#emma just doesnt look right on me ( sobs in best girl )
road2manjuumaster · 28 days
ik i always joke about how i never cosplay women but like. i really don't do i
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maxanor · 1 month
Watched up until ep 9 so here are more of my abbreviated thoughts, don't want to make this ask too long but many thoughts head never empty about this show and my babygirls.
Ep 5: god what an episode, the official and final break up of my best girls. The scene where Alicent walks into the banquet in that green dress: lifechanging, actual chills, that scene is sooo good and other people don't seem to care about it as much as I do from what I saw online but like that scene is insane, I want to live inside of it; the meaning of the colours, the declaration of war, THE MUSIC (!!)
Ep 6: the shift to the older actors oooh we're here, they're both so excellent and just the tension in this episode, like that's sexual the small council scene uuhm Alicent babes look away and Rhaenyra stop touching that ball there is a touch starved lesbian across from you have some decorum (also Alicent was at her most bitchy (affectionate) this episode and I kind of lived for it)
Ep 7: THE episode. Now why did I have to see that Dae/myra sex scene?? Controversial opinion: the knife scene was more sexual than the Dae/myra sex scene, something something stabbing as a metaphor for gay sex, stabbing your homoerotic situationship after breaking up 10 years ago something something. WHERE IS DUTY WHERE IS SACRIFICE - Olivia that entire scene, yeah I was captivated (also Otto being proud, oh the toxic generational abuse continues yes tragedy)
Ep 8: Viserys losing an eye after not giving a shit Aemond lost an eye and not doing anything, oh I call that poetic justice. Rhaenicent making soft eyes at each other oh the gays are at it again, who let them out? The children continuing their fighting because of the damage their mothers already did, oh the generational conflict continues, cannot bury the hatchet when you have sown hate for years
Ep 9: no one seems to agree online from what I saw, but honestly maybe one of my favourite episodes of the season, maybe that is because I adore Alicent and this episode was all about her in my opinion. The scene between Rhaenys and Alicent, loved that, they could not have played that scene any gayer but maybe that's just me. Otto calling Alicent out about her feelings surrounding Rhaenyra, like at this point the closet is glass sweetie. "Childhood companion", the subtext is there if they ever make it maintext I will sob.
Question: I know the actors have discussed the queer subtext but have any of the writers or directors ever hinted at it as well? It can't be all coincidental right?
Anyways this got way way too long, my bad🩵 going to watch ep 10 soon, wish me luck🫡
making popcorn to answer this ask mwahahaha 🍿
ep5 – god this episode is heartbreaking, emily carey's acting is just incredible i love her so much!! this was actually the first episode i watched live and i know people were freaking out about it, but it does seem to get overlooked in light of everything that comes next
ep6 – EMMA AND OLIVIA 🫶 both their introductions are incredible and i'm forever thankful they were cast <3 the small council scene is insane 😵‍💫
ep7 – soooo true this is THEEE episode!!! although ofc every time i think of this episode i redact the dae/myra sex scene bc poor rhaenyra has been thru so much she doesnt need that as well!! also your opinion is not controversial, rhaenicent absolutely have more chemistry, both emma and olivia's performances in that scene are insane god i love them (bonus: the script from the scene)
ep8 – i loveeeee this episode sooo much, their children are so poisoned against each other but alicent and rhaenyra cannot help but want to mend their relationship like they yearn for each other so deeply they'll never be free!!!! also aemond is my best friend in this episode i love him <3
ep9 – i love this episode too!!! i don't necessarily subscribe to any "team" but the targtowers are just much more interesting than all of the team black characters (excluding rhaenyra) and i love seeing the inner-workings of the green council. also aegon's coronation scene is so incredible oh tgc the actor you are!!! and "you imbecile" being unscripted like oh that shit is insane 😵‍💫
to answer your question about the writers/directors supporting rhaenicent, yes they do! i'll put some quotes under the cut <3
"they are good friends with this potential romantic entanglement from earlier on that has always been a big thing for that, that i thought it was an essential component  of why they are such close friends. it seems like it’s a kind of unrequited love…rhaenyra has this deep longing for her best friend" – miguel sapochnik (co-showrunner involved in s1, he's not going to be involved in s2 due to some internal drama lmao)
"the underlying theme is that rhaenyra is actually in love with alicent. with milly as young rhaenyra, it was very much about seeing how she experiences this constant series of small rejections from alicent" – miguel sapochnik
"alicent is feeling very alone. so when rhaenyra enters, that’s what she wants. she wants the love in her life, and it’s a bit of a love story in a way, of these two women" – geeta patel (directed 1x08)
"[rhaenyra and alicent] are in my mind a divorced couple. they were in love as friends, and now they are apart" – geeta patel
"these two young women who were friends as girls, who grew up deeply loving each other...and then how they were forced into this situation by the pressures put on them by the aristocracy and by the patriarchy, by these ancient political constructs around them" – ryan condal (main showrunner)
"there is an element of queerness to it, whether you see it that way or as just the unbelievably passionate friendships that women have with each other at that age. i think understanding that element of it sort of informs the entire rest of their relationship...at the core of it, they knew each other as children, and they loved each other and that doesn't go away" – sara hess (executive producer/writer/lesbian)
"despite everything that happened, there is a deep connection and ultimately you can’t erase the fact that you loved and cared for someone. it can get twisted, but it cannot be deleted" – clare kilner (directed 1x04, 1x05, and 1x09)
"i saw the love and romance of these two girls, which makes it all the more tragic when they become estranged" – greg yaitanes (director of 1x02)
honestly there are more and this isnt even getting into everything emma, olivia, emily, and milly have said but 🤗 rhaenicent is canon change my mind!!!!
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kurtanaaa · 3 years
ok time to assign abba songs to glee characters
humour me this is very self indulgent
gimme gimme gimme: definitely marley tina and unique!!! i think the cheerios should back them up and dance with them for this
take a chance on me: tina to quinn hehe.... itd be adorable... and the rest of the gang has to do the backup vocals and look delighted the whole time
waterloo: everybody can do this one!!! big group number!!!! they HAVE TO HAVE THE ABBA STYLE FITS THO. also i think santana and kurt should take the lead bc im biased and also theyd kill it
money money money: wouldnt it be amazing if sam sang this. insanity. he should drape himself across a piano. go sam go!
fernando: rachel to finn (they may have ONE abba song. ONE.) she can sing this in season four or five
voulez-vous: original new directions girls!!!!. also a group number partially. i think it would be nifty if the warblers got the sticks out of their asses and joined this one 2. like at a big party with both glee clubs and a bunch of mckinley students. yes ik that would never happen but this is MY fantasy!
the winner takes it all: kurt about blaine in s4 or quinn about... any man ever
chiquitita: mercedes to quinn in season one!!!!!
lay all your love on me: sam and mercedes with the new directions girls backing up cedes and the guys backing up sam of COURSE! they have to be on a beach. and if the guys dont do the stupid walk they do in mamma mia what is the point!!!! entertain me, boys! im also thinking that at the end of the song everybody should run into the water and have the time of their lives
slipping through my fingers: quinn in season three about beth. this would make me sob my eyes out
super trouper: brittany, mercedes, and santana to the season four or season six newbies!!! as a little performance momenttttt
honey honey: mercedes, kurt, and - hear me out - finn. they drag him in to join while mercedes is hanging out in the garage and he is secretly living his best life
sos: artie and... someone. idk who probably mercedes bc the harmonies r so sexy. maybe kitty? OR alternate idea: st. berry!
does your mother know: marley to jake. no it doesnt REALLY fit but i think they would have a lot of fun and it would make marley smile which i love to see
knowing me knowing you: puck. i dont have anything else but i know that im right.
one of us: santana about brittany in season two or marley and jake in season five
under attack: kurt in season five before the proposal... and santana and rachel are exasperatedly backing him up and dancing around him while he loses his marbles
mamma mia: i know they already did this as a group number but i just think it fits so well im not changing it. i need all the characters to join in tho not just kurtcheltana and the s4 lima kids. and they Must have the fun outfits
dancing queen: santana and mercedes own this sorry bout it!!!!! however i think that they should run through the school collecting all the ladies in the entire building and frolicking with them as they sing
when i kissed the teacher: emma. this mightve singlehandedly made me care slightly about wemma
my love, my life: blaine about kurt in season four... now THIS wouldve made me SAD
the name of the game: kurt about blaine in season two OR unique!!! i think she could do this so well. i dont have a scenario i just like the idea
angeleyes: mercedes about sam when hes dating brittany. she would KILL this and the theme is very fitting
i have a dream: marley... omg i just thought of this it fits her so well... OH WOW IM BIG BRAINED THIS IS SO APT !! and everyone can back her up like in chasing pavements
andante andante: tina and quinn. then they KISS!
thank you for the music: sue. i mean it. its during regionals at mckinley and shes singing it in her office very quietly and then the new directions kids pass her office and hear her and slowly start singing along with her in the hallway. and then the other show choirs wind up there too and they all sing it together and its just a big ol wall of good sounds. i think that would be neat. we shouldve gotten the different show choirs singing together more
i dont have an explanation or a defense for this i was just bored. yes i know its mostly the girls what are you gonna do about it!!!!!!!!!
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