patriciers · 1 year
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" did you know there's a godswood within highgarden ? " serena asks to break the comfortable silence . her gaze lifts from absently flipping through the pages of the book she'd been reading to maika earlier , resting on @encirclet . rather than the text and illustrations next to her , however , the information is conjured from memory . as her thoughts flicker from one topic to another — her time in the reach , what changed and what stayed the same , the people she traversed the reach with — it reminds serena that she has yet to ask for rickard's opinion , whether she should involve herself in her nephew's affairs . but she elects to keep the conversation not so bleak , at least for the moment , " it's nothing like the northern ones , surely , but i've heard the three singers are still quite magnificent . "
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feuillemorts · 2 years
𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨  ﹔  mace redwyne, @encirclet​.
it is a strange dichotomy which wars in her heart, bitterness at the match he made their sister against a hope denyse will find happiness here, the desire for accord within her family against years of filling his ignored role. for tonight, however, she is determined to set such thoughts aside and simply spend time with her siblings. after a moment of lingering to the side waiting for a lull in the conversation, lynesse steps in next to her brother, smiling at the group he is speaking with.  “ i hope you’ll forgive me if i pull mace away  ﹔  the musicians are preparing for their next set, and i wish to dance with him at least once tonight. ”  she glances up at him, tilting her head towards the cleared area.  “ shall we? ”  
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  mace  redwyne     /     @encirclet​​​​​
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        since  arriving  in  sunspear,  guinevere  had  spent plenty of hours in the palace gardens, listening to the waves crashing in the distance while she painted the flora. only today she couldn’t paint. the maester had told her that she needn’t worry about the burn, that it would heal without a problem and likely without a scar, but it still hurt. she could still, however, sit amongst the flowers, which was what she was doing when the sound of footsteps called her arrention.        ❝  lord mace, this is a pleasant surprise.  ❞        one that brought a warm smile to her lips. she’d quietly asked a maid to see if he’d escaped the fire unharmed and while hearing that he had had quieted her worry, it was good to see him with her own eyes.        ❝  i thought you would’ve been kept very busy given all that happened.  ❞
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stxrfclls · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : @encirclet​​​​ ( visera waters )
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 it  shouldn’t  raise  suspicions  that  the  kraken  prince  was  venturing  into  the  dungeons.  he  had  several  people  important  to  him  who  had  mouthed  off  in  the  way  he  wished  he  could  have  ,  and  the  moment  he  spotted  their  names  on  the  list  given  to  his  father  his  feet  brought  him  to  the  place  he’d  yet  to  visit.  steps  echoed  as  he  passed  the  parts  of  sunspear  that  reminded  him  of  hime  ,  and  only  when  more  steps  echoed  the  opposite  direction  did  the  prince  slow.  when  a  flash  of  bright  hair  met  his  eyes  ,  an  eyebrow  raised.  he  recognized  the  other  right  away  ,  and  cocked  a  charming  grin.  “  my  ,  what  are  you  doing  down  here  ?  ”
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darkwinged · 2 years
closed starter / @encirclet​
despite being away from home, ashara could not help but interfere in matters large and small. all her life, she had ruled in some sort of way. after making sure nymeria was resting, she went to ryon’s quarters. she found them empty, but it did not stop her from entering. she went over to his wardrobe and picked out an outfit. she laid it out on his bed and was about to leave when her son returned. “oh good, there you are, dear.” ash gestured to the clothes on his bed. “i have laid out your clothes for the feast tonight, it is important you wear the burgundy tunic to honour the redwynes... and that you wear it with no complaints, please.”
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reignfms · 1 year
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the following blogs have 24 hours to make at least TWO in character replies ( to two different players ) or risk unfollow/reopening :
@fallencrxwns​  ( ravella stark. lale tyrell. suriya martell. )  
@darkwinged​​  ( visenya targaryen. )  
@qcyqoyi​  ( elaena targaryen. aiyla frey. dalla umber. rodrik arryn. myriah yronwood. )  
* please note that closed starters do not count as sufficient to pass an activity check. if you are lacking on threads, please reply to open starters.
𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬
the following hiatus(es) have ended + player(s) have 24 hours to meet activity guidelines ( i.e. each character must have no less than TWO replies to at least TWO players within the past seven days ) or risk reopening/unfollow :
paige — ( @encirclet  )
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patriciers · 1 year
@encirclet sent a raven : sender proposes to receiver .
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osric  tries  his  best  to  temper  his  reaction  ,  though  his  eyes  still  widen  in  shock  .  he  can  only  hope  it  isn’t  too  noticeable  ,  or  at  least  that  it  would  be  understood  that  being  proposed  to  out  of  the  blue  might  warrant  such  an  expression  .  “  oh  ,  wow  . y’know ,  i’m  flattered  …  ”  he  starts  with his winningest smile .  it is , though he would not admit it , an affected one . “  … but i’m  already  spoken  for  .  ”  the  lie  rolls  off  the  tongue  a  bit  too  easily  for  his  liking  .
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patriciers · 2 years
closed  starter  for  @encirclet​  (  rickard  karstark  )
what  a  predicament  to  be  in  :  awake  long  enough  to  be  caught  up  to  speed  and  comprehend  the  current  situation  ,  yet  too  weak  to  take  much  action  other  than  lay  in  bed  with  her  thoughts  .  in  the  past  few  days  ,  when  serena’s  mind  had  not  been  too  foggy  for  her  to  notice  ,  rickard’s  presence  had  been  constant  .  and  so  her  eyes  search  for  the  man  ,  shifting  closer  to  the  edge  of  the  bed  in  his  direction  when  she  catches  sight  of  him  .  she  considers  sitting  up  ,  but  with  the  throbbing  in  her  head  ,  she  instead  props  herself  up  on  an  elbow  ,  chin  resting  in  her  palm  .  “  would  you  …  like  to  talk  about  it  ?  ”  she  has  her  own  idea  of  what  ‘  it  ’  is  (  losing  a  parent  is  never  easy  ,  doubly  so  when  it  occurs  under  circumstances  such  as  what  had  apparently  transpired  at  the  ball  )  ,  but  the  ambiguity  of  her  words  is  intentional  .  being  vague  ,  letting  him  choose  what  to  bring  up  ,  so  as  not  to  probe  too  far  .  even  if  he  had  been  more  forthcoming  with  her  as  of  late  .
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patriciers · 1 year
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though he doesn't mind simply existing in his cousin @encirclet orbit without exchanging words , observing the world around him , eventually the stormlander thinks it fitting to break the lengthy silence anyway . " i'm surprised he didn't try pointing the finger at one of us , " a joke , maybe , in spite of his impassive expression , save for a slightly raised eyebrow . although tobias wouldn't put it past aedar to assume everyone had simply moved on from his previous actions , even if some had not . for as much as the lord had been able to ignore the southern king and his whims in essos , his latest stunt only reminds tobias how much control he has so long as he still stands .
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patriciers · 1 year
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" are you … able to stay a while longer ? " serena inquires quietly , hesitantly , as she shifts to sit with her legs to the side . even if her attention remains squarely on their daughter , presently entranced by a toy she's passed from one hand to the other , the question is aimed at @encirclet . " i think she's more at ease with you here . " nimble fingers brush through the babe's hair , more to assuage the lady's own concerns and check that maika remains within reach than to soothe an already content infant .
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patriciers · 1 year
@encirclet  sent  a  raven  :  sender  falls  asleep  leaning  against  receiver  .
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the  weight  that  lands  on  her  shoulder  surprises  her  ,  if  only  for  a  moment  ,  eyes  lifting  from  the  tome  in  her  lap  . she  can’t  blame  him  for  falling  asleep  ,  serena  herself  frequently  fighting  not  to  drowse  throughout  the  day  ever  since  their  daughter  was  born  ;  a  feat  made  more  difficult  by  tenfold  ,  she  imagines  ,  when  one  has  the  responsibilities  of  being  a  ruling  lord  to  consider  as  well  . drawing  her  legs  up  onto  the  settee  ,  she  shifts  in  her  seat  with  a  great  degree  of  heedfulness  to  turn  toward  him  ,  all  while  trying  to  move  his  head  as  little  as  possible  . once  settled  ,  she  plants  a  featherlight  kiss  on  his  forehead  ,  returning  to  her  reading  with  a  smile  lingering  on  her  lips  .
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wnterreign · 1 year
sender hovers over receiver’s shoulder as they complete a task . ft.     cregan stark     @encirclet
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        his  brother's  gaze  was hardly  subtle.  if cregan stared any longer or harder a hole might begin forming in the king's back, and they certainly had enough stress on their hands. a final attempt was made to make it through the latest letter from winterfell, he'd reread the first sentence enough that he could recite it with ease, but defeat was unavoidable. the growing concern over the other wolf's silent presence not assisting either. the letter was placed on the desk.        ❝ is everything alright, brother? ❞        he asked, glancing over his shoulder.
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stxrfclls · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : @encirclet​​​​​​​​​ ( visera waters )
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 any  time  he  left  the  training  grounds  ,  the  knight  was  in  a  good  mood.  it  was  a  great  way  to  let  off  all  the  anger  and  turmoil  inside  of  him  ,  and  distract  from  the  sadness  in  his  own  house.  it’s  why  the  commander  had  a  grin  on  his  lips  as  he  walked  back  to  his  rooms.  the  smile  doesn’t  falter  when  he  spots  a  very  noticeable  flash  of  white  hair  on  a  small  frame.  “  don’t  tell  me  you’re  headed  to  the  training  grounds  ,  little  one.  i’ll  have  to  go  back  and  i  fear  the  dornish  guard  won’t  like  more  competition.  ”
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stxrfclls · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : @encirclet​​​​​​ ( visera waters )
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 “  i’m  sorry  to  hear  about  your  aunt.  ”  lex  begins  ,  happy  to  have  found  visera  in  a  hall  not  occupied  by  anyone  else.  she’s  never  asked  about  vis’s  relationships  with  her  own  family  ,  but  assumes  that  even  if  they  were  not  close  it  was  still  troublesome.  a  princess  in  the  dungeons.  lex  shivered  at  the  thought  of  how  miserable  anyone  must  be  down  there.
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stxrfclls · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : @encirclet​​​​ ( cailin mallister )
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 all  the  mistress  did  was  stand  there  as  yet  another  noble  complained  about  their  kin  in  the  dungeons.  house  ashwood  was  furious  ,  they’d  sent  several  letters  and  caught  her  at  every  turn  of  a  hallway.  lia  had  half  a  mind  to  hide  for  the  remainder  of  their  time  here  but  refused  to  give  them  that  satisfaction.  iit  did  seem  ,  however  ,  that  her  lack  of  reaction  didn’t  go  well  with  them  ,  and  eventually  the  ruling  lord  stalked  off.  the  lady  glanced  as  they  passed  ,  eyes  returning  forward  to  catch  sight  of  someone  she  hoped  hadn’t  heard  that  entire  conversation.  or  lack  there  of.  “  hello  ,  lady  mallister.  ”  she  greets  softly.
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stxrfclls · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : @encirclet ( victario ) 
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"  you  ride  well.  "  vorian  notes.  they'd  both  won  two  rounds  now  ,  narrowing  the  window  of  opportunity  that  they  might  be  matched  against  one  another.  the  lord  commander  quickly  found  the  interest  in  jousting  ,  and  still  wondered  why  many  talked  of  it  as  if  it  were  the  hardest  sport  of  them  all.  his  skill  with  a  spear  was  noted  to  be  why  he  was  so  nimble  with  a  lance.
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