted to determine what is next. After those foreigners at the Agency, we are not sure what you will have us do." goethe: just look into what the rats are up do. if that piece of shit dostoyevsky is up to something, i want him stopped. Kafka: "...About that. On Page 4, there are reports about truly horrific torture that may be tied to the Rats." goethe: oh? Kafka: "At least one high-level politician, as well as a few people that all seem associated with the Death City prison." goethe: hmm... Kafka: "Are you going to reach out to the Agency?" goethe: indeed we will. hans, contact the real estate agent. hans: right away. Kafka: "...Oh. Them." goethe: do you have a problem with them? Kafka: >_> "...No more than any problem I have with anyone else." goethe: you go with hans to talk to them then. Kafka: *nods* "Very well." *looks to Hans* "Lead the way." hans:...so how did you join sturm und drang anyway? Kafka: -_-# "I was desperate to have someone recognize my skills, one thing led to another, and he called me a roach." hans: *chuckle* did he really? Kafka: -____- "Now, I'm stuck like this." hans: ^^; {Kafka: "YOU ARE SO INFURIATING!"} {goethe: oh?} {Kafka: *holds up the check* "I ASK FOR YOUR SIGNATURE RIGHT ON THIS LINE! AND YOU JUST WRITE IT WILLY-NILLY EVERYWHERE UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT?!" *hands back the check* "DO IT AGAIN!"} {goethe: .....uuuugh, so annoying.} {Kafka: "DO I HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOU?!" *grabs Goethe's hand, tracing it along the signature line* "THERE! ALL DONE! NOW HURRY UP--YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE LINE!"} {goethe: .....} {Kafka: *leans back in his chair* =_=# "Stupid clients..."} {???: now that's just rude.} {Kafka: O____O *looks*} {goethe: *laying on a table, casually eating a pomegranate*} {Kafka: "...YOU AGAIN?!"} {goethe: the door was unlocked.} {Kafka: "..." *crosses his arms, pouts* "Stupid coworkers can't do anything right..."} {goethe: even rude to your coworkers? tsk- tsk-, so rude....*looks at a photograph* this your sister?} {Kafka: "!!!" *snatches it from Goethe*} {goethe: she seems unhappy.} {Kafka: "Hmph! Who asked you?" *looks at the photo* "..."} {-it appears to be a wedding photo. kafka's sister does seem unhappy...-} {Kafka: "..." *sighs* *sets the photo down*} {goethe: hmmm...} {Kafka: "..." *cough* "Is there more business you had, sir?"} {goethe: tell me, why is she so sad on what should be the happiest day of her life?} {Kafka: "..." *looks away* "She was happy."} {goethe: her face says otherwise....} {Kafka: "Hmph. Is it really your place to judge anyone else's relationship?"} {goethe:....your tone is shaky...as if you were hiding something.....his face is familiar. i believe i saw a portrait of him in the bank's hall. is he your employer?} {Kafka: "..." *clears his throat, tries to put files away--and drops them--*} {goethe: *glances down*} {Kafka: *slips papers back in--they look to have account numbers*} {goethe: hmm, who's accounts are those, i do wonder...} {Kafka: "STOP THAT! This is private information! We value the privacy of our customers!"} {goethe: just like you value your sister's?} {*grab*} {goethe: .....} {Kafka: "Get out. Now."} {goethe: hmmm... i think i see the story here. you made your own sister marry your boss...and for what? money? a position of power at the work place due to familial ties?} {Kafka: "Shut up..."} {goethe: either way, it was for your own selfish gain, right?.....how unsightly...like a filthy roach...} {Kafka: "!!!"} {goethe: and yet....you seem....unsatisfied....insatiable...you want...something more....} {Kafka: "...How would you know about anything like that."} {goethe: im here to offer you a deal. better payroll, better position, just name it. but it comes at a price...so what do you say? *offers hand*} {Kafka: "..." *looks at his hand* "...How do I know you would honor this agreement?" {goethe: would you rather waste your life here?} {Kafka: "...No."} {goethe: so? do we have a deal?} {Kafka: "..." *grabs an antibacterial wipe, wipes his hands, then offers his hand*} Kafka: "...Gross." hans: -_-# *ahem* Kafka: "??? Sorry. Just thinking." -elsewhere- Yumi: "And be a good girl..." *hugs Shiori* shiori: ok. Yumi: *smiles* "Thank you." *hands Shiori to Death* lord death: ^^ Yumi: *smooch* "We'll be back as soon as we survey the city." -elsewhere- erina:....*checking the leftovers* *The foil is folded up...* erina:....*looks around* *One dishwasher exits* erina:...*opens it* *Inside the ketchup has been spread out like a heart symbol* erina:... *blush* *No other message seems to be in there...for now* erina:....*exits* Guard: "Oh, they moved you to kitchen work?" erina: shut up, kevin. i was just leaving. Kevin: "Maybe I wanted to talk is all..." erina: *returning to her station* ....hey... Fyodor: *smiles* "Hello." erina: i got your message...*smiles* Fyodor: *nods* "I'm glad." erina: it was sweet.... Fyodor: "I wanted it to be." erina: ....*puts her hand by the food slot* Fyodor: "..." *reaches* erina: .////. Fyodor: *strokes her hand* erina: *blushing* fyodor... Fyodor: "Erina..." erina:... *looks at him* Fyodor: *smiles at her* erina:....i wish you could be out here with me.... Fyodor: "As do I." erina:...*sigh* i keep thinking about the riot...and what happened. Fyodor: "I know it was a heated moment...but I had wanted to for so long." erina: *blush* Fyodor: "I'm sorry it was not under better circumstances." erina: .... Fyodor: "I wish...this separation was not between us." erina: yeah...what can i do? Fyodor: "...Give me a moment." erina: ?? Fyodor: *leans back...and collapses* erina: !!!! Fyodor: *looks weak* erina: *on talkie* t-the prisoner's ill! Guard: *on talkie* "We're held up here. Open the cell and assess the damage." erina: a-alright then....*opens the cell* Fyodor: *motionless* erina: h-he's unconscious... Guard: *on talkie* "Damn it...Check his pulse and breathing..." erina:....h-he's breathing, but faintly. Fyodor: *his eyes open--and he places a finger over his lips* erina:...*nods* Guard: *on talkie* "Tend to him. If he worsens, call back." -elsewhere-
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
from perfect crimes to trips oversees
[[cont from part 77]]
-elsewhere- Stein: <--and we're doing additional follow-ups.> *adjusts his tie* <We will send you more information once forensics finishes, Inspector.> inspector: <thank you, doctor.> soul: ... Stein: *nods* "Come along. We got to get something to eat..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *collapses onto bed* T~T akaderu:....*lazy hug* rough day? Kepuri: *nod nod* "Just...can you hold me?" akaderu: can do, babe....*kisses her neck* Kepuri: "Ah~" =\\\\\\= " *cuddles* akaderu: feel good? Kepuri: "Getting better..." *cheek smooch, hug* akaderu: *kiss* Kepuri: "Mmm..." *leans her chest against him* akaderu:....*smirks and slides his hand down her....* Kepuri: "!!!" *shivers* "Oh, is that how--ah!--it-it is~?" akaderu: you tell me...*rub rub* Kepuri: "Ah!" >\\\\O "D-Don't stop...R-Right there~" *reaches his neck--licks* akaderu: ngh....you like that? *rubs the bud* Kepuri: *biting her lip...arches her back* "M-More..." akaderu: *slides his fingers in as he bites her ear* Kepuri: "Aa-ah! Fuuuuuck..." *grabs onto him, thrusting slightly* "Faster--harder." akaderu: god, you feel good.... *pumping harder* Kepuri: *puts a hand over her mouth, struggling to contain herself* "Mmmm!" *she's so wet already--* akaderu: *kisses her, rubbing her breast with one hand and fingering hard with the other* Kepuri: O\\\\\\\O *moans loudly before* "AAAAAH!" >\\\\\< *she climaxes, her back arching as she squirts* akaderu: ah....damn...*pulls out, sticking the finger into her mouth* Kepuri: *stares at him* .\\\\\. "Th-Thanks..." *takes his hand, kisses* "You're s-s-so fucking hot..." akaderu:....round 2? Kepuri: "..." *lifts her shirt up and tosses it, pulls down her shorts until she's naked* "Payback~?" akaderu:..... .//////. hell yes. -morning- Steinbeck: "--and no pausing for 'bird watching.' Got it?" twain: yes sir. .w.; Steinbeck: *sigh* "Baum, get us going." baum: *driving* Steinbeck: "..." *glances at Baum* "You sure you got this?" baum: of course. ^^ Steinbeck: "I just mean...you drive much?” baum: sometimes. i've only been in two accidents....that other people have caused. =_=# Steinbeck: "...Sorry." baum: but i survived. isnt that right dorothy~? ^^ dorothy: =A=; baum: ^u^ Steinbeck: "???" -elsewhere- Arthur: *sorting a box* tamaki: ?? Arthur: *pulls out a hobby horse* "..." tamaki: cute... Arthur: "From my dad." tamaki: oh...i've never met him. Arthur: "He's abroad with Mother." tamaki: oh, where are they? Arthur: "He's abroad with Mother." tamaki: oh, where are they? Arthur: *nods* "It's good of them to do so." tamaki:....*small hug* Arthur: "??? What's that for?" tamaki: just....love ya... Arthur: "..." *forehead smooch* "Love you, too." -elsewhere- izumo:....*looking at a photo* Rin: *rambling* >3< "--and then he says I don't take things seriously! Siblings can just be such a pain sometimes..." izumo: ...... shut up. Rin: "??? Oh, sorry--you were thinking about something--" izumo: be glad he's alive and ok. dont take your brother for granted. Rin: "??? Where'd that come from? I mean, Yukio's fine...right? Did he tell you something?" izumo:..n-nevermind... *takes the photo and walks off* shiemi:... konekomaru: do you think she's alright? Rin: "I don't know...What you know about Izumo?" shiemi: not much... Bon: "Her tamer training was obviously hardcore." shiemi: ._.; *gulp* nee: niii..... Shima: "She's probably just being emotional--" -punch- stocking: pay attention you. Shima: *head stuck in the table* Bon + Rin: ._.;;; konekomaru: i-im sure he's fine....maybe.... ._.; takara's puppet: he's just a moron. -elsewhere- Yohei: "Only a little while before Big Man here [Toru] is off at preschool." *picks him up* toru: ^o^ chie: *smiles* Yohei: "Hee hee..." *sets Toru in his bouncy* "...What you think he'll be when he grows up?" chie: he's got a lot of possibilities ahead of him. Yohei: "True..." *pushes bouncy lightly* toru: *laughs* chie: aw, you a happy baby? toru: babu! Yohei: "Hee hee...You smiling at Mommy, Toru?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "Thank you for your business." *hands the change* -break time- Hyde: *grabs a bag of chips and a soda* ochako: so, you really know licht todoroki? Hyde: "Yeppers. And he's as much of a meanie as you've heard." ochako: i havent heard that part. say...he's not related to shouto todoroki, is he? *Bell rings, as the door opens, with someone entering* Hyde: "Don't think so. I mean, Licht is as cold as Shouto..." ochako: but shouto does have a warm side, once you get to know him more. ^^ Hyde: "...I saw it. He nearly fried Midoriya to a crisp." *Aoyama has entered--and sneaks up to the counter* ochako: t-thats not what i meant. i think, shouto is actually pretty nice under that cold exterior. *small smile* Hyde: "If you say so. But I think--" Aoyama: *pushing Hyde's face away* "Bonjour." Hyde: *smushed face* "?!!!" ochako: O-O; aoyama! what the hey?! Aoyama: "So sorry. You are on your break, yes?" ochako: actually i was just getting back to work, nice chat. *exits* Hyde: *muffled voice* "MOVE YOUR HAND, YOU FAKE-FRENCH JERK!" Aoyama: "Moi? I am as French as escargot, Jerry Lewis, and mimes." Hyde: "...Your accent is totally off, and you butcher the language--" Aoyama: *deadly serious without an accent* "WATCH. IT." Hyde: .________.;;;;; -elsewhere- Mikuni: -_-; "Johannes is getting on my last nerve..." metsu: what did he do this time? Mikuni: "He's being very curt." >3< "I asked him a question, and he nearly bit my head off." metsu: shall i speak with him? Mikuni: "Please do. I have important work to do." *brushing Abel's hair* metsu: *heads down to where johannes' office is* *Muttering is heard inside* metsu: *listening* Johannes: "--then the solution is...get the three...find him before...need to--" metsu: ?? Johannes: "...Just a matter of time. Then we'll take care of all of them, neutralize threats--and maybe find--" *his voice is unintelligible* metsu:..... -knock knock- Johannes: *non-Johannes-esque* "What?!" metsu: !!!... d-doctor? Johannes: "...What is it?" metsu: are you...alright? Johannes: "...Fine. Busy." metsu: ....are you su- Johannes: "Sure. Certain. Fine. Good. Goodbye." metsu:......... Johannes: *has a bulletin board--with seven photos and strings going to one photo* -it's collected photos of the servamps...- Johannes: *taps the photo of Mr. Tsubaki* "Just got to ask one more person...and that key will unlock..." *pauses--the grimaces and holds his head* "Oh, darn it! I forgot his name again!" -there is another photo.....of a younger johannes and a slightly older girl- Johannes: *tearing at his hair--before looking at that photo* "..." *sniff* -elsewhere- otogiri: ........ Sakuya: "...Otogiri? Hello?" otogiri: !! the door's open. Sakuya: *pokes his head in* "Yo. Tsubaki's got some cookies done." otogiri: thank you. Sakuya: "...Feeling alright?" otogiri:...yes... Sakuya: "...Want me to bring them to you?" otogiri: i would appreciate that. Sakuya: *nods, exits* otogiri:.....*sigh* <damn...> {???: <Put on a smile!> :D } {####: *griiiiins* } {????: <alright, now say 'cheese!'>} otogiri:...... Sakuya: *in the kitchen, whispers* "I think she's upset..." belkia: i didnt do anything this time! Sakuya: ._. "...Not implying you did. She's not 'angry' upset. She's...sad?" belkia:...oh..... naho:..... *idea* hey tsubaki, we should give her a girl's night out! tsubaki: oh? Sakuya: "Sounds good--give her some time to kick back." Belkia: *whispers to Sakuya* "Like mani-pedis, gentlemen's clubs, and robbing banks?" Sakuya: -_-# naho: it's gonna be awesome! we can check out chibuya crossing too! Sakuya: "Maybe ask her when she steps out?" naho: *nod nod* Sakuya: "And we'll need a babysitter for some of the most difficult boys--" Belkia: D:< -elsewhere- Gopher: *tapping game controller buttons* kotone: .... Gopher: "..." *holds up the controller* "Want to?" kotone:...how do i....? Gopher: "Well, if you push the right pad it'll move your character right...and if you push the A button, your character jumps." kotone: *testing it* oh. *shiny eyes* Gopher: *smiles* "Try the B button to push the blocks..." -morning- Black Star: "Figure out your itinerary for the night out?" naho: yep. chibuya crossing is a must. then we're probably going to check out a few cafes and shops nearby. then we're gonna take photos at yamashita park, then we're gonna check out the ferris wheel. Black Star: "Nice!" -elsewhere- Hemingway: *asleep in a makeshift hammock tied to two trees* emily: .... Hemingway: *yawns, sits up* "...Miss Emily?" emily: yeah? Hemingway: "You feeling okay?" emily: yeah...just uncomfortable. ^-^; Hemingway: "??? Did I do something wrong?" emily: o-oh its nothing you did. it's just i cant sleep on the dirt like this. im uncomfortable _physically_ ^^;; Hemingway: "Darn...You didn't pack a sleeping bag?" emily: i mean i did, but im not sure if i can be comfortable on the ground.....where there are bugs....and snakes..... ._.;;; Hemingway: "...Well, I don't pay no mind to that. Want to switch?" emily: are you sure about that? Hemingway: "Fine by me." *gets out of the hammock* "Can't have you worrying about the ground." emily:...thanks.... -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzz..." fukuzawa: *making breakfast* {Rintarou: *pouts* "Daddy won't be here for breakfast?"} {tomoe:.......*she doesnt even look at him*} {Rintarou: "..." *silently scoops up cereal in a spoon, eats the soggy mess*} Mori: *sniffs...smells food cooking* *lifts his head* "M-Mom?" fukuzawa: *didnt hear him* Mori: "...Oh..." *gets out of bed...walks outside* "...Food?" fukuzawa: good morning. ranpo: yo. Mori: "...May I have some?" fukuzawa: *already has a plate set up* Mori: "...Thanks." *sits next to Ranpo* ranpo:. *nom nom* Mori: "I never got to eat breakfast with him much..." ranpo: ?? Mori: "Value the time you get to have breakfast with you father, detective man-child." ranpo: ...yeah.. *sad nom* -elsewhere- lana: edgar?....edgaaar. *pokes his cheek* Poe: *whimper, kitten paws in the air* "Five more minutes..." lana: *rolls eyes with a smile and brushes his hair back, kissing his forehead* Poe: *yawns, opens his eyes* "..." .\\\. "...Hello." lana: morning. you got a busy day ahead of you. Poe: "...!!! Oh, you're right!" *scrambles* "I have to sign the check..." lana: *smiles* -elsewhere- nurse: mr kunikida? Kunikida: *whimpering* nurse:...mr kunikida? you have a visitor. -there is a person in a bear suit- Kunikida: Q_Q "...I'm still hallucinating..." -the bear takes its head off, revealing...- ranpo: jeez kunikida, you look like shit. Kunikida: "!!!" "Ranpo? What the devil are you doing? Why are you in a bear suit?” ranpo: still being punished for disobeying orders and fighting the mafia. ...so you got transferred into psychiatric, huh? Kunikida: "..." *nods* ranpo: ...you know you're not at fault, here. the rats are the ones who set you up to take the fall. i know it's been over a month, but we're doing all we can to prove you innocent. Kunikida: "Not fast enough..." ranpo:....we're gonna get you out soon. i promise. Kunikida: "...Ranpo...He's already killed. Again." ranpo:....then lets make sure he doesnt kill anyone else. -later- karl: *chitter* Poe: *holding an envelope* =w= ranpo: ooooi. poe. whats up? *waving* Poe: "Eep! R-R-Ranpo? What are you doing here?" ranpo: business stuff. wanna come with? Poe: OwO "Are we going to solve a mystery?" ranpo: oh you bet your sweet bippins we are. -and so- Poe: " 'Cleaner'? Evidence tampering?" ranpo: yeah. one of dostoyevsky's best recruits. an expert at manipulating information. that fake police data was also masterminded by him. i wont fall for the same trick twice. Poe: *nods* "...But what if they change the narrative? And do you even know what this person looks like?" ranpo: just his face....looks kinda slimy, but like a fancy slimy, y'know? Poe: "...Like a slug in a nice suit?" ranpo: sure, lets go with that. Poe: *pulls out an old-fashion pocket watch* "Yet the time has passed and no sign of your suspect..." ranpo: .....so atsushi told me your sister told him you're reading this mystery novel. Poe: .w. "IT'S THE MOST AMAZING MYSTERY NOVEL I HAVE EVER READ IN MY LIFE--" ranpo: hey, did you know there was a pizza place across the street from here? ....sorry, got distracted, you were saying? Poe: *wicked smile* "Oh, but you are missing what truly makes this mystery story simply delicious..." ranpo: ? Poe: "The author...was murdered." ranpo: !! Poe: "...by the same method he wrote in his book." ranpo: ...bruh. Poe: "Three chapters were serialized. After he wrote the final chapter's manuscript, he died--but the killer stole the chapter from the crime scene. I anticipate the final chapter truly reveals how the author was killed--" *tears up* "BUT IT'S SO CHALLENGING!" ranpo:...you got a lot of free time, dont you? Poe: *nod nod nod* "It helps with writing." *weak smile* ranpo: can i see? Poe: *pulls out the magazine* "Here you go." ranpo: ......i think i know who did it. Poe: D: "ALREADY?!" ranpo: yeah. our killer has two motives. money and resentment. our culprit knew the 4th chapter's contents before it was released, meaning they must have been close with the writer. they waited for it to be finished, and with the chapter finished, it would fetch a hefty price. Poe: "B-But how would the killer know the chapter will sell?" ranpo: because they already sold it to someone. Poe: "Who?" ranpo: *points to...* you. Poe: "Karl, please." ranpo: you brought an animal into the building, one that isnt a typical service animal. a unique factor like that implies you werent acquainted with the seller. also a few days ago you mentioned winning something at an auction right? Poe: "Stop...Okay. I wanted to solve this mystery first--and if the police bought the manuscript, they would have figured it out first." ranpo: well, since we already figured it out, why not give it to the police, im sure you'll be given a great reward for it. Poe: *sighs* "I suppose so. After all, it only cost 175 thousand." ranpo:...................................................................................................... ???: brother! ranpo: ?? *turns to see…* -rowena is there with another girl.- Poe: "Oh, hello!" *waves* girl: .... rowena: what brings you two here? ranpo: business stuff. you? rowena: official mystery and occult club business. ^^ Poe: "Ah. Who is this?" rowena: oh! she's one of the new members of the club. *smiles at her* go on, say hello. ^^ girl:.................alice arisugawa. hi. -cold awkward silence- Poe: "...Oh. That's a unique name." arisugawa:......thanks. ranpo: ... soooo, what brings you guys here? rowena: ufufu..well, you see....there's been reports of a shadowy cryptid in the area!! <3 Poe: "??? Really? Does it have a size, shape, or distinctive odor?" rowena: that's the thing, it seems to have changed its appearance depending on who's seen it. some say it was a stag, others say it was a large dog. how fascinating! Poe: "??? Really? Does it have a size, shape, or distinctive odor?" rowena: that's the thing, it seems to have changed its appearance depending on who's seen it. some say it was a stag, others say it was a large dog. how fascinating! ranpo: (she gets all excited over paranormal stuff just like poe gets all excited over mysteries. i guess the apple doesnt fall too far away from the other apples.) arisugawa:....what are you here for? ranpo: *looks at poe* Poe: "Solving a mystery." arisugawa:....what kind? Poe: "Oh! Well, it involves murder--" ranpo: and we're looking for an envelope. arisugawa: might we help? Poe: *shiny eyes* "Ranpo? My sister and I are excellent at this line of work..." ranpo: alright. arisugawa: then....i will....use it..... Poe: owo;;; " 'It'? L-Like the clown?" arisugawa: *undoes her neck ribbon and ties her hair up into a ponytail. she then removes her eyepatch to reveal....a silver eye* *dramatic hand pose* the mysteries unsolved by my silver eye are next to none. ranpo:... rowena:... ranpo + rowena: OwO;; (she's a chuunibyou...) arisugawa:...*glance* the envelope thou seeks out, tis by window yonder. ranpo: ?? oh, sweet. -ranpo takes the envelope....there is an arrow on the window pointing up- rowena: ?? *she looks up....* !!!!!!! *A body is seen outside...falling...* ranpo: !!!! (that's-) -crunch- -screams are heard- Poe: ._____. "...That was the person in the photo." -and so- lydia: *observing the scene from a rooftop* Ivan: <Status report.> lydia: <the detective is investigating now.> Ivan: <Oh? You are monitoring him?> lydia: <yes. here's hoping oguri doesnt fuck this up.> Ivan: <Have some faith in him. Besides, we have our contingency...> lydia: hmm.... Ivan: <Would you like me to send backup?> lydia: <not just yet...> Ivan: <Then proceed.> -back on the ground- ranpo: *examining* oguri: *in the crowd* ... *griiiin* (all according to plan.) -ghost like creatures appear around him- oguri: (alright mr detective. bear witness to the ability even feared by the northen demon. PERFECT CRIME!) -the entities spread out, devouring evidence, but no one seems to bear notice to them.- Poe: "Instant death...Tragic." rowena: .... ranpo:.................................... Poe: "With this, you lost the person to clear your colleague?" ranpo: *still examining....hands shaking* officer: sir, please let the detective work. -_-; Poe: Q_Q "Sorry..." ranpo:..............dont know...... Poe: "Well...I mean, maybe he was suicide, or the Rats got to them?" oguri: *griiiin* (MUSHISHISHISHISHI~ you wont ever catch me, mr detective~! the ethereal gate is closed and will not open! i am the absolute detective killer! the false charges wont be cleared! and you wont ever find out.....) ranpo: *looks at them, with a look of utter despair* Poe: Q~Q "C-Come on, Ranpo! Let's look at the evidence..." *picks up the victim's shoe* "Maybe this has something?" ranpo: no..nononononono.... oguri: (and you wont ever find out.....why dostoyevsky let himself be caught on purpose!) {-two months ago-} {oguri: *in a cell*........ ?? } {???: "A pleasure to meet you."} {oguri: ??? w-who are you? how did you get past-.... !!!! } {-the two guards lay dead on the floor-} {oguri: w-w-what the hell did you do?! s-stay back!} {???: "I'm sorry for this inconvenience--but I came to free you."} {oguri: .....} {???: "Such untapped potential...confined by four walls. But freedom has a price."} {oguri:.....what do you want?} {???: "I want you to use your ability for a task I have."} {oguri:.....very well. but i have a list of conditions.} {???: "Oh?"} {oguri: i wont be on the front lines, i will only be using my ability. also i will need a bookshelf, preferably with books on the occult and ancient alchemy. also i will need 20 medium sized chest binders, 35 bottles of hair mousse, purple satin bedsheets, and a phonograph. also all communication will be done via text messages, i hate phone calls, they're too noisy. my room will be an elegant european styled room with armoire and walk in closet. tablewear will be either silver or white china and all my clothes will be starched.} {???: "..." “Very well. Anything else?"} {oguri: when this is all done, you'll help me escape the country. but it _MUST_ be at the very least, a month or so.} {???: "Why not the same day?"} {oguri: there is something that i need to do. there is someone whom i need to kill...} -...- oguri:............. *walking away* arisugawa: ??....*walks over to ranpo, trying to talk to him* ranpo: ....... Poe: Q~Q "He's so quiet..." rowena: do you think he's alright? Poe: "Ranpo prides himself as a master detective. If he cannot solve this crime, I am afraid it will shake him to his very core..." ranpo:...im tired, im gonna go home. rowena: e-eh?? arisugawa:... Poe: "R-Ranpo? Do you want us to walk with you?" ranpo: im good....im gonna sleep it off.... rowena:............ arisugawa: fret not, mr poe. i feel things will turn out alright....my silver eye has forseen so. Poe: "I sure hope so..." -in the alley- oguri: *giggles* (I AN INVINCIBLE! AGAIN! WEEP WITH DESPAIR, DETECTIVES! YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT THE KING OF CRIME! I WILL-) ???: "Hola." oguri: *SCREEEEEEEAM* *covers his mouth* QxQ (OH GOD THAT WAS SO HIGH PITCHED IT WAS DISGUSTING!) Ranpo: "??? Hey, not to bother you or anything, but you know where the taxi stand is?" oguri: *cough cough AHEM* um... well. (keep it together, oguri. he didnt see you, it's a coincidence! that's right, a coincidence!) sorry, but im afraid i cant help you there. Ranpo: "...Boo. I'll just wait here." oguri:..... *sweats* (FUUUUUUUCK HE'S GOING TO SEE THE EXTRACTOR'S VEHICLE! THINK OGURI, THINK!) well, there is a subway station not far from here. i can show you a map if you'd like- Ranpo: "BUT WALKING IS SOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!" >3< oguri: ^-^# well, maybe try taking the bus- Ranpo: "BUSES ARE ANNOYING, TOO! LIKE, HOW DO YOU PAY?! WHO CARRIES CRISP SINGLE DOLLAR BILLS UNLESS IT'S FOR THE SNACK MACHINE?!" oguri: ... (how does this man even function?) Ranpo: "Usually, someone from work picks me up, but one's in jail, another's probably drowning in the river, another doesn't have a license--" oguri: *INTERNALLY SCREAMING* Ranpo: *light bulb* "I know! Since walking is annoying, I'll just ride on your back home!" oguri: I DONT KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! AND HOW CAN YOU ASK SOMETHING SO ASANINE FROM A COMPLETE STRANGER?!?! Ranpo: "??? But I make my subordinates do that all the time for me?" oguri: ...................................... (WHAT) *A car is heard pulling up* oguri: TTvTT (OH THANK FUCK) well, my ride is here. so i must cut the conversation short. cheers~ Driver: "I am sorry for the delay, sir." oguri: to my stop please. (this will drive me to city outskirts, then i'll hop a truck all the way to california, and i'll be out scott fr-) Ranpo: *already in the back seat, arms crossed* "..." oguri: (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!) GET OUT! THIS IS A PRIVATE VEHICLE! Ranpo: "It's hot in here--turn up the A/C!" Driver: "Very good, sir." *does so as he starts driving* oguri: IT'S THE MIDDLE OF WINTER! D8< Ranpo: "Well, I need the cool breeze to go with the snacks in this fancy vehicle's snack bar." *pulls out a bag of chips* "Want some? They're nacho." oguri: NO! *glances up in front* Ranpo: "I really need to thank you." oguri: ?? for what? Ranpo: "For this ride in your motor vehicle! One day, I shall repay you. When you end up unemployed, destitute, homeless, and starving, I'll get you hired at the Agency!" oguri: *vein-pop* (why you little-)..... ^^# so, what brings you to the observation tower then? Ranpo: "Sleuthing." oguri: oh? are you in a school detective club then? Ranpo: "Nah, I'm trying to exonerate one of my coworkers. The one in prison who usually picks me up in the company car." oguri:.......i...see..... Ranpo: "Yeah, really bloody, too. Someone fell from the roof, and they murdered someone, and they probably were involved in framing my friend--" oguri: gross. im not really a fan of murder mysteries. i prefer more occultic writings to be frank. Ranpo: *opens bag of chips* "Yeah, mystery stories are so easy to solve. But this one puzzles me." oguri: oh? Ranpo: "I noticed the victim's shoes were too big for them--which means the murderer swapped shoes with them--" oguri: OwO;;; <w<;;;;;; Ranpo: "And that was one trick the suspect used--because they had to make the case just that more difficult, in addition to their reality-warping ability--" oguri: oh? an interesting theory. Ranpo: "Those reality-warpers can defy, well, reality, so my deductions aren't going to compete against them." oguri: (no shit.) Ranpo: "Good thing I solved it." *munches on a chip* oguri: ??!! wait what? Ranpo: "Exciting, huh? Well, as an additional thank you, not only will get your poor self a job, I'll tell you how I solved it! The key was the red envelope." oguri: !! Ranpo: "The 'cleaner' got information from some rats about ability users like my friend Poe, enticing him to seek the manuscript. When he grabbed the enveloped, the scapegoat was timed to fall." oguri: .... Ranpo: "And how did the cleaner get that envelope--with a manuscript in it? Easy: the cleaner killed the author and stole it from him." oguri: *his stomach drops* -meanwhile- yana:.......*walking back to the alley* .......... rowena:....find anything yet, brother? Poe: *shakes his head* "I've been reading as fast as I can with nothing..." *takes the last page--* "!!!" rowena: ??.... !!! arisugawa:....look at the quality of the paper. it was photocopied... Poe: "Yes...with a...spot of water?" rowena: but why photocopy the last pa- -CAW CAW! CAW CAW!- arisugawa: O-O rowena: o.o Poe: "EEEP!" *grabs his phone* arisugawa: that was his phone? rowena: oh, i see you got a ringtone now. ^^ Poe: "Y-Yes...Just surprised by the sound...and anyone contacting me?" *pulls up the message* yana:...... *walking away* ???: "Yana?" yana: !!!.... Anya: "...Is that you?" yana:...*sprints* Anya: "Come back!" *runs* -elsewhere- oguri: you're saying kindaichi's murderer and the cleaner are the same person? what proof do you have? Ranpo: "..." *reaches into his pocket--and opens up a sheet of paper to show--* oguri: !!!!!! Ranpo: *smirks* "Familiar?" oguri: b-but...but how- Ranpo: "I found it folded up and hidden in the flower shop. Trippy, yes?" oguri: .....*shaking* Ranpo: "Yet you'll notice this page is photocopied. And--well, I won't bore you with the details, but I determined the photocopy was the same paper in texture as used in the office supply shop next door." oguri: tch- that's stupid! why only photocopy one page? Ranpo: *smiles* "Why, indeed. Tell me, what was your name?" oguri: !!! i-i dont have to answer you! Ranpo: "??? Then how am I supposed to name the culprit in both the theft and the murder?" oguri: !!!!!!!! -the car screeches to a halt- *A gun is pointed at Ranpo's head* oguri: NOT IN THE CAR! Driver: "Cannot have the 'luggage' making a mess." *aims at Ranpo* "Out." Ranpo: "..." *smiles* "Well, that's all I needed." officer: PUT THE GUN DOWN! oguri: !!!!!!!! h-how- ???: "Ranpo! I did what you asked!" oguri: !!!!!! motherfucker... minoura: edogawa, get out of the car, these two are under arrest. Driver: "...Just try." *opens his wallet, showing a badge* oguri:...*grins* Driver: "I am Russian diplomatic staff." minoura: damn. rowena: you're not really going to let them go, are you?? Poe: "Diplomacy does not excuse attempted murder!" rowena: exactly! Driver: "..." *smirks, opens his gun to reveal--* "No bullets." rowena: !! Driver: "We'll drive off, then..." Ranpo: "...Dostoyevsky's plan, I'm sure." oguri: we bid you adieu..........*text message* ??....... -a light shines- oguri: w-what the- ???: "As I said, against a reality-warper, I'm hardly a challenge..." oguri: (w-what? where.....is this....i cant....i cant breathe...) ???: "How could you?!" oguri: !!!! (y-yoko....mizo?) Yokomizo: "How could you kill me?! You bastard!" oguri: y-yokomizo i swear its not like that!! Yokomizo: *grips tighter around Oguri's neck* "MURDERER!" oguri: YOKOMIZO STOP IT PLEASE! Yokomizo: "YOU KILLED ME!" oguri: I ONLY DID WHAT YOU ASKED ME TO! *he's crying* ???: "Exactly." oguri: ??!! w-wha-.... *Snap...and Oguri is watching...himself?* oguri?: *strangling yokomizo* oguri:...this is.....that former guild member's ability...poe...right? Ranpo: *behind Oguri* *nods* " 'I only did what you asked me to'...I knew the how, but not the why..." oguri:............ like you'd understand. Ranpo: "I think I already do...The key is that you put off your escape. A week? Or a month later? Who would wait after killing someone?" oguri: ....what are you getting at? Ranpo: "You're either crazy...or you felt obligated." oguri:.... {oguri: hey yokomizo, which is a better method? stabbing? strangulation? poison? blunt force trauma?} {Yokomizo: "Hmmm...Stabbing. Can't expect the audience to know the chemical composition to poisons."} {oguri: *pout* laaame. so who told you about your latest story, the murder one?} {Yokomizo: "My, my, that wounds me~...Tell me about the murder. I need an idea for writing--deadline's coming."} {oguri: -.-; that again? *wraps arms around his waist* mystery novels are bound by internal rules. the dying message trick in a locked room? it's old as dirt. if you want a puzzle solve it with a numerical formula, dummy. =3=} {Yokomizo: "..." *smiles* "You never change."} {oguri: *pouts* here's an idea. the police detective in reality switches places with the detective in the novel? the real life detective cant keep up with novel logic, and the novel detective is paralyzed by the real life case!} {Yokomizo: "It exists. It's called 'meta.'"} {oguri:..................... w-well then how about this! the detective and criminal battle it out, and the criminal has killed using magic, and the detective in turn uses magic to find the solution! there's no way that's commonplace!} {Yokomizo: "It's called 'Anti-Mystery.'"} {oguri:......uuuugh, then make a mystery about a poisonous insect! >n<# } {Yokomizo: *laughs...then gets quiet* "...It's hard not to get pigeonholed into some subgenre..."} {oguri:....yokomizo...} {Yokomizo: "Heh heh...Nevermind. Just thinking aloud, since I'm so happy you're here..."} {oguri:....*blush* tch-, still the same as when we were students....} {Yokomizo: =w= "You're one to talk~"} {oguri: =///n///= i could kill you, jerk.} oguri: right...i....i killed him...im a sick, twisted murderer. there, i confessed, alright??! Ranpo: "...No. You lied." oguri: ?! Ranpo: "First, if you had given the true solution, we wouldn't still be stuck here. Second...'sick'? 'Twisted'?" *yawns* "That's so cliche that the author might as well have been writing it off as just a joke...Because that's what they wrote: a farce. And a farce in which they were...the murder victim." oguri: .......... Ranpo: "...He killed himself." oguri:.................... {oguri: a-a year?} {Yokomizo: *nods* "So, I have a lot of work ahead of me." *weak smile*} {oguri: ............i-isnt there a surgery you can get? anything?} {Yokomizo: *small laugh* "Yes, of course...I consider all 'mysteries' from all angles, don't I?" *frowns* "There are no other solutions."} {oguri: ...........} {Yokomizo: "So, that leaves getting everything in order--including writing my ultimate mystery."} {oguri:....heh, even when you're dying, you're still on about your mysteries, huh?} {Yokomizo: *smiles...* "...I have the last one planned out. You know, except for the final key."} {oguri: and what is that?} {Yokomizo: "The criminal. And it has to be one who cannot be discerned halfway into the story..."} {oguri: ......who did you have in mind?} {Yokomizo: "...A friend."} {oguri: ......} oguri: ha...HAHAHAHHAHA.....alright! i was the one to play the murderer! of course i agreed! kill the man who annoyed me to the core _and_ get paid for it? why would i ever pass that up?! Ranpo: "Then why did you hide the manuscript?" oguri: eh- Ranpo: "See the water drop that smudges the ink? Well, when you write with quick-drying ink, like a professional would, no water drops. Therefore, the drops must have been long after the writing was finished...such as when the killer departed with the manuscript...and the last page would have been at the top of the stack of pages..." oguri: shut up. Ranpo: "When the murderer and the murdered are in cohoots, is that 'the ultimate mystery'? Hardly. You swapped the photocopy so that no one would analyze the water and determine that it was..” {oguri: *strangling yokomizo...tears falling* y-you're an idiot, yokomizo. y-you're the stupidest idiot i-i've ever met in my life!} {Yokomizo: *coughing* "J-just l-Like when we were s-st-students..."} {oguri: s-shut up....at least....tell me one thing....w-what is it you see...when you look at me?} {Yokomizo: *gasping...shuddering* "What I see is...the man I love..."} {oguri:.....*bites his lip, shutting eyes tightly* i love you too....} oguri:........................*eyes wide, tears falling* Ranpo: "I think we have an understanding...You know I could destroy your beloved's final mystery. And I want my friend back." oguri:....there's....no proof..... Ranpo: "There's circumstantial evidence--enough to poke enough holes in the accepted story, start up gossip, and turn this perfect mystery into nothing more than a second-rate dime-store novel." oguri: y...you wouldnt....... Ranpo: *opens his eyes* "I told you...I want my friend back. And there is something I've learned from this experience, from facing a madman like Dostoyevsky..." *sneers* "If I have to become a demon to make sure no one is ever hurt by Dostoyevsky or another of you rotten rodents, I'll gladly do it." oguri: *trembling* no........ -a shadow of dostoyevsky appears in place of ranpo- oguri: .....*terrified* Ranpo: "SURRENDER! Or I will publicly announce Yokomizo's farce and destroy his legacy!" oguri: ALRIGHT!!! *tears falling* alright...as...as much as i wanted to hate him....i loved yokomizo more than anyone...i'll turn myself in..... Ranpo: "..." *A hand touches Oguri's head* ???: "Bring back the evidence. Exonerate him. Now." oguri: ..................... -he looks up and sees....- "Dostoyevsky*: "..." *smiles* oguri:........... -and so- oguri:....*in the cop car* Poe: "So...What did the cops find?" rowena: apparently the agency's grenades were stolen during shipping. Poe: "!!! Then that should help in the case for Kunikida?" rowena: it should. *smiles* alice, we're glad you noticed that man walking off. arisugawa:....just thought......he was suspicious.... -cold silence- Poe: ._. "..." *looks around* Ranpo: "..." *approaches Oguri* oguri: ...............................................*glances up*....what do you want now? Ranpo: "I'm just tossing something I don't need--" *it's a business card* oguri:....whats this for? Ranpo: "I was bored and was researching secret organizations that could use someone to help them keep their cover." oguri: .... why give this to me? Ranpo: "Help them. The investigator recruits newcomers for Abilities Services--and if they learned the strength of your ability, they'd walk through Hell to recruit you." *turns and starts walking* "I said I'd get you a job..." oguri: ........thank you..... {-some years ago, at a junior high school-} {-a girl with dark hair is eating by herself on the roof-} {student: isnt that mushimi oguri? from class C?} {Student 2: "What 'bout them?"} {student: she never really talks to people, does she?} {mushimi: ......} {student 3: yeah, she acts like a jerk to everyone who talks to her. what a freak. lol} {???: "Excuse me."} {mushimi:...*glances up*} {???: "Is this seat taken?"} {mushimi: why do _you_ care?} {???: "I thought it's best to be polite and ask first--" *sits down* "--before taking action that could make others uncomfortable."} {mushimi: !!! *she glares* i didnt say you could sit here. get lost.} {???: "Too bad. I asked, you didn't give an answer--" *shimmies in the seat* "--and I'm comfortable now. Weird how people get comfortable in one spot, isn't it?" *smiles*} {mushimi: didnt you hear me? i said get lost!} {???: "Nope." ^^} {mushimi: ?! what are you, an idiot? *she gets up* i've just lost my appetite. thanks for nothing.} {-for weeks, you kept trying to talk to me. it never got to anything perverted, mind. but you were persistent in trying to know me...-} {mushimi: what's even your deal? why do you follow me around like a duckling? dont you have anything better to do with your life?} {???: "I wanted to get to know you."} {mushimi: tch-, thats a riot. trying to know a girl like me? who has no friends or social life? who's not even in any clubs or the like. a complete social outcast. do you really want to know someone like that?} {???: "Yes. I don't get to talk to many people..." *holds his notebook close to him*} {mushimi: ? what's that?} {???: .\\\. "...My writing?"} {mushimi: is it for an assignment?} {???: "Just...for free time." *hugs the notebook closer*} {mushimi: ....i see....} {-i remember thinking, i dont understand this boy at all...even when others would ruin my desk, throw things at me, shove me, you still stayed by my side...you even let them beat you up-} {mushimi: i dont....i dont get it.....why would you do that?} {???: *coughs, spits up blood* "...Because someone should...Because I wanted to..."} {mushimi: YOU'RE AN IDIOT, YOKOMIZO! YOU'RE THE STUPIDEST IDIOT I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE! *she's crying* i cant understand you at all! why would you throw your life on the line for me?!} {Yokomizo: "..." *hug*} {mushimi: ???!!!!! w-w-what-} {Yokomizo: "I didn't...want you hurt." *sniff* "I'm sorry...I just..."} {mushimi:....why? why do you persist so much with me? after all the times i insulted you and said i hated you, you never leave....i dont understand...} {Yokomizo: "...Love makes people act in unexpected ways...That is one of life's mysteries."} {mushimi: *pink in the face* y-you really are stupid....saying you love me? who could.....love a nobody like me?} {Yokomizo: "Because...you're so full of life. You're funny--intentionally. You have spirit. You don't back down..."} {mushimi: ..... } {-you were so difficult. it pissed me off so much....but i suppose you grew on me over time....-} {Yokomizo: "Feel okay?"} {mushimi:....fine...just been sick is all...} {-it was before we started senior high school...-} {mushimi:......} {Yokomizo: "So..."} {mushimi: i hate this...i hate looking at myself in the mirror......i feel all wrong! my body's all wrong, yokomizo and im going crazy! *tears falling*} {Yokomizo: "..." *holds Mushimi* "You're fine. And if you feel this way...maybe this isn't your body?"} {mushimi: i was born all wrong...i dont fit in this body....maybe if i were the son mother always wanted to have...maybe i wouldnt be so miserable?....you'd...probably not want to date me for that...huh?} {Yokomizo: "I want to date _you_."} {mushimi: i...y...yo....uu....*cries into his shoulder*} {Yokomizo: "I love you. And I want you to be who you want to be..." *strokes Mushimi's head*} {mushimi:.................yokomizo?} {*SNIP*} {-you cut my hair shorter than it was…-} {mushimi: ah-} {Yokomizo: "I think that may be a small first step?"} {mushimi: .....i...i think so..........hey.....can i ask something from you?} {Yokomizo: "Sure."} {mushimi: can you....call me 'mushitaro' from now on?} {Yokomizo: *nods* "Mushitaro."} {mushitaro:...*hugs him* thanks....} oguri:.......(i know, you'd want me to move on after you died....i've tried, believe me....but i think there's always a part of me that loves you....) -smoke billows from ahead- driver: ??? what the heck? oguri: ??? *An officer waves down the car* driver: was there an accident? Officer: "What do you think? Yes, there was. A murder." driver: a murder? Officer: "Yes. And do you know who was murdered?" driver: who? oguri: ??? *BANG* oguri: !!!!!!....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! -with ranpo- -the cop car walkie talkie is going off- Radio: *static* "--gone--" officer: ?? rowena: ??? oguri: -npo! ranpo can you hear me?! the agency's going to get a big mission soon, DO NOT TAKE IT! IF YOU DO THE AGENCY WILL BE- -BANG BANG- rowena: ??!! -the line goes silent- ranpo: what.....what the hell? -elsewhere- yana: *pant, pant*.... *she had made it to an alley* (come on, gonch, get here soon....) Anya: "Yana!" yana: *tenses and looks back* oh....hello princess.....been a while, huh? Anya: *pouting...and looking enraged* "Don't you 'Princess' me!" yana:.....you seem mad.....is it because i didnt give you a proper goodbye? Anya: "And then you run off when I see you?! What the devil was that about?! I had to run--in these shoes--in this dress--just to catch up to you?! What the hell?!!" yana:....its pretty complicated....but i doubt we'll meet again after this, so i'll tell you......*whispers in her ear* the rats in the house of the dead......im one of them. Anya: *her eyes widen* yana:....*glances*....my ride's here.......just forget seeing me today.........*kisses her on the lips* it's our little secret, ok? Anya: *too stunned* "No..." yana: <farewell, princess.> *drops flash grenade and escapes* Anya: "W-Wait!" *tries to re-adjust her eyes, running blindly--into the street* -grab- tsugumi: anya! there you are! Anya: "Ts-Tsugumi? Where did she go..." tsugumi: what do you mean? *worried* Anya: "..." *covers her face* "I can't even see which way to go..." tsugumi: anya anya are you ok?? -elsewhere- yana:....<come on, let's go.> Ivan: <Of course.> *starts driving...glances in the rear-view mirror* "?!!" <Are you injured?!> yana: ?? <what do you mean?> Ivan: <You're crying.> yana: eh?.....*she touches her cheek. it's wet* so i am.....huh.....weird.... Ivan: "...But you're not hurt?" yana: i dont....think so.... -later, after reopening kunikida's case, he was declared innocent and released- -pop pop- -confetti all over- aya: welcome home, kunikida!! ^u^ Kunikida: "..." *nods* "Thank you." naomi: we wanted to make a notebook cake, but this was all we could make. *it's a simple round cake with a notebook crudely drawn with frosting on it* Kunikida: "...It's the thought that counts." atsushi: *smiles* fukuzawa:..... Kunikida: "..." *sits* "...May I have some water?" fukuzawa: of course....after you're all rested up, we have a new mission. ranpo: *tenses* Kunikida: "...So soon?" *his hand shakes slightly along the glass* fukuzawa: but first, i want you to get rest, kunikida. you could use it. Kunikida: "Of course." *sips the water* "..." ("It's so different from what I've been drinking...") yosano: i'll need to check vitals later. so come see me when you're ready. Kunikida: "Of course. Later this afternoon." *sets the glass down, sits upright* "Parameters for the mission, sir?" fukuzawa: alright. but first, i'll need to explain something to everyone. this may come off as a shock, so i want you all in a good mindset. Dazai: "..." Kunikida: "Sir?" ranpo: ..... {oguri: ranpo can you hear me?! the agency's going to get a big mission soon, DO NOT TAKE IT! IF YOU DO THE AGENCY WILL BE-} (will be what?) Tanizaki: "Was this the mission you had talked about before...before?" fukuzawa: *he nods* yes. you will be traveling abroad for this mission. Tanizaki: "Well, we have most passports in order. I'm still working on Kyoka's..." Kyoka: "...I could expedite the process. Which post office do I need to visit--" atsushi: kyouka.. ._.; Tanizaki: "No need for that--I'll just visit the post office myself." ^^; "Without knives, tasers--" Kyoka: "A pen is also a deadly weapon." Dazai: "I can confirm~" kirako: ^^;; Kunikida: *stares at Dazai and Kyoka* "NO KNIVES. NO TASERS. NO PENS. LET TANIZAKI HANDLE THIS, OR I SWEAR I WILL PUT DEMERITS IN BOTH OF YOUR FILES." *stares at Atsushi* "Have you not been keeping a tighter leash on these two?" atsushi: we've been doing our best. Kunikida: "..." *sighs* "I know. Just...keep an eye on them." aya: ...... -elsewhere- Anya: *curled up in bed* "..." tsugumi: anya? we brought you some snacks. Anya: "..." *grunts* "Thank you." tsugumi:....we're here for you, ok? Anya: "..." *sniff* "O-Okay..." tsugumi:....*hug* Anya: *starts crying, shivering* tsugumi: it's alright.... -elsewhere- yana: .......... Ivan: "..." <You've been quiet.> yana: hm? oh....sorry.....been feeling kinda sick..... Ivan: <Let's get you some chicken soup.> yana: thanks.......you mentioned something about a new recruit showing up soon? lydia:..............*excalibur face* we'll need to stock up on alcohol. yana: why, they a heavy drinker? lydia:............no. Ivan: <We...just have to do our best through this for Master and Mini Master~> ^^;;;;;;; yana: ?? *There is a small explosion between the three of them* ???: "GUESS WHO'S BACK?!" lydia:................*long sigh* yana: <what the fuck?!> ???: "It's me! Go-Go-Gogol!!!" yana:........*gives ivan a weird look as if to ask 'why'?* Ivan: owo; "Just...part of Master's brilliant plan. I think. I hope. I don't know anymore..." yana:....lydia, get as much booze as humanly possible. lydia: <already on it.> Gogol: *dancing...to no music* Q: oh boy, is the circus here? *shiny eyes* Gogol: "I ask the questions here, okay?" *takes off his hat, pulls out a chocolate bunny* "You like candy?" Q: *nom* ^u^ thaaanks. 💗 zoey: ??? Gogol: "??? Who's she?" lydia: <our new medic. the child's foster mother> Gogol: <Is she any good?> lydia:.... <as a medic or as a mother?> -elsewhere- Vulcan: *adjusting wires* "Just a bit more--" *zap* "Ouch!" karin: you ok? Vulcan: "Gah...Yeah, just attached to the wrong wire." *attaches two others* "Okay. That should start it. Put it on without weapons engaged?" karin: alrighty! *putting it on* Vulcan: *checking a tablet* "Okay, looking good...Try the flamethrower?" -FWOOOOM- karin: looking good! Vulcan: "Alright! That's what I'm talking about--" *Fire alarm goes off* karin:...*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- higuchi: *hands in paperwork* here, those should be the forms. all filled out. Hirotsu: "You're sure about this?" higuchi: *she nods* this is for the good of the mafia. Hirotsu: "Quite a team you picked..." *signs off* "You got a pilot?" higuchi: *she nods* Hirotsu: "And you're sure about...the Russian?" higuchi: she has a name, sir. -_-; but she seems to be trustworthy. Hirotsu: "Very well. Keep an eye on her, though. When do you leave?" higuchi: in a few days. Hirotsu: "Understood. You will need to get a cover while overseas." -elsewhere- Belkia: "You up for a girls' night?" naho: yep! it's gonna be lit! Belkia: "Well, it's going to be dull here. Sham will probably make 'boys night' into charades and bonsai pruning." Shamrock: X_-; lavender: you can watch scary movies if you want. Belkia: "And see how quickly we make Sham pee himself!" Shamrock: x_-### -elsewhere- katya: -and after we pull the wrench out from his eye socket, i said 'i thought wrenches were supposed to _fix_ things!' *cackling* pushkin: hahaha! XD tachihara: ._______o;;;;;;; Chuuya: -_-;;; miura:...how is that even remotely funny? katya: *shrug* what can i say? when you've been in the rats as long as we have, you kind of develop a fucked-up sense of humor. Chuuya: "I motion that we limit them to knock-knock jokes." katya: alright. knock knock. Chuuya: "Who's there?" katya: so. Chuuya: "So who?" katya: so who's going to dig the hole for the body? HAHAHAHAH!!! naoya:..... >->;;; Chuuya: *sigh* "Still not as awful as before..." katya: oh? well then, i accept your challenge. -elsewhere- Daisy: *asleep on couch* Fitzgerald: ._.;; "...What do we pay her for?" mary: i think she has a fever. eckleburg: D8> i'll call a doctor. Fitzgerald: "??? We don't have one working in this building?" louisa: *checking the files* *Someone enters the room* ???: "Hello. I'm the company physician..." Fitzgerald: "Ah, Owl Eyes, come in." Owl Eyes: ( - ) _ ( - ) ;;;; "Of course..." *walks up to Daisy* "I'll check the patient..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *slow inhale* -knocking- Kunikida: "..." *waits* "...Yes?" aya: hey, katai's here! Kunikida: "Oh, well, I should greet--" *HUG* Kunikida: "..." Katai: Q____Q "I'M SORRY!" aya: *leg hug* Kunikida: "...For...what?" Katai: "I should have gotten you out sooner! I kept going down rabbit holes--but it all kept disappearing!" Kunikida: "...I'm out now. It's past. Thank you." aya: *tiny smile* Katai: Q_____Q *still hugging Kunikida* "...You've gotten thin..." Kunikida: -_-; "Enough." aya: well, we're gonna make you the best dinner of all time! Kunikida: "...I'm sure it'll be good. What were you thinking?" aya: let's see what we got! Katai: *looking in the cupboards* "Pasta?" aya: heck yes!! -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *shivers in the cold outside* rashomon: *sad growl* Akutagawa: "..." *awkward pet* "Let's get inside already..." *turns into a random building* -elsewhere- Ted: *humming lightly* ???: <there you are. the boss has been meaning to speak with you.> Ted: "???" <Where to?> -elsewhere- Kid: *reviewing files...yawns* lord death: long day? Kid: *nods* "The recent crimes had me trying to find patterns...But it's all a jumble now." homura: so strange. it could take a month to get it all in order.... Kid: *looks at Homura* "Good thing we have people quick at bringing order to chaos..." homura: hmm..... -elsewhere- pushkin: *singing* what ever happened to predictability? the milkman, the paperboy, evening tv~ *whistling* Gin: -______________- pushkin: Owo;;;;;; heeeeeeyyyyy giiiin.... you're not still mad at me about the whole 'poisoning your bro' thing....right? ^-^;;;;;;;; Gin: "It's how I think of you." pushkin: QuQ;;;;;;;; Gin: "You should be aware that anyone in the Mafia is obligated to stop their peer should they be a threat to the organization..." pushkin: noted. .w.;;;;;; but i can understand why you're pissed off at me about your bro. hell, if something like that happened to my siblings, i'd be pissed too. Gin: "Your parents had more of you?" pushkin: i come from a pretty big family. Gin: "Hmm. Doubt you speak with them as much as you want." pushkin: no kidding. and given my line of work... ^-^;;; Gin: "...Yes." *looks out the window* pushkin:....i got photos. ^^ Gin: "Oh?" pushkin: ^u^ -he wasnt kidding when he said he was from a big family- tachihara:... .________________________.; Gin: "...I thought it would be your face PhotoShopped onto multiple babies." pushkin: hardee har......*making mental note to do that as a joke* Gin: "What's the age difference?" pushkin: im one of the older kids, and most of them are in their teens, with some in the single digits. Tachihara: it’s like the Russian Duggars. -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *packing his suitcase* naomi: *squeeeee* im so excited!!! >u< Tanizaki: ^^;;; "You figure out which tourist stops to visit?" naomi: still looking online. Tanizaki: "Like a museum or a play?" naomi: *nod nod* Tanizaki: "Hmm..." *checks his phone* "This one might be good--but I'll have to pack a suit." -elsewhere- Gogol: <Who's the best dancer? I'm the best dancer! Who's the best dancer? I'M THE BES--> lydia: <please go to sleep already.> Gogol: <Did I wake you?> lydia: <how can you wake me if i wasnt even sleeping?> -_-# Gogol: <Have you tried warm milk and a bedtime story? I got a great one!> lydia: -____- (the things i do for love...) Gogol: <How about 'The Frozen Woman of the Lake'? That one helps me sleep!> -elsewhere- Dazai: "I'm back." *carrying in groceries* kirako: *smiles* mii: *mreow* Dazai: *pets Mii* "I can start up dinner--even got some of the fancy lettuce." kirako: thanks. Dazai: "How you feeling?" kirako: alright. *rubs her stomach* Dazai: "...How's the little one?" kirako: coming along.....want to listen? Dazai: "...Y-Yeah..." *approaches...presses his head against her belly* "...!!!" kirako: ?? what is it? Dazai: "Just...listening." kirako:....*pets his head* Dazai: =///= kirako: *smiles* Dazai: "Next doctor's appointment coming up?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "That's a big trip." atsushi: yeah. im kind of nervous. Lucy: "You haven't traveled that far, have you?" atsushi: no. i've never left the country. Lucy: "I hardly think crossing the border from Canada counts as much travel..." *shudders* "Not after reports of rampaging starving wild men tearing through local waffle houses..." atsushi:...oook then? Lucy: "...!!!" *shiny eyes* "They have fancy chocolate in Germany, right?!" atsushi: i think so. i'll be sure to bring some back for you. Lucy: *glomp* atsushi: O/////////O *tiger tail sticks straight up* Lucy: *cheek smooch, hug* -elsewhere- yana: and _that_, Q, is where babies come from. Q: O___________________________________.;;;;;;; Ivan: O-O; <Maybe that was a mistake?> Q: QAQ I THOUGHT MY THINGY WAS ONLY FOR PEEING!! Ivan: >_< "This is going to backfire..." Q: how do i switch between pee and c-men? yana: DONT...say it out loud. ._.;;; Ivan: *looks around* zoey: oh, sweetie. it's natural... ^^ *hug* Ivan: >_> Q: so then im _not_ supposed to pee in them? Ivan: >_____< zoey: *smiles* your papa....put his semen inside me....and soon....you're little sibling will be born~<3 Ivan: *covers his face* <Such awful parenting...> yana: <think _you_ could do better?> Ivan: "Hmph." <Why would I?> yana:....*shrug* <just thinking out loud...> Ivan: "..." *stares at Q* <I could always mold him into Master's image~> yana:..... >->;;;; <forget i even asked.> lydia: <ivan no> Ivan: "Young child! I will make you into the man that will earn your father the pride and acclaim he deserves!" Q: QuQ~? zoey: *HISSSSSS* Ivan: " *HISSSSSS* yourself!" *smiles at Q* "Let's get you a better outfit than the one that makes you look like a nightmarish ventriloquist dummy sent to haunt the innocent and drive the wicked into despair~" zoey: mommy will pick out a nice little outfit for you! Ivan: " 'Mommy' can't even dress herself without looking like a gigantic <slut>!" zoey: at least _i_ dont wrap bandages around my head like an idiot! Ivan: "IT'S MY AESTHETIC! What's your aesthetic--early 21-century skank?!" zoey: i happen to enjoy the leather! it makes me feel....as though master is punishing me all the time <3 yana:......................*facepalm* Ivan: "..." <I was letting leather rub against my nethers long before your whorish backside was brought into this organization, you psychopath.> yana: <stop them before they hurt themselves.> lydia: <vanyushka, i think you've made your point.> *sweatdrop* Ivan: "I weep for poor Master, to have such a woman incapable of caring for a child, now carrying his child. Her womb is not fit for garbage!" lydia: *grabs him by the throat and glares* Ivan: "!!!" lydia: <behave.> Ivan: "..." >_> <I was just saying...> lydia: *STAAAAARE* Ivan: ._.;;;; <...Okay.> yana: looks like it was a stalemate, then. Ivan: >_< -elsewhere- Kid: *sits back* stocking: *snuggle* hehe~ Kid: *hug* =\\\\w\\\\= "So nice..." stocking: hmhm~<3 *nuzzle* im so lucky. Kid: "???" stocking: to have such a wonderful husband~<3 Kid: "D'aw..." *hugs* "You're too good to be true." stocking: *giggles and kisses his jaw* Kid: ^\\\^ "Aaaa~" stocking: *sits down on his laps and snuggles* u///u Kid: *strokes her hair, holding her close* "I love you." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *reading* mito: *asleep on his lap* Chuuya: *strokes her back* mito: =w= Chuuya: *keeps petting as he reads--* ("This is a weird mission...Why that far overseas for them?") {Chuuya: "Why there?"} {higuchi: according to reports, mori was raised there. if we investigate his home, we could potentially find hints as to his whereabouts.} {Chuuya: "...You think he traveled that far?"} {higuchi: cant say for sure....} {Chuuya: "Well, I'm guessing Motojiro can help with that--maybe trace some of Mori's usual scents..."} {higuchi: perhaps.} {Chuuya: "...I guess I'm keeping an eye on Akutagawa, then?"} {higuchi: *she nods*} Chuuya: *sighs* "Maybe a meal would work..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sitting up in bed* "..." -the apartment is silent, aya is asleep in her room- Kunikida: "..." *shudders* {Kunikida: *strapped to his bed*} nobuko: *laying next to him* i love you...doppo...*smiling* Kunikida: "You're not real...You're not..." nobuko: dont you....want me? Kunikida: "...I don't want fantasies. I want...my ideal." nobuko: even after we made love in this same bed so long ago?.....you felt so good... Kunikida: "Stop..." *crying* "Just stop..." nobuko: *undressing.....revealing her body is falling apart, with patches of skin missing, revealing bones under* Kunikida: "!!!" *backs up* nobuko: i want you....i miss you so much its so cold its so cold its so cold.... Kunikida: "NO!" *swings his arm* aya: *slams the door, holding a hammer* WHATS GOING ON IN HERE?! Kunikida: *backed up to the wall* Q_Q aya: kunikida what the heck happened? i heard a noise and i thought someone broke in! Kunikida: "...Just a nightmare. I am sorry to have woken you. ...AND WHY DO YOU HAVE THE HAMMER?!" aya: in case of an intruder. Kunikida: "..." *sigh* "A hammer is ineffective without proper aim. Tomorrow, we train you on projectiles." aya: neato! Kunikida: "...Try to go back to sleep." aya: ok. niiight. -morning- Kouyou: "Nervous leaving again?" leo: *nods* Kouyou: "Understandable. Go you even know German?" leo: ....not...much.... 7.7; Kouyou: "The Mafia will find a way to provide a translator--" *THUMP* leo: *jumps slightly* ah! *Motojiro is pressed against the window--having crashed into it* leo: ._.; *opens the window* are you alright? Motojiro: *lifts his head, his nose bruised* "PEACHY!" *he's hanging onto a rope he swung on--and holds up a translation book* leo: ah. so then you're our translator? Kouyou: -_-; "Well, he is a polygot, but his German is rather poor..." Motojiro: ^^; "I'm working on that!" *suddenly speaking fluent German* <You have nothing to fear when I'm on the job!> leo: ^^ Kouyou: "...You're still getting the vowels wrong." leo: at least it's better than nothing, right? Motojiro: *shiny eyes* Kouyou: *sighs* "Very well. Proceed with the mission." leo: understood. Motojiro: "Yay!" >w< -elsewhere- Takehisa: *removes his glasses, rubs his eyes* komori: *asleep at her desk* Takehisa: "..." *grabs a blanket, places it over her shoulders* komori: zzzz .... *her mouth slit scars are partially visible* Takehisa: "???" komori: zzzz Takehisa: "..." *he turns away, walks away slowly* ( -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Where are you going?" fuyumi: just running errands. Todoroki: "Ah. Need help?" fuyumi: can you watch the apartment while im out? Todoroki: "Yes. Expecting anything? Deliveries?" fuyumi: not at the top of my head. -elsewhere- Daisy: *groans, opens her eyes* "My head..." louisa: are you alright? Daisy: "What happened? I had a fever and...I blacked out?" louisa: i think so, but you were treated by doctor- Fitzgerald: "Owl Eyes! This bill is obscene! How dare you charge this much!" Owl Eyes: ( - ) _ ( - )# louisa: *she looks* *The bill is for $100* louisa: ._.; Owl Eyes: ( - ) _ ( - ) "Sir, you spent $100 on that gaudy sweater for your pet fox." Mr. Tsubaki: *scratching* >_< -elsewhere- Mori: "...They're going?" fukuzawa: yes. Mori: "Hmm...That way leads to death." fukuzawa: ? Mori: "Looking into my past...That has not worked out well for many." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: *sighs* "I thought that trap in the clinic would be enough." fukuzawa: ....yeah... Mori: "...You better have some good people there. I just got a bad feeling...After Father, there was a power vacuum." fukuzawa: oh? Mori: "Just imagine...people like us. Do you think, ever for a second, that us--the Agency, the Mafia, the Guild, now the Rats--are the only Ability organizations?" fukuzawa:.....i have heard of 'order of the clock tower' in passing.... Mori: "...My father was not an Ability user. And the vacuum he left...you'd need an _army_ of Ability users to fill it..." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "..." *lets out a small laugh* fukuzawa:...what's so funny? Mori: "Just thinking...if not for the power balance, your Agency and my Mafia would've wiped each other out. What do you do when you're somewhere where your treaty doesn't mean a damn?" fukuzawa: .....we find a way to make things work. Mori: "Hmph. I'd like to see that..." -elsewhere- Gogol: *curled up asleep--on the floor* barkova: OwO~? Gogol: *dog sleep kick* barkova: *nuzzle* =w= *puppy growl* Gogol: *small dog purr* lydia:....(not even going to question it…fyodor, what is your plan, exactly?) Gogol: *yawns, opens his eyes* "... ??? You got a dog?" lydia: <gogol, you remember barkova. she's one of our members? =_=;> yana: <to be fair, we havent seen much of her recently...> Gogol: <Do you think I remember everything I see...um...> *holds a hand up to Yana's head* <...What was your name? Anya?> yana:.........................................................................................yana. im new. more or less....... -after filling him in on all that has been going on- Gogol: <When we busting him out?> yana: <for now, we're awaiting orders. could take a long time, mind you...but thats just how things are.> Gogol: <How unpredictable can you get?> yana:......*shrug* -elsewhere- Emine: =________= *yawns* mono: *walking to the bathroom to take a shower* Emine: *walks by* mono:....what? Emine: "...You're off to shower?" mono: yeah, so? Emine: "...Nothing. Nothing at all." *keeps walking* mono:....hm.... *opens the door* Assi: *just stepped out of the shower* "..." mono:..... .///. Assi: "..." *can't see at all--grabs his glasses, puts them on* "..." O\\\\\\\O mono: EXCUSE ME! *shoves him out of the way and slams the door behind her* Assi: D: "H-Hey!" *slams on the door* "At least give me my towel!" -TOWEL TOSS- Assi: *towel over his eyes* "...Thank you!" ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Anya: "..." *takes a shirt--and tears it in half* rowena: miss hepburn? Anya: "Hmm?" *has a sewing kit* rowena: is everything alright? Anya: "...I just...want to try something new..." *starts sewing some cloth scraps* rowena: hmm, well it's good to take up a hobby. ^^ Anya: "I-I hope..." *her eyes look wet* rowena:...miss hepburn? *worried* Anya: "I-I'm fine..." *puts on a smile* tsugumi:.... -elsewhere- Katai: *staring at his laptop* "So much new information...It's pouring in, like a firehose..." keek: no kidding.....*tenses* Katai: "..." *rubs his eyes* "Too much. Need a break..." *looks at her* "...What's wrong?" keek: no-nothing. *closes out window* Katai: "...I'll make some ramen..." *opens the microwave* "Want some?" keek: sure.... -elsewhere- Chuuya: *splashes water on his face* mito: *mewl* Chuuya: *dries his face, looks at Mito* "Still awake, huh?" mito: *mreow* Chuuya: "And probably hungry..." *pets* mito: *purr* -elsewhere- Iida: "--then Sero unfortunately got taped to the wall by this hothead, egotistical, obnoxious, supercilious--" Bakugo: "WHO ARE YOU CALLING 'SUPERCILIOUS'?!" Iida: "--reprobate." sero: please help me. Aizawa: "..." *grabs one bit of the tape* mina: you lost me at super-silly-us. Todoroki: "He's saying that Bakugo is under the false assumption that he is superior to everyone else--" Bakugo: "I AM BETTER THAN ALL Y'ALL!" mina: oh. Mineta: -_- "I don't think Bakugo is super-licious. I'm super-licious for all the ladies." jirou:..... *SLAM DUNK INTO THE TRASHCAN* where's the paper shredder? Izuku: ._.; "Um, here?" *hands the shredder* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "More. I want all the make-up work I will have to do while overseas." *has a wheelbarrow full of tests, worksheets, and textbooks* atsushi: ._.; Sid: "I appreciate your dedication--but stop. This is killing me." Kyoka: "..." atsushi:...*awkward cough* Sid: "...Y-You know what I meant..." T~T -elsewhere- Magaki: *sets down empty teacup* <Now what?> tsubaki: <perhaps some more english lessons?> Magaki: *nods* <I would like that.> *takes out notebook and textbook* tsubaki: *taking out some flashcards* Magaki: <That is a...um...> "--cat?" tsubaki: *she nods* <that's right.> cat. ^^ Magaki: *small smile* <G-Good...Do you have a> "cat" <at your home?> tsubaki: <not exactly.> Magaki: <Ah. No pets?> tsubaki:.... ^-^; *holds up another card* Magaki: "???" ("Did I say something wrong?") <That's...a> "house"? -elsewhere- Daisy: -_-# "I'm fine. You can stop worrying." eckleburg: just want to make sure you arent over exerting yourself. Daisy: *stands up* "Do I look like I'm over-exer--" *starts to wobble* eckleburg: !!! *nice catch* Daisy: "..." >\\\\> "Just set me down." eckleburg: .////.;;; r-r-right. sorry. Daisy: *sits down* >\\\\\> Fitzgerald: *walks by* "Oh, you still look like you have a fever--" Daisy: *punches Fitzgerald in the jaw* fitzgerald: *not even phased*....did she get any sleep last night? -elsewhere- Poe: "--and turned out to be quite a bizarre tale." lana: sounds like it. Poe: "I had considered writing it--but Ranpo was adamant." lana:....and that 'cleaner'. do you think he's really....? Poe: "..." *lowers his head, shakes his head* lana: ..... Poe: "...Ranpo has changed since." lana:...do you think he's alright? Poe: "He seems distracted, worried." lana:....and how are you holding up? Poe: "..." *sighs* "I wish I had figured out the mystery." lana: well, all we can do now is move forwards, right? Poe: "..." *moves his hand to hers* lana:....*kiss* Poe: =\\\\= "Mmm." -elsewhere- higuchi: *in the private jet* ... Motojiro: OwO leo: this is a lot more comfortable than my last flight... Motojiro: "...O-Only the best here..." leo: ...*small smile* higuchi: *checking map* Motojiro: *clear his throat* "Where do we begin the search?" higuchi: we'll be landing at berlin airport. so there's a good place as any to start. Motojiro: "I'll have to get my tech set up...I am fascinated by the tunnels." leo: ^^....*checking her passport* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *sits at his desk* "..." *adjusts his chair* "..." *shifts a pencil on his desk* "..." *inhales--it sounds slightly hallow, wavering* ???: kunikida? Kunikida: "!!!" *turns, his hand opening his book* kenji: are you ok? Kunikida: "..." *he had opened the book to the 'gun' page* "...Uneasy." kenji: ?? Kunikida: "I-I just need...water." *shuts his book, sets it on the desk, walks to the kitchen* kenji: .... Kunikida: *opens the cupboard* "...These aren't the same glasses. What happened to the ones from before?" yosano: ?? Kunikida: "These aren't the same glasses? What, did Dazai smash them in another failed suicide attempt? Why did this change while I was gone?" *shaking* yosano: kunikida, kunikida take it easy......what happened to you in that prison.....t-they didnt....did they? Kunikida: "Wh-What? Do what to me?" yosano: did anything happen there? if so, what was it? Kunikida: "...It was nothing. Just...nothing." yosano:....if you need to talk, im here to listen... Kunikida: "..." *nods, grabs a glass, fills it with water* -later- Tanizaki: "...He's not doing well, is he?" yosano: *shakes head* Tanizaki: "...Is this mission going to help him, or make it worse?" yosano: for his sake and the sake of the agency, im hoping its the former. Tanizaki: "Not likely the boss will let him refuse--or that Kunikida _would_ refuse. I promise, we'll keep an eye on him." -elsewhere- emily: so, remind me again what exactly we're looking for? Steinbeck: "There is a hidden treasure in one of these mines. We find it, and we have it all--jewels, gold--" ebie: what then? Steinbeck: "Then we split the money to fund what we need, and save enough of it for the next treasure hunt." oscar: sounds lovely~ -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Better?" lisa:....*nod*.... Vulcan: "..." *holds her hand* "I'm here." lisa:.....*holds onto him* Vulcan: *strokes her head* "You're here..." -morning- Kunikida: *splashes water on his face...his razor is there* "..." *looks at the razor, reaches for it--his hand still shaking* "..." *inhales slowly* -later, at the airport- Kyouka: "Well, we're off." kenji: good luck everyone! yosano: we'll hold down the fort while you're gone! Lucy: "Come back safely." atsushi: we will! ^^ Kunikida: "..." naomi: ok, our flight is on terminal 5 Tanizaki: "Last check--everyone has passports?" -yep- Tanizaki: *nods* "Well, we'll see you when we return." kirako: do your best! ranpo: ... Dazai: "??? Ranpo?" ranpo: ??? Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Keep an eye on Kirako?" ranpo: will do. Kunikida: "...Goodbye." -and so, on the plane- Tanizaki: "Quite different being the passenger than the pilot." ^^; naomi: *checking brochures* Kyoka: "What's our first stop?" atsushi: lets see.... *checking map and agenda* Kunikida: "It'll be to check into the hotel first." atsushi: right. so where are we staying? Kunikida: "Wurzburg Hotel." Dazai: "Ah, the one with the nun's ghost?" *silent* Tanizaki: "..." Q_Q naomi: ._.; Kunikida: "Look, I had to find something on short notice--hotels book far in advance--" Kyoka: "I already have anti-ghost measures. Now, where did I pack my taser--" -meanwhile- leo: *looking in store windows* Motojiro: owo "...F-Fancy clothing shops, huh?" leo: *she nods* Motojiro: "Did you want to go inside?" leo: um... well, im still figuring out the currency... Motojiro: *pulls out an abacus* "Well, we can solve the exchange rate here..." higuchi: ^^; Motojiro: "And we can exchange right over there-" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Super!" *turns on the sink faucet* "Just give it a moment..." -elsewhere- tamaki: *SCREAM* maki: ??! Akitaru: "...I thought I had said not to use the water for a few minutes?" maki: *runs to tamaki's room*... O-O; tamaki: *she's holding a broom....with a bird perched on the end of it* Arthur: *walks in* "...A griffin?" tamaki: shhh.. please dont fly, come on. just stay still, easy does it... *trying to get it to the window* bird: *staring* Arthur: "..." tamaki: *sticks the broom tip out the window, and the bird flies away as tamaki yells and slams the window shut*... *phew* Arthur: "..." *pats her head* shinra: between arthur and that bird. seems she's a magnet for bird brains. iris: *chuckle* shinra! Arthur: -_-; "I will have you know my brain is far larger than that tiny griffin's." maki: at least you survived. tamaki: -A-; i dont even remember leaving the window open... Victor: .________. Vulcan: T_T "That poor bird..." maki: ^-^;.... commander? what's with that smile? Akitaru: "Just...thinking." *sniffs* shinra: .... -elsewhere- Hyde: "And that's the last of the ice cream--all stocked!" ochako: *phew* Hyde: *grabs two sodas* "So, what you up to this weekend?" ochako: going to be cramming mostly. i heard licht's going to be doing a show soon? Hyde: -_-# "So that's why he's so irritated...Yeah, should be a big showing." ochako: sounds fun. ^^ -elsewhere- Lucy: "..." *sigh* aya: lonely? Lucy: "Yeah..." *looks at her phone* "Not one message..." -ping- atsushi: [we're here ^o^] Lucy: OwO *texting fast* [oh good to hear] atsushi: *smiling* *sends a pic of himself, kyouka, and dazai posing in front of a sign* Lucy: >w< [looks great. u heading to your hotel?] atsushi: [yeah.] Lucy: [check in before you get to bed--although i'll probably be asleep by then] atsushi: [will do. love you. <3 ] Lucy: .\\\\. [love u 2] aya: awww. ^^ -meanwhile- atsushi: .///////////////////////////////////////////////////. Dazai: "How we splitting the rooms?" naomi: i call dibs on bro's room~<3 Kyoka: "???" Tanizaki: -\\\\-;;; Kunikida: -_-; "I'm rooming with Dazai to keep him out of trouble." Dazai: owo "Little old me~?" atsushi: so, how many rooms do we have? Kyoka: "Two." atsushi: ah. so then we'll have to choose to either be with dazai and kunikida or the tanizakis. Kyoka: *staaaaaaaaaaaaaare* atsushi: ...rock paper scissors? Dazai: "Dibs on Atsushi!!!" atsushi: 0-0; erm- naomi: that means kyouka's rooming with us. yay! ^u^ *HUUUUUG* Kyoka: "...Uuuuuuuuum--" Dazai: *grabs Atsushi* "Let's get our beds picked!" Tanizaki: ._. naomi: we're gonna have great girl bonding time and it's gonna be the best! atsushi: ._.; Kyoka: "..." *whispers to Atsushi* "Help me." ???:.....*walking away* -meanwhile tachihara:...akutagawa? you ok- Akutagawa: *violently shaking* "Fine." tachihara:.... >->;;; pushkin: <-<;;;;;;;;;;;; tachihara: hey, why not have some quality guy time? check the arcades and shit. Akutagawa: "...I don't think my agreement said I cannot kill video game characters in a video game. That should exorcise some frustrations." tachihara: there ya go. *pat pat* -elsewhere- ???:.....hm? who let you in here? girl: um....m....m-mr goethe? goethe: ah, so you know me, little lady? girl: i-i heard something y-you might want to know.... goethe: well get to it. girl: there's these people from the states. the 'armed detective agency'...t-they were sent here to eliminate you. goethe: hnn?....so the authorities are resorting to such means? what a pain....thanks kid, now get outta here. girl: *she exits*.......*enters a phone booth and calls someone* <miss yana, i told them!> yana: good job, elizaveta. elizaveta: hehe... yana: two birds...one stone... -elsewhere- Katai: Q___Q Poe: *looking around* "Why did you call us in?" rowena: did something happen? blair: lenore! so glad to see you again! lenore: 7///7; you as well. Katai: "I-I-I had thought wi-without the Agency here, they might need...backup?" *shivers under blanket...while he's standing* Poe: Q_Q;;; rowena: ah, i see. we'll gladly help out then. ^^ Katai: "Th-Thank you!" *pulls out a file* "I received this one from the boss--Bl-Blair? Where is it?" blair: here you go~<3 Katai: ^\\\\^ Poe: "???" *looks at the file* "Rowena, isn't this near the school?" lenore: *sigh* classic her. rowena: hmm. i believe so. fukuzawa:... *small smile* (it's only temporary, but they feel right at home here... maybe when the others return, i should consider hiring them...poe will have to take the entrance exam, however...) Poe: " 'Her'?" lenore: blair was one of my fellow familiars once upon a time ago. rowena: oh, i see. -elsewhere- chie: *rocking toru and humming* Yohei: *finishes setting the sheets back on Toru's crib...smiles* toru: zzzz Yohei: *walks over quietly, looks at Toru* toru: zzzz *he looks so peaceful* Yohei: *whispers to Chie* "He's so calm..." -elsewhere- leo: *brushing her hair* Motojiro: *in his room, fiddling with a translator app* leo: *finishing* motoji-.... o/////o Motojiro: "??? Yes?" *he was wearing his glasses* leo:.....hello. *her hair antennae pops back out from having been brushed down* Motojiro: "...Hello." ^w^ "Settling well into the hotel?" leo: y-yes....mind if i sit down? 7////7; Motojiro: "Of course!" *bounces in the seat* "They're comfy!" leo: r-right... *sits next to him*....so your ability.....it protects you from lemon shaped bombs? Motojiro: *notices her sitting next to him* o\\\\w\\\\o *nod nod nod* "I tried limes. It didn't go well." leo: pardon if this sounds rude, but the conditions to your ability are....oddly specific. ^^; Motojiro: "N-Not rude at all! I guess it's...just my luck?" ^^;; leo: i suppose.....*sad smile* Motojiro: "??? I-I'm sorry..." leo: i-it's fine. you dont have to apologize for anything..... Motojiro: "...I've looked into how abilities came to be--but it's still confusing." *scratches his cheek* leo: do you think....the book is the origin for those abilities? Motojiro: *sighs* "I would love to know. But without getting to examine the book, I can't make a good hypothesis." leo:.....one of the reasons i had joined the rats was to find the book and get rid of my ability...that way, i could die. Motojiro: "!!!" leo:...*wipes a tear* s-sorry. just...missing my family still, i guess..... Motojiro: "...I'm so sorry..." leo: its fine...it was long ago.... Motojiro: "..." *nods* "..." *pats her hand* leo:...*small blush* t-thank you....*lean* Motojiro: .\\\\\. *puts a hand on her shoulder* leo:....*small smile* Motojiro: "..." *smiles* -morning- Dazai: =w= "Zzz..." Kunikida: *slight snore* atsushi: *on the couch* zzzz *leg twitch* Dazai: *snuggles close* Kunikida: *wrinkles his nose...then falls back asleep* atsushi:.... *yawwwn* Dazai: *cuddles* Kunikida: *yawns loudly* Dazai: =3= atsushi: *brushing teeth* Dazai: *puts a leg over Kunikida--* Kunikida: *eyes break open* "..." *slow head turn* Dazai: =w= "Zzz..." *CRASH* atsushi: ?! *spits out toothpaste and runs over* WHAT HAP-.....um... ._.; Kunikida: *smacking Dazai with a pillow* "I. TOLD. YOU. TO. STAY. ON. YOUR. SIDE!" Dazai: "Oh, daddy--harder~" ^w^ atsushi:....................................i'll just....go make breakfast. *closes the door* odasaku: learn not to ask. ._.; Tanizaki: *exiting his room* "Wh-What was that?" naomi: *speed walks over to where kunikida and dazai are*.....hello gentlemen. dont mind me. Tanizaki: -_-; -elsewhere- boy: hey jakob. did you hear? Boy 2: "Hear what?" boy: those agency guys should be around here today. what do you say we play a few jokes, on them~? *he grins, revealing a row of shark teeth* Jakob: "Sounds fun! But, um...Wilhelm? Watch the smile?" wilhelm: ^u^; Jakob: *looks around* "Where's best to wait..." wilhelm: how about there? *points to a small shop* Jakob: "Ah, splendid!" wilhelm: fufufufu, this is gonna be great. -elsewhere- Stein: "..." *looking at a registry of older houses* soul: so what's today's game plan? Stein: "...I'm going to take a trip. Investigate the neighborhood." soul: right. Stein: *grabs a photo, puts it in his pocket* soul: *looking around* *Outside the street is already busy...Looks like some colorful characters* soul: *watching them* *One kid points to the shop* soul:...*stomach growls* *enters the shop* *One boy is giggling at something the other boy said* boy: *chuckles* um...excuse me, mr? soul: ?? boy: *griiiins* soul: huh...small world, i guess. Boy 2: *smiles* "My brother has awesome chompers, doesn't he?" soul: he sure does. boy: i'm really good a biting stuff. especially sweets. i can prove it to you too! Boy 2: ^w^ soul: oh? boy: but we dont have much money to buy any... soul:....<i'd like to buy some snacks for the kids?> Clerk: <Okay. What would you like, sir?> boy: *already has a few sweets picked out* soul:... .-.; <all this im guessing.> Clerk: <Very well. That'll be 15 euros.> -and so- boy: thank you mister~ fufufufu~ ^u^ Boy 2: *nom nom nom* <Uh huh...> soul: TT~TT; no problem..... (they got me, goddamit. they got me.) -elsewhere- Ted: *humming* girl: ....... Ted: "...You're awfully quiet." girl: ........ Ted: "Hmm. Well, we have our work ahead of us. That DWMA visitor is a nuisance..." *smiles* "I think he should have a small accident." girl:....*shaking* Ted: *texting* [location of the screw and his shark boy?] ???: [attending the show tomorrow <3 ] Ted: [good. i want u to take care of them] -elsewhere- Motojiro: *examining the subway system* ._.;;;; "Um...?" higuchi: ?? Motojiro: "Just having some difficulty tracing our path to our destination..." *tracing a finger* higuchi:....was that a joke? leo: *small laugh* Motojiro: OwO;;; "I...don't think I was?" higuchi: *checks map* Motojiro: "So, what do you know about this place we're visiting?" *looking over her shoulder* higuchi: only that it's a small town. Motojiro: "Hmm...And if it's that small, easier to hide something people don't want found..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "--and they have _left_ this city? Why's that?" louisa: we're still looking into it. seems to be an oversees investigation, based on what we heard. Fitzgerald: "..." *smiles* "Useful." louisa: sir? Fitzgerald: "We won't have them looking over our shoulders for a bit. I think we should try some new opportunities..." -elsewhere- Gogol: =w= lydia: <he's still sleeping?> Ivan: <He partied so hard that he hasn't been up since dawn.> lydia: *siiiiiigh* yana: <let him sleep it off.> Ivan: <Very good. Now, onto the next problems: I don't recommend introducing Gogol to the priest--> yana: <good call. he might startle him.> Ivan: *chuckles* <He'd probably think Gogol was a demon...> yana: <but in theory, it'd be hilarious.> Ivan: <Yes! Good thing that hasn't--> *There's now an empty spot where Gogol had been sleeping* Ivan: OwO "...Where the fuck did he go?" lydia: *already going after him* Gogol: *yawns, turns the corner, walking to a room* oguri: *unconscious* Gogol: "??? ..." *yawns* <So not fun...> lydia: ... Gogol: *walks to another door* <Is this the bathroom?> lydia: no, that's nothing important. Gogol: "..." >w> lydia: do not. Gogol: *opens the door* lydia: <KOLYA I SWEAR-> Gogol: OwO "..." <What's with the chains?> yana: dont ask. Gogol: "..." *calmly closes the door...shudders* <Creepy.> -elsewhere- Kid: "No new reports from Stein..." nygus: hmm.. Sid: "Well, we got enough other problems to deal with." -elsewhere- Meme: "How's she doing?" rowena: she's....still stressed. Meme: "...I think I know that feeling..." ao: the poor dear.... Meme: "Are hobbies helping her?" ao: i think so. she spends a lot of time training... Anya: *punching and kicking the boxing punching bag* Meme: "...Is she taking breaks?" ao: ....i cant say. tsugumi: *worried* Meme: "Then someone better tell her to take a break..." *pushes Tsugumi forward* tsugumi: anyaaaaaa!!!! *TACKLES* Anya: "UMPH! tsugumi: *shaking her* take a break! get some sleep! Anya: "Ts-Tsugumi! Get off of me!" tsugumi: *pulls her up* you cant overwork yourself to death! we're worried about you. >3< Anya: "Let go of me!" *trying to press off* "I know! I just have to keep going!"
tsugumi:....*looks at meme....nods* Meme: *nods--and picks up Anya over her shoulder* Anya: o\\\\o "H-Hey!" Meme: "This is for your own good--time you go to bed and sleep." ao: it's best not to gripe. it's bad for your image~ rowena: ._.; does this happen...often? mio: this is pretty much one of our normal weekdays. Anya: "YOU'RE BAD FOR YOUR OWN IMAGE!" Meme: ._.; "???" *drops Anya onto bed* "Now sleep." -elsewhere- {???: "...What is this place?"} {???: beats me. i just thought the bathroom would be here.} {???: "Well, let's find it to make this quick--"} {???: and who are you two?} {???: Q_Q "N-Nobody?"} {????: what do we do with them? shall we cut them open and drain their blood?} {???: NOOOO PLEASE DONT DO THAT!} {???: "WHY WOULD THAT EVEN BE A PLAN?!"} {???: what do yoooou think mr rodigy~?} {Rodigy: *only his glasses shine in the shadow*} {???: "R-Rodigy? Is-Isn't he the President of Happy Factory?"} {Rodigy: "..._Vice_ President."} {???: PLEASE DONT KILL US WE'LL DO ANYTHING!} {Rodigy: *smirks* "Even...submit to a few tests?"} Assi: *wakes up with a start* -knock- Assi: "C-Come in?" setsuna: is everything alright? Assi: "...Bad dream." setsuna: do you need anything? Assi: "..." *gets out of bed--he's in a shirt and pajama bottoms* "Just need some water...I-I'll get it." *smiles before he puts on his glasses* setsuna: ... Assi: *walks by her...wipes his nose* -elsewhere- Wes: *tapping in time to the music* liz: *singing along* Wes: *smiles, begins his accompaniment on the violin* lord death: ^^ Patty: *shiny eyes, leaning forward* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *nom nom nom on chocolate* atsushi: so where to look next? Kunikida: "I have made a map of--" Dazai: "We dig under rocks!" naomi: ... -_-; Kunikida: *chop* "No. Atsushi, take him to the southwestern part of town, check with area physicians." atsushi: right. Dazai: >3> Kunikida: "Tanizaki, you're on surveillance in the town center. Naomi--" naomi: on it~ Kyoka: "...I suppose I'll go with Naomi. Don't you want company, Kunikida?" Kunikida: "No." atsushi:....*nods as if to say 'go with him anyway'* Kyoka: *nods* "I'll go with you anyway." *grabs his hand* Kunikida: -_-;;; wilhelm: hey jakob, why dont we prank them? Jakob: "Just wait for the right moment...But to find it, we have to follow, right?" wilhelm: indeed. im sure hansel and gretel are bored too. Jakob: "Indeed. I worry--do we need to split up to follow them all, or just pursue one group?" wilhelm: we'll follow the smaller girl and the ponytail man. Jakob: *nods* "Okay." wilhelm: *pulls out a small flute and plays* -a small rabbit runs up to kyouka- Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Ooooooo..." rabbit: there's a party~ there's a party~ come and join the fun with us~ Kyoka: "Yes..." Kunikida: "??? Yes what?" rabbit: *dancing away to an alley* Kyoka: *smiles, giggles, runs* Kunikida: "???! Hey!" *follows* wilhelm: and now the show... Jakob: "...can really start." wilhelm: fufufu -with the tanizakis- Tanizaki: "Um...Naomi? It's hard to stay incognito when--" naomi: but you look so cute in your shirt <3 passerby: ah, a young couple touring from the states? how cute. Tanizaki: ._________. *screaming internally* "L-Let's just keep walking and 'sight-seeing'..." -with atsushi and dazai- atsushi: um excuse me, sir? ???: "Hm?" atsushi: *checks book* <does the name 'ougai mori' ring any bells?> *PUNCH* Dazai: *down on the floor* atsushi: ._.;;;; Person: <DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT NAME TO ME, YOU NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY BOY!> atsushi: ._.; <why....not?> Person: <Why not?! Have you not heard how horrifying that crazy old man was?!> atsushi: <well...> *looks at dazai* Dazai: *pops up* <We heard really creepy ghost stories about him--> *PUNCHED AGAIN* atsushi: <well, we heard the name in passing, and figured we could use him as a basis for our assignment! we're university students.> Person: *leans closer* <Beware...That man's house is haunted...> atsushi: <really?> Person: <Really...There is a reason the police closed off access to that madman's laboratory of death.> atsushi: <thank you then. we'll be on our way> Dazai: XwX atsushi:.....*drags him along* odasaku: ._.; -meanwhile- Stein: *walking down the street* soul: *grumbling* cant believe i got jipped by those little conboys =~=; Stein: "You need to learn how to deal with children, especially if you're going to be teaching them." soul: i guess.... Stein: "..." *nudge* "You screwed up. It happens with kids." soul:...i cant tell if that was a pun or not... Stein: *raises a brow* soul:......aaand im shutting up. Stein: -_-# "Just...no." *clears his throat* "Will you be ready for the play?" soul: yeah. and that's...tonight? Stein: *nods* -with the tanizakis- Tanizakis: *snapping pics...for surveillance* naomi: *selfie with a wink and peace sign, while simultaneously doing surveillance* Tanizaki: "???" *points behind her* naomi: ??..... ._.; what the hell. man: *with a human sized doll* hehe~ <3 Tanizaki: .___________.;;;; "...Don't stare at the weirdo, Naomi." man: ... ?? oh? why hello~ are you tourists? Tanizaki: "Yes." ^^; man: well, i would like to recommend the theater tonight. an acquaintance of ours is preforming, isnt that right, dearest~? *the doll doesnt say anything* hehehe~ so sweet~<3 *kiss* Tanizaki: *protective stance in front of Naomi* "Oh? Which theater?" man: *hands them 6 tickets* consider it a gift. <come along, christine~> *walking away* Tanizaki: ._______.;;; *looks down at the ticket* -it's a showing of the nutcracker for that night- naomi: *counting*....wait how did you- -the man has vanished- Tanizaki: "...Spooky..." *flips open the phone, texts Kunikida* -in the alley- Kunikida: "Kyoka! Stop!" -the bunny has vanished- Kyoka: *looking around* "Where did it go?" ???: fufufufu~ Kunikida: "???!" *opens his book* wilhelm: well well well, what will we do with these two, jakob? Jakob: "Two lost souls, Wilhelm?" wilhelm: indeed, indeed~ now, how are we going to mess with them? Kyoka: *glares, opens her flip-phone* wilhelm: maybe they want to play with our friends, do you think? Jakob: *smiles* "Oh, I hope so." *Something shadowy appears at Kunikida's feet* Kunikida: "!!!" gretel: hehehe~ *A hand grabs Kyoka's wrist* hansel: lets play, yeah? -the two toss them into a wall- Kunikida: "GAH!" Kyoka: *hits the wall--her finger hitting a button on her phone* hansel: eh? -...- atsushi: ??.....!!! dazai, come on! Dazai: "???" *follows* "What is it?" atsushi: kyouka and kunikida are in trouble. seems we have enemies here. Dazai: "Hmm...Those two should've been able to handle that..." *follows to the spot* gretel: boo, these two are dull, so dull. wilhelm: yeah, at least entertain us! Kunikida: *trying to reach for his book* *manages to flip a page with his foot* "Come on, come on…" gretel: *grabs his foot and throws him* Kunikida: *crashes into the grabage cans* "--Poet! Fl--" Jakob: *covers Kunikida's mouth* "A-Ah! Can't have you--" Kunikida: *bites Jakob's hand* Jakob: Q_____Q *loud wail* wilhelm: D8< HEY!*aims his slingshot at kunikida* Kyoka: *pressing buttons on the phone* "Come on--come on--work!" Kunikida: *glares at Wilhelm* wilhelm: *fires a pebble at him* Kunikida: *right above his eye* "AH!" *lets go* Jakob: Q_Q *clutching his hand* "M-Meanie! Stupidhead!" wilhelm: <KICK HIM IN THE BALLS!> Jakob: <Right!> *pulls back his leg--* *Something grabs Jakob by the ankle--and swings him up in the air* Jakob: Q______Q <WHY MEEEEEEEEEEEE...> *disappears into the sky* Kyoka: "..." *smirks at Wilhelm* wilhelm: D8> Kyoka: "Demon Snow...Discipline this brat." demon snow: ~understood~ -CLANG- hansel: *defending wilhelm* Kyoka: "...So, you have one of those, then...Demon Snow, get through the child." -SLASH- hansel: *in half* gretel: !!! why you-! ???: "Hello." gretel: OwO;; Dazai: ^w^ "Are you a good child?" wilhelm: OwO;;;;;;; *gulp and tries to run* Dazai: *picks up the kid by the collar--as Wilhelm keeps running in place in the air* gretel: *charges at him* Dazai: "Atsushi~" -CRASH- -a tiger stands in the center, holding jakob like a small kitten- wilhelm: O_O;;;;;; Jakob: Q_____Q *he's urinated on himself* wilhelm: <brother why.> Jakob: <I FELL FROM 50 FEET IN THE AIR--THAT'S WHY!> Dazai: "And now, to eliminate the ability--" *puts Wilhelm over his knee* gretel: *still attacking* Dazai: *pulls back his hand* -one change of pants and punishment later- wilhelm: Q~Q Jakob: Q__________Q "How mortifying..." wilhelm: he's not human. Kyoka: "..." *leans forward* "Which of you created the rabbit?" wilhelm: that was me. i can create illusions to lure people. but they can only see if if they're 16 or younger....IM NOT GONNA USE IT FOR ANYTHING WEIRD LATER! >3< Kyoka: "???" wilhelm: n-nevermind. >3<;; Jakob: "Brother, please..." -_-; Kyoka: "..." *deadly serious* "Bring back the rabbit. Now." bunny: *appears* Kyoka: ^u^ *watches the rabbit* Dazai: "Okay, Thing 1 and Thing 2--who you working for?" atsushi:.....??? wilhelm: we'll gladly....NOT tell you! Dazai: "..." *claps his hands* Kunikida: -_-# "Please. You're going to be a parent. Try other tactics than corporal punishment. Atsushi, talk to them." atsushi: um....hey kids. why did you decide to pick on us? ^^; Jakob: " 'CAUSE YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF ABILITY USERS AND WE HATE YOU!" wilhelm: ...bro, _we're_ ability users too, remember? so are the other- *covers his mouth* O-O;;; Jakob: "!!! Why did you have to say that?!!" wilhelm: I PANICKED! DX> ???: there you two are. atsushi: ?? -a young lady with short lavender hair appears- lady: honestly you two... wilhelm: QuQ miss hans! we're saved! Jakob: *holds out his arms* "Get us out of here!" Dazai: "???" Kunikida: "...I'm afraid we are not letting these two ability users leave with you..." hans: im sorry for my students, they can be a bit....rowdy. wilhelm, jakob, over here. Jakob: *inches over to Hans* wilhelm: *already hiding behind her* HISSSSSS Jakob: *sticking out his tongue at Atsushi* Kunikida: "!!! Now hold on! I just said that these two are in our custody on account of--" Dazai: *takes Hans's hand* hans: e-eh? atsushi: (oh. oh no.) Dazai: *smiling, with a smooth voice* "Tell me...Have you ever considered drowning in the sea alongside a beautiful man~?" Jakob: "EW!" >_< "This mummy wants to do pervy things!" hans: ...... -SLAP- Kyoka: *shame-face at Dazai* hans: HOW DARE YOU!! DX< Kunikida: ._. Dazai: XwX "Yes, please, harder~" hans: *disgusted* atsushi: we are so sorry about him ma'am. he's- um.... Kunikida: "An embarrassment to all humanity." Kyoka: "A cyst on the backside of our society." Jakob: "A pervy mummy!" wilhelm: monster hands! *The comments are word balloons stabbed into Dazai's back* odasaku: if i were alive still, i'd probably die right now of second hand embarrassment. hans: in any case, we'll be taking our leave. *the three exit* atsushi: you really are shameless, dazai. Dazai: *bolts upright--his face has steam coming off the slap-mark* atsushi: *wince* ouch. Dazai: "..." *pats lightly* "Ah! ..." *winces* =w= "Such warm hands..." atsushi: -__-; dazai, please, never get married. Kyoka: *grabs one cheek* Dazai: "!!!" Kunikida: *grabs the other* Dazai: Q_Q Kyoka and Kunikida: "YOU WERE WRECKLESS, PERVERTED, UNSATISFYING, HORRIFYING, BELLIGERENT--" Dazai: "Atsushi, help! It's in stereo now!" atsushi: you brought this on yourself. Dazai: D8> *Kunikida's phone alarm goes off* atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "Oh, right--have to check in with the siblings. Kyoka, take over." *lets go, dials Tanizaki* atsushi: ... Kyoka: "Of course." *grabs Dazai by both cheeks, pulls him down* "--PEOPLE ARE TO BE TREATED AS PEOPLE, NOT AS FLESHY PLEASURE-BOTS FOR YOUR INNATE SICKENING DESIRES TO EJACUL--" atsushi: *covers her mouth* ssshhhhh. not here. Kunikida: *waiting for someone to pick up* naomi: yello~ Kyoka: *mummer mutter grunt annoyed glare* Dazai: Q_Q "That second muttering hurt, Kyoka..." Kunikida: "Status report." naomi: seems some guy gave us tickets for a show tonight. 6 in total...seems kind of suspicious, given he only spoke to bro and i. Kunikida: *sigh* "Obviously a trap. Still, if we want to uncover what is happening, we will have to pursue with caution." naomi: welp, plot as plot demands, i guess. Tanizaki: "???" naomi: n-nevermind. dress formal, ok? Kunikida: "Yes. We'll see you at the theater, if not beforehand at the hotel." *looks* "Which of you did not pack something formal to wear?" Kyoka: "..." *gestures, as if to say 'What, this isn't?'" Dazai: *standing there, scratching his behind* atsushi: .... is this considered 'formal'? Kunikida: "..." *Excalibur face* "J-Just...Just follow me..." -elsewhere- higuchi: *looks out window of the bus* Motojiro: "How much further?" higuchi: not too far. just a few kilometers away. Motojiro: "...Should we have brought more, um, 'protection'?" higuchi: >->;;;;; that's your business, not mine! leo: ... ?? Motojiro: -_-;;; "I meant the g-u-n-s and w-e-a-p-o-n-s?" higuchi: oh.....ehehehe... of course... ^^; Motojiro: *sighs, looks at Leo* "How are your shoes?" leo: they're fine. Motojiro: "Okay. There could be rough terrain..." leo: *nods* right. Motojiro: "And we'll need refreshments..." *pulls out lemonades* "...They confiscated my lemons." TTwTT higuchi: *sweatdrop* Motojiro: *saddest sip of lemonade ever* leo: *pat pat* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What was any of this? Illusions..." atsushi: probably. *helping her with her hair* Kyoka: "Thank you...Good work catching that child after he got flung up." atsushi: yeah. if he had fallen....*shakes head* nevermind..... Kyoka: "...I went overboard." atsushi: *pat pat* Kyoka: "..." *nods* "...They were creepy, though." atsushi:....if what fukuzawa told us  is true, we should be careful. Kyoka: "Right..." *looks at Atsushi* "I think we wouldn't have had the same problems if Kunikida had been more prepared." atsushi:....yeah..... -elsewhere- Kunikida: *reading* dazai: kuuunikiiiidaaaa. Kunikida: -_-# "What?" dazai: you still mad? Kunikida: *turns, stares* dazai:......something's bothering you, and not my usual bullshit. Kunikida: "I'm fine..." *stares closer at his book* dazai: ...hey, i know that look. it's a look i've worn all my life. Kunikida: "...You're misreading." dazai:....its that child still, isnt it? Kunikida: *slams the book shut with a load CLAP* dazai:..... Kunikida: *turns slowly, tears in his eyes* dazai:....*hugs* it's not your fault. fyodor pulled a fast one on all of us... Kunikida: *pushing him off* "L-Let go...It's not just..." dazai:....you're a good man, kunikida. dont forget that. Kunikida: "...What good man watches people die and does nothing?" dazai: we're not perfect. we make mistakes... Kunikida: "..." *holds up his book, without looking* "It's called an 'ideal' because it is perfect, without mistakes. I want to learn from these mistakes...and I don't know how when the same mistake keep happening..." dazai: hey, look at me. i make mistakes all the time. but i guess its just stubbornness that keeps you going, because that's just who you are. Kunikida: *sudden annoyed face* " 'Stubborn'?!" dazai: even with how cruel the world is, you never stop going. Kunikida: "..." >\\\> "What other choice?" dazai:...*small smile and hug* you remind me a lot of him... Kunikida: "???" dazai:...just thinking out loud... Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* dazai:.... -elsewhere- Jakob: TT~TT hans: honestly, you two... ???: so what did you find out about our little visitors? Jakob: "THEY'RE JERKS!" wilhelm: they're scary! Jakob: "The one with the weird samurai woman threw me into the air! It wasn't fun!" wilhelm: and there was a tiger and a pervy mummy! Jakob: "And this ugly four-eye guy and some little girl!" ???: and their abilities? -hans explains what all she knows- ???: so the infamous weretiger has shown up here? how curious... Jakob: ._. "??? We should know him?" ???: apparently he's the talk of the town in the states and with the order. Jakob: Q_Q "Should we have killed him?" ???: no no. im curious to see what the fuss is all about. i'll send a call in to kafka. Jakob: "...Heeeeeee...seems kinda stressed?" -briiing. briiiiiing. briiiiiiing- ???: *answering* "WHAT?!" ???: oh good, you're there. we need you and walter to look into some things. be a dear and do that, ok~? Phone: Q_Q "THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU SAID EARLIER! It-It doesn't add up--Then I'm told one thing, then do another--No consistency--NO CONSISTENCY! Why can’t it just be phrased clearly, directly, on time--COULD SOMEONE TELL THEM TO STOP HAMMERING SO LOUDLY! I can’t think!” ???: too loud, so annoying. put walter on the phone, he's easier to deal with. Phone: "?! F-Fine! If that's how you feel..." *starts to twitch, rub his cheek* "H-Here, you talk to them..." ???: *whistling*....he's doing that badly again, huh? Walter: *doing yoga poses while holding the phone* "Sad, huh?" ???: yes. honestly, that boy's going to get hemorrhoids. oh, and also i need you to look into the history of our little agency friends. Walter: *standing on his head* "Oh, they came? Sweet!" *puts the call on speaker, looks up info on his phone* "Yeah, I've had a file on them for a few weeks--" Kafka: "SHOW OFF!" T~T Walter: *smiles* "It's a hobby..." ^^; ???: since leroux gave them the tickets for tonights show, let miss hoffman know to make it a performance they wont soon be forgetting~ Walter: "Totes. Any strategy help she needs?" *projects a map of the theater* "I had some ideas how to contain the Ability Nullifier Mummy..." ???: make sure she's fighting at least two people maximum. have leroux handle the others. Walter: *typing the parameters* " 'Kay, 'kay, that's do-able...Hmm...Etta does well with some close-in fighting, so the long-range fighters aren't the best plan..." -meanwhile- Stein: *adjusts his tie* soul: *checks phone* Stein: "Waiting for something?" soul: just checking to see when the show starts... Stein: "Hmm. Any reason to arrive too early?" soul: *shrug* Stein: "The correct answer is we spy around the location..." soul: *nods and looks around* ???: "STOP. USING. YOUR. TIE. AS. A. NOOSE!" soul: ??? Dazai: "I wasn't! I was simply tightening it--" *his face is purple* soul: hold still sir. *cuts it* there.... Dazai: *inhales* *breathes more calmly* "..." *slight glare* "I liked that tie..." soul: you looked like you were choking, just helping you out. Dazai: "..." *takes off his jacket* "Atsushi, hold my jacket--" atsushi: ._.;; um.... soul: ?? sir? Dazai: *grabs Soul by the collar* soul: h-hey! ._.;; Dazai: "How'd you like it if someone took away something from your outfit, you little shark-toothed thing-a-ma-bob?" soul: h-hey, lets just calm down- atsushi: dazai. not now. Dazai: =3= "I just have to make a show before the show..." Kunikida: -_-# Tanizaki: ._.; atsushi: *ear tug* no. i am so sorry sir. soul: it's fine... 7-7;; Stein: "??? Atsushi?" atsushi: ?? !! mr stein! fancy seeing you here, sir! owo; Stein: "Same...I don't remember you putting in a request for a mid-semester vacation." atsushi: it's a work thing. ^^;; naomi: so this is one of you and kyouka's teachers? Stein: "Franken Stein, yes." naomi:....*small chuckle* Kunikida: "...We had taken Atsushi out for this trip." Stein: "???" atsushi:....so....who's this? soul: just call me 'soul'. Dazai: *whispers* "The fight of the glasses..." atsushi: dazai shush. huh, interesting name. soul: seems to be a frequent thing. *side glance* atsushi: *awkward laugh* naomi: ??? what's he looking at? Tanizaki: *glances* "Beats me..." atsushi: try not to worry about it. -elsewhere- leo: *shiny eyes* Motojiro: ^^; leo: thank you again for this, motojiro. Motojiro: "Happy to...Anything..." leo: ...*smiles* r-right. Motojiro: "..." *awkward cough* "C-Comfy seats, yes?" leo: *she nods* Motojiro: "Can you see well?" leo: yes. -elsewhere- Lucy: *yawns, washing plates* "..." *looks outside* -quiet out today- Lucy: *puts away the plates* ("Guess that's it for today...") *The door rings as it opens* lucy: welcome to the vo- Akutagawa: "..." lucy: oh...hello. *SCREAMING INTERNALLY* Akutagawa: "...This was the first place I saw, I'm hungry, it's cold outside, and I have money." *sits down* lucy: pleeeease take all the time you need sir. (FUCK) -later- lucy: -_-; *siiiiigh* Akutagawa: "...I think a 5 percent tip is fair." lucy: thank you for your patronage. Akutagawa: "...Has he called you?" lucy: *she nods* Akutagawa: "...He is alive?" lucy: of course he's alive. Akutagawa: "No need to be snippy...Did he mention me?" lucy: no, he hasnt. Akutagawa: "..." *quiet* "Oh." lucy:.... -after her shift ended- lucy:....do you _have_ to follow me? Akutagawa: "...If something happened to you (that I didn't do), the Tiger would never forgive me." lucy: ...ok, _why_ are you so obsessed with him, huh? Akutagawa: "...He's powerful." lucy: is that all? Akutagawa: "Power is a challenge to get better. To do more. He's an example, isn't he?" lucy: i guess....but is that the only reason? Akutagawa: "...I am attracted to him." lucy: .... Akutagawa: "His...personality is not...awful, I suppose." lucy: yeah. even if he's not 'prince charming material', im happy with him. *smiles* Akutagawa: >\\\\> "..." *nods* lucy: he's doing his best, and i appreciate it... i do worry im a bit pushy with him. *sigh* im a real doofus, huh? Akutagawa: *too fast* "Yes." lucy: ... 'why no lucy, you're not too pushy' or 'your not a doofus at all!'..... thaaaaanks. Akutagawa: "...I'm not good with small talk. And I don't think you're pushy. I think you're stubborn." lucy: ..... Akutagawa: "You don't seem to shake off what you seek. That's not so different from the Tiger hunting his prey...or an assassin after a target." lucy: that's....an interesting analogy. >->; Akutagawa: "What, have you gone soft since leaving that guild of yours?" lucy: watch it, dip dye. Akutagawa: *narrows his eyes* "...You're fortunate I promised the Tiger." lucy: ^u^ Akutagawa: "Hmph. Might as well get you to your residence before weirdos come out this night." lucy: i can make the last block myself. (if he sees the mafia boss there....) Akutagawa: "I insist. ...Or are you afraid?" lucy: im fine, really. im not helpless. Akutagawa: *walks ahead* "The Tiger would kill me if you were injured, so just take the damn offer." lucy: D8 HEY! Akutagawa: *keeps walking* lucy: *chasing after him* Akutagawa: "Pick up the pace, Doll Girl." *sees the apartments* "There they are." lucy: yes, now i can be on my wa- Akutagawa: *turns around* "Yes, I suppose you can." *The curtains open--and Mori looks out the window* Lucy: O-O;; Akutagawa: *not facing the window* "I suppose this is good night." Mori: O_____o lucy: YESINDEEDGOODNIGHT *makes a 'get back' motion with her hands* Mori: *hides down* Akutagawa: *raises an eyebrow* "...Is that a new way of saying 'good night'?" lucy: im telling you to skedaddle. shoo shoo. *heads on in* Akutagawa: "...Well, good night." *turns* lucy:.... *phew* -elsewhere-
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