thefloofqueen · 1 year
RAAAAAAWR!!!! Great music to paint to!
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beagleboysinc · 1 year
thinkin bout my beagle ducktales au auauaoaa
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eduardmarquez · 7 years
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💀☠obra esqueletica jaja uno de mis más recientes 100% creatividad #esqueleto #tattoo #loveart #art #talento #talentovenezolano #illustration #diseño #arte #dibujando #dibujos #dibujosalapiz #fullcolor #yomerifoconjuanpa #calavera #emmp #diseñografico #diseños #tumblr #pinterest
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I’m not a Catholic but sections two and three are particularly compelling.
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“We want this beatitude to expand, to permeate and anoint every corner and every space where life is threatened. But it happens to us as people, as communities, as families and even individually, that we have to face situations that paralyse us, where the horizon disappears and bewilderment, fear, powerlessness and injustice seem to take over the present. We also experience resistance to the changes we need and long for, many forms of resistance that run deep, that are rooted beyond our strength and decisions. They are what the Social Teaching of the Church calls structures of sin; these too we are called to change, and we cannot overlook them in the moment of thinking of how to act. Personal change is necessary, but it is also indispensable to adjust our socio-economic models so that they have a human face, because many models have lost it. And thinking about these situations, I make a pest of myself with my questions. And I go on asking. And I ask everyone in the name of God.
I ask all the great pharmaceutical laboratories to release the patents. Make a gesture of humanity and allow every country, every people, every human being, to have access to the vaccines. There are countries where only three or four per cent of the inhabitants have been vaccinated. In the name of God, I ask financial groups and international credit institutions to allow poor countries to assure “the basic needs of their people” and to cancel those debts that so often are contracted against the interests of those same peoples.
In the name of God, I ask the great extractive industries -- mining, oil, forestry, real estate, agribusiness -- to stop destroying forests, wetlands and mountains, to stop polluting rivers and seas, to stop poisoning food and people.
In the name of God, I ask the great food corporations to stop imposing monopolistic systems of production and distribution that inflate prices and end up withholding bread from the hungry.
In the name of God, I ask arms manufacturers and dealers to completely stop their activity, because it foments violence and war, it contributes to those awful geopolitical games which cost millions of lives displaced and millions dead.
In the name of God, I ask the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness, people’s vulnerability, for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation.
In the name of God, I ask the telecommunications giants to ease access to educational material and connectivity for teachers via the internet so that poor children can be educated even under quarantine.
In the name of God, I ask the media to stop the logic of post-truth, disinformation, defamation, slander and the unhealthy attraction to dirt and scandal, and to contribute to human fraternity and empathy with those who are most deeply damaged.
In the name of God, I call on powerful countries to stop aggression, blockades and unilateral sanctions against any country anywhere on earth. No to neo-colonialism. Conflicts must be resolved in multilateral fora such as the United Nations. We have already seen how unilateral interventions, invasions and occupations end up; even if they are justified by noble motives and fine words.
This system, with its relentless logic of profit, is escaping all human control. It is time to slow the locomotive down, an out-of-control locomotive hurtling towards the abyss. There is still time.
Together with the poor of the earth, I wish to ask governments in general, politicians of all parties, to represent their people and to work for the common good. I want to ask them for the courage to look at their own people, to look people in the eye, and the courage to know that the good of a people is much more than a consensus between parties (cf. Evangelii gaudium, 218). Let them stop listening exclusively to the economic elites, who so often spout superficial ideologies that ignore humanity's real dilemmas. May they be servants of the people who demand land, work, housing and good living. This aboriginal good living or buen vivir is not the same as “la dolce vita” or “sweet idleness”, no. This is good human living that puts us in harmony with all humanity, with all creation.
I also want to ask all of us religious leaders never to use the name of God to foment wars or coups (cf. Document on Human Fraternity, 2019). Let us stand by the peoples, the workers, the humble, and let us struggle together with them so that integral human development may become a reality. Let us build bridges of love so that the voices of the periphery with their weeping, but also with their singing and joy, provoke not fear but empathy in the rest of society.
And so, I persist in my pestering. It is necessary to confront together the populist discourses of intolerance, xenophobia, and aporophobia, which is hatred of the poor. Like everything that leads us to indifference, meritocracy and individualism, these narratives only serve to divide our peoples, and to undermine and nullify our poetic capacity, the capacity to dream together.
3. Let us dream together!
Sisters and brothers, let us dream together. And so, as I ask all of this with you as well as of you, I want to add some reflections on the future that we must dream and build. Although I say reflections, perhaps I ought to say dreams, because right now our brains and hands are not enough, we also need our hearts and our imagination; we need to dream so that we do not go backwards. We need to use that sublime human faculty which is the imagination, that place where intelligence, intuition, experience and historical memory come together to create, compose, venture and risk. Let us dream together, because it was precisely the dreams of freedom and equality, of justice and dignity, the dreams of fraternity, that improved the world. And I am convinced when we look through these dreams we will find God’s own dream for all of us, who are His own sons and daughters.
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Here Are Reasons Why You Need to Own an EMP Protection Bag
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The growth of modern technology has turned out to be a double-edged sword simply because of over-relying on technology. For instance, in the event of an EMP, you should be asking yourself what you can do if you are still relying on the stone age protection methods. This is the reason why it is imperative to review various benefits of an EMP bag, more so if you own one.
One, know that EMPs are likely to happen anywhere and at any time. In case you are new to this term, it means Electromagnetic Pulse in full and it is a very powerful energy burst which can either occur artificially or naturally. If unprotected, it can lead to greatly affect the power grid and if power grids of different states or countries are affected, it will be very hard to lead the modern life normally. It, therefore, it means commerce and telecommunication will be destroyed and only those who had prepared for an EMP would be equipped with the requisite technology required for their survival.
An EMP protection bag is also a great investment for protecting your important gears. This means, with an EMP bag, you will easily protect your valuable electronics from the Faraday Effect. This is because you will have encased your valuable items in a bag that is laced with stainless steel or silver, hence, they will be very safe from EMP blast effects. Kindly disregard some of the leads that will tell you that solar panels can be of any help during such problems because they are also very vulnerable to EMP if they are unprotected. In other words, if solar panels are unprotected, just know that you have costly pieces of glass and very sorry to say that. The best way of protecting yourself is purchasing an EMMP bag from a reputable supplier who guides you on which gears are protected and what are they protected from. Find out more about EMP bags here: https://techprotectbag.com/shop/.
The current overreliance of technology has made people worry about what can happen if the internet of their phones goes off. Lucky you because you are reading this piece. As if this isn’t enough, just think if great horror upon discovering that your costly generator is no longer functional, it has turned to be a useless device. You need good protection and owning an EMP bag is the way to go.  For more information, click on this link: https://www.britannica.com/science/nuclear-electromagnetic-pulse.
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tirtmywltrt · 3 years
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jkinak04 · 3 years
Video Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the Fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements (EMMP) (16 October 2021) | Francis
Video Message of the Holy Father on the occasion of the Fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements (EMMP) (16 October 2021) | Francis
  You are, as I said in the letter I sent you last year,[4] a veritable invisible army; you are a fundamental part of that humanity that fights for life against a system of death. In this engagement I see the Lord who makes Himself present in our midst, to give to us His Kingdom as a gift. When He offered us the standard by which we will be judged (cf. Mt 25: 31-46), Jesus told us that salvation…
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korrektheiten · 3 years
Eine Sonntagsfrage: wie nennt man jemanden, der sowas schreibt?
LePenseur:"»Die Proteste gegen den Tod des Drogendealers George Floyd erinnern an den barmherzigen Samariter.«  Hm ... ... auf so einen Unsinn muß man erst mal kommen! Doch nicht genug damit — es kommt noch  ein Nachschlag: Die Hauptsache besteht darin, dass in den Protesten gegen diesen Tod ein kollektiver Samariter erschien, der kein Narr ist! Diese Bewegung ist nicht auf der anderen Straßenseite vorbeigegangen, als sie die Verletzung der Menschenwürde durch Machtmissbrauch sah.Des Rätsels Lösung: es ist Papst Franz, der gestern diese hanebüchenen Sätze in einer Videobotschaft an das linke »Fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements (EMMP)« richtete. Noch eine Frage drängt sich auf: darf man einen Papst eigentlich als Trottel bezeichnen? Nein, aber gewiß nicht! Wäre Beleidigung eines Staatsoberhauptes (der Vatikan ist schließlich ein, wenn auch sehr kleiner, Staat) und vielleicht wird noch der Paragraph über die Herabwürdigung religiöser Gefühle ausgegraben — obwohl der in jüngerer Zeit nur für die Bezeichnung des »Propheten« als Kinderschänder Verwendung gefunaden hat. Und in beiden Fällen, also beim Trottel und beim Kinderschänder, ergeht an unsere Justiz die dringliche Frage: wie nennt man so jemanden, ohne dafür vor Gericht zu landen ...?    http://dlvr.it/S9lXT7 "
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idiariodebordo · 4 years
13° ENCONTRO ETeC – 30/11/2020
  Tema abordado: Escola Meninos e Meninas do Parque – 2° apresentação dos trabalhos em grupo
Segunda apresentação dos trabalhos em grupo no qual a escola abordada foi a Escola Meninos e Meninas do Parque criada contendo seu espaço físico em 1995 e está localizada no estacionamento 6 do Parque Sara Kubistchek em Brasília, o projeto de escolarização de crianças jovens e adultos acontece desde o ano de 1980. A escola oferece uma nova oportunidade a quem não possui, é uma escola pública vinculada com a Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal e realiza um trabalho socioeducativo com as crianças, jovens e adultos em situação de rua busca o resgate social de seus educandos, a escola também possibilita para a sua comunidade o encaminhamento para atendimentos médicos, e para a inserção no mercado de trabalho.
A escola Meninos e Meninas do Parque é inovadora pois tem um atendimento focado também em sua qualidade de vida e dignidade, oferecendo aos seus alunos assim que chegam na escola banho e roupas limpas, a escola também se adapta nas aulas e atividades conforme ao perfil de cada educando, incentiva um ambiente democrático. A metodologia de ensino, a avaliação dada aos alunos na escola EMMP se dá durante toda a ação pedagógica quando o aluno se encontra presente, pois nem sempre o aluno frequenta as aulas frequentemente por diversos motivos, a escola também proporciona aos seus educandos os reconhecimentos dos seus direitos, o planejamento da aula está focado nas necessidades e sugestões dos próprios alunos.
A tecnologia também se encontra no espaço educativo da Escola Meninos e Meninas do Parque através das aulas de informática, que acaba integrando aos seus alunos no mercado de trabalho e sociedade. A metodologia da escola é dividida em 3 etapas:
1° e 2° etapa: fase de alfabetização;
3° e 4° etapa: destinadas aos alunos já alfabetizados;
5° a 8° etapa: equivalentes do quinto ao oitavo ano do ensino fundamental.
O papel do professor na escola é facilitar o conhecimento trazendo trabalhos interdisciplinares coletivos que tenham como objetivo uma aprendizagem focada nas habilidades de cada educando.
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jasonmdx · 4 years
Have you submitted your MMP Annual Update using eMMP? #IowaFishing https://jaxbch.net/news/iowa-fishing/item/20213-have-you-submitted-your-mmp-annual-update-using-emmp
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drumscovande · 4 years
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Roland + Gibraltar Roland PD-8 V-Pad Drum Trigger Pad + Gibraltar SC-EMMP https://ift.tt/3b9lUeq
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akuzakiyah-blog · 7 years
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Yuk jadi orang luar biasa. berani menyingkap. berani menyemikan. berani mengungkapkan. berani meminang. . . Dialog imaji antara hati dan pikiran. . H : Heey.. sedang musim semi sepertinya hati.. P : haah.. ini bulan september musim panas...... H : emmp, bukan. bukan itu maksudku... P : aha.. aku mengerti "cinta?"... H : iyaa.. kamu tak khawatir padaku ? P : maksudmu ? H : bagaimana jika tersemat nama seseorang padaku..... P : Heeh.. jangan macem macem kamu... H : hanya pengandaiaan.. bagaimana bila sewaktu waktu aku merasakan sesuatu.. . . P : Hati hati duhai hati, jika kamu terjatuh aku akan berkerja keras menggapaimu.. H : aku akan baik baik saja.. P : haah.. sekarang kamu berkata begitu sekalinya nantii kamu jatuh, semuanya akan jadi tampak benar, sampai sampai aku tak mampu menjadi aku.. H : bukankah fitrah bila aku merasakan cinta ? . . P : Betull, tapi kamu harus tahu, CINTA itu MENUNTUT, menuntut untuk diungkapkan dan menuntut untuk disampaikan. H : sampaikan saja kalau begitu.. P : sampaikan dengan meminang pemilik nama itu.. H : bagaimana bila belum siap untuk itu, P : tak perlu utarakan apa apa.. H : jadi bila tersemat sebuah nama padaku tak akan disampaikan pemilik nama itu? . . P : Hati,,, Bila cinta bersemi maka hal yang harus kamu lakukan adalah melamar pemilik nama itu, menikahi dia. namun bila belum mampu maka tak perlu utarakan apa yang kamu rasakan... H : kenapa begitu ?? P : ya memang begitu.itu yang terbaik bagi keduanya. H : tapi? P : Uuuusst ! . . @dokterfina . #monologhidup #cinta #kebaikan #menuntut
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eduardmarquez · 7 years
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☺ #belmont #2018 #felizañonuevo #emmp #eduardmarquez
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coretanmalam00 · 5 years
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Emmmpppp, Saatnya menulis ulang cita cita
Emmp semoga kau lekas mendewasa ya, semoga kau benar benar berubah, untukkmu untuk dirimu sendiri bukan orang lain, semoga kau paham dengan kata² ,tingkah lakuku, semoga kau paham mengapa aku bersifat kekanak kanakan,
Agar kau meposisikan diri menjadi dewasa yang, sayangggg, paham ra ew ,woalaahh hemmp
Koe gemesii, wkwkwk
Saiki wayahh ee, mikir uripku dewe, Butuhku dewe, sakwayah wayah mbok tinggal, aku duwe aku, aku tetep aku, ngga kurang juga ngga lebih, suwun
Kadang aku mikir, gek opo ono wong sek gelem dijak berjuang bareng seko titik NOL, entahh, aku yo ga reti, rung nemu juga euuu, masalah hati simple tapi rumit ,pie wi entahh mbohh lahh, Love u 😘
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martimcribeiro01 · 5 years
Reabertas inscrições para Educador Social Voluntário
Até a próxima quarta-feira (11), pessoas interessadas em se inscrever para Educador Social Voluntário (ESV) poderão participar do processo seletivo reaberto nesta sexta (6) pela Secretaria de Educação (SEE). As inscrições devem ser feitas exclusivamente pelo site da secretaria. Serão abertas 5,2 mil vagas, 658 a mais do que as previstas anteriormente.
Quem teve sua inscrição efetivada no processo anterior, suspenso em razão de problemas no sistema, não precisa fazer novo cadastro. Os voluntários do cadastro reserva de 2019, chamados provisoriamente após a suspensão do processo de janeiro, serão dispensados, mas poderão se inscrever agora.
Uma vez inscritos, os voluntários passarão por análise de currículo e entrevistas. A documentação exigida, original e cópias, só deverá ser apresentada por ocasião da entrevista de seleção. Cada unidade escolar que aderiu ao programa formará uma comissão avaliadora, composta por três membros, responsáveis pela seleção dos voluntários. A Portaria nº 50, que institui o programa Educador Social Voluntário (ESV) para o ano de 2020, foi publicada no Diário Oficial do DF de quinta-feira (5).
Atividades do ESV
Os ESVs vão auxiliar nas atividades do dia a dia das escolas, com suporte à Educação em Tempo Integral, nas turmas onde há estudantes com deficiência e transtorno do espectro autista (TEA), na educação infantil (creche e pré-escola), na Escola Meninos e Meninas do Parque (EMMP), na Escola do Parque da Cidade (EPC/Proem), aos estudantes indígenas e às turmas de correção de fluxo do Programa Atitude, lançado na quarta-feira (4) para o enfrentamento da distorção idade-ano no Distrito Federal.
A capacitação dos educadores é feita na própria escola pela equipe gestora, com base em orientações passadas pelas unidades de educação básica das regionais de ensino.  As atividades também ficam sob orientação e supervisão também da equipe gestora.
Agenda completa do programa
6 a 11: inscrições on-line pelo site
12, 13 e 16:análises curriculares e entrevistas
20: resultado parcial do processo seletivo
23: apresentação de recursos na regional de ensino
24 e 25: análises de recursos
27: resultado final da seleção, após as 18h
30 e 31: assinatura do termo de adesão na regional de ensino
1º/4: apresentação e início das atividades
Confira a portaria e os anexos publicados no Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal (DODF).
 * Com informações da SEE
Reabertas inscrições para Educador Social Voluntário publicado primeiro em https://www.agenciabrasilia.df.gov.br
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My graphic project about “EMMP” 
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