#emma castle
sandythereadingcafe · 28 days
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A SINFUL GIFT by Emma Castle at The Reading Cafe:
'a very steamy and sexy story: spicy novella'
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thereadingcafe · 29 days
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blurrypetals · 3 years
Midnight with the Devil by Emma Castle - blurrypetals review
originally posted dec. 17, 2018 - ★★★☆☆
This has kind of been a "rainy day" book I've been hanging onto for a bit because A, Jeremy York narrates and, even though he and I started off on the worst of all the wrong feet with his terrible Australian accent in the even more terrible More Than This by Jay McLean back in January, I've discovered he's actually one of my favorite narrators now, and B, it's about the devil and demons and it's sexy. So, because Audible had a 50% off sale last week, I loaded up on a couple of those books I'd been saving for as an early Christmas gift for myself, this book included. I didn't love this, but it was definitely fun. I enjoyed the dynamic between our two leads, the chemistry was real and it was sexy, even though a sex deal with the devil could have easily gotten really uncomfortable really quickly. But it kept things light, fun, and even kind of cute. The ending definitely lost me and the two declaring their undying love for one another after a couple of midnight fuck sessions and some international travel really had me rolling my eyes, so that's where the book loses points for me. I just thought the whole thing with the devil getting a second chance was so cheesy, especially with him and Diana losing their memories of the past month they've spent falling in love but still just ~knowing~ they're meant to be together at first sight. Barf. Anyway, this was a fun, short time waster, but definitely not one I'll be recommending to anybody anytime soon.
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myromancebooksworld · 5 years
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“Midnight With The Devil” by Emma Castle
What would you do to save a loved one’s life? Make a pact with the Devil? In Diana Kingston’s defense, it was the middle of the night in the deserted hospital chapel… surely it was just a dream. She hadn’t really sold herself to a brooding stranger to save her father’s life, right? Then she wakes and her father is fully recovered and a mysterious letter arrives from the tall, dark, handsome—um, Devil? Yep, it was right there on the contract, Lucien Star, aka Lucifer Morningstar, that had been his name in the dream… Gulp. What would the Devil himself want with her? Sex. Three months of hot, sweaty, Friday night sex. Ooookay. Breaking a pact with the Devil doesn’t seem like a smart move. So she’ll do it—but she won’t like it. Not much anyway. But she starts liking it – a lot—and every night they spend together, she likes it and Lucien a little more. Being with him allows her naughty side to come out and play, but Diana starts to see more than just a sexy-as-sin, rock-hard … er…Anyway, he might be Satan, but even he was an angel once. Kind. Noble. And she sees glimpses of that man still inside him… But how in Heaven’s name do you save the Devil from himself?
(thanks to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40536100-midnight-with-the-devil?ac=1&from_search=true)  
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books-on-a-wire · 6 years
Author Spotlight: Lauren Smith
In honor of my only book event of the year, I’m spending the rest of July showcasing some of my favorite signed books and their incredible authors.
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I found Lauren Smith in the “local authors” of my bookstore, so I was very very happy to see her on the roster - got to support our local romance writers! As Lauren Smith, she has multiple series under her belt with contemporary, historical, paranormal, and erotic and now she’s adding dark romance as Emma Castle. I’ve preordered Midnight with the Devil so *fingers crossed* 
Midnight with the Devil What would you do to save a loved one’s life? Make a pact with the Devil? In Diana Kingston’s defense, it was the middle of the night in the deserted hospital chapel… surely it was just a dream. She hadn’t really sold herself to a brooding stranger to save her father’s life, right? Then she wakes and her father is fully recovered and a mysterious letter arrives from the tall, dark, handsome—um, Devil? Yep, it was right there on the contract, Lucien Star, aka Lucifer Morningstar, that had been his name in the dream… Gulp. What would the Devil himself want with her? 
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kastle-fics · 7 years
Anon request: How about a future Kastle fic where Frank and Karen’s daughter wants to go to prom with Matt and Elektra’s son? Frank’s response to this? “No.” Followed by his daughter’s puppy eyes and Karen’s reasoning.
(I actually really love this idea!)
Karen was sitting over on the couch with three newspapers in front of her when her daughter walked into the room. Frank was sitting opposite Karen in an armchair with a cup of coffee balancing on the armrest while he worked at fixing the clock that hung in their kitchen. Glancing over at him, Karen was once again reminded just how much Emma looked like her father. 
Their deep brown eyes, the way their brows pulled together when they were deep in thought, even their temper. All of which became very clear once Emma brought up the topic of her prom.
“So, I got asked to prom today,” Emma smiled, sliding off her backpack to throw onto the floor.
Karen grinned up at her daughter, taking off her glasses and glancing over to Frank who hadn’t stopped fiddling with the tools in front of him.
“Mm,” he grunted. “Prom, huh?”
“What’s wrong with that?” Emma asked.
“Nothin’,” he answered, finally looking up at his daughter. “Who asked you?”
Emma went shy for a moment, looking down at her feet before answering quietly.
“Jack,” she whispered. 
“Jack,” Karen smiled, slowly realising. “Jack…Murdock?”
“Yeah,” Emma grinned, blushing.
“Jack Murdock,” Frank repeated, looking over to Karen.
Although they were still good friends, Karen knew that Matt’s son didn’t have the best reputation for staying out of trouble. A trait he had received from both his father and his mother, Elektra. 
He was a nice enough kid, always used his manners and respected everyone around him, something Matt had emphasised all throughout the teens life. There was nothing to not like about him, and compared to other teenage boys at Emma’s school, Jack was the ultimate catch. But the last thing Frank wanted for his daughter was trouble.
It was bad enough that she had spent most of her childhood surrounded by the Punisher’s drama, Hell’s Kitchen hunting down her father and her mother getting swept into every danger the city offered. But to be caught up in the drama and mess of a family so similar to their own was something he never wanted for her.
“No,” he shook his head.
Karen and Emma both looked over at him.
“No?” Emma asked, her smile fading.
“No,” Frank repeated, shaking his head. “The kid can’t spend a single month without being questioned by the cops,”
“You know it’s all bullshit dad,” Emma defended. “The cops don’t like his mom-”
“Exactly. You don’t want to get mixed up in all that,” 
“Frank,” Karen chimed in softly. 
“No Karen, she doesn’t need to be involved in all that,” he shook his head. “You’re not goin’ with him,”
Emma’s brows pulled together just as Karen expected, her temper rising. Living in a house with both Frank and someone so, so similar to him was turning it into a war zone.
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t go with,” 
“Bullshit I can’t,” Frank replied. “I don’t want you going around with him,”
“It’s prom!” Emma yelled. “I can go with whoever I want!”
Before another word could be spoken about the issue, Emma stormed off toward her bedroom, the loud slamming of her door following moments later.
Frank stared down the hall where his daughter had marched off, shaking his head and letting out a long sigh.
“Why can’t she go with another kid?” he asked. “Why does it have to be the one kid who has nut-job parents,”
“He’s not the only kid with parents like that,” Karen rolled her eyes. “And maybe it’s because they have that in common, huh?”
Frank looked over to her with a frown, setting down the clock and taking a gulp of his coffee.
“I want her to be with someone good Karen,” he admit. “A boy who’s going places, who isn’t around all of this mess, who hasn’t got a clue what it’s like to have their parents hunted down or pegged as vigilantes,”
“I want her to be with someone good too,” she agreed. “But Jack is a good kid Frank, you know he is. You can’t judge him on his mom or dad. Imagine if other parents thought about Emma like that,”
Shaking his head, Frank groaned and ran his hands through his hair.
“I told you when she started dating I wouldn’t be able to handle it,” he reminded.
“It’s just prom Frank,” she laughed. “Going on a date or to a dance doesn’t mean she’s about to get married or run off with him,”
“How are you so okay with it?”
“Matt is a good father Frank,” she explained. “And Elektra…despite the person she was, she has done everything to give Jack a normal life. They’ve both been through the same thing Frank, it’s no surprise they ended up wanting to know each other more,”
“Any other kid-”
“And what? You’d be fine with her going out on a date or to prom with them?” she countered. “She’s our little girl Frank, she always will be. But you can’t shelter her from everything, she’ll just end up doing it behind our back. Trust me, I was a teenage girl,”
Frank grinned, shaking his head.
“I don’t even want to know what you got up to as a teenager,” he laughed. “She takes after you already, I don’t need her inheriting your danger-magnet personality,”
“Hey,” Karen frowned, throwing her pen at him. “If I wasn’t so attracted to danger, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
At that, Frank thought about what life his daughter could have. At this stage, she was already curiouser than they’d like. Asking questions non-stop, chasing down answers, taking matters into her own hands. She was just like her parents, and that’s what worried him.
But Karen was right. She couldn’t stay sheltered forever.
It was later that night when Frank walked into Emma’s room, ignoring the fact she wouldn’t want to talk to him. She was laying on her bed, earphones in, music loud enough to burst her eardrums. 
“Hey,” he called out, waving over at her to see him.
With a frown, Emma took out her earphones and paused her music.
“If you’re coming to lecture me about potential dates, I’m not in the mood,” she warned.
Frank walked over and sat on the edge of her bed, taking a deep breath and looking around her room. There were stuffed animals everywhere, posters all over her walls, everything a teenage girl would have in her room. She was a normal kid, despite everything. And she deserved a normal high-school experience.
“You really want to go with this Jack kid, huh?” he asked.
Emma replaced her angry frown with a surprised, confused look.
“Y-yeah,” she nodded. “Dad, he’s the nicest guy I know. He’s sweet, and he’s funny, and-”
“Okay, okay,” Frank shook his head. “You ain’t gotta sell me on the guy,”
Emma scooted closer to her father, sitting by his side. Frank thought back to the moments he shared with her as a little girl, reading to her every night and imagining that she was never going to grow a day older. And yet here she was, sixteen years old, already causing him enough worry to induce a heart-attack.
She was everything to him, and the idea of her being hurt made his stomach churn.
“I really want to go with him dad,” Emma pleaded.
Looking over to her, Frank saw the big brown eyes staring back at him and his heart began pounding in his chest. There was nothing in this world he wouldn’t do for this girl. He would take any bullet, face any war, go to every end of the Earth.
“When’s prom?” he asked.
“15th of next month,” Emma answered hopefully.
“Mm,” he thought. “He’s gonna pick you up?”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “You can meet him before we go,”
“If he ever puts a hand on y-”
“Dad, he won’t. I’m not an idiot, I wouldn’t like him if he wasn’t a good guy,” she explained. “And if he ever did, I know how to break any bone in his body,”
Frank smirked at that, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. As he pressed a kiss to her forehead, he wished he could turn back time and have her be his little girl once again. No boys, no proms, no worries in the world. 
But that wasn’t fair to think that way. Emma deserved a life just like he and Karen did, she deserved to make her own choices and live whatever way she wanted. His only job was to protect her, and that was never going to change.
“If you want to go with him, I’d be okay with it,” he told her softly.
“As okay as I can be,” he admit.
“Thank you!” she hugged him tight. “Thank you, thank you!”
“You ain’t gotta thank me,” he shook his head, hugging her back. “All you gotta do is look out for yourself, you hear me?”
As the two hugged and shared a moment, Karen walked by the room and stopped at the door. Her heart swelled at the sight before her, noticing Frank’s closed eyes and content smile. 
It was never an easy thing to watch your child grow into someone who needed you less and less, but at least they could go through all of that together. Always. 
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sandythereadingcafe · 5 years
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REVIEW: THE KRINAR CODE by Emma Castle at The Reading Cafe:
‘I like this world, and I’ll have to come back and visit it soon’
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sandythereadingcafe · 5 years
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A WILDERNESS WITHIN (Unlikely Heroes #2) by Emma Castle at The Reading Cafe:
‘A Wilderness Within is an emotional and gripping journey in a world destroyed by a horrific pandemic. ‘
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thereadingcafe · 5 years
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