ayamethewitch · 2 years
Encanto HC: Bruno Madrigal falling in love with a female s/o who is more young than him would include/ Bruno enamorandose de una s/o femenina que es mas joven que el, incluiria:
N/A: In This headcanons we are talking about a s/o with 25 years old :3.../ En estos headcanons estaremos hablando sobre una s/o de 25 años.
I really enjoy writting this, enjoy it too 💖🤭!
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•This lovely moment of his life take place after the movie, now he was with the family again, he was happy again,but something was missing.
•He was looking Pepa and Julieta and realize that they have a beautiful "familia", but more important they find true love, with Felix and Agustin.
•For that reason he started think that it was too late for him, like he never gonna find someone special. But that was until he meet you.
•You are Mariano's cousin and you are new on the town when you start living with Mariano and his Mother. The Madrigals made a beautiful dinner to celebrate the relationship between Dolores and Mariano.
• He saw you and almost fainted, he wasn't the most social guy, but he never saw somebody so beautiful as you.
—Oh, you must be Bruno, Dolores talk me about you, im Y/N, ¡your powers are awesome! In fact, all here its awesome, people its so kind, ¡oh, and you family and your casita its so cute!
He just lost in your eyes
—Tio, she already know that...—say Camilo
• He though that he probably just think you are cute. But i wasn't just that.
•You started a beautiful friendship with Dolores and Camilo, so you started to go so often to the house of Madrigal.
• You are always helping others, like if you are one more on the family. Also you were so kind with everyone, and so funny.
•That make you also started talking so much with Bruno, and spend time with him and the rats. You think that he's sweet, and a cute man who could be really interest.
•He show you everything on his tower, and the rats love you so much.
•But he wasn't sure about show you a prediction or something even when you tell that the predictions wasn't a problem to you.
• —Bruno, are you listen me?—you ask, you two are on his tower just talking about life.
He blush
—Yeah,yeah...sorry, im was just looking you..you are so bonita.
Now you are blush
Then he just realize what he say.
You laugh, he was so cute.
He saw you laughing, and he almost have a heart attack, he just feel how his heart almost explode.
•And in that moment was when he realize that he fall in love with you.
The rats look at him very confused.
And Dolores hear that very clear from the kitchen.
—Uncle Bruno its in love with Y/N!—she say and Mariano look at her very confused.
—Yeah?...well in that case they have to marry !
—Mariano,amor...that's i doesn't how a relationship work...
•He's gonna started be more nervous around you, blushing a lot when he's talking with you.
•If you say him a compliment he's gonna melt, will start to stutter.
—You look so cute when you smile
And Bruno look just like a tomatoe
—Uncle Bruno, why are you so red? You have fever? Maybe you need one of the amazing Arepas con Queso of Aunt Julieta...—says Antonio very inocent.
•And one day he just can't pretend anymore that he's not in love with you. That he's heart star beating so fast and his eyes sparkling so much when he's looking at you.
•Then he started to ignore you, just a little because he was scared, he was in love and you are so cute, so beautiful so brilliant and so young and he..he was shy, ugly, clumsy.
You already notice that something its wrong
—Sorry, Camilo you know where is Bruno?
—Oh, your boyfriend? Yeah, he is on his tower.
—Oh, don't tell me that you don't notice that he is loquito por ti...—he look at Dolores who has next to you
—Im a grave—She say making a move with his hand on his mouth, like if she closed a zipper— ¡hm!—and then she go away with his brother.
• —Bruno?—you ask very gentle and he scream
—¡T/N!—He look nervous and he was, because now he knows about his feeling for you and being in love its never easy.— i was about to leave right now, you know im very bussy, ¡Im Hernando and i need to do a lot work—he say putting the hood of his poncho on his head.
—IM JORGE, AND IM GONNA HELP HERNANDO WITH WORK—Now he have a bucket on his head.
—¡BRUNO!—You scream—so..sorry..i just want to talk—you say now gentle while you take off the bucket and puting on the floor.
—Yeah...you..you are right, we need to talk, dulzura...
You two sit, in front of each other on a couch that Bruno put on the tower now that he was back.
—Bruno...why are you ignoring me? Di..did i something wrong? Or...
—¡No!—he say taking you hands—¡No! I...i..im who is doing something wrong ignoring you...i think that im just...afraid..afraid of what im feeling..
You heart started beating fast.
Could be posible?
—Bruno...—you started saying— Dolores told me that...after he and my cousin started on a relationship, when he's gonna marry with Isabela, she was totally in love with him, even if he's were to be the husband of Isabella and he was interested on her...she was in love with Mariano...—you got up and he did it too, but without separating his hand from eachother— why im trying to say, its that...you can't choose for who you fall in love with...you..understand?
He look at you, you can see a little bit of fear on his eyes. He was afraid of loving you because he spent a lot of his live being "the black sheep", being judge for people about his powers and being feared for others. But now he have the love of his family and more important, now he was in love with you.
—Yeah...i just im afraid and..you are so cute and...—you interrumpted hin with a big hug, hiding your face on his neck, he put on of his hands on your back, tracing shapes with his fingers and with the other on your hips.
You two slowly parted.
—Do you want to go to the town...? Maybe we can...just walk...
—¡Yeah!—He reply with a smile— that would be fantastic...
—Fine..lets g...
And suddenly, Casita move the floor, pushing Bruno and making that you two kiss each other.
He was blush, you are blush and the rats were very happy, jumping and doing a little dance of celebration. He though for a second that you're gonna refuse the kiss, but no, you just put your arms around his neck and he on your hips.
It was a short kiss but very important.
•And after that, all the insecurities just go away, he never though that you feel the same. And of course, there's a age gap between you two, but that doesn't care you, you are in love with bruno and he was in love with you.
•Now, the loco of the rats, have someone on his heart, and its gonna protect and love you for the rest of his life.
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•Este tierno momento de su vida se situa despues de los eventos de la pelicula, ahora el estaba con la familia de nuevo, el era feliz de nuevo sin embargo sentia que algo le faltaba.
•El miraba a Pepa y Julieta y entonces se dio cuenta de que ambas tenian una hermosa familia, pero mas importante aún, habian encontrado el amor verdadero, con Felix y Agustin.
•Por esa razón el comenzó a pensar que ya era demasiado tarde para el,como si ya nunca pudiera encontrar a alguien especial. Pero eso fue hasta que te conoció.
•Eras la prima de Mariano, y eras nueva en la ciudad ahora que habias comenzado a vivir con él y su madre. Los Madrigal habian organizado una cena preciosa para celebrar la relacion de Mariano y Dolores.
•Él te vio y casi se desmaya, no era el tipo mas social del mundo pero el jamás habia visto a alguien tan bonita como tu.
—Oh, tu debes ser Bruno, Dolores me ha hablado mucho de ti, soy T/N, ¡tus poderes son asombrosos!, de hecho todo aqui es asombroso...la gente es muy amable ¡oh, y tu familia y casita son adorables!
Él se perdio en tus ojos
—Tio, ella ya sabe eso...—dice Camilo
•El probablemente piensa que solo le pareciste bonita, pero era mas que eso.
•Habias empezado una bonita amistas con Dolores y Camilo por lo que, comenzaste a ir mas seguido a la casa de los Madrigal.
•Siempre estabas ayudando a los otros, como si fueras otra mas de la familia. Ademas eras amable con todos y muy divertida.
•Eso hizo que ademas comenzaras a hablar mucho con Bruno y pasaras tiempo con el y las ratas. Pensabas que era dulce, y un tierno hombre que podia ser muy interesante.
•El te enseño todo lo que habia en su torre y las ratas te amaban.
•Sin embargo no queria mostrarte una prediccion o algo por el estilo, aun cuando le dices que las predicciones no son un problema para ti.
• —¿Bruno, estas escuchandome?—le preguntaste, ustedes dos estaban en su torre hablando sobre la vida.
El se sonrojó
—¡Si,si! lo siento, solo estaba mirandote..eres muy bonita..
Ahora tu estabas sonrojada
Entonces se dio cuenta de lo que habia dicho.
Te ries, el era adorable.
Te vio reir y casi le da un infarto, el se sintio casi como si su corazon explotara.
•Y en ese momento fue cuando se dio cuenta de que estaba enamorado de ti
Las ratas lo miraron extrañados
Y Dolores escuchó todo perfectamente desde la cocina.
—El tio Bruno está enamorado de T/N!—grita Dolores y Mariano la mira confundido
—¿Si? Entonces deberian casarse...
—Mariano, amor, asi no es como funcionan las parejas...
•El comenzara a estar mas nerviosa alrededor tuyo, sonrojandose un monton cuando habla contigo
•Si le dices un alago, se va a derretir y comenzara a tartamudear.
—Luces muy lindo cuando sonries...
Y Bruno luce como un tomate.
—Tio Bruno, ¿por que estás tan rojo? ¿Tienes fiebre?, tal vez necesitas una de las maravillosas arepas con queso de la tia Julieta...—dice Antonio inocentemente.
•Y un dia el simplemente no puede pretender mas que no está enamorado de ti. Que su corazon no late rapudo y que sus ojos se iluminan cuando te está mirando.
•Entonces el comenzaria a ignorarte, solo un poco por que esta asustado, esta enamorado de ti y tu eres tan adorable, brillante y joven y él...el era timido, feo y torpe. De inmediato sabes que algo anda mal.
—Disculpa, Camilo ¿sabes donde está Bruno?
—Oh, ¿tu novio? si, está en su torre.
—Oh, no vayas a decirme que no te has dado cuenta de que esta loquito por ti—él mira a Dolores que está junto a él.
—Soy una tumba—dice ella mientras hace un gesto con su mano en sus labios como si cerrara un cierre.— ¡Hm!—y entonces se va con su hermano.
•—¿Bruno?—preguntas muy calmadamenre y el grita
—T/N—Él lucia muy nervioso y lo estaba, por que ahora sabia sobre sus sentimientos por ti y estar enamorado nunca es facil— estaba a punto de marcharme, ¿sabes? Estoy muy ocupado ¡Soy Hernando y tengo un monton de trabajo que hacer!—dice poniendose la capucha de su poncho en la cabeza.
—¡SOY JORGE Y VOY A AYUDAR A HERNANDO CON EL TRABAJO!—ahora llevaba una cubeta en la cabeza.
—¡BRUNO!—Gritas—lo..lo siento, solo quiero hablar—le dices ahora calmadamente mientras quitas la cubeta y la pones en el suelo.
—S..Si..tienes razon, debemos hablar, dulzura...
Los dos se sientan enfrente del otro en un sillón que Bruno puso en la torre ahora que estaba devuelta— Bruno...¿por que estás ignorandome? ¿Hi..hice algo malo o..
—¡No!—dice el tomando tus manos—¡No!, yo soy el que esta haciendo algo mal al ignorarte...creo que solo estoy asustado, asustado de lo que estoy sintiendo...
Tu corazón comenzo a latir fuerte
¿Acaso era posible...
—Bruno...—comenzaste a decirle— Dolores me contó que antes de que ella y Mariano comenzaran una relacion, cuando él iba a casarse con Isabela, ella estaba totalmentw enamorada de el, aun cuando el iba a ser el esposo de Isabela y el estaba interesado en ella, Dolores estaba enamorada de Mariano.—Te levantaste y el tambien, pero sin separar sus manos— lo que intento decir es que, no puedes elegir de quien vas a enamorarte...¿entiendes?
Él te mira, puedes ver un poco de miedo en sus ojos. El estaba asustado de amsrte por que pasó la mayor parte de su vida siendo "la oveja negra", siendo juzgado por las personas acerca de sus poderes y siendo temido por otros. Pero ahora el tenia el amor de su familia y mas importante aun, el estaba enamorado de ti.
—Si, solo...estoy asustado y tu...tu eres tan linda y...—le interrumpes con un gran abrazo, escondiendo tu rostro en su cuello, el pone una de sus manos en tu espalda trazando formas con sus dedoa y con la otra en tu cadera. Los dos se separaron lentamente.
—¿Quieres ir al pueblo?...podemos simplemente caminar...
—¡Si!—el responde con una sonrisa—eso seria fantastico...
—Bien, vam...
Y de repente casita movio el piso, empujando a Bruno y haciendo que ustedes dos besaran al otro.
El estaba sonrojado, tu estabas sonrojada y las ratas estaban felices, haciendo un baile de celebracion. El por un momento pensó que rechazarias el beso pero no, pusiste tus manos alrededor de su cuello y el las suyas alrededor de tu cadera.
Era un beso corto, pero importante
•Y despues de todo, las inseguridades se habian ido, él jamás pensó que te sentirias de la misma forma. Y por supuesto habia una diferencia de edad, pero eso no te importaba, estabas enamorada de Bruno y el estaba enamorado de ti.
•Ahora el loco de las ratas tenia a alguien en su corazón, e iba a cuidarte y protegerte por el resto de su vida.
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(Bruno X FemReader) The Curandera and the Seer - Chp.1
Author Note: Also on Wattpad with my other fanfic story, planning to put this on ao3, too. Disney put crack in this man and I’m now an addict. Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader. Might do Bruno requests later, WARNING: this might have a smut chapter later on and I’ll start it off with said warning. This book will take place after Pepa and Felix’s wedding, making Bruno 27 and the reader in her early 20s. *Might include the link to a Spotify playlist I made for Bruno.
*I gathered much of my information about Latinx witchcraft from family and sources online, but please know that it doesn’t mean that this depiction is entirely accurate as each group of Latin America had varying practices and varying views on spirituality. Also, please know that some shamanic work is closed due to trauma related to colonialism, which must be respected. I only included what I could find that isn’t closed out of respect, such as consensually recorded rituals and interviews. Please let me know if I happen to depict something inaccurately.
Chapter 1:
Trudging through the mud of the jungle, you find yourself coming upon a clearing in the forest. As the deep mud hardened on the path ahead, you changed out you shoes for your much cleaner sandals. Reaching down into your bag as the beads and bones of your necklace grace your hair, you push back the lose strands. You decide to carry your shoes along with you, hoping to not appear indecent but also understanding that they were the only work shoes available to you, you pushed the thought back in your mind for the plan to leave them before entering a home. Taking a deep breath, you pass through the threshold, leaving the jungle and preparing yourself for the unknown journey to come.
You were concerned to find a hurricane stricken town as small homes were being rebuilt. You rushed down the cobblestone and dirt path, finding a small family lifting and nailing boards back into their place.
“Do you need help?” You asked with hitched breath.
“Oh, please!” You aided the worn mother as she struggled with the weight of a wooden beam, pushing with all the strength you had. You heaved for a minute before finding yourself nearly giving into the weight. But, surprisingly the heavy board instantly became weightless and your pained face softened, turning your head upwards and titling towards the board. You released your grasp once the board lifted with ease and found yourself wide-eyed staring back at a small girl with the whole beam in her hands. She had freckles, curly hair tied back in a ribbon, and … muscle? What the hell is this town?
She blinked back at you innocently, “Oh, you’re new.”
All you could do was wave back, you’ve never seen anything like this before and somehow the small family you were surrounded by simply thanked her and carried about their business.
You then clear your throat while breaking the awkward glance, “Hi, … my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I was summoned here by my village’s curandero under the request of Alma Madrigal.”
Unsure why you were speaking so formal to a small child, you shifted a bit after your sentence.
“Oh, you mean Abuela?”
You glance back at the young girl, “Sorry, I didn’t ask. What is your name?”
“Mine is Luisa Madrigal, but I like your’s more. That’s so cool that we’re going to have a pretty magic lady staying with us!”
You giggle at the charm of this child which eases your nerves from the state of this town, you then return your attention to the situation. “Is everyone in your family well?”
“Oh yeah, this just happens sometimes when Tía Pepa gets angry.”
Your stomach sinks for a moment. Who are these people? Are they dangerous? Are they even human?
“Oh…” Was all you managed to squeak out. The little girl giggled and took your hand. “La casita is this way, Abuela will be happy to hear you’re here, even though she is a little upset at Tío Bruno right now.” You noticed that at the mention of ‘Bruno’ a few villagers glanced your way, you then made eye contact with an elderly man who’s wide eyes seemed to be warning you, ‘Be wary of that one’.
Oh no, …I think my mentor greatly underestimated the possible severity of this case. .. What am I even here for? Am I meant to aid someone? Why didn’t they ask for a true curandero? Who is this family? And who is ‘Bruno’? Your train of thought is then ceased by the sights of a torn building, with what seems to be a lone-standing tower with a ’t’ shaped metal frame at the top. Having the traits of a building you had never seen before, you saw remnants of candles, wilting flowers, and white fabric. That’s strange, a wedding must have taken place only a few days ago. As the small child tugs on your arm, the townspeople begin to whisper and stare with some signs of relief in their faces as you near the end of the cobblestone path. I have no idea why I am here, but at least they seem a little happier at the sight of me.
You then turn your attention back to the road, finding a clearing near the end which opened up to this grand home. You admired its beauty, entranced by the sight of the lovely home which somehow appeared untouched by the storm. You were startled seeing a beautiful window seal you were admiring swing open and gently sway from side-to-side from its hinges.
“Casita is saying hello.” The little girl whispered as she leaned closer, then letting go of your arm allowing you to timidly wave back. The girl then ran into the house, assuming that she was retrieving her grandmother you remained still, hoping to be polite by not walking into the home without meeting the matriarch first. You shifted a bit, nervous while realigning your beads and fixing your hair to appear more neat. But you couldn’t help listening in on the yelling from the inside as you placed your dirtied work shoes by a planter.
“I don’t care, Mamá, I don’t want to see him ever again! If he wants to run and hide back in his tower like a child, let him!”
“Lower your voice, the whole village can hear you.”
“Let them hear, they already hate Bruno. What else will they think if I hate him, too?!”
The rumbling of a thunderstorm began to shake the ground beneath you.
“I was only trying to help your nerves. … Look, now you’re scaring poor Luisa.” This masculine but warm voice then softened, “Come here mija, there’s nothing to be scared of.” He sounded so, … genuine. Something about this voice drew you in. Was this Bruno?
Silence then fell throughout the house and you felt bad for overhearing it all. You then jump back at the sound of clear footsteps from inside nearing the front door. Turning your whole body around and playing with the sleeve of your dress, you hoped to seem innocent. However, you jumped once water began to fall on you and with a worried expression, you turned around to face a fuming redhead and her concerned newlywed husband striding out of the house with bags in hand. Your horrified expression turned into one of sorrow as the woman barely recognized your presence, too busy holding back tears that were now spilling and smearing her makeup. Before you could find a way to comfort her a voice of an elderly woman calls from inside, causing you to turn back towards the casita.
“Oh, hello (Y/N), I am so sorry you had to arrive here in such conditions. Everything was meant to be organized and perfect for your visit, I am so sorry you had to see all of that.”
You give the woman a polite but shy smile, “It is alright, señora. Please, don’t apologize. I understand that family matters come first before anything. Please, let me know if there’s anything I can help with.”
The sorrowful face of the woman lightened at your response, “I guess they were right when they said you are admirable. My name is Alma Madrigal which you seem to already know. But, please call me Alma.”
You didn’t quite understand what she meant by this statement, but you brushed it off as she greeted you with a hug and followed her into this mysterious, grand home you will have to soon become familiar with.
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ayamethewitch · 2 years
Encanto: Dating Bruno Madrigal would include/ Tener una relacion con Bruno Madrigal incluiria.
(Neutral s/o) (English/Español)
Warning: Little mention of sex, but nothing so spicy or explicit/ Advertencia: Pequeña mension de sexo, pero nada muy picante o explicito.
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•First, he was really nervous when he started to have feelings for you. Because he is shy and spent a lot of time without feeling the love.
•But you two started to be very close, so he started to feel more confident to tell how he feels.
—Y/N, i...I love you...did you think you feel the same?—he says a little bit scared.
•And of course you feel the same, so, you two started a relationship.
•He loves physical contact, so he's very often holding your hand, with his head on your shoulder, hugging you and giving you kisses.
•He's kisses are very clumsy at the beginning but then, he gets more practice. So then, they turn so much sweet, slowly, and full of love.
•If you are small, he's always doing the thing of hugging you from behind and then, starting walking without breaking the hug. You started to walk slowly, but very close to each other.
•Also, he made for you a lot of gifts, like draws, bracelets, letters telling you how much he loves you, and even a necklace made with macarons.
•His rats love you so much
•When you two started sleeping together (non in a sexual way) he was very nervous, even when you two don't gonna have "that".
—"It's... it's okay if I hug you I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable...
And then, you kiss him and hug him.
He just calm, and then, he falls asleep very happy with you.
•Now, if he sees you naked, or semi-naked he's gonna scream, maybe fainted, and be very blush, like a tomato.
—Mi Vida..what are...yo...OH MY GOD—he says putting a blanket to hide his face
—Bruno, it's okay ¡don't worry!—you say laughing
Then, when you are dressed and he's calm.
—Mi Vida?
—Yeah?—you ask
—Your body is very bonito...muy bonito if I can be honest...
•But then with the time, he feels comfortable with the idea of you and him naked * you can leave your hat on started to sound, lol *
•He's very happy with you and everyone in the family notice that
You were helping Mirabel with something and Bruno was just looking at you.
—Just, look that Pepita...—say Felix laughing—mi cuñado está muy enamorado...
—Wh...what...—Bruno realize that he wasn't paying attention to them.
—Oh, don't worry hermanito, we can see how you get when you are with Y/N, so blush and romantic...
•One time you asked him to give you a vision, he wasn't convinced at all but then he say yes.
—What do you see?—you asked moving your head around the place, a vision started to appear.
—Well..oh..you are where, yeah! that's you and...oh..that's me...
—So cute...wait...what are we doing... it's that our clothes flying around the room...?
—Are you kissing my neck? I think we are in our bedroom and...OH MY GOD.
It was a really spicy vision.
—Where we go, mi amor?
•Talking about sex, I think that he's very sweet, at the beginning he has not much practice, but with time, he started to learn everything that he likes and everything that you like, but still being sweet, and of course, he could turn a little flirtatious if you want.
•He's really happy with the idea of having a family, like kids, but only if you want.
•If you want to have kids, he's prepared to be the best dad ever! It could be by the option that you want more, like pregnancy, adoption, in vitro fertilization, etc!
•If you don't want to have kids, he's okay with that, he's already happy with his sisters, his nephews, and brothers-In-law.
•Fights are very rare, of course, this doesn't mean that you don't fight. But you two never have a big fight, maybe you two may not agree on something or something like that...
—You are not a freak...—you say holding his hand— you are the love of my love and wonderful men...
—I...I know...I just...you deserve someone better
—No, I don't want anyone but you..—you kiss his lips and smile— I love you, Bruno Madrigal, don't ever forget that...
•You two are a very cute couple 💖
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•El estaba nervioso cuando comenzo a tener sentimientos por ti, por que el es timido y paso mucho tiempo sin sentir amor.
•Pero ustedes dos comenzaron a ser muy cercanos y el a sentirse mas seguro acerca de lo que sentia.
—T/N...estoy enamorado de ti...¿crees que sientas lo mismo?—dice el un poco asustado.
•Y por supuesto tu te sentias de la misma forma asi que ustedes dos comienzan una relacion.
•El ama el contacto fisico asi que esta constantemente sosteniendo tu mano, con su cabeza en su hombro o dandote besos.
•Sus besos son algo torpes al comienzo, pero luego el adquiere mas practica. Entonces se vuelven mucho mas dulces, lentos y llenos de amor.
•Si eres de estatura baja, el siempre the abraza por detras y entonces comienzan a caminar juntos sin romper el abrazo. Los dos caminan lento pero muy cerca del otro.
•Ademas, el te hace un monton de regalos, como dibujos, bracaletes, cartas diciendote lo mucho que te ama e incluso un collar de macarrones.
•Sus ratas te aman mucho <3
•Cuando los dos comienzan a dormir juntos (no de manera sexual), el estaba nervioso aun cuando ustedes dos no iban a hacer "eso".
—¿Es...esta bien si te abrazo? , no quiero hacerte sentir incomodidad y...
Entonces lo besas y o abrazas
El se calma y entonces cae dormido muy feliz contigo.
•Ahora si te ve semi o totalmente desnudx, el va a gritar, tal vez desmayarse y estara muy sonrojado, como un tomate.
—Mi Vida...¿que estas hacien...¡OH DIOrS MIO!—dice mientras pone una manta para ocultar su rostro.
—Bruno, tranquil ¡Esta bien!—le dices riendo.
Entonces, cuando el esta calmado y tu vestidx
—¿Mi Vida?
—Tu cuerpo es bonito...muy bonito si puedo ser honesto...
•Pero entonces con el tiempo el se siente mas comodo con la idea de ustedes dos desnudos * you can leave your hat on comienza a sonar, lol*
•El es muy feliz contigo y todos en la Familia notan eso.
Estabas ayudando a Mirabel con algo y Bruno solo te miraba a ti.
—Solo mira eso, Pepita...—dice Felix riendo—mi cuñado está muy enamorado...
—Qu...Que?—Bruno nota que no les estaba prestando atencion a ellos.
—Oh, no te preocupes, hermanito, vemos perfectamente como te pones cuando estas con T/N, muy sonrojado y romantico
•Una vez le pediste que te diera una vision, el no estaba muy convencido pero al final dijo que si.
—¿Que ves?—Dices moviendo tu cabeza alrededor, una vision comenzaba a aparecer.
—Bueno, oh...ahi estas tu, ¡si! eres tu y...oh...ese soy yo.
—Que tierno...espera ¿que estamos haciendo?, ¿es..esa nuestra ropa volando por la habitacion...?
—¿Estas besando mi cuello? creo que estamos en nuestra habitacion y ¡OH DIOS MIO!
Era una vision bastante peculiar
—¿A...a donde nos llevas, mi amor?
•Hablando de sexo, creo que el es muy dulce, al principio el no tiene mucha practica pero con el tiempo el aprende que es lo que le gusta a el y que te gusta a ti, pero sigue siendo dulce y por supuesto puede ponerse coqueto si tu quieres.
•El esta muy feliz con la idea de tener una familia, pero solo si tu quieres.
•Si quieres tener hijos el esta preparado para ser el mejor hijo del mundo, puede ser por la opcion que tu mas quieras, embarazo, adopcion, fertilizacion in vitro, etc I
•Si no quieres tener hijos, el esta bien con eso, el ya es feliz con sus sobrinos, sus hermanas y cuñados.
•Las peleas son muy raras, por supuesto eso no quiere decir que ustedes no peleen. Pero ustedes nunca tendran una gran pelea, puede que solo no esten de acuerdo en algo o algo por el estilo
—No eres raro...—le dices tomando su mano—eres el amor de mi vida y un gran hombre.
—Lo...lo se, es solo que, mereces a alguien mejor...
—No, no quiero a nadie mas que a ti...—besas sus labios y sonries—Te amo,Bruno Madrigal nunca olvides eso.
•Ustedes dos son una pareja adorable💖.
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ayamethewitch · 2 years
Please could you do “dating Camilo as a non-binary person would include” Thank you. :)
I'm sorry for how late I finished your request, I have problems with my internet and that messed up all my work :( !
Anyway I hope you like it, I really enjoy write this request <3
Encanto Preferences:
Dating Camilo Madrigal as a non-binary person would include 💖 / Tener una relacion con Camilo Madrigal siendo una persona no-binaria incluiria 💖:
N/A: In this preferences, Camilo is 18 years old ^^ / En este preferences Camilo tiene 18 años ^^
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•I would lie if I say that it wasn't love at first sight. Camilo saw and it was like "Where have you been all my live,corazón?"
•He appears before you very flirty and ready to fall in love
•You think that he was so charming and then you explain to him that you are non-binary
•Personally I think that Camilo already knew what being non-binary means so when you tell him, he was like "Oh, that's okay, mi vida".
•In case he doesn't know about it, you only need to explain it and he totally understands it.
•Also, when you tell him your pronouns he's going to make sure that everyone respects them.
—This is Y/N, pronouns Y/P, usted va a respetar eso, ¿me hoyó?
—Camilo, he's only offering us arepas...—you say watching the old man with the food cart.
• Also he is always watching clothes for you, like.
—Camilo..where ar...
—Look! I saw this person walking in the town and I thought you might like the outfit!—He says transform into the person that he saw.— ¡The t-shirt is so cool!
•Also Camilo asks for Mirabel's help to make you beautiful outfits, maybe they match with his own outfits, a goals couple absolutely.
•If somebody just dares to tell you something bad, he's gonna be so angry, maybe he's gonna ask to Antonio if he can bring "Parce" (his Jaguar).
•He's always tellings how proud of you he is —You are wonderful, mi vida, a beautiful and strong person, ¡jamas olvides eso!—he says kissing your lips.
•And Always shows you off at the town parties.
—José, Doña Margarita...this is Y/N, the love of my life, ¡just look how wonderful is!
•Felix and Pepa love you so much, like if you are one of his kids.
—Camilo, if you break Y/N's heart, there will be a storm—Felix say watching you and Pepa dancing.
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•Mentiria si dijera que no fue amor a primera vista. Camilo te vio y estaba como "¿Donde estuviste toda mi vida, corazon?"
•El se presenta frente a ti muy coqueto y listo para enamorarse.
•Pensaste que era encantador, y luego le explicaste que eras no- binario
•Personalmente creo que Camilo ya sabe lo que es ser no-binario, y el esta como "Oh, esta bien, mi vida"
•En caso de que no sepa sobre ello, tu solo debes explicarle y lo entendera completamente <3
•Ademas cuando le digas tus pronombres, el va a asegurarse de que todos los respeten.
—T/N, pronombres T/P , usted va a respetar eso, ¿me hoyo?
—Camilo, el solo nos esta ofreciendo arepas—dices mirando al hombre con el carrito de comida.
•Ademas, el esta siempre ofreciendote ropa, por ejemplo:
—Camilo, ¿donde est..
—Mira, vi a esta perosna caminando por el pueblo y pense que su outfit te encantaria—mira, ¡su camiseta es asombrosa!
•Camilo le pide a Mirabel ayuda para hacerte outfits preciosos, puede que incluso combinen con los outfits de el, una pareja adorable sin duda
• Si alguien se atreve a decirte algo malo, el va a estar muy enojado, puede que le pida a Antonio que traiga a "Parce" (su Jaguar).
• El siempre esta diciendote lo orgulloso que esta de ti
—Eres una persona maravillosa mi vida, fuerte y hermosa, ¡jamas olvides eso!—dice besando tus labios
•Y siempre esta presumiendote en las fiestas del pueblo
—Jose, Doña Margarita..." T/N", el amor de mi vida ¡Miren lo adorable que es!
•Felix y Pepa te aman mucho, como si fueras uno mas de sus hijos
—Camilo, si rompes el corazon de T/N, habra una tormenta—dice Felix mirandote a ti y a Pepa bailar.
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ayamethewitch · 2 years
Encanto Preferences: The madrigals with a s/o who have anxiety / Los madrigal con su s/o que sufre de ansiedad
Neutral s/o
N/a: In this preferences, characters like Camilo and Mirabel will be 18 years old instead of 15
Also, as a person who has anxiety I just want to say that don't surrender, be strong, you and your emotions are valid and I send you a lot of love / En este preferences, personajes como Camilo y Mirabel, tendran 18 años en lugar de 15. Tambien como una persona que sufre ansiedad, solo puedo decir que no te rindas, se fuerte, tu y tus emociones son validas y te mando un monton de amor.
Mirabel Madrigal:
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•She absolutely takes very serious your anxiety thing.
—And you know...sometimes i just dont feel like to the 100%...
—Oh, that's okay, corazón you dont have to feel good always...im gonna support you all the time ¿okay?, now..what about a very big abrazo!?—and she put his arms around you.
•If you started feeling bad, she's gonna notice inmediately.
—Lindura, ¿are you okay?
You move your head as a "no", and she take your hand and put his head on your shoulder while start sing something.
•Also she started dancing with you, just enjoyning the moment, trying to make you forget bad thoughts and bad feelings.
• —I just want to say that I'm so proud of you...and I'm not gonna let that you feel bad, because you are amazing, awesome and I love you so much...
• Very sweet, so kind and understanding
Camilo Madrigal:
• —Mi vida, where are y...oh
He saw you, you have your hands hiding your face and he notice that yoy are crying.
—Im sorry—you say very softly— i just..
—No,no,no mi vida, you dont have to apologize,its okay—he take off your hands gentle— now, let me see that beautiful face that i love so much...
• —Usted, va a sentirse mejor, ¿me hoyó?, while im here, you will always have somebody
• He started to change his shape to some very funny, like a men with a baby head, and started talking with a very fun voice.
You laugh
—¡Justo ahi! That's what i want to hear—He back into his normal shape and give you a big kiss on your lips.— I love you smile, i love you and i always gonna be with you, carita de angel.
• He love u so much, he always gonna make something funny to make laugh, and maybe he's gonna change his shape to get some extra food for you two.
Luisa Madrigal:
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—Luisa, can you help me with...
She was working, and then saw you cry.
• She run very fast to you.
—Luisa..can..can you hug me?
And yeah, she absolutely hug you, A BIG HUG, one of these that take your breath away.
—What its wrong, cielo?—she say carrying you while you two go to casita.
—I don't feel good...you know...
—Oh, don't worry...we can take a break right now and you can tell me everything that worry you, okay? Oh, and don't forget that you have nothing to be ashamed of, your emotions are valid, look at me..now i accepted that i can't handle with everything all the time, and that's what it happen to you right now, you are human, a beautiful person and i love you.
• She takes you to casita and then you two cuddle in the hammock with coconut water.
•She put little kisses on your head and tell you how proud you have to be of yourself, and how brave and strong you are, but that its okay feeling like that.
Dolores Madrigal:
•She hear from afar that you are sad.
—I hear that mi cosita is sad, is that true?
She take you hands and caressed them to calm down.
•She take you to a quite place, like his room, or the river, when you two can talk and you can relax.
—¡No! Don't say that, its okay, we are here to make you feel better, not for say sorry
•She take your hand everytime until you feel better, and give a kiss on the cheek.
—Now, tell me how you feel, take a deep breath and just look at me..
•She listen you very carefully, paying atention to everything that you say.
Isabela Madrigal:
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—Just look at these amazing colors, mi flor...oh..are you okay?—she says—come here—she says making appear a blue exotic flower and putting on you hear—tell me what its...
—I don't feel good, I just...I think that I want to cry and my heart, my heart hurts...and...
She put a big kiss on your forehead and put your heads together.
—Come on, I have an idea...
Isabella started make appear a lot of flowers, a palm tree, cactus, and a liana.
She offers his hand and you take it.
•You two started to go between the flowers and all the amazing colors that Isabela put on the way.
•She tries to make you smile with the beautiful (but not perfect) landscape of colors and shapes while you two start screaming
—Scream, mi flor, scream and take off all the pain of your heart because you deserve to bloom just like all these flowers!
•Then you two go to his swing, to swing very slowly, while she makes you a flowers crown and gives kisses on your cheeks.
—Don't ever forget that I love you, you are imperfectly perfect, and that makes you amazing.
Bruno Madrigal:
•I think that at some point, Bruno could have anxiety
•Now it's something that he can control, so for that he knows how bad you can feel about it.
•But, doesn't mean that Bruno is not going to get nervous
—No, no, no, Dulzura...don't cry..—He says while he put his hand on your face trying to wipe away the tears from your eyes.— It's okay, I'm here...okay?—He put a kiss on your lips and give a big hug patting you on your back.
•Then he wants to make you laugh, so for that, he make one of his amazing "telenovelas".
—In this chapter, She doesn't have amnesia anymore, so now she knows that is his aunt, and that the love could never be. And he's sad, I mean, he tough that he was the love of his life, and also, ¡he's brother wants to keep with the fortune of the family!
That makes you smile, he was so talented and have a lot of imagination.
•Then he wants to cuddle with you, give you a lot of kisses and hugs because he wants to let you know that you are amazing and that he loves you so much.
—Bruno, thank you...
—Thank you, dulzura, for being so amazing...
•He gives you his poncho, to make you feel protected and because it has his smell (dust, wood, and wool).
Mirabel Madrigal:
•Ella se toma muy enserio tu asunto de la ansiedad
—Y bueno, a veces no me siento al 100%
—Oh, eso esta bien, corazon, no tienes que sentirte bien todo siempre, voy a apoyarte todo el tiempo, ¿okay?, ahora ¡¿que te parece un gran abrazo?!—y ella pone sus brazos alrededor de ti
•Si comienzas a sentirte mal, ella lo notara inmediatamente
—Lindura, ¿estas bien?
Mueves tu cabeza en señal de "no", y ella toma tu mano y pone su cabeza en tu hombro mientras empieza a cantar algo.
•Ella tambien bailaria contigo, solo disfrutando del momento y tratando de hacerte olvidar los malos pensamienros y sentimientos.
• —Solo quiero decir que estoy muy orgullosa de ti...y que no dejare que te sientas mal, por que eres alguien asombrosx y fantasticx y te amo mucho...
•Muy dulce, amable y comprensiva
Camilo Madrigal:
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• -Mi vida, donde est..oh
El te ve , tiene tus manos escondiendo tu rostro y el nota que estas llorando.
—Lo siento—le dices bajo—es solo que...
—No, no , no mi vida, no tienes que disculparte, esta bien—el saca tus manos lentamente— ahora, dejame ver esa preciosa carita que amo...
•—Usted, va a sentirse mejor, ¿me hoyo?, mientras yo este aqui siempre tendras a alguien
•El empieza a cambiar de forma a alguna graciosa, como un hombre con cabeza de bebe y comienza a hablar con una voz graciosa
Te ries
—¡Justo ahi!, eso es lo que queria oir—el regresa a su forma original y te da un gran beso en los labios— me encanta tu sonrisa, te amo a ti y siempre voy a estar para ti, carita de angel.
•El te ama mucho y siempre hara algo divertido para hacerte reir, y tal vez cambie su forma para conseguir algo de comida extra para ambos.
Luisa Madrigal:
•Luisa, puedes ayudarme co...
Ella estaba trabajando y entonces te ve llorar.
•Ella corre rapidamente hacia ti
—¿Luisa..pue..puedes abrazarme?
Y ella absolutamente te abraza, UN GRAN ABRAZO, de esos que te quitan la respiracion.
—¿Que sucede, cielo?—dice ella ella cargandote mientras van a casita.
—No me siento bien...ya sabes...
—Oh, no ye preocupes...podemos tomar un descanzo ahora y puedes decirme todo lo que te preocupa, ¿okay?, Oh y no olvides que no tienes nada de que avergonzarte, tus emociones son validas , mirame a mi...ahora acepte que no puedo lidiar con todo, todo el tiempo y eso es lo que te pasa ahora, eres humana, una persona maravillosa y te amo
• Ella te lleva a casita y ustedes dos se acurrucan en la hamaca con agua de coco.
• Ella te da pequeños besos en la cabeza y te dice lo orgullosa que debes estar de ti misma, y lo valuiente y fuerte que eres pero que esta bien sentirse asi.
Dolores Madrigal:
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•Ella oye desde lejos que te sientes triste
—Escuche que mi cosita esta triste, ¿es eso cierto?
Ella toma tus manos y las acaricia para calmarte
•Ella te lleva a un lugar tranquilo, como su habitacion o el rio, donde ustedes puedan hablar y tu puedas relajarte.
—Lo sient..
—¡No!, no digas eso, esta bien...estamos aqui para hacerte sentir mejor, no para pedir disculpas
•Ella toma tu mano hasta que te sientas mejor, y te da un beso en la mejilla
—Ahora, dime como te sientes, solo respira profundio y mirame...
• Ella te escucha cuidadosamente, prestando atencion a cada cosa que dices.
Isabela Madrigal:
—Solo mira estos preciosos colores, mi flor...oh...¿estas bien?—te pregunta—ven aqui—ella dice haciendo aparece una flor azul exotica y poniendola en tu cabello—dime que pasa...
—No me siento bien, Yo solo, creo que quiero llorar, y mi corazon, mi corazon duele y...
Ella te da un gran beso en la frente y pone sus cabezas juntas.
—Ven, tengo una idea...
Isabela hace aparecer un monton de flores, palmeras, cactus y una liana
Te ofrece su mano y tu la tomas
•Ustedes dos comienzan a pasar entres las flores y todos los maravillosos colores que Isabela pone en el camino.
•Ella intenta hacerte sonreir con los preciosos (pero no perfectos) paisajes de colores y formas mientras comienzan a gritar
—Grita, mi flor, grita y quitate todo el dolor de tu corazon, por que te mereces florecer igual que todas estas flores
•Entonces ustedes dos van a su columpio para columpiarse lentamente mientras ella te da una corona de flores y te da besos en las mejillas.
—Nunca olvides que te amo, que eres una persona imperfectamente perfecta y eso te hace asombrosa.
Bruno Madrigal:
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•Pienso que en algun punto, Bruno pudo tener ansiedad
•Ahora es algo que controla, por eso el sabe lo mas que puedes sentirte
•Pero eso no quiere decir que no vaya a ponerse nervioso
—No,no, no Dulzura...no llores—Dice el mientras pone su mano en tu mejilla intentando secar las lagrimas de tus ojos— esta bien, estoy aqui ¿si?—El te da un beso en los labios y un gran abrazo dandote palmaditas en la espalda
•Entonces el quiere hacerte reir, asi que para eso el hace una de sus maravillosas "telenovelas".
—En este capitulo ella no tiene mas amnesia, entonces ahora ella sabe que es tu tia y que su amor no puede ser, Y el esta triste..quiero decir, el penso que era el amor de su vida, y tambien ¡Su hermano quiere quedarse con la fortuna de la familia!
Eso te hizo reir, el era muy talentoso y tenia mucha imaginacion
•Entonces el quiere acurrucarse contigo, te da un monton de besos y abrazos porque el quiere hacerte saber que eres una persona asombrosa y que te ama mucho
—Bruno, gracias...
—Gracias a ti, Dulzura, por ser una persona increible...
• Ademas el te da su poncho, el quiere protegerte y por que ademas tiene su olor (polvo, lana y madera).
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