xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Η πόλη του έρωτα.
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joylessholland · 7 years
Happy Christmas
(1,001 word)
Warning: FLUFF, maybe Swearing idk
A/N: Its that time of year, cheesy Christmas imagines. I wanna let you know that it started snow while i was writing this MAGICAL.
Masterlist   Requests   The song she dances to  ENJOY
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The fire crackled as outside the snow began to fall even faster, looking through the frosty glass you saw Sam and Harry shovels in hand trying their best to unblock your walk. Grabbing a blanket and opening the front door you shout “Come in boys, wait till the snow stops” they look at you and smile “We can do it” laughing you turn “I’m baking” behind you, shovels are dropped and rushed bootsteps walk to the door “You’re right it can wait” the say at the same time
Christmas music played softly as Paddy snuggled deeper into you as you told stories of your childhood Christmases. When you got to the one where your father fell off the roof trying to shovel off the snow the twins chimed “I’m not getting on the roof” laughing. Last year you were all alone in this big old house, but this year was different your boyfriend’s family had become like yours. Tom couldn’t be there which made you sad but at least you weren’t all alone, he paid for one of those tropical Christmas cruises for his mom and dad, so his brothers would be staying with you.
“Oh, I love this song” getting up you turn the volume up you start to sing and dance with Tessa. Half way through the chorus you hit a really good high note and looking over you see the twins filming you, Picking Tessa you spin her around playing for the camera. When the final note sounds you blow a kiss to the camera as the boys start clapping and cheering. “I am so sending that to Tom” Harry snickers “You little shit” you gasp rushing at him trying to snatch his phone, but he climbs over the couch to get away. Laughing Sam starts running interference for his brother blocking your way. “Done” Harry giggles dropping his phone “Grab me one of those shovels, I’m digging both your graves.” You laugh flopping onto the couch.
“That was… really good” Sam huffs dropping his fork “You ain’t seen nothing yet” laughing Harry collects the plates to wash when your phone rings. Seeing Toms face on the screen you walk to another room before answering, fixing your hair a bit first.
“Hello, love” his voice fills your ears and warms your heart. “Hey, baby. How are you?”
“Well, after watching that little video Harry sent, I’m amazing. How are you?” you frown “Oh, Darling please don’t be sad.” “Why do people say that, now I’m even more sad” you giggle as a tear rolls down your cheek wiping away you try to get yourself together. Tom already felt horrible about not being there and you crying would only make it worse “I’m sorry, it’s just I wish you were here” “I wish I was there too, you know, that right?” nodding you talk to him for what seems like hours until someone off screen calls him “I have to go, love” “Okay, I miss you.” with a smile he ends the calls.
Wrapping yourself in your robe you pad into the kitchen, yawning you put the kettle on and resume your Christmas playlist Baby Please Come Home by Mariah Carey is playing when you open the hall closet. Grabbing the huge bag of gifts from behind the ironing board “And children this…this is what we call, irony” you mumble to yourself, Placing the gifts under the tree.
Stockings stuffed, breakfast cooking, dinner prep started, and Tessa in a Christmas sweater you were done all done and not a moment too soon. A yawn echoed through the house as little feet ran down the stairs “Happy Christmas [Y/N]” Paddy chimed running up to you giving you a hug “Morning Pad, Breakfast is about ready. Why don’t you go pick out present to open before breakfast.” You smile flipping a pancake. From the corner of your eye you spot the twins yawning and rubbing their eyes “Happy Christmas, boys” plating the food you put them on the table “Pads, breakfast then gifts” the boys whispered something to each other than looked at you and laughed “evil” you glare at them
“Thanks [Y/N]” Harry gasped holding the camera lenses you got him for Christmas, Paddy was peeling the wrapper off the video game you got him, while Sam set up his new iPad. Pulling Toms sweater over your head you walk to the living room to find all the boys whispering and giggling, “I need help in the kitchen, any volunteers?” you ask. Paddy jumps up and joins you to begin making dinner.
“[Y/N] come here a second” Harry yelled from the other room shoving the pan into the oven you wipe your hands on your robe. “What is it?” grabbing your hand he guides you to the sofa “You got us all presents, so we thought we could all pitch in and get you something. Now it’s not much but;” “Oh, boy you didn’t need to do that” smiling they tell you to close your eyes “If you put any sort of animal on me, I will…” the shush you laughing
You hear shuffling then footsteps, and when a pair of hands grab your shoulders and place a gentle kiss on your forehead you open your eye. Standing before you was Tom, cheeks and nose red from the cold with a gift ribbon stuck to the front of his shirt. Letting out a sound that was a mixture of gasp, sod, and laugh you jump and wrap your arms around his neck “W-w-what” is all you can muster before you start crying. Picking you up he spins you around just as All I Want For Christmas is You begins to play, placing you on the ground he wipes your tears “Happy Christmas, love” he whispers pressing his lips against yours.
Looking to the boys you stride over, placing a kiss on Sam’s then Harry’s cheek they blush, then you pinch Paddy’s cheek and kiss his head “a Happy Christmas, indeed”
Here are some beautiful KITTENS: @midtownvaledictorian@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked@tiemeupspidey @captain-katie-xx@panicatttckiss@champagneholland@seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto@mendes-holland @maggie-starz @natalie-kn@vaeyron@wonderyoung @ging3r-fall@louisnholland@little-weirdo-13@calumminter@sunshiineandmoonliight@tomhstories@rosieeemma @societalreject @bibs-fortuna@antisocialoutcast12 @jadabelle @las-civus@oceantostars@tiemeupspidey @dr-tardis-who@hazelgracewatersaugustus@jessica-moon9@sophietanda @yasstoeverygirloutthere@beccaaahh5711@emptyy-skyy@parkeretmj  @clairesrainbow
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Εκεί που η ψυχή γαληνεύει.
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Και όσο εκείνος πίστευε σε μένα, με ένα μαγικό τρόπο πίστευα κι εγώ στον εαυτό μου.
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Και έφυγε..
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xamenohliobasilema · 3 years
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xamenohliobasilema · 3 years
Θέλω κάποιον να γελάμε τοσο πολυ που να αποκτήσω κοιλιακους
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Ταράτσα, θέα και καλή παρέα..
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Το μόνο που θα μείνει είναι στιγμές.
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xamenohliobasilema · 3 years
Το μυαλό μου μπουρδελο
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
Όσο άδειοι είναι οι άνθρωποι, τόσο πιο θόρυβο κάνουν. Και όσοι δεν έδωσαν ποτέ, δεν έμαθαν να χάνουν.
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
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Μια τζούρα μοναξιάς, πως αλλιως να κοιμηθεις
Σου ανοίχτηκα ενα βραδυ στο πάρκο μα μη το πεις
Ειμαστε εσυ και γω να κρατήσουμε όρκο σιωπής
Και αν δάκρυσα μπροστα σου να μην με παρεξηγείς...
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xamenohliobasilema · 2 years
Αύγουστος του 22
Δεν φαντάστηκα ποτέ ότι θα μπορούσα να ξανά αγαπήσω κάποιον άλλον, κι όμως σ’αγαπησα, σ’αγαπησα τόσο πολύ που δεν με ένοιαξε καμία συνέπεια και ήξερα πολύ καλά πως θα υπήρχαν συνέπειες παρολαυτα σ’αγαπησα και αν με ρωτήσεις το γιατί δεν έχω ολοκληρωμένη απάντηση να σου δώσω, ούτε εγώ ξέρω. Ξέρω όμως ότι μου υποσχέθηκες ένα καλοκαίρι μαζί.. και το καλοκαίρι πέρασε και δεν υπάρχει μαζι, μου το υποσχέθηκες όμως το θυμάσαι ; Μου υποσχέθηκες πως θα σαι δω και οριακά δεν είσαι πουθενά και γω έκανα όνειρα τις βόλτες μας τα βραδιά σε μια παραλία να με κυνηγάς για να με βουτήξεις να με αγκαλιάζεις και γω να μην χορταίνω από ευτηχια. Μου τον χρωστάς αυτόν τον Αύγουστο.Δε γαμιεται όμως μου φτάνει που έστω και για λίγο υπήρξαμε μαζι..
εις το επανιδείν
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xamenohliobasilema · 3 years
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Και ωκεανούς ολόκληρους
Θα διεσχιζα
Για να πνίγω μετα
Μες την αγκαλιά του ανθρώπου που αγαπάω.
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xamenohliobasilema · 3 years
Ναι αλλα στην τελική πόσοι σε καταλαβαινουν πόσοι σε νιώθουν και πόσοι απλα ακουνε ;
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