#end the scene with taylor being like sigh yes i want some of the soup thanks bye >:/ he would remember that he thinks they're vegan
also i’ll take one thing from episode ten and it’s that i think winston should just be openly phoning it in as his new like default mode. it’s easy to imagine he can get away with that when kompenso showed us a) he can do the work of 50 phds as a one [maybe someone who only got a masters, or bachelors, or idk right out of getting a ged but probably not. probably that would’ve been mentioned] and b) he can knock out a project worth that’ll bring in billions from an investor in this burst of maybe overly extended focus. does that now & then asked or unasked & we don’t hear about it b/c nobody cares really, mostly gets to show up having a day of paying attention to whatever the hell thing preoccupies / enriches him lately, taylor doesn’t care b/c it’s a [the numbers prove your worth / justify your continued employment] situation still, if kompenso winston gave that shit what for at a hundred percent then him vibing at twenty percent is still like having ten phds for the price of one quant, and he’s not even demanding [pay me as much that 50 phds at bridgewater would get] or if he is someone just tells him to shove it & he’s like sigh alright. not like this needs to mean he becomes like the zany sideplots guy, but i don’t think he’s getting sideplots anyways, Or treated any more seriously ever, like it’s funny they seem to have only gone “well we Gotta keep this funny little guy around” & all & people recognizing like oh got a talented actor on our hands but nobody’s pressed to give him character material, and/or already will roland may be generating character material out of thin air when you know, lot of Acting Choices that probably aren’t hammered into the script, and just that his je ne sais quoi creates the character, they had quant kid 2 in a script but didn’t have winston the recurring character until william acted that material out. but there has to be nonzero attention to The Character when if nothing else costuming has been slowly honing his outfits / standard style. and there has to be nonzero sympathy for said character when like, there’s the seeming inherent disdain that the writing has, but if it was this full-fledged “this is the guy who sucks plus we hate him so bad” perspective, some things would be different. but here we are where i’ll believe when i see it that the show will give him any material as a character in his own right rather than providing setup for someone else’s material either through saying some exposition / laying out info or by existing to let other people insult him epic style. may as well give him another genre of Humorous Material That Is Never A Character Arc by like seeing him hanging out on a beanbag by tuk’s desk, knitting taylor a sweater & telling tuk he can do it & to believe in himself, & it annoys people for a second but taylor’s like well he’s still Operating Effectively technically, & then people forget about it b/c they do like to ignore him. it’s not going to happen, but it could. rooting for him to phone it in. he could be, we’re never going to hear about his work specifics if anyone can help it b/c it sucks when he does it & nobody cares, so he may as well be doing something else, if only as a visual gag. winston at his desk soldering some circuitry, developing some photos, hm was going to say learning a language but rian took that one. Would take [winston & rian hang out outside work] from this episode too but the fact that it meant nothing, or if it meant anything it meant ultimately the vulnerability of even something like sharing an interest for a moment is a mere future weapon for rian to wield against him, so it’s just like well great, if the slivers of seeming amicability / interacting regularly that are rarely glimpsed between them ever mean anything, i’ll be surprised, not even Necessarily expecting that bulk of overt hostility from rian to necessarily get to mean anything, i.e. if winston continues to be stuck rolling w/the Normal that is rian bullying him whenever she feels like, that’ll be unsurprising. yet all the more reason to let him be like 90% of the time engaging w/some personal hobby, give him something better to focus on
#winston billions#not like irl people don't go ''yeah when i finally quit xyz job they had to hire like three full time ppl & one part time to replace me''#unfortunate for winston that he went ''i don't want to feel like you take me for granted'' to taylor & that ultimately the response was like#''okay but are you gonna quit if i do'' ''no :/'' ''okay'' & so now his boss's approach has Stayed taking him for granted; & he hasn't quit#but they also don't Want to fire him so. the begrudged baseline of [you are employed here] lol#may as well lean into what he can get away with himself too. but are you gonna fire me even if you don't like that i spent today making soup#end the scene with taylor being like sigh yes i want some of the soup thanks bye >:/ he would remember that he thinks they're vegan#Unlike Some People who may not have gotten that far even & think that being weird abt their pronouns is all the taylor info to remember....#if kompenso was supposed to be the one & done ''now taylor doesn't need to ever talk to winston again; whew'' setup or whatever#not like it wouldn't make sense if it was also the explanation for why he's pretty much set forever / his value never Really questioned#only by wendy showing up to be like ummm but he's not correctly epically exuding the Sexy Winner qualities??? please can i fire him#like well if you tell us he Can & Will do that 50 phd project himself over a few days maybe in a semi furnished basement for taylor....#at the barest minimum then sure they would probably note & remember that value. which seems to be what we get.
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therealestvc · 8 years
OITNG Chapter 7
Let's go to the movies Chloe was standing in front of a judge dressed in her best attire, a black dress with her signature boots and her beanie. It had a week since the whole food fight incident, she still had to pay off the money she owed Max, Rachel and Victoria. 'I would've gotten away with it' she thought as the judge was reading off the incidents that she has done now and in the past, she looked into the seating area where her mother was sitting with her stepfather. Max couldn't come but wished her good luck, Rachel had stuff to do but said she would be by her place later if her parents allowed it. Finally after what seemed like an hour, the judge hit the gavel. "This has got to be the worst case of vandalism, trespassing, destruction I've seen in my 20 years of this line of work...normally you would get jail time for this but you should thank your stepfather for this, he has made a deal with the DA for you get to a lesser sentence. 5 years of community service and staying away from any public shopping center for 8 years. You will working on bettering the community along with yourself. Your stepfather says the school you used to go to umm Blackwell academy needs more security guards so you will be following and helping him for those 3 years and the next 2 years helping out at soup kitchens" *gavel bangs* "next case!" The judge says. Chloe's jaw drops as she is released into the hands on her parents, the drive home is silent. She is shocked 'I can't believe I have to spend the next 3 years helping out stepdouche' she thought as the car stopped in the driveway. "You start work on Monday" David says as they get out of the car. "Yeah sure" Chloe says she swiftly walks into the house 'wait til Rachel hears about my punishment'. At Blackwell, today was finally the day that Max and Victoria were going to hang out without any pranks or bets being made. The plan for the two of them is for dinner, a movie and finishing off with a sleepover in Victoria's room. Max packed her overnight bag, hoping that nothing bad would happen during their time together as she texted Victoria saying she was ready. A lot has changed between them after what happened with the mall fiasco, they text frequently now, get coffee every morning discussing about life, and even sit together in class and crack jokes only the two of them know. Max couldn't shake the nervous feeling in her tummy. 'Maybe I like her more than a friend...but no she probably only likes boys' she thought as her phone chimed indicating that she had gotten a text message from Victoria. Victoria:I just have to finish up getting ready, you can come whenever you like. XOXO Max:alright :D Max picked up her stuff and headed out the door, 'let's hope all goes accordingly'. Back in Victoria's, finished applying her makeup. The past few weeks of hanging out with Max at school had been the best since their failed mall trip. Her parents were mad but once she told about who really started the food fight, they understood. She had been feeling some type of way around Max...giggly, giddy, in like? She couldn't describe but it was a good feeling. Her friends had asked her about the newfound friendship between the two, she just tells them about the mall experience..Taylor and Courtney don't say anything about the frequent texting conversations or the meeting for coffee in the mornings, they just pass it off as them bonding. Victoria heard a knock on her door instantly knowing it was Max. 'She is so modest and cute'. She walks over to answers the door seeing Max standing with her overnight bag, 'oh yeah that's right we have a sleepover'. The two go to hug each other, they don't have be weirded out about others finding out that they are friends, since stuff spreads like wildfire in that school. "So are you ready for tonight Tori?" Max asks Victoria as she drops her stuff by Victoria's bed before sitting down on her couch. "Yes of course Maxine, how about you?" Victoria answers then asks back, as she takes one good look at herself in the mirror. "Yeah sure, what movie are we seeing?" She says picking with a loose string on her jeans. "Umm I haven't decided yet...let's pick when we get there yeah? Alright I'm all done getting ready let's go!" Victoria chirps as she picks up her purse and brings along a sweater in case the theater gets cold. The pair walked out of Victoria's room and towards the parking lot, once they reached her car they headed to their dining place. The air was a lot more peaceful this time around from the last time they hung out and the two took notice of this. There weren't very many fancy restaurants in Arcadia Bay, but luckily on the restaurant rating app one of the high rating a restaurant called bon appetité was one the two could agree on. Once they reached bon appetité, they took notice of the outside. It just looked like another two whales but in restaurant form. They walked into the door and took note of the scenery. So not two whales. Their reservation had fallen through, according to the snobby waiter with an awful French accent who said "I'm sorry we only allow high of society here, now leave before I call securrity" it took Max's gentle touch for Victoria not to beat the waiter to a bloody pulp. Victoria rubbed the back of her neck...a habit she had adopted from Max. "I'm sorry Maxine...I guess this isn't what you thought" she laughs. Max laughs too "no it's better, you are soo much more better than those snobby rich folks". The only other eatery in nearby proximity was the pier diner, they had hoped it was still open when they reached it. Yes! It was opened still, the two ordered two burgers with fries and drinks and enjoyed each other's company. They spent the time cracking jokes about the restaurant bon appetité and gave it a bad review. The pier overlooked the Bay, at sunset it was really beautiful the highlight of the colors the sun made a perfect photo opportunity(see what I did there? Errm anyways). Max pulled out her camera and caught the sun as it was about to set, the new camera Victoria got her worked wonders on capturing light. The two finished up their meals, they took a look on the movie website for the theater and saw there was a showing of Annie the 1982 version. They decided on that since it was a classic and had some funny parts. They threw away their trash then headed back to her car, the drive to the theater Max was thinking about the lingering feelings she felt around Victoria...'maybe I should kiss her to see if that will help out'. They finally reached the theater with time to spare before the movie started, they decided to play some arcade games. "You are soooo going down in pacman" Max challenged Victoria as she put the quarters in the game slot. "Oh bring it on" Victoria shots back as she takes her place waiting for the game to start. The game starts, Max's screen displayed Mr. Pacman and Victoria's was Mrs. Pacman. The objective of the game is to see how much on those each player can eat before getting killed. Victoria is lead at first after tickling Max throwing her off. In the end Max managed to get ahead of Victoria and win. Max spent her time gloating about her win, before the voice proctor spoke "THE 9 O CLOCK SHOWING OF ANNIE IS ABOUT TO SHOW, PLEASE GET TICKETS IF NOT AROUND THEN TAKE YOUR SEATS". "I guess we better go get our tickets and go in there" Max says nervously laughing. Victoria nods leading the way to the ticket booth. The two purchase their tickets with snacks then go to take their seats. They take seats towards the middle then wait as the previews to show. Surprising both sing along with the movie..."it's a hard knock life for us! Stead' of treating we get tricked...stead' of kisses we get kicked it's a hard knock life" They both look at each other and laugh. It reaches the movie scene where they sing about going to the movie then watch a romantic flick. Victoria has the feeling to hold hands with Max so she reaches to hold her hand. When Max doesn't pull away she internally sighs. She starts shivering due to forgetting her sweater in the car. Max takes note of this so she reaches her arm around the taller girls shoulder indicating that she wants to give her some warmth. Victoria gracefully takes the invitation of unofficial snuggles, it reaches after the movie scene when they go home and Mr. Warbucks and Grace are discussing stuff. Max decides this is the right time to try and kiss her to get the feelings out the way. She starts by getting Victoria's attention when she does she goes in for a kiss. Her unglossed lips press against Victoria's, 'huh? That helped...I definitely like her ohh no what is she doing?' She thinks as Victoria pushes her tongue against her lips asking for more...she opens her mouth then starts to feel a new feeling kind of hot she can't explain but starts to freak out. She pulls away then standing up. "I-I-I'm sorry...I need to umm uhh use the bathroom" Max says as she rushes out of the theater leaving a confused Victoria behind.
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