apple--white · 2 years
Jimmy isn't a toy. Jimmy is a small unfinished terracotta statue of the Codfather that the Mezalian King sculpted in his grief after the rapture.
Just a passing thought I had while watching Jimmy's video.
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apple--white · 2 years
You know what I want now. If Joey is playing a straight pirate and pursuing Katherine. I want him to reach her breaking point just to have her scream that she's gay, and that be the moment she comes out of the closet to someone.
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apple--white · 2 years
So, uh... I did the thing. This will hopefully be fun. Constructive criticism welcomed. Also, I’m happy to answer any questions.  Hope you like (hopefully) the first part to A Slice of Empires. P.s. Give me the next minecraft person to write about.
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apple--white · 2 years
I didn’t see the word count until I posted it... I am sorry and I hate myself. Anyway, enjoy! Tried something new and it just made me procrastinate... I don’t know what else to say... here’s the summary i guess
When Tommy gets his first solo assignment to a Kingdom, he's never been to he gets a little excited. Especially when some Grimland residents come over for a science Paloza! Though the Grimlands don't have the greatest track record of keeping things form going wrong... Though I'm sure it's fine... Maybe this could have gone... better.
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